This Sesshomaru Doesn't Do Work: If I Ever Lose My Faith.......

Published Sep 11, 2011, 11:30:03 PM UTC | Last updated Oct 31, 2011, 1:26:36 AM | Total Chapters 7

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Just a one shot to show that Sess isn't "perfect" at everything after all...humorfic...(may now be extended as inspiration comes.)

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Chapter 7: If I Ever Lose My Faith.......


Disclaimer: I still own nothing. *sadfaise*

This one…..would be fun. Sesshoumaru had thought long and hard about what he would do next…and then it hit him. Something that would be challenging as well as amusing for one such as him. Something that would give the shock factor he wanted as well. And something that would……………make ripples that would not soon be forgotten……..walking through the door to what he knew would be his first and last day of this assignment Sesshoumaru smirked. Today was the day that the demon lord became a…….


It had been quite interesting how he went about getting this done. A demon………as a priest………ridiculous. Of course he had gone in and in Sesshoumaru fashion had suppressed his youkai and jyaki and posed as one who was a traveling priest that offered his services to places in trouble. The church was one that had been scheduled for closing since poor attendance had been the norm for the past few years and the staffs as well as the few faithful goers were losing faith that anything would change. However, they would continue to serve until the doors closed for good hoping that somehow they would be saved. Well Sesshoumaru had been given the assignment of dealing with the people who had lost their faith in one way or another and came there for reassurance and to voice what happened in their lives to make them feel that way. It was a low-level job that not much notice got paid attention too since attendance was so poor, but they would meet every Saturday to talk about how things were and what brought them there.

The small group would meet in a room with a few snacks of soft drinks and foodstuffs, chatting quietly while waiting for the new ”priest” to join them. They met in the evening in order to have time to talk freely and not interrupt any day services that came along. They would not have to wait long when suddenly a woman in the room shivered as a tall man with hair that flowed to his knees entered the room. His face was sharp and concentrated as if he had a lot on his mind. As he strode across the room, he made his way to the vacant seat next to a man who looked to be around his late 40's. As he sat down, he looked around the room. A total of 8 people…..5 men…3 women. Hn………

“Good evening.” A deep baritone voice would ring out, making all eyes snap to him and all chattered to cease. “I am your new priest assigned to you this evening; you may call me “Priest Daiyoukai”. If it were anyone else….any other demon…they would have laughed by now. Anyone who knew better knew that youkai meant”demon” but…he had picked a church fueled by Christianity...a religion that did not exist in Japan when he walked the earth as a feudal lord. Setting a smirk on his face that was meant to be pleasant but instead looked like he was sipping a milkshake in a snowstorm……he went on.”I am here to help you find out how you lost your way and perhaps…….remedy the problem.” Oh…he would remedy it alright………….in more ways than one.”You….begin…….speak of why you are here.” He pointed to the man sitting next to him.

“Well……..” The man began nervously.” I am here because I lost my faith you know? I used to believe……..but then all these things…bad things happened in my life and I figured if there was a higher power why would things like this be allowed to happen? You see….I was happy once. I had a wife, kids, good job, home the works. Then all of a sudden, it's like I got hit with a curse of some kind. First…I lost my job when the company went under, then I was unable to find another job in time to keep the bills paid. My wife helped where she could but it was not enough. We lost our home after sometime and then my wife fell ill from stress and worry. We ended up moving back with her mother who hates and berates me every day that I am there and making my life hell. I drink to deal with it and wonder when I can get back on my feet. Is that not enough to lose faith and hope?” His tale over, the man quieted and listened to the murmured agreeing of some of the others who knew how he felt and understood.

“I see……….well, we will go around the room and hear something form all of you...and then I shall make my assessment and assure you that before you all leave you WILL have a different outlook.” His eyes strangely amused and glinting. Moving around the room, he listened to each ones tell a tale of woe and hardship of some kind. Well, he would fix that very soon and after the last tale was finished he stood.

“This one sees now. You all base your failure and hardship in the fact that a higher entity did not hear your sorrows and act on your behalf am I correct?” That question would be met with small nods and murmurs. “Then perhaps a demonstration of some kind would be in order….you seem to believe that if you cannot see something it is not real correct? Again he would be met with nods and murmurs. “Very well then……” His smirk had grown to almost epic proportions and he had gotten up and turned his back to the small group. It was time. Time to give them something to believe in alright. Closing his eyes as he faced away, he allowed his inner beast to creep the surface. A small wind would seem to blow out of nowhere as the “priests” hair seemed to be caught in the breeze and an odd feeling came into the room. A voice would come then that shook them all to the core and froze them in their seats.

Turning back around with a smirk that had their blood running cold, there was no longer a “priest” there but something else. A beast with eyes burning crimson and baring fangs…fangs?? With a dark laugh that made a few hearts stop, he spoke.”Well……do you now believe in demons?” All that would be heard then would be the loud screaming and clattering of chairs as the room was cleared in record time leaving the demon lord alone. Staring blankly as he allowed his jyaki to retreat, he looked annoyed and mused to himself, “Was it something this one said?” Before coolly exiting the building, his job done he supposed.

Needless to say…attendance for church services was up the next month by 110%preventing shutdown. Something about “demons” walking the earth disguised as priests…….

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