untitled: Allies?

Chapter 16: Allies?


The air was cold that night as Varun sat in his rooms. Beside him lay his golden-haired Angel, still asleep after having fallen under the spell of Varun's voice while reading. They were comfortable together after Varun so expertly coaxed Alpheus into his bedchambers instead of the dusty library. It proved well, for Varun had spent the last few hours watching the other with a smile. Tonight he would make or break what bonds he had made with Rowan. The news of war had hit him hard, especially this high in the mountains. That morning, he looked down upon the valley and thought how peaceful it appeared - hardly a nation ready to slaughter a thousand demons to satisfy its lust for revenge. In the night before, several Demons, pushed by the idea that there would be a war and they should strike first, had burned a Holy Town in the Sombs to the ground, killing hundreds of innocents. Now Tenshihana would retaliate, now everyone would suffer for the rash acts of few.


As Varun sat there, he waited for the knock just before midnight, stroking those long golden waves unleashed from their braid. Alpheus nuzzled into him in his sleep and the clock ticked a count down till their seperation. At last, there came a knocking and Varun slipped off the bed. He was dressed in his finest, had his luggage with him. Two will enter and one or none may leave. He and Rowan would convince Death of a daring plan, or else Varun would stay and the Angels would be out of their lives for good.


 He stood, leaning over to kiss Alpheus gently on the lips. Perhaps their last. It was hard to leave the angel laying so contently in his bed, for he was not sure what was to happen and that fear made it very difficult for him to leave. If only he could hold and make love to Alpheus just once. That was all he wished. But no, only time and Death's choice would reveal what was to happen. With the glow of the bedside lamp casting its warmth upon the sleep angel, he turned to leave. With a deep breath he opened the door and greeted the man behind it with a small nod.


Rowan wore black tonight. The lace at his throat was black, the long coat he wore was black, the black boots, the breeches - as pitch as could be. All that shown was his lovely pale skin, made paler by the darkness, his silken white-golden hair, his gleaming green eyes, and a single golden pin in the shape of a lion. The Lord of the Lion - how fitting it was. He was as noble, to be sure, as beautiful and as strong. Varun had come to admire his mentor greatly in these passed weeks. Now he found it hard to think of leaving him with their lessons only half-finished. "Are you ready?"


"Yes." Varun replied with a curt nod, slipping out with his things.  He had steeled himself in the past few hours. He disliked this, but with the war started, there was nothing more that could be done. He looked the angel over, startled but just how handsome Rowan looked in black. He was a handsome man, but even more striking now. The young shadowshifter blushes slightly and lowers his gaze. "We best go, Rowan, Death will be waiting."


"Yes. We will do our best tonight, won't we?" His smile was enigmatic and warm as Rowan turned on his heel and stepped down the hallway. Varun cast a glance back into his room where Alpheus lay, sleeping so soundly in that bed. Either Varun would be returning to that sweet sight or not at all. He burned the image into his memory for that brief moment before continuing on...into the darkness, into the blackness, into the abyss that would seal his fate.


Back at the castle, the gates had been flung wide open as the midnight hour came. The torches were all lit along the roadway, making a dramatic glow that faded into the night. Death sat in a chair as he waited impatiently. The wait was the most difficult, an uneasy unknown. Though it was not yet midnight, he would be there before the hour to be sure it came. Everything felt surreal.


Noting the strangeness of lighting the castle this much at night, Rughal had taken time out of sleep to gather there. Rowen and especially Lazarus were lingering there as well. Death did not have the heart to turn him away...What's more, Rei was asked to keep a look out on the open gates. There was no reason to be lax on the guard, even tonight.


Death leaned his head upon his hand, his eyes half closed and expression dark. Waiting was never something he enjoyed, the nervous flip flopping in his belly vexing. There was a small scowl on his lips, worry clouding the man's usual serene nature. This war had him in an unpleasant place and it showed. Lazarus shivered in the night chill, watching his lord out of the corner of one eye.


"You sure you don't want my cloak, Lazarus?" Rughal offered in a whisper. He was about to take the hori off his shoulders to give to the taller man, knowing that Lazarus had been feeling ill ever since Sahena left. Just being away from his lover must have been painful for him, but this was the second time...he must have been very pained indeed.


Lazarus flashed a faint smile at the demon, his expression aching. "Yes... please." was his weak reply. Lazarus lowered his gaze, the fate of both his lover and many more hanging in the balance this evening. His belly ached and he brought a hand up to rub along the still flat plain. How he wished he could see Sahena again. Being parted from the ones you loved was never an easy thing, more so in such a delicate situation. He turns his eyes back to the road, watching intently.


It was then that they heard the chiming of the great grandfather clock in the hall. It echoed through the entryway and into the great hall, chiming one....two....three...four....Lazarus felt his heart tighten as he looked towards the door, gaze trained on the darkness. ...six....seven....eight....Suddenly there was the light tapping of boots against the stone road. A pair of them as people stepped forth from the gloom. At first, Lazarus could not make out their features at all. Only when he noted that white-golden hair did he realize who it was. Rughal let out a low growl, his anger making the torches burn brighter. Ten....eleven...The last chime ended as the two figures stepped through the threshold. Rowan smiled, as charismatic as ever. Varun beside him looks ravishingly beautiful. The two make quite a pair.


Death sat up and crooked a finger. "Come closer, I wish to be able to talk without raising my voice." He directs with the faintest of smiles. The wait is over and now they will begin. He glanced to where Lazarus and the other two waited, keeping a close eye on Rughal. The man's anger was unavoidable, but Death could keep it contained.


"Good evening, Lord Death," Rowan said with a sweeping bow. Varun mimicked his mentor, having learned how to do the Tenshihana bow, which wasn't all that different from the way he bowed normally. There was just a little finesse to the hand that made it look all the more graceful. Varun was good at that, what with the slim grace of his hands.


"I do hope we did not come at an inconvenient time." Rowan looks around as he raises himself, seeing the gathered group. "My, I see you've gathered everyone even without my request. This will save us time then. Do you have a place we may all speak privately? I hardly think the entry hall will be suitable."


The immortal chuckles dryly and stands from chair he'd settled in for the wait. "Yes, follow me." It was a pleasure seeing young Varun again, looking dashing in the angel style clothing. He moved with grace, bringing a faint smile. He seemed to have learned more than just book skills. Such a knowledgeable young man. Surely the young man would become a scholar someday, his thirst for knowledge intense. Death could think of several positions he'd be perfect for in the future. The immortal led them along to one of the private dens. There was warm wine and small treats already set out by servants. Something to nibble on while they spoke.


Rughal didn't look happy about being near Rowan, but he could hardly resist being able to hear just what it was the Angel proposed. Seeing his son again made Rughal want to grasp out at the boy, to tug him away from the Angel that had so wronged them. Still, he remained calm so long as Rowen was at his side. The Death Angel really was the key to his sanity. "Thank you, Lord Death, for seeing me at such a late hour. I realize this is a time of great stress for us both, and I sincerely apologize if any of  this unpleasantness has somehow effected your family." Rughal scoffed at that, getting a silencing pitch from Rowen. 


The immortal waved his hand dismissively. "Most of us are up at this hour anyway." He explains with a faint smile, gesturing for them all to sit before he sank into a old high backed chair. When everyone was seated and relaxed, he looked back to the blond angel, a pale hand directed open palm to the man. "Please, explain to us exactly why you have asked for us to meet like this?"


"Ah, yes...I believe you are quite anxious to hear my proposal," Rowan returns with a smile, looking to Varun briefly before folding his hands in his lap and sitting back against the chair offered to him. His smile is beautiful and warm, those green eyes holding no hint of animosity or dangerous intent. Death waited anxiously for his answer as Rowan cleared his throat. "I would like you to go to war with me."


Rughal just about jumped out of his chair in anger. "Ha! I knew it! You Angel-bastard! You were going to make him choose sides, weren't you, with Sahena as the bait!!" the Fire Youkai hissed, wanting to rip out his adversary's throat right then and there. His family would applaud him for it. After all, he was part Lucifer. Rowan simply looked at Rughal with that smile though, shaking his head.


"No...I do not wish for Lord Death to choose a side - I wish him to BECOME a side."


The immortal's eyes widened and he barked a laugh. Was this man truly suggesting this? Death's realm had for the longest time been a neutral force. "Become a side? Please, explain further." He gestures, disbelief in his tone. The immortal watches Rowan through lowered lashes, black eyes unreadable. The immortal would never let him see any emotions and did so effortlessly, enigmic as ever. "You've made me curious."


"Neutrality is a harsh burden. You have no way of avenging the injustices towards your people without getting yourself bound up in the war...You may well remember the genocide that occurred not too long ago in our history. Despite your power, because of the Great War, you could do nothing. If you were to fight the Angels, you would help the Demons. If you were to fight the Demons, you would help the Angels. It really did little to serve your purpose of remaining unbiased on this issue, as it's quite obvious you've created an ill rapor with both sides due to their blatant disregard towards your creations..." Rowan set a glance towards Lazarus' way, seeing the other shudder at the mention of the genocide.


The Angel then looked back to Death, his gaze calm and cool, betraying nothing. "Even neutrality needs an army, Lord Death. I propose you have something to protect yourself and those who would seek asylum behind your walls. A force of Angel and Demon, unbiased and unconnected to the two warring factions now standing at your door.......Perhaps the greatest reason for my urgency is that you shall be visited by ambassadors tomorrow. I have it on good authority that they will both be asking for your support, offering you amnesty and protection for your Shadowshifters. Would it not be delightful, then, to tell them you have a force of your own and are fully prepared to use it without even a single loss to your precious Shadowshifter race?" Rowan smiled, looking over to his young companion.


"Varun agrees...this is no longer a matter of Angel or Demon. It contains you as well. If you mean to keep your realm intact, you will need my support."


The immortal stroked his chin, eyes distant as he thought about the possible issues that could arise. Lowering his gaze, Death let the silence hang in the small room. To wage war with both sides, dangerous, but perhaps satisfying after all that had happened. He chuckles dryly, closing his eyes. The gods he knew would watch in amusement, for the most part keeping out of the war between the angels and demons. Even the demon gods would roll their eyes in disgust. He glanced up, black eyes completely emotionless. "And if I do this, Rowan....? What will I get out of putting my people in danger?"


"A chance to amend the wrongs of my race, to free the Sombs, and to kill the man I call father," Rowan replied with a steady gaze. His eyes held such a determination that Death felt himself taken aback. Rowan was truly a presence, much like Varun, and he held in him such a passion that it gripped all of those around him - even gods. What's more, the logic of his words did reach the God. Though Death was hesitant, the idea that he could have someone to fight for his poor battered race of Shadowshifters felt good. So long he had sat in his dark realm...perhaps now; it was time to shed some light on it. To become a player in this stage might just scare either side into stopping this foolish crusade. Or, at the very least, it would allow him to have a hand in how his realm was effected. He certainly wouldn't be that God whose subjects could easily be persecuted. No, not with this lion at his side. 



Smiling faintly, the immortal rose his eyes level with Rowan's. For but a moment there was a frighteningly bloodthirsty glint but in afla "You've caught my interest. How shall I declare myself as part of this?"  The man asks calmly, his hands coming to rest in the hollow of his lap. This is a very big step. Death has never gone to war and thought it is frightening, the chance to bring some semblance of peace to those murdered gives him strength.


"You need not. As of tomorrow, I am officially refusing my princedom. I have already set Urius to liquidating my assets. Aside from my palace, I am keeping nothing. The compound is to be moved here, my protected witnesses are to be housed on your soil in a colony we will construct ourselves. I have already called in my various armies, set my battle plans, and am set to bring at least a dozen high lords with me to your gates. Our presence may speak well enough for itself...but, surely, whatever you say to those ambassadors tomorrow will certainly prove the point." Rowan smiled sweetly, so sweetly that it made everyone in the room shiver. "I am committing treason for you, Lord Death, and, aside from your willing participation, I ask only one thing."


"What thing is this that you desire, Rowan?" The immortal asks, expression guarded. He will never be fully trusting of the man, not when there was proof of a darker, more sinister side to him, but what he was offering was far too valuable to let slip from his grasp. He could not longer sit aside and be silent, not when the current trend was mass killing. He would not allow another genocide if he could help it.


"While I fight, allow me to as I see fit, and, should I win, you must give dominion of the Sombs to me." Rughal stood up then and growled once more, his chair almost knocking back in the violence of his action.


"You -! ....Do you mean to make slaves of those within it like every other Angel before you?! What gives you right to own a piece of the mortal world?! Death can't even bequeath that to you if he ruled that place!! It's the Gods' decision collectively!" Rughal hissed, meaning to beat back Rowan's wishes with the fire in his voice. Rowan merely looked calmly to Rughal, those green eyes vicious.


"I do not fear the Gods. I have dealt with them before and will do so again. I only ask this God, Lord Death, if he would not interfere. Surely, he can see the reason in that, as it is not his jurisdiction to care where the lines are drawn - only his duty to collect the souls of the dead." 


"Rughal, sit and behave or leave the room." The immortal orders, leveling a disapproving frown on the man. His attention returns to the blond angel, stroking a finger over his knuckle while he thought. "I believe I can do that.... but be keeping an eye on the area, just as a precaution." He smiles, though it does not quite meet his eyes and dips his chin in a small nod. "Now, anything else?"


"Merely where is that distasteful marriage contract so I may rip it up for you?" Lazarus' smile could not be bigger as he now does not regret staying up so late to see to the proceedings. As though he had been filled with helium, he was soaring with happiness in the heavens, knowing well how joyous it would be to have Sahena back again. From the hallway, Ceata could hear Rowan's words and frowned lightly for them. This no doubt meant that Sahena was coming back...yet....at what cost?



The immortal chuckles and folds his bone white hands before him. "I shall watch you rip it up with glee, Rowan." He declares with a dip of his chin. He sat straighter, milling over what had been decided. There were risks, there always were, but perhaps this could be settled with minimal damage. That was the god's hope. Things had been settled, but there was still much to do.


Some hours later and the minor logistics were settled. Rowan would prepare tonight to make his way over to Death's castle. His resignation was already set for the next day. Construction on a low wall that would encompass a refugee camp and a few small buildings that would serve as a headquarters for Death's newly acquired army would be started that night by Shadows and Death Angels. The construction would be taken up in the morning by the first to arrive. Varun would return with Rowan at that time to oversee the steady milling of soldiers and civilians under Rowan's direct protection. Just thinking of it made Death dizzy with the wonder of it all. In one night, he had agreed to wage a war, effectively taking Rowan into his staff as a Prince no longer, but a General instead. 


It held a sort of a giddy amusement as well. A new page laid bare before them. The immortal made ready for them, making sure the cooks stocked up on extra food and drink for the surge of men and women. Luckily for them, food never seemed to run out here. The immortal was helped by Lazarus, Faust, Doll and of course, Ceata, who had to learn to be the ruler after his fathers retired from station. He watched it all in a haze of displeasure, his lips tight and the desire to hid in a dark corner making his duties harder than he could imagine. Urius had not spoke with him in days and Ceata was feeling ill.


In the meantime, Rowan headed back with Varun beside him as the night gave way to morning. When Varun returned to the castle, he found that his room was not as it left. Though everywhere else, servants were frantic to gather whatever of Rowan's could possibly be taken with them as they hurriedly exported it through the Shadow Realm to Death's castle. There were already long streams of people being led within the Realm. First it began with the first trickling of witnesses - the poor unfortunates that had faced persecution or were otherwise victimized by the Valen family. Rowan had taken them all in, keeping them as key witnesses should a trial come up. Though Rowan had tried on several occasions to pin crimes onto his father's name, the Valen money spoke too highly of him. Rowan may have given up on smearing his father's name a while ago, but he never stopped accepting those that had suffered from his hand. These were the first to come. And after them? Soldiers. Hundreds upon thousands of soldiers. Starcs, Jins, Tenshihana, Valen, Demons, Neko, Humans, Shadowshifters, common, rich, young, old...They came and took over the job of setting up camps. Though they were low tents now being built in the shadow of Death's Castle, they would become low-buildings soon enough once construction started. While all this hustle and bustle was going on, Varun stepped into his room to see Alpheus still on his bed. He was sleeping curled up about the pillows and looking so sweet.


"...You know, for the kindness you  have afforded me in convincing Death, I could do anything for you, Varun..." came Rowan's whisper that nearly caused the youth to jump. 


Varun glanced over his shoulder with wide, wide eyes. He had very nearly jumped out of his skin. "W-what do you mean?" He asked breathlessly, heart thundering in his chest. Gods, Rowan had scared the crap out of him. Popping out of nowhere like a spook! And here he had been longingly staring upon the man sleeping in his bed. You shouldn't sneak up on someone when their attention is focused on something else!


Rowan chuckled, enjoying the flustered look on the other's beautiful face. "Alpheus is my ward. I freely give you permission to pursue him...in fact, I can betroth him to you, should you wish it." The idea of just giving Alpheus to him made Varun a little sour, for he did not think of the youth as something to be bartered off. However, upon thinking of it, he realized that betrothal was probably the only way he was going to get Alpheus to spend any WAKING time with him. Still, it made Varun uneasy.


The youth chewed his lip, murmuring quietly to Rowan so not to wake the angel up. "I-I do not know Rowan... what if I ruin what has already been budding? I actually got him to come into my room and read and he was relaxed enough to fall asleep against me." He mused. What Rowan suggested could bring Alpheus to resentment. That could very well ruin the delicate relationship.


"He already loves you, Varun...If he can't make the incentive, you must. Otherwise, with this war, you may very well lose him," Rowan warned as he stood at the doorway. Varun looked from him to the sleeping figure on his bed. Alpheus looked so comfortable and sweet. His lips parted softly and his chest rose and fell with his breathing. Waking up every day to this would be heaven...Still, love through proximity doesn't always work. "Besides, it's not as though anyone else would be with him...He needs you and you know it."


Varun bit his lip. Tough choices. Finally, with a sigh, he nodded his agreement. "Please let me... make something for him as a betrothal gift before you tell him?" He requests, still unsure if this is a good idea or not. The matters of the heart can be confusing and make ones mind clouded with ill judgment. He would hate to ruin it by so callously having Rowan betroth the other, especially without having something to physically show his affection and desire.


"May I suggest a very rare collection of books? You know he'd love you for it," Rowan smirks before turning and walking off to leave Varun with his Angelic love. How strange it is to think that he has fallen so far for the youth. For a long time, Varun believed him a pushy and snobbish individual who only took pleasure in hurting Eos. Now he finds he is actually rather sad and in need of love - love the Shadowshifter can't help but give.


Sighing, Varun returned to his room and slipped into the bed with Alpheus. He cuddles close, burying his cheek against his shoulder. The shadowshifter caressed the others hair gently, watching his sleeping face with a faint little smile twitching at his lips. The angel looked beautiful fast asleep, innocent and trusting. How nice it would be to have Alpheus always be like this and not just in slumber. If things went right that is. Varun so hoped they would.


"Mmmhnnn..." Alpheus grumbled as he rolled over and into the other's arms, nuzzling close to get warm. Varun felt his heart go pitter-patter when Alpheus' slender body pressed up against his so willingly. Yes, it would be worth it to be betrothed to him...If he could have Alpheus do this during waking hours, lovingly cuddling him as Eos did with Falcon...Oooh, what fun.


Varun gently kissed the top of Alpheus' head, caressing his hair with a slight smile. Varun only hoped that the choice he had just made would not lead to Alpheus resenting him. There was nothing he wanted less than to make Alpheus hate him yet the angel seemed set in his prejudice against his race, not allowing Varun to show he was far from the picture Alpheus had painted of him. Varun would never hurt him.


"Uhnn....." Alpheus groaned, feeling the other's lips against his hair. He cracks open an eye lazily, confused as to his surroundings. It's early in the morning and he's so tired, pulling himself up and shuddering from the sensation of so many muscles aching. He didn't have as nice a sleep without Varun next to him.


Varun yawned, still stretched out on the bed beside him. He was exhausted. Having just gotten home from the meeting with Death he wanted to do nothing more then snuggle down and sleep. "Don't leave... you're warm." he complains huskily, snuggled close to the other man's side. He had bags under his eyes, another yawn leaving the young man. If Alpheus tried to leave now he was sure he'd be too tired to try and convince him to come back.


Alpheus was so tired himself, barely registering what was going on. In his sleepy state, he rolled over and onto Varun, blanketing the youth with his body. He nuzzled in close, falling back into the delicious dreamless sleep he had missed while Varun was away. 


Varun let out a blissful sigh  and wrapped his arms around the smaller figure. Closing his eyes, he allowed the warmth of Alpheus to lull him into a deep, refreshing sleep. He was never more happy for convincing Alpheus to let him read to him than then. Varun smiled, perhaps Alpheus would like the betrothal gift of books?Already he could think of other books Alpheus would adore. With that thought still stirring in his head, Varun fell asleep.


Early the next morning and the castle was nearly deserted. Varun woke to find very little in his room and very little in the hall. The golden light of dawn was just streaming through his window when he felt Rowan's hand upon his shoulder, shaking him lightly. The castle was so deathly quiet. Sheets had been put over the furniture and the drapes taken down. It was as if it were abandoned - a ghost house. "Varun...awaken, it's time to leave."


Varun groaned and sat up, rubbing the sleep out of  his eyes. "Mmmn... ok." He groans groggily, slipping from the bed and standing on shaky feet. He felt slightly ill, but it must have been from the lack of sleep most of yesterday and last night. He blinked dark eyes slowly, smoothing his rumpled clothes into some semblance of order. He'd forgotten to change into night clothes.


"Alpheus is already gone. He went ahead. It's you and I now - the last of the last," Rowan replies with a gentle smile as they walk into the hallway. Varun looks around, so surprised at the deathly silence. It's never been this way before...there has always been a presence of someone there. However, the house now seems like the bare bones of a structure - its flesh ripped away in the night. 


Varun's shoes clacked loudly on the floor, the sound echoing through the empty halls. He glanced around, brows knotted. "It's.... so very empty." He replied with a frown. "It feels weird." A slight look of bemusement on the young man's face. It was so different from what he had grown used to on his stay here. Far from anything he had known before.


"My castle is nothing without the people to keep it going. Most large mansions are like that," Rowan replied simply as they headed off towards the portal that awaited them. In the early morning light, Varun could see out through the high windows the distant mountains that stretched beyond Tenshihana - cupping the Citadel as though it were in a great bowl. He would be leaving this to go back home...still, he felt no regrets, taking all his new friends with him.


It made going back home so much easier.  All those he had befriended were coming with him, he would not have to leave anyone behind. "Well... It could not be filled forever, right?" The young man muses as they walk. "Not when this war has started and our plan set into action soon." He smiled faintly, peering at his mentor. "Would not want them to be able to get to us easily."


Rowan and Varun make their way into the only room that is open - a portal sitting into he middle of the empty room that will disappear once they walk through. Rowan looks back to Varun, his smile gentle. "Say your last goodbyes. You will likely not see this house again."


Varun takes a small breath, his smile slight. There are memories here that will stay with him for a long time. "Good day house." He waved dismissively to the empty building, though he knew he'd miss it. He had learned much and met people here, he would be unable to wipe that sentiment from his mind. Varun sighed, looking to Rowan with a slow smile. "Shall we?"


"Yes." Rowan's smile was warm as he watched Varun say goodbye. Without another word, the two stepped through the portal and into another world...


Varun stood flabbergasted at how quickly the enterprising Angels had set up camp. Outside the wall of Death's Castle were clustered several low buildings with concrete sides and thatched roofs. Most of them had been constructed through the use of magic, but Varun can see several soldiers of Jin, Starc, and Valen backgrounds carting materials up to the high platformed buildings. There are also refugees moving into these temporary homes, hospitals being set up, and several tended barracks for the soldiers. Overseeing most of this are the Death Angels, taking up positions as guards as the fledgling settlement is forged. It's all quite amazing to see, especially with so many people! Does Rowan really control them all?!


Varun is awestrucked. Taking it all in, the young man is amazed by what has been done already and the sheer number of people. How... how had Rowan massed so many to him? It was jawdropping how many had flocked to the protection and leadership of this man.Varun flicked his gaze to the angel beside him, eyes wide. "There are so very many!" He gasps. ooking around him he had see many faces he knows.


"This is my army...of witnesses, spies, and soldiers. I do have a lot, don't I..." Rowan chuckled as he looked down at Varun. The youth was positively enraptured, seeming to find this newly erected settlement to be most intriguing to him. He would have to go around and ask everyone who they were. Such a vast number! Surely, he would make many new friends in the process.


Varun nodded, flashing the older man an excited smile. "Yes! You surely have many people under your flag, Rowan!" But of course he would, Rowan was a great man, was he not? Everything Varun had seen attested to it. Varun tugged his sleeve, his dark eyes bright. "How many are here, if I may ask? I cannot count them all."


"I have at least 100,000 soldiers, including the mercenaries I've hired. My witness protection program spans a good 5,000 to 6,000 individuals and their families. My staff is composed for at least 300 specialized individuals, and, of course, I have my 2,000 Shadowshifter volunteers and their families that I protect...You do the math. Oh, and not to mention the spies I keep...but I'd rather not give out that number," Rowan replies with a smirk. "You never want to let someone know just how much you have, even if they're a trusted friend. Remember that."


Varun nodded sagely, doing the math in his head and finding himself awed once more. Rowan had  such vast amounts of people, it was amazing. They were greeted by one of the death angel guards, the tall man nodded politely as they passed. Varun smiled and nodded back, returning the gesture without a second thought. The death angel remained watching over the newcomers, guarding them and the castle from any dangers.


"I will have to see your master. I do encourage you to go and see your family during this time, as you will not get much rest in the upcoming days," Rowan advises Varun as the two of them step out of the refuge camp and into the main castle. All of Death's staff is abuzz with activity trying to get the outer wall extended to encompass their guests. Several Demon officials and even those from the Elven, Fae, and Human races are here on behalf of Rowan. They came giving supplies and materials to Death in order to offer their support now to the Valen ex-Prince and the God he serves.


Varun nodded sharply, waving to the angel as he ran off. "I shall... see you next we meet, Rowan." He cries over his shoulder, leaving Rowan to make his way guided by one of the death angels, to go and speak with the immortal. The immortal was already preparing for the coming war, his mind working fast and nimbly to get everything done as quickly as he can. There is so much to do and very little time. It will be taxing for them all.


Rowan was led into the war room that Death had specifically designated for making plans as to any of Rowan's assaults. Though Rowan was given free reign to fight as he so pleased, Death would at least remain informed as to Rowan's decisions. Walking into the war room, Rowan could see Death sitting at the end of the table and being softly spoken to by one of the Elven Lords who owed quite a lot to Rowan's patronage. Upon stepping into the room, the gathered entourage looked up and bowed when they saw the handsome blond Angel approaching. 


The immortal's dark eyes flicked toward the angel prince -now ex-prince- that was coming toward them. He smiled at the man and gestured to a seat beside them, his attention taken from the Elven lord he had been speaking with. With Rowan here now, he needed to be included into the discussion and preparation. Playing at war was almost amusing. The very action of it interesting to the immortal, who had seen many a war in his long life but had never participated. Yet while it was somewhat intriguing now he knew with the first battle, would come the horrors.


"Good morning, My Lord. I see you are working hard as usual," Rowan chuckled as he walked over, seeing Auaei standing there and blushing at his presence. Like so many others who owed Rowan their lives, Auaei was in love with the man as well. He bowed graciously to the ex-Prince, showing his gratitude for years and years of patronage. "Oh, please, Lord Auaei...There is no need for such formalities. I am no longer a Prince, after all."


"You are a King in my eyes, Lord Rowan. I only show you your due respect." Auaei returns with a faint blush on his pale cheeks. His long maple-colored hair glitters in the light of early morning. 


The immortal chuckled and rests his clasped hands on the hard wood tabletop. "Lord Rowan... aren't you the popular fellow?" He remarks in a friendly taunt, lashes lowered over his dark eyes. The red of them glittered under the overhead lights, showing like thin strands of ruby against the alabastar of his cheeks. Serious once more, he brings his eyes up to Rowan, raising a brow. "Any news for me, Lord of the Lion?" He asks.


"None other than the entire capital is now claiming me and all my men traitors to Heaven, but that was to be expected," Rowan replies with a smile as he walks passed Auaei and sits down beside Death. A servant brings over some hot coffee for him and he thanks the young woman with a handsome smile. Sipping his coffee, he takes a moment to relax. "So have you considered which areas you mean to protect more heavily? I realize there is not a large Shadowshifter colony in the Sombs directly, but I know of a few which exist just beyond your gates, both North and South. I suggest concentrating the best of my guard there, if only so we can protect both the portals and your people."


The immortal nodded thoughtfully, "I'd have to agree. We've already started doubling the protections around the areas,  far less weaknesses than there were a few months ago." He mused, pale pointing out some places that had once been weak the massive map upon the wall. "In the castle, our weakest spots have always been windows and doors. Entries we cannot fully fortify." He muses "But the outer walls will be heavily guarded for this same reason."


Rowan chuckled. "I don't mean that, Lord Death. Your Castle is actually well fortified, what with so many Death Angels stalking it...I'm talking about the gates to your realm. Those are weak at this point, because all of your soldiers are focused internally. I will be setting up a guard at every entrance into your realm. The Starcs will take the North with Urius as their commander. The Jins will take the West nearest the Human settlements to provide cover for them. I am putting one of my strongest forces of a mixture of Shadowshifter, Demon, and Angel mercenaries and catapult-operators on the East where the Sombs is. This will be my largest force headed by Roland, but co-commanded by myself. The last will be at the South with the completely Demon regiment headed by Rughal's mother, Hitomi." At the last comment, Death's beautiful eyes get wide. Hitomi? As in the evil Fire Youkai bitch that constantly torments her son Rughal and his children because she has a stake in their development - THAT Hitormi? Just thinking of the tall Amazonian fire-breathing wench makes Death a little unnerved....especially since, one, Rowan can mention her name so casually, and, two, he actually knows her though he is an Angel and a MAN. 


"I am well aware." The immortal replied seriously. "These are precautions for a real emergancy." The man smiles slightly, "But I am putting my trust in your prowess." The immortal continues with a sweep of one hand across the smooth tabletop, lashes lowered over his eyes yet again. "The gates you have mentioned can be sealed if there is a great enough need to, but sealing them is difficult. Keeping them open and guarded for now will have to do until we are forced to defend."


"I suggest you get in touch with every Shadowshifter you possibly can outside your realm...Any of your agents will have to either go into hiding or come here. If both Angels or Demons can get a hold of them and possibly use them in any fashion, they certainly will," Rowan says in turn, smiling slightly. Death is still reeling from the idea of Hitomi somehow knowing Rowan...After all; she has a similar distaste for Angels as her son does.


"It has been taken care of." The immortal reassures with a slight dip of his chin. "Most of those outside my reach are smart enough to stay out of it and hide, and if they cannot, they will come here." He continues, brushing his hair out of his face with one pale hand. Death was already exhausted. Hours had been sunk into getting everything prepared and even more settling everyone in. This was not the organization the immortal was used to. Yet there are other things to think about. He smiles faintly, arching a brow. "What else do you have to tell me besides the fact that Hitomi The Bitch is helping you?" It was a nickname well earned.


"Hitomi The Bitch? Ah...she does have a bit of a hateful nature, doesn't she." Rowan leans forward, holding his chin in his palm as he smiles like a mischievous young boy. "Even so, she can be VERY compassionate when she chooses...I have known her compassion first hand and was...how shall we say? INSPIRED by it." The innuendo barely on the edge of his tongue would have enough implication to make Rughal faint on the spot. "Of course, she comes with her price. She is a very demanding woman, with reason, of course."


The immortal chuckled, his brows arching into his hairline. Was Rowan really implicating what he thought he was? How dirty.  Yet he sobers, resting his chin against his hand. Their eyes meet, black to green. "What sort of price does it come with Rowan?" He asks, smile still curling dark lips. What price did Rowan come with, Death has to wonder.


"What price do all women ask for?" he smiles sweetly. His green eyes are beautiful in the morning light, flicked faintly with red and as bright as anything. Death can see how Hitomi might find him attractive, but he's not the usual kind of man she goes for. Hitomi keeps so many consorts, all of them demure to the point of being like women. Some of them are even castrated, so any attempts at sex will be painful. It is her race's way of controlling the men, all of which are considered second-class citizens. Thus, it is strange to think she would be attracted to such a powerful individual like Rowan...Urius would be more her type, it seems.


"I have an idea, though women ask for so many different things." He replies with a small smirk. He'd many lovers over the years, male, female, inbetween. Many of them dead and gone, passed through the mortal coil. Yet the memory of their heat and affection remain behind, a lingering memento stained upon the immortal's mind. Chuckling he wrinkles his nose. "I will assume you rolled around under the sheets." He teases.


"My, I can't believe you would think me so uncouth that I would take her though she is currently tied to another...Recently, I do believe she acquired some high-ranking Servant of a Fire God as her lover. She goes through them so quickly...That necklace that dangles around her neck with all the bright gems - those are the souls of her lovers. Since my soul is not upon it, I simply couldn't have had such relations with her...not that I wasn't tempted, of course," Rowan replies simply and, thinking on it, Death sees the logic in that. So that must be why Hitomi clings to him...wanting Rowan yet Rowan being too smart to let her get a hand on his soul. This Angel before him is quite manipulative if he can get an Amazon Princess like Hitomi to be that addicted to him. "And, speaking of those who are in your bed, I hear my seer has taken to you."


 "Why yes, he has." The immortal replies with a faint chuckle, glancing toward the map along the wall. "He's rather sweet." He muses, thinking back on how the seer had cried out beneath him, of how his body burned with heat in the throes of passion. But especially of his smile and sweetness afterwards. "What of it, Rowan?" Death asks, his smile slight and open.


"I will be moving him into this Castle, as his powers are waning as of late. I suspect he is reacting to all the energies around him. I suggested that you help him calm himself enough. His dreams have been very frightening when he's away from you," Rowan says, stopping a moment to sip at his coffee. "Bad omens hang over us, it appears."


"I would not be surprised." The immortal muses quietly, his brow knotted. "I have had my share of bad dreams recently." It was as if something dark hung over them, a threat that he could not fully wrap his hands around. Allowing Rowan here was an iffy enough situation, but there was threat from all sides. "These are frightening times; fate is never one way or the other and is unpredicted." Death thinks aloud, eyes distant a moment before he turns his attention back to the blond. "I will do my best to keep him calm and comfortable." He smiles slightly, more than happy to have a warm body in his bed.


"Though, please, do not run him too ragged," Rowan says with a chuckle, knowing that glint in the immortal's eye as lust. Certainly, Death will keep him comfortable by having the young seer in his bed every night with the rest of his lovers. After all, Agenta has enjoyed more than once being sandwiched between Death and his many consorts. No doubt, Death's lovers won't mind having him back again. 


"I will behave. The boy needs his energy." The immortal laughs. Death found himself lusting after sleep most of all. He had been running around so much, attending to those he considered family. Many had been tucked away as safely as possible. His time and energy worn thing between work and preperation. Whether he could keep up with this was an entirely up to whether he had the energy.


"Perhaps you should go rest, My Lord. You can leave the particulars to me, if you like. I will have no problem keeping everything going," Rowan suggested as he looked over to Lord Death. He could see the sleepiness in the God's eyes and how he leaned heavily back against his chair. No doubt, their late night discussion had exhausted the already busy immortal.


Since the immortal had not slept for two days, not even a nap, it was perhaps the best idea he had heard in a while. He smiled wanly and stood, bowing his head politely at the angel. "Good evening, Rowan... I will take my rest while I can." He declares and gathered his robes tighter about his tall frame, lashes lowered over his eyes. "Lord Lazarus or Faust and Doll will see to helping you if there is need."


"You need not worry, My Lord Death. I am your faithful servant - you can entrust this matter to me," Rowan replied with a lidded gaze, smiling to the other as he watches Death give a lasting look over his shoulder before disappearing out the door. Rowan is then left to sign some legal documents.


Meanwhile, in the kitchens, Varun is reuniting with the rest of his family and friends. His brothers are both there, his mother, Absinthe, Adorna, and the rest. They all seem pretty excited as they sit around the breakfast table in the early morning. Falcon is once again cooking everyone breakfast.


Varun is unable to stop smiling. His heart is full of joy to once again have his family near him. To be able to  tell them all about what had been going on since his last visit. There is news for him to hear too. He grinned at his brothers, happy that Eos had finally won Falcon's heart. "I hear you got engaged, hmmm?" He laughs, making Eos blush and nod. There is such joy in his bright eyes. "Yes! Isn't that right, Falcon?" The smaller man throws cheekily over his shoulder at his cooking fiance.


 "Yes, it is," he says with a smile, looking back at Varun. "It looks like you and I are going to be brother-in-laws...though I doubt Ranmaru will be as cheery about it." Falcon cast a icy glance over to the Fire Youkai that was glaring at him as he poked at his eggs. This caused Varun to chuckle, because he knew having Falcon in the family would make things so much more interesting. Then, of course, there was the matter of mating with Alpheus...he hadn't seen the youth all day and was becoming curious.


"Oi! Why do we have to wake up so early?" Jingarther grumbled as he walks in and rubs the back of his neck, yawning. Jinasen is right behind him, bare chested and showing off all that nice hair.


"We get up early because ye're a lazy lil' leech...Now get yer butt over there and make me a damn orange juice - yer uncle has spoken!" 


Adorna's eyes flicked to Jinasen and pierced his. They held him in place with the intensity of the gaze. She'd not seen him in far too long and silently she stood and walked over to the tall man, shoving him back out into the hallway without a word. "We'll be back in a few." She threw over her shoulder before they disappeared back into the hallway. It was time to make up for lost time. Varun snickered and glanced over at Jingarther. "May want to put the orange juice in the fridge..."


"YEESSS!" Jinasen can be heard crying out in the hallway, likely from the fact that his pajama bottoms are off and Adorna is now backing up on his large throbbing sex. There is a slight chuckle throughout the breakfast hall and Jingarther discusses about putting warning signs up on that part of the hallway such as "Warning, possible biohazard." Meanwhile, Falcon sets out lots of pancakes, sausage, and that special rose dish that Absinthe wanted to try for everyone. He has officially become the breakfast cook. Eos is certainly not complaining.


"So, how do yah like havin' a ton o' us Angels in yer front yard, eh?" Jingarther asks as he works on squeezing out orange juice. His young muscles ripple, giving Crixa a nice morning show as she sips her warm coffee Absinthe so generously made her.


"It certainly is amusing..." Varun mused, listening to the grunts and muffled cries from out in the hallway. It is not an unusually thing, their race is enthusiastic in its desire for affection, but strangers to the place would probably faint from the sight. He can already imagine the culture shock those visiting are feeling. The shadowshifter chuckled into his glass and turned his attention back to the delicious breakfast sitting before him. His belly growls, more hungry than Varun can imagine. There has been so much going on and his appetite has not been the best. Time for that to change. Crixa smiles, watching Jingarther like a predator.


"Well, we ain't leavin' anytime soon...'Fact, there's gonna be more o' us. Rowan's got the entire Jin House behind 'im, yah know. He may not be a Prince, but we're still stickin' by 'im. Some o' mah relatives are talkin' about defectin'...After all, they treat us Jins like fodder. We ain't gonna settle for that when we got a place we can go, eh?" Jingarther says, taking an orange, slicing it in half, and then squeezing out the juice with little effort. His curling green hair has been pulled back so you can see his ruggedly handsome face. He's got the good looks of his mother, thankfully, as Jinaven was never quite the beauty to begin with - a good man, but not a beauty. "Oi, love, pass me them oranges there, could yah?" he asks Crixa, seeing as she's right near him.


The young woman nods, gathering the fruits and rolling them down the counter to him, damn near purring as she watches him. He's a lovely young man and her young body is very pleased by the sight of those muscles flexing. Her tail tip flicks, much like a hunting cat stalking their prey. Jingarther is her first 'real' relationship and she finds him fascinating.  Varun nodded, frowning. "Yes... the more Jins on our side the better." He agreed, wondering where Alpheus was in this mess. Surely he had come with them, right? The angel had to be somewhere, but the castle was so big and there were so many people!


"Well, I ain't about tah worry yah about keepin' yer race pure 'er nothin', but about half mah family ain't comin' here just fer keepin' out o' the war...Yer Shadowshifter women are sure fine. Ever since Uncle Jinasen got Adorna tah be 'is girl, there ain't a Jin alive who isn't keepin' eyes peeled fer a Shadowshifter mate," Jingarther reminds with a chuckle, finishing off the orange juice and pouring some for everyone. 


"I'm sure Death would be delighted. New blood promotes better genes after all." Varun remarks, glancing at Absinthe, who had been born for that very same reason. Knowing another race wanted to mate with them rather than kill them off was a wonderful change. Varun liked the Jins too.  They would be a good mixture of blood lines. Surely Adorna was already planning on babies with Jinasen?


By the sounds from the hallway, that was certainly true. Those inside could hear Adorna's sweet keening and Jinasen's panting groans. Obviously their pleasure was coming to a climax as both of them vented their frustrations after being apart for so long. Their sex was usually very passionate and often unexpected. The two would be sitting across from each other and just suddenly get the urge for sex...All too frequently, they took refuge in broom closets.


"Haha! That ain't too bad o' an idea...We ain't the purdiest or the smartest, but we sure know 'ow to survive...Otherwise, we wouldn't 'ave so many of us as we do now. They're out to get rid of, us Jins! Call us the weeds o' heaven, they do..." he chuckles, slapping his knee. "And, DAMN, ain't we proud of it!"


Varun laughed, Absinthe's lips twitching into a smile. He himself has had his run ins with a certain Jin and there is much affection between them. It has been a recent thing, an off chance meeting that had become sort of a ritual.Jinevae, the loving lug of a man. He especially loves the  treats the sweet hearted Jin makes for him. Absinthe sighed, wondering why he had to get so tangled with Adonis when there were people far kinder. How frustrating.


However, it was not a lovable Jinevae that walked into the breakfast room then. A disturbed-looking Starc wearing a long cloak with the hood up marched right in with wide pale grey eyes. Falcon looked over and smiled, recognizing a friend when he saw one. "Specter...It's good to see you," he says, watching as the young Starc takes off his hood. Just about everyone there who has seen a Starc is absolutely stunned. This young man has white hair. Not black or even brown, as some Starcs have - silvery white.


"Forgive me for being late. I had some things to attend to," Specter replies, walking in and taking off his cloak. ".....Did you know there is a Jin doing rather lewd things in the hallway with a young lady?"


"Never mind that, Specter. Sit and eat. I'm sure you're tired after traveling," Falcon says, putting down some sausage and pancakes for him. Specter smiles, taking a seat beside Jingarther.


"Why, thank you...I am rather hungry." 


"Don't mind them, happens all the time." Absinthe drawled lazily, sipping some juice (with a little alcohol thank you very much) and feeling far more relaxed than he had in a while, even with Rowan so close by. Eos snickered, glancing at Falcon. Hopefully soon it would be him and Falcon and not Jinasen and Adorna that were doing lewd things in the hall! Varun smiled welcome to the Starc, nodding his head politely as the young man joined them.


"Really? Such strange customs your race has...Then again, I suppose since it is a Jin and a Shadowshifter who enjoy them, that these customs are not so alien to our own race....Oh, someone made rose cakes," Spector says as he takes one or two. There is something immediately odd about the youth, aside from his silvery hair and pale complexion. It takes a minute for one to realize it, but then it's easy to see. He's part Shadowshifter. "Could you pass the orange juice?"


"Oh, sure," Jingarther replies, handing the other a pitcher.


"Any more eggs, Specter?" Falcon asks, setting out a fresh plate.


"No, thank you, Falcon...though I would like some more bacon."


"Gotcha...and another pancake for my love?" Falcon asks, smiling down at his sticky-faced sweetheart.


Eos nods, smiling sweetly at Falcon with his head cocked catlike to the side. He squirms, wanting more then just pancakes, though he knows better than to ask. Ah being young and horny. Varun peered curiously at Spector, getting that strange vibe that told him this was a half angel/shadowshifter cross. It is easy enough for one to pick up hints of their own race. Though the pale hair is a strange trait. He smiled thoughtfully against his glass, glancing at the doorway as Adorna sauntered in with Jinasen trailing close behind her. The woman all smiles.


 "Aaaah! I hope yah got a lot o' meat, Falcon...I jus' had me a slice o' pancake, so I dun't need more sweets," Jinasen grins as he walks in with a great big smile on his face. Adorna seems pretty happy too, at last having gotten the sex and affection she had so wanted for the longest of time now. The two sit together, Adorna on Jinasen's lap so he can fondle her under the table when she likes. Only when he sits down does Jinasen notice Specter there. "Oooh! Our own lil' hybrid come tah grace us with his presence? Oi, Specter, how's it in Starc-ville, eh?"


"Fine enough," Specter replies. "I filed the proper reports. Naturally, everyone is very mad at us for having abandoned the regular army and denounced our positions within House Starc, but it's a legal move...no one can really blame us. I think what pissed them off the most is that they heard it from me," Specter says with a grin. "It felt so deliciously good to no longer be under their boot because of my race. They don't have any power over us anymore."


"Ha! True that, lil' Ghost...Ain't no oppression no more," Jingarther says, ruffling Specter's hair. "Good fer you. Hope ol' Iron Fist Urland shit a brick!"


Adorna smiles dreamily, leaning into Jinasen's chest. Her eyes shown with pleasure and calm, no longer unhappy as she'd been since this situation had begun. She had her Jin. Varun glanced at them, listening with interest as Eos tugged at Falcon and demanded sticky kisses from the Starc. Absinthe watched it all lazily, a thoughtful expression on his face. A nice buzz keeping him calm. Across the way Crixa was happily helping Jingarther with the oranges, tail wagging slightly. All was peaceful and calm, for now.


"Varun, are you aware of the situation at hand? I believe you were sleeping during most of this morning's activities," Falcon says after tasting the sweetness of his lover's lips. His gentle sweet kisses are enough to keep Eos satiated...for now...but, frequently, the little youth will have to pleasure himself to keep from attempting to fuck himself on Falcon's sex. It would be so easy too, considering they sleep together every night.


"Slightly, not much though... " He replied, brows arching.  He turns his full attention on them, breakfast momentarily forgotten in light of new news. Listening in on conversations doesn't give quite the detailed information he might like. The young shadowshifter leaned in, watching Falcon. "Why don't you all fill me in? I've not had the chance yet to hear everything."


"Very well...since you are someone as interested in government as myself, you might find this intriguing. You know how we have a Parliament, correct?" he asks, pouring some more honey on his lover's pancakes. Eos is purring happily for getting so much attention, Falcon often doting on him like this. 


Varun nodded, his eyes bright. "Yes, indeed... do go on." The young man leans against the table, forgetting for the time being that elbows do not belong on the tabletop. Varun had learned much on his stay, valuable lessons.  He folds his arms before him, leaning forward, his interest perked. Hearing what others had to say opened up all sorts of windows. There was much to learn from others, Varun had found out.


"Well, a Prince cannot resign without the help of the Parliament....There needs to be a proper successor in order for a Prince to leave office. Well, amid all this preparation for war, it is not likely that any one member of the Parliament is going to look very carefully at the documents they sign. Rowan merely had sent a document that looked very official, pertaining to Rowan's armies. What, in fact, the Parliament members were signing was a paper that listed Death as Rowan's heir. Essentially, Lord Death is now a Prince and General of Rowan's piece of the Tenshihana army with Rowan's resignation...Now, the Parliament cannot denounce this particular document because it has their official seals on it, nor can they acknowledge it because then, with Rowan's resignation standing, Death would own a good chunk of the army. In this way did Rowan prevent the complete absorption of his assets into his father's coffers. Pretty ingenious, wouldn't you say?"


Varun was struck silent. Absolutely brilliant! Rowan was more cunning than he had previously thought. He had already thought Rowan very intelligent after learning under him, but this gave a whole new insight. Varun laughs in delight, rising his glass in salute.  "That my friends, is the work of a brilliant mind." Absinthe's eyes darted down to his drink. Without a sound he downs it hard and quick.


"That's not the end of it, though. He also got a few of his father's most lucrative businesses dropped because he knows far too many people in the slave trading industry thanks to his work with the Shadowshifter brothels. He dealt a serious blow to his enemies, which will buy us time to work up a good army while the Princes try to juggle the budget. It doesn't help that a good 1/8 of the Starc Guard is coming with us. Specter just sent in the paperwork today, seeing as the better part of the Starc Guard consists of mercenaries, as is tradition. With the Jins coming to us in droves, that only further hurts the cause...We might just have Tenshihana on its knees before a fight," Falcon chuckles, shutting down the stove so he can go and eat his own breakfast.


"Uhn! Yes, we probably will end up with at least 1/4 of the Tenshihana army at Death Angel gates, but there are still the Demons to contend with...they have no regular army, so you can't defeat them by regular means. I wish to see how Rowan plans on dealing with that," Specter says as he stuffs another rose cake in his mouth. Absinthe kind of glares at him, wanting to horde all the cakes to himself. After all, they are HIS master's recipe...or...wait...why should he think of him that way?! 


Absinthe nearly flushed at the thought, but even so he inches the plate closer, subtly hording them near enough he could eat more of them while keeping them out of Spector's reaching distance. He leaned back in the beat up old kitchen chair, listening closely. He could not help the slight twinge of fear that settled in the pit of his stomach. Varun nodded faintly, his expression thoughtful as he worried his bottom lip. "Hmmn... indeed."


"Oi! Don't he have that woman helpin' us? Um....what's 'er name...Oh, yeah...Hitomi," Jinasen says with a proud grin. The very name sends a shiver of fear through Ranmaru, Eos, and Varun. They all know all too well their grandmother's name, it caused spine-tingling chills to run up and down their backs at the merest hint of her presence nearby. She is the Devil incarnate for these boys...When they were infants, she arrived in all her grandeur and promptly made every one of them cry by shrieking over how they were all male and no females. Ranmaru got it worse because he's the only one among them that can use fire. As a young boy, he would get frequent visits from the scary lady, resulting in Rughal and Hitomi having a screaming match over the boy's tutoring - something that Death would eventually have to break up. Just hearing her name has Eos' eyes watering. 


Feeling as if someone had punched him in the gut, Eos sniffles, clinging closer to Falcon. Varun blanches, going pale in the face.  "Ugh... god, not Grandmother." He groaned and rubbed his temples at his temples as if his head were pounding. Sometimes he thought it might have been easier if one of the three of them had been birthed a girl, maybe then she wouldn't have been so bitter and loud! That abominable woman had a pair of lungs on her and Varun could feel his ears ringing already.


"Wait...you know Ms. Hitomi?" Falcon asks as he looks down at his beloved who is moving closer to him. He sees the tears in his eyes and gently wipes them away, worry on his handsome face. "What's wrong? Love, did we say something to upset you?"


"Oi! They're probably talking about the fact that she's a BITCH," Jinasen says rather bluntly, leaning back with his Adorna on his lap. He slips his fingers under her dress, caressing her softly to get her squirming cutely. "That woman is a she-devil from Hell...If it weren't fer the fact she's got amazin' breasts, I dun't think I'd have reason to look at 'er, let alone talk to 'er."


"Please, don't be vulgar, Jinasen...I like Ms. Hitomi," Falcon retorts, the three triplets looking to him like he's INSANE. Falcon blinks, frowning. "I happen to like a woman who can state her opinion."


"Oi, right, because you come from a household o' women that spend all their time tormentin' the hell out of you...So when a woman comes along that hates yer guts 'cause you find it refreshin'...I get it," Jingarther says, pondering over it. Falcon blushes, just remembering all the torment and hell his sisters put him through because they loved him too much.


"T-that's not really..."


"An' the fact yer fuckin' a guy, not a girl...That ain't about tah piss 'er off either," Jinasen adds, caressing Adorna lovingly and making her mewl.


"B-but we're...!"


"An' the fact all you Starcs make good bitches dun't bother none either," Jingarther and Jinasen add at once.




"Grandmother is a bitch!" Eos snapped, startling everyone with the passion behind his anger. "She's always been angry because none of us were born female and mad cause daddy Rughal wouldn't let her train Ranmaru." The blond snorts in disgust, burying his face against Falcon's warm arm. Varun nodded, wincing. "She really isn't very nice.... mother told us the first time she saw us she made every one of us cry with her screaming." He made a face and shook his head. None of them were fond of their grandmother in the least.


"The only reason why Falcon doesn't dislike her is because she's been around Rowan every time he's seen her....She's in love with Lord Rowan, after all," Specter says as he sips at his orange juice, his words causing Absinthe to spit out his. Everyone at the table turns to the horrified Demi-God.


"....Are you alright, Absinthe?" Falcon asks, looking very concerned.


"Jingarther, what did you put in that orange juice?" Specter asks, looking to the Jin.


"Oi! I dun't put nothin' in it but oranges!" Jingarther retorts, looking over to Absinthe with such surprise. 


The godling flushed darkly and sat back, hiding his mouth behind a napkin. "N-nothing.. really..." He uttered shakily. "Just the image of Rowan with that woman is blinding." he lied hurriedly, even though the very thought of that woman getting into the pants of the one he lusted after was making him shake slightly in fury. Varun rose a brow, but said nothing.


"Well, yer not alone there...I ain't ever wanna see that woman naked..." Jingarther says as he frowns and sits near Crixa, offering to cut up some of her meat for her.


"Well...naked, perhaps....not with Lord Rowan, though. I dun't wanna imagine such a man I respect with a woman like 'er," Jinasen says as he nuzzles Adorna lovingly, getting her to face him so they can kiss each other passionately.


"I don't disagree with either of you. I have no interest in that sort of thing," Falcon says with a shudder. "I like Ms. Hitomi...but....not that much - not that much AT ALL."


Adorna murmured happily against his lips, forcing Jinasen's mind from thoughts of other women to her. The only woman he should think about right now was her after all. Absinthe shook his head, groaning into his glass.  Gods, he'd fallen so low, pathetically low! Eos glanced at his fiancé, raising his eyebrow faintly. " You should see grandma when she's angry." He shivered. No one should ever have to put up with that abuse. No one.


"Perhaps I am glad that I haven't..." Falcon says as he looks over to his beloved and smiles gently at Eos. "I'm glad I haven't seen you angry, either...well, except for that time you nearly killed my cousin on the training grounds. My beautiful warrior..." Falcon leans in and gives Eos a loving kiss, getting the other to purr.


"Eos fights? That lil' thing?" Jingarther asks with wide eyes, not knowing of Eos' fighting prowess all that much. 


 "I have beaten the crap out of my brothers for saying stupid things to me. I do fight, I just have to be motivated to do so." Eos replied with a small indignant snort. He leans in, kissing Falcon sweetly back, lavender eyes bright and playful. Mmmn…tasted like powdered sugar! Angels taste soooo good! Varun nods, folding his hands before him. "He is a force to be reckoned with if you get him in a foul enough mood." The young man informs with a small smile.


"Ha....yer marryin' a Starc, boy, but yah sound more like a Jin," Jinasen chuckles as he sits there and looks over to Eos, seeing the other crooning at his beloved. Nestled together so lovingly, just the sight of them is enough to make Varun's heart ache for Alpheus. Having finished his breakfast, it's about a good a time as any to ask where the blond is.


Varun tilted his head and glanced to the Jins. "Have any of you by chance seen where Alpheus is?" He asks with a small frown. "I've not seen him yet today and I need to talk with him." More so he wanted to find him before Rowan told him about the 'betrothal'. More and more the thought left him nervous and Varun wanted desperately to give his gift first. His would be special.


"He's in the library," Falcon says as he goes to put away Eos' dirty dishes. "Where else would you find him at this time of day? Ever since Lord Death pointed out the library to him, he hasn't left it once." 


Varun shook his head, unable to bottle his slight amusement. "Hmmn... I should have guessed." The young man muses as he stands, bidding them all a good day before he left the smaller kitchen to them. He had to deal with Alpheus... and he could only hope that this would go well. With his heart pounding nervously in his chest, he hurried down the halls.


Alpheus curled up close towards the window as the morning rays of sunshine warmed his skin. He had found the perfect nook in which to hide himself, using the curtain to keep anyone from seeing him. All before him was a pile of books that he was in the middle of reading. His smile could not have gotten bigger as he flipped through page after page of ancient tome - having this huge library here was wonderful!


Varun entered the library carefully, moving silently through the towering shelves of books. They went clear to the ceiling and there were stairs that moved and swirled up to the very top. It was a large, beautiful library, old as life itself. As languages were created and the written word was born, the library had slowly filled till it was as massive as it was now. Without a doubt Alpheus would have fallen in love the moment he stepped into its vast chamber. Varun searched slowly and cautiously, looking for signs of the angel without drawing his attention to Varun's movements. He knew this library like the back of his hand.


It was not long before Varun saw the shoes peeking out from behind the curtains and the large pile of books on a table there. He knew that his beloved was hiding, using the curtain to keep himself from being seen...Really, the Angel was far too predictable, but Varun couldn't fault him for it. After all, he found him to be rather adorable at times with how hard he tried.


Ah, there you are! Varun parted the curtain and smiled down at the angel hidden behind it. "There you are, Alpheus, enjoying the library?" He asked cheerily,  expression bright and welcoming. A foolish move on his part, but hopefully it wouldn't startle the angel. Varun was simply excited to find him.


Alpheus outright screamed, book and Angel going flying as he fell from the sill and right onto his finely rounded buttocks. Varun was sent back, being hit with heavy tomes as the poor Valen jumped in a startled fashion. As soon as he regained himself, he growled viciously at the other. "How DARE you do that to me, you bastard! Don't you know not to sneak up on a person like that!"


Varun bit his lip to keep from laughing, holding his hands up defensively. "Forgive me, I'm used to people being able to hear me when I approach." he replied coyly and leaned down to help the angel back up to his feet, one hand gathering the tomb that had fallen.


"No, you aren't! You did that on purpose, you monster!" he snarls angrily, snatching back his books with a flush of embarrassment. Varun can't help but be devilish, wanting to catch Alpheus off guard so it's easier to talk to him. He is also unbearably cute when he's flustered like this.


"Oh come now, why would I be cruel to someone I like so much?" Varun asks with a small laugh, leaning down to capture Alpheus' hand to kiss at the delicate knuckles with soft lips, warm lips. A terribly romantic, sweet gesture. He flicked his gaze up coyly, watching the angel's expression carefully. What would he say to such  gentlemanly behavior?


He didn't say anything, a look of horror on his face as he went almost ghostly white. He snatches his hand away, staring at Varun in shock. Is he going back to his old ways of ravaging his mouth and pressing him up against a wall?! Though Alpheus can't wholly say he wouldn't mind having that kind of passion enacted on him again, this gentle and seemingly chaste expression of affection floors him. It's certainly not something he is expecting from a Shadowshifter rogue like Varun. 


Varun smiled brightly, warmed by Alpheus' presence and the sun glittering down on them. "I have a present for you tonight. I would like to give it to you in the gardens." He smiled hopefully. "No dirty tricks, nothing like that. Just a special gift  for you." His expression is so gentle and sweet that Alpheus must have been doubly floored. This is not how shadowshifters are supposed to act! What is going on!?


"I....I have healing duties tonight...i-in the hospital compound..." Alpheus stammers out as he takes another step away from Varun, almost tripping over a table. He catches himself at the last minute, clinging to it and looking rather startled. His hand is tingling where Varun kissed it and he has to obsessively rub it to get the sensations to go away.


"Shame..." Varun frowned, expression falling. "I had hoped... oh well. Doesn't matter if you have duties." he sighed and clasps his long fingered hands together. "I'll give it to you tomorrow then." He smiled faintly, though there is obvious disappointment in his tone. There is always something. Varun isn't going to try and get him to play hookie and even if he did he doubted Alpheus would.


"...My, my, Alpheus. How can you give up the company of this fine young man to do menial chores?" comes a voice from one of the aisles. The two look up, startled. Varun is stunned by the image of a handsome older man in a beautiful burgundy coat. His hair is brown and his eyes are a soft blue, looking over to Alpheus with gentility as he steps forth. Varun instantly knows an elf when he sees one, surprised that one could be hanging around in Death's Library. 


The young shadowshifter nodded politely to the lord, remembering his manners once the shock wore off. Why was this man wandering about in here unattended? That was not a good idea, even with allies, considering the age and delicate nature of some of the books. Varun isn't sure where the library staff currently are though he can guess. There is much work to be done after all. "Hello sir.... are you lost?" Varun asks, dark eyes curious.


"Not quite. I'm here being escorted by Alpheus. I am a newcomer to Rowan's organization and a very wealthy patron," the elf replies as he walks right over to Alpheus, draping an arm around the youth. The Angel freezes up, his eyes going round as he is not one to like being touched. Varun barely suppresses a growl. "A very wealthy patron..."


"OFF, Verga!" Alpheus hisses, slapping his hand away and scooting over towards the window. Verga only chuckles, his eyes glistening brightly.


"My, my...such a feisty youth. I do hope you won't be so mean to me tonight when you give me a tour of the hospital."


Varun felt an anger growing in his breast. How dare he treat Alpheus like that! His pride stung by the sheer audacity of this man. He'd been trying for so long to earn Alpheus' affections. To win this man's heart without scaring him away. Varun had been hurt by him even and still it was a struggle to win him! And this man... this man was nearly mocking him outwardly. Varun smiled slowly, pale hands folding before him, "And I am a prince, does it truly matter the amount of money one has when it is more important to have brains between your ears?"


"My, my....aren't you a jealous little one?" Verga chuckles as he pushes his long brown hair back behind his ears. His blue eyes seem to sparkle as he looks Varun over. He certainly is a beautiful young thing...Varun wouldn't be that bad of a lover either, what with how cute he appears when angered. "Either way, I'm still the one spending an evening with Alpheus tonight." His words obviously hit a nerve as Varun twitches. Alpheus is trying to collect his books and sneak off, not wanting to be a part of this. After all, even though he doesn't know what to feel around Varun, he hates Verga!!!


"Perhaps...." Varun smiled sweetly. But he was the one with allies and he was certainly not going to lose Alpheus to one so rude and bold asVerga. The man seemed spoiled, as if he always got what he wanted and had never even had a slap on the wrist. If he kept it up, he would learn soon enough that Varun did not stand for the 'I am better then thou' attitude. Varun might be a polite young man, but he could be stirred to angry just like anyone else.


"Well, either way, come along Alpheus...it took me a while to find you, now you have to go and show me the barracks," Verga chuckles as he grasps the other by his coat before he can run off. The young priest struggles, only to be grabbed back against the other's chest.


"Let go, you PERVERT! This is my time off!!" he hisses, scratching at the other. Verga just tugs him along, humming as he passes by Varun.


Varun ever so slowly slipped his foot out and watched as the man tripped. He gasped, as if shocked as the man stumbled, though there was malicious glee at seeing him falling toward the ground. Perhaps he could not outright hurt the man, but he could cause him some misfortune. He could not stand the way this man treated Alpheus. Perhaps he'd been just as bad at first, but not anymore.


Alpheus fell with him, however, squeaking when he found himself underneath the Elf. He looked like he was about to hurl, trying to scramble away as Verga purposefully held him down. He clawed at the carpet, trying to crawl away. "Oooh, dear...looks like I've fallen on you, Alpheus...my, and in such a suggestive position, too," Verga chuckled, looking up at Varun from his position. "Oh, are you still here?"


Varun's eyes nearly flashed red. Without a word he picked Verga up roughly and put him up on his feet, slamming his hand into the man's ass to scoot him along on his way.  He is fuming, carefully helping the angel back to his feet. He holds him steady, giving him a once over to make sure hadn't been hurt at all by the fall. He felt like stealing Alpheus right then and there and hiding him away from the elf, keeping him safe from his unwelcome amorous advances.


"Goodness, so rude...I wonder if your father knows about this," Verga says as he rubs his buttocks, smirking over at Varun. Alpheus looks a bit dazed, but very glad to be away from Verga's person. The other's belt buckle was digging into his lower thigh...or....at least, what Alpheus HOPED was his belt buckle. "Come along now, Alpheus...so much to show me, hmmm?"


Varun grumbled to himself, keeping his opinion on this matter to himself. It truly wasn't his place to decide for Alpheus what the angel was going to do, nor was he going to boss him around. He glanced at Alpheus, feeling sorry that he must deal with a man like this. There is also a slight tinge of jealousy. He did not want him leading this man around the castle one little bit. How easily Alpheus could find himself in a bad situation if the two of them were alone.


Alpheus growls, glaring at Verga as he begrudgingly follows. He gives a long lasting look back towards the books he is abandoning, obviously depressed about having to leave them and the comfortable library. At the very least, Varun knows that Alpheus favors him over this jerk. After all, he would never allow a man like Verga to cuddle up to him as he slept. Only Varun gets that. "Fine, I'm coming...."


Varun watched them walk off, feeling slightly dejected. There was hope though. The man trying to 'seduce' Alpheus was just the type he despised. It still didn't calm his hurt feelings. Sighing, Varun ran a hand through his hair and gazed out the window for a while, collecting himself.



It is in the depths of the Castle where Varun eventually chooses to go. Though he went directly to the war room to find Rowan, the other was not there at all. It puzzled him immensely to see his mentor gone, wondering if he had gone down to the armory in order to stock weapons. Very soon, he had found himself somehow snagged in the dungeons, walking the halls as he listened to both pain and pleasure in turn.


Finding the angel was more difficult than he thought and he felt some semblance of irritation. He slipped down the stairs and through the twisted halls, vaguely ignoring the sounds that echoed in the dungeons. These were where prisoners and spies were kept. This was a strange place to look, but he had looked everywhere else he could think of.  Where had Rowan gone off to? He normally was not this hard to find. Varun grumbled faintly, the youth rubbing his temples. More to worry about, just what he needed.


It was then that Varun heard a very strange sound, knowing it to be Urius' voice. His brow furrowed slightly as he looked around, knowing that he must have just been imagining things...Urius would not be around here for any reason, would he? The very idea of the other in the dungeons struck Varun as intensely odd. Even so, he was drawn to the sound of gasping, choked cries, and the familiar echo of a whip.


His feet made no sound as he slowly inched further into the dungeon, following the sound. With a frown slowly growing he slipped deeper, ears straining to find the exact place it was coming from. What...? Why did that sound so much like Urius...? What reason would he have to be down here and why would anyone be hurting the man? Varun's belly clenches in slighty fear, unsure what lays ahead.


"R-Rowan, please...Agh!" the gasp came louder as Varun stopped before a door. He found there was the tiniest sliver of a crack, he leans in to see the image of Urius fallen to the floor. His shirt was off and his pale skin was covered with the most horrendous scars, now criss-crossed with fresh bleeding wounds from a whip. Varun could not see fully passed the door, but his eyes widened when he recognized the sound of Rowan's voice.


"...Please what, Urius? Are you begging me for mercy as I begged you? I find it more than ironic to have you pleading now to end the pain, when you simply refuse to end mine." His tone was so cold, so glacial. Varun had never heard that tone before and he was frightened.


"W-what you ask of me....I can't.....I won't...." Urius gasped as he wiped the blood from his lip. He was trying to get up when a booted kick to his stomach had him on the ground again, grunting with pain.


"One simple order...it could not be a more familiar act to you. Still, you deny me. You refuse to face reality...you run away from your mistakes. You are not a man. You are a coward."


Varun shuddered, eyes widening in complete shock. What.... this was not the Rowan he knew. That man had seemed so kind and gentle, if not a little cold on occasion. But this... this was something he could not imagine in reality. Yes he had seen the mark on Ceata's lower back, but everyone knew Ceata had sadomasochistic tendencies in his play. There could have been numerous reasons for it, but he had never given them any answers.  It was not very odd for him to come out of them scarred. But... gods. What was he seeing?


"R-Rowan....I won't...kill you..."


The words rung through Varun's mind with more potency than even the sight before him. It lingered, festering in his mind. Varun was struck by Urius' gasping words, his pleading tone that bordered on absolute anguish. What Varun was hearing seemed unreal - was Rowan really punishing Urius...for refusing to end his life? This couldn't actually be happening. This can't be real.


"Then you share in my pain, Urius...that was what we agreed." Varun can hear the stretching of a leather strap and Urius' gasping cry, unable to watch any longer. His body is shaking with the horror of the situation...unreal....That's all Varun can think. 


Shaken, frightened, and his mind in turmoil. The young man scrambled away. His whole impression of the blond had been crushed and he was not sure he could ever put the pieces back together again. Varun felt like vomiting, eyes wide with fear and shock. How unreal this felt. Like a nightmare come to life. Gods... what was going on that he had failed to see?


Varun stumbled his way back to the upper levels, stopping at a staircase as he leaned against a wall. His heart was racing, his eyes almost watering. What was that back there? He couldn't quite place it, but suddenly he knew why Absinthe and Ceata acted so strange around Rowan, why his father hated the man, and why Urius would constantly be hiding all those vicious bruises and bloody marks...His mind reeled with the sudden rush of it - the realization that there was something terribly wrong with the man he cared so deeply for.


How deeply his heart ached. He could have gone all his life never knowing, innocent to what was going on, but no, now he knew and his head was ringing with alarm. Gods, what was he to do? Did he tell someone? Did he go get help? His head, fuck, it hurt so badly as stress made his heart race. Tears nearly sprung into his eyes as realization finally sank in. That great man... something was wrong, horribly wrong!

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