Quest: Dairi

Published Sep 14, 2005, 4:07:22 AM UTC | Last updated Oct 20, 2005, 6:43:30 AM | Total Chapters 47

Story Summary

Maintaining sequel. Goku & Vegeta have enemies everywhere-first Frieza, then the Kais. Will they survive to become mates? Yaoi Yuri GxV, CCxRezu(OC)

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Chapter 34: Dairi

Chapter 34 - Dairi

Vegeta cursed to himself and plunged to the ground, hoping to outpace the explosion of shrapnel filled ki that was headed for its unprotected target. Trunks had managed to slam Goten against a rock wall and was now showering him with a blistering ki attack. Neither of the boys had noticed the human’s presence. He put on a final burst of speed and practically slammed into the ground in the path of the rocks.

He repressed a shudder. The blast was nothing to him, but if he hadn’t been in time…

“Damn it, woman!” he growled, glaring at her.

Chichi uncrossed her arms from her own block and glared right back at him. “What? I could have handled that.”


“Damn it, Vegeta. You expect me to sit in the house the entire time? I’m pregnant, not helpless. I can take care of myself.”

“I will not allow you to endanger my unborn son.”

“Daughter,” she snapped.

He growled, “Son.”

She crossed her arms and smirked. “Come on, Vegeta – you know you will be happy no matter what sex the baby is.”

He glared at her. Damn the woman. He had allowed her – and Kakorr – to convince him to be a dairi. He was going to be a father again – if he didn’t kill her first. Ever since she had learned the artificial insemination was successful and she was pregnant she was insufferably confident. At times she was as much of a pain in the ass as the damned Namek.

“Why are you here, woman?”

“It’s good to see you too, Vegeta,” she said, grinning. “I’m sorry I scared you.”

“You didn’t scare me,” he growled. Damn her for noticing.

She nodded knowingly, but fortunately for her dropped the subject. “I came to see how training was going. And to find out if any of our other children had managed to kill each other yet.”

Vegeta snorted. “Not yet – although not through lack of trying. I’m surprised you aren’t as upset over their injuries as the other woman is.”

Chichi sighed and watched the boys pummeling each other overhead. “I’m not happy about it at all. But I’ve come to realize I can’t stop you fools from beating the crap out of each other. I’m trusting you and Goku to make sure they don’t get seriously hurt.”

“Woman – they are Saiyans. That is how we get stronger.”

“That doesn’t mean I have to like it.”

Vegeta frowned as the woman began to look around her as if searching for something. “What’s wrong?”

“I’m just looking for a place to sit,” Chichi said. “I’m kind of tired.”

Vegeta studied her a moment and scowled. “Sit down here, woman.” He helped her settle onto a nearby boulder. “I told you you weren’t strong enough to block that. Your ki is too low. You are starving my son.” He should have known better and kept an eye on the woman.

“Daughter,” she said, stubbornly contradicting him.

Vegeta almost smiled, but he didn’t want her to know how pleased he was. She was strong and confident, worthy of a Saiyan. He really didn’t care if it was a boy or girl but his disagreeing with the woman like this seemed to make Kakorr happy. More than once he had caught Kakorr watching them with a pleased expression.

Rouba had told Kakorr they would have more cubs, but Vegeta never imagined this unusual woman would suggest it herself. If this was successful, perhaps they could seek out dairi of their own in the future and build a larger, strong pack. He was glad human technology had removed the necessity of actually having sex with the woman. There was no way in hell that would ever happen – if necessary he would do without any more cubs. He had been wary at first, but he had to admit going to that strange facility with Kakorr had been… entertaining.

He still didn’t know if the woman knew before she made her suggestion how important dairi had been in Saiyan society – Kakorr just grinned at him when he asked. And the woman – Kakorr’s hellcat just got this self-satisfied smirk whenever he tried to find out. He still suspected he had been set up – the victim of a conspiracy to give him more ties to these humans – but it didn’t bother him as much anymore. Kakorr’s woman was the closest thing to a Saiyan he had met on this planet. She had already proven capable of producing strong children, and if she was willing to provide him with more he didn’t see the point in refusing.

He hadn’t been around much when Bulma was pregnant with Trunks – he didn’t even learn about it until late in the pregnancy. He had to admit he wouldn’t have cared much then even if he had known. He was still too angry to be interested in creating any kind of family ties. It was only after getting to know his future son he began to be interested in his own from this time.

He gathered ki in his hands and gently placing them on the woman’s slightly rounded belly he began to feed his child and the woman energy. Kakorr must have done this instinctively when she was carrying Gohan – apparently that pregnancy had been easy. Because of Kakorr’s and his absence the younger boys had been more difficult for both women, weakening them to the point of Bulma refusing to risk it again.

This child though…he could feel the strong pulse of answering ki beneath his hands and smiled to himself. It still amazed him how accepting these humans were of him. By all rights he should be long dead, just another resident in hell. Instead they helped him, fed him, treated him like family…

“Thank you, Vegeta,” Chichi said softly, smiling at him.

Vegeta looked up, startled and snatched his hands away. He had forgotten what he was doing and, like a fool, had just stood there with his hands on her.

“You should not let yourself get so weak again, woman. Kakorr or I will give you energy. I will show the brats as well for when we aren’t available. I will not allow you to starve my son.”

Chichi laughed, “Daughter.”


“You know Piccolo, I’m kind of glad I gave up fighting,” Yamcha said, shaking his head. “I mean – how can I compete with that?”

Piccolo studied the Saiyans sparring overhead. Goku and Vegeta were at level three, their attacks thundering across the sky. “You’ve got nothing to be ashamed of.”

“Sure, I might be strong for a human – but compared to you guys it is hardly worth my time to train. It’s kind of disturbing to realize they are holding back whenever we do spar. I’m not even a warm-up anymore.”

Piccolo looked at the human standing beside him. “You are underestimating yourself. Even if you can’t outdo them in strength, you have techniques worth learning.”

“Yeah right,” he said sarcastically, “Face it Piccolo, I’m just a baby bodyguard.”

Since Chichi refused to leave, Vegeta had demanded someone stay close to protect her from any stray blasts. Yamcha couldn’t keep up with the Saiyans anymore, so he had been elected.

“Come on, Yamcha,” Chichi chided. “Don’t be like that. Don’t you realize how amazing it is that Vegeta actually relies on you to keep me safe?” She scowled for a moment and muttered, “Not that I need it. Prince Ego just can’t believe a mere human can take care of themselves.”

Piccolo chuckled. He knew the feeling. Vegeta was in major protective mode now – if something happened to the baby, his first victim might just be Chichi for not taking better care of herself.

“Aw Chichi, your kid is going to be able to kick my ass while still in diapers.” Yamcha shrugged sadly when she giggled. “I just wish I could do more to help.”

Piccolo nodded. Yamcha had long lost his taste for fighting, but Goku inspired tremendous loyalty. “I know Goku appreciates your support – Vegeta does as well.”

Piccolo had been surprised to see the human at their initial training sessions and had been alert to any potential problems from Vegeta. Much to his amazement, Vegeta had actually been civil and almost friendly to the human. It took him a few days to accept that Vegeta wasn’t going to do anything – it seemed the little prince was almost grateful to Yamcha for proposing to Bulma, giving him the opportunity to pursue Goku.

“I have to admit I’m kind of relieved about that. I’m not ashamed to say Vegeta can be really scary when he wants to be – which is most of the time. Bulma still thinks the Kais influenced how she left him and the timing of my proposal – she might be right. When you think about it, we had to be nuts to spring the whole thing on him like that.”

“But you and Bulma are happy together, right?” Chichi asked with some concern.

“Oh yeah,” Yamcha beamed. “She is the best thing to ever happen to me. And I know she was unhappy with Vegeta before. I’m just glad everything ended up working out okay. I still can’t get over how much he has changed since hooking up with Goku. I mean…look at you, Chichi. How in the heck did you talk Vegeta into being a surrogate father anyway?”

It had been three months and Vegeta and Goku still weren’t mated. The flipping of their bond was wearing on Piccolo – he could only begin to imagine how they felt about it.

“I think Goku is rubbing off on him,” Piccolo chuckled.

“I don’t know – I think Vegeta is rubbing off on Goku too. Have you noticed? Goku’s fighting style has changed some – in the past you always got the impression he was holding something back. Now he is more like Vegeta – kind of like ‘The hell with you, you are nothing and I am going to pound you into the ground’,” Yamcha said.

Piccolo laughed. “That pretty much describes Vegeta’s attitude. Can you imagine facing two pissed off level three Saiyans with that mindset?”

“I can’t believe how many senzu those guys have gone through. I swear, sometimes I think they are trying to kill each other. It’s a good thing Bulma didn’t see Trunks the other day – she would have freaked over that leg.”

“Leg?” Chichi sputtered. She shook her head when Yamcha looked like he was going to explain. “No, no, don’t tell me. I can tell I don’t want to know.”

Piccolo shrugged. “I think they are doing it on purpose. That’s how Saiyans get stronger, after all.”

“It won’t be enough, you know.”

Piccolo spun around. He hadn’t sensed anyone approaching. How had someone gotten that close without his noticing?

“Krillin?” Yamcha asked, smiling. “Hey man, I didn’t even feel you coming.”

The monk came nearer and Piccolo moved closer to Chichi, repressing a strange urge to growl. He could feel how alert she was – apparently she sensed something off as well.

“Yeah, I’ve been practicing,” Krillin said.

“What do you want, Krillin?” Piccolo demanded.

“Who says I have to want anything? I thought I would just come and see how things were going. Eighteen said Bulma was worried about something.”

“You know about the Kais, right?” Yamcha asked. “Have you come to help?”

“Are you seriously planning on fighting them?” Krillin laughed. “What are you, stupid? There’s no way any of you are strong enough.”

“Don’t be so sure,” Piccolo rumbled.

“You are willing to die – give up your chance to go train in Otherworld – all for the sake of a killer. The bastard enjoys destroying planets.” Krillin shook his head. “You guys are nuts – but it isn’t too late to change your mind.”

“How would you know, Krillin?” Piccolo demanded. He didn’t like the way the human’s ki felt. His confidence was almost unnerving.

Krillin shrugged and ignored the question. “What’s taking those two so long?” he asked, indicating Goku and Vegeta still sparring furiously overhead. “I would have thought they would be mated by now.”

“They are just waiting for the right time,” Chichi said.

Krillin looked at her as if he just noticed her presence. “They better not wait too long,” he smirked. “They don’t seem very stable like this.”

“They’re fine,” she snapped. ”Why don’t you just mind your own business?”

Piccolo scowled as Krillin slowly studied her, apparently detecting the second ki and glancing overhead.

“You’re pregnant,” the monk said. “With his brat. You’re dumber than I thought, bitch.”

Piccolo thought for a moment Chichi was going to lunge forward and kill the man. He cursed to himself. If Vegeta realized what was going on there was a good chance the monk would end up as nothing more than a smear on the ground.

“That’s not nice to say, Krillin,” Yamcha protested.

“Watch who you are calling dumb, you homophobic little bastard,” Chichi snarled, dropping into a defensive pose. Piccolo noticed with some amusement she didn't object to being called a bitch.

Krillin laughed. “Attack me and it will be the last thing you ever do.”

Piccolo caught Chichi by the arm and held her back. For some reason he didn’t think that was an empty threat. “I think you should leave, Krillin.”

“Yeah, Chichi snapped, trying to break free. “And don’t bother showing your ugly face around here again.”

“Yeah, yeah,” Krillin chuckled, walking away, “I’m soooo scared.” He stopped and turned around, glancing overhead before glaring at the group on the ground. “I am disgusted with all of you. Don’t be surprised if the next time I see you is the last.”


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