Loyalty is...: Chapter 3

Published Aug 1, 2007, 3:59:17 AM UTC | Last updated Aug 3, 2007, 1:01:02 AM | Total Chapters 28

Story Summary

**Complete** Crossover/Ronin Warriors/X-men and a little bit of Transformers. A story of how Shuten was brought back to life and learned to live and love in modern times. Warning: Some sappiness will occur

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Chapter 6: Chapter 3


The following night, Shuten once again came home late. `I can't keep this up for the next two weeks.' He thought to himself as he got out of his car.

As he entered the house he heard a guitar being played. It sounded like it was coming from the study. Curious, he walked over and slowly slid the door open. When he found no one in there, he realized the music was coming from the porch outside the study.

He walked over to the French doors and looked out just as the singing started. Myranda was sitting on the railing with her back to him looking out into the night sky. Not wanting to interrupt her he quietly opened the door and stood in the doorjamb to be able to hear her better.

Shuten had heard her sing before with Avery's band but never alone. She always seemed too shy to perform by herself. It didn't take long for Shuten to realize by the words of the song and the way she was looking out to the sky that she was singing to Avery.

Knowing she was still grieving over Avery made Shuten's heart ache but he could also understand how she felt. Avery was her rock, her coach, and her confidence. He had brought her out of her shell and constantly set new challenges for her. And he always made her happy.

`I wish I could make her happy.' He said to himself.

He suddenly felt as though he was intruding and thought he should leave but he couldn't. It was a though he was under a spell. Like the beautiful Sirens of Greek mythology that were said to have sent many an ancient sailor to their watery graves he was transfixed and quite content to just stand there and listen not caring if a house fell on him at the moment.

When Myranda finished her song she spoke to the sky. “See. I finally got through it without crying. I told you I would.”

No sooner did she finish her sentence, a shooting star passed through the sky. She smiled and quietly said. “Wise guy.”

Myranda turned to rest the guitar against the balcony railing and swung her legs over when she noticed Shuten.

He knew he had startled her as soon as their eyes met not to mention the fact that it looked like she was going to lose her balance. In two steps he was there steadying her; his hands remaining on her upper arms.

She smiled at him. “Hey.” she greeted. “Another late night?”

Shuten nodded. “I didn't mean to intrude.”

It took a second for the comment to register. Then her eyes narrowed in a tease. “How long have you been standing there?”

Even though he knew she was teasing he had the decency to look remorseful. “Longer than you probably would have liked me to be. I haven't heard you sing for a long time.”

Embarrassed that he had heard her sing at all she said. “I bet you're wishing you were deaf right about now.” She said as she looked down at the floor.

He took one of his hands from her arm and nudged her chin up with a bent index finger so they were eye-to-eye and mere inches apart. “Actually, I was going to say that I've missed it.”

Myranda blushed. “Thanks. However I'm afraid that's all you'll be hearing. I only sing when I'm alone or with the band.”

“Why is that?” He asked.

His voice was so gentle and soothing it was then she realized just how close he was to her. One hand under her chin and the other hadn't let go of her arm.

“I don't like to be the center of attention.” She said quietly.

Myranda felt that she should put a little distance between them but she'd have to hop off of the railing to do so and Shuten being the most gallant and chivalrous man she'd ever known would help her down and then they would probably still be too close. Then she wondered if that would be such a bad thing after all. The thought sent a chill down her spine and she noticeably shivered.

“Are you cold?” He asked as the hand that was still on her arm moved up and down in an attempt to warm her.

“A little. It's my own fault though. I put one too many logs on the fire and came out here to cool off.”

“The fire has burned down quite a bit and it didn't feel excessively warm when I walked through.”

As she guessed, Shuten placed his hands on her hips to help her down and she in turn placed her hands on his shoulders. Their gazes never breaking as he lowered her to the floor. He hadn't let go of her nor had she of him and that strange feeling that she sensed last night when they touched had come back only stronger. It was if he was trying to mask his emotions from her and not quite succeeding. It was as if he was fighting against an inner turmoil; which could actually explain the aloof greeting she had gotten from him yesterday. For a brief instant he looked as though he wanted to kiss her. Then a look of defeat crossed his face and his hands fell to his sides.

Myranda removed her hands from his shoulders and turned to pick up the guitar.

Shuten decided to make small talk as they both walked back into the study. “So were you waiting up for your brother and Rogue?”

She rested the instrument against the wall. “I didn't know they were still out. I've been concentrating on tuning up Mia's guitar for her. What time is it anyway?”


“Really?” She asked surprised. “I've been at this for hours and didn't even realize it.” She shook her head as she gracefully plopped down on the couch and muttered more to herself. “Maybe Remy's right. Maybe I do need a life.”

Shuten frowned at her. “You have one. You have your liaison job with the museum, you're an X-man and you're still in the band.”

Myranda nodded. “That's not what he was getting at.” She mumbled.

“What was he getting at?” Shuten asked as he sat next to her.

“He thinks I should start dating.”

“You mean you haven't since…” Shuten couldn't finish his sentence he didn't want to mention Avery.

“I've been on a couple of blind dates that were set up for me, but I never called them back.”

Jealousy suddenly filled Shuten's heart but he kept it hidden. “Didn't like them?”

“Actually, they were both really nice guys, it just didn't feel right. So I didn't call them back.”

“I'm sure you'll eventually get over the awkward feeling. It's not easy to get oneself out there again.”

“Again? Shuten, I've never been out there.”

Shuten didn't think he had heard he correctly. His brows furrowed in confusion. “Then how did…” He closed his mouth and cursed himself for almost mentioning Avery's name again.

Myranda chuckled. “You mean I never told you how Avery and I met?”

Shuten shook his head.

“Well you know how I was forced to work for the government?” She continued when Shuten nodded. “Well I was in the middle of stealing something and Avery who was a rookie cop caught me.”

“He arrested you?” He asked in confusion.

“In all honesty I begged him to. I figured it was my only way out of the life I was stuck in. I would have rather gone to jail than gone back to being a lab rat.”

His heart ached for her. “I'm sorry, Myranda. I had no idea.” Shuten said softly.

“Don't be sorry. It's in the past. Anyway, I figured I had nothing to lose by telling Avery everything and he took pity on a sixteen year old kid who wanted nothing more than to live her own life, so he agreed to help me.

“Government agents were waiting for us at the police station before he even got me back there. He and his fiends used every trick in the book to keep me there and he was finally able to sneak me out of the police station where we made a break for it. Little did I know that the government had implanted a tracking device into the back of my neck.”

She looked away as she added. “It wasn't bad enough they took away my chance at ever having children they weren't about to let me get away either.”

It was more a thought said aloud than part of the story.

To say Shuten was a little shocked was an understatement. He couldn't blame her for sounding so bitter about it. “How on earth did you get away?”

She looked back at Shuten. “With the help of a very trustworthy doctor who removed the tracking device and half of the 101st precinct.

“One of his friends at the precinct was able to hack into the government's computer system and erased all the information they ever had on me. Though I couldn't go home to my foster parents, that would be the first place the government would have looked for me and I wasn't about to let them be hurt. Avery's father took me in, enrolled me into college on a scholarship and Avery stopped by almost every night to check up on me.” She smiled when that memory came back.

“Couldn't stand to be away from you?” Shuten offered.

Myranda laughed. “More like he wanted to make sure I wasn't getting into trouble. He was a big brother to me for a while and that was okay with me. I mean I had a little crush on him but just knowing he was around was good enough for me.”

“So what changed his mind about you?”

Myranda laughed again. “When he made detective, he got me a part time job after school at the precinct. To be honest I think it was so he could keep an eye on me. After a couple of weeks he noticed that one of the new rookie cops named Kevin was talking to me all the time. I didn't think anything of it. I thought Kevin was just befriending me.             "Avery came over to my desk one day and told Kevin that I had a lot of work to do and to let me do it. Avery didn't say anything about it on the drive home but the next day I noticed Kevin had a black eye and was looking daggers at Avery all day. I asked Avery about it on the ride home that night and he told me to stay away from Kevin. When I asked him why he told me that guys like him only had one thing on their mind. I was pretty dense about stuff like that back then so he bluntly spelled it out for me. Needless to say the blush that came across my face was probably a deeper shade of red than your hair.

"After that he started taking me places a couple times a week and a few weeks later he admitted to me that he was jealous. A couple of months later he stopped dating and asked me if I'd consider being his steady. We were married right after I graduated from college.”

Myranda looked away from Shuten she closed her eyes and took a deep breath to get her emotions under control before finishing. “So as you can see, I have absolutely no experience when it comes to dating.”

Myranda looked completely spent and Shuten's heart ached for her. He wasn't quite sure what to say to try and ease her pain. “It seems as though we both have irksome pasts, Myranda. Thank you for sharing yours with me.”

Myranda smiled. “I don't spill my guts to just anyone, Shuten. You should be honored.” She added the latter in jest in a small attempt to make herself feel better.

“I am honored. I just hope I haven't thrown you into a depression.”

She shrugged as she shifted positions so she was sitting along side of him. “I'll be all right.” She gently nudged his upper arm with her shoulder. “You can share your life history with me tomorrow night to make up for it.” Myranda crossed her arms in front of herself and unconsciously rested her head against him.

Shuten wanted to hold her in his arms he knew she was in need of comfort but he stopped himself for fear of her reaction to it and settled for putting his arm around her. “It's over four hundred years long it could take a long time to tell.”

“Then get yourself home at a more decent hour.” She lightly scolded.

“For you I will try to.” He said softly.

They both sat in companionable silence for a long while just watching the fire in the hearth die down. Neither wanting the moment to end without either of them knowing they were thinking the same thing.

Feeling the need to say something Myranda quietly spoke. “Shuten?”

“Mmm?” He replied still enjoying their closeness.

Myranda shifted again so she was facing him. “Thanks for letting me ramble on. I've been feeling a little lonely the past couple of weeks. I feel a little better now.” She looked down at her lap when she finished not wanting Shuten to see the blush that she felt coming into her cheeks.

Shuten turned to face her moving the locks of hair that were covering her face as he spoke. “I don't mind listening. You know you can talk to me anytime you need to.”

With his hand still on her shoulder he leaned in and kissed her temple. When Myranda raised her head he was already caught up in the moment and he kissed the corner of her mouth before their lips met in an undemanding kiss.

When Myranda shuddered, Shuten took it as a sign to continue. He moved one arm around her shoulders and the other around her waist never breaking the kiss. Myranda placed a hand on his chest and another went into his hair at the base of his neck. The two were so lost in themselves that they didn't hear Remy and Rogue coming in until it was almost too late.

“Now be quiet, ya crazy Cajun. You don't wanna go and wake the whole house up.” Rogue said in a low voice.

“You worry too much, chere. Besides, someone is still up.”

Myranda and Shuten broke away from one another just as Remy and Rogue made it to the study.

Remy smiled ruefully at his sister, she was expecting one of his taunting remarks instead he said. “Petite, you're becoming a worse insomniac than I am.”

Myranda shrugged. “I'm sure it's just a phase.”

“And you roped this hombre into staying up with you?” He shook his head as he tisked her.

“In truth, I came home just before you did.” Shuten offered.

Remy crossed his arms and leaned against the doorjamb as his eyes bore into his sister's, which he thought looked full of solecism. “You short sheet my bed on me again, girl?”

She frowned at him. “No. Why?”

“You look guilty of something.”

“Then you need to get your eyes checked. I haven't done anything to feel guilty about.”

Rogue sensed Myranda's irritation and tried to placate Remy. “Sugah, stop ya teasin'. Ain't it obvious to ya that Myranda is not in the mood to mince words with ya tonight.”

Remy frowned at her. “Aw, Roguie why you such a party pooper? I was just kiddin' with her.”

He looked to Myranda. “You knew I was kiddin', right?”

Myranda nodded. “Yes, but we were in the middle of… something when you came in here and started harassing me.”

Remy smirked at her. “What were you in the middle of?”

Myranda felt the blush coming to her cheeks and she masked it with anger as she stood and took a step towards him. “You've got ten seconds to get that smirk off of your face and get out of my sight.”


“Or I'll hurt you.” She growled.

“Hey if you two want to be alone, just say it.”

“That's it.” She started towards him.

Shuten got up to stop her but Rogue took over the situation.

She held out her hand to stop Myranda while grabbing Remy by his shirt and lifting him off the ground as she came up off of the floor. “Don't trouble y'self, Randy. I'll take care of him for ya.”

“You'll be too easy on him.”

“Don't count on it; he's been pushin' my buttons all night too.”

“Sometimes it's no fun having a girlfriend who can beat you up.” Remy whined.

Rogue leaned in close to him. “It certainly won't be fun tonight, sugah.” She let him go and he almost fell but caught himself. “Now get your miserable hide upstairs before we both go off on ya.”

Remy started to walk away mumbling to himself and Rogue let her feet touch the ground again and turned to Myranda.

“I'm sorry about him, Randy. Ya know how he gets sometimes.”

“Unfortunately.” She mumbled.

“Can I do anything for ya?”

“Can you teach my brother how to keep his mouth shut?”

Rogue laughed. “Honey ya know we've been trying to do that for years.” They shared a hug. “I'll go and make sure he stays out of trouble. I'll see you in the morning.”

Myranda nodded.

Rogue shared an apologetic look with Shuten before going upstairs.

Myranda watched her ascend the stairs and kept watching even after she vanished from site. Shuten walked up behind Myranda. “Are you all right?”

Myranda nodded. “I'll be fine. I'm just not in the mood for his taunts right now.”

Shuten sighed inwardly knowing their moment together was over. He placed his hand at the small of her back. “Come, I'll walk you upstairs. You'll feel better after a good nights sleep.”

Myranda didn't answer she just started walking with him. When they got to her door, she reached for the knob and called to him softly. “Shuten.”


She turned to face him and he was shocked at the look those beautiful eyes of hers beheld. She seemed to be completely lost, confused and exhausted.

She tried to speak several times but nothing came out. She shook her head. “Never mind, goodnight Shuten.” Her voice was a hoarse whisper.

It was his fault she felt this way, her brother didn't help matters, but Shuten was the one who had just blindsided her with a kiss.

“Myranda…” Shuten was trying to put together the words he wanted to say to her when Naaza came around the corner.

“Shuten, Rajura said to…er, ah sorry. Am I interrupting?”

“Yes.” Shuten growled.

“It's all right Naaza. Is something wrong?” Myranda said quietly.

“I'm not sure but Rajura thinks he felt a presence on the grounds again. He sent me to get you while he tries to wake Anubis. He wants to check it out.”

Shuten sighed. “Very well, I'll meet you downstairs shortly.”

Naaza nodded and left without saying another word.

Shuten turned back to Myranda. “Are you sure you're going to be all right?”

Myranda nodded. “I think your right. I just need some sleep.”

“I'm going to check in on you when I return.” He said as he swept her hair over her shoulder and away from her face.

“That would be fine.”

Not knowing what else to say Shuten pulled her into a tight embrace and rested his cheek on the top of her head.

She could feel how rigid his body had become and she could sense that he was genuinely worried. “I'll be better come the morning, Shuten. I promise.” She said to ease his mind not really knowing if it was true herself.

Shuten held her tighter. “And I promise to be back as soon as humanly possible.” He said into her hair before placing a kiss at her temple. He cupped her cheek as he slowly let her go.

She tried to give him a reassuring look. “Your friends are waiting.”

He nodded and slowly removed his hand from her cheek and turned to head back downstairs.

Myranda watched him leave before entering her room. She was in a daze, as she got ready for bed then collapsed into it. She pulled the covers up to her chin and curled up into a ball. What was happening between her and Shuten? And why did she tell him in such detail how she met Avery? Remy didn't even know that much about it.

The truth was that she felt a connection with Shuten. She always had but never thought of it to more than a true friendship until six months ago when she thought he was going to kiss her. She had been thinking of him more and more since then but was afraid to admit it to herself. She had a slight inkling at the wedding but dismissed it as Shuten only trying to comfort her.

“This is one thing I just can't bring myself to talk to you about, Avery. I'm sorry.”

She enjoyed kissing Shuten so much that she felt like she had betrayed Avery's memory. She remembered the night that she had told Avery that if anything ever happened to her, she wanted him to move on and find someone else. She knew what it was like to be alone and she didn't wish for him to mourn her for the rest of his life. He shushed her and said that nothing was going to happen to her because he would always take care of her. And ironically he always did take care of her, right up to the day he died.

Her weariness, memories and too much thinking finally took its toll on Myranda. She could feel the tears of confusion and frustration stinging her eyes and she couldn't hold them in any longer.


The other three warlords had already donned their armor minus their helmets and were waiting downstairs for Shuten. He transformed into his own as he reached the bottom step.

“So what kind of presence do you think you've felt now, old man?” Shuten grumbled.

Rajura ignored the barb. “Something quite evil. I only felt it for a moment but I don't want to take any chances especially where we have guests.”

The last remark sobered Shuten's attitude. He nodded in compliance.

Even though Shuten hadn't admitted it to him the night before, Rajura knew his young friend had feelings for Myranda. He'd had his suspicions for a long while and with Naaza telling him what he had witnessed upstairs between the two only confirmed his suspicion.

Rajura sent Shuten and Anubis to cover the west side of the mansion while he and Naaza took the east side. They were to meet at the dojo around back.

Shuten and Anubis had just made it around to the side of the mansion when Anubis yawned rather loudly.

“I'm starting to wonder if Rajura is going off the deep end. It feels like were out here doing this three times a week.”

“He's just over protective of Mia. Even more so now that she's expecting.”

Anubis' sleep filled eyes snapped wide open. “She's what?”

Shuten bit his tongue. He wasn't supposed to say anything about that until Mia had made the official announcement. “Just keep quiet about it, Anubis. She wants to tell everyone when were all together tomorrow night.”

“How long have you known?”

“Since last night but it was purely by accident and I was sworn to secrecy. So if you have an ounce of mercy for me, you won't say anything.”

“Hmm,” Anubis said as he tapped his finger on his chin in thought. “Holding this over your head could be amusing.”

“Please Anubis, I'm in no mood for your impish diversions.”

“Please? The almighty Oni Masho said please to me? Damn, Naaza is right you haven't been your usual surly, arrogant self since our company arrived.”

“Shut up, Anubis.” Shuten warned.

“Look I know I'm always picking on you but if something is bothering you I hope you know I'd listen.”

“I'm fine.” Shuten replied flatly.

“Uh huh, then why have you been working late the past two nights? It's like your avoiding something or someone.”

“Now is not the time to get into it, Anubis. We're supposed to be looking for the alleged evil presence that Rajura felt.”

Anubis let the matter drop. Shuten obviously did not want to talk about it.

A short time later they all met at the dojo.

“Did you find anything?” Rajura asked Shuten and Anubis.

“Not a damned thing.” Anubis said yawning. “Can I go back to bed now?”

“You'd sleep for a year if you were allowed to.” Naaza quipped.

“I'm so tired right now, I feel like I could sleep for a year.”

Rajura gave an irritated and drawn out sigh. “Obviously whatever was here is gone now.”

“Or was never here to begin with.” Anubis said yawning again.

“Let's just all go to bed.” Rajura muttered.

They all began to head back into the house. Rajura called to Shuten and asked him to walk with him.

Rajura didn't say anything for few moments so Shuten prodded him. “What's on your mind, Rajura?”

“Naaza mentioned that Myranda looked a little odd when he went to fetch you. Is she all right?”

“She tells me she will be, however I plan to go and check on her.”

“Did something happen?”

“Not really.” Shuten stuttered as he tried to hide his blush.

Rajura knew those were two sure signs that something had definitely happened. Shuten never stuttered and hardly ever blushed. “Did you say something to upset her?”

“No. I did not.” Shuten said defensively.

“Did you do something to her?”

Shuten growled in frustration. He never did like being raked over the coals. But he wasn't going to lie to the man he had always looked up to. “I kissed her, all right? I kissed her and her brother and Rogue almost caught us. He accused her of looking guilty and she lost her temper with him.”

Rajura smiled inwardly. “So she's upset with her brother?”

“I don't know, I walked her to her room right afterwards and that's when Naaza came to get me to join your wild goose chase.”

Rajura looked at his young friend. After Avery's death, each time Myranda had come to visit, Shuten was always her escort. If Naaza or Anubis offered to take his place Shuten would immediately send them a look that would kill. She would always kid with Shuten about him being her steady whenever she was in town but Shuten never acted on his feelings because he knew she was still grieving for Avery.

“Go to her.” Rajura said gently.

Shuten started to walk off but was stopped by Rajura's next words.

“Break her heart and Mia will never forgive you.”

Shuten turned to face him. Gone was the arrogant look of the Oni Masho and in its place was a very humbling facade. “Between you and me, Rajura, I'd rather sacrifice my life again than break her heart.”

Rajura nodded showing his acceptance of Shuten's statement. He had no doubt that Shuten meant every word of it.


Shuten had dressed down to his sub-armor by the time he got to Myranda's room. He knocked lightly on the door and when there was no answer, he slowly opened the it and stepped in.

Myranda was lying on her back in bed and looked to be asleep. Shuten closed the door and quietly made his way to the bed.

He noticed a stain on the pillow to the side of her head and realized that she must have been crying before falling asleep. His heart went out to her as he knelt down at the side of the bed.

Her right hand was next to her head and Shuten reached for it.

“Myranda.” He called to her softly as he stroked her hand with his armor-covered thumb.

Myranda's eyes slowly fluttered open as she turned on her side to face him.

She smiled gently with sleep filled eyes. “Is everything all right outside?”

Shuten brushed the hair away from her face with his other hand. “We didn't find anything. Rajura has just been a little over cautious lately and driving us all crazy in the process.”

“I guess he believes in the ounce of prevention motto.”

“All to well.” Shuten said in agreement.

Myranda noticed how Shuten's expression changed from thoughtfulness to fretfulness.

“Myranda, I'm sorry if I upset you tonight.”

Myranda squeezed his hand in reassurance. “You didn't upset me, Shuten.”

“Then why is the pillow behind you damp with your tears?”

Myranda sighed. “Today was a very long and very tiring day for me. And the lack of sleep is just catching up to me.”

“You'll feel better tomorrow?” He asked hopefully.

Myranda smiled gently and nodded.

He smiled down at her. “Then I won't keep you up any longer.”

Shuten tried to take his hand out of Myranda's grasp but she wasn't letting go. He looked at her questioningly. She seemed to be silently pleading with him like she was afraid to say what she wanted from him. He remembered how she told him she had been feeling lonely for a while. Instead of asking, Shuten took a chance and in the blink of an eye his sub-armor was gone and replaced by a black T-shirt and sweatpants.

Myranda wordlessly complied by folding the covers back and scooting further over on the bed. Shuten slid in next to her and took her into his arms. Myranda snuggled up to him. She rested her head in the crook of his arm and placed her hand on his chest. He covered her hand with his and closed his eyes.

“Thank you.” She whispered.

“You're welcome.” He replied softly as he stroked her hair.

Neither said another word and both were asleep minutes later.

































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