For Love of a Child: Matters Into Our Own Hands

Published Jan 23, 2012, 9:13:11 PM UTC | Last updated Feb 20, 2012, 9:01:11 AM | Total Chapters 12

Story Summary

(COMPLETE) A prostitute gives her soul to a demon for her child's happiness. Years later that same child has the misforture of meeting that demon once again, as her nephew's butler. Inuyasha X-over, My OC, Please don't be mad.

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Chapter 10: Matters Into Our Own Hands

“Are you sure you’re alright, dear?”

Fawks looked up at Rachel, “Hmmm?”

The elder woman gave her a concerned look, “You’ve been out of sorts since you called off your courtship. Are you certain you didn’t wish to see that gentleman anymore?”

“…Yes…he was…engaged to be married after all. He was only using me as a way to get out of it. What a cowardly man” Fawks scoffed.

“You’re…beginning to sound like Frances. I must admit it is a bit scary…” Rachel smiled nervously.

There was a knock at the door and Tanaka promptly answered.

“Has Frances returned with the children already?” Rachel began.

“Right this way, sir. Lord Phantomhive will be with you momentarily…” Tanaka bowed showing the gentleman into the sitting room.

“Eh?!” Rachel cried indignantly at the sight of Lord Taiyo. Fawks felt her cheeks ignite, she glared into the floor.

“Lady Phantomhive, Miss Fawkeisha. I trust the both of you are well” He bowed removing his hat.

“What business do you have here?” Rachel asked coldly, placing a protective hand on Fawks’.

“There is something I wish to discuss with your Lord husband. Forgive the intrusion” he gave a cold smile which made Rachel shiver.

“Hmph so it is you” Lord Phantomhive said as he entered the room. “I admire your nerve. Coming all the way down here when you know full well I consider what you did to my sister a killing offence…”

“Brother…!” Fawks began.

“That’s quite alright, Miss Fawkeisha. I deserve your brother’s anger as well as punishment. But before that, I’d like a chance to right my past wrong…” Sessho-maru said solemnly. Lord Phantomhive raised an eyebrow.

“I have come here this day to ask your permission to marry Fawks”

The shock in the room was palpable and the silence seemed to stretch on for an eternity, Lord Phantomhive’s eyebrow twitched.

“What was that?”

“I believe it’s time for some truth. I have been courting your sister for many months now…” Sessho-maru cast Fawks a fiery glance, she immediately looked away.

“Is that true?” Rachel nudged her conspiratorially.

“…Yes…it is” Fawks blushed.

“I also asked her to marry me but she showed some concern over how you and Lady Midford would react. I believe it’s fair to say she feared for my life” He gave a smirk. “So I decided to take matters into my own hands and ask for her hand, for you see I love your sister very much”

Fawks glanced up at him through her eyelashes, and he threw her a smirk.

“…Is what he says true? You were worried over what Frances and I might do if we found out you were having contact again?” Lord Phantomhive asked.

“…I’m sorry, brother…I didn’t want to upset you and sister Frances but…” she glanced back up at Sessho-maru, “I love him, more than I thought I could ever love anyone”

Lord Phantomhive gave a strenuous sigh, “…I’d never thought I’d be compared to Frances in such a way…Very well, if you two wish to marry, you have my blessing. I’ll figure out some way to break this to Frances easily”

Sessho-maru knelt before Fawks taking her hand, he presented her with a ring set with diamonds and emeralds.

“Fawkeisha Phantomhive, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

“Yes! A thousand times, yes!” she smiled, tears of joy streaming down her face.

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