For Love of a Child: The Price of Happiness

Published Jan 23, 2012, 9:13:11 PM UTC | Last updated Feb 20, 2012, 9:01:11 AM | Total Chapters 12

Story Summary

(COMPLETE) A prostitute gives her soul to a demon for her child's happiness. Years later that same child has the misforture of meeting that demon once again, as her nephew's butler. Inuyasha X-over, My OC, Please don't be mad.

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Chapter 12: The Price of Happiness

Fawks opened her eyes, she was floating in a dark abyss.


“…this is the last place I’d expect to see you, princess”

She glared into the abyss, “…why are you here…where am I anyway?”

“You’re heart’s stopped beating, my dear. It seems the stress of bringing two children into the world at the same time has taken it’s toll on your frail human body…”

Fawks’ trembled, “…am I…dead…?”

“Not yet, my dear. After all, I have only your best interest in mind…”

“…or else you won’t get my mother’s soul!?” She snapped.

“…am I supposed to deny that?”

“…I don’t care what you have to say…”

“…what I say doesn’t matter, princess. But what I do is much more important”

A hand, hot as fire grasped her arm, Fawks bit back a scream.

“Heh, feisty…just like your mother…”

Her eyesight began to blur.



“Fawkeisha…! Beloved…open your eyes…!”

‘…sessh…kun…?’Fawks eyes fluttered open. Sessho-maru and Madame Red were leaning over her.

“…Thank God…” Sessho-maru sighed, pressing his forehead against hers.

“…What…happened…?” Fawks sighed.

“…we lost you there for a few minutes…” Madame Red smiled gratefully.

“…My babies…!” Fawks tried to sit up.

“They’re fine, Fawks-chan…” Sessho-maru sighed, pushing her back down.

“Both plump and healthy, congratulations you two” Madame Red smiled removing her plastic gloves.

“…What are they?” Fawks asked.

“A boy and girl…they’re so beautiful beloved…” he sighed, kissing her sweat-soaked brow. “…I thought I’d lost you…”

“…silly sesshy…you know I can’t die yet…” Fawks chuckled.

“Eh?” Madame Red began.

“…a less then flattering nickname from our youth…” Sessho-maru noted dryly.

“No, that bit about being immortal, she must be delirious…” the woman placed a hand against Fawks’ forehead.

“Not immortal, Angelina…I can’t die unless I’m completely and utterly happy. Not being able to see my children grow up would most certainly make me unhappy…”

“…now I’m sure she’s delirious…”

“She told me this story once when we were children, that her mother sold her soul to a demon in order to ensure Fawkeisha’s happiness” Sessho-maru replied.

“…I saw him just now, darling. He’s the one who said I couldn’t die yet…”

“…Hmm well she does have a bit of a fever, I’ll check her over once more then give her something to bring it down”

“Thank you, Angelina, you’ve always been very good to us” He nodded.

“You’re family, no matter how Vincent and Frances feel on the subject” Madame Red sniffed.

“Angelina is going to give you an injection to bring down your fever. Afterwards I want you to rest, beloved” Sessho-maru brushed back her dark red curls.

“…can I see the twins in the morning?” Fawks asked, drowsily.

“Of course, my love”

“Have you decided on names yet?” Madame Red asked as she readied the syringe.

“…Tensei and Ginjiro…I really liked those names…” Fawks sighed as she drifted into sweet unconsciousness.

…End Flashback

“It was shortly after that…that sweet Angelina lost her husband and her baby. And not long after that, my brother and sister-in-law…were murder and my nephew kidnapped” Fawks held herself, stroking her arms as if she were cold.

“Is your life not happy? You were able to marry your true love in the end, you have two beautiful children with another on the way…” Sebastian began.

“It was like…I sucked the happiness from those around me…those I loved…” She cried, tears pricking her eyes. “…If only I had been there for Vincent and Rachel…If only I had…”

Sebastian’s gaze became cynical, “…You would have been slaughtered like the rest of them.”

Fawks rose quickly to her feet slapping him hard across the face. Sebastian gazed into her enraged visage, unaffected, “Forgive the coldness, my lady, but there is nothing noble about death, even if it’s with the ones you love…”

Fawks glanced away, “I…suppose you’re right…still…I don’t think I’ll ever be able to forgive myself…”

“That feeling of guilt even though you aren’t at fault…it’s what makes you human, my lady” Sebastian smiled.

Fawks glanced away, “…Ciel is my last connection to my dear brother and beloved sister-in-law…I swore I’d looked after him…how am I supposed to face them in the afterlife?”

“I’m sure they’ll forgive you…after all, it wasn’t you who made a deal with a demon” he smirked, draping a spare blanket around her shoulders. “Come now, my lady, it is quite late, you must get your rest, think of your unborn child”

Fawks blushed, pulling the blanket tighter around her shoulders, “My husband is discussing business with Ciel and I…can’t sleep very well without him beside me…”

“Then why don’t I keep you company until you fall asleep? Your happiness is still my top priority after all” he bowed. Fawks gave him a once over, she blew out a sigh, “Fine…but you better not try anything! Unholy or otherwise!”

“Of course not, my lady! I am, after all, one hell of a butler…”

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