untitled: The Journal

Chapter 29: The Journal


The feast continued on as before, though there was heaviness in the air. The Starcs were still scrambling to help their wounded and take care of their dead whilst the Demons finished up easily sending the hordes back to the icy wastelands. Rughal was beyond consoling when he saw his mother arrive in all her grandeur and viciousness. It was only made worse by the fact she was there under Rowan's will...To realize that Rowan had gone so far as to control his mother put Rughal in a state of panic which even Dovinitas could not bring him out of.


Rowen kept his cool, even if his mate was panicking. He rubbed his temples, watching his mate with sharp, pale eyes. He was not sure whether he would have to remove Rughal from the room or not, but for now, he allowed him to stay. He glanced up, noting Hitomi entering, frowning slightly as the woman came into the large room like the proud bitch queen she was.


However, it seemed that her eyes did not immediately fall to him with that look of utter hate and disapproval. Instead, her gaze fell upon the magnificent former Valen Prince who stood beside Lady Life and helped her to her seat. Hitomi's eyes followed him almost hungrily as she brushed away one of her many male consorts and headed straight towards where Life and Rowan were standing. She ignored her son entirely; brushing passed him without a word. 

This came as a relief to Rughal. Rowen could feel how the tension lessened, though he looked highly confused by it. Life looked up at Hitomi, having arrive around the same time. She watched the other, noting the look of hunger in her eyes as she looked upon Rowan.


"Adonis..." she whispered, her eyes never leaving him even once. It caught Rughal by such surprise that he found himself staring as well at the expression on his mother's face. She had never looked at anyone that way, not even the men she claimed to enjoy. Rowan merely smiled calmly and bowed before her in a gracious manner.


"My Lady, it is good to see you again." So graceful and disarming a smile should have been made illegal. If Hitomi was not before others, she might just have swooned. "Please, take your seat. We were just about to start the feast again."


Adonis? Life quietly noted the name, smiling slightly as she sat. The things were hushed, they would continue as before and hopefully this time, it would not be interrupted. What had happened had happened and there was not a thing she could do for those that had died.


 But there was an obvious change throughout the crowds. The starcs were no where to be seen and many of the Jins had been ordered off. Rowan himself had seen to it that Roaden would be handling things, but there was no sign of Urius, Stannis, or even Kite. Falcon came merely to keep Eos company, though it was certain that he would quickly leave if anything was heard of his father's return. Hitomi didn't seem to care much about her warriors, knowing they would live or die for her better interest and nothing more. All that mattered to her now was Rowan.


 Absinthe and Exodus were no where to be seen, though Life knew where both of them were. Exodus had duties to attend to for her and could not indulge in the little 'party'. Life sighed, glancing at Lazarus. The man was quiet, watching people finish up their meals, a few already dancing slowly to the softly playing music. The crowd certainly had diminished, but she supposed that was a good thing.


It was certainly a grim celebration for the joy of the young lovers, but what could really be done in this situation? The day had been a dangerous one and they had almost lost many more lives because of letting their guards down. Life felt now more than ever that she needed to return to her previous form. Without the powers of Death, she really wasn't much more than a very sensitive and very vulnerable source for the power of creation. 


She liked it less and less as the day went by. Luckily, but tomorrow morning, she should have rested enough to change back. A rest period was needed between transformations or she would become far too weak for her own good. Sighing, Life looked over at Ceata and found that the young man had left sometime while she was gone. Well, probably off with one of his lovers...


...Or perhaps searching for one of his lovers. It was obvious that there was something very wrong going on when Urius had not shown up for the ball, the battle, or even the feast. Ceata now stalked through the compound in order to find his beloved, feeling all the more nervous now that Hitomi had brought her armies to Death's Castle. It seemed that, gradually, the Death Angels were becoming outnumbered by the overwhelming force of Rowan's followers. The fact that the enemy could possibly be let right in through the front door made Ceata very worried, but he would have to bite his tongue and simply ensure that he kept away from Rowan's notice for the time being.


He had to keep out of notice. Striding confidently, Ceata made his way to Urius' room, wishing to find him and check on him. It was unwise, but he did not wish to leave his mate hurt and alone. He sighed, rubbing at his eyes with a growl. He was so tired; sleeping had become hard, very, very hard. It was getting to the point where he could only sleep a couple hours a night.  But prowling the grounds was a good way to help out he supposed, since he could not sleep.


Still, there was the issue of how crowded it was now. Soldiers came pouring in with the wounded or the dead, the Starcs all in a panic. It made it harder to sneak into the rooms where Urius was easily, but Ceata managed it as he always did. Coming upon the door that was Urius', Ceata gently caressed the wood and smiled to himself in feeling his lover's aura behind the material that separated them. Yet...there was a darker tinge than what he was used to. It seemed strange, but what he was feeling didn't seem quite right.


He frowned. It was not right... and it was familiar. Carefully, he opened the door and peeked in. "Urius?" He called softly, frowning. He was ready to slam the door and run if something attacked him, but hopefully he would not have to do so. He peered in more, leaning into the room some as his pupils dilated and became huge, taking in the dark room.


He saw that the light to the bathroom was on and there was the sound of bath water splashes echoing off of tiled walls. Carefully, Ceata shut the door behind him and made his way over to the bathroom. He peered in, seeing Urius standing in the golden light with water trickling down his body. He was scrubbing calmly against his scarred skin, it easy for Ceata to see from this angle the terrible brand he had caused.


"Urius?" He uttered softly, peeking into the bathroom, pale eyes gazing at that brand with a tinge of guilt and.... lust. He shivered, shaking off the feelings as he gazed at that muscular back, waiting for Urius to speak to him, to respond to him at all. Would he? Or would he be ignored?


"Ceata...?" Urius asked with obvious surprise as he turned and looked to the one he loved. It made Ceata feel such joy, seeing that there was nothing wrong with the Angel. However, that strange aura still persisted and the presence of that brand upon his back made it all too clear that this happiness was a fleeting thing. "W-What are you doing here?"


"Checking on you." Ceata replied softly, smiling as he moved from the door way and into the room. He wanted to touch the other badly, to hug him and cup his face. Urius looked so worn out and exhausted. It hurt to see him looking so badly. "Are you ok, Urius?" He questioned gently, cocking his head and peering upon the other with a slight frown.


"I feel better than before...I believe the rest did me well, even if it was only a couple of days. Why do you ask?" Urius inquires as he goes to pick up a towel and modestly cover himself. Ceata stops him though, leaning over the edge of the tub and looking to his beloved. How long had it been since they had made love? It seemed like ages, even if it was barely two weeks. 


It ached to even think it had been that long! Ceata smiled gingerly, tipping his head thoughtfully to the side. "Just... curious. I don't want you to get sick, Urius." He whispered softly, resting his chin on the edge of the bath, watching his lover with large, loving eyes. Urius was so handsome; he seemed even more handsome since Ceata rarely got to see him. It felt nice seeing him.


"Ceata....you know you're not supposed to be here," Urius says after a long pause, rather liking how cute the other looked hanging at the edge of the tub. It reminded Urius of those sweet days when Ceata was a child - days that passed all too quickly but still left a deep impression on Urius' memory. Even now, within his beloved was that warmth he so craved. It brought a happiness to his soul that he never thought possible...a healing happiness. If only he could be close enough to Ceata to bask in that warmth, but the danger was far too great. Urius was on a mission to save what little remained of Rowan's soul while trying to preserve his own...Thus far, he was losing the battle. "Did you sneak in here again using your powers? Eventually you might get caught..."


"No, I just snuck in." Ceata replied and smiled. "I'm not touching you. Just looking. “He sighed and continued to watch Urius, a slight smile playing at his soft lips.”I can't help it, I miss you. I worry about you..." Ceata smiled sadly, swirling his finger in the bath water with a slight grumble. "I'm glad that you are feeling better though, Urius..."


Urius was quiet for a long moment, looking over at Ceata. How badly he wanted to grasp the back of Ceata's neck and pull him in for a passionate kiss. His body ached to feel every inch of Ceata's smooth frame brushing up against his in wanton abandon. Oh, and in any other circumstances, he would be doing that and much more. All he could do now is reach out and gently run a wet fingertip over the other's cheek. The touch was like electricity, for he loved the feel of Ceata's skin. "...I have missed you more than I could ever express, Ceata...I know it's hard. I cannot tell you how grateful I am for your understanding."


Ceata flushed, shivering in delight at the single touch of his mate's fingertip trailing down his cheek. He sighed softly, lashes drooping over his eyes, expression softening. He smiled, pink lips curved in an adoring arch. "That is all I need to hear." He uttered softly, nuzzling into the others hand, wishing for more touch though he knew he could not have it. The wait would be agony.


Urius moved his hand away lest he do any more to that soft flesh. He knew how easily it would melt underneath his fingertips, the feel of it warming from his kisses, the goosebumps forming beneath his tongue...He craved it unlike anything he had ever wanted before, all at once feeling as though he was betraying his devotion to Rowan with every moment he spent idolizing his love. He looked away, putting away his washcloth and moving to get out of the bath. "They will be expecting me...I hear my brother got caught in a battle. However, I don't know many other details."


"The fight was pretty brutal I heard." Ceata replied softly, sitting and watching Urius with a soft, wistful look to him. "Hitomi came and aided them in battle... Spector was killed, Urius." He told him softly, shivering and gulping. "He was shot in the head... nothing could be done for him."


"That is the nature of war...nothing can be done for it," Urius replied, though there was genuine sadness on his face as he dried off his body and then wrapped a towel about his waist. He then went to his clothes, beginning to dress himself as he readied to go and make some sort of an appearance - or at least to do the job that Rowan wasn't doing at the moment. "He will be burned with the rest of the dead...though I do not know what I will tell his mother. She will be deeply grieved. He was her only child."


Ceata did not know what his own mother would have done if he had died. He was an only child as well; Aysel would have been destroyed by the loss of his precious child. Shuddering, Ceata stood. "You will tell her he died well and was a great honor to his people." He replied softly, running a slim hand through his short hair, thoughtfully gazing upon his lover.


"His mother is a Starc...She will know that Specter would not die any other way. She will not shed tears in public, but I know this will hurt her greatly. Her husband has long since left this world. Specter was all she had left," Urius says as he goes about putting on his clothing before Ceata. As the tub drains, he laces up his white undershirt and vest, going to put on his coat with the stiff collar in front of a mirror. "My mother will never have to know that kind of sadness, at least..."


Ceata flinched. Ah yes, Urius’ mother was dying. Whether she had passed yet or not, was unknown to them currently, so there was little he could do to comfort his lover. He glanced up at Urius, sighing. "It is probably for the better. No mother or father wants to bury their child." The shadowshifter crossed his arms over his chest, leaning against the wall.


"...Let us pray my mother will never know that. There is still time yet for mistakes," Urius says at last as he fixes his belt and checks himself in the mirror. His hair is combed back so that only a few strands hang in his face. It's actually a better look for him, though it reminds Ceata of the way Stannis wears his hair. It's obvious the two are brothers. Though Ceata has never seen any of Urius' other siblings, save that dreadful one named Urlander..."Either way, I must be going. Rowan will not forgive me if I don't fulfill all my duties."


"You look good." Ceata mused softly, smiling gently upon the other. "Yes, go do so, Urius." He sighed and slipped back out of the door frame, loath to leave his lover unmolested. He, however, could not drag his lover down. He had things to do and Ceata could not get in the way. "I'll be going myself, I have things to do and I certainly cannot be seen leaving your room."


"Ceata..." Urius said softly just as the other was about to leave. Urius stopped fixing his cuffs for a moment to look up at the other with a sort of concern in his eyes, as well as a great deal of hesitance. "Ceata...have you been having any strange dreams of late?"


Ceata stopped in his tracks and looked back. "Not in the last couple of days." He replied softly, "Why, Urius?" He cocked his head, through feeling raw, aching and his whole body tensed and agitated. Had Urius been having more strange dreams?


"........It's...........It's nothing. No need to trouble you, I'm simply being paranoid. Either way, good luck to you. I will no doubt see you at this ball, should my work ever finish before it is over. Please, go enjoy yourself...and be cautious of Rowan. He's become more vicious of late," Urius replies as he goes back to what he is doing. Ceata can't help but feel that there is something that Urius wants to say but is too afraid to even try to realize it himself. 


"Of course... don't over work yourself." He warned softly, smiling some before leaving the room. He would not push, to push might make something... bad come out and he certainly did not wish to deal with such a thing at the moment. Off he went, shifting back to the hallway just outside of the dining hall where the ball was being held. Well, guess he better socialize.


There really was not much of a feast to be made thanks to the recent battle. Half the room was not present and it seemed that the Angels were too interested in tending to their comrades, securing the gate, and seeing to their dead than dancing or feasting. Not even the Jins lingered, though Rowan stayed because of Hitomi's constant need to be hanging on his arm. It was a most disturbing sight to Rughal, mortified that his mother acted like a foolish schoolgirl for none save the one man that could ruin his very existence. Grateful though he was for Dovinitas returning to him, he could not give up his hatred for the Angel. Then of course there was Donovan, sitting by his sister Rena. The two were joined souls, as they had been born twins and thus would always remain - no matter what body Donovan's soul had been placed into. They chatted pleasantly enough as Rei returned to the table once he cleaned up and checked on his young family. Mimiri had been terribly worried when he went off to fight and was then overjoyed with his return. Sahenna felt the same when Lazarus came back to the feast. Sahenna seated him, seeing to his aches and pains with gentle loving caresses. Kite was not present, having fled to see Stannis, and Falcon looked rather anxious to go see his father as well. Still, he sat beside his beloved and stared forward with a sternness in his gaze. Alpheus sat and twiddled his thumbs, watching Varun's expression possess that same sternness - he was obviously feeling concern over his master's sudden fixation on his grandmother. Ranmaru just looked eager to leave. 


Ceata rolled his eyes as he entered and wanted to leave right then and there. Life was looking bored, leaning her chin on her hand, eyes distant and expression blank. Once she was out of this form she was going to be overjoyed. For now though, she was forced to sit here and brood. What was the point of keeping this up? It had already been ruin, might as well allow everyone to go off and enjoy themselves elsewhere.


Life could only twiddle her thumbs as she listened to Hitomi talking low with Rowan, an occasional chuckle from the handsome Angel now and then. He seemed little interested in her, though she tried rather hard to lean on his arm and show the fullness of her breasts. It was surprising how far a strong woman could fall. Why, it was surely the mark that something wicked had altered her greatly.


It annoyed her. She did not like seeing the woman fawn over him nor did she care for how foolish the woman was to fall for him. Life shivered, glancing away to stare at her hands. He had promised her a dance, though she dearly, dearly hoped he would forget about it. Life was not in the mood to be so close to Rowan. Not right now and not for a while.


The band was playing a particularly lovely tune, however, and Rowan did not seem at all interested to linger with Hitomi's obvious advances. The woman was nothing but persistent as she pressed her supple body against his in a distracting way. Had he more stomach for women - or at least women that served no purpose to his greater goals - he might have eagerly returned her advances until she was eating out of his hand. However, he was much too keen to note Life's annoyance and turn to her with a casual smile. "Ah, this song is begging to be danced to...and, as I recall, you did offer yourself to me at least one time around the dance floor. Shall we?"


Life smiled, completely hiding her annoyance. "Why of course, my lord. I did." She replied and chuckled, allowing him to take her delicate hand and tug her from her chair. Her dress fluttered some as she walked after him, pale eyes glancing at Hitomi. The woman would be annoyed with her, but she HAD promised Rowan a dance, so she really could do nothing about that.


Hitomi looked to be SEETHING, in fact, but there was little she could do with a Goddess for competition. Instead, she just sat back and watched as Rowan's hand slipped against her back and guided her to the dance floor. The band stopped a moment and Rowan asked them to start the song again, as there were sparse few couples even bothering to dance and no one seemed to mind. Thus, the band began to play a song again, Rowan placing Life's delicate body into the position. He was graceful and his hands were warm. Life felt fire creep down her body as she blushed from his smile. Being this close, he smelled like lilacs and sword steel...It was a pleasant aroma.


The immortal shivered slightly, enjoying the soft scent and the taller, warm body. It made her blush a bit, eyes glancing up at him shyly. It was odd being shorter than Rowan, normally she was taller than him, but not now. Now she was delicate and vulnerable and if he so wished it, could easily over power her and that did NOT please her one little bit.


Rowan could only smile as he felt her body shudder against his, the music starting to pick up beat as he began to move her about the room. He had a grace that was uncanny, his steps always very measured and his movements very smooth. It felt like she was walking on air the way he moved her, holding her hand gently as he clasped her waist with the other. His face kept that damn charming smile as well, its beguiling nature trying to get her to let down her guard. "My Lady, you are a marvelous dancer."


"You get like that when you've been alive so long." She replied softly, moving gracefully with him, relaxing a little, through she hid her nervousness. Pale eyes glanced up at him, for if she didn't look up, she was staring at his chest and she did not want to seem as if she were trying to ignore him. She smiled some, cocking her head as he led her through the steps. "You're not too bad yourself.


"Well, when you live so long..." Rowan chuckled, echoing her previous words. He then stopped and moved her into a spin that she certainly wasn't expecting. It makes her squeak, but he had such expert hold of her that she came swirling back to his body with ease. She pressed up against him, very aware of every muscular curve, the firmness of his frame...Ah, and that scent of lilacs and sword steel kept making her heady. 


Very heady, so very giddy. It was hard for her to think with the potent scent of male so close. In this form, she was much more aware of how... fertile a person was. It was embarrassing, yes, but unavoidable. Life shivered, closing her eyes a moment to try and dispel some of the sensations that were making her mind go blank. Damn him and his scent!


"Enjoying yourself?" he asked her in a warm voice as they pressed close. The sound of his voice echoed in his chest as well, allowing her to sense it as much as hear it. She was suddenly aware of that tightness about her bodice, that feeling when your nipples clench up from excitement. Thankfully, there was enough frill in the front to hide such an obvious sign of arousal, though her blush did not have any cover. 


"Yes, it's a nice change..." She replied softly, feeling nervous and embarrassed that his attention was making her react as she did. It really, really made her embarrassed! Normally, she was not so easily swayed. Gods though, he felt nice and smelled nice and distracted her. Life knew she would have to be very, very careful of herself in this form.


"Though the night has come to be somewhat gloomy, perhaps it is not totally lost if you can smile this sweetly," Rowan said in that dashing way. His hand moved to pull her into another spin, swirling her and pressing her back as the music began to reach its final chorus. The other couples swirled along with them, a beautiful movement of color and form, yet it was obvious that the two were the best among them. Rowan led her body well, moving so that her dress might swirl the most and cling to her shape when they paused at a step. In the final notes, he spun her again and then dipped her, she blushing as her breasts were pressed against him, and their faces close enough for a kiss. 


Being dipped only added to how vulnerable she already felt. She blinked in surprise, shivering slightly as he gazed down at her. Life blushed and smiled shyly, allowing him to hold her like this as long as he wished, even if it was so frighteningly vulnerable a position to be in. Lashes lowered over her pale eyes, a shiver running up her spine. Why was he being so charming? Did he want something from her?


As the music ended at its last note, Rowan held her and then pulled her back up. There was some clapping involved, as it was one of Life's first dances for the evening, but mostly she was too distracted to note because of her burning blush. Hitomi's eyes were upon her with such a rage, fueled by her own desires to be pressed tightly against Rowan. Life wondered if Rowan was trying to make Hitomi hate her, but it was obvious that Hitomi could do nothing. Who was she to tell a Goddess about her love life?


Not that she would bed Rowan, not in this form certainly! How foolish would she be to do that! Smiling slightly, she gave him a little curtsy and peered upon him with an almost coy look. "My lord Rowan... one would.... almost think you were trying to goad lady Hitomi..." She whispered, raising a brow with a slight smile tugging at her lips.


"Lady Hitomi is such a gracious woman that I hardly think she would succumb so easily to jealousy, even for a beautiful woman like yourself..." Rowan said as he took Life's hand and gently kissed it. This made all manner of butterflies flutter in Life's stomach, for she blushed at his words and the gentle touch of warm lips. Thankfully Life did not have the Shadowshifter need to be bedded all the time, or else she might very well end up going to bed with the wrong man - namely, Rowan. "Perhaps we shall repeat this wonderful experience another time? You are indeed a wonderful dancer."


"Perhaps." She replied coyly, watching him with thoughtful pale eyes, expression both amused and pleased. His kiss really did have her squirming, wishing that he did not have that taint in him that made him so dangerous. There was nothing one could do about that though, so she quietly played along and allowed him to be charming as she herself played coy and hard to get.


It had Life's Death Angels watching Rowan closely, especially Rei. Lazarus didn't seem all too trusting either, even as he leaned upon Sahenna lovingly and was fed grapes from his fingertips. Everyone seemed suspicious of Rowan. Even so, no one would say a thing or else they would lose all this support and protection they desperately needed, as well as several loved ones. Rowan had dug deep, having his claws into everyone's life it seemed. With his connections, he had spun a trap around them and was now slowly reeling in the net.


Ah, the games they played. Lazarus sighed, leaning his head against his mate's shoulder, enjoying the taste of grapes on his tongue and the feeling of his lover cuddled up close. Watching Life and Rowan dance had made him uneasy and he could not chase that sensation from his belly. He glanced at Sahenna and smiled some. At least Rowan had done one good thing and that person sat next to him, so tenderly feeding him grapes.


 Sahenna smiled softly and caressed at Lazarus' cheek, leaning down to kiss him as they occupied the same bench comfortably. Sahenna was such a sweet and doting lover. Lazarus would always have the young man with him, following him around when he didn't have lessons, seeing to his aches and pains with loving affection. Indeed, if there was one good thing Rowan had done on this earth, it had to be his child. "Are you comfortable, my love?"


"Yes, though my belly is aching..." He sighed softly, smiling upon his lover. "The little one is kicking so much lately, I fear he has bruised my insides!" He laughed and nuzzled against the other with a sweet sigh. Sahenna was precious. His other two mates adored him (Akita more than Rowen) and he was always so caring for him. "But soon he will be out of my stomach and I will not have to deal with it anymore..."


"Yes...we will simply be waking late at night…asking for sitters...bottles...milk...diapers...Heh, it doesn't seem parenting gets any easier after pregnancy," Sahenna says with a soft chuckle as he reaches down and caresses Lazarus' stomach. His hand is warm even through the cloth of Lazarus' loose clothes. "I'm getting advice from Jinaven, though...With four children, he knows how best to take care of babies."


"Mmmn... and I know how to care for them too, love, so we are not going into this without knowledge." He chuckled and glanced down at his lover, who looked so delighted with his mate's large belly. "You will make a lovely father anyway, you're so sweet, Sahenna." Lazarus breathed and nuzzled gently at the soft, white hair at the top of Sahenna's head.


"You are too kind to me, my love," Sahenna returned with a gentle smile as he ran a hand through the other's black hair. The night continued on without incident, though there was a great sorrow hanging over the castle for the lives of those lost in battle. That night, Uzuri stood restlessly by her window of her home. Her mates slept after exhaustive love making and the night closed in around her. What she had seen...what she had experienced would not go away. Such horror should never have been unleashed on the world, and yet here it was sitting at Death's doorstep. She would need to speak with others to find out what it was that clouded the halls of Death's castle.


Was that wise though? She could possibly be putting people into danger by doing so and yet... she could not turn away from warning them. Uzuri frowned tightly, running a hand through her hair as she sighed with annoyance. Damnit, why must this be so hard?


"You seem most perplexed, my lovely Uzuri..." came a whispering wind from the direction of the looking glass that stood against Uzuri's vanity. She turned and frowned, seeing there the face of a God glimmering back at her. Morpheus was not unfamiliar to Uzuri. Lazarus had long since warned her and she had been well aware of his presence. He smiled back at her, his cruel cold eyes holding no hint of joy in them. 


"And what of it?" She asked sharply, cocking her head and gazing at him with a tight frown of annoyance. She marched over, hands on her naked hips. There was not a speck of modesty about her, standing nude as the day that she had been born. "And what do you want? Bratty creature!"


"Not a nice way to speak to the one that controls your dreams, Uzuri," Morpheus replied flatly as he flickered on the other side of the glass. His dark skin almost matched with the shadows behind him, making his eyes stand out more. His hair was such a dark green that it was almost black, his eyes bright pink. "I am merely trying to offer some help."


"Oh?" She walked over, peering into the glass with interest now. Sitting down on the cushion she liked to use for a chair, she gazed at him with rapt attention. "What sort of help have you to offer? Something useful one hopes." Uzuri sighed, rubbing her temples.


"I know what it is that lurks in Death's Castle...I cannot tell you, because of the nature of my being, but I can point you in the right direction," Morpheus replied with a slow smile. It made Uzuri rather wary of him, a frown crossing over his lovely face as she stared for a moment. Still, this was the only lead she had and she knew she wouldn't get any proper sleep if she didn't at least try to figure out what was going on.


"Go on." She replied, gazing down at him with a slight frown on her face. Fine, she would play his game. She had to know what was going on, if she did not, who knows what was going to happen? Uzuri sighed, leaning on the small table to make herself much more comfortable.



"There is a journal that you must find. One that Lord Rowan has had in his possession. He has given it away recently for safe keeping...In there, you will be able to find the answers you seek. However, this journal will not easily give forth its secrets. You need another item...one perhaps far more costly than the first," Morpheus says with a cryptic glimmer in his eyes. It's hard to tell whether he's toying with Uzuri or not. After all, dreams are treacherous things.


The female tipped her head thoughtfully, gazing at him with a frown. "What is this thing I must find?" She asked, tapping her fingertips against the table as she looked upon him. Just what was he talking about?


"To find the key, you must first get the journal...Only then will you understand where to look," Morpheus chuckled as he saw the confusion on her lovely face. His figure began to flicker and then fade, it seeming as though that would be all Uzuri would get for now. "Find the journal and its key, then you'll have all the answers." With that, he disappeared.


Uzuri growled. Well, that would be more difficult then she cared to admit. Oh well, it would certainly give her something to keep her mind off of the horrible things... She stood, sighing. Hmmn... Life had asked her to see about contacting Durga for her army. Surely Durga would be pleased to get to enjoy this war? The woman was a beast in battle, trained by the war god himself.


Uzuri ponders late into the night until sleep finally captures her in its velvety dark embrace. The sun rises on a new day soon enough, filled with new tragedies and new fortunes. Life wakes with the rest that she has needed, feeling pleased that this form will no longer hamper her anymore. Falcon and Stannis are already up, cooking breakfast side-by-side. Urius is still seeing to the preparations to refortify all of the northern gate. Most everyone else is sleeping, though Rowan is  lurking somewhere and cannot be found. 


Lazarus, however, was conferring with Uzuri. He gazed into the globe before him, the fine crystal shimmering with her pretty face in the middle. She beamed at him. "We're so round! That belly will pop any day now."  Lazarus flushed, nodding slowly before changing the subject. "Did you get in contact? What did she say?" He asked softly and Uzuri grinned evilly at him. "She said yes... she is on her way right now to meet with you and the others."  Lazarus smiled and nodded. "Thank you, Aunt Uzuri."


Sahenna stretched and sat up, hearing the sounds in the other room. He had to carefully move Akita off him and climb over Rowen in order to make it to the other side of the bed and a robe. He slipped into it, tip-toeing over towards the door and peeking into the little parlor where the crystal stayed. He smiled, seeing Lazarus there and then going around the other way to take a shower before thoroughly snuggling his beloved.


Lazarus was pleased. Thankfully, they would now have the aid of Durga in their war. He smiled slightly and thanked Uzuri before putting the crystal away and standing. Ahhh, he was so tired today.


It is then that he hears the sound of the shower as the water hits against Sahenna's body. It makes him step back through to the bedroom, seeing most of his lovers still asleep on the bed. Only one of them is missing, causing Lazarus to smile gently as he goes into the bathroom and finds Sahenna there under a stream of hot water.


Sahenna always looks nice slick with water... or sweat. He smiles to himself, thoughtfully tapping at the glass that slightly blurred his lover's form. "Good morning, Sahenna... Did you sleep well last night?" He asked through the glass.


"Oh...Lazarus...Are you going to join me?" Sahenna asks with a gentle smile, going to open the glass door for his beloved to slip inside. Lazarus removes his sleeping clothes easily enough and makes his way in, holding his rounded belly as the water hits him. Sahenna cuddles close. "How are you feeling this morning, love?"


"A little achy... but pleased." Lazarus replied with a soft chuckle. He leaned his head upon the shoulder of his lover, enjoying the hot spray of the water hitting him, rolling down his belly. He purred, nuzzling closely with a soft, pleased grumble. "Mmnnn.... you're so comfy."


Sahenna blushed, still having a coy air about him. He was the most hesitant when it came to sex, but he was also very considerate and passionate - not much like the Sahenna Lazarus knew at all. Still, there were glimmers of it at times. When Lazarus was almost called to battle, Sahenna demanded that he not leave and nearly threw a fit for it. Such a childish thing proves at least he is still the bratty Sahenna Lazarus knew and loved.



Lazarus smiled some, nibbling at his lover gently. His eyes glistened, with what, it was not hard to tell. "Mmn... pretty one, you're so wonderful." He purred softly and pressed closer. While they could not have sex during the pregnancy, they did tease and taunt each other with gentle touches and words.


"A-ah....Lazarus..." Sahenna whispered gently as he felt Lazarus' hands sinking low enough to caress his tender bits. These were stopped, however, as Sahenna spun around and gave his beloved a kiss, running both his palms over the swell of their babe. "Please, don't tease me...You know how much I crave to have you. I am bashful to admit, but...well...I cannot wait until you are free of child and able to make love again."


Lazarus chuckled some, kissing Sahenna back. "The more exciting it will be then, to have the child out of my belly." He whispered, enjoying the hands caressing his tautly stretched belly. He missed his abs, he would have to do many sit ups to get them back after the baby was out.


"Life says it will naught be but a few more days....In fact, she's not surprised if today would be your birthing day." Sahenna smiled lovingly towards Lazarus. "I'm rather excited. this is a good month to have children, you know."


"Oh...?" Lazarus mused, cocking his head. His lips traced his mate's chin, hands running down his back gently. Such soft, pleasant skin! It pleased him to be able to caress his lover as he did. So very lovely. "I would hope it's soon."


"Yes...All children born under Saint Mathias are considered especially blessed," Sahenna said softly as he enjoyed his lover's touches. He was at least a head shorter than Lazarus, but the two seemed rather well matched. Even if Sahenna was not as tall as he once was, nor as muscular or scarred, he had a fine masculine quality about him that would suggest he would grow tall - much taller than Rowan. As it was, he was already the same height as his father and looked very little like Rowan. 


Which pleased Lazarus. Rowan deeply bothered Lazarus. Why it was so, Lazarus was not sure, but every time he saw the man, he got the shivers. Lazarus smiled some, cocking his head. "Well, let us hope our little one will be born soon. I think in this day and age, a blessing is important!"


It was then that Sahenna and Lazarus heard the sleepy little feet padding over the white tiles. Akita had gotten up, rubbing his eyes and looking absolutely adorable. It made Sahenna smile, knowing that Akita had gotten a great deal of attention last night. it is no wonder why he is so tired.


"What are you too going on about?" He asked softly and slipped into the shower with them to huddle in the hot water. He grumbled softly, nuzzling his mate's pregnant belly with a happy sigh of delight. Lazarus chuckled softly, caressing the others hair.


"Are you aching, Akita? I'll give you a massage, if you like," Sahenna said at length as he gently caresses Akita's white hair as well. Akita seems too content just to nuzzle into Lazarus' baby belly for the time being. It seems the little child has quite an affinity for him, as it starts kicking immediately.


Akita giggled softly, nuzzling at Lazarus' belly happily. Rowen was still passed out in exhaustion, too lazy to get up and start the day. Lazarus caressed his lover's soft white hair with a pleased sigh. "You look happy, Akita." He teased and Akita glanced up at them with a smile of pleasure on his smooth, pale face.


"Now if only we could get sleepy-head Rowen in here to look as happy," Sahenna chuckled as he pet Akita's hair and gently caressed his shoulder. The hot water soothed all their aches and pains - and, of course, the cuddling did its share as well. Such a happy picture they made. 


Lazarus adored it  He knew Rowen was sleepy from dealing with Rughal yesterday, so he did not mind him sleeping in. Poor dear put up with so many things, he deserved to rest and relax. Smirking, he leaned in and coddled them. "Mmnn.... my lovely mates..." he breathed, sighing with pleasure. The baby gave a hard kick and he winced. His poor lungs. The baby had wiggled about and had slammed his foot up into Lazarus' ribs.


"Oh, love...is he kicking again? I swear, our son is entirely too naughty," Sahenna sighed as he took the other's hand and gently clasped it. Their child was indeed a little brat, having in him a mean streak to hit his mother whenever he thought it was to the best advantage of causing him pain. Oh, he would be a hellion when he was born.


"Yes, little monster." Lazarus sighed and patted his belly. The little one was VERY active today. It had been his wiggling that had woke Lazarus up. Perhaps he was so active because he was due soon? Most likely. Exodus had told him that his babies had done so, so at least he had that small relief of knowing when it was getting close.


"Come now, I think we have soaked enough. We had best get something to eat...and I really need to see Urius. I haven't seen him in the longest time," Sahenna said after long moments of trying to calm the little beastie inside Lazarus' belly. The child seemed to calm with the presence of his father, but hardly enough to satisfy Lazarus. Still, the idea of food seemed more pleasurable than standing under water getting all pruney.


"Ahhh... yes, breakfast. I have to go and meet someone soon as well, she's never been to the castle before." Lazarus replied and smiled some at his lovers. Akita slipped out gingerly, tugging down a towel and wrapping in it before handing the others their own towels. "I'll probably be busy until the afternoon... you know where to find me." Lazarus told them.


"Alright...I suppose I shall spend the day with Urius then. He is, after all, my guardian," Sahenna said with a smile as he dried off as well. He then walked back into the bedroom and got dressed, stopping only to help Lazarus. By then the sun was over the mountains, spreading a golden morning glow everywhere. When they got to the kitchens, they were just in time to Eos walk in, rubbing his eyes. Falcon was already waiting for him with a nice breakfast, his father still cooking some for Kite, who seemed to be oversleeping.


"Good morning, Sir," Falcon said when he saw Sahenna walk through the door.


"Ahh! It looks so good, Falcon...I'm glad the men in your family are cooks, or else I would not have a Second who could make my favorite cuisine," Sahenna laughed as he took his seat. Stannis didn't seem to say anything, just flipping pancakes on a skillet.


Lazarus followed him in lazily, hands folded over his belly and expression thoughtful. Akita was still in the room, taking care of some things. Rarely did Akita eat and when he did, he normally did it by himself so as not to be rude. His meals were often... putrid. Lazarus walked over to the fridge and rooted about before taking out the raw meat waiting for him. He heated it up for a minute in the microwave and then proceeded to eat it gingerly.


"Just raw meat?" Falcon asked with surprise as he set down a plate of eggs just the way Eos liked them. He then moved to finish making Eos some breakfast tea, knowing his lover was far too sleepy to do it himself. Eos was still in his pajamas, after all, and seemed most exhausted - no doubt Falcon's fault. 


 "Yes, it's good for the baby." Lazarus replied. "Besides, I enjoy a little raw meat. Demon is not my favorite, but it's certainly got a nice tartness to it." He replied softly, the elegant way he cut it and ate little bits dispute his extreme hunger, was sheer willpower. He glanced at the other with a slight smile, glancing at sleepy Eos eating his eggs with a pleased look on his sweet face.


"You eat Demon?" Stannis asked with a sternness that suggested both surprise and disgust. Such a thing Lazarus must have been used to by now, for he continued to eat his meal just as Stannis finished making one for his wife...who still had yet to come down. 


"I eat just about anything, Stannis. Mostly it's before mating or during pregnancy, but shadowshifters have always had an affinity for blood and flesh, be it that of animals... or fellow humanoids. Don't worry, it's no one you would have known." He replied simply, licking blood off his lips. He glanced up at Stannis. "I hope it does not offend? I cannot help what I was born.”


"But you can always help what you eat." Stannis' tone was none too pleased, but he never pressed the issue beyond that. It was obvious that cannibalism was against whatever other list of Starc codes there were, but Lazarus hardly thought more on the issue. Stannis not saying anything helped, as did Kite's appearance at last. Her figure made eyes BULGE as she walked in wearing little more than a tightly-pulled robe. Her hair was still wet as she was fresh from a shower, showing her long smooth legs and the cleavage of her breasts. Stannis was pretty near white at that moment.


"Hello, mother," Falcon said as he set out a plate of Tenshihana-style food for Sahenna, having already tended to his beloved Eos.


Kite yawned, stretching a little as she sat. Stannis was quickly rushing to find a longer robe to cover his wife with. "Oh...hello, sweetness. I see you and your father have been hard at work...Oooh, eggs."


Lazarus greeted Kite with a smile. He at least hoped she would not think less of him for his eating habits. It's not as if one can stop a deep, aching longing for certain types of flesh. It was just like the cravings a normal pregnant woman would go through. He sighed, turning his attention back to his meat as Eos greeted Kite with a huge, beaming smile.


"Oooh! My little son-in-law, don't you look cute today! And exhausted too...working on my grandchildren, are you?" Kite said with a pleased smile as Stannis desperately tried to get her one arm into a larger bathrobe. She didn't seem all to cooperative, batting her husband away several times as she stared at the beaming Eos. Falcon was blushing at the mentioning of grandchildren, busy making himself some food.


"Maybe..." He cooed coyly, squirming adorably. He was very smug today. He had bounced himself so hard on Falcon's cock the night before that the bed had nearly broke! It was more to spit in his grandmother's eye by making love to the man she disapproved of, and that... had made him SO hot to trot.


Falcon blushed harder by the way Eos talked to his mother, knowing that last night he hardly got any sleep. Eos was so fired up from the defiance they had both shown towards his grandmother that he would not stop until just a few hours before dawn. Falcon can't complain, however, as he gladly let Eos make a whore of himself and enjoyed all the benefits of seeing his lover writhing in ecstasy. Still....he knew his mother would never let him hear the end of it. "Oh, lovely! I hope you have a ton of babes and teach that wench grandmother of yours a thing or two...Gods, she's infuriating. I had to let my frustrations out on poor Stannis last night...If you hadn't already noticed, that's cause enough for his limp."


Stannis turned all the whiter, joining his son in cooking food as he knew that trying to stop her was pointless. 


"Oh yes, I fully understand." Eos replied, nodding wisely. "We nearly broke the bed last night, luckily enough, Death makes sure all the beds are sturdy." He grinned deviously and glanced at Falcon, hoping to see him flushing bright red. He loved seeing that. Lazarus chuckled in amusement, enjoying listening to the two talk.


Falcon looked about as red as a strawberry and Stannis was not far behind. The two had like minds and personalities, though Falcon had his mother's fiery streak. That was quite evident by the way he treated Hitomi the other day. Even now, he feels as though he should regret his harsh words....Ooh, but it felt good to see her face contort with rage. How Falcon hated her, only then realizing what Eos was talking about. Hitomi had never been particularly cruel to him before, but now that he was with Eos, she seemed fixated on causing him problems. Falcon wouldn't be bullied for anything.


"They are at that! However, in speaking of Death, have you seen Life at all? I had wondered if she might have a little talk with me about a certain something, but I haven't seen her all morning," Kite said with a regrettable tone, nibbling on her eggs.


"Sleeping in." Lazarus replied, glancing at her with a smile. "Being in that form is tiring, he'll be back in his normal one next you see him." He yawned softly, standing and putting his dishes in the sink. "Anyway, I am off to meet a new general, Stannis... you may want to meet her too something today." He rumbled, glancing at the man and giving him a chance to excuse himself without looking silly.


"A new general?" Stannis asked with some concern, his eyes marking upon Lazarus and seeing the other is not joking in the least. "Perhaps after I finish my meal. Will you be meeting in the war room?" he asks as he sets to putting some eggs and sausage on a plate for himself, Falcon already taking his own plate to sit beside his beloved Eos.


"Yes, that is exactly where we shall be. I want you to meet her with me, cause she might come off as a bit... bitchy? That is the only way to describe it. She's a lot more polite than Hitomi, but she does have an attitude and she WILL lash out when displeased." He smiled some, nodding. "So, please come as soon as you can." And with that, he was off.


"I don't like the sound of this..." Falcon said as he watched Lazarus leave, glancing to his father. Stannis returned his look and then said nothing of it, sitting down beside Kite as she ate. Even Kite looked a bit nervous, wanting to go with Stannis yet she knew she wasn't allowed. Kite was not a General for Rowan's army. She may have been one of the strongest female fighters of her time, but she knew that Stannis would never let both of them fight a war - especially when Kite might be carrying another child. She gently brushed her stomach, remembering with what horror she screamed at Rowan last night...and then having Stannis come home all cut up and bruised made her ache. As she thought these things, Stannis gently put a hand under the table and against her thigh, if only to calm that saddened look upon her face. 


Durga's arrival was quiet. She simply came up to the gates, held up some papers and marched in. She was regal in her clothes, though she was not as nearly flashy as some of the shadowshifter nobility. Her boots clicked sharply on the stones, long dreads tied back from her sharp, hawkish face. Piercing eyes flicked about, taking in her new surroundings with interest. Lazarus was greeted with a warm smile and a polite bow, Durga noting that the Shadowshifter king was plump with young. Charming. "Welcome Durga, please, follow me." Lazarus smiled and led her along. She smiled and followed, still looking about with interest. "It is a lovely castle... different from Lord Adharma's, but beautiful."


There passing caught the eyes of those in the hall way. Durga's impressive height and build, the fluid grace and the feral look about the woman made her even more striking. She ignored the intrigued looks and simply followed Lazarus to the war room, going in after him. "Uzuri briefed you, yes?" The tall king asked and Durga answered him with a simple nod.


The door was then opened by a pair of Shadow servants and Durga was led inside. Death sat at the end of the table, looking most pleased to be out of his more vulnerable form. None of Rowan's Generals had been called to the meeting, save Stannis, for he was the only one that Death really felt he could trust. After feeling for himself the vicious pull of Adonis' powers whilst in Life's form, he did not think of taking any chances for letting one of Rowan's spies into the room. Durga herself was a very useful pawn, should Adonis every attempt anything. Thus, they would meet in secret.


Durga bowed lowly to Death. She knew who he was and what he was and thus, gave him the respect that was deserving of the man. She stood straight and smiled. She was very nearly as tall as Lazarus, just a tad smaller than him. Her boots however, made her just a wee bit bigger and she was just about Lazarus' height currently. "My lord, you called for my aid?" She asked softly.  Death nodded, smiling gently upon her. His nails tapped together, head tipped to the side. "You've a large army, my lady Durga, do you think your god would allow us to ask for your aid?"  Durga looked thoughtful and then she nodded, smiling devilishly. "He is the war god, your Lordship, you know fully well he will delight in the bloodshed."


That was quite a pleasing thought, as getting further detached from needing Rowan's vast army would allow Death to keep the monster at arm's length. Things all seemed to be going rather well in that regard, for Durga would not easily fall to Adonis' charms nor would she so easily let her men falter either. She was the ace that Death had been holding - a last resort to keep Rowan's control over them from strengthening any further. 


And this woman was trained by the war god himself, vicious, winner of thousands of battles and many a war. She cocked her head, making her look even more hawkish, hip cocking to the side as she peered at lord Death. "So, when should I bring my men?" She asked, all business, her deep, silken voice making her all the more appealing to the senses.  Death smiled upon her. "I would like them as soon as possible, my lady."


There was the sound of the latch then and the doors opened, the Shadow servants letting in the stern-looking Stannis in a fine black coat. He stopped a moment as he caught sight of Durga, a frown passing over his lips momentarily. He then looked around to see where Rowan might be, but the lack of his presence somehow made Stannis more suspicious and he could no longer hold back his frown. He bowed respectfully though. "My Lord Death...Lord Lazarus....and My Lady, I was called upon to arrive at the war room. I will wait outside, if that should please you," Stannis says brusquely, meaning to turn and walk out, though he is stayed by a gesture from Death. No, Stannis will be needed. As one who is close to Rowan, yet not so close that he could be caught under his spell, he is definitely needed. Not to mention Stannis is quite familiar with the layout of the Sombs, the tactical choices of the Angels, and general warfare. He will certainly be of use.


"I am pairing you with Lady Durga, Stannis... she will need your assistance in learning the layout of things and what is going on." Death smiled upon Stannis, eyes glittering as he gazed upon the stern man. Hopefully, Durga would not butt heads with Stannis. The woman was very professional though, so he doubted she would be foolish enough to allow pride to get in the way of sense.


"I beg your pardon, My Lord Death, but when I lost the battle with my brother, my life was promised to Lord Rowan. I am under his rule and cannot be ordered by others, be they God or not," Stannis said at length as he looked over at Durga. He was such that his pride would not get in the way either, for he was a very obedient sort. Still, there was the truth to the matter that he was not Death's property. Death seemed to think this over, frowning. Perhaps he should come clean with his ideas. Stannis seemed a rather sensible man - no doubt he was aware of Adonis as well.


"It's not full term, only a couple of days. Besides.... I cannot allow Rowan to have all the troops, eh?" Death replied softly, tapping his fingers together. He had already thought of that, he did not think Rowan would object, likely he would try to get Durga on his side. However, Durga's loyalties were completely and totally for her god. There was nothing he could do short of brainwashing her and breaking her mating bond to her god to make her betray him for another. "However... I do wish to speak of something with you Stannis... have you noticed, anything odd about Rowan?"


Stannis' eyes narrowed so sharply that they looked like twin grey daggers. His jaw even seemed to tighten, one of those signs that Kite could always pick out when he was stressed about something. Death didn't notice it all that much, but at least he could tell that his question got a reaction out of the Starc. "What of it? All men are odd in their own right. You simply can't fault them for that, My Lord."


"I mean odd as in, dangerously so..." Death replied, cocking his head and piercing Stannis with his gaze. "I am not attacking his virtue, I am merely asking if you have noticed it, Stannis."   Durga listened to them with her head cocked thoughtfully, eyes distant as she stored their words away.


"I have noticed many things, My Lord, but I believe it is not a question of his virtue. Your eyes peer at me as though to discern MINE, rather, and how far I might fall from loyalty. I can only surmise that the reason Lady Durga has come is in order to keep Rowan's troops at a distance from yours, likely out of fear of whatever 'oddities' my master might possess which are, to your eyes, 'dangerous.' Furthermore, your asking me these questions could only be to one end, My Lord, and that is to drag me into whatever plans you are laying to prevent Lord Rowan's ever-tightening grasp upon your defenses...Though a smart move on your part, I believe you are asking the wrong man to betray the wrong person." Stannis, as sharp as his son. Still, there was a glimmering of doubt in his eyes. Death knew he had not picked the wrong person to betray Rowan, for there was something Stannis knew...It was there in his gaze. What's more, he was an upstanding moral person. Loyalty or not, he would do what his conscience told him was right.


"Hmmnn..." Was all Death said, knowing gaze upon Stannis. "Well... at least allow Durga to come under your wing long enough for her to be aware of the setup of things... That is all I ask." However, there was an offer behind it of safety with Death if Stannis came to find that he had gotten too close to something he knew was bad.


"I will have to ask Lord Rowan, but that I believe is within my power," Stannis replies as he gives Death's knowing gaze a frown before bowing. This will not be the end of the conversation, Stannis is sure. Death now knows that Stannis is hiding some information - information that Death believes will be most helpful. "Am I dismissed?"


"Of course, have a good day... and watch that wife of yours, would not want her to hurt that baby." Death grinned deviously, winking at Stannis. One thing that being either sides of his form was, he could tell when one had a baby started in their bellies. He tipped his head over, glancing to Durga. "You'll be meeting Rowan soon, so please behave."


 However, that may well have been a problem, for Rowan was no where to be found. Though Death had sent Rei to look for him some time before, the Death Angel General had returned empty-handed. No one seemed to know where Rowan had rushed off to, but they were certain he had been around at some point early in the morning. This left Death a bit bemused, wondering if Rowan was scheming up something.


Not being able to find Rowan, Death had Durga go and gather her army. She would be back in a day or so, which was soon enough. He sighed, rubbing his temples. Gods, he just wanted this over and done with! But for now, he had to get through it. Likewise, Absinthe was yet against stalking Urius, though he did so shyly, as if curious to see what would happen if Urius took note of him. Foolish it was, but Adonis' jabs had spurned him.


Urius was busy at work, as though nothing had happened. Absinthe was surprised when he brushed right passed the Starc and the other didn't even so much as glance at him. His silver eyes had returned, but there was a deeper shade of violet to them - the only evidence that a monster lurked within. Absinthe was thoroughly puzzled, staring at Urius all the more as he directed some new fortifications to be built. These would hopefully make defending Death's castle as well as the newly made compound a lot easier.


How very odd. Absinthe cocked his head, watching the other curiously before ghosting off back inside. He wondered if Urius was aware of what was inside him? He doubted it, he did not act the way Rowan did, with knowledge and cunning. Urius seemed to not realize it. Hmmm... Absinthe hurried along, heading back to his room swiftly to ponder this. He'd already dealt with his tasks and some of his training, so there was nothing more to do then think.


It was then that he settled down at his desk and took up some pen and paper. He wrote down some things - the name Adonis, Sorrow, Urius, Rowan...He made all sorts of names, interconnecting them like a web and then studying them with a fixed air. There had to be something he was missing here, some tiny detail that would let him better get close to Urius and then kill him. The only thing Absinthe could think to do at that moment was use Ceata against Urius, but Ceata was his family, so that was out of the question...It is then that his eyes spied at the back of his desk the leather-bound journal that had been given to him by Adonis. It made him quite curious as he fetched it out of its spot and held it. Carefully, he opened it, seeing it was still blank.


Hmmm, perhaps if he wrote something in it? Was that what it was for? He grumbled softly, peering at the blank paper, staring at the names with a tight frown. What the hell was with Adonis giving him this blank thing? There must be some sort of reason for it? Sucking on the end of his quill, he closed his eyes and just started thinking, running details over and over again. When he actually tried to think about things, he was very intelligent, more so than Adonis gave him credit.


Still, there was no answer that he could really get from the journal. He just sat there and ran his hands over the weathered pages, pondering what it could mean. There were obviously smudges from where it had been well loved, perhaps something that looked like blood spatter, and a myriad assortment of little tears and stresses on the parchment. As Absinthe flipped through the journal one way and then another, he felt something light float down upon his lap. It made him blink as he looked down and beheld a weathered photograph.


What the hell? Frowning, he leaned down and picked it up, peering at it with his head cocked to the side. What was this? Some tenderly kept memento that Rowan had kept to remind him of his childhood? Unlikely, from what he knew of Rowan's childhood, it had not been that enjoyable. He continued to start at it, pondering silently.


There was an image of a lovely young woman with curling dark hair. She had eyes that glistened with such ferocity and her face lightly brushed with freckles. The woman was smiling, so sweetly was she smiling. It took Absinthe a moment, but he became quite aware how like Rowan she looked. Beside her smiled another young lady, this one with paler hair and gleaming eyes as well. She seemed smaller, more easily frightened, but the family resemblance was obvious enough that this girl was the other's sister. Absinthe stared and stared, mesmerized by their faces, only to look down and read their names. "Lilian and Lilaith" it read in scrawling foreign script.


Ohhh.... what was this? He cocked his head and said the names aloud, testing them slowly on his tongue. They were beautiful women, the sort that Absinthe would have been attracted to if he had known them. They looked interesting as well, especially the girl with freckles. Those eyes had him captivated and he could not tear his own away for some time.


She looked back at him with such strong features. Though the photograph was black and white, Absinthe could imagine her with deeply green eyes. She must have had long dark brown hair, perhaps even tinted a bit red. Her sister was an obvious blond, her hair being such a fine gold that it looked almost white - the color of Rowan's hair. Could either of these be his mother? If so, then why would he be keeping such a personal photo around, especially where Absinthe could find it? Then it dawned on Absinthe....what if this journal was not sent by Adonis, but rather by Rowan? It seemed a curious thought at first, but then there was the fact that Adonis had said he was searching for a journal. Could it be that he did not know what Rowan had sent it already to Absinthe?


Absinthe bit his lip. Gods, he had to keep this hidden then. What if Adonis found out about it? He shivered some, glancing back at the photo. Rowan had entrusted this to him to protect, he would have to do so. Not to mention find out why it was blank. There must be some way to see the words!


It dawned on Absinthe then that this somehow must be a clue. Rowan was giving him clues, but why? It was obvious that the two were separate entities, though it was hard to figure one from the other. Adonis was such a strong personality that it seemed that Rowan no longer existed. Those eyes hardly appeared green anymore without some flecks of red in them. Was it that Rowan was disappearing? No wonder Adonis would want Urius and that monster dead then, for it was obvious that Urius was someone that Rowan clung to. Perhaps by collecting Ceata's locket and those other items he mentioned, Adonis was trying to extinguish Rowan forever? This question brought further confusion to Absinthe, for he was not sure if he loved Rowan along with Adonis or he merely had fallen for Adonis and cared little for Rowan...In which case, saving Rowan would mean nothing to him, so why give him the journal?


He chewed his lip, frowning some as he tilted his head. This was... annoying. He was not sure what to do or if it was prudent to do what he was thinking of doing. He sighed, scratching at his hair. Perhaps he should just focus on figuring out how to make words appear on the paper. There must be something about it that he could do to make it readable?


He tried blowing on it, kissing it, saying all manner of magical or illogical words to make it work, but the process only made him tired and grumpy. Staring then at the blank pages, he ran his fingertips over them again and again lovingly, imagining what secrets they could hold. Perhaps they were secrets about Adonis, secrets that could lead him to find what he needed to control the bastard at last. Oh, the idea of having Adonis spread eagle on the bed, crying out in pain and in pleasure as Absinthe had done so often -!!! Why, the idea had Absinthe's pants tightening as he imagined, practically drooling, how he would torture Adonis and make him cum so many times, only to deny him climax in the end. Ahh, what a delight...


He sighed with delight, licking his lips and resting his head on the book. "Oh god... Adonis..." He whispered with a soft purr of delight. He would love to see him writhing beneath him, how delicious that would be! He wanted it badly, so very, very badly. Absinthe purred softly and decided to put the book away. If he stayed like this, someone would interrupt him and he did not wish for that.


Still, there had to be a way to find more clues. Absinthe was more ravenous than ever to keep looking at that journal, but knew that showing it to just anyone would be folly. He hid it away well, all the while thinking of who might know a bit about it. Asking Urius would make that monster appear, asking Jinevae would result in cookies, and Roaden really didn't seem like the type to talk much - especially now with his ex-husband Dovinitas in the arms of Rughal. Roaden seemed fairly depressed. Still, there were others that Absinthe could go to. Among the first in his mind was Varun, for Varun had been Rowan's apprentice. Surely, he knew something about him.


Surely! But how the hell was he to get him away from that angel of his. Absinthe grumbled, thinking about it a moment before the hard on in his pants and the mental image he'd had earlier distracted him and he moaned, rubbing his cock through his pants. Damn it... he was a little depressed, lonely. Maybe he should go and pay Jinevae a visit? He really, really was needy all of a sudden and it was agitating him.


The thought of Adonis splayed out over his desk, securely fitted with ball-gag, arm straps, and a massive vibrator didn't help Absinthe much as he growled down at the throbbing erection in his pants. Oh, yes, he needed Jinevae. He needed Jinevae's kind and gentle caresses to soothe away this burning ache between his legs. Damn that Adonis! Even when he wasn't around, all Absinthe could do was moan helplessly because of him


Of course, he was moaning for a different reason and if Absinthe ever figured out how he could get the man like that, he'd do it without regret. Even if it gave him a world of hurt. Sighing, he stood up, pulled his long coat on, for it was chilly out and it gave him an excuse to hide the impressive erection in his pants. Smirking, he slipped out of his room and locked the door.

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