This Sesshomaru Doesn't Do Work: Perfection Thy Name is Sesshoumaru

Published Sep 11, 2011, 11:30:03 PM UTC | Last updated Oct 31, 2011, 1:26:36 AM | Total Chapters 7

Story Summary

Just a one shot to show that Sess isn't "perfect" at everything after all...humorfic...(may now be extended as inspiration comes.)

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Chapter 5: Perfection Thy Name is Sesshoumaru


Disclaimer: I don't own nothing…'cept my own creations kukukukukuku

Sesshoumaru had been trying his best not to take any jobs that could possibly cause him to maim or dismember anymore people demon or otherwise. It had been a close call with the last round of employment he had and he still couldn't live down the tabloids as well as the incessant cackling of his bastard hanyou sibling. The fool seemed to just show up simply to annoy Sesshoumaru and had it not been for Kagome as well as Akiko, the whelp would be among the deceased. One incident would be when at the top floor of Tanaka Corp, Sesshoumaru would be working and plotting on his latest plan on working when InuYasha who was supposed to bring in the latest reports on how the finances were, came in wearing a chef's outfit and wheeling a cart. Thinking the fool had finally gone off the deep end, he merely watched before speaking.

“Have your senses finally left you fool? Tell this Sesshoumaru WHY you are dressed so oddly at a place of business such as this?”He could smell something savory coming from the food cart and wondered what the hell was going on.

Smirking widely, the boy would only inch towards the door before speaking. “I thought….that maybe……you would like to inhale what this InuYasha has concocted!” His laughter echoing as he tore out of the office before he was killed leaving his half-brother in a stupefied silence.

Closing his eyes and pinching the bridge of his nose, Sesshoumaru stood and slowly approached the cart, his eyes flashing as he did. Lifting the tray cover inside would be a steaming pair of shiny black wrestling briefs on a plate of steaming sushi rolls…..

The rest of the office would only feel a massive wave of youki and a loud crash as a food cart sailed from the 40th floor. Knowing who was up there, they continued to work as an almost feral Lord yanked open his office door almost tearing it from the hinges and stalked to the elevator. “This Sesshoumaru is done for the day…cancel all other meetings and appointments….better yet…….”He smirked. “Give them ALL to InuYasha.”“That was it….this Sesshoumaru will find something else to do and fast……before I kill the hanyou……..”


Sesshoumaru had found work taking family as well as individual photos. The work was simple enough and it provided him the solitude he liked…….except when it came time to take pictures of children. Kami he hated them…they were annoying, loud and ill-behaved….not like his own pup Tsukimaru. Human pups made him want to rip out his own hair and rip off his ears from the whining, crying and screaming.

The peace would come when time came to develop the photos and see what masterpieces he had captured. During the few days he had been working he had taken about a dozen photos of both family and singles. As they developed he would frown, the imperfection marring his marble-like face of perfection. No, no, no!!! They were all wrong. Too many imperfect faces, too many emotions….just too much….human. This would not do at all. As he looked through photo after photo, a small grin ghosted on his face as he thought of the perfect solution…

Destroying the negatives of all the work he had done, he quickly set to work on true perfection…..

A week later when the photos were to be picked up, Sesshoumaru was nowhere to be found. He already knew what the fall out would be and so had put in a two week notice. As each person would open their package with a smile hoping to see cherished smiles and precious memories, it would quickly turn into one of confusion……..and rage.

Each and every person would carry the photos back to the counter demanding back their money. Confused as to why……..the new person on hand would leaf through the photos in surprise.

Each and every one was a perfect photo of Sesshoumaru.

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