untitled: 'Come to me'

Chapter 42: 'Come to me'


"You go get that charm from Life...I have a plan!"

~ ~ ~

Adonis sat rather comfortably on a bed of red silk, looking at the glistening piece of glass he had set before him to watch the festivities. His long blond hair falls down his shoulders, brushing his flawless pale skin. Red eyes gleam with pleasure at the sight of Sorrow reborn, an inner thirst to kill him rising now to a boil. This was what Adonis lived for and he was so pleased that the pieces were finally in place for his war.
Outside the window, the heavy clouds of the Sombs swirled as though they knew about the evil they hid. Adonis could only smirk, seeing already the swirling of long-forgotten spirits over the window panes. They were all clawing to get in, feeding off his evil like a babe suckling its mother’s tit. That smirk turned to a cruel, cold smile as he moved a hand up to his mouth and bit into the skin.
Blood trickled - hot and sweetly metallic - as he whispered the words that struck Absinthe's heart so very hard in that moment. He nearly doubled over in pain, his image flickering inside the looking glass. "Come to me, Absinthe..." Adonis whispered against his bleeding thumb as the words were like a spell that entwined its target with an irresistible longing. "Come to me...."

~ ~ ~


Absinthe's body curled up on itself, a sharp gasp of pain escaping his elegant throat at the suddenness of the need that over came him. He whined, pupils dilating sharply, head swimming.  He was being called; he knew that much and he fought it viciously, struggling with himself till he felt he would die if he stayed still any longer.  Sobbing softly, Absinthe obediently shifted from the room he'd be in, unable to continue his struggle with Adonis so very strong.  How anyone could fight the others call after so long was amazing, but it was not enough if one could not keep it up. Absinthe's will simply caved in under the pressure and the need. No escape for him as long as Adonis lived.


It was Jinevae that noticed the other's pain first, seeing him shudder and convulse as he fell to his knees in agony. "A....Absinthe?" he asked in a trembling voice of worry, having wrenched himself away from the battle before his eyes to see his beloved shivering and whimper like a whipped dog. At once, he was at the other's side and gripped his hand. Absinthe could barely see him through his blurring vision. All he knew is that he wanted Adonis' touch more than anything right now. Even Jinevae's firm grip couldn't urge him back to the fight at present. "Absinthe!!"
Jinevae's cry caught Exodus' ears just as he was about to turn and join the fray with Lazarus and Ceata. The sight of his son doubled over and convulsing gave him the urge to rush to him, though he was strained with the fact that his mate was currently caught in Sorrow's chains naught but a few feet ahead of him. "Shall I kill you both? Oh, no...but I still need to keep Master Ceata alive...such a predicament," Sorrow could be heard chuckling as he clung to the shivering chains that held the two shadowshifters down. 


Absinthe sobbed softly, trying to get up again and escape from the others that were holding to him. Adonis wanted him, he had to go. If he did not go he was going to hurt more if he did not go!  "L-let go!" He cried, yanking himself from Jinevae and then from Exodus, lashing out at his mother violently as the other made a grab at him.  


Ceata was shuddering, staring at Sorrow with wide eyes. "No! Leave grandfather alone!"


"And why should I, Ceata? He wishes to make me disappear...In fact, you do too, for that matter," Sorrow replies with Urius' warm tenor, using every bit of his charm to tug at Ceata's heartstrings until he feels ill with sadness. This only serves to make Sorrow's powers grow exponentially, the chains seeming to get heavier around Ceata as he looks upon that visage so like his lover's...Life growls from where she stands with Stannis, having pulled the wounded man up as he tries to get his body to heal. Even in a God form, the presence of Sorrow makes him weaker than ever before.
"He's not going to stop until we are all dead, Life...You need to kill him! If you cannot, then give me strength and I will do it myself!" Stannis growls, his eyes glowing azure flames that wish to consume his brother. 


"Shut up, Stannis." Life replied tensely, her grip on him vicious. If anything, her very presence against him held him back, keeping him from doing anything horribly stupid.  A small hand tugged at Life and she looked down in surprise as Eos peered up at her and held open his hand. "The vial?" He whispered and Life cocked her head thoughtfully... and handed it over.


"What the -? What the hell are you doing, giving that -?!" Stannis begins to protest in his rage, but Life sends him a glare that silences him. He still looks on in disbelief as Eos shifts away into nothing, seeming to disappear somewhere with that precious charm. Life can already tell that Falcon has started to put his plan into action even before Jingarther throws the first boulder.
"HIIIIYAAAAARRRRRGGGHHH!!!" Jingarther cries, lifting up one of the massive fallen stones from the wall and hurling it at Sorrow. The other swats at it like an annoying fly as the chains grip around it and break it into smaller pieces.
"What are you trying now? To crush me?" Sorrow chuckles, still holding both Lazarus and Ceata in vice-like grips. Jingarther simply doesn't answer, picking up another massive boulder and sending it flying.
"Y-Yeah!!! How am I....DOING?!" he cries, picking up yet a third and sending it at Sorrow with such massive force. His eyes are gleaming silver, his muscles bulging, and his adrenaline running through his veins so as to make his blood boil. If Crixa is watching, surely, she must think him an impressive sight.
"What the 'ell are yah doin', son?!?!" Jinaven demands as he rushes over to stop Jingarther. Roaden steps in his way, having noted something just behind Sorrow. Jinaven steps down, something that keys Sorrow into what is going on. He has just enough time to turn and catch Falcon's blade so close to his throat. Those chains that he has are the only thing preventing him from losing his godly head.
"SON!!" Stannis screams, seeing his boy now with a short knife against the steel of one of Sorrow's chains. Sorrow looks to the youth and curls his lips into a smile.
"Very, very foolish, indeed..." Sorrow purrs, eyes flickering as his chain wraps around the blade like a prehensile tail. Falcon only smirks, his pale blue eyes flashing.
"No, Sorrow...YOU'RE the fool..." With that, there is an uproarious sound as storm of ice and snow and winter funnels up from the place where Falcon stands and encompasses himself and Sorrow in a thick shell of moving ice and bitter wind. Caught up in that wind is the broken rocks, acting like a moving shield as they collect with snow and then dig up the ground with their massiveness. Sorrow's eyes widen considerably as he finds himself encased in this moving ice and stone prison. "ALPHEUS, NOW!!!!" Falcon cries out.
The young deacon stands outside this terrible stormy mass, seeing it fly up into the air like a rapidly growing tornado. He doesn't know if he can contain it, but, with what courage he can muster, he begins to recite an ancient Latin incantation. Gold beams of light shoot from his body as his hands fly out and a massive barrier is formed to contain Sorrow, chains and all.
"What manner of trickery -?!" Sorrow snarls as he snaps his chains back. Within the swirling mass of snow and rock, now covered over by a layer of energy courtesy of the young deacon, Falcon stands before Sorrow with eyes gleaming - ready for the fight. Sorrow growls. "So, you mean to fight me alone knowing I won't kill my emergency body? Well, I can always use your father, if it comes right down to it..." Sorrow says, about ready to unleash hell on him. However, there is a slight prick of energy behind him, one almost completely concealed by the swirling mass that Alpheus has created around them. Sorrow has just enough time to turn and behold the charm being thrust upon his side as Eos shifts from the shadows.

The explosion is immense, knocking away all of the broken rocks, Alpheus' barrier, and the ice winds completely out of the way as the deacon, Jingarther, and even Life and Stannis are sent flying back. When the dust settles, only Eos is standing, holding onto Urius' body half in shock of the instant reaction of the charm and half out of the want not to be send careening across the field of rocks. 


 Ceata and Lazarus were sent tumbling as well, but Ceata was up and scrambling toward the very confused looking Eos, the small male's eyes huge as he clung to the slumped form of Urius. Ceata grasped onto Urius as well, looking down at him with eyes fearful and a small noise of fear escaping him.


While everyone else was shocked over the suddenness of the change, Absinthe had slipped from the grasp of those holding to him and had scurried away, wanting to get to Adonis before he passed out. He would the longer he stayed away from the man, the whole of him throbbing and aching with each shuddering breath.


Absinthe goes unnoticed by all but Jinevae, who rushes inside in the direction he thought Absinthe went, crying out to his lover to come back. His pleads go unheard by Ceata, who is pressing his ear to his beloved's lips, listening...so carefully listening. Out between that mouth which he so loved to kiss came the barest of breaths, like a newborn kitten striving to live. Still, it was his Urius. No longer did he feel cold, but warmth came into those limbs at last.
Just the thought of limbs, however, had Ceata looking down at those newly attached hands. Black they were still, like they were marked as dead flesh clinging to a living body.


Ceata shuddered, eyes flickering away from them quickly in disgust. He cradled the other close, gaze rising as Life hurried over and knelt by Ceata's side. "He is alive?" Life asked him sharply, though she could already feel the barest bit of life clinging to the form as it lay there.                                                                                             

Absinthe completely ignored his mate, running toward the source of his pain. He shivered, whimpering slightly as a sharp bolt of agony nearly toppled him.


"Absinthe, STOP!" Jinevae demanded in perhaps the most commanding tone the man had ever mustered. His hand was hard against the other's wrist and he pulled him back, crushing him against those war-weathered muscles. Oh, but they made Absinthe burn like a brand. Only Adonis would ease his pain, cool his hurts, and bring this boiling desire at last to a happier temperature. "Absinthe! Absinthe, what's wrong?! Speak wif me, love!"


"P-please! It hurts, it hurts!" Absinthe sobbed against his chest, clutching against the larger male desperately, nearly loosing his feet. He had to go had to! The aches were so intensely painful. His hair toppled into his face, eyes wild and glittering with tears as the young male struggled against Jinevae a bit till he went still and just cried.


"A-Absinthe..." Jinevae whimpered, his eyes filling with tears as well for the pain he could see on his lover's face. He let him go slightly and tried to caress him, feeling how tense and hot the poor youth was. He cradled him there, trying to reach through this barrier that he could not seem to break. There was something between Absinthe and their love, something causing him so much pain! Even now, Jinevae's heart was breaking. "Please...P-please, tell me wha's wrong..." he begged with such a sad voice, but how could Absinthe admit that he was in love with the very monster that had caused so much pain to them all? It made Absinthe want to break, feeling Jinevae's warm tears on his neck. "Please, love!"


"I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I couldn't stop him..." Absinthe sobbed, near to collapsing. "I-I gotta go to him, Jinevae! I don't want to, b-but if I don't..." Absinthe whimpered in pain, shuddering against his kindly mate as if he were freezing, though the whole of him was hot and trembling.


"H-Him?! ...Who are yah talkin' about, Absinthe! P-please...please, I'll do anythin' to keep you safe...I'll beat this bastard, if yah want me to! Just tell me who 'e is!" Jinevae now desperately sobs, trying to cling to his beloved who is now wrenching away from him again. Absinthe doesn't wish to hurt Jinevae any further, but he knows he must run. Even now, his body is beginning to convulse so painfully that he can barely move. If he doesn't leave now, he fears he will die from the strain of it. 


"P-please... c-can't!" Absinthe whispered, voice choked and strained to the point that it could barely be heard. The tall male grasped lightly at Jinevae's hand and than let go as another shuddering spasm of pain left him breathless and desperately running to Adonis.


"Absinthe-! Absinthe!!" Jinevae calls after him as Absinthe turns and runs down the hall that he came from. He must get to the portal into the Sombs and fast, knowing that he doesn't have much time before he becomes an utterly useless ball of pained goo. He makes it to the room without much trouble, the rest of his household still outside or rushing to put the wounded into the infirmary. The chaos made it easy for him to jump through the portal, the mists of the Sombs swirling about him in no time.
Even so, that cold world did nothing to ease his sufferings. He looked around, eager to shift in whatever direction Adonis was. 


He felt tired, shaking as he felt about for the presence of Adonis. Usually bright eyes were dull and grey, skin flushed slightly and body tensed as he hurried to locate the one that called to him. He could feel the tempting call and followed it swiftly.


As Absinthe worked his way through the mists of the Sombs, fighting the many conflicting auras in order to reach the depraved monster he loved, Ceata was just bringing Urius into the castle. The threat had gone, though Hatred had run away, and all thanks to Falcon's quick thinking and Eos' even quicker movements. Stannis stood there by his son, his eyes having once more turned a stern granite color. He wraps an arm around Falcon, sighing heavily.
"Don't you dare scare me like that again, son..." Stannis gives as a stern command, his heart still beating wildly from the fear that he had lost Falcon. Aside from a few cuts and bruises from the blast, Falcon is utterly fine. Kite seems just as worried about her son, rushing out to meet both Stannis and Falcon to slap them both.
"What the HELL is WRONG with you?!?!?! " she screams, Farryn trying to hold her back from beating them both into the dirt. "Stannis, I SWEAR, I will divorce you if you don't get your ass inside and tell me what just happened! And YOU, young man -!! " Kite snarls, pointing to her son. "You march straight over to your lover and beg him and everyone else you scared half to death for forgiveness, INCLUDING ME!!!"


Eos laughed weakly, eyes glittering a little. Ceata was ignoring everyone, hurrying along with Urius in his arms, completely limp. Life followed after, though she was giving orders over her shoulder to Lazarus to get everyone together, to make sure their forces were not too shambled.  Many were still in shock, soft muttering hisses and words lightly heard as Ceata marched past with Urius in his arms.


Absinthe had a difficult time keeping his mind focused on finding Adonis, the many changing auras confusing him till he nearly got lost. The sharp tug of Adonis' call kept him on track though, the young male moving swiftly.


The castle of Death was one more in a flurry of activity as soldiers were trying to salvage what they could. Bodies littered the front of the gate, causing several strong Jins to rifle around in the heavy rubble to free whoever might have survived the collapse. Death Angels went to deal with the stiff and dead bodies of the one-time Gods. They alone seemed to be able to deal with touching them, for the Angels who had seen their awesome power would not go near them. Likewise, the Shadowshifters seemed very cautious now, worried about what else might enter their realm. It was only when Exodus came running up to Life, telling him of what happened with Absinthe, did the panic of the situation resurface. Oh, yes...they weren't through the woods just yet.

~ ~ ~

Adonis waited patiently in an abandoned home that likely belonged to some unfortunate Demon. Of course, by "abandoned," we refer to the fact that Adonis slaughtered the entire family living there and ate their souls. Now he lies back comfortably on his new red satin bed, waiting for his hostage to make his way into the new realm he was creating....Soon, he would be a full-fledged God again.


Life was livid. She allowed Ceata to lay his mate down and sit with him, for she needed to make some swift orders. Either abandon Absinthe to his own fate, or set someone after him... the choice was a hard one and had her pacing a bit.  There was the urgency of dealing with Urius as well as that of Absinthe escaping. To send anyone after him would be a virtual death sentence.


Cautiously, Absinthe stepped through the entrance of the house he sensed Adonis was within. He shook, boots crunching slightly on the broken glass on the floor. The downstairs was messy... there were splatters of blood upon the floor and other unsavory elements that he did not wish to look upon. He peered up the dark steps, licking his lips nervously before slowly ascending them. One by one.


Adonis felt Absinthe's presence from miles off, pleased that he had gone to such trouble as to shift all the way here. No doubt that beautiful body was now thoroughly exhausted, but it would not be pleased unless it rubbed up against him, doing perhaps the most humiliating things Absinthe could think of. It all made Adonis smirk, knowing he would keep Absinthe here as a safety net. If anything should happen, he could always simply use Absinthe as a way to stall Death until the right time. Whatever the case, anyone that would attempt to get Absinthe back would be immediately executed.


Absinthe slipped up the stairs, shaking and frightened. His long hair trailed the floor a little as he bent down to make it easier up the shallow stairwell. The presence of Adonis was overbearing, causing him to whimper weakly and shudder. His foot steps sounded oddly loud to him, echoing as the young shadowshifter came upon a door. He flinched, afraid to open it.


Adonis simply glanced at the handle, his red eyes glowing a moment before it turned and the door opened. On the other side was a whimpering and twitching Absinthe. At the sight of Adonis sitting so coolly on the bed, his ice-golden hair falling around him on the red sheets, Absinthe nearly crawled over to him on hand and foot to beg for deliverance from his pain. Adonis watched him as he scuttled forward - head downward in obedience and eyes gleaming. "Did you miss me, God-whore? I knew you couldn't keep away..." Adonis smirked so cruelly, so beautifully...


Absinthe cowered under that gaze, slinking forward on hands and knees when his legs would no longer hold him up right. He crawled over and hunkered by Adonis' hand, hoping for any sort of merciful touch from the other male, any sort of calming caress that would stop the dull, throbbing ache that rocked his body.


"Answer me, Absinthe." That order came so firmly that Absinthe felt it shudder through him. His eyes turned upward to see Adonis staring at him with that smile of his. Oh, it promised him pain, yet, in that same smile, it also promised him untold pleasures. Even now, he was falling once more into that pathetic state of submissiveness. Surely, if either of his fathers were to see him like this, he would be utterly loathed for the rest of his life. 


"Y-yes..." He replied in his shaky, throbbing voice. The young male slipped against the bed, slipping up close enough to nuzzle Adonis' hand with a low, needy keen of despair and want. How he hated this man and how he utterly loved him. Absinthe's body was shaking, excitement making his heart thud hard against his ribs in his eagerness to get close to the cruel god. "Yes... yes... Adonis..." He whispered, nuzzling more at the hand that lay before him, wishing for it to caress his hair as he gave in to the corrupting presence of the pale blond beast before him.


"Get on the bed."
The order was spoken with no small amount of delight as Absinthe felt his insides churning with anger. Oh, but what a helpless anger it was. He did not have the strength to defy Adonis, nor did he have any manner of weapon to even the odds. He was helpless as he slipped onto that bed, his skin scrawling with desire as he straddled the other's hips. Adonis smirked, reaching out and roughly ripping open his robes, finding the smooth skin within.
"Well...it seems like you need some fresh bruises to adorn you. What do you think of that, Absinthe? Would you like some more bruises to blossom on your undeserving flesh?"


The snapping of stitches was loud, a button flying off into the unknown as Adonis ripped open Absinthe's shirt roughly and bared his before his fiendish red eyes.  Absinthe shook, lowering his gaze. The warm hands felt good on him, caressing his flinching flesh lightly. "Nnn... y-yes, A-adonis..." He whispered, brows knotting in agitation and need.


"Mmm...let's see if I can't bruise this first," Adonis purrs, ripping down Absinthe's pants so that he can get to his supple buttocks. His hands rub against that smooth skin, Absinthe whimpering in desperation as fingertips glide between his crack. "I bet you haven't had this in a long while...have you, whore?" He sees Absinthe shake his head, shuddering lightly as he feels Adonis' hot breath against a nipple. "Should I just put it in? You look like you're in pain...."
In truth, Absinthe was not in pain. The pain came when Adonis stopped touching him, yet this exquisite pleasure flooded his very being when the other touched his body. Something inside him begged for more, demanding it as though he were addicted to Adonis like a drug. So deliciously cruel he was...


Very much like a drug. Absinthe was high off of the hands running lewdly over him, eyes glazed to the point that it seemed that he could not see anymore. He panted eagerly, whining loudly for Adonis to touch him more. "Please... please..." He whimpered gently, rocking a little in Adonis' lap to show his eagerness for the other male.


"Calm down, whore...I will enter your body soon enough. However, I want you to make me ready first." Those words made Absinthe's mouth dry, for he could remember many a night servicing that large cock as it rammed almost to the back of his throat. He feels himself shudder even as he begins to get on his hands and knees, spreading apart Adonis' crimson red robes - still stained with the blood of his victims - to find his flaccid length. "Suck it."


Absinthe closed his eyes, having done this so many times that he could have done it in his sleep. Soft lips caressed the length, starting along the most sensitive places along the shaft and balls before inching up the length to kiss upon the head. He shook, scraps of his clothing still hanging some to his long limbs, boots still upon his feet and curving up to his lean hips, completely ignored while he nursed Adonis' shaft like a good bitch.



Adonis watched him with those cruel eyes, their crimson depths gleaming with delight as Absinthe's tongue lavished his member with desperate attention. Even now, Adonis could feel the other's heat and sense the throbbing need Absinthe had to be connected with him. It assured the God, for he knew then that his taint had not lessened at all in the transition of suppressing Rowan's soul. Now he reached out gently and grasped a strand of Absinthe's hair, toying with it as the other sucked his cock.
"Yes....do it harder. Choke on it, if you must..."


Absinthe's pale eyes flickered up to his, heavily glazed a pearl-grayish color from darkening in lust. They glimmered, cheeks red from how flushed he was. Take it more? Oh yes, he could do that. Groaning, the shadowshifter sucked hard, taking more of the others piece eagerly into his throat as he gave Adonis all the attention he asked for and more.


The cruel God of Torment moaned softly, his hand reaching out and grasping the other's scalp firmly in his grip. He then begins to force Absinthe down all the more, feeling his head bump against the back of his throat as Absinthe struggles to breathe. The other's eyes widen, tears edging them in their depth of dark opal. Adonis can only smirk, thrusting hard into the other as Absinthe tries not to faint. "That's it, whore...take it all. This is all you're good for and all you'll ever be good for - a hole to shove cocks into."


Absinthe grunted, hunched over to endure the humiliation. He was just glad there was no one else here to see it. The godling shuddered, jaw opened wide to allow Adonis to shove himself as deep as he wanted, hurting his throat with the viciousness of his motions.


Adonis can't help but grin viciously as he fucks the other's mouth until Absinthe's throat is raw. He finally pulls out when he feels near orgasm, letting Absinthe hack and gasps against the sheets, his body trembling. "Now get over here and put yourself down on my cock." The order was firm and spoken with a hint of pleasure at seeing Absinthe's fearful expression. True, he wanted nothing more than to be thrust into by Adonis' throbbing member, but he wasn't sure how he would be able to press himself down when it hurt so much without lubricant. "Now, god-whore. Or I'll leave you to rot without another touch."


Absinthe flinched, crawling up the other male's body till he had his rump over his lap. A glance over his shoulder and he flushed, ass shaking as he reached back and spread himself open, taking Adonis' length in his other hand to help press it into his warm body. Searing pain ripped up his spine and caused him to tremble and groan, hiding his face against the pale skin of the blond.


Adonis watched him tremble, feeling the blood slicking the passage as Absinthe worked himself down only half way at an incredibly slow pace. The God of Torment became displeased with this hesitance and, growling angrily, he gripped those slender hips and shoved Absinthe down the rest of the way. His scream was delicious, followed by the clamping of his poor anus as it snapped and ripped. "There....that's better."


Panting, the godling shuddered and twitched as he sat settled completely on Adonis' length, feeling it throb hotly in his shuddering body. He whined lowly, knowing his blood coated the others length from how rough he had entered.


"Now move....let me see that ass clench," Adonis smirked, watching the other's body as it rose on his cock. It left bloody streaks up and down his flesh, for he had ripped quite a bit of muscle and it hurt with each thrust. Oh, but Absinthe was still hard for him. His tip had even begun to drip a little from the pain. Such amazing creatures Shadowshifters are...add a God's blood to them and you will find they make exquisite stress toys.


The shadowshifter groaned weakly. The tip of his cock even had a little piercing in it, glittering lightly as he began to move himself, those long, slim thighs flexing with each movement of his body.


Adonis enjoyed the view, excited to see Absinthe's body welcoming him, despite the pain he was no doubt in. That back arched, brushing long tendrils of hair against Adonis' chest. He smirked, digging nails into the other's soft flesh to see those muscles clench for him. Blood drips down his smooth thigh, his pants already having been ripped off. All that Absinthe wears are his thigh-high boots, making him look all the more deliciously slutty. 


Not to mention those noises, the rich low cries that rise into near screams as Absinthe rocks on his shaft. His buttocks and inner thighs are coated in splatters of blood, but the shadowshifter shows no signs that he is in fact feeling any pain. The pain has become so intense as to revert to pleasure, helping Absinthe endure the sensations.


Adonis enjoyed the chorus of cries and the sound of that wet hot body meeting with his throbbing cock. He watched the blood pour from that wound, yet still the muscles greedily sucked at his hot need. It was almost too much for him as he pushed Absinthe down against the bed and grabbed his thighs, thrusting hard and deep into that tight body. "Look at you...panting and clawing the bed like some paid prostitute...You're just like your mother. Perhaps I should scar you up too?" 


Absinthe cried out, whimpering as he was forced face first into the sheets, his long, elegant thighs held far apart in the others hands. He moaned, squirming desperately beneath the devious blond. "Ohhh! n-no!" He moaned, shuddering in fear and pleasure.


"What was that?" Adonis smirked, pistoning his cock in and out of Absinthe's tight bloody ass. "Did I hear a yes? Well, then, I shall make you as pretty as your mother...I'm sure he'll appreciate the work I'll put into it." Adonis chuckled, loving how tears graced the edges of Absinthe's eyes. He couldn't help himself, hating and loving this monster that forced him down and raped him. Ah, but was it rape when he asked for it?


It was good though and he cried out, rocking back into the others hard thrusts. He was terrified though. What was Adonis going to do to his body? Was he to turn out as scarred as his mother? Would Adonis even want him if he was disfigured!?


Adonis could only smirk at the panicked yet pleasured look on Absinthe's face. He spread his legs all the wider and leaned back, using his hips to his advantage as he thrust again and again and again. He worked hard to be sure that Absinthe's body would jump with every stroke, loving the sight of his body convulsing. Ah, the taint spell worked perfectly. Adonis would keep Absinthe in this statue of pleasured and pained bliss to hold him down. All the while, his pathetic Lord Death would be dealing with Sorrow, who, despite Stannis' alchemic charm, would not be kept down for long...


Absinthe was rocked by bliss and pain, unable to escape his fate as he lay prone under Adonis, a most gorgeous amusement for the beast. He cried out, unaware of what was currently going on back at the castle or the state of things. He was all but blinded to it as Adonis used him and used him well.


Meanwhile, back at the castle and far from Adonis' spell, night was lifting as the horizon glowed with the morning light. Everyone was exhausted, for the doom that had visited them in the night had drained their strength. Ceata sat by Urius' side, brushing back his now long hair as he looked to his face. He was breathing normally, seeming to only dream as his face no longer contorted in pain. The beautiful pale Shadowshifter felt relief for this, but, as Stannis warned, this relief would be short lived.

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