Loyalty is...: Chapter 19

Published Aug 1, 2007, 3:59:17 AM UTC | Last updated Aug 3, 2007, 1:01:02 AM | Total Chapters 28

Story Summary

**Complete** Crossover/Ronin Warriors/X-men and a little bit of Transformers. A story of how Shuten was brought back to life and learned to live and love in modern times. Warning: Some sappiness will occur

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Chapter 22: Chapter 19


        Later that afternoon, Kayura and Rowan showed up. Mia answered the door and before she could greet them, Kayura stepped in looking quite perturbed.

        “Where is he?” She asked.

        “Who?” Mia asked.

        “Shuten. I’d like to ring his neck. I can’t believe he kept this from me.”

        “Now might not be a good time, Kayura. Myranda left unexpectedly last night and he’s not taking it very well.”

        Most of the rage that was coursing through Kayura had left upon hearing that. She sighed. “He did something stupid, didn’t he?”

        Mia shrugged. “I’m not quite sure what happened. You know how Shuten is.” referring to his penchant of not sharing his personal business with anyone.

        “Unfortunately I do, but I really do need to talk to him. After going to see his exhibit today, he needs to answer some questions for me.”

        “He’s out back. What kind of questions?”

        Kayura chuckled. “I’ll let Rowan fill you in while you double check your grandfather’s files you may want to call the other Ronins to come over if you find out what I think you will.”

        Kayura made her way to the backyard.

        Mia turned to Rowan. “Okay so tell me.”

        “Have you ever found anything about an eleventh armor?”

        “I don’t think so. You know how cryptic the files are. I’d have to double check.”

        “How about the Ancient’s staff becoming two?”

        “I remember something about the staff doubling. Why?”

        “Let’s just say that Kayura isn’t the last of her clan after all.”

        Mia’s eyes widened. “You mean…that…”

        “Yeah, I’m gonna have a brother-in-law if I ever work up the nerve to propose to Kayura.” Rowan mumbled.

        “But…he never said anything.”

        “Yeah, yeah. Come on, Mia. Let’s go open those files.” Rowan gently grabbed her arm and led her into the den.


        Kayura found Shuten on the bridge that spanned across the stream in the back yard. He was half sitting on the top rail with his arms crossed looking out into the woods.

        Shuten heard her faint footfalls getting closer. He didn’t look her way but did acknowledge her presence when she stopped next to him.

        “Kayura.” Was all he said to her in greeting.

        “The last time I saw you on a bridge was a sad memory for me.”

        “Hmm” Shuten replied. “I guess I’m feeling a bit nostalgic.”

        Kayura’s brows furrowed together. “Kind of a strange event to reminisce upon, don’t you think?”

        Shuten chuckled. “You misunderstand. This was where I first met Myranda. Right here on this bridge. The day after you and the others brought me back. She had stopped to tie her shoe and Whiteblaze scared the devil out her.”

        “Oh, so you rescued her?” Kayura said teasing.

        Shuten snorted. “From that overgrown kitten? Hardly, I just told her he was harmless and helped her get back up on her feet.”

        “You felt something for her right then and there, didn’t you?”

        “I’d felt like I’d known her forever.”

        “That’s how I feel about Rowan. I guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.” She said with a beaming smile.

        Shuten frowned as he raised a brow and looked at her from the corner of his eye. “What do you mean by that?”

        “Rowan and I went to see your exhibit today.” She watched the color drain from his face as his eyes moved back to the forest. “How could you keep that from me all this time, Shuten?”

        “You had to learn the ways of the Ancient without coming to me for help.”

        “That’s a stupid reason, Shuten. Were you ever going to tell me you were my brother?”

        “Would you have believed me if I had?”

        “Don’t answer my question with one of your own.” When he didn’t respond she sighed. “All right, you win. I may not have believed you at first but after seeing the symbols on the armors you unearthed I put two and two together. I even realized one of those armors was yours.”

        Shuten shook his head in amusement. “Myranda warned me that you would figure it out. It took her just seconds to make the realization.”

        “Who else knew?” Kayura asked sounding hurt.

        “No one else knew and before you get any angrier, I begged her not to say anything when she figured it out last weekend. She wasn’t very happy about having to harbor that secret. She wanted me to tell you.”

        “You should have, then the stupid dreams I’ve been having would have made sense to me that much sooner.”

        “What kind of dreams?” He asked as curiosity got the better of him.

        “I’ve been getting visions of an eleventh armor and the kanji of clarity. I also keep seeing two staffs; one of gold and one of silver. So I’m thinking that there must be an eleventh armor and there must be a way to separate the staff into two.”

        “Have you tried to ask the Ancient about this?” He questioned as he finally turned to face her

        “Yes but he’s not responding. It’s one of those ‘figure it out for yourself deals’.”

        “So you’re thinking this eleventh armor is meant for you?”

        Kayura nodded. “And if the staff can be split, you would get one. Then you can go to New York and not worry about not being able to get back here if the Dynasty ever arises again.”

        Shuten sighed. “Perhaps I should have told you sooner. Myranda left last night.”

        “I heard. Sorry.” She said quietly.

        “The irony in all this is killing me. Professor Jones offered me the director’s position at the New York office which I haven’t fully accepted yet because of having to stay here, now I find out I may be able to leave after all and it’s too late.”

        “Why do you think it’s too late? Did some one else take the position?”

        Shuten shook his head in a negative response then explained. “She gave up on me, Kayura. She was willing to leave New York and move here but I wouldn’t accept it. I didn’t want her to make that sacrifice and end up regretting it. That is why she left. I had no idea she left until this morning when I found the note she left me.”

        “And that was because she knew you would have stopped her had you known sooner. Maybe she just needs some time to sort things out. You lost the battle Shuten, not the war.”

        “I’m not so sure of that, Kayura.”

        “What’s with this sudden lack of confidence? You’ve always been so sure of everything.”

        Shuten shrugged. “Myranda means the world to me. I don’t want hurt her anymore than I all ready have. I’m unsure of what to do next.”

        “Then I’ll tell you. First we see if Mia has found anything in her files about my visions, if she has we do what needs to be done to make my visions come true. Then you get your butt to New York and woo Myranda.”

        “I do not woo.” Shuten said indignantly.

        Kayura chuckled. “Then do whatever it is that got her to fall for you in the first place.”

        “If she is willing to speak to me, I will try.”

        Kayura smiled at him. “Perhaps you should learn how to woo after all.”

        Shuten actually chuckled over that remark. “Perhaps you’re right.”

        “Hey you two.” Rowan called from the back yard. “I think we may have found something.”

        Kayura looked to Shuten. “Keep your fingers crossed brother.”


        Mia was sitting behind the computer tapping her index finger on the desk when Rowan returned with Shuten and Kayrua.

        “What did you find?” Kayura asked.

        “It’s very cryptic.” Mia said. “But then again what isn’t cryptic in my grandfathers files. I found a passage that says. ‘The ten are the key to clarity’s creation. Silver and gold revealed within the circle as siblings guide together.’

        “That’s it!” Kayura exclaimed. “It makes perfect sense now.”

        “Maybe to you.” Rajura said. “Can you explain it to the rest of us?”

        “We need all ten armors together in order to create the eleventh one.”

        “An eleventh armor?” Naaza asked. “Why didn’t we know about this before?”

        “I’ve been having visions about it but I had no idea what it meant until now.”

        “None of us are siblings.” Anubis said. “Or is that a generalized term for all of the armor bearers?”

        Kayura turned to Rowan. “You didn’t tell them.”

        “Sorry I didn’t get around to it. I just told Mia on the way in here.”

        Naaza, Rajura and Anubis looked to Mia.

        “Kayura and Shuten are siblings.” She replied.

        The three warlords turned to Shuten and Kayura and began to study the two of them looking for likenesses.

        Shuten frowned at them “Will the three of you knock it off. I’m beginning to feel like one of my exhibits.”

        “Yeah, you’re creeping me out.” Kayura said.

        Mia cleared her throat to get everyone’s attention. “So the silver and gold is referring to the staff becoming two?”

        Kayura nodded. “Yes. My vision showed two staffs, one of silver and one of gold.”

        A thought popped into Rowan’s mind. “Hey, do you guys remember how the staff looked when we were reviving Shuten?”

        “Yes.” Naaza said. “It looked like there were two staffs at one point. I thought it was just because of the vibration.”

        “So did I, but maybe it was trying to separate itself back then.”

        Kayura shrugged. “Maybe it didn’t work because we were all concentrating on bringing Shuten back then.”

        “So what is the next step?” Rajura asked. “Do we need to go back into the Nether Realm to accomplish this?”

        Kayura nodded. “Are the others on their way?”

        Ryo nodded. “Yeah, I called them all ready.”


        When the rest of the Ronins arrived, Kayura created a portal and off to the netherworld they went. Once again, Mia and Yuli sat and impatiently waited.

        Once they had arrived in the Dynasty, Kayura thought it best to go to the location where they had revived Shuten.

        The Ronins and Warlords formed a circle around Kayura as they transformed in to their armors. Ryo first donned the Wildfire armor before upgrading to the Inferno armor.        

        Kayura held the staff in one hand and the jewel of life in the other. She began to recite an ancient chant over and over again until the armors began to glow. It was then that she slammed the bottom of the staff into the ground and held the jewel up to the sky.

        The jewel left her hand of its own free will and rose several feet above her. A stream of energy began to emit from each helmet of the armors to the jewel making it glow as bright as the day Shuten was revived.

        The jewel flashed stopping it’s absorption of energy from the armors then flashed again as a multicolored burst of light was directed right down to Kayura. The jewel had taken a piece of each of the armors and was now forging the eleventh armor. The men had to cover their eyes from the brightness of the light as it practically exploded over Kayura.

        When the brilliance of the glow began to fade the armor bearers immediately looked to Kayura to make sure she was all right.

        There she stood clad an armor of silver and light purple. Her star swords were peeking out from either shoulder. The jewel was back in one hand and a staff of silver in the other. The kanji of clarity illuminating on her forehead with a lavender glow.

        Kayura smiled and winked at Rowan to let him know that she was well then turned to Shuten and almost giggled when he saw the look on his face. It was a mix of anger, disappointment and confusion.

        She smiled as she said. “Look down at your feet brother.”

        Shuten removed his helmet before doing as Kayura had asked and there lying in front of him was the staff of gold. He didn’t bend down to pick it up for he was sure that he was seeing things and this was all a bad dream or cruel joke. In other words, Shuten was afraid. He was afraid that this was just too easy a solution to his happiness.

        Kayura sensed what was bothering him so she walked over to him. When he looked at her in bewilderment, she chuckled before kneeling down and picking the staff up for him.

        “It’s real Shuten.” She said as she held the staff out to him. “Go on and take it.”

        Shuten hesitantly reached for the staff and no sooner did he have it in his hand, it all came back to him. The ways of the ancient, the same feeling he had when he took on the ancient’s role. All the familiarities were now running through his body, mind and soul.

        He looked to Kayura still feeling apprehensive. “Kayura, please tell me that I’m not dreaming.” He begged on a whisper.

        “You are not dreaming, Shuten.” An old, recognizable voice called from behind.

        Everyone turned to the spot where they had heard the statement. A ghostly form of the ancient was slowly walking towards them.

        The others gathered around Shuten and Kayura and they all bowed before him.

        The ancient smiled. “It is good to see all of you on the side of good.”  

        “Had it not been for Shuten, we wouldn’t be.” Rajura supplied.

        The ancient nodded in agreement. “Yes, that is one of several reasons he was revived.” He turned to Kayura. “Do not bare any ill will toward your brother, Kayura. It was I who put the thought in his mind not to tell you. He was correct when he told you that you had to learn the ways of our clan yourself.”

        “I am no longer hurt by it ancient. I understand why things had to be done this way.”

        “You make a fine armor barer young lady. I know you will make me and your fellow warriors proud.”

        “You have my word that I will, ancient.”

        The ancient chuckled. “Of that I have no doubt.”

        “Ancient,” Shuten began unsteadily. “What are the other reasons I was revived?”

        “You will find out in time, my young friend. But now you need to get back to earth and retrieve your attachment.”

        “My attachment?” Shuten asked in confusion.

        The ancient’s smile grew wider as he chuckled again. “In other words, you’re deity.” When Shuten still looked confused, the ancient explained. “It was not an accident or coincidence that she sensed your presence in the jewel. She was chosen to be the one to find you long before she was born. That is why you have always felt a connection to her.”

        “Myranda,” He responded in an almost inaudible whisper.

        The ancient nodded. “Yes. She may not be an armor bearer or a clan member but she has always been meant to play a role in our situation and she will continue to do so. Just as Mia has all this time.”

        Shuten bowed his head and asked his next question in his mind to the ancient so the others would not hear. ‘Ancient was I wrong to not let her stay here?’

       ‘No, you were not wrong. Your loyalty would not allow you to have her make that sacrifice. But now that you have the staff your free to go after her and remain with her in New York.’

        ‘About that,’ He began uncomfortably.

       ‘I know about the slight mess you have made of things; but her heart still remains true to you Shuten. You are soul mates after all.’

        Shuten looked up in shock at the ancient. 'How can that be? We were born centuries apart.’

        ‘The young lady from your village that you had to painfully say goodbye to when you first went off to war was the original owner of Myranda's soul.’

        ‘Chiharu? But Myranda is nothing like her.’

        ‘Search you heart Shuten and tell me if that’s really true.’

        Shuten remembered Chiharu to be a beautiful and meek girl, with a smile that always melted his heart. She was a kind caring soul who would do anything for anyone. Then he realized that the only difference in the two was the meekness. Myranda was fierce defender, a protector.

        ‘Chiharu never married, but was surrounded by loved ones when she passed on at the ripe old age of eighty-five. That soul was reborn and has strengthened it self over the centuries with each body it lived in it grew more perseverant.’ The ancient supplied. ‘And although that soul was pleased with all the lives it had lead it was always restless. That is the second reason you’re here. You need to give her that peace.’

        ‘I will try ancient.’ He said as he bowed his head again.

        ‘Do not try, succeed.’ The ancient commanded.

        ‘As you wish ancient.’

        The ancient spoke aloud again. “I must leave you all now. Get back to earth where your friends and loved ones are waiting for you.”

        They all bowed to the ancient as his form vanished.

        Kayura nudged her brother. “Let’s get going so you can pack your bags.”

        “Why are you in such a hurry to get rid of me?”

        “I’m not; I’m in a hurry for you to go and make nice with Myranda. I wouldn’t want anyone else for a sister-in-law.”

        “Don’t you think you’re putting the horse before the cart with that remark?”

        “Not at all.” She said beaming at her brother.






























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