But Wait! There's More!: Ever Notice the Randomness in These?

Published Jun 1, 2006, 3:34:18 AM UTC | Last updated Jul 10, 2006, 6:11:59 PM | Total Chapters 12

Story Summary

I went on a cruise around the WWW, found a Manga pic I liked, gave it a name, threw out a random title, and gave you this. Enjoy!

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Chapter 7: Ever Notice the Randomness in These?

And look perfect she did.  As she admired herself in the mirror, she was astounded at how much of a woman she looked like. Merry had swept her blonde hair away from her face, pulling it gracefully back to expose her rigidly graceful features. Christabel twisted and turned, getting all the angles of herself in the maroon dress her instructor had selected for her. She admired her otherwise lost curves; had she grown that much?
Yet this unknown beauty brought her own fear; what would her brothers think? This question bothered her the most. She didn't want to be treated like a woman, not by her brothers. Suddenly she was overwhelmed by the emotion. Tears filled her eyes, and she stumbled back into a chair.
"Lady Christabel?" The knock came at the door; Christabel didn't answer. The door opened. "Lady Christabel...are you okay?" Merry rushed over to Christabel, quite concerned. "M'lady, what's wrong? Are you hurt?"
Christabel sniffed and shook her head, "No...no, I am fine. Just...give me a moment. Is Lord Westerly ready for me?"
"Yes, m'lady, he is."
Christabel blinked several times, sniffing as she stood up. Merry offered her a make-shift tissue.
"Thank you," she accepted it, wiping away her tears and snot before handing it back to Merry. Merry took it without complaint, and left silently.
Slowly, keeping her emotions in check, Christabel ventured to the dining hall. She had seen more of this hall in the last month then she had seen in her whole life, what with Lord Westerly's dinners. Because of this, she had met more people then she could remember, accepted more handshakes, hugs, betrothal offers, polite kisses, and simple chatter than she would ever accept the rest of her life. Cautiously she entered the hall, ready for the irritating greeting of silence.
But this time was different. Everyone was speaking; she even recognized a few people.
So the King of Uptum was his father. He's alright, I guess. Christabel thought as she curtsied for the King and his family, then shuffled to her place next to Elizabeth and her father only too-conscious of the sets of eyes eyeing her.
"Lady Elizabeth. Lord Westerly." she nodded her head politely. They returned the nods with pleasant smiles.
It was another meal of silence, for Lord Westerly's children. Christabel listened politely as the old Queen of Uptum informed her for the thousandth time that Christabel and the Prince of Uptum would make a wonderful couple.  On the other side, she could hear Lady Elizabeth whisper to Lord Westerly that perhaps we should convince the Prince of that land way out there to come. And across the way, Huxford and Macallister were giving her cautious looks. Finally, she could escape.
"I am sorry," she interrupted the Queen, as she was describing the vast amounts of land Lady Christabel could own if she were to marry her son, "Your Highness, I am sorry, I do enjoy listening to your...property evaluations, but I am afraid I do not feel well. I must take my leave, I am afraid. Good night."
Quickly Christabel rose, and left. Huxford and Macallister followed her wordlessly, poking each other and chuckling once they reached the hall.

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