But Wait! There's More!: Then Again, Maybe You Do.

Published Jun 1, 2006, 3:34:18 AM UTC | Last updated Jul 10, 2006, 6:11:59 PM | Total Chapters 12

Story Summary

I went on a cruise around the WWW, found a Manga pic I liked, gave it a name, threw out a random title, and gave you this. Enjoy!

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Chapter 5: Then Again, Maybe You Do.

As long as they could remember, Christabel had always been there for Huxford and Macallister. And so, in return for her constant service, they were there for her.
"I can not believe him!"
It had been a good month since the breakfast with their father. Since then, Christabel had been in her own relentless training with utter strangers. Some were male; most were female. Now, in her quarters, was the first time in weeks that she had time to herself. She had selected to rant off to her brothers.
"I can not believe he would make me go through all this work, just for nothing!"
"It is not nothing," Huxford pointed out, "You will get married. Eventually."
"Eventually," was Christabel's bleak response. "Eventually! Do you understand how painful it is to be yelled at, despite all the effort one puts into their work?"
"Yes." Huxford and Macallister said in unison.
"You should have seen Huxford."
"Couldn't handle it. It gets better. Later."
Christabel rolled her eyes, and leaned out the window. The snow had already begun to melt, leaving the world soggy. This was the worst part of the seasons; the soggy mess between Winter and Spring.
"Later," she murmured, "Do you know, they wouldn't let me ride? At all? Or go hawking...you do remember how much I adore Etain?" Etain was her hawk, a gift from Elizabeth for  her ninth birthday. Huxford and Macallister nodded, remembering the countless hours Christabel spent with Etain. Just as Macallister spent with Spellfire.
Christabel sighed, resting her chin on her hands, "This is all pointless. I might as well..." she trailed off, a spark coming into her eye, "What if I ran away?"
Macallister and Huxford shared a concerned look, "Christabel, do not. Whatever you do, do not run away. Father could beat you...or, rather, have someone beat you."
"I have no father," Christabel scoffed, "I have Lord Westerly who wants to sell me off like a slave in return for something he could never have."
"Lady Christabel!" The call came through the door. "Lady Christabel, who are you talking to? There is to be no one in your quarters. That is a punishment."
"Stupid punishments..." Christabel said crossly, "Macallister and Huxford have kindly selected to join me in my punishing," she added in sweetness.
"Lord Huxford, Lord Macallister!" The correction was harsh, "And they are to come out. Now! All three of you!"
Dutifully, all three of them exited Christabel's quarters. Another elderly woman, known for her extreme harshness, surveyed them severely. "You three ought to know better. Lords," she addressed Huxford and Macallister, "Lords Macallister and Huxford, I would have expected much more from you! You three are never to be seen together, or heard together, in Lady Christabel's quarters ever again. She is a Lady now. Respect her like one! Do you understand."
Disappointed, the three of them nodded in unison.

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