untitled: Funeral

Chapter 26: Funeral



They would not remain that way for long. It seemed there was too many people here for some sort of tragedy to be avoided entirely. Case and point, the old soldier's widow who stood with head held high in a procession that would lead her to her death. She was hunched from years of hard work, her skin wrinkled and weathered, her eyes going blind, and her hair a sheen of white. Her granddaughter tried not to sob as she wrapped her small hand about her mother's black skirt. The dying woman's daughter stood with her crying child, stern faced and yet there was obviously the tinge of tears at her eyes. Like stone, her husband stood before her. They were dressed in full war regalia. Shields and swords gleamed in the light as the somber procession made its way out of the compound. One could see it from the wall, the trail of black and gleaming metal. No sound was made save the sniffling of the granddaughter. Wives trailed after their husbands, children clinging to their skirts.

The entire Starc guard seemed to appear for this - at the head of them, Stannis and, at his side, Falcon. Both were trailed by their respected spouses, Eos having been given a black veil for the occasion. Death Angels watched curiously as the frail woman picked her way over the stone and rock. She wore nothing more than a white dress, a white cloak, and carried her dead husband's shield with her maiden's hammer. 


The whole thing was set off by the oddity of the death angels with their bright colored feathers flickering as they watched the train of angels. Their many different colored eyes like jewels and their voices whispering in curious comment among each other. They were much out of place, like birds of paradise at the north pole. Eos silently proceeded with his husband, sober as any of the Starc wives and showing just how good of a husband he could be for his mate. From the right of them, a pale woman approached and stopped before them to present the elder with something. A single white lily. The sight of this pale woman with glimmering red hair streaked with gold, with her pale eyes and soft appearances was startling. No one had ever seen her before.

 She merely bowed respectfully to the woman and stepped aside to watch the proceedings, having just returned from her urgent leaving.


Eos held firm to the shield that he had been given to carry, as well as a hammer similar to the dying woman's. The Starc maiden that had handed it to him said something to the effect of "We have a hammer to build our society, a shield to uphold it, but it is our men who carry the swords to defend it." Eos can't help but feel as though that is a little unfair, even if the hammer in his hand seems a formidable weapon. Such strange traditions....the quiet is by far the most unnerving. There is no crying, save for the little girl who knows no better. They treat the elderly Starc as though she is a ghost and they are merely walking beside her. At last, after a long journey at the old woman's pace, they make it to the Northern Gate. It has been opened for just this occasion, the snow and frigid air blowing into the realm as the portal flickers and shows the guards standing on the other side. Eos shivers, thinking of his own death. Will it be like this? Will he be cast into the snows? That seems so unfair and yet the old woman stands straight - straighter than she ever has. It is as though her heavy burden is nothing, for her journey is at an end. "Stay behind me, love," Falcon whispers as they get into a line. The wives and children stand behind their husbands, holding up their shields and their hammers. The men raise their swords to create an archway through which the elderly woman shall walk. 


Eos does as told, watching with expressionless lavender eyes. Thankfully, he will be returned to Death and he knows that Death would never let him die in the cold. The silence was deafening, Eos holding the items in his hands as he stands behind his lover and watches solemnly, silent and as attentive as anyone else that is attending the ritual. It is a strange, oddly calming rite, as if by going through this, the old woman will have the strength to go on to the afterlife. As if death will only come to her once she has gone through this final act of defiance.


"We come here to honor Adelwyn, daughter of Havelwyn, wife to our fallen comrade Westerly, and mother to Odetta," Stannis' voice rings over the silence with clarity and strength. Though he leans heavily on his cane, his wife behind him in case he should become unsteady and fall, he holds his sword in his hand and creates a formidable image in one's mind. He wears full regalia, his heavy armor making it all the harder to stand on his wounded leg. Still, he bears it without so much as flinching, staring ahead at the widow who kneels before him. Specter has come to stand beside her, as he will be the one to follow her to her death and observe where she will at last find rest. "Tell us, sister Adelwyn, what do you bring with you into the rewards of your life's end?" The old woman raises her head, looking directly into Stannis' eyes. She has seen so much...though going blind, she is able to see him enough to meet his eyes.


"I bring with me the birthing cloth of my only child, so I may remember her when she joins me in God's Grace. I bring my husband's shield to act as my marker for where my grave shall be. I bring my maiden's hammer, one which forged my family. I ask that it be returned, so that my granddaughter will carry it in her lifetime." The woman fell silent then, bowing her head. Her white hair had been left loose, whipping in the cold wind.


"We wish you a long journey. May the sufferings you endure now reflect upon the praise God gives you when you see him." Stannis bent forward and kissed the top of her head gently, drawing the cross with his thumb. A prayer was spoken lightly into her ear before the woman got to her feet. She was slow, for it was obvious that she was weak. She picked up her shield, the cloth that she had birthed her daughter into, and her hammer. The lily she placed within her sash, it swaying with the wind as she walked towards the portal without fear. Specter followed, though at a distance. To offer her assistance would have been insulting. Over the howling wind could be heard the sound of the little girl crying. Beyond that, only footsteps.


Eos dearly hoped it was never him going to his death in the cold. His kind did not age the same as many others did though. He would never be as wrinkled as the darling little woman that now trod to her death and it was more likely he would die from a fight then from any other cause. The blond shivered, feeling the cold wind whip at him, eyes glued to the small form of the woman as she walked boldly out into the snow, Spector following her. Brave woman to go to her death in such a place. Very brave.


When they could no longer see her form beyond the snowy gate, the portal was closed. The soldiers lowered their swords and placed them in their scabbards, all dispersing as simply as that. None looked back as they made a procession back to the castle, the sun already sinking into the horizon. Only Stannis and Kite remained, speaking with the dying woman's family. Eos felt like going over to comfort them, but he was turned away from the idea when he felt Falcon's hand upon his shoulder. His husband was smiling gently upon him. "You did well, Eos, even though you are not familiar with such a ritual...I hope my shield was not too heavy."


"No, it was not." Eos replied and flushed cutely, gazing up at the other male with a faint pleased look on his face that he had made his husband happy. "I hope I did well... I would not want to anger your family..." He uttered softly, glancing over at Stannis and Kite. To be seen as ignorant or looked down upon by his mate's family would be upsetting to the smaller male. "I feel sorry for the old woman though." He whispered softly. "But she is very brave, I am sure she will die honorably and have a good place in heaven."


"Yes...as will all the wives and husbands of soldiers. To carry that shield is a great honor in my culture, Eos. Those who do suffer greatly, because they must constantly be ready to lose the person they love...In God's eyes, they are the most self-sacrificing and the most humble. They know any day that they will lose their husbands and are thus all the more thankful for what they have. Adelwyn was a good woman...she has carried her husband's shield even long after he died. To have continued to go on in life despite the pain she must have felt when losing him...that is true piety." He turns to look at Eos, his gaze gentle. "That is why my father has such a hard time accepting you...because, should I die, you would die with me. To my people this is seen as cowardly, but...I would never want you to suffer what that woman has suffered." He smiles gently. "I love you because you are not a Starc, because you would love me enough to follow my soul." Falcon looks back towards his parents standing on the hill, talking with Odetta and her husband. "If only my father...would realize that my mother is the same way."


Eos smiled gently and cuddled closer, caressing his mate's hand. "Perhaps he will know someday... " He murmured, peering up adoringly at Falcon. Eos would die with his mate, there would be no going on for him since he had not mated with anyone else and it was unlikely he would. For him, Falcon was all he had and he treasured his mate more then most would know.


Falcon felt some ease being close to Eos, holding the other's hand. Eos was everything to him now and, despite his father's disappointment, he would not let him go. At last, Stannis and Kite with the grieving family made their way back towards the compound. Stannis said nothing to his son, but Falcon was beyond caring. At this point, he would rebel as much as it took to get his father to understand that he would rather marry a "coward" that he loved than a brave individual that his family approved of. "Well, how are you doing now, Eos? Shall we go get you out of those drab clothes, hmm?" Kite asked, looking rather frazzled. It was obvious that she did not like funerals. The thought of death made her sick, really.


"Yes, these are rather annoying." Eos replied briskly, frowning and plucking at the clothes with a grumble. The little male did not look as cute as he normally did when wearing such plain, dark clothing. He would rather wear the bright clothing he was used to, not this rough cloth. He chuckled faintly, peering at his mother in law with a tiny grin tugging at his lips.


"I know what you mean...that's why I'd prefer to run around naked, would Stannis let me," Kite chuckled as she took Eos' hand. Falcon promised that he would catch up later, needing to go to the barracks to take off his armor. Stannis in the meantime made his way back towards the castle, stopping a moment to see the beautiful woman that had given the elderly widow the lily.


"I had heard rumors that every God has two faces...I did not think I would see both of yours, Lord Death," Stannis says softly as the Starc soldiers make their way back to the compound, too engrossed in their own conversations to hear Stannis' soft words. Life couldn't help but smile, realizing what a smart Angel Stannis was. Obviously, his years have given him quite a bit of experience.


"Yes... I can not change back yet." She smiled shyly, gazing at him with her pale, shinning eyes. A slender hand rose and flicked some of the shifting mass away from her face and Life smiled upon him gently. "Babies souls to be delivered.... souls to be reborn. I had to run off and do so quickly, and now I am stuck like this till morning..." She sighed and closed her eyes. "I hope I did not offend too severely? I... have seen too much suffering to think of it as something honorable... not after I have seen the state of souls after it."


"It is how we earn God's compassion...we are not humans. God's son did not die in order to relieve us from our sins, so we must work harder and suffer longer than any other being in order to achieve the same results. though others of my race do not think it important, I believe that it is the most important thing...That is why duty and honor are so precious - why you must never question the orders you are given. That is how we Starc live...Though you and I do not agree with one another on that philosophy, I do at least understand how you feel," Stannis replies simply as he bows his head in respect. Life sighs, wondering if Stannis is really like that...After all, his wife certainly is not.


Again it is not her place. However, she smiles slightly and bows her head in turn to him. She does not like the fact that they must suffer so for a right that should be for the good souls in the world. However, things are never that simple and she stands straight. "I will see you tomorrow, since I suppose you are not going to dinner?" She mused softly. She herself would go, even in this form.


"No. Even I cannot condone what my son has done..." Stannis replies solemnly. Life can't imagine that tradition matters that much, but there are so many things that he's not aware of. The kind Goddess can only hope that Stannis will overcome his disappointment in time.


"My lord, Eos will make him a good mate. I do not think you understand the suffering that a shadowshifter goes through when they mate with only one mate." She replied softly, " I know that he slipped a little tradition wise, but surely God can forgive when it comes to love?"  Her eyes seem to peer into him, picking at his soul as only an immortal can do. "But enough of this, I am sure you are hurting and need to rest. Your leg will never properly heal if you keep standing around in all that heavy armor." She smiled delicately and waved him off.


"My leg will never heal at all, My Lord," Stannis returned. Death blinked, looking up at the other. "I am beyond useless...there is little I can do now, except for raise my son to be a respectable person in accordance with our traditions." Those steely eyes do not move away from Life's, holding them without fear. No mortal would ever do that. "With all due respect, My Lord, stay out of this." He bows then. "Good day." And, with that, he is walking back towards the compound - limping, rather - with that stern look on his face.


The immortal sighs, passing a hand over her face to hide the frustration there. Why must everything be blown out of proportion and made so difficult? Glancing up at the sky, she steels herself and walks back to the castle, wishing to go hide in the gardens, but knowing she cannot when she has duties to attend to. Maybe some other time... but not today when she needs it. Ahhh.... but such is the way of the world. Life smiles wryly, walking up the steps with grace and dignity even as she feels her insides squirming angrily.



 She looks up, seeing there the figure of a man in blue and gold. He looks down at her with eyes of such verdant brilliance, though they are flecked with red. Slowly, he bows. "My lady, Life...I had thought I would never see your face. I am pleased to finally meet you at last," Rowan said with utter charm and grace. Now Life realized why her insides were squirming....Adonis was there, his presence almost overwhelming. As a God, she could feel it, but everyone around her could not. It was surprising...as Death, she could not even begin to fathom the aura surrounding Rowan. Now, in her weaker form, she felt it so acutely that it made her sick.


"Lord Rowan..." She replied softly, gazing at him with no sign of worry, when inside she regarded him warily. She was not sure if she should touch him, though she smiled slightly upon him and bowed her head to him respectfully. "I do not often move about like this, but I had need to be in this form." She brought her pale eyes up to gaze upon him thoughtfully.


"You are as beautiful as ever, My Lady," Rowan said softly, his words rippling over her and making her shudder. She didn't know if it was from pleasure or fear. He offered his arm to her then. "Come, shall we go to the war room? I have some Demon Lords there who are wishing to be recruited, as well as some Dragons. Can't keep them waiting, now can we?"


"No, we cannot." Life replied and slowly took his arm. She was so tiny now, delicate, lushly endowed, and very beautiful. The immortal allowed him to lead her inside, feeling a since of ill ease the more she went along with him.


Rowan then escorted Life in through the main gates and towards the war room that was connected to the great hall. There, several high officials in the Demonic government who were unsupportive of the war stood nervously. On the other side of the table were some rather powerful Dragons - all of which were loyal to Rowan due to his assistance towards them over the years...getting rid of pesky dragon hunters and such.


The immortal regarded them all silently, thoughtful expression on her smooth, round face. Life cocked her head, glancing up at Rowan with an equal thoughtful look upon her small face before she greets them all with a smile. "Welcome, please, sit."


The guests all sit, looking nervously to one another. The Demons are a little afraid to get too close to the Dragons and the Dragons too unnerved by even being here to get close to anyone. Rowan takes a seat beside Lady Life, his presence rather oppressive. Still, Life doesn't show it on her face and merely sits quietly, looking to all those assembled there.


Life is vaguely amused by the nervousness in the room, but it is not too bad that she feels oppressed. One of the demons cleared his throat and smiled nervously. "It is a pleasure to meet you, my lady... we were expecting Death, but it is nice to be greeted by a less intimidating side of him."


Another Demon nodded to second that thought, a Dragon merely yawning in boredom as they waited for Life to say something more. Rowan was rather silent, letting the Goddess handle this how she willed. These would no doubt be great additions to the army, but there was always the matter of loyalty...especially where the Demons were concerned.


"I welcome you, it is a pleasure to have more interested in stopping this foolish war." She breathed, smiling upon the pleasantly as the demons and dragons looked upon her. She folded her hands before her, cocking her head curiously as she looked upon them. "Tell me, what proof do you have of your loyalty to the cause, my lords?" She rose a brow and smiled faintly.


"Proof? The very fact we are here should be proof!" one of the young Demon Lords snarled, but an older wiser lord calmed him. The Dragons seemed to look between one another, conferring for a moment. Why was it that they left their caves and their treasure? Perhaps it was to pursue the greatest treasure any of them had seen...sparkling like white-gold and as warm as the sun. Each Dragon looked covetously towards Rowan, having all fallen under Adonis' spell. 


The immortal smiled faintly and leaned forward, her bosom swelling as she leaned against the table, her flushed cheeks making her almost look as if she were aroused. "So tell me, what do all of you have to offer?" She asked, smiling upon them with interest. One of the elder demon lords looked to his companion and gestured for him to tell the woman.


Rowan answered for him. "Forty thousand soldiers each, not to mention a secure supply route through Dragon lands...that is what they have to offer," Rowan says as he watches the group. He can tell the Dragons are all staring at him, but the Demons are all staring at the cleavage.


Life glances at him and smiles beamingly. "Ahhhh perfect. That is good. Welcome." She smiles upon the demons beautifully and they get just the barest glimpse of a soft, pink nipple as her clothing slips a little. She then leans back, stippling her fingers together thoughtfully as she sits back. "Yes, I think that all of you are very welcome to join us, I do hope you will make yourselves at home and be willing to express any ideas you might have about how to deal with this war."


The Demons look rather surprised and Rowan only smirks. Life is far too easy to accept just anyone under his wing. Then again, Life isn't used to war. Death and Life have both been pacifists since nearly before time began, so it's not a strange thing to see her so willing to just let anyone into the fold...No wonder it was so easy for Adonis to sink his claws into everyone.


Under that openness however, Life is watching them with a cautious eye. She may be eager to except people, but she still was cautious, not nearly as cautious as her other side, but enough so that she suddenly stands and points at one of the demon lords. "You however, are not welcome." She suddenly breathed, piercing gaze pinning one of the elder demon lords to his chair.


"What? Lord Calcern? But he's a loyal member of my house!" one of the other Demon Lords objects, looking to Life with surprise as the man she fingers sinks into his chair in fear. Rowan merely smiles. So it seems Life still has an edge to her...She's far more sensitive than Death. Rowan had thrown in that wild card to see where her abilities lie. It seems she's at least good enough to sense evil when it's around her, meaning she knows exactly who he is.


"He may be a loyal member of your house, but he will not be loyal to you in this war, nor to me." She breathed, her hands resting on the table as one of the guards in the room placed their hand on the demon lord's shoulder. The man cowers, unable to get out of this now that he has been found out by the Lady of the castle. "Take him away. He will be dealt with later." Life snaps, angered that anyone that would betray her would be brought into her household. Adonis she knows well enough is sitting beside her, hidden within the charming man Rowan, and she will attend to him when she can.


Rowan is at least now aware that Life has better senses than Death, perhaps accounting for her ability to trust people. However, her senses have a limit. Urius, standing right beside Rowan now, is harboring something even more sinister than Adonis could ever be and yet Life has not even noted it. "Well done, My Lady. I did not realize he was so disloyal," Rowan says softly as he looks to the Dragons and the Demons, all of them fidgeting in fear they will be next.


Life did not smile, though she glanced upon him. "Really? One would think you would, my lord." She replied softly and turned her gaze back upon the others. "Since you all seem relatively trustful, I would recommend that you look into getting a full briefing before joining us in war planning. I am sure all of you are tired and would like to rest as well, so you will be excused as soon as you feel ready to be let out."


The Demons nodded and began to leave, the Dragons trickling out slowly, though all of them were intent to stay and look upon their prized golden-haired Angel some more. Eventually the room was cleared, however, leaving just Life, Urius, and Rowan-Adonis. "Well, I would have to say that was quite productive, even without your general. I do hope his slave's birthing goes along smoothly. I suppose that is why you're here, hmm?"


Life glanced upon him and smiled slightly. "One of the reasons." She replied. "I have helped birth many babies in my other form, but she was having a little complication and this form made her more comfortable and made it easier to make the babies comfortable as well. Shadowshifter babies are more used to my other form and respond better to it, but her child is not shadowshifter." She sighed. "Then there was some souls needing to be sent off and now I am here."


"I see...how fortunate for us, then, to be under the nurturing protection of Lady Life," Rowan says with a kind and handsome smile. He is so brilliantly beautiful that it is easy to forget the evil within, but Life is acutely aware of it...If only she was as sharp when it came to Urius. Then again, even Urius wasn't aware of the darkness brewing behind his violet-grey eyes.


The fact was, Sorrow hid himself better than Adonis. There was something nagging just at the edge of Life's consciousness, but it flitted away whenever she tried to seek it and then she was distracted. The immortal smiled slightly and chuckled. "You flatter me, Rowan." She replied softly, brushing off her robes and moving toward the door. "I will see you this evening?"


"Of course. I would not miss the celebration for the world," Rowan replied with that oh-so-charming tone of his. It had enough sway with most people to make them melt on spot. At least Life was far more sensible than that...it makes you wonder what that makes Absinthe. "And shall we be seeing this lovely form gracing the ballroom tonight as well? If so, I must ask for a dance, My Lady."


"I cannot change out of it right now anyway." She replied with a soft chuckle. "It is a tiring form to be in and I will need to rest before I can return to being Death." She sighed and brushed her hair out of her eyes. "So yes, I will allow you a dance, lord Rowan." She smiled slightly and bowed to him. "Till then, I have other business to attend to."


"Very well, My Lady," Rowan replies as he opens the door and escorts her out, leaving her in the hallway. Urius comes with him, brushing passed Life for just a moment. Her head almost reels, her knees getting weak all of a sudden to the point where she leans against the wall. When the world stops spinning, she turns and looks back, seeing the backs of the two men as they walk away. What WAS that?!


Meanwhile, within Rei's room, the happy new father is looking down upon the twins he has sired. Mimiri is holding her daughter, Meimi, and her son, Reita, in her arms as they suckle happily from her engorged breasts. Her brother, Teisetsu, watches with glistening eyes as the half-Death Angel infants curl their little fists and wiggle against their mother. "They're so small...it's hard to believe they're going to be bigger," Tei says softly, smiling.


"Of course they'll get bigger...They'll be big and  strong like their father," Mimiri said softly as she held the babies up to her breasts. "Good thing there weren't more than two, though...I wouldn't be able to feed three at once."


While Life ponders what that feeling was, Rei is a very, very happy half insane man. He purrs, gazing down upon his pets and the two new babies that Mimiri has brought into the world. Twins, both of them healthy and wiggling pleasantly as they feed at the breasts of their mother. They are beautiful, all pink and warm, their soft baby fuzz hair a mess from the drying that Life put the little things through. "They're gorgeous." He purrs.


"Look...red hair and pink hair," Teisetsu giggles as he touches the soft hair of his nephew and niece. Indeed, the little girl has the startling red hair of her father and the little boy has the bright pink hair of his mother. It's a wonder what Teisetsu and Rei might end up birthing together, as Teisetsu's hair is a bright green.


"They haven't opened their eyes yet...we'll discover what color those are eventually," Mimiri smiled and then looked up towards her master as she lay nude on the bed. Her belly had yet to return to its usual size, allowing her the full roundness of pregnancy. "Are you pleased, my master?"


"Yes." Rei replied, looking down with pleasure on the two that lay in her arms. His firstborn children, tiny and defenseless currently, would be jealously guarded by their fierce father. He rumbled softly and nibbled at the tiny girl's soft, fluffy red hairs, a smug expression, like that of a fox in the hen house, crossing his face as he peered down upon the sweet babies.


"They suckle hard...in the old Demon wives tales, they say that means a child will be strong," Mimiri says softly as she watches her master softly caress the tiny forms of their children. She feels such pride for having birthed her first babies with such a fierce man. No doubt both her children will end up being powerful warriors that will command respect among the Death Angels. It was likely, she thought, that the daughter would be the stronger of the two. She was born first, after all, and her red hair showed much of her father's genetics. She would be fierce indeed. "I must thank Lady Life when I see her next for helping me birth such healthy babies...I'm afraid I won't be able to walk for a while, though."


"You must rest a few days, like she said. Only quick bathroom breaks with help to and from." Rei replied lazily, caressing the two tiny bodies happily, watching them feed. He looked up at Tei-chan, smirking. "You'll help take care of the babies, right sweetling?" He purrs softly.


"Of course! I want to see my nice and nephew happy and healthy," Teisetsu purred and he snuggled up close to his sister and looked to her children. Mimiri beamed with all that maternal beauty as she held her darling children. Eventually the two grew tired of food and curled up against their mother's breasts, making burbling sounds. The little girl seemed intent upon still sucking on her mother's nipple, despite not being hungry. She just kept her mouth there, dozing. The boy was more content to wiggle his little pink arms and legs.


Rei grinned, playing with the tiny feet of his son as his daughter slept. The boy's toes were so tiny that Rei just had to lean in and nibble at a tiny big toe. He giggled, looking delighted as the little toes curled and the foot twitched. Rei would make a good parent, even if he was vicious, he was never like that when handling little ones.


Mimiri was confident in the lover she had chosen. Rei was especially gentle with her, since she did not enjoy such rough sex as Teisetsu did. When he impregnated her, he was loving and sweet as he took her virginity. Seeing him now with the children only confirmed that sweetness as Rei covetously cradled both mother and babies to himself. It was obviously a delight for him to be a first-time father. Seeing how he gently caressed and cooed at his little son and kept close to warm his tiny daughter was more than anything Mimiri could ask for. "Oh...Rei-sama, I just thought of something..." Mimiri says softly as she pets her beloved master's long red hair.


"Yeah?" He peered up at her curiously with his good eye, head cocked to the side. He still had one little foot in his mouth, nibbling at tiny toes happily as his son mewled and kicked his foot weakly, sleepy as he settled down more against his mother.


"If our offspring are born this close to Lord Lazarus' offspring, does that mean they may become his mates?" Mimiri asks, knowing well that Rowen was made the mate of Lord Lazarus. It would not be unreasonable that children born within the same year would end up being paired together - if not in love, then certainly as battle partners. "I think it would be wonderful, having our children fight or mate with Lord Lazarus' child. Don't you agree, Master?" Mimiri asks softly, watching Rei as he cuddles his infant babies. Reita wriggles his foot away, cuddling close into the soft blanket and the warm skin that his mother provides for him. Meimi is making suckling sounds, though she is sleeping.


"Hmmn... it could be very possible." He replied, smirking as his son steals his toes back. He glanced up at his female lover, looking thoughtful. "There is a high chance actually, since they will be raised together. It often causes bonding, be it friendship or a mate bond. So we'll see."


"Mmm...will I ever get to have your offspring, Master?" Teisetsu asks innocently as he caresses the soft pink hair of his little nephew. Reita seems content with all the attention, though he's still squirming to find the best position for sleep. Meimi has finally given up her prized nipple and now just sleeps draped over her mother's breast, blowing spit bubbles as she snores.


"If you wish, love." Rei yawned, leaning over the babies and Mimiri to kiss the other gently. He purred, nuzzling the other gently with a low purr of contentment. "Mmmn... but only if you want to, pretty one." He cooed. He would not mind more babies, they were tiny and cute and made amusing little noises.


"I think we should have as much offspring as possible, Master...Your bloodline is very precious. It must be preserved," Mimiri points out as she kisses Rei lovingly and cuddles their little family. Teisetsu looks overjoyed, having been jealous of his sister's growing belly and how much he wanted to have one too. Now seeing the result of all her hard work and the joy it has brought Rei, he can't wait to have the same big belly and give his beloved Master some more squirming little babies to raise. 


The general smirked, kissing the other coyly with a pleased smirk. "Of course my dear." He cooed and nuzzled the other gently, lashes fluttering as he leaned into the other for more attention. "Hmmmnnn... Love you both." He smirked and kissed them all with a sigh of pleasure.


The skin of his lovers were soft as Rei blanketed himself in their love. His tiny children gave the great warrior such pride, for he had never seen such beauty before in all his existence - and, damn, he'd seen Death's genitals, for God's sake! Still, though he wished to stay long hours in their embrace, duty was quick to call for him again. This time it was at least of a more pleasurable nature than sitting through dull war meeting after dull war meeting - a hostile spirit had been spotted not too far from one of the gates. Rei would have to go kill it or else their poor little Angel guests would wither from fear....or something like that. 


So, the short death angel General got up, dressed and left them with a little fond grunt to go and take care of his duties. At least he'd have something to destroy, that was always fun. He blew the two on the bed kisses, as he knew they were fond of him doing before he left, and then he chuckled and was gone, out the door to go take care of his duties as a good general would do.


"We think it's at least at the level of a C class phantom, but it gave a few of the Angels there quite a rough-up, Sir," one of the guards says to Rei as he walks alongside him, briefing the powerful general as he makes his way towards the main hall to ask Death permission to leave. "Now, we don't really know where that phantom has come from. Since the gates have been locked down, it's been increasingly hard for spirits of any sort to get in. He might be a bit tricky...maybe part Shadow."


Rei nodded, taking note. "I see..." He mused, chuckling darkly. They continued along, finding the immortal sitting in her room milling over some plans. But Death was not Death, but Life today. She glanced up, greeting Rei with a faint smooth smile. "Yes?" She asked, and waited as the two ran over what was happening and what Rei would need to do. "I do not see why not..." She mused, "Just remember to be careful."


The General gave a sincere respectful bow to the very much beloved Goddess Life and then turned curtly on his heel to head out. His armor was waiting for him at the door, allowing him to slip into it easily and then following the Death Angel guards to the place where they first discovered the spirit. He saw several Jins had been hurt in the defense of the gate, as though the spirit had been trying to force its way out...but...why would that be? Usually spirits were more drawn to Death or even Life because they had a soothing or attractive presence. It was odd lately that so many spirits had been trying to flee, as if frightened by something. 


Very odd. Rei looked things over with a calculating eye, frowning some as he walked about. Usually, spirits would not be trying to escape, especially not with life about. The presence of her was calming to most and spirits would calm as well. There must be something frightening them, but what, Rei was not sure of. Unlike his creator, he was not as sensitive. Sure he could sense at times that Rowan had some wrongness about him, but he hid it well enough that Rei did not feel it as well as he might normally.


When Rei got there, he was surprised to find more damage than he had ever seen before from a C-class phantom. There were other smaller and weaker spirits swirling around wildly in the wreckage, Angels still trying to clean up their battered fortifications and get the last of the wounded back to the compound. There had luckily been no casualties, but some large gashes did happen here and there and one soldier had been knocked unconscious. "Oi! Rei! Ovah here!" Jinaven called out. The large green-haired Jin had a bandage around his arm and several other bloody cuts, his subordinate trying to get him to hold still enough to wipe the blood away. "Looks like they called in the big guns...As yah can see, got in a purdy bad scrap...We ain't Death Angels - not made to cope with this kinda thing."



The one eyed male smiled faintly, marching over briskly. "Hmmn... I noticed." He sneered cheekily, poking one of the others bandages. He looked about, watching the frightened spirits swirling about, hiding behind people, seeking somewhere to hide or run to. He frowned, peering about and noting the wounded and the wreckage thoughtfully. "Hmmn... so what exactly happened? Explain in detail."


"We were comin' in from a patrol an' were jus' about to secure the gate...Then this damn thing comes flyin' outta no where, howling like a cur with a firecracker on it's balls...Well, you be damn sure we were up in arms faster'n you could blink, fer sure...We had five men an' two captain's along with myself. Managed to deter the thing from flying out n' through the gate...got nasty beat up fer it though...then it flew off after destroyin' the tower we built." Jinaven sighs, running a hand through his curly green hair. "This kinda thing happen often 'ere?"


"Not, actually it doesn't." Rei replied, peering about sharply, watching the spirits still nearby for a more manifested, larger one. He wondered why they were acting like that, perhaps runaways from processing? If so, he would have thought they would have been reported and dealt with as soon as possible. He sighed, grumbling in annoyance that he was pulled out of his bed for this. Perhaps it would not be nearly as fun as he had been hoping it was going to be.


"Teh big ugly bastard when that'away...but I doubt it'll do any good. What'ever it was, it was tryin' hard tah get the hell outta here," Jinaven says as he looks off in the direction that the destruction leads. It seems as though Rei will have to hunt the thing down, wondering how it is that a C-class phantom popped up without his knowledge anyway. Are there rifts in the realm he's not aware of? That can't be good for their security...


Whatever the reason, Rei must first go and attend to this. Growling, he waved at Jinaven and began trouping the way that the spirit had gone, hunting the thing down with a grumbling leaving his throat. He continued on, following the wreckage with a growing unease. This was certainly odd, not something that normally happened, especially since souls here were handled so carefully and with much thought to the devastation one of the C-class can do.


At least it wasn't above a C-class though, or it would have likely cost one of the Angels their lives. It was strange...either the spirit was reacting to the mix of races coming into Death's Realm or it really was trying to desperately escape. Rei would have rather the former - at least that would mean that they had a psychotic phantom on their hands and not something worse. At last, Rei caught up with the spirit. It was badly damaged, flailing around in the dirt. Its massive body was almost completely transparent if not for the way it made the air ripple when it moved. Its face was a great white matt of hair and skin, sewn together onto a skull. Red eyes gleamed and the thing gave a shuddering cry much like a sob. "S-st-ay away!" it cried out woefully, crawling on the earth.


Rei stalked after it, peering at it intently. Whether it was an evil soul or not would be decided in the way it reacted to him. Since it was afraid and trying to crawl away, that was a better sign for its survival. Usually they fought tooth and nail, but this one, already damaged, did not put up much of anything. "Where do you think you're going, spirit?" Rei purred.


"S-Stay awaay!!!" it howled and lashed out violently in its attempts to flee. That was not so good of a sign, though the cut barely hurt. Rei easily let it heal before continuing forward, his eyes gleaming with both anger and concern. The way this spirit was acting confirmed his worst fears. "...i-it's coming..." the thing whispered breathily, its blood flowing out of its mouth in the form of a misty aura. The thing was injured internally...not from an Angel, though. It would take something much stronger to injure a spirit that has no physical body.


"What is coming?" Rei demanded, stepping on its tail and keeping it from crawling any further from him. To wound one of these, it would have to either be a high class death angel or something stronger, such as a god of sorts. The general frowned tightly, watching the spirit pant and shivering, the 'blood' fanning out as it struggled weakly, wanting to get away so badly it was only hurting itself more.


"Let gooo! let got! B-before it finds mee!" the spirit hisses as it flickers. It's so close to death. What drove it to this end? Rei would have to find out before the thing complete disappeared. Perhaps this would be a phantom worth saving, though the very idea made him a bit sick. Rei was never one for helping these sorts of spirits. If they would cause harm to others, even in their fear, they were bad apples and deserved to be either sealed away or destroyed.


"Tell me or I'll draw out your death!" Rei snapped and ground his heel into the tail of it, eye flashing angrily as the thing hissed and wriggled weakly. "What are you running from spirit!?" he demanded of it, the tone of his voice vicious, biting like thorns into tender flesh. Rei was not going to stand for this one panicking and not telling him what he wanted to know.


"S-sorrow.....T-torment.....Bliss....a-and Paradise..." it whispers before it finally fades into oblivion. These words leave Rei in no better a position than when he was listening to the damn thing babble. And now it was gone. Rei wasn't exactly the type for caring about these things, for he had little head for anything save fighting, fucking, and causing general mayhem, but this did not settle right with the great Death Angel General. He would have to tell Life about this one.


With the thing gone, Rei's duties were over. At least, the one he had come out her to attend to. Growling, he stalks back the way he has come, passing angels and whatnot on his way back to the castle. Since the thing was already mortally wounded, there had been no need for him to destroy or seal it, a pointless duty, but one he had to attend to just in case. He sighed, hurrying to get back to the castle and tell Life of his findings.


Rei got back to the castle and found that the work for the ball was already underway. Life was supervising the hanging of various decorations and tapestries as the Death Angels spread their wings to hang them high on the ceiling. A few of the Angelic soldiers even took some time out of their duties to help out, seeing as they were promised warm meals if they did a bit of the work. Life seemed rather content to point out places where things were hanging, hardly aware of the ominous presences around her.


Rei drew her aside and quietly told her his find, the female's smile turning into a frown. She had a tight expression on her face, feeling the same unease that Rei was feeling. How she wanted to turn out Rowan, but she needed the man to stop this foolish war and to anger him? As of then, she did not know what would happen should she get on the wrong side of him. Life shivered, nodding slightly and silently telling Rei to keep a listen for those odd names, for no one here she knew of had such odd names.


"Oi! M'Lady, where d'we put this garland?" the Jins break in, causing Life to turn away from her worries to attend to the hanging of the garland. Rei then moves back towards his room, stopping when he sees Lord Stannis making his way towards him. The old soldier stops before Rei and gives him a curt yet respectable bow.


"General...It's good to see you came back safely. I trust everything is being dealt with? I only just heard."


"Yes, dealt with and taken care of cleanly." Rei replied softly, smiling some at Stannis. He returned the bow, his long braids trailing over his shoulders, twitched scarecrow smile flashing on his face. "It was not as bad as I suspected.... but it was not good either."


"As the secondary General for the army your Mistress has chosen to house here, I would be very much obliged if you would accompany me to the kitchens for a drink and further explanation," Stannis says in that stern manner of his. All the Starcs are very cut and dry people. They don't make the best drinking buddies. "That is...unless you have other things to attend to?"


Rei sighed. "No, I don't. I suppose I can do so." He replied. He had already divested of his armor, so it was not as if he could use that for an excuse. Besides, a drink might calm his nerves a bit. "Yes, lets do so." He mused and smiled faintly, allowing Stannis to lead him to the kitchen.


It was kind of sad to watch Stannis leaning on his cane, the old soldier not complaining though. He stepped forward with as much grace as a hobbling man could allow and they easily made it to the kitchens. Rei set a servant to making him a nice stiff drink as Stannis poured himself a cup of tea. "So...the creature was a C-class Phantom, I think one of your subordinates told me...? Pray tell, just what is a C-Class Phantom like?"


"Able to move things, minor possessions, and can cause some damage if they get feisty enough, not too bad though." Rei replied softly. "Often they are not human souls, but souls of higher creatures, demons, angels, things of nonhuman nature. The higher the class however, the more damage they can create. An A-class can kill."


"Which is likely why the Jin soldiers were fortunate in not meeting an A-Class...even so, I heard this is not a typical occurrence. Most of these phantoms, as they are called, are very well catalogued and chained. Though you may often be called to fight one, it's usually not in this realm, correct? Which is why I'm wondering if this lockdown has some effect on the way the Realm of Death is normally run," Stannis says as he sits down with his cup of tea and leans against the table.


"I was feeling much the same." Rei replied thoughtfully. "Normally, spirit flow is much smoother, but the death angels going in and out must do so in a hurry, there is not the same measure of ease. Confusion can happen, a spirit can escape its bonds and escape. This one was panicking, running from something..."


"...From what?" Stannis asks with due concern, seeming to have the same reaction as Rei. Obviously, if such a strong spirit has need to run from something, perhaps they would as well. Stannis does not feel comfortable leaving his men in uncertain territory.


 "It said something was coming, Sorrow and Torment, Bliss and Paradise... I don't understand what it means, whether they are names or something else." Rei replied softly, shrugging. "Perhaps the war has them shook up, frightened into insanity... I'm just not sure."


"Sorrow..." Stannis says softly, frowning a bit as his eyes seem to be off elsewhere. However, as quickly as it appears, that emotion in his gaze is gone. "Hmm...seems a rather conflicting enemy. Who would run from bliss or paradise? Surely, it must be this war..."


Rei nodded, "Probably." He yawned, taking a sip from his drink and pondering. "Those would make for odd names, surely? And no one here has them, so it can't possibly be anyone in the castle." He chuckled dryly, rubbing his temple. "I guess we'll just have to be twice as careful.


"Well, at the very least, I would like to thank you for going out there and taking care of the beast. I'm afraid I'm not in the best of shape to do so," Stannis says as he looks to Rei with those calm steel-grey eyes. He seems very tired. And this whole incident with his son has not pleased him at all. He's getting more worry lines.


"Oi, I am sure you'd have kicked its ass with that badass cane of yours." Rei grinned, nodding. "But you're welcome, Stannis. It is my duty to protect and serve all those residing in these walls. I would not let anyone go without my help."


"I am glad to hear there is such a General still around...I cannot say I have always been the best of men, but I would at least like to think that I have been a fair commander. It is still heartening to see there are others so dedicated to their duty," Stannis replies as he takes a sip of tea. "Oh, by the way, I heard one of your mates birthed twins late last night. Congratulations."


Rei beamed. "Oh yes, a healthy boy and girl." He purred, highly pleased. "Both of them nice and strong, they'll make fine warriors or whatever else they decide to be." He smirked and chuckled happily. "I am very proud. They are my firstborn."



"It is always a joyous occasion when children come into the world. I have three myself...I worry for them constantly," he says with a bit of a bitter smile. "Be prepared for that. The fear of losing them or their unhappiness will be a constant thing. All parents experience it. However, it's worth the anguish to watch your children grow."


Rei nodded, hands folded before him thoughtfully. "Yes... it shall certainly be interesting." He mused, smiling dreamily. "I have not been allowed to have children till now... so I am very happy to be blessed with twins. Hopefully the years of being rolled on by my little brother's brats will make it easier to raise my own."


"Hardly...Nothing prepares you for being a father." Stannis chuckles, looking into his teacup and swirling it around thoughtfully. "Trust me, when my eldest - Robin - was born, I didn't know what to do. I was so careful and tender, afraid I would break her or do something wrong. When my wife slept, I would sit up with her in my arms...I don't think I've ever seen anything as beautiful as my own children. It's a hard feeling to explain."


Rei nodded, thoughtfully storing the information away. "They are very delicate when first born.... especially death angel babies. Those two can fit in my hand, with the little legs dangling and be comfortable." He nodded thoughtfully, smiling. "So delicate..."


"They are partially Demon, are they not?" Stannis asks as he sips his tea and looks towards Rei. The other is small himself, having what some might think to be a slender build, but the muscle definition is easily seen when he has his shirt off. He's a powerful and formidable warrior - Stannis will not underestimate him because of his stature.


"Yes, but the death angel blood is rather powerful, it'll come out strongly, especially when mixed with demon." Rei replied, yawning softly. "They'll have their little wings out in the next few days, it'll be cute really, but putting them in clothing is going to be frustrating." He laughed. "Two more limbs to fight into holes."



 "I believe that both of your mates also have Angelic blood in them...that might delay the spreading of their wings a bit. After all, Angels do not usually spread their wings until they are at least 1,000 years of age. Though, in this case, I think the Demonic and Death Angel blood will likely be more prevalent." Stannis says with a bit of a smile, remembering when his son first had his wings. They had a party to celebrate, like all his other children.


Rei nodded. "Most likely, it'll be very charming to play with their little wings." He sighed happily, tapping his chin with a claw. He sighed, glancing at the clock while he drank his beverage. "Life was very good getting them delivered fast.... I was afraid we'd have to cut open Mimiri..."


"Ah, a difficult birth? Then again, she is rather small...I imagine your other one, the little green-haired hybrid, will be the same way," Stannis says before picking up and apple and beginning to peel it. He cuts it in half and gives half of it to Rei.


Rei takes it and nods. "Yes, but it was resolved and she's fine. Just needs some bed rest and she should be up and about again." He smiles some, crunching on the apple. They sit together, two fathers, one a veteran at it and the other new to the art of raising children, both enjoying an apple piece and thinking on it.


"Is she breast feeding or bottle feeding? Both have their advantages, but I imagine it might be rather exhausting for her to wake up every two hours after such a stressful birth," Stannis says at length as he nibbles on his apple thoughtfully. He can remember Kite growling at him to get the hell up and look after Robin - something he did dutifully, as he was always very considerate of Kite's delicate condition after a birth. 


"She was doing fine breast feeding them earlier, but if they start causing issues, we'll have to switch to bottle as well until she gets better." Rei replied, tapping his lips with a finger. He glanced over, noting Absinthe slipping in to root about in the fridge behind Stannis, looking weak and exhausted. He must have just gotten back from some lessons, for there were bruises and cuts on him.


"Good afternoon, Sir Absinthe," Stannis says smoothly without having to look behind him. He sips his tea, Absinthe's back stiffening at the mentioning of his name. He looks over his shoulder, the fall of his two-toned hair silkily caressing his back. Stannis doesn't look to him, though, from this back view, he looks just like Urius. 


The voice is different though, so he calms, relaxing from his hyper tense state. "Good afternoon Stannis..." He replies softly and goes back to rooting in the fridge for something light that will stay in his stomach. "How is your leg?"


"Well enough...I can walk on it at least. However, I thank you for your concern," Stannis replies as he finishes off his tea and then returns to eating his apple. "General Rei and I were just having a drink. Will you join us or are the strains from your training that painful?" Absinthe blinks, realizing that Stannis doesn't need to see him to know he's tired. His aura is probably giving that off quite a bit...


"I don't think I can handle anything but water right now, Stannis... I'm sick." Absinthe replies softly, taking out some grapes and nibbling at a couple of them. He yawns, jaw aching from things other than training that he was forced to do last night. He walks over and exhaustedly plops himself on a chair, head on the table as he eats his handful of grapes.



 "I see...It's good to know they train you so harshly," Stannis says, Absinthe groaning a little. Ah, yes...the Starcs and their beliefs about pain being the key to heaven. If that is the case, Absinthe won't even have to lift a finger to get into heaven with all the anguish that Adonis causes him. His lower back still aches.


"Oh yes, now if only I could stop vomiting up my meals." Absinthe groaned, nibbling his grapes with a sigh of frustration. He just wants to be able to eat and relax, gods, is that too much to ask? He closes his red rimmed eyes and shivers, licking grape juices off his fingertips. "Oh... congrats on the babies, Rei..."


"Yes, we were just sitting here and talking about fatherhood...Perhaps one day you will join us, hmm?" Stannis chuckles, but Absinthe just blanches. More than likely, HE will be the one birthing the children and whoever happens to be his mate will be paling around with Rei and Stannis, talking about Absinthe's mood swings and how to deal with changing diapers...Oh, dear Gods, that will be hell. 


"ugh, I hate kids..." Absinthe grumbles softly, eyes closed and stomach doing flops. It was only a handful of grapes you ungrateful stomach! Just take the food and stop it! He wants to shout, brows knotting in pain before he sits up and looks at the others with blurry eyes. "I don't really want children..."


"And why not?" Stannis asks, surprised that Absinthe would say that. He would assume that a Godling who had such power would want to continue on his bloodline in proof of how strong his Gods blood was. Then again, Absinthe doesn't make for a very good God.


"I doubt I would make a good parent, Stannis." He replies, resting his head on the table again as Rei listens to them. "Besides... my blood is too powerful to just idly pass along. Why would I subject children to being forced to remain locked away from the rest of the world for fear of some undeserving bastard getting them?"



Stannis quirked a brow. "I did not realize it was your people's practice to guard your children so carefully...However, I can see the use in that. Even so, if you ever happen to find someone you love, you shouldn't be so hesitant to start a family. After all, does not God say 'go forth and multiply?'"


Absinthe laughed softly into the table. "My fathers would disagree with you on that when it comes to me, my lord Stannis." He replied and sighed. "Having two powerful gods as fathers would be hard on any children I would happen to have, I refuse to have them." He smiled into the tabletop, closing his eyes. "I refuse."


"That's rather sad, Sir Absinthe..." comes that delicious voice from the doorway. Absinthe freezes though, that tone sending ice water through his veins as he sits up very straight and stares with wide eyes at that handsome form leaning so casually against the doorframe. Rowan is dressed in his fencing gear with soft leather pants and high knee-guard boots. His shirt is simple white cotton thinly pressed and clinging to his slightly sweaty skin. His blond hair brushes gently against his cheek, those green eyes flecked with red staring the poor Godling down. "I would think you would enjoy having children...you seem quite the nurturing type."


"Far from it, lord Rowan." He replied slowly, peering over at Rowan with a growing sense of dread. Those eyes told him it was Adonis staring at him and he shivered, feeling more sickened then when he had eaten the grapes. "I do not think I would do well with children, at all... I'd rather not even try."



"Well, perhaps someday you won't have a choice in the matter..." Rowan says as he comes in and sets down his fencing rapier on the table. He runs a hand through his hair, damp with sweat. It looks as though he has been training hard as well. "Hmm...What are you drinking there, General Rei? It looks good."


"Vodka." Rei smiles lazily, watching Rowan. Absinthe keeps his eyes away from the man, closing them in an attempt to block him out. What did he mean by that? A cold chill spread through him, tightening his gut more and making him want to empty his stomach into the nearest sink.


"Hmm...perhaps I'll have some. it's been a while since I've had a good hard drink." Rowan chuckles and goes to make himself a glass, Stannis seeming to frown a moment as he sips at his tea.


"Drinking in the middle of the day, My Lord, is not always the best way to keep a sharp mind."


"Ah, yes, but could be considered no stranger than drinking tea constantly, Stannis," Rowan returns with that boyish smile of his. Still those red flecks remain in his eyes, causing Absinthe to shudder in fear.


Absinthe does not dare leave the room, not with Rowan in it. He sighs, closing his eyes and resting his head upon the table. Rei chuckles. "One drink is not going to cause him any harm." He smiled faintly, glancing at Stannis. "It's not like he's going to drink the whole bottle!" He laughed.


"Perhaps, this looks to be rather good stuff," Rowan teases as he sits down with his shot of vodka and settles easily into the conversation. The only one that seems any bit awkward is the terrified Absinthe. Rei finds it rather odd that the usually arrogant and opinionated Godling is keeping quiet - it's not like him.


Very odd. Absinthe remains silent, resting and keeping his eyes closed as he works to keep himself from getting sick all over the table. How embarrassing would that be? Adonis would tease and torture him over that over and over and over again. He refused to allow that to happen. Rei watched Absinthe thoughtfully before yawning, scratching his chin. "You excited for the little hoohaw tonight, Rowan?"


"Not especially...I've been to far too many Tenshihana balls to really feel excited for much anymore...However, I do look forward to my dance with Lady Life. She is a most intriguing Goddess," Rowan says with a slow smile. It makes Absinthe flinch with jealousy. Life? He has a thing for Life now? Gods...if Absinthe doesn't kill Urius soon, he's going to end up losing the one he wants to Death's other half!


Ugh.... just what he needs. He groans and clutches his stomach, feeling sicker. He is pale, a little hint of green tingeing his skin and he's very warm to the touch. Gods, he just wants to go pass out somewhere and die. Rei chuckles softly, "Oh? yeah, she's ok. She punches hard though if you pinch her ass." He nods, having experienced it himself once or twice.


"Perhaps you shouldn't have pinched so hard, then," Rowan banters right back, his smile warm and kind...yet it hides so much torment. Absinthe feels like crawling out of the room on his hands and knees, Adonis' presence stifling him so much. 


"Pft, she never has sex, so any advances are foolish." He grunts. He's wrong about that, any of HIS advances are completely ignored. She has graced lord Adharma's bed once or twice, but not often enough to be well known for it. "She's amusing though, laughs a lot easier." he grins. Absinthe sits up slowly, rubbings his eyes. "Imma go and lay down..." He utters weakly.


"Stannis, escort Sir Absinthe to his room. I fear he is more likely to topple over than you are," Rowan says with a bit of a smirk, yet Stannis nods. He's used to far worst quips from Conrard. At least Rowan does not have him sit in a room and watch Conrard enjoy his many lovers...the indecency of that man was astounding, as well as his brutality and military tact. However, that is for another day. Right now, Stannis must focus on supporting his own weight as well as Absinthe's. 


"No... I can walking on my own." Absinthe growls softly, staggering up and wincing before marching stiffly, trailing Stannis behind him to catch him if he should fall. He seethes, refusing to be weak in front of that bastard! Rei watched the other wander off and sighs. "Poor thing. He's working himself to sickness." He yawns again lazily.


"Indeed...or perhaps he's simply weak like that. You really can't have good genetics all around, even if you do come from Gods," Rowan says as he sips at his vodka and smiles at Rei. The Death Angel quirks a brow, having never thought of it that way. It's true...even with all those perfect genetics, it could have very well caused a defect to make him weaker. Still, it seemed unlikely.


"He's never gotten sick before, but it's possible." Rei muses. "I'm not sure though, he's gotten better at controlling his powers, Death was able to allow him a little more room to work." He smiled faintly, amused. "He's been very, very eager to keep pushing it lately, I'm sure he'll be able to do more things now.... " Rei tapped his chin with a claw, head cocked. "But until he gets better, he's going to be horribly weak."


"Tell me, just what sort of training does he endure? I'm rather curious as to how you go about training a Godling," Rowan said with a soft smile, staring at Rei with those eyes flecked with red. Rei would never be one to note such minute changes like that, how Rowan's eyes could get progressively darker...No, Rei had all his other problems to deal with.


"Oh that? Endurance, a lot of lessons on discipline. He's got to be able to control whatever powers he may have and in his case, he REALLY needs to. He's had some power flares recently, violent ones and they had to be controlled." He chewed his lip thoughtfully, smiling. "He also learns some other weird stuff that I don't know much about." He shrugged.


"I see...Perhaps it will help him become stronger in the end, though I doubt it will do any good in changing his terrible temperament, hmm? Though...he has been rather quiet as of late. Perhaps he is maturing," Rowan says with a charming smile, knowing all too well why Absinthe is being so quiet. It delights him to know the other is so affected by their "lessons" together.


"He has been acting more mature, which is good. I'd hate to see him unstable and lose his temper." Rei grinned. "He'd blow the roof off the castle!" His laugh was sharp and loud, eye glittering with amusement. Scarred hands folded before him and he cocked his head thoughtfully. "They always say pain makes a man, I'd have to agree with them."


"I agree...Just look at Stannis or Urius and I'm sure you can see just how pain can correct behavior," Rowan says with that smile of his. He seems so non-threatening...so absolutely calm and kind. Still, Rei can feel the wrongness in his aura - the absolute depravity that lingers behind his eyes.


He hides it so well. The male grinned. "I'd say I'm a fairly good example except for the fact I go LOOKING for fights and pain." He snickers and shakes his head in amusement. "Ahh... but now I am growing distracted." He finished his drink with a low sigh of pleasure and tapped it down, glancing up at Rowan with his one good eye. "I must be off. My lovers will need help with my son and daughter."


"Go enjoy your family....during such perilous times, there's no telling when we might lose our loved ones," he warns lightly, though he means every word. There is an edge of threatening to his voice that Rei doesn't pick up on - far too concerned with getting back to Mimiri and his darling children. It's hard for him as a new father to stay far away from them for long.


Rei nodded distractedly and was off, leaving the other male to go attend to his new family. As he left, he passed Ceata, heading to the kitchens to grab something to snack on while waiting for the party to start. He smiled some and waved, Rei waving back before Ceata was into the kitchens, completely overlooking Rowan and heading to the fridge, humming a little song to himself. Oh, he could feel him alright, sitting at the table, but he did not look up or care for that matter. He was hungry and Rowan could go about his own business and leave him be.



"I see you're in quite a chipper mood, my lovely," Rowan said not in a tone that he would usually carry. Since they were alone, it was Adonis who spoke. He sipped casually at his vodka and watched the clock pendulum moving back and forth at a steady pace. "Enjoying your weeks without Urius?"


"I am enjoying my week with someone else..." Ceata replied sweetly, peering over his shoulder. He had a slightly feral look to his bright eyes and he grinned fiercely at Rowan. "And you, my lord? How has your week been?"  He laughed faintly, tugging something out of the fridge. Raw meat... an odd snack, but he looked upon it hungrily and snapped up a slice of it with a pleased look on his pale face.


"Very well...Just giving my subordinates a proper lesson in not seeing the wrong sort of people behind my back." Adonis looks back over at Ceata, the other having a slightly confused look on his face. "Oh, yes...He paid dearly for that little visit you enjoyed not too long ago. It's a pity..." he sighs, turning back. "I don't think he will be up and walking for some time. Broken bones will do that."


Ceata cocked his head thoughtfully, licking blood off his fingertips slowly, the red stuff sticking to his lips and pale fingers. "I don't know... he seems perfectly capable of getting up for me..." He mused cheekily, eyes flickering to the meat still in the fridge, licking his lips hungrily. He'd been craving a bit of blood recently and the cold, slippery flesh was pleasing going down his raw throat. "Silly, silly blondie."


"Not anymore, at least." Adonis chuckles, finishing off his vodka and standing as he turns to look at Ceata with those blood-red eyes. "It's amazing how fragile bones can be...Why else do you think he wasn't at the funeral procession this afternoon?" Adonis smiles. "Have a nice day, Ceata."


The shadowshifter giggled almost insanely, glancing at Rowan as if he knew something he didn't, some secret that made him squirm around in wild amusement. He turned his back on Rowan, rooting more in the fridge. "Very silly Blondie... very, very silly..."


Rowan paid it no mind, knowing that Ceata was slowly going insane. It seemed everyone around here was having that issue as of late, but it really wasn't for him to worry about. He would have to think of his next move...and the chance would come quickly. Already, armies were mobilizing outside of Death's Realm. it would not be long until they had to face another attack.


Insane, not quite. However, the very fact that Sorrow was moving about under Adonis' nose amused him to no end. "Oh.. .Adonis? Sorrow says if you break another of his fingers, he's going to rip out your entrails..." Ceata peeped from the kitchen as the man began walking out the door, still slurping up the meat hungrily, a devious look on his face and a cool glint in his pale eyes.


Adonis stopped in his tracks, one hand on the door as he was just about to turn into the hall. Ceata could no see his face, but he could feel the surprise radiating off him. However, as fast as it came, it went just as quickly. He turned and smiled. "Don't look so smug, boy...You court your death." With that, he kept on his way and continued down the hall.


Death... was not so bad. Ceata watched him go, purring faintly as he sucked the blood off the tips of his fingertips, watching him go and wishing it was his flesh he was feasting on and not that of some animal.

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