But Wait! There's More!: Oooh...with lack of better to say.

Published Jun 1, 2006, 3:34:18 AM UTC | Last updated Jul 10, 2006, 6:11:59 PM | Total Chapters 12

Story Summary

I went on a cruise around the WWW, found a Manga pic I liked, gave it a name, threw out a random title, and gave you this. Enjoy!

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Chapter 11: Oooh...with lack of better to say.

Chirstabel sucked her breath in and pushed it out, trying not to make a sound as she slipped through the reeds. Silently she cursed every time her dress snagged on a branch, which was often enough for her to become fustrated almost to tears. Every time a thorn pierced the sole of her foot, she winced; she could practically feel the blood seeping out of her body.
"Why am I doing this?" she muttered, "Since when did I listen to lower folk? Since I decided I did not want to be a Lady." she replied to herself sourly.
She paused, peering over the foliage. From her hiding spot, she could see several guards sent to watch over the Lady Christabel.
"Lot of good they are," she snorted to herself, and continued on her pace.

She didn't know how long she walked for, or for how far, but she didn't stop until she reached a town. By this time her skin was smudged with mud, and she reeked of sweat and body oder. Until this time, she never realized how little she worked out. Exaughsted, she stared at the townspeople she passed, who stared back at her as if she was crazy. Finally, an elderly woman approached her.
"Are ye lost, m'dear?" she asked in a raspy whisper.
"I-I do not know."
The woman raised her eyebrows, "Well...lets git ye cleaned up a bit. Git ye some new clothes. 'ere, lean on me. I'll take ye to me place." she supported Christabel by looping a strong arm under her armpits.
Greatfully, Christabel sagged against the woman, "Oh, thank you..."
"Elize. Ev'ryone, they call me El. Ye jus' stay quiet; ye look parched."
Her eyes drooping, Christabel nodded, "P-parched."
Without another word, Elize dragged the half-awake body  of Christabel to a well-kept log home. Elize carefully placed Chirstabel on a straw mattress, then dragged out a tin washbasin.
"I'll be back in moments, m'dear. Ye jus' stay here, ye hear? Stay." she ordered as Christabel attempted to stand.
"B-but...do you not need help?"
Elize shook her head, "Ye're too weak, girl. Sit, 'n' stay." Elize left, and came back shortly with two buckets of water, "This'll do fer ye. Git in the washbasin. In."
Groggily, half-stumbling, Chirstabel obliged. Elize retrieved her homemade soap. Carefully, delicatly, Elize proceeded to bathe Christabel. Christable accepted without complaint.

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