Loyalty is...: Prequal 1

Published Aug 1, 2007, 3:59:17 AM UTC | Last updated Aug 3, 2007, 1:01:02 AM | Total Chapters 28

Story Summary

**Complete** Crossover/Ronin Warriors/X-men and a little bit of Transformers. A story of how Shuten was brought back to life and learned to live and love in modern times. Warning: Some sappiness will occur

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Chapter NaN: Prequal 1

          Mia impatiently waited on the porch for her friend Myranda to pull up with her former savior and now husband. Mia hadn't seen Myranda in well over a year because of her involvement with the Ronins and the evil Dynasty. She had told Myranda that she had many things to tell her. The first being why there were a bunch of guys and a young girl living in her house half of whom knew next to nothing about the inventions of the twentieth century or the nineteenth and so on for that matter.

        Mia raced down the stairs and practically tackled Myranda as soon as she stepped out of the car. “Oh I've missed you, Myranda.”

        Myranda hugged her back. “I can see that. Can I breathe now please?”

        Myranda was slightly shorter than Mia with copper colored hair and sapphire blue eyes. The two were college room mates in New York they were in the same grade though Myranda was several years younger than Mia.

        Mia let go. “Sorry.”

Avery came around the side of the car. “What about me?” He asked.

Mia hugged Avery. “It's good to see you too Avery.”

Avery stood about six foot two with dark brown hair and eyes such a dark shade of brown they were almost black. “We were sorry to hear about your grandfather, Mia.”

“Thank you and I'm so sorry I missed your wedding you guys. Congratulations.”

“I really wanted you to be my maid of honor, Mia. But I know whatever kept you away had to be important. Especially where it was so hard to reach you for over a year.”

“You're going to have a hard time believing me.”

Avery put his arm around Myranda. “Mia, Myranda and I have seen some crazy things. I think we'll believe you.”

“Well it does have to do with the research my grandfather was doing on the ancient armors that I told you about back when we were in college.”

“Did you find those armors?” Myranda asked.

“Yes along with the current bearers of them. Come on I'll introduce you to everyone.”

“You mean they're here?” Myranda asked as she and Avery fell into step behind Mia.

Mia nodded. “Yes, all but one of them. He sacrificed himself during the final battle so the others could defeat Talpa and the Dynasty.” She replied sadly.

“I'm sorry Mia. We're you close?”

“Well, the first time we met he tried to kill me but once he was free from Talpa's control he gained my trust. He was a good friend to all of us. You two would have really liked him.”

Mia escorted them into the den where she introduced them to Ryo, Sage, Rowen, Cye, Kento, Rajura, Anubis, Naaza and Kayura. She then began to tell Myranda and Avery what they had all been doing for over a year. She told them of Talpa and the evil Dynasty. How the Ronins stopped Talpa from taking over the world, how the Warlords and Kayura had gone from bad to good and how they were trying to get used to modern life where they were all centuries old. The Ronins on the other hand were from this era and were all getting ready to enter college and were just visiting for the weekend before they moved into their dorms.

“Sounds more interesting than any escapade we've ever been on. Doesn't it Randy?” Avery asked his wife.

Myranda nodded. “Makes are lives sound kind of boring in comparison.”

“Oh come on. You've two have had some hair-raising adventures yourselves.” Mia said.

“True but I don't think we've ever saved the world. Have we?” Myranda turned to Avery for an answer.

“Saved the world? Nope. Haven't done that. Not yet anyway.”

Rajura walked up behind Mia. “Talpa would never have been defeated if you and Shuten hadn't found the jewel of life.”

Rajura saddened a little after mentioning his late friend's name. Myranda could sense it across the room even without her special power.

“The jewel of life?” Avery said in thought. “You ever hear of it, Myranda?”

Myranda shook her head. “No, sorry that's one relic I've never heard of.”

“Not many people have.” Mia said. “It's not in any books. I have no idea how my Grandfather found out about it. Would you like to see it?”

Without waiting for an answer she went to over to one of the many shelves in the den and picked up an ornately carved box. Where Myranda majored in antiquities in college Mia figured it would interest her. She placed the box on the coffee table as she sat down and opened it to take the jewel out.

“It doesn't really look like a jewel.” Avery commented.

“I know.” Mia said as she handed it to Myranda.

The jewel was only in Myranda's hand for a second before her fingers closed around it and she clutched it to her chest. Myranda squeezed her eyes shut and cried out as if she was in pain.

“Myranda, what is it?” Mia asked.

“Give her a minute.” Avery said. “Someone or something is calling to her.”

In her minds eye Myranda could see a young man not much older than her with long red hair and pleading teal green eyes. He spoke and as he did Myranda repeated the words aloud.

“Kayura you should pay more attention to the ancient when he speaks to you in your dreams.”

Kayura gasped in surprise. “No. It can't be.” She said covering her mouth.

Myranda came out of whatever trance she was in and quickly gave the jewel back to Mia. “Wow that thing takes a lot out of you.”

“Are you all right, baby?” Avery asked.

Myranda nodded as she sat down. “Yes. Whoever was calling out is very powerful.”

“It was Shuten.” Kayura said. “The dreams I've been having they weren't making any sense. I thought I was just grieving still.”

“You've been having dreams?” Rajura asked her.

“Yes. The ancient was speaking to me but it was very cryptic. But now it all makes sense.”

“Well could you enlighten the rest of us please?” Ryo said.

“If the nine of us bring the jewel up to the Dynasty I think we might be able to bring Shuten back.”

“Are you serious?” Mia asked as she grabbed Rajura's hand for fear she might faint.

“I don't know for sure but don't you think it's worth a try?”

“We owe a lot to him. And I'm willing to try anything if it would bring him back.” Rajura said.

“Then what are we waiting for?” Ryo said.

“Yeah let's go.” Rowan added.

Mia looked to her friend, who was rubbing her temples. “Are you going to be all right Myranda?”

“I'll be fine. Just a little headache.”

Ryo looked at Mia. “Are you coming Mia?”

“As much as I would like to I need to wait for Yule not to mention I do have guests.”

“We'll be fine Mia. Just go.” Myranda said.

“But Yule won't know who either of you are.” She turned to the others. “Besides its better that I stay. That way you won't have to worry about me and you can concentrate on your objective.”

“All right Mia. We'll be back as soon as possible.” Ryo said.

“You take as long as you need to. Nine of you are going but I want ten of you to return.”

“I think I speak for everyone when I say that we won't give up easily, Mia.” Rajura said.

Mia smiled. “Glad to hear it.”

The nine left, Mia watched after them.

“Is there something you want to tell me Mia?” Myranda said as she continued to rub her temples.

“What do you mean?” Mia asked.

“I think she's referring to how close you seemed to stick by Rajura.” Avery commented

“Oh that.” Mia said blushing. “We've become very close over the past several months.”

“I didn't know the pirate look turned you on, Mia.” Avery teased referring to Rajura eye patch.

Myranda elbowed her husband in the ribs. “Be nice Avery.” She turned to Mia. “So are the two of you…you know.”

“We're just friends but I think our relationship is growing stronger as the days go by.”

Myranda smiled. “I hope it works out for you two.”

“Thanks, me too.”

Just then the doorbell rang. “Oh that must be Yule. I'll be right back.”

Avery turned to his wife. “And people kid with you about being married to an older man. I think Mia has you beat.”

“I think you're right.” She smiled as she continued to rub her temples.

Avery's smile faded concern covering his features. “You've never been affected this long before Randy. Are you sure you're all right?”

“I will be. I've just never been hit that hard before. The presence was very strong in that jewel.”

“Maybe you should go lie down.”

“No. That would be rude. Besides I want to be here when the others come back. I want to ask this Shuten guy why he had to give me such a headache.”

Avery quit trying to talk Myranda into lying down. He knew when he wouldn't win.


The nine made it to the Dynasty. They made their way to the bridge where Shuten had fallen months before.

“So what do we do now?” Ryo asked.

“Don your armors and form a circle at the foot of the bridge.” Kayura replied.

When the others were in place Kayura walked into the center of the circle. She knelt down and placed the yori of the Oni on the ground then stood. She closed her eyes and silently chanted a prayer before taking the ancient's staff and driving the end into the ground next to the yori.

The rings of the staff jangled a melodic tune before it began to glow brighter and brighter. Kayura stepped back and watched to see what would happen. The kanjis on everyones forehead began to glow as beams of light shot from the staff in a pattern that linked all the armors together. The clanging grew faster and louder as the glow from the staff grew in intensity. The staff looked as if it were trying to split into two before the shine from it became unbearable to the human eye. They all had to look away. The staff grew silent as the glow began to fade everyone looked back to the spot. There lying next to the staff clad in the Oni armor was Shuten who looked to be unconscious.

Kayura knelt down next to him. “Shuten?” She said quietly as she brushed some stray strands of hair from his face. She smiled when she felt his warm breath on the back of her hand.

When he stirred slightly, the former warlords walked towards him followed by the Ronins. Rajura knelt down on the other side of Shuten and lifted him up slightly while Anubis and Naaza crouched down behind him.

“Shuten. Wake up.” He said as he shook him slightly.

Shuten groaned and looked as if he was trying to fight against whatever was keeping him from opening his eyes.

“Now is not the time to be stubborn my friend. There are a lot of people here who will be very disappointed if you don't open your eyes.”

“It's not for lack of trying old man.” Shuten groaned.

Rajura laughed as a tear rolled down his eye and he hugged Shuten to himself. “Thank the gods it worked.”

Kayura leaned her forehead against Shuten's shoulder. “I'm sorry I didn't figure it out sooner Shuten. Forgive me.”

“You're still learning Kayura. No one can fault you for that.” He said quietly.

“Thank you.” She whispered.

Anubis stepped up to them. “It's good to have you back Shuten.”

“It gives us the chance to apologize for not listening to you when we should have.” Naaza added.

“You've brought me back from the dead. I think we can call it even.”

“We did have some help from our new allies.” Naaza stepped aside so Shuten could focus on the Ronins.

Ryo smiled at him. “Hey Shuten. Welcome back.”

“Just hasn't been the same without you.” Rowan added.

“Thank you.”

“Can you get up?” Rajura asked. “Mia and Yule are probably on pins and needles waiting for us to come back down.”

“I'll give it a try but I'm still getting use to having a body again.”

Kayura stepped away so Anubis could get on the other side of Shuten to aid Rajura in helping him up.

It took a minute for Shuten to get his bearings but once the dizziness stopped. He motioned for Rajura and Anubis to let go.

“You look exhausted.” Kayura commented.

“I'm sure it's just an adjustment period.”

“Well if you're ready I can take us all back to earth.”

“I'm more than ready. I'll be more than pleased if I never have to see this place again. There's nothing here but bad memories for all of us.”


Hours had gone by, the sun was now setting and there was no sign of their return. Mia was watching out the window why Yule paced back and forth. Myranda had fallen asleep waiting so Avery carried her off to their room so she could rest.

“Why aren't they back yet Mia?” Yule asked as he continued his pacing.

“Well don't forget that time moves much slower in the Dynasty. A few minutes have probably only passed for them.”

“This stinks.” Yule huffed.

“I agree Yule.”

After several more minutes there was a flash in the sky.

Yule ran over to the window. “Is that them?”

“I think it might be.”

The two waited with baited breath for their friends to emerge from the woods. As they came into view there was no denying that Shuten was with them. The brown and gold vest of his armor flowed in the wind along with that unmistakable long, carnelian hair.

“They did it Mia! They brought him back!” Yule squealed.

“Come on let's go meet them.”

The two ran out the front door and bounded down the stairs heading straight for Shuten.

Shuten saw them coming at him and braced himself for the impact. Mia and Yule practically flung themselves at Shuten as they both hugged him.

He closed his eyes and hugged the two of them back. “I assume that you two missed me.”

Mia pulled away and stepped back closer to Rajura. “Of course we did.” She said as she wiped at her eyes.

“We didn't think we'd ever see you again.” Yule said sobbing while still hugging Shuten.

“So how did you finally figure out I was trapped in the jewel?”

“We didn't.” Mia said sheepishly. “My friend Myranda discovered where you were. But you'll have to thank her in the morning. She and her husband have gone to bed.”

“All ready?” Rajura asked. “Did she get worse after we left?”

“She's fine. Just a little jet-lagged.”

“Your friend was holding the jewel when I called out, wasn't she?”

Mia nodded. “She wasn't expecting a presence to be in the jewel so it took her by surprise.”

“Nor did she expect one so strong.” Rajura added. “You do have a way of making yourself known when you wish to, my friend.”

Shuten gave a slight smile in guilt. “Then I'll apologize as well as express my gratitude to her tomorrow.”

“Don't worry Shuten. She doesn't hold a grudge.” Mia said before looking him over. “You look like you could use some rest yourself. Let's get you inside.”


The next morning Avery came into the kitchen where Mia, Rajura, Naaza and most of the Ronins were sitting.

“So did it work?” Avery asked.

“It did.” Mia said smiling. “Help yourself to some breakfast and join us.”

“Congratulations.” He said as he poured a cup of coffee. “Myranda will be happy to hear that.”

“Where is Myranda?” Mia asked.

“She was up with the birds as usual. She told me she was going to go for a walk around the lake. She should be back any minute now.” Avery sat at the table. “So where's your friend?”

“He's `out with the birds' in the backyard as usual.” Rajura said. “He'll be in shortly.”


Myranda was entering the back yard when she noticed her shoelace was undone. She knelt down and as she was retying her shoe she noticed something suddenly shadowing her. Myranda looked up and was face to face with a rather large white tiger.

Myranda gasped and fell back catching herself with the heels of her hands. “What zoo did you escape from?”

The large cat gave her a confusing look and mewed before sitting down in front of her.

“Did Mia forget to tell me about you?” Myranda slowly reached forward and the tiger leaned in and rubbed his face against her hand as it purred. Myranda scratched the beast under his chin and behind his ear. “You're just an overgrown kitty aren't you?”

“Unless you're an enemy.” An unfamiliar voice replied from behind her.

Myranda turned to see a man who looked to be about her age with long red hair and eyes the color of the tropic seas smiling down at her. “Does he belong to you?”

“No. Whiteblaze belongs to Ryo of the wildfire.” He said extending his hand to help her up.

Myranda reached out for his hand and as she rose she got the same feeling that she got yesterday when she held the jewel but not nearly as strong.

She smiled. “Oh it's you. I'm happy your friends were successful last night. Welcome back Shuten.”

Shuten nodded. “I'm told that I owe it all to you. Thank you and I apologize for any pain I may have caused you yesterday.”

“I'm fine I just wasn't expecting to feel a presence in that little thing so it took me by surprise.”

“Do you have some kind of special power to be able to sense things like that?”

Myranda scoffed. “There's nothing special about me. I'm just different.”

Shuten let that comment go by. She was obviously a modest sort. He changed the subject as he studied her. “Forgive me Myranda, I know it's impossible but I feel as if we've met before.”

“I just have one of those faces.” Myranda said brushing off the comment. She shied away from all forms of flattery.

Shuten thought she had the face of an angle then mentally kicked himself. `She's married you fool. Stop it!'“Were you one your way inside?” He asked.

Myranda nodded. “I could really use some coffee after my walk. Besides; Avery is probably wondering why I'm not back yet. Were you heading in?”

Shuten nodded then motioned with his arm. “After you.”


Mia was the first to see Shuten and Myranda come in. Avery and Rajura were still seated the others had gone on about their business. “Good morning. I see you two have all ready met. I just made a fresh pot of coffee Myranda help yourself.”

“Thank you Mia.” Myranda said as she grabbed a cup. “Avery, this is Shuten.”

Avery stood and shook Shuten's hand. “Welcome back to the land of the living.”

“Thank you.” Shuten said as he nodded.

“Mia,” Myranda asked as she poured her coffee. “Did you forget to tell us about something yesterday?”

“What do you mean?” Mia asked in complete confusion.

“Your not so little pet, maybe.”

Mia gasped as she covered her mouth. “Whiteblaze. I'm so used to him being here I didn't even think to tell you. I'm sorry.”

“It's all right. Shuten saved me.”

“You did not need saving.” Shuten said sounding uncomfortable and confused.

Myranda sighed as she walked over to her husband. “You were supposed to play along Shuten. I was trying to get a rise out of Avery.”

Avery snorted. “Honey, I know you too well. I don't think there's anything you can do that would faze me.”

Myranda raised a brow as she smirked. “Is that a challenge I'm hearing in your voice?”

“Could be.” He replied smirking back at her.

“Well you have a reprieve until later. We need to get ready so we can meet up with Professor Jones.”

“I am ready.”

Myranda looked him up and down. Faded jeans, T-shirt and a flannel shirt were not going to cut it. “For what? Working on a car? I hung the clothes I packed for you on the back of the door.”

“You did?” He asked innocently.

“Don't play coy Avery. I can see right through it.”

Avery sighed. “All right I'll go change.”

“Look I know you don't want to tag along but he did ask for you. I promise I'll make it up to you somehow.”

“Anyway I want?” He asked with a teasing gleam in his eyes.

Myranda blushed before recovering. “Don't press your luck, detective.” She excused herself and headed upstairs.

Mia giggled. “I see things haven't changed much since I last saw you two.”

“Nope.” Avery said as grinned like the Cheshire cat.

Rajura looked to Mia. “You told us that Myranda was a bit shy. I haven't sensed that at all.”

“Really? Shuten asked as he sipped his tea. “I did.”

Avery looked at him and smiled. “Saw through her facade, did you?”

“Yes. But she hides it quite well. I'm sure not many people notice it.”

“Only those who really know her like Mia.”

Mia nodded. “I remember how withdrawn she was when she first started college. I thought it was because she started at such a young age.”

“She's come a long way since then Mia.” Avery said. “The job she has with the museum is the best thing to keep her out of her shell.”

“And you've done a lot for her as well Avery.”

Avery shrugged. “I guess I have in some ways.”

Mia changed the subject. “Are you almost done with your tea Shuten.”

“Yes. Why?”

“Kayura and I are taking you clothes shopping.”

“You are?” When Mia nodded he added. “But I don't have any way to pay for clothing.”

“I do so don't worry.”

“How does one go about getting a job so I can pay you back.”

“You need an identity.” Rajura said.

“I have an identity.”

“Yes but you need things like birth certificates and social security numbers which is a bit difficult to obtain when you're centuries old.”

“Maybe not.” Avery said. “Let me make a couple of calls later today. Between my friend at the precinct and Randy we may be able to help all four of you out.”

“You're not going to steal identities are you?” Mia asked.

“Steal? No. Were going to create them.”

“Myranda can do that?”

“Of course. She's been taught by one of the best computer hackers in the world and thank god he's a good guy.”


When Myranda and Avery came back from their meeting with Professor Jones they got right to work on creating identities for the warlords. Shuten, Mia and Kayura were just returning from shopping when Myranda had just finished Naaza's set up.

Avery noticed Shuten's expression. “You look exhausted.”

“I now understand why you and Myranda wished me luck before I left with them. Not to mention the old man giggling his head off like a little school girl.”

Rajura frowned at Shuten. He hated that nickname he was only a year or so older than his fellow warlords.

“Are you too tired to answer a few questions?' Avery asked. “Myranda has all ready set up the other three with identities.”

“It'll only take a couple of minutes.” Myranda added smiling.

Shuten gave in and sat on the other side of the desk. “What do you need to know for this?”

“Well let's start with what you want for a name.”

When Shuten looked a bit puzzled, Rajura explained that he and the other warlords had decided to use their last names that they were born with and use the names they were given in the Dynasty for their first names. So Shuten Doji became Shuten Koma, Age: twenty-four, Height: five feet, ten inches, Hair: red, Eyes: green, Occupation: student.

Myranda had labeled them all as students so they could earn a degree for the career they were interested in. Rajura seemed to be doing rather well in investing. He had managed to turn one hundred dollars of Mia's money in five thousand in the past few months. Anubis on the other hand liked to work with his hands. He had fixed things around the house and had even built Mia a potting shed. Naaza who use to love playing with his poison potions had broadened his horizons and showed an interest in all chemistry.

When Myranda asked Shuten what he was that interested him, Rajura answered for him stating that it was probably history where most of the books they packed up when they cleaned his room out were all on ancient history.

When Shuten agreed, Myranda and Avery shared a somewhat devious smile.

“Should I be worried about that expression on you faces?” Shuten asked.

“If you're serious about your interest, we may just be able to get you a job.” Avery said.

Two days later Professor Jones hired Shuten as a part time researcher while he earned his degree.



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