This Sesshomaru Doesn't Do Work: Telemarketing Can Be Rewarding...can't i

Published Sep 11, 2011, 11:30:03 PM UTC | Last updated Oct 31, 2011, 1:26:36 AM | Total Chapters 7

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Just a one shot to show that Sess isn't "perfect" at everything after all...humorfic...(may now be extended as inspiration comes.)

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Chapter 3: Telemarketing Can Be Rewarding...can't i



Don't own Inu, Sess, Kags, or Ramen how……unfortunate.






Kagome would be making her weekly trip to the market this time, barely able to avoid all the stares and whispers. She had thought that nothing worse could happen…….that there was NO absolute way her daiyoukai could do anything more mortifying already. She was wrong. As Tsukimaru happily cooed in the cart as she pushed she smiled down at her son and ran her fingers through his silver locks. “Oh Maru…..why us huh?” She would head into the aisle where one woman was about to grab the food item she was reaching for…….however once she saw who it was…..she scurried off leaving Kagome with a scowl. This would not be happening if only Sesshoumaru had quit while he was ahead but noooooo…….










Sesshoumaru would be working for a company called Learning Inc. that sold books like encyclopedias and the like to families who had children from grade school on through college. It was his first day and already he had a headache. He had already called 20 people and not one would make a purchase. His nerves on edge and irritation, he knew he would be fired if he didn't get at least ONE sale by the end of the day. Picking up his phone one more time, he punched in some numbers only to hear a ringing and a pickup after a few minutes.




“Hello?” Awoman would answer. She sounded fairly young and so he knew she had children most likely.


“Good Afternoon…..this is this Sesshoumaru with Learning Inc and I have an offer for you today……..”


“Hello….” Her voice a bit shaky and unsure.


“This Sesshoumaru has an offer for you today. The company is offering a set of books and we would like to offer you a special deal….”




Before he could get out another word, the phone would make a jostling noise and a man would get on. “Who is this?” Already sounding annoyed and rude.


Repeating his script Sesshoumaru was cut off when the man began a barrage of curses. “I AM SO SICK OF YOU PEOPLE CALLING HERE ALWAYS TRYING TO SELL SOMETHING. WE DON'T WANT ANY AND IF YOU CALL BACK HERE I'M GONNA KICK YOUR ASS!!YOU ALL HAVE NO LIFE NO MORALS AND ARE PATHETIC!!”With that, the phone abruptly disconnected.




Looking at the phone is disbelief, he slowly hung it up. What in the seven hells? The male must have been having a shortage in brain cells to speak to him that way. By now, his coworkers were shying away in discomfort at the heat and rage that flowed from the cubicle he was in. How dare that fool speak to one of his status that way! He already knew that he was done anyway since he made no sale so……




A phone call later and Sesshoumaru would simply get up and walk out of the building, his boss yelling at him. “Hey Tanaka!! Where do you think you are going? The workday isn't over!!”


“Out.” Would be his simple reply and from his murderous look the man knew to say nothing more.


A 20 minute drive later and he would smirk as he pulled in front of a house. Double checking the address he had his employees look up he was sure this was the place. Getting out, he squared his shoulders as he walked up the drive and knocked at the door. He would hear a curse as someone approached and knew it to be the male. Perfect”


Once the door was opened, he once more entered his pitch.


“Good Afternoon…..this is this Sesshoumaru with Learning Inc and I have an offer for you today……..The company is offering a set of books and we would like to offer you a special deal….”




“What?? What the fuck are you serious? Aren't you the joker I just told to fuck off on the phone? Look I told you if you called back I would kick your ass, now you come here?? I guess you wanted an ass kicking more than I thought…”


With that, he made his first……….and last mistake of the day. All he felt was a blinding flash of pain as his hand was caught and squeezed to cracking as he went down on his knees. Looking down with a deadly smirk and glinting fangs, the red-eyed daiyoukai went on.


The company is offering a set of books and we would like to offer you a special deal….”




Waltzing back into the building before the shift was over; Sesshoumaru went and dumped a check and a rather sizable one on the shift manager's desk. Oh…he knew he was fired…but he also made the highest sale of the week.




A/N In case you missed it or wondered why the woman ran from Kags earlier……..she was the man's wife. XD











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