A Year in the Life: Isn’t She Lovely

Published Feb 19, 2017, 10:28:03 PM UTC | Last updated Dec 31, 2019, 7:12:27 AM | Total Chapters 13

Story Summary

Got bored, wrote biker fiction. Not really in any order, take it or leave it but don't hate.

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Chapter 12: Isn’t She Lovely

Macon came from the club house that night a little drunk. Buck looked up at him from the couch. 

“… hey, boy. I’m surprised yet not sleeping with our girl…” he sighed, reaching down to pet the dog. He slipped out of his boots, creeping into their bedroom. Marie was already asleep, curled up on top of the blanket in one of his tee shirts. Macon carefully stripped down to his drawers, slipping into bed behind her. He sighed, burying his face in her fluffy black hair as he spooned her. 

“Mmmm… Macon…” Marie  purred. 

“… did I wake ya?”

“I missed you…” she yawned. 

He kissed her ear, “Can I tell ya somethin’…”

“… is it a secret?” she teased. 

“Kinda…” he chuckled. 

“… whisper it to me…”

Macon pressed his lips to her ear, “The first time you told me you loved me… my heart… skipped a beat…”

Marie blushed, giggling as she rolled over to kiss him. Macon growled, kissing her deep and slow. 

“… can I tell you… a secret…?” she sighed as he kissed her neck. 

“… mmm…” he replied, slowly finding his second wind. 

“When I told you I loved you…I was scared you wouldn’t say it back…”

Macon lifted his head, she stared back at him anxiously and he smiled. 

“I know…I’m glad I did…”

Marie smiled back, tugging him down for another kiss. Her hand slid down his chest into his boxers, Macon groaned as she stroked him. 

“… lemme grab a condom…” he growled. 

“You don’t need one. I want to feel you inside me…” she purred. Macon hesitated, “… you know why I wanna use one…”

Marie snorted a laugh, “Your dick is impressive but there’s no way you’re gonna come on the baby’s face. Hell, at this point our baby’s still a tadpole, they don’t have a face yet…”

“Don’t say that about our kid…!” Macon scolded. He bent down, kissing the bulge of her belly under the tee shirt. “… shhh… it’s okay, little one, mommy didn’t mean it…”

“You’re gonna spoil this one before they’re even born”

“They deserve it… comin’ from an old man like me…” he sighed, kissing her belly again. 

“After your vasectomy… getting dumped into a viable womb instead of a condom…” she teased. 

Macon gave her a look before conceding. She laughed again, “What do you think it’s gonna be?”

Macon settled beside her, stroking her belly, “It might be weird but…I’m hopin’ for a girl” 

Marie winced, “Sorry babe but two boys usually means no girls…”

“And why not?” he grumbled. 

“It’s a genetics thing, all girls means really good sperm. All boys means…”


“…there’s a chance…but it really doesn’t matter…” 

“How you figure?”

Marie turned over, her head on his chest, “No matter what we have, you’re gonna be a great dad… just like you are to you other sons”


Marie sat anxiously in the waiting room, stroking her belly. Macon reached out, taking her hand. She looked up at him, and he gave her hand a squeeze. 

“It’s gonna be fine, babe…”

“You don’t know that… what if there’s something wrong? What if our baby has some genetic disorder or… flippers…?”

Macon snorted, “You’re honestly trying to tell me you wouldn’t love a flipper baby?”


“The doctor ran a bunch of tests, nothing runs in our families. The baby was fine on the last sonogram…” he sighed, reaching over to stroke her belly. 

“I know…” she nodded. Macon kissed her cheek, “… I love you, Marie”

She smiled back, “… I love you too”

“O’Leary…?” the nurse called. Macon helped her up. 


Marie looked up anxiously as the doctor came into the room. 

“Hi there Mrs. O’Leary, how are you feeling today?” she smiled. 

“Mrs. O’Leary?” Macon smirked. 

Marie blushed, “Well… that’s the baby’s last name…”

“… this mean you’re finally gonna marry me?” he teased. 


“So this is the father? Mrs. O’Leary talks about you all the time…!” she smiled shaking his hand. 


“She says you almost cried when she showed you the first ultrasound”

He glanced at Marie and she tried not to laugh. 

“… for the record, I didn’t cry”

“Don’t worry, you wouldn’t be the first” she winked. “So! How have you been? Is the morning sickness still bad?”

“No the medicine helped and I haven’t really been getting sick after the second trimester… but… I’m still really horny all the time…” she blushed. 

“That’s perfectly normal, your hormones are still out of wack but judging by the look on Mr. O’Leary’s face… that’s not much of a problem…” she teased. 

Marie swatted him and he snorted. 

“Well, you’re blood tests came back normal, both mama and baby are healthy. Why don’t a take a look see?” she smiled. 

Marie nodded as Macon squeezed her hand. 

 Marie winced as the doctor slid the wand along her belly. 

“I’m sorry…! It can be a bit cold…” she said, studying the screen. “There’s the heartbeat… and there’s your… little girl it seems…”

“…little girl” Macon breathed.

“I guess you’re getting that daughter you wanted after all” Marie smiled. 


Macon came into their apartment to find Marie face deep in his family Bible. Something he never thought he’d see. 

“This mean you’re gonna start coming to church with me on Sundays?” he started. 

She rolled her eyes, “I’m looking at your family tree, you jerk…”

“What for?” He began, peeking over her shoulder. 

“Baby names, especially now that we know we’re having a girl …”she said absently, “… How do you pronounce this?”


Marie made a face, “Sounds like granny…”

Macon nudged her up, pulling her into his lap, “What makes you want to name her after one of my ancestors?”

“She’s an O’Leary isn’t she? Besides, I like your family names… what’s this one?”


Marie tipped her head back in thought, “Saoirse…”

She gasped a little as her belly moved under his hand. 

“… think she likes it” Macon smiled. 

“Do you, baby? Do you like that name?” she cooed. 

Macon kissed her neck, “… you're gonna be a great mom…”

“I don’t know about that…”

“I do. I know how you feel about kids and you decided to keep ours anyway…” 

 Marie blushed, “I... was having the baby of someone I love…of course I wanted it…”

Macon wrapped his arms around her, “… I love you too, Marie”

She smiled at him, kissing him softly. 


 Macon took a deep breath, pacing the apartment, Buck lay in his bed following him with his eyes. He had been going over the conversation in his head all day but he kept running into dead ends. They had already picked a name, now all that was left was to declare it before God. He knew how Marie felt about religion but he was firm about the topic, he wanted their daughter to be christened. But by this time in this relationship, he knew being firm about something with Marie meant little to nothing. She was a force of nature and she was going to do what she wanted to do.

The key turned in the door and he guarded himself for the fight to come.

Marie smiled at him as she came through the door, “Hey baby…! I didn’t know you were home…!”

Macon melted a little at that but he built back up his resolve.

“Yeah I…need to talk to ya babe”

Marie froze and her continence went cold, “…are you leaving me?”

“Wha…?! No! What the fuck…?”

She let out a sigh of relief, “…oh thank God…I’d have to kill you…”

Macon had a strong feeling she wasn’t joking, “It’s about the baby…”

“Yeah?” She asked, taking a rest on the couch.

“Well…you know that I…go to church every Sunday…and…and I know you’re not particularly religious…” he began.

“What’s the matter Macon?” She asked sitting up.

Macon took a deep breath, “I…wanna have Saoirse christened…”

“Is that it?” She laughed, “Of course…! I’d love for our baby to be christened”

He blinked at her, “Really…?”

“Yes…! I love how religious you are, babe. I think it would give our baby a strong background”

Macon let out a deep breath, “…fuck…I thought you were gonna fight me on this…”

“I can see where you would think that. I love surprising you babe” she smiled.

Macon chuckled leaning down to kiss her.


Macon checked the mail as he came into the apartment building.

Oye, Macon…!”

He smiled at Señora Guitierraz as she shuffled toward him with her cane. 

Buenos Dias, Señora. Como va tu dia?

Suficiente sobre mí…! ¿Cómo es esa hermosa niña y ese hermoso bebé en su vientre?” (Enough about me…! How is that beautiful girl and that beautiful baby in her belly?)

Ambos bien, estamos teniendo una niña” (Both fine, we’re having a girl)

Oh…! ¡Si ella nace con tus hermosos ojos azules, tendrás que golpear a los niños con un palo ...!” (Oh…! If she is born with your beautiful blue eyes you will have to beat the boys away with a stick…!)

Tengo algo con un poco más de poder de fuego que un palo, señora” (I have something with a little more fire power then a stick, Señora) 

She laughed long and hard.

Cuando ella nazca ... invítame al bautizo” (When she’s born…invite me to the christening)

Por supuesto, Señora” Macon grinned, getting on the elevator.

Flipping through the mail he found a letter for Marie from a lab, it immediately caused him to worry. 


“Yeah babe?” She called from the kitchen, she was sitting at the table reading a book while she ate some odd thing she had been craving.

“You got a letter from a lab…you okay, babe?”

Marie looked up, “…that’s the DNA test…”

Macon blinked, he had forgotten about that, been too excited about the baby.

Marie went back to her book, “…you can open it if you want…”

Macon tossed it in the waste bin, “I don’t need it. I know you wouldn’t cheat on me, I know Saoirse is my daughter” 

She looked up, at him glassy eyed, “…really…?”

“Yes, love…” he sat down in front of her, taking her hand. “I was an idiot, I treated you badly  and you didn’t deserve it. I know the type of person you are, you’d never cheat on me even if I deserved it…”

She wiped her eyes with her sleeve, “Then…take it out of trash and give it to Matthew…because I know he needs to see it”

Macon snorted.

”It’s funny but…I’m serious…take a picture of the face he makes…”

“I love you…!” He laughed.

She sniffled, “…I love you too, you dick”


Macon sat a bar taking a swig of his beer and his two sons came up, Matt clasped him on the back.

“Hey dad…!” Luke began.

“…said you needed to see us…” Matt went on.

Macon looked up, “Luke…whaddya think about Marie havin’ my baby?”

Luke shrugged, “I…think it’s unlikely but…if it is true I’m happy for ya…”

Matt snorted, Macon pulled the letter out of it jacket handing it to Matthew, “That’s for you kid, tell me what it says…”

Matt tore open the envelope, scanning the paper, “…says…both DNA samples are a match…the hell does that mean?”

“…means that both me and M are that baby’s parents…” Macon grinned.

Matt’s face fell and he glared, “…y’know this coulda been faked…”

Macon scoffed and Luke rolled his eyes, “C’mon bro, Marie loves dad. She’s never even looked at anybody else…”

“…and how the hell do you know that?! Nobody’s watching her 24 hours a day”Matt scoffed.

“…that just sounds creepy…” Luke began.

“I trust’er, Matthew. And I love her, that’s my kid, there’s the proof, I dunno what else you want me to say…” Macon began.

“Well dad…you know the O’Leary inheritance…”Luke began.

“That’s right!!!” Matthew announced. Macon fixed him with a skeptical glare, “Are you saying…if this baby is born with blue eyes…you’ll get off our collective backs…”

“…Yes” Matt nodded.

Macon let out a strenuous sighed, “Fine…if our baby girl doesn’t have blue eyes…I’ll take another DNA test right then and there, they’ll be able to run it without any ‘interference’”

“…and when it turns out that kid’s not your’s, you’ll finally leave that little whore alone…” 

Macon quashed the urge to silence him in some way shape or form from bad mouthing Marie, “Agreed”

Matt smirked, “I’ll start planning your freedom party now…”


“I don’t have to go…I can send Matt or Luke to…” Macon began.

“You did that before…and you were nervous about how they were doing…” Marie smiled handing him his helmet.

“But the baby…” 

“…is good for another two months…! We’ll be fine, Macon…! Siobhan will be over everyday and if I need her at night I can call” she pecked him on the lips, “I’ll be fine for three days without you babe”

Macon grumbled, “Just…promise to call me if anything happens…if you have a bad dream, if Saoirse moves, anything…!”

“I promise…! Were you this nervous when your sons were born?” She laughed.

Macon shrugged, “Jolene’s parents were so pissed at me for knockin’ her up…they barely let me see her ‘til after Matt was born. We were livin’ together when she was pregnant with Luke but…she was so pissy I could hardly talk to her without her biting my head off…”

“Well I’m glad I’m once again better then Jolene”

Macon sighed, touching her full belly, “This is our first child, babe, I don’t wanna miss anything…”

“Macon…I love you…but there’s no way you’re watching me push our daughter out of a hole you put your mouth on and your dick in…” Marie smiled.

Macon winced, “…why you gotta say it like that?”

“To discourage you from wanting to see me push our daughter out of a hole your put your mouth on and dick in…bye Macon…!” She smiled again shoving him out the door. 

“…what a heartbreaker…” he chuckled on his way down the stairs.

Later that day, Marie opened the door to a happy looking Siobhan.

“How’s my favorite sister-in-law…?!”

Marie snorted, “Macon and I aren’t married” 

“You’re pregnant. Close enough” she said giving her a big hug. “How are you feeling, darling?”

“Ok…she’s quiet today…” Marie sighed, easing herself down on the couch.

“You eat yet?” Siobhan asked peaking into the fridge.

“Yeah but…I’m honestly already hungry again…” she blushed.

“That’s okay, hun, anything you can’t eat?” Siobhan asked opening the fridge.

“Turkey bacon…Macon thought it was hilarious” she rolled hr eyes. Siobhan chuckled, “You are a much better pregnant partner then the last one I looked after”

“…oh God, you looked after Jolene?”

“When she was pregnant with Luke, it was the least I could do. She was a royal bitch though, moody, nasty…she never really liked me much but Macon was away for a few months, trumped up charge, I swear, but I was left lookin’ after the family. Jolene had gotten into too many fights with mom for her to even want to head over. She’d look after Mark, but that was it…”

“Once again…glad I’m better then Jolene”

“By leaps and bounds, dear sisters-in-law” Siobhan laughed.


Marie woke that night feeling strange, she had had a nightmare, spoken to Macon about it and gone to the bathroom at least four times. Now her stomach roiled, she was hungry and nauseas and had to shit. She stood up with great difficulty, she took a step and her stomach cramped. She rubbed her belly, trying to catch her breath.

“…it’s okay, Saoirse…I’m about to feed us right now…” Marie cooed, rubbing her belly. She took another step and gave a cry as a waterfall spilled down her legs. Siobhan threw open the door a minute later, she’d insisted on sleeping over, brought her own pjs and everything, “Are you okay? I heard a shout” 

“I think…my water just broke…”

Siobhan flicked on the lighting Marie was horrified to find traces of blood in what was pooled around her ankles.

“…I’m bleeding…”

“…shhh…calm down…now did you and Macon set up a go bag yet or…” Siobhan began gently.

“…mmm…just last month…Macon thought it was too soon but…oh God…Macon isn’t here…” 

“It’ll be fine…he’s been gone for what? A week? He’s probably on his way back…” Siobhan replied going into the closet and pulling out the duffel bag on the floor. “Go wash up and change and we’ll head to the hospital…”

Marie tottered into the bathroom, “…you’ll call Macon, right?”

“Of course hun…! I’ll call him when we get there…”


Macon and the boys had finished up business and were on the way back when they decided to crash at a nearby clubhouse for the night. He had retired earlier then the others to talk to his girl, see how she was doing and wish her a good night.

He had just muttered an I love you when there was knock on the door, “Yeah?”

The door opened and in stepped a beautiful cocoa skinned woman in an obscenely short skirt and tight tank top.

“You left the party pretty early, Big Mack…” she purred crossing the room toward him on the bed. She sat next to him, sliding hand up his thigh, “Had to admit…made me a touch lonely…”

“Sorry, honey…had to call my girl…”

“…oh yeah…?” She purred leaning to kiss him.

He pulled away, “…she’s pregnant and…I worried about leavin’ her alone…”

The girl pulled back, “Really? How old is she?”

“24…but it’s our first kid together…” he sighed.

 “The first is always the hardest…how far along is she?”

“Seven months…” he reached for his wallet. A few weeks ago Marie was feeling fat and disgusting no matter how he tried to cheer her up. She wouldn’t even let him touch her, she kept crying and apologizing, he didn’t know what to do. Her friends cam up with a solution: maternity photoshoot. He fell in love with one of the photos, her in a flowing blue gown, a warm bright smile on her face, he’d been so in love with it he’d asked for one for his wallet. He pulled it out now, showing it to the girl, she beamed at it, “She’s beautiful”

“I think so too” she smiled at the picture too.

The girl was looking at him, “You’re not like them. Some of ‘em have wives and girlfriends…they don’t care, they fuck who they want. Their girls get upset, they put them in line”

“I’m not like that…I cheated on my girl once and she left me…can’t handle that again…” he sighed. The girl gestured, “That why you got that tattoo. So girls know you’re taken?”

Macon rubbed the name on his neck, “…somethin’ like that…”

The girl smiled at him, “I’ll take the hint, you know what your havin’ yet?”

“A girl” Macon smiled, “We named her Saoirse”


Macon snapped awake at the ring of his phone, sat up in bed, “…Siobhan…? Is Marie and the baby okay?”

“Her water broke like an hour ago, we’re in the hospital…”

Macon woke right up, “How are they? What did the doctors say?”

“That she maybe early but she for sure is in labor. The baby seems okay but Marie is anxious for you…”

Macon leapt up pulling on his clothes, “What hospital?”

“Children’s Presbyterian, she insisted”

“I’ll be there in an hour and a half…”

“Okay, Maternity ward room 130”

“Gotcha and…thanks for looking after her sis”

“You got it big bro, just get here”


Siobhan got off the phone, stepping back into the hospital room where Marie was resting. Her contractions were still far apart but she was still in pain.

“…where’s Macon?”

“On his way, honey, I promise…” she smiled, taking Marie’s hand. Another contraction rolled through her and she winced, squeezing Siobhan’s hand.

“…that’s it, hun, let it out…”

The contraction passed and Marie sighed, “…I…didn’t want…Macon to see this…but…now…I just want him…with me…”

“And he will be, soon I promise” Siobhan smiled.


Macon stormed into the hospital, “Maternity ward?”

“That would be the third floor, do you know who you’re looking for…?”

Macon didn’t answer as he practically ran to the elevator. It didn’t take him long to find Marie’s room, Siobhan was standing outside looking at her phone.

“I was just about to call you…” she said, giving him a hug.

“How is she?” He asked breathlessly.

“Resting. But she’s been asking about you…”

Macon entered the room to find Marie asleep on the bed, he took her hand and she stirred, “…Macon…?”

“I’m right here, babe”

She opened her eyes, smiling at him, “You really are…”

He leaned over, kissing her face, “…’course I am. I wouldn’t miss this for the world”

Marie winced, squeezing his hand as another contraction rolled her over.

Macon kissed her forehead, squeezing back. The contraction passed and she sighed, “…I’m…so tired, babe…”

“Rest as much as you want, kitten. I’m right here with ya and I’m not goin’ anywhere…” he smiled. She smiled back closing her eyes, Macon pulled up a chair and had just started to drift off when Marie let out a whimper.

Macon sat up, “Marie?”

She didn’t reply but several machines started blaring, moments later, several nurses rushed in.

“Blood pressures dropping…!”

“Baby’s heartbeat is slowing…”

“What’s happening?! What’s wrong?!” Macon demanded.

“Sir, we need you to go to the waiting room…!” One of the nurses pushed him out. Macon watched helplessly as the shut the door and pulled the curtain. Siobhan looked up as Macon stumbled into the waiting room, the look on his face told her something was wrong. 

“What happened?”

“I…dunno…they said her…blood pressure was dropping and…the baby…”

The doctor approached them, “O’Leary?”

“How are they? What’s goin’ on?”

“Mama’s blood pressure went down so low that the baby is…honestly in danger so we’re performing an emergency c-section…”

Macon felt weak, Siobhan steadied him, “…are they gonna be alright?”

“If we work fast and believe me we are, they should make it out just fine” she smiled before rushing off. 

“…here that? It…it’s gonna be just fine…” but her voice wavered.

“…there’s…a chapel downstairs…”

She nodded, “I’ll let you know if their’s a change…”


Father Dermot was surprised to find his usually empty chapel in habited by a lone man who seemed in bad need of guidance. The man was clad in a motorcycle jacket sat in a pew with his head in his hands. Father Dermot sat beside him and the man sat up, rubbing his eyes one final time, “…father”

“You seem like you could use a sympathetic ear, my son”

The man hesitated, “I’m…pushin’ 55 and…there’s a…24 year old up stairs…struggling to give birth to my daughter..they could both die and…it’d be all my damn fault…”

“You seem to care for her very much…”

“I love her…imagine that…man my age falling in love again and with such a young girl…gettin’ her pregnant…fuck, I’m going to hell…” he sighed rubbing a hand over his face.

“There is nothing sinful about love, my son. This child is a blossom of that love”

“I’ve done…a lotta horrible things in my lifetime…” He leaned forward, resting his hands on the pew in front of him, “…but I can’t lose them…if it’s their time…I pray God take me instead. Send me to Hell, If anyone deserves it…it’s me…”

“God has a plan for all of us. I highly doubt he’d punish an innocent mother and child merely to punish you” 

Siobhan burst in, “Macon…! It’s Marie and the baby..!”

Macon stumbled trying to get out of the pew, “…thank you father…!”


Macon stared in a dizzy disbelief as a nurse offered her a squirming bundle, he cradled it gently and the baby whined softly.

“Congratulations” she smiled.

He’d held a few babies in his life but it always felt like the first time, “…she’s beautiful…”

Siobhan squeezed his shoulder, “I’ll call the boys…”

  Macon looked up at the nurse, “And Marie? Is she?”

“She’s resting. She’ll be a bit sore when she wakes up and we’ll have to keep her a bit longer but mama’s gonna be just fine” she smiled.

Macon let out a sigh of relief, “…thank you…can I see her?” 

“Absolutely, whenever you like”


Marie woke slowly vaguely aware of the soreness in her abdomen, she shifted with a groan. Macon flew to her side, “…easy kitten…you don’t wanna rip your stitches…”

She smiled at him, “Macon…”

He smiled back, “Hey there babe, how are you feeling?”

“…I hurt…” she sighed, her eyes shot open, “…the baby…!”

“She fine, hunny, she right over there…” he sighed gesturing to the basinet. Marie stared at it in a trance, “is she…”

“Perfect, ten fingers, ten toes. No flippers or extra limbs” he smiled, kissing her forehead, “You did so good, babe…”

“I was…unconscious for most of it…”

“You wanna hold her?”

She looked up at him with tears eyes, “Very much”


Luke came into the hospital room with balloons and a teddy bear, Marie was asleep and Macon was cradling their daughter, humming softly.

“That her?” Luke smiled peeking over his dad’s shoulder.

“Yeah…”Macon smiled gently, “This is Saoirse…wanna hold ‘er?”

Luke smiled as Macon lowered the sleeping baby into his arms, “…she’s cute…”

Macon glanced around, “Where’s your brother?”

“You know how he is…he still doesn’t think Saoirse’s yours, dad” Luke shrugged.

“Her eyes are blue…she’s my kid” Macon said with a proud smile. 

Luke smiled, “Never doubted that. Marie’s a good girl, cheating never seemed like her…”

“Wish I had been as sure as you…I put her through a lotta shit for no reason…” Macon sighed.

“You had a vasectomy, dad. ‘Course you’d get suspicious, but Marie proved herself to you, Matt’s just bein’ stubborn. He always held onto to the idea you and mom would get back together. I tried to convince him he’s too old for that shit but…you know how he is…”

“Yeah…I do…” Macon sighed, “You two are her big brothers, dammit, this is about family not some…stupid grudge and mommy issues…”

Marie stirred, opening her eyes, she gave them a drowsy smile, “…hi guys”

“Congratulations Marie” Luke smiled, “…this is one cute kid”

“She’s perfect” Marie smiled back.

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