This Sesshomaru Doesn't Do Work: Cause this is Thriller............Thrill

Published Sep 11, 2011, 11:30:03 PM UTC | Last updated Oct 31, 2011, 1:26:36 AM | Total Chapters 7

Story Summary

Just a one shot to show that Sess isn't "perfect" at everything after all...humorfic...(may now be extended as inspiration comes.)

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Chapter 6: Cause this is Thriller............Thrill


Disclaimer: *Does the Thriller dance*. Nope….don't own that either.

Why he had even bothered to do this job was beyond him and he scowled as he remembered. Kagome had finally had enough of him for the time being and demanded that he do something where he could not cause any unneeded trouble and commotion. The daiyoukai had thought to show her who was alpha and instead ended up on the couch for two long lonely weeks. Cursing as he tossed and turned on the sofa that was more for looks than comfort, he dreaded what he had to do next…….

Funeral Director

His face fixed in a scowl that would cause another ice age, Sesshoumaru looked in disgust at the dead body in front of him. It would be that day that they were a hand short and he had to assist in preparing the ningen for the funeral. It was already well into the night since they had chosen him to work the graveyard shift, his pale ethereal look making him look like a corpse himself in the dim workspace. He was in the basement where the bodies were cleaned and embalmed before being dressed and placed in the coffin for the next day viewing.

The night had been unusually busy and he had been brought in some bodies that came in only hours from an accident. His guess would be that the fools had been careless in their driving and now lay before him about to taken into the netherworld. His annoyance only increased as he looked at the new arrivals. This would take him all night and into the next morning to finish.

The only other person on duty would poke their head down into the basement and yell at Sesshoumaru. “Hey Tanaka! I'm heading out for the night. Miss the wife and kids and I definitely stay here too long. Have those bodies ready by daybreak huh? Thanks.”

Looking at the man leave with an internal sigh, he once more looked at the workload. At this rate, he would not make it home in time to his miko or his pup at a decent enough time. This would not do at all. Narrowing his eyes, he would become lost in thought for only a few moments until his face cleared and his eyes took on a certain gleam. It WOULD take all night unless…………

Not wasting any more time, he left his work where it lay. Not like it was going anywhere anyway…….yet. A pleased demon would form into his orb and a light would be seen leaving the funeral home only to return moments later.

Heading back down into the basement, he would quickly get to work and when finished would lock up with an eerie look in his eyes…one that would tell no tales. As soon as he touched down home, instead of going into the house, Sesshoumaru headed straight into the backyard and into the dog house with the puppy he had bought for Tsukimaru. He had a feeling he would be safer there come morning as he thought back on what he had done…..


Swinging the sword over the corpses, one by one, he smirked. “Go now and be thankful that this Sesshoumaru took pity on you careless fools….”

Sure enough, an enraged miko would come tearing through the house searching for the missing demon lord come morning. Her face was flushed with rage and a mix of…….amusement? Knowing where he went when he pissed her off, she went straight to the doghouse and peered into it calmly, her voice the calm before the storm.

“Tell me Sesshoumaru….why I wake up this morning to screaming and panic only to turn on the news…….and learn that ZOMBIES were spotted coming from the funeral home…..specifically the one YOU were working at?”

Scooting back further into the doghouse that would probably be his home for the next few days….or weeks, Sesshoumaru glared at her.

How was it his fault that ningens believed in foolish things such as zombies?

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