A Year in the Life: Girl Crush

Published Feb 19, 2017, 10:28:03 PM UTC | Last updated Dec 31, 2019, 7:12:27 AM | Total Chapters 13

Story Summary

Got bored, wrote biker fiction. Not really in any order, take it or leave it but don't hate.

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Chapter 13: Girl Crush

Jessica blinked at him surprised, “…what…?”

Macon looked away, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly, “What you’re talking about…I’m not really looking for…”

Jessica didn’t know what to say, but didn’t this always happen to her?

She’d fall for a guy and want to get serious and he’d ghost her, at least Macon had the decency to tell her to her face.

“If…you wanna keep…messin’ around I’m all for that but…I’m not your boyfriend” he went on.

She didn’t know why she thought he’d be any different, maybe it was because he was older, wiser…or something like that. So she plastered on a fake smile, swallowing the disappointment, “…sure…yeah, that’s fine…I was just…wondering if you wanted…y’know…”

Macon nodded, he pinched her chin, “…I’ll talk t’ ya later, hun”

And that’s how they carried on, she’d call Macon when she was lonely or bored or had just gone through a bad break up. He’d come over and dry her tears, he’d kiss her and make her feel beautiful and wanted, if her day had been bad enough he’d even make her breakfast the next day. But in the end, she couldn’t cope with the fact that he was the one she really wanted to be with.

Work relocated her out of state and she was grateful to go, she told Macon, partially hoping he’d be upset, beg her to stay. Instead he congratulated her, bought her a round of drinks, even helped her load the U-Haul.

Jessica reached up, pulling down the metal grate on the back of the truck, “…that’s the last of it…”

Macon grabbed her by the waist, kissing her breath away, he pulled back, letting her up for air and she knew she was going to miss him.

“…if you’re ever back in the city…don’t hesitate to look me up, I’ll welcome ya back right…” he winked.


Macon groaned a little as Marie kissed him awake, he opened his eyes and she smiled at him. 

“Good morning…” she sat back on his stomach.

“…it is good…you’re not usually up this early…” he grinned, resting his hands on her hips. “…why don’t you…slide that ass down a little…get the day started off just right…”

“No time for that…you’ve got to get to work…” 

He blinked at her just as his alarm went off, Macon rolled his eyes, “You…are an evil woman…”

Marie giggled, slipping off of him, “…get up, take a shower and I’ll make breakfast…”

She opened the door and Buck panted up at her, she gave him a pet.

“Good morning, Handsome Boy…!”she cooed at him as she headed into the kitchen.

“Hey…! None a that…fake bacon you like so much…!” He called.

“Turkey bacon is better for you then pig bacon and at least it’s not tofu…!” She called back. Well, she had him there. Macon came into the kitchen as Marie set a plate down on the table, he took a seat. Buck sat down next to him and he fed the dog the fake bacon.

“What’re you doin’ today, babe?”

“Oh, I plan on going back to sleep as soon as I walk Buck…” she smiled, “It’s my first day off in a long time and I plan on making the most of it…by doing nothing…”

“…that why you kept me up all night?”

“Are you really complaining?” She purred.

“That mean you’re gonna be free when I come home?” Macon growled, tugging her down on his lap. She squealed, giggling, “Macon…!”

“…y’know I get awful lonely when you’re too busy to play with me…” he kissed her neck, slipping a hand up under her tank top. She moaned a little as his thumb stroked her nipple, “…keep this up and…you’re gonna be late…”

“…mmm…” he sighed, biting her neck.

“…Okay…! I’ll be free tonight…” Marie laughed.

“Good, cuz I want a repeat of last night…” he let her up giving her ass a slap. He took a few more bites before getting up.

“I’ll see you tonight babe…” Macon called on his way to the door.

“Wait…!” She went up on her toes, kissing him goodbye, “I love you, have a great day”

He smiled back, “Love you too, Kitten”


The moment Macon entered the shop, he wanted to go home. Between know it all customers and their google searches and surprise visits from detective Daniels, by lunch time, he was about ready to strangle someone.

“…I’m goin’ for a smoke…!” He announced, tugging on his jacket.

“Thought your girl didn’t like it when you smoked…”

“Well it’s either that or murder and there’re too many witnesses as is…” he grumbled.

Macon slipped a cigarette between his lips fumbling in his pockets for a lighter, getting more and more irritated when he realized he must his left his silver one at home in an effort to comply with Marie’s wish for him to quit smoking.

 “Need a light?”

The voice was familiar and when he looked up the blonde hair, blue eyes and pretty face was too.


Jessica smiled at him, “Hey Big Mack”

“Jess…! God, it’s been ages…! How you been?!” He gave her a hug.

“I’m good! I’m in the city for work and I thought I’d look you up” she laughed, squeezing him back.

“I’m on a smoke break now…how long you gonna be in town?”

“A week and a half, you free tonight?” She asked pulling a lighter out of her purse, she lit his cigarette.

Macon took a grateful puff, “…thank you…tonight isn’t so great but, I should have time tomorrow, say 5?”

“That’s fine, your sister still run that pub?”

“You know it, must be in our blood or somethin’…” he snorted.

“So…Siobhan’s pub at 5?”

“You got it”


Macon sighed as he came through the door, taking off his jacket, “Babe?”

“…In here…!” Marie called from the bed room. He came in to find her laying on her stomach on the bed wrapped in a towel. 

“…how was your day?” She asked as she disinterestedly flicked through her phone.

“Shitty…” Macon growled, crawling on top of her, he kissed her neck, “…I’ve been thinking about this all day…”

Marie giggled, “…oh yeah…?”

He groaned as she lifted her ass, grinding against the bulge in his jeans. 

“I told you I’d play with you tonight…”

“…fuck, I can’t take it…” he growled, sitting up to unzip his pants, she gasped a little as he slipped a hand between her thighs.

“…how are you this wet…?” He panted.

“…I…might’ve warmed myself up in the shower…” Marie bit her lip, “…I couldn’t wait for you to get home…”

“…ain’t gonna be gentle tonight, kitten” he smirked, sliding into her in one even thrust. Marie moaned, “…mmm…yeah, baby…! Mess me up…!”

“…nnn…lift your ass a little more…I wanna get in deep…”

Marie arched her back and he pulled her ass flush to his hips with at satisfied groan, “…uh…that’s it kitten…I’m gonna pound that ass red…”


Marie’s alarm went off and she whimpered, curling up against Macon’s chest.

“…time to get up kitten…” he grumbled.

“…no…!” She whimpered.

“…well I gotta go to work…”

“…or we could stay in bed…all day…fool around…sleep…” she muttered.

“Can’t…I promised to go out for drinks tonight…” he sighed getting out of bed.

“…drinks…with who…?” She sat up.

“…some girl I used to know…” he yawned, stretching. Marie squinted drowsily at him, “…you’re not gonna sleep with ‘er are you…?”

Macon scoffed, “Wha…? No…’course not, we’re just catchin’ up…”

“…mmm…you got a nice butt…” she yawned.

Macon snorted, “…so do you, get up now and we can shower together…”

Marie rolled out of bed, yawning as she angrily pulled off his tee shirt.

“…she want’s to fuck you, y’know…” she muttered as she slumped into the bathroom.

“You don’t even know her…” Macon began, shutting the door and going over to turn on the shower.

“Well…you just about blew my back out last night…” Marie yawned, plopping down on the toilet for a first morning pee. “…if I was getting back in touch with a guy like that…I’d wanna fuck ‘im again too…”

“…yeah well…I’m not interested…”

“…are her tits big?”


“I was just curious…” she sighed.

Macon leaned over her, resting his hand on the toilet tank, he stared into her eyes, “Even though I highly doubt Jess wants a hook up, I have no reason or desire to sleep with her. I have you and I love you. I know I fucked up once but I swear…I’m not gonna do it again”

She looked back into his eyes, “Okay…”

“Okay?” he kissed her softly.

“But if I’m right about… ‘Jess’ wanting one last ride on the Macon rollercoaster, then you owe me money…”


“…always makes me scream…” she smirked. Macon chuckled kissing her again, “How much we talkin’? $10 $20?”

She tugged him into another kiss, “$100”

Macon snorted, “You even have that much right now?”

“I might…”

“Then you’re on…now get up, you had your morning piss, I need mine…”

“You coulda just peed between my legs…coulda gone at the same time…”

“I’m not doin’ that, up…!”

She pouting, wiping then getting up, “…I’m wearing my shower cap…!”

“…you know I don’t mind fuckin’ you in it…” he teased, starting to enjoy his early morning piss.

She stuck her tongue out at him, before pulling the shower closed.


Jessica had been gone for five long years, she’d dated several guys but had settled on Jack. Settled was a very strong word seeing as they were so on again off again even she couldn’t keep track. It was on one of their ‘breaks’ that she learned she’d have to return to the city for a week long conference. Macon immediately popped into her mind, she couldn’t help but remember how good he made her feel and it wasn’t just sex. The few short hours they were together he’d made her feel wanted, beautiful, like, at the time, they were all they needed. 

 Maybe Macon was right, maybe feelings weren’t needed, maybe they did just complicate things. That was the problem with her and Jack, things would be fine and then someone would get jealous or angry and they’d go on yet another ‘break’. Maybe Macon was just what she needed to figure herself out, to feel like a woman again. Macon was always good at that.

Jessica had met him outside his repair shop and invited him for drinks, she’d packed an outfit specifically for the occasion, a drop neck hauler top with a short skirt, giving Macon a lot to look at. She took a long steamy shower, shaved and did her make-up. For once in a long time, she was eager for the night ahead.


“You’re meeting Jess…for drinks…” Siobhan gave her brother a withering glare.

“Yeah so?” He asked, taking the beer she’d offered him.

“Are you really this fucking stupid, Macon?”

“What the fuck?! What did I do now?!”

Siobhan pinched her nose, taking a deep breath, “…what does Marie think about this?”

“She has her ideas but…she trusts me. She knows I won’t do anything stupid…” he sighed.

“Well she’s right because I won’t fucking let you this time” Siobhan grinned leaning over the bar.

“Thanks sis”


He looked up as Jessica came to sit beside him, she was dressed scantily and Macon had a sneaking suspicion that Marie was right.

“Hey Jess, you look…good…”

“You’re not so bad yourself” she smiled back. He met Siobhan’s suspicious gaze but she looked away, “And what’ll you be havin’?”

“Coors, please, save the glass”

Siobhan nodded, grabbing a beer from the freezer, popping the cap and setting it in front of her.  She took a sip.

“How’s life been treatin’ ya?” he asked.

“After the transfer I…got a promotion at work…”

“That’s great, hunny! If you’d a told me I would’ve ordered somethin’ stronger…!”

She shrugged, “We can celebrate later, I’m here for a week after all. We can do it on my last day”

“You’re on” he clinked his bottle with hers. She told him all about her new life, things that pissed her off at work even her new boyfriend.

“…he sounds like a piece a shit” Macon commented.

“He kinda is but…he has his good moments…”

He snorted, “Men shouldn’t have ‘good moments’. If anything they should have bad moments, meaning most of the times he’s God’s gift but every so often he…I dunno…has a tantrum or somethin’…”

Jessica smiled, “You’re right…then again, you usually were…”

Macon smiled with a shrug. “I try…I hate to see pretty young girls like you treated like shit by guys that aren’t even worth the effort…”

She felt her face get hot, she wanted him so bad she couldn’t think about anything else.

“Well…you did tell me to look you up when I was back in town…” she purred leaning her breasts against his arm. He glanced at her and she bit her lip, “I missed you Mack…a lot…”

This was a dance they were familiar with, she’d make a pass at him and he’d smirk and flirt back, maybe kiss her a little before taking her somewhere private to fuck her senseless. But he took an unfamiliar step, he looked away, shrugging her off, “Sorry but…I’m seeing someone…for a while now…”

His words were foreign to her, seeing someone?

Macon didn’t ‘see’ people. He hooked up with whoever, whenever he wanted, Jessica was having a hard time understanding.

“Seeing someone…like…a girlfriend”

“Yeah…and it seems like I owe her $100…” he scoffed.

“…I’m…sorry…” Jessica sighed. “…Wait…no…! I’m not sorry your dating anyone…! I meant I’m sorry I came on to you…oh God…”

“It’s okay, hun” he chuckled, “I didn’t expect to be dating again at my age either…”

She felt stupid and naïve she pulled her jacket around her as if it could somehow hide her shame. 

“So…tell me about her…what’s her name?”


The sigh in his voice made her pause, he sounded like a lovesick school girl. He was flipping through his phone, “Don’t have that many pictures of her that are…appropriate but…”

He showed her a picture of a small brown girl who looked to be lying on her side in bed with a shy playful smile. Jessica blinked at the picture.

“…how…old is she?”

Siobhan snorted from across the bar, Macon glared.

“She’s twenty three. Believe me, I’ve checked…”

“In that case she’s really cute”

“Yeah, she is…” he said gazing at the picture on his phone.

“You…seem to really like her…”

“…I love ‘er…” the words just seemed to slip out of him. They shook Jessica to her core.



Wasn’t he against feelings? 

He’d shunned her’s so long ago, wouldn’t even let her finished telling him how she really felt about him. At first she thought it was biker thing, then she rationalized that no feelings was better.

And now here he was, Macon O’Leary, saying he was in love with a girl, younger then her even. She knew Macon, he wouldn’t use those words idly, he spent most of the time she’d known him escaping the feeling.

What the hell was so special about this girl?

She didn’t look special.

In fact she didn’t even seem like his type.

“That’s…great…” she forced a smile. “…I’d love to meet her…”

“I’ll bring ‘er to your goin’ away party…” he winked.

Jessica left the bar in a daze, she’d come up with a work excuse but she really just wanted to leave. She felt dark and poisoned and hateful, she wanted to scream, she wanted to cry, but she didn’t want to ruin her mascara.


She turned and there was Macon’s sister running after her.

“Did…I forget something?”

“…no…but I told Macon you did…that I’d bring it to ya…” she huffed. “Look…my brother’s stupid so…he doesn’t notice obvious shit. It’s gotten worse since he fell in love with Marie, she’s all he can really see”

Jessica tried not to flinch, but Siobhan noticed, “I’m not trying to be mean, I’m trying to…apologize for my brother’s insensitivity and…I wanted to tell you that…you weren’t meant for his life anyway…few people are…”

“I…don’t know what you mean…”

Siobhan seemed to stare through her, “Marie was mugged last year, ‘least that’s what we tell people. The reality is that a ‘friend’ from Macon’s ‘club’ decided he wanted her and that he wouldn’t take no for an answer. But when she did say no, he dragged her into the alley and beat the shit outta her, ‘least her pitbull Buck stopped the guy from raping her…”

Jessica’s heart dropped to her stomach.

“All that happened because she knew Macon and she’s still with him. Hell, she counts herself lucky he loves her. After all that, could you do that same?”

Jessica didn’t know what to say, so she didn’t say anything. 

“The things she’s done for my brother…I didn’t even know she was capable of. Not many women would be. That’s how I know, despite her being so young, she was made for him and she loves the hell outta my stupid, moron of a brother. I don’t know you but from what Macon’s told me you weren’t built for any of this. So you shouldn’t feel bad about things not going your way”

 She gave Jessica’s hand a squeeze, “You should go home, back to your own world. This one wasn’t meant for you”


Marie glanced up from her work as Macon came into their bedroom, Buck leapt up to greet him.

“…how was drinks?” She began. Macon reached into his wallet, pulled out five twenties and slapped them down in front of her. She took them passively, “…I told you…”

“Yeah, yeah…” he sighed. 

“How many times do I have to tell you people wanna fuck you before you believe me?”

“Didn’t know I was that…irresistible…” he shrugged kicking off his boots.

She looked at him, “From what everybody tells me you were pulling major pussy before we met…”

Macon shrugged again, pulling off his shirt, “…always came as a surprise whenever a girl said yes or kept coming back to me…”

Marie laughed a little, “…you’re kidding right?”

Macon took off his pants getting into bed beside her, he was quiet and she set her work aside. This was about Jolene, whenever Macon went to a dark place it was usually about her. She had damaged him in ways that he had never really recovered from. Marie slid into his lap, taking his face in her hands.

“Macon you’re a wonderful man, you’re sweet, considerate, sexy, amazing in bed. That’s why everyone who’s been with you wants another chance with you. And that one that doesn’t is a fucking whore”

Her snorted and she kissed him.

“I love you. I don’t even like that many people and I love you. That’s gotta count for something right?”

Macon nodded, “…Yeah…yeah it does”

He leaned his head against her shoulder and she ran her fingers through his hair.



“…you’re hard”

“…you’re sitting on top of me”

She giggled grinding on him, Macon groaned. 

“I take this to mean you’re feeling better?”

“…feelin’ something…” he growled as she rolled her hips against him again.

She gave him a coy little smile, “…want some head…?”

“Well when you ask so nicely…” he smirked.


After meeting Macon, Jessica went back to her hotel, changed her clothes and drowned her sorrows at the hotel bar. Needless to say, the next morning she was horribly hung over but she still managed to get dressed, go to the conference and deliver her presentation effortlessly. However, this meant by time the whole thing was over, she felt like she was about to die. 

She hadn’t eaten over fear of throwing up, either because of the hangover or because of stage fright. Now she was dead on her feet, she barely noticed where she was going or what she was doing until a hand grabbed her wrist, narrowly saving her from walking in front of a moving truck.

The truck honked angrily, shocking her from her stupor slightly.

“…are you alright, miss?”

Jessica turned to look at the owner of a hand. It was a small mousy looking girl in an over sized sweatshirt and backpack, she stared at her with concern through cat eye glasses. Her face seemed familiar but Jessica couldn’t place it.

“…yeah…yeah…I think…” Jessica muttered.

The girl cocked her head at her, “…Hungover?”

Jessica laughed a little, “…how did you know…?” 

The girl glanced around before settling on a café across the street, which she safely guided Jessica to.

“…what’re you…?”

“You should eat something. I’ll get you a bowl of soup” she said sitting her down at a table.

“…you don’t hafeta…”

The girl smiled, “It’s okay, and you’ll feel better once you eat”

Jessica was starting to feel dizzy again so she didn’t complain. The girl came back with a bowl of Chicken Noodle soup, some Mac and cheese and a bottle of water. She gave Jessica the soup and water while taking the Mac and cheese.

“…let me know if the smell starts to bother you…”

“…You…are really nice…” Jessica sighed, taking a slurp of soup. The girl shrugged, “I’ve been hung over plenty of times and still had to go to class or work. Guess I always wished a stranger would take care of me at those times”

“Class…? Don’t you get in trouble for drinking in high school…or is it middle school…?”

The girl snorted, “…I know I look like this but I’m twenty three… I’m in college”

Something about that seemed so familiar but Jessica’s alcohol fried brain was having trouble making connections. But the girl was right, eating was making her feel better. She opened the water and the girl slid a bottle of Advil toward her.

“…you’re being so nice to me…and I don’t even know you’re name…” she went on knocking back the aspirin.

The girl responded, “…but most people call me Marie, I like it better that way”

Jessica’s mind clicked, but there was no way. What the hell were the odds she’d just so happen to run into Macon’s Marie? 

Then again, she was a small black girl the same age Macon said his girlfriend was. Jessica had to know.

“You…don’t know a biker named Macon O’Leary…do you?”

Marie looked up abruptly, “As a matter a fact I do…”

Marie’s eyes lit, “Oh…Oh…! You’re that Jessica…!”

The bottom dropped out of Jess’s stomach and she felt queasy again. She knew she’d said she’d wanted to meet Macon’s new girl, but she honestly never had any intention and she never wanted to lay eyes on her. 

Marie blinked in surprise, “…what are the odds…well it’s nice to meet you…the circumstances suck though…”

“Mm…” Jessica smiled half-heartedly then went back to her soup. She kept sneaking glances, trying to figure out why Macon was so infatuated with her. She was the usual type he went for.

“…I know how I look” she said without looking up. Jessica felt her face get hot, “I didn’t mean to…I’m sorry…!”

Marie shrugged, “It’s okay, I get this a lot when people find out Macon and I are together. To be perfectly honest, I dunno what he likes about me either”

“I keep waiting for him to leave, I dunno, tell me it was all a joke but…a few months after we started going out, he cheated on me. Some girl he fucked in a bathroom but I broke up with him. Everyone told me how miserable he was without me, even his eldest son who hates my fucking guts by the way…”

Jessica didn’t know what to say, Macon had never been like that when she’d known him. He didn’t have relationships like that, he had girls he slept with when he was in the mood. He didn’t care if they left him or decided to get actual boyfriends, he’d shrug and smile and tell them to call him up if they ever got bored.

“Why…are you still here…?”

Marie looked up at her, “Hm?”

“Now that you know I’m…that Jessica…why are you still hanging around me. Shouldn’t you be mad at me or something? I used to sleep with you boyfriend…”

Marie took another bite of her food and chewed, “…have you slept with him recently…?”

Jessica turned red, “…No…!”

“Then I don’t care. Macon’s way older then I am and I’m not naïve enough to think he just…popped into existence just for me. He’s been with other girls before me…his baby mama gives me grief on a regular basis…he’s with me now so what he’s done in the past…who he’s done in the past…it doesn’t really matter to me” She shrugged, “…except STDs…! But Macon get’s tested every time he gets a new tattoo so…”

Jessica didn’t know what she was expecting, for some reason she wanted this girl to hate her for having been with Macon. Then she could hold her head high, thinking she was the better choice, at least she wasn’t as petty as his new girl. But it all backfired, because she was pettier then his new girl.

Marie was cute, she was sweet and kind, she seemed completely in love with Macon, she wasn’t the type of girl Jessica saw him with but shouldn’t she be the type of girl Jessica hoped he’d find?

Marie’s phone rang, she checked the caller ID and her cheeks got rosy, she glanced up at Jessica.

 “It’s Macon…I can go outside if you want…”

“No…! No…it’s okay, you can take it here…”

Marie picked up the phone, “Hey baby…in a café with…”

Marie glanced at her and Jess shrugged nodding.

“…Jessica…yes, that Jessica…honestly just random chance. She’s nice, I think we’re getting along…”

Jess nodded.

“…yeah, she says we are…I should be home in like…40-45 minutes? No I can walk him, you make dinner. Ok…I love you…bye…!”

“…you live together…?”

“Yeah, that’s kinda how we met, he owns the building I’m renting in, we kinda just…ended up together…” she shrugged, “A lotta folks think I’m sleeping with him so I don’t have to pay rent”

Jessica lowered her voice, “…are you?”

Marie choked on her Mac and cheese “No…! I’m not like that, Macon is…the first person I ever…you know…”

Jessica gaped, “You mean…you were a virgin…?”

Marie was red as a tomato, “…I wouldn’t throw my virginity away for free rent…I really…really like him…” 

Jessica smiled sardonically, “…I can tell…”

“…I can tell you really liked him too…”

Jessica looked up at her, but Marie wouldn’t meet her gaze.

“I’m…sorry that Macon didn’t feel the same but…then I’m kinda not…if you know what I mean…” 

Jessica knew she should feel upset or offended but she couldn’t bring herself to, because she knew if she and Marie’s positions were reversed, she’d feel the same.

“…yeah I get it…”

Marie looked up at her, “…are you feeling better?”

Jessica smiled at her, “Yeah I am, you can go if you want…”

Marie hesitated, “…are you sure? I can take you back to your hotel if you want…”

“No I’m okay. And it sounds like you have to get home anyway…”

Marie blushed again, “…I gotta walk the dog…”

“Then you can go, don’t worry about me”

Marie pouted, “I’m at least going to see you out…”

They stepped out of the café and an early spring wind blew, Marie whimpered, ducking into her sweatshirt and shoving her hands in the pocket. Jessica remember what Macon’s sister had told her, Marie was so small, so little and fragile. Remembering what had been done to her, what had almost been done to her, made Jessica strangely protective.

“Are you…okay…being with Macon?” Jessica began. “Macon’s sister…told me what happened to you…that guy…the alley…”

Marie looked away, “…I know that should’ve made me hate Macon or something but…after my family left, he stayed by my side all through my hospital stay and rehab. After I got home I had really bad nightmares and PTSD, I couldn’t even have Macon in bed with me let alone have sex with him. I told him he could leave if he wanted, that he shouldn’t feel obligated to stay with me but he told me he loved me and he’d stay with me ‘til I didn’t want him anymore”

She turned pink and Jessica had a feeling it didn’t have anything to do with the wind.

“I really do…truly love him…”

“I believe you”

Marie snorted, “Did you know…he didn’t believe me when I told him you wanted to sleep with him again?”

She blinked, “Why wouldn’t he? I told him once that…no one could fuck me like he did…” the words came out of her before she could stop them. Marie smiled, “He was hurt before…a long time ago and he can’t get over it. No matter how many girls nip at his heels, he still doesn’t think he’s good enough…”

Jessica didn’t know what to say, she had wanted Macon for so long but talking to his new girl, she realized she never really knew him. And did she really want to, in the back of her mind she had always known Macon was dangerous but she never bothered to wonder how dangerous. And if she did know, would she have been okay with it?

Marie turned to her with a smile, holding out a hand, “It was nice to meet you, even if the circumstances did suck”

Jessica took that hand, “Yeah, it was”



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