Loyalty is...: Chapter 1

Published Aug 1, 2007, 3:59:17 AM UTC | Last updated Aug 3, 2007, 1:01:02 AM | Total Chapters 28

Story Summary

**Complete** Crossover/Ronin Warriors/X-men and a little bit of Transformers. A story of how Shuten was brought back to life and learned to live and love in modern times. Warning: Some sappiness will occur

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Chapter 4: Chapter 1

Two months later:


        Myranda was thankful when the plane landed if she had to deal with that screaming baby and the kid that was sitting behind her kicking her seat for one more minute, she would have screamed. Things like that usually didn't bother her so much but she had been rather uptight lately. Maybe it was the lack of sleep, she hadn't slept a full night since Avery died. Loneliness wore away at her until it was all she could think of and continued to think about it for the remainder of the night. All she wanted to do was get her luggage from baggage claim, get her rental and drive to Mia's house.

        She had kept in constant contact with her friends since they had left New York. Mia through email and Shuten through good old-fashioned snail mail. Shuten knew how to use a computer but had always preferred to handwrite his correspondence.

Myranda had written all of them a personal thank you note after he, Mia and Rajura had flown home and Shuten replied with a letter. It was so well written that she felt it needed a reply back and then eventually they began writing to one another once a week. Myranda thought it was nice to have a pen pal where it was something she missed out on growing up.

Myranda had found her first bag and was pulling her second off of the carousel when someone called to her from behind. “Your plane landed early minx.”

Only one person called her that she smiled as she turned around. “What are you doing here?”

“It would have been rude if at least one of us didn't greet you at the airport.”

She smiled and shook her head at him. “I appreciate it Shuten. Thank you.”

She wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him. “It's good to see you.”

“I'm glad you could come.” He replied as he hugged her back.

Feeling a bit uncomfortable about enjoying their embrace a little too much. Shuten let go of her.

“You didn't drive here did you?” She asked him knowing that she had written in her last letter to him that she was going to rent a car.

“No. I took the train in hopes I could ride back with you.”

She grinned at him. “Inviting ourselves along, are we?” She teased.

“I'll carry your luggage.” He offered with a smirk.

She chuckled as she crossed her arms in front of herself. “Now we both know you would have insisted on doing that whether you needed a ride or not.”

“You know me too well minx.”

“Come on; let's go find the rental desk.”

Shuten and Myranda found the rental desk and after Myranda signed her name umpteen times she received the keys to her rental. They put the luggage in the trunk and hopped in. Myranda looked nervously at the shifter then looked down at the pedals and confirmed her fears. She closed her eyes and let her head fall back against the seat.

“Great.” She muttered.

“Is there something wrong?”

She turned to look at Shuten. “Do you happen to know how to drive a stick shift?”

“The last time Mia tried to teach me she came very close to murdering me. Do you not know how to either?”

“I know how. I'm just not very good at it.”

“Do you want to go back to the clerk and see if they have another car?”

Myranda sighed. “Judging by the cars that are left in this lot, I doubt they have any automatics left and I just want to get out of here.”

“I'm sure you'll do fine.” He offered in encouragement.

“You'd better buckle up just in case.”


Mia, Rajura, Anubis and Naaza came out to greet their guest as soon as she and Shuten pulled up. They asked what the two of them were laughing about. Myranda explained that she made a lot of people at the airport very angry while she learned how to correctly shift gears.

Mia showed Myranda up to her room. It was not her usual room. Mia thought that Myranda might be uncomfortable in the room that she had always shared with Avery so she asked Myranda if she minded a different room. Myranda didn't mind at all in fact she thought it was a good idea as well.

It had to be two in the morning when she awoke from her reoccurring nightmare. It wasn't actually a nightmare but the memory of losing Avery. She hadn't told Remy or any of her friends that she was still having this problem not wanting any of them to worry about her.

Once she calmed down, she got out of bed and stepped out onto the balcony to get some fresh air and collect her thoughts. Only minutes had passed before she heard the other door that lead to the balcony softly open. She turned to see Shuten stepping out. He was wearing a gray T-shirt and black sweats and looked to be half asleep.

“I'm sorry Shuten I didn't know I had a neighbor. I didn't mean to wake you?”

“Being the former warlord of cruelty has made me a light sleeper over the years. What are you doing out here?”

“Just getting some air. Thought it might help me get back to sleep.”

“Is everything all right?” He asked as he moved closer to her.

“I was just a little restless.” She mumbled before changing the subject. “So am I to assume that Mia has elected you to be my watchdog while I'm here?”

“If she did, she neglected to inform me of it. Although; she did tell me that you were in the room next to mine before I went to bed tonight.”

Myranda chuckled. “We both know how Mia thinks. Face it Shuten you have the sorry job of being my babysitter while I'm here.”

“There's nothing sorry about it. Besides you have more in common with me then you do with Anubis or Naaza.”

“Then you can be my steady while I'm visiting.” She teased.

Shuten was thankful that it was dark enough to hide the blush that flashed across his cheeks. He knew Myranda was jesting with him but it troubled him slightly.

“So why do you think Mia and Rajura want us to go out to dinner with them tomorrow night? Have they set a date for the wedding?”

Shuten shrugged. “They haven't told any of us if they have.”

“Was it me or were they acting a little mysterious when they asked us?”

“All I can think of is that they want to ask us to stand up for them.”

Myranda looked a little shocked. “Me? But I live so far away.”

“How about a wager?” When Myranda looked at him questioningly, he said. “I'll bet you a dollar that they will tell us they've set and date and ask us to stand up for them.”

“You're on, Shuten.”

She extended her hand and they shook on it. Myranda was about to let go but Shuten didn't loosen his grip enough for her to do so.

“Mia mentioned that you were going into town tomorrow.”

Myranda nodded. “I didn't pack anything dressy enough for where we're going tomorrow night.”

“If you find yourself by the museum feel free to stop by and visit.”

“Would you like to meet for lunch?”

“Will you be done shopping by then?”

Myranda shrugged. “If I'm not, I'll need a break by then. I tend to have bad luck when I have to find something.”

“I'm sure Mia can suggest a few places for you to try.”

“She already has.”

A cool gentle breeze blew across the balcony sending a shiver down Myranda's back.

Shuten felt her tremble and only then did he realize he was still holding her hand. He was about to let go but he did not want it to seem like he was repulsed by her touch so he gave her hand a gentle squeeze before letting go.

“You're getting cold. You should go back inside.”

Myranda nodded. “I'll see you in the morning Shuten. Goodnight.”

He opened her door for her. “Goodnight minx.”

He closed the door behind her and went back into his own room. He wondered what was wrong with him. Myranda was one of his dearest friends who had lost her husband only two months ago and just now he wanted to take her into his arms and kiss her.

He had always kept a tight reign on his secret feelings for Myranda. He had admired her since the first time he met her and Avery. She seemed so familiar to him. Like he had met her before and had known her for a lifetime. He was ashamed of how he felt about her where she was happily married but there was something about Myranda that made her standout in his mind. Perhaps Avery had seen what he did and that was why the two of them were so well in tune with one another.

The hair on the back of his neck stood on end as he remembered the first time Avery had suggested that he and Myranda go to a museum function alone. Ancient history was not a hobby Avery had shared with his wife. However Shuten knew how much Avery hated going to those functions and it seemed to make perfect sense to Avery that Shuten escort her where he and Myranda collaborated on many exhibits.

He smiled remembering one occasion when he and Myranda had come back from such a function. Avery had been helping Anubis work on his truck. Avery went to hug Myranda and she backed away saying he wasn't getting within ten feet of her with his grease covered hands. Avery saw it as a challenge and chased a giggling Myranda into the house. How Shuten wished that he could have a relationship like that.

And though Shuten knew Myranda was just kidding with him about him being her steady while she was visiting it troubled him. Not enough for him to not make a lunch date with her though. He enjoyed her company and if friends were all they were ever able to be, he'd settle for it.

Shuten flopped down on his bed and kept telling himself that they were just friends. Very close friends. He continued to silently chant this to himself until he fell asleep praying he would not dream about her.


Twelve thirty the next day Myranda showed up at Shuten's office. Shuten was immersed in a book but had known she was coming down the hallway by the sound of her steps. He smiled up at her when he saw out of the corner of his eye.

“You made it.”

“Of course I did. Have I ever let you down before?” She teased him.

“Never.” He replied. “I'll be ready in two minutes.”

“Not a problem.” She said as she walked over to his desk. “Where's Sam?”

Sam was Shuten's co-worker. “His computer crashed on him for the fourth time today. He went to try and find someone from the IT department, although I believe they all go to lunch together.”

Just then Sam walked in. “Myranda is that you?”

She turned and smiled at him. “Hi Sam. How are you?”

“I'm good. How are you doing?” He asked. Shuten had all ready warned Sam not to tell Myranda he was sorry about Avery's passing.

She nodded. “Okay. Just taking things day by day. I feel a little better now that I'm out here visiting my friends.”

        “Glad to hear it. How long are you staying?”

        “Two weeks.”

        “Great. Maybe you can get the workaholic over there to take a couple of days off.”

        “And what makes you think I haven't all ready done so?” Shuten replied without looking up from his work.

        “You did? Heck Myranda you should visit more often.”

        Myranda chuckled. “If you stop trying to bait Shuten, I'll take a look at your computer.”

        “You will?” When Myranda nodded he replied. “All right, I'll stop for now.”

        Myranda made her way to Sam's desk and no sooner did she sit down a seductive voice spoke from the doorway. “Are you going to work through lunch again Professor Koma?”

        Myranda saw Shuten stiffen slightly but he never looked up from his work.

“Not today.” He replied, his tone completely aloof.

        “Oh,” she said excited. “Care to have lunch with me?”

        “No thank you, I have plans.”

        “Oh boy,” Myranda mumbled under her breath. “Is she for real?”

        “Office tramp.” Sam whispered. “She's been after him for weeks now. He can't stand her.”

        “Hmmm, I can see why.”

        “She refuses to realize that he's not that kind of guy.”

        “This ought to be interesting to watch.”

        The woman sat on the edge of his desk. “But I've asked you several times now,” she whined.

“Yes you have.” Shuten replied sounding a bit annoyed. He still wouldn't give her the decency of looking at her.

“Why won't you accept?”

Shuten saw Sam's Instant Messenger pop up and knew Myranda had gotten the computer running again. He quickly typed a message. `Are either of you going to help me?' He then replied “I just don't feel it would be proper Miss Johnson.”

        “Proper? It's just lunch.”

        Shuten received and message back to play along.

        “Speaking of lunch, I'm all finished over here. How are you doing             Shuten?” Myranda asked as she came around the desk.

        Shuten stood and smiled at her. “I'm ready when you are, my dear.”

        Miss Johnson jumped up from the desk and turned to see Myranda walking towards them.

        Shuten met her half way and placed his arm around her. “So what do you feel like eating?”

        Myranda leaned into him. “Something light. After all we are going to the Sakura Blossom tonight.”

        “I have a place in mind then.”

        “Great,” She turned to Sam. “Care to join us Sam?”

        “Nah, threes a crowd. Enjoy your lunch date.”

        “Sam don't you know by now that I enjoy every second I have with Shuten?”

        Sam chuckled. “Yes and I know the feeling is mutual as well.”

        “Of course it is.” Shuten replied as he pulled Myranda closer in a brief hug. “Shall we go my dear?” He asked as he rubbed her arm.

        Myranda smiled and nodded.

        Shuten moved his hand to the small of Myranda's back and guided her out of the office.

        When Miss Johnson just stood there watching the door, Sam said. “They go way back.”

        “I've never seen her before.”

        “Maybe that's because you've only just started to fish on this side of the pond.”

        Miss Johnson gasped. “Well I never.”

        “We all know what a lie that is.”

        She scowled as Sam. “How dare you.”

        “How dare I what? Face it lady you're not Professor Koma's type. He's better paired with someone like his associate, Dr. McGuire.”

        The color drained from her face. She had heard nothing but the highest of praises about Dr. McGuire from Professor Jones. “Was that her?”


        Miss Johnson left the office with her shoulders slumped in defeat.


Myranda had barely turned the corner with Shuten before she started giggling. “The look on her face was priceless.”

        Shuten chuckled. “It was indeed. Thank you for holding true to your nickname.”

        “I could see she didn't understand the meaning of `no'.”

        “Hopefully she'll leave me alone now.”

        “If she doesn't desist let me know. That was too much fun not to have another try at it.”

        “It was at that minx.”



Eight months after that:


        Mia and Rajura couldn't have picked a better day to be married. It was the first day of summer so the weather had not yet turned excessively warm yet. It rained that morning worrying Mia until Myranda told her it was a sign of good luck. By noontime the rain had dissipated which allowed the wedding planners to set up the garden in the back yard for the ceremony.

Myranda and Kayura; the bridesmaids spent an endless amount of time preening Mia as Shuten, Anubis and the groomsmen spent just as much time keeping Rajura away from her room.

Rajura hadn't seen Mia since the night before and all he wanted to do was talk to her but knowing it was bad luck for the groom to see the bride until the wedding everyone in the house kept them apart.

        When the ceremony was just about to take place, Ryo and Yuli came to fetch Mia. Ryo was giving her away and Yuli was the ring barer. They were both dressed in gray tuxedos. Yuli wore a white bowtie and Ryo with a red one to match the color of his armor. Although the other Ronins were not in the wedding party they also wore gray tuxedos with their ties matching their armor color.

        Ryo took one look at her in her gown and whistled. “Wow, Mia. You look great.”

        Mia blushed. “Thanks Ryo. I guess it's time to go?”

        He chuckled as he said. “Unless you want Rajura to think you're standing him up.”

        “I'm suddenly a giant bundle of nerves.” She said shakily. “I don't like being the center of attention.”

        “I sympathize with you Mia. I don't like it either.” Myranda said.

        “At least you'll be sharing the spotlight Mia.” Kayura offered. “Ryo will be walking you down the aisle and Rajura will be walking you back.”

        “It doesn't sound so scary when you put it like that.”

        “It's going to be fine, Mia.” Myranda assured her. “I promise.”

        Mia hugged both of her bridesmaids before taking Ryo's arm. “I'm ready.”


        Rajura was nervously standing at the altar with the other three warlords. He felt as though he was sweating right through the light gray tuxedo he was wearing. He wanted to rip off the white bowtie that was suddenly strangling his neck. As the best man, Shuten was to his left and Anubis to left of Shuten. They were dressed in the same color tuxedo as Rajura's though their ties matched the gowns of the bridesmaids. Naaza was performing the ceremony and therefore dressed in robes and at the center of the altar.

        “Are you all right old man? You're paler than usual.” Shuten quietly taunted. Anubis smirked at the quip.

        “How would you feel if it were you standing here?” He said out of the side of his mouth.

        “I honestly don't know, though I do know that everything is going to be fine so stop worrying.”

        No more words were spoken for the music suddenly changed which meant the procession was about to start.

        Yuli came down first carrying the wedding bands on a white satin pillow. When Yuli was half way down; Kayura emerged in a sea foam green tea length gown of satin and lace carrying a bouquet of white roses and pink tiger lilies surrounded by baby's breath. Myranda who was the maid of honor was behind Kayura. She was dressed in the same gown but in turquoise blue. Her bouquet the same as Kayura's but slightly larger. She smiled and gave Rajura a look of reassurance sensing he was on the verge of a nervous breakdown then winked at Shuten and Anubis.

        The music changed again signaling the bride was about to come down the aisle. All of the attendees stood and turned to face the rose covered arch.

        Rajura sucked in his breath as soon as he saw Mia. Never had he seen her look more beautiful then she did right now. Mia met his eyes and did not take them off of him until she was at the base of the altar and had to turn so Ryo could lift her veil and give her away. He kissed her cheek and hugged her before placing her hand in Rajura's.

        Rajura smiled lovingly at her as he helped her up the steps. When she was in position Myranda fixed the train of Mia's gown; then stepped back into place so Naaza could start the ceremony.

        Shuten watched Myranda throughout the ceremony. He was worried about how she would react to the wedding. After losing her husband only a year ago he thought it might be too much for her.

        She had taken to her roll as maid of honor with pride and joy. Even being thousands of miles away she was able to plan a shower for Mia but where she couldn't attend she set up a second one in New York. Both events were a total surprise to Mia and Rajura. She had told Shuten that she never could have pulled it off if he, Kayura, the other warlords and the Ronins didn't help her.

        She seemed to be as strong as ever through the entire ceremony. Although she did tear up a little when Naaza told Rajura he could kiss the bride but then so did every other lady present not to mention Kento.

        Myranda chuckled over the long kiss Rajura gave Mia. They almost missed their queue to leave the altar. Shuten waited for them to get a quarter of the way down before meeting Myranda and offering his right arm. She smiled as she placed her left hand in the crook of his elbow and he covered her hand with his left.

        Anubis did the same with Kayura who were followed by Yuli and Ryo, then Naaza and finally the remaining Ronins.

        “I told you that no one would faint.” Myranda said quietly.

        “We all haven't made it through arches yet minx.” He replied.

        No sooner did he say it then a slight disturbance was heard behind them. Myranda casually turned around to see Cye and Rowan holding a very pale Kento up.

        “I stand corrected.”

After the photographer went through umpteen rolls of film, the wedding reception finally began. When it was time for Mia and Rajura's first dance the bridal party was asked to join in half way through.

“I'll wager you didn't think I could dance.” Shuten teased Myranda.

“On the contrary,” She replied smiling. “All great warriors are good dancers. It's a well known fact.”

Shuten didn't want to let her go after the song ended but knew he had to; especially when Kayura came and dragged him off to meet some one. He excused himself and let Kayura take him away.

Myranda ended up speaking to Cye and Sage for the time being until a song came on that reminded Myranda of Avery.

She politely excused herself stating that she needed some air and went out onto the balcony.

Being the maid of honor Myranda knew she couldn't disappear for long but she had to get herself under control for Mia's sake. She wasn't going to ruin her friends wedding day.

Mia heard the first three notes of the song and immediately scanned the room for her friend. Shuten was standing behind Mia and Rajura when they saw Myranda head outside.

Mia started to follow her but Rajura stopped her. “She will be fine, Mia. She's strong like you.”

“I know but I don't want her to feel sad and alone. This song reminds her of Avery.”

“And that's exactly why she stepped outside. She didn't want to upset you on your day.”

Shuten had quietly left the two and watched Myranda from inside. Her back was to him so he wasn't sure what she was feeling. When she didn't come back in after the song, he walked out to her and draped his jacket over her shoulders as he stopped behind her.

“You must be chilled out here without a coat.”

Myranda pulled his coat closer around herself as she turned smiling. “I was thank you.”

“Why don't you come inside?” He offered.

“I will once I get my ears to stop ringing. It's a little noisy in there.”

“Mmm, it is that. Would you mind some company?”

“I'd welcome it. I'm feeling a bit lonely.”

Shuten smiled gently at her. “Not a nice feeling.” He raised his arm slightly and she leaned into him as he gently held her.

“You're too kind to me, Shuten.” She breathed into his chest.

“You are most deserving of it, Myranda.” The two did not speak another word for a long while. They just stood quietly until they heard the music stop and Rajura's voice booming.

“Naaza, get the hell off of that table before I slit your throat.” The two broke into peels of laughter before going in to see what kind of trouble the former warlord of venom was getting into.

That night Shuten had discovered a dollar in his coat pocket. He chuckled knowing that Myranda had secretly stashed it there sometime during the night because he had won their bet.

Two days later when Myranda was seated in her plane awaiting takeoff she reached into the pocket of her carryon bag for her lip balm and felt something smooth and round she pulled the object out. It was a polished lapis stone. She started laughing aloud; she didn't care about the looks the other passengers were giving her. Shuten and the little pranks he played on her; he had obviously used the dollar she slipped into his coat to buy the stone so they would be even.

































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