untitled: The Ball

Chapter 2: The Ball


Lazarus had seen many things throughout his immortal lifetime. He had seen wars the likes of which should never be repeated again, had known the ecstasy and the pain of being in love, had felt the cool wind brush against his skin from every corner of existence until there was not a place he had not seen, but this ball which Rowan held for his son was something unlike anything Lazarus had known. The Angels knew how to throw a palatial party and none was so great as Prince Rowan. Everything there was to the height of fashion and taste, for there were guests even from other dimensions whose eyes were set on the Royal's handsome son. Around them blossomed the most beautiful of decor set in whites and burgundies and golds - all the rich creamed colors that made the room feel like the most lavish detail on the hem of a fine lady's skirt. The hall itself was polished white marble, alabaster, and stone set in shades of yellow and white. - Royal colors that showed Rowan's connection with the Tenshihana Royals.

However, this night banners to Tenshihana's golden roses didn't hang before the high paned windows with its lightly frosted glass. Tonight there hung red roses with burgundy and gold trimming and white detail embroidered in. These banners hung down before the beautiful dance floor that was already filled with couples. It seemed there were quite a few other than the intended engaged invited to witness Rowan's final decision. Most of them were Angelic, but it seemed there were some Demons and other races as well. What's more, Absinthe had been invited. Whether or not he'd show up was another thing. Rowan merely liked to torment him with an invitation. 


Surprisingly, he did come, if only to poke around and see which nobles could be conquered. He was resplendid in deep reds trimmed with gold and his hair was a fall of beautiful black and gold, braids intertwined among the cascade. But it was not him that made eyes widen, but Lazarus as soon as he entered the room. Clothed in black and royal purple, his beautiful robes were rimmed with silver. His hair was done elaborately, kohl about his dark eyes. He looked a vision of dark seduction and he moved with grace and the bearing of a king. And he knew it, the confidence of that knowledge aiding him that night. Absinthe smiled, greeting his mother's mate with a touch of hand to hand and a bow of his head.


The two Shadowshifters had the other guests whispering lightly as they casted glances in their direction. It was obvious to see that their beauty had caught eyes, but not all turned. They were watching and waiting to see when Sahena would appear. Though Lazarus and Absinthe offered a feast for the eyes - one that was much coveted and desired -, the lure of money and status was far too great. Besides, no one would be folly enough to attempt to get close to the son of Gods...well, aside from Rowan, but he had his reasons, certainly.

"Can I interest you in anything today, sirs?" a waiter asks as he steps up with a tray of glasses for them. The champagne in them is of the finest quality, much like everything else in the room. Rowan spared no expense. Then again, he didn't really need to. His wealth was famous.



"Yes please." Absinthe replied lightly and took a glass in elegant, slim fingers. Lazarus watched Absinthe, fond of the boy though he did have his moments where he desired  nothing more than to slap him silly.Tonight though, he offered Lazarus a companion to help ease the jitters, satisfied in the knowledge that Absinthe was one of the few not here for Sahena's hand.


"How long are we to wait here?" one of the guests nearby grumbled, a rather large man with a body like stone. He wore black and silver with the Starc symbol stitched into the fabric with cloth of silver trimming. He seems to be a rather stern and strict individual, hardly worthy of Sahena in any way. Beside him stands a squirrelly man with a feathered hat and beady blue eyes. He is Valen, for his sigil is also embroidered into his clothing.


"I don't know...Prince Rowan is known for his amazing entrances. Perhaps he means to do such a thing?" the squirrelly one suggests, looking nervous as he continually rings his hands. The Starc just glares.


"What do I care for entrances? I offered nearly half of my estate to that man and yet still he makes me wait like this...And all for the sake of his amusement?"




"He's a monster, I tell you. Do you even KNOW the rumors I hear about him? I hear he's actually the Lord of the Lion everyone has been looking for...that man could be the leader of the rebellion for all we know."


"You mean those Angels that are said to propose integration with Demons? That's perpsterous...He's a Prince and Lord Robert Valen's son, for God's sake..."


"That doesn't mean he couldn't be dangerous...I tell you, Percivelle, he's a hard one to tag. Beautiful though he is, I would fear him."


Lazarus listened  to their conversation with a great deal of interest,  his expression was one of boredom and he had his eyes on Absinthe. The younger man was sipping his wine and taking in his surroundings curiously. "Is Death coming, Lazarus?" He asked  and Lazarus smiled. "Soon..." He replied. His lord had been in for hours having his hair done and his robes put to order. If Death were to make an entrance, he might as well dress to impress.  Said immortal entered  not long after with Varun by his side, the beautiful red locks littered with many, many braids and looped with ropes of pearls. He wore, surprisingly, robes of pale white with gold patterns along the neck line and the sleeves. He  made for a striking figure and Varun was not bad either in his robes of blue. "Lazarus... has he made his entrance yet?" Death asked in a drawl, taking in the room till his gaze raked coyly across a gaggle of pretty girls.



They were daughters of high-ranking Lords no less, and all giggled at the sight of Death offering such a sensual look in their direction. Each of them a pearl to be strung along behind him, they hardly seemed as interesting as some of the other's there, for soon there entered an Angel much more interesting to look upon. Absinthe nearly dropped his champagne at the sight, for the creature was the spitting image of Rowan with white golden hair and deep green eyes. He stood at the top of the stairs, stepping down lightly as he held the edge of his long robes. He looked just like Rowan except with such a soft air about him. His eyes were much wider, holding a doe-like appearance, and his body more delicate to the point of looking like he would break. He leaned against none other than Urius, the man dressed for the event in somber black, silver, and purple. His hair had been slicked back with only a few strands to hang in his face. If Ceata were there, he would be on the floor in a matter of seconds.


"Presenting Lord Urius Nathaniel Starc and Lord Yoren Valen," cried out one of the servants from the bottom of the steps. People turned and gaped, causing Yoren almost to shiver under their gazes. He clung to Urius for dear life. 


Death eyed the young man curiously and Absinthe was full out staring in awe. Such a handsome youth. Lazarus sighed and rolled his eyes, wanting this all over with now.  Varun merely watched them come down, his courtly robes tight about his young, healthy body. None of this had anything to do with him, he might as well keep quiet. "Hmmmm? And who is that?" Death mused. A sibling perhaps?



Urius walked Yoren over towards the chairs that had been set at the other end of the hall. He passed right by Death without any recognition of him, for he was told only to care for Yoren's safety at the moment. However, the tender creature did stop a moment to glance over at the gorgeous red-haired God, blushing from the roots of his white-golden hair to the tips of his toes when Death offered him a trademark seductive smile. It was enough to make Yoren lose his balance, but thankfully had Urius there to hold him steady. Death was such a heart breaker!


The immortal smirked and caused his Second to chuckle into his hand. Absinthe looked to Death with a frown. "Man... he was gorgeous." He breathed quietly, smirking as the immortal smiled slowly at him. Varun ignored them, sighing and shaking his head. What a strange, strange family he had! Lazarus shifted, touching his lord's arm. "I hope Rowan comes soon... I've got the butterflies in my stomach." He uttered beneath his breath.


"I wouldn't count on it, Your Grace," comes a familiar voice as Lazarus turns and is quite taken aback to see none other than Roaden! The man is dressed in fine shades of blue with gold trimming, looking as handsome as ever with his long brown hair falling down behind him, held only by a blue ribbon. He bows respectfully to all there, a handsome smile upon his face. "My, it is so good to see you again! It feels as though it has been ages."


Lazarus smiled wryly. "Well good evening to you, Roaden..." He replies warmly, dark eyes crinkling at the corners.  Death chuckled and glazed aside, pinning a rather attractive lord with his dark gaze and licked his lips once he noticed he had been stared at. Playing the flirt makes for a fun game. A way to wile away the time. "And what brings you here?" Lazarus asked teasingly.


"My daughter, Evangeline. She is smitten with Sahena and wished for me to put in a good word...However, seeing as you're here, it looks like her hopes might just be dashed," he says with a smile, walking over and shaking Lazarus' hand. It felt good to see the kind Angel again, for it felt like forever. Roaden had helped them battle CRISIS and had been there to see Dovinitas and Rughal at last break apart. The scars from that still seemed fresh, but it also felt good to know the man was doing well. He had been very useful in bringing in so many Angelic soldiers to aide Death when he needed it. "Oh, of course, it helps that Prince Rowan is my Master, but I doubt even that will come to favor with you in the running." Wait a second....... Master?!



Lazarus blinked in surprise and cocked a brow. "What? You lost me there." He replied  unable to keep a puzzled expression from crossing his features. What did the other mean by that? An interesting turn of events, he would have to mill over it later. So many connected to them were under the thrall of the Rowan man.


"His Highness, Prince Rowan, is my Master. I am his Third. When I went to aide you against CRISIS, it was by his suggestion...Otherwise, I would not have known where to look for Dovinitas," Roaden replies with a bit of confusion, quirking a brow. "I thought you already knew this, seeing as I carried the Valen sigil and my seal is also his. Oh, but never mind that...It's good just to see you again." He turns to Varun, blinking. "My God! Is this your son? Why, he looks just like you!"


Varun blushed at that and smiled. "Yes... I am his son." He replied with a slight, elegant bow. "The eldest of three. My elder brothers are the crown princes." Lazarus was still milling the others words over, eyes distant. He had not had the time to think of that then and it had not crossed his mind since. He did not know well all the sigils of the angels, they did not have much contact with angels save strict business affairs. Rather odd...  The big male smiled slightly, seeing his son smile and speak with the other male politely. He had raised such good sons.


Another odd thing that had yet to go noticed by Lazarus or anyone there was the lack of Dovinitas' presence there at the party. It would only stand to reason that both parents would be there to see their young daughter betrothed, but Dovinitas simply was no where to be found. That would no doubt be another thing that Lazarus would ponder later, but, for the moment, he had no time. Soon the lights suddenly began to dim and flicker, as if there were an odd air floating through the hall. This was noted immediately by the slight murmur that went through the crowd. All of a sudden, all the lights simply blew out in a puff of smoke, causing some of the guests to cry out in terror as the light disappeared. Lazarus looked around with deepening concern, the entire hall thrown into a mild panic. Only Urius seemed to look cool and composed as he stood beside Yoren on the other side of the hall - waiting patiently.



Death actually laughed in delight, though he smothered it into his hand, able to see in the dark as his shadowshifters could as well. Absinthe sighed and tapped his foot impatiently. What the fuck was Rowan pulling now? The fucking cunt. He scowled, blushing at sudden warming in his gut that made him shiver with excitement. That was not allowed! No thinking of Rowan like that! So he turned his attentions on playing with his sleeves, still flushing in embarrassment and unease.


The Angels and even a few of the Demons were beginning to get worried when suddenly the frosted glass behind the panes began to glow lightly. The guests began to murmur and cry out when the room suddenly filled with a strange light that did not come from the torches, burning brightly like sunlight and making the room glow. A scream of surprise suddenly went out when a woman looked down at herself, astonished to see that her burgundy and black dress had turned a bright cream. Indeed, when people looked down upon their clothing, they found themselves in shades of white, grey, or black. It was obviously a magic and by no means permanent, but it seemed rather funny that only Death had worn a cream. Perhaps he was anticipating this? One could hardly tell. In any case, the ballroom was suddenly transformed into a white wonderland, everything turning a shade of alabaster, cream, smoky grey, coal grey, or black. It left many of the guests gasping in delight, yet there was further to be had...for, where the light had first flickered out, there stood a ravishing young man in red. It was Sahena, dressed to please in dark burgundy robes and crimson. This made his eyes stand out immensely with his hair pulled back to reveal his handsome face. Beside him was his father, dressed in black. The two looked like Kings, stepping down the stairs as the servant called out their names.


"Presenting, His Highness, Prince Rowan-Adonis Valen and his son and heir, Prince Sahena Valen." 


Lazarus' breath hitched, his heart fluttering the moment he set eyes upon him. He was still as beautiful as he remembered. The features the same, perhaps a little more regal now that he was not scowling all the time. The room seemed to spin a few moments before it righted itself and he was able to breath easily again. Death smiled coyly, ignoring the opal eyes of Absinthe staring upon Rowan as if unable to tear them away. Silly, silly creatures. What was a god to do with them?


Rowan stepped forth and the crowd of people parted for him, most of them clapping at what Death would consider a cheap parlor trick. Even so, it was impressive that he would go to such lengths, leaving the more ignorant fools eating out of the palm of his hand and those more intelligent holding in their glowers to receive his favorable smile. As soon as he stepped down from the stairs, it was if that light glowed from within him and those in the room flocked to him in marveling. Varun watched from where he  stood, his group among the only ones not lavishing false admirations or fluttering like lame birds. He saw something different from where he stood - something that Absinthe was too enamored to see. When Rowan smiled, it never touched his eyes. When he smiled, all the world saw the brightness and beauty of his face, but only Varun could see it - he hated being there. And that was why Rowan picked him out of all the others. 


Varun lowered his eyes, seeing the distaste for this that no one else seemed to. Death was vaguely amused, waiting for the other to finish showing off so that they could get to business. Lazarus could not tear his eyes from Sahena, watching the beautiful young male move. A fine husband, a fine mate and a fine father he would make.... And Absinthe? Playing with his sleeves again and trying his hardest not to stare.


Rowan paused a moment when he saw Death to his right, the faintest of smiles actually brushing his lips as he offered the traditional bow to one who is above his station. Sahena saw his father's actions and turned to look upon the gorgeous lanky red head, his eyes somehow wandering to the dark-haired beauty beside him. Despite himself, Sahena blushed and looked away from Lazarus, continuing on beside his father until they made it to the other end of the room where Yoren and Urius waited. They were seated with Rowan to Sahena's right and Yoren to Sahena's left, Urius standing in the background and blending into the wall like a shadow with pale skin. "Welcome, everyone. I know by now you are all most impatient to allow me to hear your offers in person, but I implore you to wait a while longer...The night is young. Enjoy yourselves before the final festivities are to begin," Rowan calls out in an even voice, the crowd seeming to hush from the mere raising of his hand. He smiles upon them like a shepherd upon a flock, though that smile still does not reach his eyes. Some of the Lords grumble for his proclaimation, but who are they to contest him? They merely go back to their light chatter, waiting for the chance at the gorgeous youth in red. Sahena seems to note this, tightening his jaw.


Lazarus was satisfied  to gaze upon Sahena while he waited. Took in the gorgeous way the red brought out the pale skin and hair and wistfully did he sigh, eyes glazing over in thought. How he wished that things would go right! He did not know what he would do if Sahena was taken from him once again. He would make do, yes, though it would ache for many, many years. He crossed his fingers and hoped.  Death walked over to Rowan and smiled, "Good evening, Rowan-Adonis..." He rumbled, "May we make light chatter? I fear that you are one of the only lords here that can even possibly keep me entertained." He drawled, giving a glance out toward the milling nobility.


Rowan-Adonis looked upon the regal red headed God with an unreadable expression. His face seemed to convey nothing but pleasantness, an impenetrable mask, though his eyes flickered with some strange emotion for just a moment and then it was gone. He smiled, that smile hollow and unfeeling. "My, I do not know whether I should chide you for your insult to the Lords in this hall or blush from such praise, Lord Death," Rowan replies smoothly to such words. "However, I do not find the idea of speaking with you unpleasant. Please, come sit beside me." He motions to Urius, who soon produces a stool that is placed beside Rowan's chair on the platform.



The immortal sat gracefully, hands folded in his lap among the many cream folds of his robes. Whatever strange cloth it was made from, one couldn't place. He smiled upon Rowan, dark eyes shaded by deep red lashes. "It is truth, Rowan, I am not one to be easily entertained by the silly chatter of angel lords and ladies." He smiled coyly, looking thoughtful as he sat with the other male. "I am a bit too old to be entertained by court life."


"How unfortunate for you, for I find nothing more enlightening," was Rowan's reply, enacted flawlessly with a smile. Rowan was not a man who could be flattered into distraction, for he was obviously keeping a keen eye on his son. Perhaps it had been Lord Death's hope to have Rowan walk away with him for a chat to allow Lazarus his chance with Sahena. Rowan would allow no such thing.


The immortal smiled. It was not that he was after, though it would not be a bad addition. He was curious and looked Rowan over very closely. "It can be at times.... but I have listened enough to it for one day." He replied simply, pale fingertips bone white against the cream of his robes. He glanced to Sahenna. "Your son is looking gorgeous... He will make a fine husband or wife for a lucky man or woman." He praised, tapping a claw against his blood red lips.


"Now, now, Lord Death....We do not need to speak of such things. Did I not already instruct my guests to enjoy themselves? Such business matters will be dealt with when the crowd has settled themselves and a sumptuous meal has been served," Rowan replies with that honeyed voice that shows no sign of wavering. Even so, Rowan has been expecting the immortal's tricks all night. He's not about to fall for them now. Even Death can sense a very guarded air about him.


The immortal laughed. "I am merely complimenting him." He replied  warmly. The god leaned forward,  resting his elbows upon his knees. "I am very amused by Absinthe's reactions upon seeing you..." He mused aloud. "It's almost as if he has a crush of some sorts! How odd..." It could be very enlightening to poke into the affairs of mortals and angels alike.


Rowan laughed, the sound of his deep chuckle warm to the ears. "My, My, Lord Death...you sound as though you were a prattling matchmaker! Be careful, for plots do not always turn out as they should," he replies with double meaning in his voice. His smile holds an edge to it.


Death chuckled and smiled in amusement. "Oh no, I can't control that one, he belongs to his two fathers." He sighed wistfully. "But it is amusing, very much so." He glanced at Urius and smiled. "Ceata was SO disappointed that he could not come, but he had duties to take care of."


Urius did not answer the other's teasing. He stood there beside Yoren, his eyes directed out towards the crowd and his body as stiff as a steel rod. Such loyalty that he had, he would never break his master's orders...Then again, was it loyalty or fear that made him silent? One could hardly tell.


"How unfortunate for him," Rowan says as he sits back in his chair, placing a glass of wine to his lips.



The immortal sighed. What a boring lot. He sat back, gazing thoughtfully out toward the crowd. So used to the rambuncious ways of his children, these parties seemed almost lifeless. "Tell me about who all is here, hmm? I have not seen quite a few of the lords and ladies here..." He hated coming to heaven half the time. Such stuck up, annoying angels. He far preferred the other races, though humans were nearly as bad in their ways.


"Ah, the list is far too long to remember...and I can already see the boredom glinting in your eyes. I believe my rattling off the names of such 'unentertaining' Lords and Ladies would nearly put you into a monotonous consumption," Rowan chuckles as he watches Death take some wine offered to him by a servant. Out of the corner of his eye, Death can see past Rowan towards the younger image of him - that Yoren creature with the wide green eyes that glances at him from time to time. When Death locks eyes, Yoren blushes and turns away quickly.


"And who is that little lovely?" Death asked curiously, eyes on Yoren. "Is he a relative of yours?" Of course he was, but Death wanted to know what his relationship to Rowan was.


"Do not look so openly upon my younger brother, Lord Death. I have taken great pains to keep his innocence intact and I know your reputation," Rowan said, his eyes flickering with supressed annoyance and yet his mouth was upturned into a pleasant smile. Death felt the heat of his wrath bearing down on him as though Rowan had thrown up a wall between the great god and the slender Angelic beauty that seemed so enamored of him. Perhaps this was Rowan's weakness?


Death smiled coyly. "I would never do such a thing." He replied with mock innocence. He might be a man of many lovers in his old age, but he was never one to take what was not given. He merely smiled and inclined his head to Yoren. "I thought you two looked similar..." Perhaps this was his weakness, though with the other, it was hard to tell.


Rowan barely hid his annoyance behind his gentle smile, his eyes holding no measure of the happiness his mouth suggested. It was merely a polite show - much like everything in Tenshihana. The Valens were notorious backstabbers and their countenances could never be taken at face value. "How kind of you to say, for he is indeed a most handsome and virtuous youth. He has been so all his life." The word virtuous had a particular sting to it.


Death smiled. His eyes suddenly as icy as any glare Rowan might give, revealing that he was dangerous, more so then he ever let be known. He smiled though and took another sip of wine, "Lovely." Was his reply and he bowed to Rowan. "I will be taking my leave of you now, I'm sure there are others who wish to speak with you. I cannot take up your whole evening after all."


Rowan merely bowed his head as he watched Death get up to leave, not backing away with his edged emerald gaze. Death may have been right...Rowan was intensely protective of Yoren. The frail creature sitting up on the dais with his delicate gaze faltering every time Death looked his way - he was the spitting image of Rowan at a younger age yet the sweetness of his nature radiated through the hall. Death could tell he had at least some importance...why else would Rowan act so coldly without even so much as an attempt at his usual false civility?


Not that Death would touch the fair creature. There was a fraility and innocence there that he did not desire to tarnish. It was not his place. Only a lover should gently remove the innocence of that creature. Even so, it was an interesting reaction....


Urius watched as Death walked away with a keen eye on the God's roaming gaze. It was quite obvious to see how absolutely smitten Yoren had become of him in only a matter of minutes - and even more obvious to see Rowan's displeasured reaction. Urius feared what would happen tonight, for he knew Rowan could sometimes act out of spite and perhaps lash out at Death through Lazarus...The handsome Starc feared this and wondered if he should attempt to soothe Rowan's nerves. Sahena merely sat there, staring at Lazarus out of the corner of his eye. He was blushing, feeling the beautiful Shadowshifter's gaze heavily upon him. It made everything warm. 


Death was not after his brother. If he had been, the boy would already be in his embrace. However, Rowan would not have long to wait for something distracting, as Absinthe came up rather hesitantly to say hello. Lately, he had been trying to make amends and friendship with the angel, but was having difficulties. With the way their 'relationship' had started, with foul words and spite, Absinthe didn't have much of a chance. He still tried though.


"Ah...Absinthe, what a pleasant surprise. I see you accepted my invitation after all." Rowan's look was bordering on smug, his eyes holding that vicious glint to them. Absinthe would have happily slapped the man right there and stormed off...of course, that is, if he didn't fear what would happen to him after the fact. 


"Of course... you were so gracious to give it." He replied smoothly. He looked impeccable, his red clothing tight to his lean, hard body and his hair spilling over the red silk and leather. "I would be foolish to spurn it."


"Even so, I never imagined some GODLING would attend this simple engagement party...You are too kind, Absinthe," Rowan replies with a tone edged with sarcasm. It's enough to make Absinthe snap as he knows Rowan is pushing his buttons. Wouldn't it be nice if he had to be scolded by the Angel right there in front of everyone? That alone must have made Absinthe bite his tongue, even though his eyes flickered with anger.


He did bite his tongue, remaining silent despite the anger bubbling hotly beneath the cool surface. He smiled wryly, his lashes low over his eyes. "I enjoy parties, Rowan..." He replied. "It seems you are a popular man... so many people have shown up today..."


"Hardly for me, Absinthe...but for my son. I must say, he is a child I can be PROUD of." That last biting remark has Absinthe's hands twisting into his sleeves to prevent him from growling. His knuckles turn white and Rowan smiles, his smile holding an edge of seductiveness to it. "My....Lord Absinthe, whatever is the matter? You look....well....pale. Perhaps there is something wrong?"


"Not at all..." Absinthe replied tightly. The tone of seduction made his breath shudder in his chest and the submissive side of him croon in delight. He shoved it away in disgust and smiled beautifully at Rowan. "I am just thinking how proud you must be that your child is so sought after."


"I am a fortunate father to have such a successful child...He is the light of my life. Do your parents not say the same of you?" his feigned ignorance of the matter is a perfect ruse for those who would watch them, but Absinthe can see the glint of teasing in his eyes. Rowan is mocking him.


"Of course they do." He replied with a smirk, not playing into the others hands, though his hands fisted in his long, trailing sleeves.  "I am the first son... And I shall be the perfect son." He raised his chin, almost challenging the other to slam him down right then and there and teach him his place. Rowan wouldn't, no, he couldn't. Words didn't have power, did they?


"Shall be? ...Does that mean you are not currently?" he asks and it's about all that Absinthe can stand. God, but Rowan is a cruel man. He picks at the painful part of Absinthe's heart until he's writhing in emotional agony. It's enough to make him just lash out and strike him, yet crave somehow for his approval...his desire...Why is life so cruel as to make a man like Rowan?


"I am young yet." Was his reply. "And the youth make foolish mistakes." His eyes flickered darkly a moment, with hatred and lust before going smooth again. He sighed and toyed with some of his hair. "I am a brat, but you know that, don't you?" The hybrid muses, eyeing Rowan through the dark fringe of lashes.


"My dear, I would never call you as such," he says with dripping sarcasm from every word. His smile is sweet and light, holding this power over Absinthe that is almost painful. It is made worse by Rowan's lips pressing tantalizingly against the thin glass that holds his wine, the crimson liquid slipping down his throat and wetting his mouth until it glistens...Like blood...like Absinthe's blood. It brings back such memories.


It caused a cold shiver to rattle up his spine. The tall male sat slowly, unable to keep his feet under him at the moment. To attempt to stand would be folly. His knees weak. "You would, I've heard you." He replied in a light tone, though his eyes were all for the others lips. It was very much cruel, very much making him ache and hate.


Rowan licked the honeyed wine from his lips, his smile unfolding like a red-tinted wound that cut deeply into Absinthe's heart. The handsome Prince hushed his voice then so that only Absinthe could hear, leaning a little onto the arm of his chair to offer his vicious lashings in a low voice. "There are much better names reserved for you, God-whore."


Absinthe's eyes widened and he bit his lip, but he said nothing. The whole of his body went tense and straight as a board. He would have to make his escape from here hurriedly, or he was convinced Rowan would scoop him up and take out his frustrations on his pale flesh. And Absinthe knew he'd like it.


Rowan reached out and brushed a hair from the other's face, his fingertips almost burning Absinthe like a brand. That smile came again, only this time edged with the flecks of crimson in Rowan's green gaze. Adonis was staring at him in just that moment, looking out from within Rowan and taunting him. Absinthe felt as though he should run, knowing he made a mistake in coming up here. It was then that he heard the soft sound of a gentle voice to the other side of Rowan. "Brother, may I be pardoned for a moment?" Yoren asked in such a sweet voice. Even though Rowan's body was positioned to face Absinthe, the young Godling could feel his entire being swivel within himself and then suddenly....Adonis was gone. Rowan blinked, turning towards Yoren.


"Oh, yes...Take Urius with you, though. I do not want you getting harmed." Such a gentle voice seemed unnatural as Rowan straightened Yoren's robes for him and smiled as he walked off, the somber Starc right behind him. Yoren was a special child indeed.


His breath was able to return to him once that gaze was torn from him and Absinthe sighed softly with relief.  He wanted to stand and leave, but he could not without being polite. And that would be to bring that gaze back onto him. His knees felt so weak.


Yet Absinthe was in luck when Sahena also professed a desire to mingle among the guests instead of sitting high upon a throne like a stuck pig. Naturally, Rowan would go with him to protect his beautiful son. "Perhaps we will talk some more later, Lord Absinthe. Until now, I have other guests to greet." Rowan's eyes glinted red for a moment as he stood and bowed to Absinthe, then taking the other's hand and stepping down from the raised platform to the shined black and white floor. The guests quickly gathered around, striking up conversation almost instantly.


The sigh of relief from Absinthe was soft and shaky. He had been brave in coming toward him, but now it was over and he nearly slumped. Perhaps he had better go flirt with someone else. Gingerly, Absinthe stood and slipped out into the crowd.  Lazarus however, standing with his son, was still eying Sahenna. Gods... he was almost afraid to come up to them when they came down to mingle.
But he had to be confident.

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