untitled: The results

Chapter 3: The results

Sahena looked rather bored with all this as he was suddenly flocked by all manner of suitors. Beautiful women and men giggled over him just as much as they did for his father, making him feel a little ill. He had only come down with the hopes of speaking with Lazarus again. His mind couldn't get off the gorgeous older male, seeming already conquered by his dark charms. Rowan didn't seem too overly concerned about it, though he very well knew his son's thoughts...He was much more concerned with the bigger picture. Everything seemed to be going well.


 Getting his nerves up, Lazarus walked toward him with son in tow. He greeted the two with a smile as soon as he could get through the flock and meet them, bowing his head politely. His son gazed sedately at the two, his eyes emotionless and face thoughtful.


 Rowan offered Lazarus a kind smile, his expression conveying neither a sense of favoritism or a sense of dislike. Varun even couldn't read passed his looks, causing him to ponder just what was going on behind those emerald eyes. "Why, King Lazarus. How good of you to come."


"I wouldn't miss it for the world." Lazarus replied somberly and bowed his head politely toward the the golden prince. He had a wistful, almost giddy look to his eyes and his lips were curved in a small, wanting smile. "You are looking well, Lord Rowan."


 "Why, thank you, Lazarus," Rowan replied simply, seeing that small wanting smile widen when Sahena turned from another guest. Their eyes met and looking away was all Sahena could do to keep from blushing. It was easy to see from any vantage point in the room how deeply they already regarded one another - even if Sahena wouldn't admit it just then. 

"Good evening, Your Grace," Sahena said in a level tone, bowing respectfully to his prospective husband. 


Lazarus smiled warmly and dipped his head in reply. "Good evening to you as well, Sahena." He replied politely, dark eyes smoldering with longing, not lust. He loved Sahena, the only lust he felt was mixed with the feeling of love he felt when he gazed upon the youth standing before him. His smile was warm. "You are looking well too, very well."


Sahena couldn't stop himself and blushed, nodding. "As do you, Your Grace. I am glad to see you have come. My father tells me you are good company to have," Sahena replied in as even a tone as he could muster. He already felt his palms sweating from the way Lazarus stared at him. It made him feel as though he would melt.


 Lazarus chuckled and blushed slightly, glancing over at Rowan. "He is being flattering then... I am good company when I am not busy with work and that seems less and less lately." He smiled and shrugged. His heart was hammering in his chest and he felt like he was going to melt. Confidence, Lazarus, confidence!



"You are the Second to Death, are you not?" Sahena asked, though he knew the answer. He merely wanted to hear Lazarus speak again, for he loved the melodious sound of his voice. It made him feel that tightness in his chest, as though his heart were stopping.


"Yes, it is a tough job, but it has its rewards." He replied  with a small smile. "I take over Death's job when he is taking breaks and I handle a lot of the sorting of souls and other such related tasks."


 "Lazarus is also the King of his race. He is held in rather high regard to many of the lower Gods and Goddesses," Rowan adds as he looks to his son, seeing Sahena's gaze firmly glued to the floor. The poor boy is almost as red as his burgundy clothing, seeming shy and coy in front of Lazarus. Rowan can't help but inwardly smile, glad to see how intently Lazarus looks at Sahena and how Sahena reacts.


 Lazarus chuckled, looking almost shy, which was rare for the somber man. "My aunt would have been Queen if she had not turned it down... she does not like politics." He remarked, smoothing his robes over his thighs. He felt shy and fidgety before Sahena and his father, as if he was not good enough for the beauty before him. And beautiful Sahena was. He felt as if he were an awkward teenager again and Lazarus felt both resentment and mirth at such an emotion.


 Sahena said nothing further under Lazarus' gaze, for he felt decidedly bashful. His entire body warmed when within Lazarus' presence, as though there was a light from within bursting out to greet the man. It was all so awkward for him, causing Sahena to feel thankful that his father then struck up conversation with Lazarus and continued with such mildly pleasant banter. On the other side of the room, Urius watched the exchange with a guarded gaze. He didn't know what Rowan was planning...but he worried for Sahena intensely.


"Lord Urius, do you think I could dance with you? I...I would like the practice, you see," Yoren broke in on the stern Starc's thoughts. Urius took a moment to realize and then nodded, offering Yoren his hand as he led the boy out onto the dance floor. There were already couples out there, stepping to the light sound of strings and some flutes, but Yoren's loveliness immediately stood out when he took to dancing with Urius. A few men missed their steps, much to the irritation of their partners. Urius was too distracted to notice. His gaze hardened and he looked worried.


Death watched the two dance with a smile and wondered idly if he could steal a dance for himself. It would be enough to show the boy how to really dance. Death was very light on his feet and could move with enough grace as to make anyone jealous. He watched a bit longer before smiling politely at Urius. "May I cut in? I promise to be a gentleman." He smiled politely, dark eyes promising nothing inappropriate would take place.


 Urius looked to Death and knew how impolite it would be to refuse. Even so, he could feel Rowan's gaze upon his back. It made his spine stiffen and he quietly shook his head. "Though it pains me to say so, My Lord, I am unable to allow such a thing." Urius' words conveyed no emotion, but they cut into Yoren and made him pout. Inwardly he had wanted to dance with the tall redhead, to be close to him and smile up at him. Of course, Yoren was far too bashful to say such things aloud.


Death chuckled and merely bowed, kissing the slim hand on the man's shoulder. "Ah... too bad, it would have been a pleasure." He remarked with a warm smile, "Perhaps I can get a dance with you later, Urius?" He teased shamelessly. "Ceata would like that..."


 "I am afraid my duties come first," Urius replied simply, though he felt himself inwardly turned off by the other's advances. Urius only cared for Ceata...Death had never caught his fancy, as Urius knew what position he would inevitably end up in. It would not be the top.


Yoren merely watched as Death walked off, his little face blushing and his innocent eyes staring into the man's back. The tender Valen youth was always quite a romantic and could easily imagine himself dancing gracefully across the polished ballroom floor in the man's arms. It made him sad that it was not to be...How protective his older brother was. It allowed Yoren no chance for love. He sighed gently, dancing on with the somber Urius who held no romantic inclinations towards him.


 Death adored teasing Urius. He was fond of the man and liked to see if he could get a reaction. He had gotten a few before when he had come up behind the quiet man and even him a small grope from behind. That had been amusing! What good was living if you didn't have fun? A lesson he'd learned through many painful, lonely years. For now, he merely scooping Absinthe into his arms, grinned and began to dance the startled shadowshifter hybrid about gracefully across the floor.


 Urius merely continued on in his task, attempting with all his somber nature to wring some happiness out of the occaision. However, upon Death leaving, Yoren no longer wished to dance. At the end of the song, they returned to their spot at the edge of the room and Yoren sipped upon some sweet wine as he watched the others enjoy themselves. How depressed he felt, being babysat like this...and by his brother's Second, no less. Urius was not much for fun. It was a surprise that a beauty like Ceata had become so enamored of him!


 He was certainly a pleasure for Ceata.  But that was a different matter and  as the next dance started, the immortal was still forcing Absinthe to dance with him and now the big male was making him dance with a passion to his movements, bringing out the beauty of the tall hybrid's body, his eyes wide as the immortal dipped him back and his long hair spilled in a fall to the ground. The immortal was clearly enjoying himself. How rare that was.


 "Why do you not dance like that, Lord Urius?" Yoren asked at last, tired of the silence of his companion. Urius too had been watching the graceful couple, though with less interest, and could marvel at Death's flexibility. Even so, his concerns were more for Sahena, how he'd taken up to standing solemnly beside his father as Lazarus and Rowan conversed. He looked so uncomfortable...just as Urius did. Urius' heart ached for the youth, knowing that this was a terribly cruel thing Rowan was doing. Still, he did not forget to answer Yoren's question.


"I am not so inclined to dance. I would much rather do other things," Urius replied evenly, though Yoren was still staring up at him as if to break his stony mask. It was certainly unnerving, for Yoren's face was that of a young Rowan...it made Urius' heart ache.


"Things like you do with that Ceata person?"


The question nearly had Urius choking, but he managed to cough in a manner not seeming too distressed and smoothed his overcoat. "Where do you hear things  like that?"


"From Jinasen," Yoren replied simply, looking back upon Death with that curiosity in his eyes. He so wanted to dance with him...It was a shame he could not.


"I see..." Urius promised himself then to have a short chat with Jinasen before he went home that night. 


Death brought Absinthe up flush to him at the end of the dance and Absinthe was blushing scarlet and still wide eyed from the way the immortal moved him. Death chuckled lightly and gave him a kiss on the nose before patting his behind and taking him to find some wine. The immortal enjoyed the rare attention, feeling vaguely flushed. A small pink hue that was rare upon the alabastar flesh.


 The dancing and the merriment continued for several hours more, leaving the guests slightly tipsy before the suitors were called into another great room with a widely rounded table and many chairs. Each chair was placed there for a suitor and the suitor only, allowing no one else to follow in. It was the first time that all the prospective spouses had seen one another and there were more than a few glares flying around. "Please, everyone, be seated," Rowan said as he allowed Urius to pull out his chair to seat himself. Beside Urius was Falcon, who held the long list that Urius had prepared with Ceata. 


 Lazarus was the only one not to glare. He was still stealing glances at Sahena and merely peered curiously at those gathered in the room. He was intrigued to know who wanted his beloved and though he would have killed them for even touching him, for now he was more interested in furvently hoping Rowan would should some kindness and he would get his love.


 "The process shall go as follows - I will say the names of those I deem worthy to continue the auction. Their offers above the others have caught my interest and thus deserve discussion. Those that I do not call for, must go back to the ball and enjoy the rest of their evening," Rowan said once the crowd had settled, for indeed there were so many there. Young women and men, older males and even a few cougers were present. Yet, out of all of them there, only a handful were picked in the end............And,  yes, Lazarus was among them.



Lazarus breathed shallowly, waiting to hear the names. He was afraid he would not be called, but hearing his name called, he sighed with relief. At least he was thought of as worthy enough for the son of Rowan-Adonis. It came as a very pleasant relief.


 Rowan felt the icy glare of those that left, hearing a few of them scoff and mutter out an angered insult, but his calm gaze was never once interrupted. He seemed quite pleased with himself as he sat there, Urius beside him and looking most unhappy. There was a degree of nervousness in Urius' gaze when he glanced over at Sahena, the tender beauty who had been placed like a prize on the right side of his father. The poor youth looked absolutely pale. "Five of you remain and it is you five that I wish to discuss with...Each of you has offered me a great deal for my son. What I must consider is what is best for my people. After all, Sahenna is a Prince. His offspring will be within the royal line. I cannot choose haphazardly. Thus, I wish to hear your reasons for marrying my child each in turn." Rowan's gaze first fell to Lazarus. 



Lazarus smiled slightly, his eyes meeting Rowan's. "I have love for him." He replied quietly, voice smooth and even, "There is nothing to gain but the love of him and the uniting of our two households." There was not  much more to say. Rowan should know how deeply he loved Sahen, that he would hop through hoops if Rowan said it would gain him the hand of his lover. A shadowshifter loved deeply.


 Rowan had an inkling of that, but he didn't show it. He merely turned to the next man, who replied with the honesty of anyone. "I believe our two households will be the strongest together. My blood is good, my lands fertile, and Sahena is the same. I do this for the benefit of my house - nothing more." These sentiments hardly seemed fair and Sahena seemed to look away when this man spoke. His eyes only sparkled with life when Lazarus offered his explanation - an explanation that made his heart flutter. 


 Lazarus would have scoffed in disgust if he did not know the ways of  noblility. Though his kind rarely married out of necessity it was still a needed evil in this world where people did not share out of love, or kindness. He shivered though, knowing how much it would hurt Sahena to be forced into such a household.


 Urius looked just as uncomfortable as the explanations continued - they not being far from the first's man's offer of monetary benefits. Lazarus took his eyes off Sahena a moment when he saw the paper shaking in Urius' hand, his knuckles almost white where they gripped at his belt. He looked pained...it seemed as though Rowan, the father, cared less for Sahena's happiness than his guardian did. As it should be, for Urius was more of a father to Sahena than even Rowan was. "Hmm...I see. Well, according  to the household you maintain, Lady Ardelle, I must say it is hardly as vast or well-rooted as Sir Starc's here. In which case, I must ask you to leave." The young girl sitting there looked about ready to cry when Falcon led her out. 


The elminations had begun


 Lazarus had much more to offer then he had stated. He would speak more on it when asked. The empire of the ancients of his race had been vast. He had been to the run down palace and had been awed by the beauty of it. His twin sons had been remodeling it and making it beautiful again in hopes that someday they would return to ruling there. The lands were fertile, filled with many resources and creatures. The skills of the people moving there, perhaps of even greater value than the lands themselves.


 Rowan offered similar quipping remarks to those present, eventually getting rid of two more Lords until it was only between a rather handsome woman - for she was certianly not be called beautiful - and Lazarus. This woman was the daughter of a Goddess and held within her a vast amount of power. Lazarus felt as if he was sitting on the edge of a knife, staring at Rowan so intently that his eyes might fall out. "Do you have anything to offer at last in your defense?" 


 "My lord Death offers his services to you in times of need... and I have to offer vast lands in my realm. Resources and trade routes." Lazarus replied, "You will have the protection of me and mine as well as my son at your service." He shivered. Would that be enough?



 Rowan seemed displeased faintly and then looked to the woman, who was only smirking. "You will have the promise of my mother and her support. I offer you troops and war cannons - an entire army at your beck and call...and, of course, the child I produce with your son shall be partly of the God race. That is an heir, surely, you can be proud of."


 Lazarus felt like growling, but he remained silent and calm. A god? Hell, Lazarus had connections with multiple gods! His mate's son was fathered by two and was fucking one of them! His two eldest were mated to a god hybrid and Death? That man had connections to wargods and others that Lazarus could not even name.


 "I see....well, you two are the last remaining proposals that I have, so I must consider this entirely. I would like you both to go back out into the hall and await for me to return. I will have my decision then," Rowan replied simply, showing no emotion towards the woman's haughty bragging. It made Lazarus all the more nervous, his eyes glancing over at Sahena who seemed the most miserable. He was clutching to his pantlegs, his knuckles white and his eyes almost misted with what could have been tears, but it was hard to tell.


The look of distress on Lazarus' face when he saw how Sahena was reacting was heartrending, but brief. He could not be weak, he must appearing calm and confident and show he would be a good mate for Sahenna as well as a good ally  for Rowan. But it hurt and when he walked back out, he felt weak and immediately went to his lord for support. The waiting would be hell.


 Roaden was there and stepped aside as Lazarus walked over, standing with Death and looking paler than usual. The Angel seemed to take the hint and said his goodbyes, walking just far enough so that he could be away, but might still hear the conversation. After all, Roaden was most curious to see who had been chosen in the end. Could it be possible that it was not Lazarus? After all, the older woman who had left with him had an air of confidence about her.


"He is deciding... I tried my hardest... but the woman has connections to a goddess and you know how that makes it seem grander." He uttered, sighing and taking comfort from the hand that stroked down his back.  Death smiled gently down at Lazarus, ready to steel him if it should all go wrong. "Do not worry, Lazarus... we shall see what happens. It will be Rowan's loss if he picks that woman."


 Roaden felt his brow furrow at Death's words and considered things for a moment before he slipped back into the crowd. He took a round about way to meet Urius from where he was standing before the door that led into the other great hall with the large round table. Roaden could see how jittery he was - how utterly out of character for Urius. "What is the word?" he asks calmly, looking to the taller man. Urius says nothing at first, seeming so pale and gaunt...as if someone had sucked the life from him.


"You know it is not my place to say," Urius returned after a moment, fixing his collar to keep his hands from shaking. Roaden looked down and then over at Death, who was still comforting Lazarus.


"I believe Death means to steal Sahena if all goes wrong for Lazarus...though I'm sure Rowan is aware of that. Why else would he be in there with Sahena personally? Otherwise, he would have left the matter to you."


"I know..." Urius' eyes darted back towards the door. He couldn't help but feel he was feeding Sahena to the lions, which could very well have been true. Out of all the beasts, Rowan was a lion most.


"Death will not succeed if that happens...it could actually propell our nations into war if he tried. Do you think he is aware of that?"


"At this point, it does not matter...all I am waiting upon is Rowan's decision." How pale Urius looked, how utterly sick. 


 Death would not steal Sahenna. Lazarus however, who knew. A desperate man could do stupid things and though Lazarus was a smart man, he was a man in love. He looked paler then normal and shivered, watching Absinthe as he flirted with a young female angel. How lucky Absinthe was that he was free of the trials of love.


 It was not long before that door opened like with a sound of a gavel falling on a final judgement. Lazarus' blood rung in his ears at it pumped through his veins, allowing him to hear the sound of his heartbeat over the hushed murmurs of the crowd. Rowan stepped forward, over towards the platform that had been set for the chairs. His smile greeted everyone with warmth, but it did not settle the butterflies in Lazarus' stomach. "Please...Would King Lazarus Vathmoria and Lady Laura Valen step forward."


He detached himself from the hand on his back and moved toward the other with regal grace. Hiding every torturous emotion that wrecked him from the inside. He felt weak, like his whole being would just crumble in on itself. A shell. His breath was cold in his chest, blood battering against his brain.


 At the very least Sahena was not there to look at him, for surely he would crumble at the sight of the boy's distress. What made it all worse was that Lazarus did not know if Sahena's distress was for the idea of being with the woman or the idea of being with him. Either way, he would do anything to get his beloved. Lazarus had fought against Sahena's fierce nature before and would do so again without flinching. "I have considered both of your proposals carefully, have weighed your worth, and found both of you to be very worthy of my household. Even so, I cannot allow you both to marry my child, and thus have had to make a decision." Rowan cocks his head just so as he looks back upon Urius, who steps forward immediately. In his hand is a slip of parchment, which he opens.


"To the honored and esteemed guests gathered here, I have the pleasure to announce the union of Prince Sahenna Valen and King Lazarus Vathmoria. Praise be to their union, Amen." Urius put the paper down, his fingers still shaking. A collective murmur went through the crowd, only to be followed by clapping and cheers. 


 Lazarus nearly fainted. His eyes brightened with pleasure and a delighted smile crossed his face. There was nothing smug there, just obvious delight that luck (or something less then kind) had  been shown on him that evening. His lord, Absinthe and Varun were clapping, pleased that Lazarus had won and Lazarus would not be left to sink into despair and madness. He had his lover back again. Not even death could keep them apart now.


 Rowan called for his son, who walked with a measured step. It was obvious that he heard nothing, for he had that same terrified expression and the tears were there - threatening the edge of his eyes. When Rowan placed his hand in Lazarus', he stood there looking shocked. He stared at their joined hands and then to the beautiful Shadowshifter before him, awed by what grace God had given him. He blushed and blushed some more, realizing he was to marry the man he had fought not too long before...My, what a strange happening this was, but not wholly without its delights. Sahena was praying he would not be with that wretched old harpy. She terrified him.


 Lazarus smiled warmly and his hand tightened around Sahena's. It was cool and calmingly gentle, but there was a strength to it that promised that Sahena would be protected with all of Lazarus' might. Such joy welled in his breast, his breathing quickening before it evened out and he was able to feel less like fainting and more like he wished to tug the other to him and kiss him soundly. That could wait. After all, angels were a strange sort. That might be looked upon as disrespectful.


 "We will begin the preparations tomorrow, as well as the arrangments for the marriage offer to be put through," Rowan said simply above the cheering, the clapping, and the music. His eyes glanced momentarily towards Varun, who had been surveying the entire seen with that legendary coolness of his. His expression did not break once, though he could not bring himself to look completely happy. After all, with Lazarus' success came the loss of his freedom...He was Rowan's now and there was likely to be a different life ahead of him.


Death patted the small of Varun's back. "You are being very brave Varun, I thank you for this."  He remarked beneath his breath even as Lazarus leaned down and placed a delicate kiss on Sahenna's hand, his lashes kissing the wrist of his love. Such joy and elation! He felt like he was floating. Luck was on Lazarus' side this evening.  Varun sighed, watching them. "I am pleased to serve you, my lord Death." He replied with a small, shaky smile.


Falcon stared at Varun from acrossed the room, catching his eyes for a moment as he stood there in his fine grey overcoat. The glance that passed between them held an obvious hint of melancholy and pity, and it was not hard to imagine which emotion matched which youth.


~ ~ ~


It was not long before the party at last died down and Lazarus was forced to leave Sahena's side to go back home once more. The evening had been a marvelous one for him, to say the least. His beloved was now to be his in less than a fortnight and Sahena did not seem any bit displeasured by the idea. It would be a new beginning to their love, a new chance at mending Lazarus' poor heart, and the beautiful Shadowshifter did not hesitate to tell his awaiting family once he returned. Rughal blanched, having held out hope that Rowan would refuse. 


Lazarus hurt a little at the way Rughal reacted, but his son had had to become the pupil of Rowan. Varun was making the best of it by spending the night with as many of his lovers as possible before he came to be under Rowan's thumb and he had spent a long time speaking softly with his mother in a alcove.  He seemed fine with it, thoughtful, but fine with it. Death however, drew Rughal aside to speak.


"What is it, My Lord?" he asks, though his voice sounded dead. He looked pale and drawn and worried. Any father would look the same, Death thought, for he knew of Rughal's distrust of Angels. Ever since Dovinitas had broken his heart, leaving with Roaden and never again returnning, Rughal's distrust of Angels had become a deep hatred. To think now that he would have to send off his son to the most distrustful of them all made him ill beyond reason.


Death pat his shoulder in a fatherly manner. "Rughal... I would never have allowed Varun to do this if he did not want to, nor if there was not something to gain. I need him to do this for me. Not for his father, for me. I must have someone close to Rowan so I can observe him.... Ceata is already doing this, but I am hoping Varun gets even closer to him. Please do not be angry with Lazarus or Rowen... they are just as worried as you, especially Rowen..." He frowned slightly, brows knit. This wasn't something he wanted either, but there were things that needed investigating.


Rughal's brow furrows, feeling his anger rise. "You are using Varun as bait?" The very idea of it made his stomach churn as he could only imagine what might happen to Varun if he was meant to do the same things Ceata did with Rowan. Suddenly he felt even more ill, hating Rowan all the more.


"No, as Varun will not be going for the same side of Rowan as Ceata is currently investigating." He replied softly. "I will check his mind each night when he sleeps to make sure nothing is going on that should not... but I believe Rowan has two sides... and I wish to investigate further."


"Two sides?" Rughal's brow furrows and he almost glares at Death, but at least remembers himself not to. Death isn't one to be glared at. "What in the hell are you talking about - two sides? This makes no damn sense..." 


Death smiled reassuringly. "You do not need to know any more then what I have said." He replied, voice hushed. "But when the bad side of Rowan comes out, his eyes get red flecks in them. Always." He tapped his lips with a claw. "Now then... we must get Varun and Lazarus ready, tomorrow is a big day and both of them will be tense and nervous. They will need out support."


Rughal still didn't understand what was going on, this issue with Rowan's "other side" only deepening the mystery, but he said nothing else. He would keep his thoughts to himself from then on, but the hurt could easily be seen in his eyes. He wanted desperately to prevent his son from going...but, really, what could he do?


Death pat his shoulder again, his eyes hardening. "You are under my rule now Rughal, what must be done, must be done and Varun is Lazarus' son, a prince. He has his duties to me as well. " He took a shallow breath and lead the other back out. "I hate to do it... but there is no other way. Rowan will not take anyone of lesser blood."  He glanced toward where Exodus was smiling at Lazarus and speaking with him.  "Please, you must make ammends with Rowen and Lazarus."


"....Fine," he replied, but knew this wasn't the end of this. Whatever happened, Death seemed to have control over it. Even so, Rughal was not entirely certain that he would be able to contain this beast known as Rowan forever...Things were dangerous and his little boy was in the middle of it. Oh, how it made him hurt. Yet he walked over to Lazarus all the same and congradulated him - quietly, mind you, but he did it all the same.



Lazarus hugged Rughal close, the tension in his frame heartrending. He was clearly very, very nervous and he welcomed Rughal closer. "Thank you..." He breathed, lashes flickering closed. "I was terrified. I didn't think it would be enough."


"You should not have worried so, Lazarus...you knew Sahena would have been yours either way," Rughal offers, but it's clear that his whole heart is not in the words. He glances over at Varun, who stands beside his mother and stares forward without even a sign of nervousness.


Varun was feeling much more confident. He could do this and he would. Rowan-Adonis could not be so bad, hm? Certainly he would not be cruel to the young noble who would be coming into his household? At least that is what he was hoping. Varun had seen the scar on Ceata’s back and it made him shiver even now. Whatever had Ceata done to earn that? Was Rowan really so cruel?


Rughal looked to his son and saw the worry in his eyes, glancing momentarily towards Ceata with a heavy sigh. He knew what Varun was thinking about, for why else would his eyes be lingering at Ceata's tailbone and not his gorgeous buttocks? Rughal walked over to him, placing a hand on his shoulder as he watched Lazarus receive congradulations from all his lover. This was Rughal's silent way of reassuring, knowing that Varun wouldn't want to hear anything just then. Oh, but how it made the father's heart ache. 


Varun smiled at his father, touching his hand. "I will be alright..." he murmured reassuringly for only Rughal to hear. He sighed, running a shaky hand through his hair. He had a duty to preform for his lord and he would do it bravely. Perhaps he would even learn something in the angel's domain? Varun had always had a thirst for knowledge.


Ranmaru seemed to watch his brother carefully as Varun and Rughal stood beside one another. At the right moment, he stepped over and stood beside Varun too, seeming to offer a similar support. However, he was not as quiet as his father and impulsively said, "I hope you're treated well." Rughal gave him a look.


Varun gave his sibling a searing glare. "Don't worry about it." he replied softly, though the anger in his voice died away. He could not be angry with his sibling. Who was going to keep him out of trouble now? But to say such things would only make him worry. He couldn't worry, he had to be confident and able to keep himself calm.



Ranmaru seemed to step away at the edge in Varun's voice, but returned much like a puppy when he seemed to calm a bit. The three just stood there, a father and his two sons, staring at Lazarus in his hoy. Rowen then walked over, seeing Rughal standing there and looking terribly miserable. Despite the anger between them earlier, he could not bring himself to scold Rughal now. 


Over he came, leaned up and kissed Rughal softly on the lips before turning to his son and kissing him on the chin. "Come Varun... I will help you with your things." He piped warmly, tugging his child along with him, shooting a glanceover his shoulder to see if Rughal or Ranmaru would come and help as well.


Ranmaru followed along behind, almost like a lost puppy that doesn't know his way. Rughal stayed and stared at the ground, too depressed to help his son pack to leave. Ranmaru glanced back at his father when Rowen did, but turned away down the hall with Varun, as if understanding the fire demon needed to be alone. The man had lost a lover and both his children, and now he was losing another? It was almost too much for Rughal to bear. "Is father going to be alright?" Ranmaru asked bluntly when they turned  the corner.


"He will be with time..." Rowen replied hoarsely. He would have to do something to make the man feel better tonight. He could not stand seeing him like that. It made him hurt deeply. Even Lazarus' heart twinged when he noticed Rughal's distress and he knew it was his fault as well. Unavoidable, but still his fault.


Ranmaru thankfully didn't ask any questions beyond that as they headed off to Varun's room, packing up the things they could find and setting them out so that Varun could properly place them within his bags soon enough. The quiet between them was suffocating, causing Rowen to at last sigh as he stopped folding a shirt. He looked to his two oldest, wondering how they had gotten so big so quick.


It had amazed him how fast they had grown. He could still remember them, tiny and wrinkled when they had first been born. He bit his lip, tears threatening to sting his eyes. Rowen wanted nothing more than to hug the two to him. But that show of emotion would make Varun leaving all the harder on all of them. The life of nobility was never fair.


"What do you want me to do with these, Varun?" Ranmaru asked as he held up a box that was known to hold all of Varun's favorite toys. Ranmaru opened it and was already looking through them, surprised that his brother had such an extensive collection. Ranmaru always pegged Varun for the intellectual type.


Varun rose a brow. "I'll be taking those of course. Just because I'm going under Rowan's thumb does not mean I'm going to be celibate!" He replied tartly, shaking his head as his brother examined a ball gag. A faint flush on his cheeks gave away that even now, as a young adult, he was slightly embarrassed.


"I can't imagine what you'll find with him...I mean, there's only Alpheus and Jingarther in the house. Falcon obviously likes Eos, even though he doesn't deserve him," Ranmaru grumbled, putting down the ball gag to pick up some cuffs. They were nice and he pet them, smirking.


"I'll find someone." He replied as he put some clothes in a bag and sighed. It was going to be tough, but if he had to, he'd beg Rowan to let him go out sometimes so he would not be overcome with sexual frustration. There was always his hand at that. A man could make do.


However, who was to say Rowan wouldn't be cruel and simply tell him no. Varun may have to turn some of his toys on himself in order to keep from going insane, but what if Rowan took those from him too? Varun could only expect cruelty with this man, what with what he had seen happen to Ceata and even Absinthe. It made him wonder about those moments at the engagement party when Rowan's eyes seemed to cloud over with sadness, when his smile never touched his eyes. Perhaps there was something behind such cruelty? Whatever the case, it was Varun's job to find out.


And he would. They finished an hour or so later and Varun sighed, exhausted. All he wanted to do was sleep now, maybe with a warm body of a lover beside him, as he had no idea how long he would go without one. "Thank you, mother, Ranmaru..." He smiled with a yawn.

Rowen returned his smile. "You're welcome, sweetheart... shall we leave you be?" He asked, eyes softening. He felt so bad seeing his son leave them, but that was just the way it had to be. Children always grew up.


"Yeah...do you want me to go call one of your lovers in here? I'm sure you don't want to be alone," Ranmaru suggests, it being one of the best ideas he's had all night. Varun only wonders what Ranmaru will be like without him. No doubt his mouth and his brash nature will get him trouble.


Varun chuckled. "I've already taken care of that, thank you." He teased and gave them both hugs. "I will be up early tomorrow... so I will see you both over breakfast. Tell Lazarus and Rughal to get some sleep and not to fret!"


Ranmaru looked over at his mother for the signal to leave, not wanting to go until Rowen had. He felt as though there was so much he should say to Varun, so much he should thank him for, but yet the words fell short in his mouth. He simply stood there and dug his heel into the stone floor beneath his feet with a sigh.


Rowen smiled and nodded. "Good night Varun, sleep well..." He murmured and then left, leaving his eldest to his last night of pleasure before he was shipped off to Rowan-Adonis and a unknown fate.

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