A Year in the Life: Don't Take Him Just Because You Can

Published Feb 19, 2017, 10:28:03 PM UTC | Last updated Dec 31, 2019, 7:12:27 AM | Total Chapters 13

Story Summary

Got bored, wrote biker fiction. Not really in any order, take it or leave it but don't hate.

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Chapter 3: Don't Take Him Just Because You Can

Macon felt something was off that day, from the moment he woke next to Marie that morning and all through breakfast.

“Foreboding” she called it.

Everything became clear when he’d been shooting pool with the others and none other then Jolene strolled into the club house like she owned the place. 40-years-old but still gorgeous with them green eyes and blond curls just starting to turn white.

“Hello boys”

“Mom…!” Matt ran to hug her.

“Shit” Macon cursed. Whenever she came to town it was nothing but trouble, she’d hang around for a while, captivating Macon all over again. She’d make him think they could start over then up and leave without so much as a goodbye.

She flashed him her mischievous green eyes and he was captivated…for about a second.

“How the hell you get in here, Jolene?”

“Luke let me in, ya missed me, babe?” she purred, striding up to him.

“…like a hole in the head…” he scoffed.

“You always say that” she winked, leaning over so he could see down her shirt.

“Don’t be shy, dad, come give mom a hug” Matt smirked. Macon glared at him.

“Who’s Marie?” Jolene asked suddenly. Macon rubbed his neck, “…my new girl”

Her face went blank for about a second before she snorted a laugh, “You get that while you was drunk?”

Macon didn’t say anything, annoyed that she was right.

“I’ll give ya the name of a good removal service”

“Who says I wanna remove it? Kinda like it” he smirked. Jolene’s face fell for good and he felt a certain amount of satisfaction.

“…that mean you ain’t comin’ to my welcome back party?”

“Got better things to do with better people”

“Like ‘Marie’?”

“Especially Marie”

“Why not invite her along? I’m dying to meet her” Jolene smiled but Macon didn’t like the look of it.

“Thanks but no thanks. Since ya’ller gonna be busy, I think I’ll head back early” he said, grabbing his jacket and heading to the door.

“Don’t be a party pooper, Macon…!” Jolene called after him.


Marie was lounging on the couch in her underwear when he got back, she smiled at him as he came through the door, “Welcome back, baby. How was your day?”

“Think I figured out where all that foreboding was comin’ from” Macon sighed, scratching Buck behind the ears when the big dog lumbered up to greet him. “Jolene’s back in town…”

Marie sat up straight, “Jolene, like Matt and Luke’s mom Jolene? Like your ex-wife Jolene?”

“We were never married but yeah…” he sighed plopping down beside her, he scrubbed a hand down his face.

Marie went quiet for a moment, “…how did that make you feel?”

He glanced at her with a smile, “You tryin’ ta psychoanalyze me?”

She shrugged, “Just curious…”

“Honestly annoyed. Whenever she shows up it’s nothin’ but trouble” he scoffed. She wordlessly leaned her head against his chest and he wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

“You didn’t think I was gonna run off with her, did you?” he joked.

Marie shrugged, nuzzling her face into his shirt, “You used to hook up with her whenever she was in town…”

“That was before we met. I fucked up once, I’m not gonna do it again. I love you, baby” he sighed, kissing the top of her head. She tipped her head back, gazing lovingly into his eyes, “I love you too”

He kissed her and she slid into his lap, sucking and biting his lips. She pulled back to lift her tee-shirt over her head and Macon groaned. He didn’t care what she thought of herself, Marie was sexy as hell. He leaned in, sucking on her nipples and she moaned grinding herself against the steadily growing bulge in his jeans.

“Quit teasing me, babe…I’m hard enough as it is…” he groaned. She giggled, reaching down to unzip his pants, “…thought you liked it when I teased you…”

She squeezed his erection and he hissed in pleasure, “…Marie…fuck…just put it in already…”

“I like it when you beg…” she purred, pushing her the damp crotch of her panties aside slipping his throbbing tip inside her heat. Macon groaned as she eased herself down on top of him, crooning in his ear. She rolled her hips and he leaned back against the couch as she started to ride him.

“…Mmm…you like that, baby…?” she purred.

“…fuck…don’t stop…” he growled, his hands gripping her hips as he watched his erection slide in and out of her sheath. The doorbell rang, startling the two, Marie clenched down on him and Macon snarled trying to keep his climax at bay.

“…ugh…who the hell…?”

“…ignore it baby…mmm…I’m so fucking close…!” she moaned. Macon was about to when the ringing became insistent and a voice called out, “Macon? You there?”

Jolene’s voice startled him and he lost his hard-on, Marie glanced at the door incredulously.

“…how did she even get this address?!” she whispered. He growled lifting her off his lap, “Put your clothes back on…”

She tugged back on her tee-shirt as he stomped to the door, opening it just enough to see Jolene’s flirty green eyes.

“Hello there”

“What the hell are you doing here?! How’d you even know where to find me?”

Jolene shrugged, “Matt let it slip that you had a little love nest with your ‘Marie’. I wanted to meet her so, I thought I’d swing by…”

“What the fuck?! What makes you think you have any right…?!”

“We have two children together, Macon. I just wanna make sure the girl your seeing is a good influence” she pouted.

Macon rubbed his eyes, “…for fucksake…”

“…Matt told me she’s twenty-four. I knew you liked to screw the young ones, didn’t think you’d keep one around though…” she snorted a laugh.

“I don’t need to explain myself to you. Mind your own God damn business and leave me the fuck alone” he snarled, slamming the door in her face.

“…Macon…! I was only teasing…!”

When he turned around, Marie was standing behind him with her arms crossed, “What a bitch”

“You have no idea…” he sighed. “And on that note…”

He lifted her, throwing her over his shoulder, Marie squealed, “Macon…!”

“Didn’t get to finish before and I ain’t stoppin’ til my balls’re empty”

“You do know that’s physically impossible…”

“We can try can’t we” he smirked, slapping her ass.

Marie woke hours later when Macon lumbered out of bed to use the bathroom. Looking at him, outlined by the light of the bathroom, an interesting thought struck her. Macon had so many tattoos but she knew which ones mattered most to him. The first was for his mother on his chest and on the knuckles of both hands were his sons’ names and now she had joined those sanctified ranks to have her name written on his neck. One thing struck her as odd though…

“…why’d you never get a tattoo for Jolene?” she asked.

He glanced at her, half awake, “…dunno…jus’ never thought ‘bout it. Had a thing ‘bout never gettin’ tattoos a girl’s names…”

“…what about me?” she teased.

“I love ya…”

“Didn’t you love Jolene?”

“Yeah but…it feels differen’ with you…listen, babe, I’m tired. We’ll finish this in the mornin’…” he grumbled, stumbling back to bed.

“Mmm” she sighed, moving over so he could snuggle back beside her. She rested her head against his chest and he rumbled in approval, wrapping his arms around her.

“…love ya babe…” he muttered.

“I love you too” she sighed happily.


              Macon left that morning to find Jolene waiting for him by his bike, he glared openly.

She threw up her hands, “Don’t make that face, I came to apologize…”

“Oh really?”

“I’d been drinking and wasn’t thinking straight…”

“Sounds familiar…”

“I should have known…it was probably passed you’re girl’s bedtime” she snorted.

“Fuck off, Jolene” he snarled, shoving her out of the way.

“Really Macon? What made you decide to shack up with a kid like that? I always knew you liked ‘em young but…”

“…maybe it’s because I know she won’t just up and leave me”

“C’mon Macon…! You can’t really be this stupid, kid’s her age change their minds with the weather”

“Fine, then maybe it’s because, when she does, I know it’s for good and she won’t keep fuckin’ with my emotions like you do” he hissed at her. Jolene’s face fell and she looked away, “…we have fun”

“No, you do. You come back just to have your fun and leave, not givin’ a damn what it does to me or the boys. At least Luke and me gave up expectin’ any more from you”

“Why you gotta do that?! Why you gotta make things so serious?!”

“Because I’m a fucking adult, Jolene, had to be when you up and left me to raise two babies all by myself”

“…I needed to spread my wings, Macon! I wasn’t ready to just give up and be a housewife”

“So you ran away…without out no goodbye to me or our boys? And I never asked you to be a housewife or a wife for that matter. I loved ya, Jolene! If you’da just told me what you wanted instead a disappearin’ we coulda made it work…!”

She didn’t say anything, just glared sullenly into the concrete.

“…but you never thought about that did you? No, you were too busy thinkin’ about yourself” Macon scoffed, mounting his bike and revving the engine. “The reason I’m with Marie is because I know she wouldn’t put me through half the shit you have”


“And she just showed up at my apartment, bangin’ on the door looking for Macon, the fuck?” Marie gasped incredulously.

“Jolene never did know when to leave well enough alone” Siobhan sighed. “…ya’ll in the middle a doin’ it?”

“Of course! Why else would I be upset?”

Siobhan laughed.

Marie hesitated, “Should…I be worried?”

“Well, Macon make you feel you should?”

She pouted a little, “Well…no but…he has kids with Jolene, and he told me how he felt about her…”

“I think the key word here is ‘felt’, past tense”

“…I guess”

“Listen, if after seein’ Jolene the first thing my idiot brother does is run home to fuck you, I’d say you ain’t got nothing to worry about”

Marie smiled a little, her cheeks going rosy, “Thanks Siobhan. You’ve always been so good to me, since the beginning”

“What can I say, the first-time Macon introduced you to me all I could think was how fucking adorable you were. I wanted to take care of you”

She blushed again and Siobhan winked, “Besides, you ever get tired of Macon, you can shack up with me”

Marie giggled. “Well, I gotta get to class…”

“So you come to a bar before going to class?” Siobhan raised an eyebrow.

“How else would I be able to visit” she winked on the way out. A few seconds later Jolene sat down at the bar in front of her, “Whiskey, neet”

“The hell you doin’ here?” Siobhan spat.

“I’m a payin’ customer, anyway your brother already chewed me out and I really need a goddamn drink”

Siobhan sighed, pouring her drink.

“…what he say?”

Jolene took a sip, letting the burn ground her, “Basically called me out on all my bullshit…”

“’Bout time” Siobhan snorted.

“Dammit, what’s so special about this girl anyway?! The way he talks about her you’d think she was the love a his damn life…!”

Siobhan shrugged, “She might be. He cheated on ‘er a while back and she left ‘im, Macon just about fell apart”

“Like he did when I left?”

“Worse. Least when you left he tried to move on, with Marie it was like he couldn’t”

Jolene scoffed, “Gonna be a real shame when she goes for good”

“What makes you think she will?”

“She’s twenty-four, Siobhan, and Macon’s almost fifty. I’m surprised she stuck around this long, then again, I know what an animal Macon is in the sack…”

“Gross…” Siobhan deadpanned, “And I don’t think she’s goin’ anywhere. She loves him, y’know”

“She might think she does…” Jolene snorted.

“Just like you thought you did?” Siobhan glared.

Jolene glared right back, “Yeah, just like I did”

She let out a sigh, “Look, I wasn’t ready for it, okay? Settlin’ down and what not. I thought I was but I wasn’t and Macon…he was so damn happy when I told ‘im I was pregnant. I thought things would be okay because we were together and he wasn’t goin’ anywhere”

“So what happened?”

“I woke up one day and realized my life was over. I was only twenty-one and all I’d ever be was a mother and a wife”

“That’s enough for some people…”

“Yeah? Well it wasn’t for me” She spat downing her drink.

Siobhan refilled it quietly, “After you left, Macon got a vasectomy. Said he didn’t want to make the same mistake twice…”

Jolene snorted, “He always was a drama queen”

“When’re you leaving so my brother and nephews can get back to their lives?”

“Think I might hang ‘round a bit. Haven’t met this ‘Marie’ after all…”


Macon rolled off Marie with a groan, she gave a breathy laugh.


He smirked, “…did I hurt ya, baby?”

“…never…” she purred and he leaned over to kiss her.

He was about to find his second wind when his phone started ringing on the end table.

“Fuck…!” Macon groaned as he reached for it. He groaned again when he saw who was calling.

“Matthew?” Marie asked.

“Yeah…” he sighed getting out of bed and reaching for his boxers. “Gonna take this on the fire escape, need a smoke…”

Buck looked up expectantly when Macon opened the door, he reached down to pet him.

“She’s all yours, boy”

The pit-bull scampered happily into their bedroom. Macon answered the phone right before it went to voicemail.

“Yeah…?” he sighed ducking out onto the fire escape.

“Yo… dad where you at…?” Matt slurred, obviously drunk.

“Where’d do ya think, it’s after midnight…” Macon lit a cigarette, blowing out smoke.

“Whe…when d’you become such a party pooper…?”

“Look, I just came, I’m tired and you’re drunk….”

“M…mom’s here, she keeps askin’ ‘bout ya… least come say hi…”

“No and tell yer ma to help you home. You’ve had enough”

“Dammit she… she’s been here a week and ya… you’ve hardly talked to ‘er…”

“We’ve exchanged words, believe me” Macon snorted.

“Y’know what I mean…! Usually, mom comes t’ town n’ yer all over’er…”

“I’m with Marie now, stop bein’ an ass” he growled.

“So ya choose yer piece a ass over the mother of yer children?”

“When are you gonna grow the fuck up, Matt? Yer ma ain’t stayin’ and me bein’ there while she drinks herself under the table ain’t gonna change that” he hissed.

“…you don… you don’t know that…! Why ya gotta… gotta be like that…?”

Macon let out a sigh, rubbing his eyes, “Is Luke with ya?”


“Is he shit-faced too?”

“…not yet…”

“Put ‘im on”

A second later Macon heard Luke’s apologetic tone, “Sorry dad, I tried to stop him but mom got ‘im all riled up”

“Yeah I know how she can be… just make sure your brother gets home okay and doesn’t end up in jail” Macon sighed.

“You got it”

Macon hung up the phone, taking one last long drag from his cigarette and suddenly wishing it was weed. He flicked it off the railing before ducking back into the apartment.

“Do you have to go?”

Marie was standing there in nothing but socks and his plaid shirt, he smirked a bit, “Ain’t no place I gotta be beside with you”

She smiled, going up on her toes to wrap her arms around his neck as he bent to kiss her. His hand slipped under the shirt, grabbing her bare ass. Marie moaned, biting her lip.

“…think we should go back to bed…” Macon growled playfully.

“It’s a shame we have to kick Buck out again, he only just got comfortable” She sighed, tugging him back towards the bedroom.

“I don’t mind havin’ him watch. It’s you with all them morals and shit” he teased.



That’s her?”


Jolene couldn’t believe what her son was telling her, they were standing outside a coffee shop looking in on a girl who barely looked legal. She was sitting at one of the tables, coffee on one side, textbook open in front while she scribbled down notes in a notebook on the other side. She was small and unassuming in her oversized sweatshirt her hair pulled back in a braid. The very opposite of what Jolene was expecting right down to her skin.

“…you gotta be shittin’ me…” she laughed in disbelief.

“Nope… wanna go say hi?” Matthew smirked.



The voice set Mare’s teeth on edge, she set her jaw continuing with her notes, “Your dad is at Church, not here. What do you want?”

“Nothin’ just decided to visit my dad’s favorite whore” Matt grinned pulling out a chair to sit down. Marie glared, about to tell him to go fuck himself when she noticed the older woman standing behind him. Marie slid on her glasses to get a better look.

She was dressed like someone twenty years younger, with heavy makeup that seemed to suit her nonetheless. She was pretty, Marie supposed, with entrancing green eyes and thick blonde hair but the smile on her face made it look like she was trying very hard not to burst out laughing.

Marie had guessed but she decided to ask anyway, “Who’s this?”

“Jolene Fitzpatrick, my mother. She’s been dying to meet you” Matt’s grin was getting more and more unsavory with every word.

“I’ll bet…” Marie sat back in her seat, crossing her arms as she prepared herself.

“I knew Macon liked ‘em young but, I’d no idea he started pickin’ girls up at the high school” she snorted, sitting down at the table. “I mean really? What are you, sweetie, an a-cup? Barely that?”

Marie said nothing, glaring at the older woman with quiet distain.

“It’s time you move along now, kid. It won’t take long for Macon to realize he rather sit at the adults table”

“You done? Cuz I got actual work to do and as much as I would love to watch you try to bully me, I’ve got a test to study for and, apparently, I now have to find a new place to study” Marie smiled unpleasantly.

“I don’t think you’re hearing me, hun. I’m back now and me and Macon are gonna pick up right where we left off, he doesn’t need you anymore” Jolene sneered.

“It’s funny you say that since, instead of flying to your side at whatever bar you were getting drunk at, he chose to stay home and fuck my brains out last night” Marie smiled.

The condescending smile fell from Jolene’s face.

“As a matter a fact, you coming back hasn’t really changed his routine much accept, maybe, him drinking less as a way to avoid you” Marie said as she gathered her things.

“Watch your damn mouth” Matt hissed grabbing her arm.

“Matthew, you get your damn hand off me now or so help me God one a these barristas are gonna have to pull me off a you” Marie hissed in a low voice.

Matt reluctantly let her go, remembering that the last time he put his hands on her without her permission, he ended up with aching balls and a broken nose.

Marie slung her bag on her shoulder, smiling at the both of them, “Now, you two have a good day and don’t forget to go fuck yourselves”


“Babe?” Macon called as he strode into the apartment. Marie was sitting at the small kitchen table staring distractedly into her Angry Orchard. Buck sat dutifully at her side staring up at her in concern.

“Hey…” she smiled but it was strained. Macon sat down across from her, “You okay? You don’t look so hot”

She shrugged, taking a swig, “Your son and his mother decided to pay me a visit while I was studying…”

“Shit” he cursed, “You okay? What did she say to you?”

“Told me to get lost because you were gonna go runnin’ back to her…”

“You know that ain’t true right?”

Marie lowered her head, “Yeah, yeah I know it. But…then I’m not so sure if I do…”

Macon leaned across the table, taking her hand, “Hey, look at me”

She lifted her brown eyes and he could see there were tears in them, “I know my word might not mean a lot these days but, I love you, Marie and I swear to you and to God above I’ll never leave you”

She smiled as he brought her hand to his lips, kissing her knuckles, “You eat yet?”

“No” She sighed, wiping her eyes on the back of her hands, “Was too busy feeling sorry for myself”

“Stay right there, I’ll make us somethin’” Macon said, pushing himself up from the table.

“You’re gonna cook?”


“…you know how I feel when you cook” she purred.

He smirked at her over his shoulder, “Eat first, then you can have me all to yourself”


Macon grabbed Jolene by the throat slamming her into the wall.

“Dad what the hell?!” Matt began, jumping to his feet, Macon stopped him with a glare.

“I’ll deal with you in a minute” he hissed.

“…thought I told ya this wasn’t my fetish…” Jolene laughed, Macon squeezed and she choked.

“You listen and listen good. You’re gonna pack up all your shit, and head back to where ever the fuck you came from. I’m through playin’ nice and puttin’ up with your bullshit” he snarled.

“…guess your little friend…told you ‘bout the…conversation we had…”

“You keep her outta this”

“…she’s already…in it…” she smirked.

Macon gave an annoyed growl as he let her go with a shove, he stalked away from her like a feral animal.

“Give us a minute” he said to Luke and Matthew.

Luke had to drag his brother from the room.

“What the fuck is your problem, you never been this persistent before” Macon began.

“…I fucked up” Jolene shrugged.

“That’s the understatement of the century…!” he laughed.

“I want you back, Macon…!”

He turned, glaring at her in disbelief, “What the fuck did you just say to me?”

“I still love you” she whimpered miserably, “All this time…I’ve never felt complete without you. That scared me so…so I ran away”

Macon rubbed his eyes, “Why you sayin’ this to me now, huh?! You broke my heart over and fucking over and suddenly now you want it?”

“I’m sorry…!” she cried, rushing to take his hands. “I was confused but I know now, I love you Macon! We can be together, we can be a family…!”

He sighed shakin’ his head, “I loved you, Jolene. We were together for years before the boys were born so I’d say I know you pretty well”

Macon cupped her cheek, “So I know when your tryin’ to put one over on me”

She pulled back and he laughed, “What’s the matter? You can’t stand to see me with anyone else? That it? That don’t mean you love me, Jolene, it just means your petty”

“I’m not lying, Macon!”

 “And I don’t fucking care” he snarled, stomping toward the door, “You heard me, Jolene, I want you gone…!”


“God that test was brutal”

“I’m so glad we studied together…”

“We’d a been screwed if it weren’t for Marie’s notes”

“Speaking of, is she okay?”

The group glanced at the girl lying face down on their table.

“I think she’s dead…”

“That’s not funny…”

“Imma poke ‘er”

Samantha poked her with a straw and she leapt up, “Fuck…!”

“You okay?”

Marie fixed the group with an exhausted stare, “I haven’t slept in three days…”


“Do you have another class today?”

“Can you go take a nap?”

“I’m done for today…” she yawned.

“You should head home”

“I don’t think she should be driving…”

“Oi! I can drive you!” Erica piped up.

“Fine whatever…” Marie sighed slapping her keys down on the table as she got up, “I’m gonna walk the dog, sleep, get a drink then get my boyfriend to eat my pussy til I pass out”

“We didn’t need to know that…”

“Just lettin’ ya’ll know where my mind’s at”

“In your pants?”

“Bingo…bye” she yawned as Erica helped her out the door.


“Will your boyfriend be around?” Erica asked excitedly as the two walked up to the front door of Marie’s apartment building.

“Probably not…why? I thought Macon made you nervous…and you think our age gap is weird…”

“Not weird, just…different. Besides I find his culture fascinating!”

“Culture…? The whole biker thing?”

“Yes! Do you know if he’s ever killed anyone? Oh! Do you think he’ll let me interview him!” Erica chirped.

“I doubt it, the boys don’t really like people who ask alotta questions…”

“You think they’ll ‘off’ me?” she giggled.

“Wrong terminology but…yeah probably”

Erica paled.

The two rounded the corner and Marie groaned when she saw Jolene waiting for her in front of her apartment.

She smiled unpleasantly, “Been waitin’ for ya, hunny”

“What the hell, Jolene… I’m too tired to deal with your crap…” Marie sighed.

“Oh you won’t have to deal with anything much longer…” Jolene said pulling out a gun.

Erica shrank back but Marie just stared at it drowsily.

“You’re gonna leave Macon to me or so help me I’ll kill ya where ya stand” she hissed.

“If you’re gonna shoot me hurry up and do it” Marie sighed.

“Marie…!” Erica said in a hushed whisper.

“I’m not leaving Macon and if I did what the hell makes you think he’s gonna come runnin’ back to your bitch ass” she snapped. Jolene faltered.

“Ya fucked up, Jolene. But it’s fine to be mad at me since I showed Macon there were better things then you…”

“I watch what you say to me if I was you” Jolene sneered, cocking the gun.

“Stop antagonizing her…!” Erica whispered, her fingers digging into Marie’s arm through her sweatshirt.

“I’m not scareda her… your fingers hurt…”

“She has a gun!”

“It’s not like she’s gonna use it…”

“And what makes you so damn surea that?!” Jolene spat.

“Cuz it wouldn’t take Macon long to figure out you did it” Marie sighed crossing her arms.

That seemed to rattle Jolene for good, the gun shook in her hand, she cursed as she lowered it.

“…Goddamn you… what the fuck makes you so special?!” she yelled.

“The fact that I’m not going anywhere. Now can I please get into my apartment?”

Jolene spat, stalking away like an angry cat. Erica collapsed where she stood.

“…holy shit…”she breathed.

“If you don’t wanna be left there you better get yo ass up” Marie grumbled as she trudged up to the front door.

“…does this happen a lot?”

Marie shrugged, “Not really…fuck I need a nap…”


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