For Love of a Child: Complications

Published Jan 23, 2012, 9:13:11 PM UTC | Last updated Feb 20, 2012, 9:01:11 AM | Total Chapters 12

Story Summary

(COMPLETE) A prostitute gives her soul to a demon for her child's happiness. Years later that same child has the misforture of meeting that demon once again, as her nephew's butler. Inuyasha X-over, My OC, Please don't be mad.

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Chapter 9: Complications

“No! I’ve had enough of conversing with servants! Where is my son?! I’ve come to see him!” the woman shouted, sweeping her fur wrap around her shoulders.

“Mother…” Sessho-maru sighed irritably as he and Fawks entered the room.

“Ah! There you are, you didn’t honestly think you could hide from your mother did you?” the woman asked with a wry smile.

“One can most certainly try…” he smirked back.

“Sessh-kun…” Fawks began.

“Ho? So the rumors were true. You are disregarding your engagement…” the other woman frowned.

“What I do with my time is my business. I never agreed to marry Kagura and I’ll be damned if I let you force me into a loveless marriage” He frowned.

“Love? Is that what this is all about?” she laughed. “The higher class doesn’t marry for love, one would think you would know that by now…”

“Father and Izayoi-san were very happy together up until his death…”

At the mention of Lord and Lady Taiyo, her eyes smoldered over with rage.

“Your father was fool” she spat, “He gave into foolish idealisms and I will not allow my only son to succumb to some harpy’s charm”

“Harpy?! I’ll have you know that this is the youngest daughter of the family Phantomhive!” Angelina began.

“Shh…” Fawks muttered.

“And I’m supposed to care about that? Just look at her, she’s obviously of mixed race and if that weren’t bad enough, she’s not even Japanese” the woman scoffed.

Fawks blushed self-consciously, Sessho-maru clenched his jaw.

“Why you…!”

“Angelina, that’s enough…”

“It’s a shame you feel that way, mother, because Fawks-chan and I are already engaged” Sessho-maru said coldly.

“Nani?!” the woman practically screamed.

“Eh?” Fawks began.

“Did I just miss something?” Angelina whispered.

“Now if you’ll excuse us, we have wedding plans to discuss…”

“I will NEVER accept this, Sessho-maru!!”

“It’s entertaining how you think I care…”


“How could you tell such a lie?!” Fawks cried indignantly.

“It was the only way to get her off of our backs and you know it” Sessho-maru replied nonchalantly.

“Oh really? And what happens when she figures out we’re not really engaged?!”

“There is a way for her to never find out…” he gave her a smile.

“Eh?!” Fawks blushed.

“Marry me”

“I…I can’t…”

“Could it be that all this time you were merely toying with my emotions? How cruel of you, Fawks-chan…” he teased.

“I’m serious! My family would never approve…” she went on.

“And why not? The Taiyo household and the Phantomhives have been on good terms even before we came from Japan” Sessho-maru raised an eyebrow.

“They…know that we’ve…had carnal relations…” Fawks blushed lowering her gaze.

“…Then your brother should be demanding that I marry you…”

“Well that’s not the case. You know that my sister is an experienced hunter and fencer. Not only that, her husband is a knight of the realm…” Fawks began.

“Are you afraid that they might try to kill me?” Sessho-maru asked with an amused smile.

“Yes! As should you be!”

“Hmph, I had no idea how much you truly cared for me”

“This isn’t funny, Sessho-maru! You know the kind of work my brother does for the queen. It would be nothing for him to eliminate an unworthy suitor…”

“Fawks-chan…” he began indignant.

“Please, Sessh-kun! I don’t want you hurt, especially not because of me…” she sighed.

“Fawkeisha! It’s time to go! You know how your brother gets when you’re late…” Angelina called from the main hall. Fawks smiled sadly leaning up to kiss his cheek.

“Goodbye, Sessh-kun. I wish you nothing but happiness…”

Sessho-maru said nothing as she slipped from his arms.

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