untitled: 'Love you...'

Chapter 8: 'Love you...'

That night, Alpheus does not show up to dinner or the night after that. Varun spends his evenings in the arms of a young stable boy that offered his body after having glanced at Varun from afar when he came to Rowan's home. Lessons continue as usual with Urius coaching Varun every day in politics and the complexities of Tenshihana law, Jinevae sparring in the afternoons, and Roaden sometimes offering an etiquette lesson or two before lunch. Before dinner, Varun spends at least an hour or so playing chess with Rowan, talking to him and getting a better idea of what life is like in Tenshihana than with Urius' lessons. The political underground seems to be Rowan's specialty, as he knows where the illegal acts are happening and who is perpetrating them. As before, Varun's suspicions about the Starc elders feeding off money from the Valen slave trade are confirmed. Surprisingly enough, Rowan even provides Varun with documents to read over that prove such acts. Why Varun is being taught this, he can only guess, but Rowan's insight into the intrigues of the Tenshihana court is staggering...and frightening. Soon enough, it is Sunday, the day each week when Varun may go home for an afternoon and Sahena may do the same to go to Mass. It is a sad breakfast that morning for Eos as he knows he won't have someone to cuddle that night. He stares at Falcon, who has become at least a bit kinder towards him in the past few days. Any mention of Echo, though, and he becomes infuriated. 


It was that day, that Crixa and her brother Solange came to visit as well, so there was some sort of relief in that. Solange was not feeling well, so he was not as talkative, but when Crixa saw Eos, she squealed in delight and hurried over to nuzzle and play with the blonde’s hair. She was so delicate looking and enchantingly beautiful. Her father's precious baby girl.  From the red of her hair, to the sheen on her scaled ears and tail. An exotic creature. Eos glanced over at Ceata, who was petting his young half brother,  Solange's soft red hair. The poor herm looked so sick. He was not having a very fun time going through puberty. Soon enough Ceata ushered the young man off to a bed to rest for a while.  Nearby, Lazarus was making sure that Sahena looked nice before he left for mass, fussing over his clothing and chuckling at the blush on his husband's face. "There, gorgeous."


"I will miss you," Sahena said softly as he sat at the table, his gaze upon Lazarus as Sahena gave him that look of adoration reserved only for him. Still, he couldn't help but blush gently at the way Lazarus doted on him. He felt more babied than with Urius, though it was not bad at all. Each and every touch Lazarus afforded him made desire blossom in his heart and he wished, perhaps, that they could make love one more time before he had to go. Certainly, another bout of sex might stave off the dirty thoughts enough so he did not experience them in church. "I wish I could just have Mass here, instead...My father wants me to show up though, for the people." 


Lazarus nodded, smiling faintly while he toyed with his lover's hair. "Yes, I understand. It will be good for you to see your family again, I'm sure." He replied warmly. Akita leaned on Lazarus' arm and stood on tip toe to give Sahena a kiss on the cheek as farewell. He had been very sweet and made Sahena a cross out of lace, beautifully crafted with some strange pale thread.  He turned with a small laugh, wandering over to where Crixa was talking with her relatives. Lazarus glanced at the girl and smiled warmly. "You've not met her or her brother, have you...? I believe I mentioned them."



"No...I haven't met them at all," Sahena replies as he puts his cross on and wears it proudly. Lazarus has dressed him in shades of white today, making him look very Angelic with only his red eyes, piercing and gentle, to break up the pale figure. 


"That one there is Crixa, the daughter of Cailean and Alter. You met them briefly. The boy is a hermaphrodite and is named Solange. He is the child of Alter and Faust, a happy accident that they decided to keep. So he's Ceata's half brother. They are about sixteen now." He chuckled, looking affectionately at Crixa chattering animatedly with Eos.


"Alter's children are both very beautiful..." Sahena says, suddenly glancing down at Lazarus' stomach. He blushes profusely, wondering what their baby might look like. "Perhaps when I come back, you can introduce them to me properly?" Sahena suggests. He glances back over towards Crixa before noticing Falcon's glare towards her. He has a tendency to glare at anyone too close to Eos without knowing their intent first. Jealous Falcon...


 Lazarus nodded. "I shall... now then; you need to be getting on your way." He laughed quietly, patting his lover's thigh. They had been very busy the night before, Lazarus even appeared a bit tired from the amount of moving they’d been up to in the large bed. If he still had some energy later, he’d see to it the others had a taste of his joy.


"I have to wait until Varun and Urius get here, though," Sahena says, not wanting to leave just yet. He SHOULD be going out to the entryway to await his guardian, but he'd like to spend every minute with his newfound family, Rowen and Akita included in that. Sadly, just as he says those words, Urius appears at the threshold. He is dressed in, astonishingly, color. A deep royal purple is the choice for the day and brings out the violet in his eyes, trimmed in black and grey, it follows his usual dark colors and makes his pale skin and black hair stand out. Beside him is Varun, dressed in Tenshihana fanfare despite his protests to the seamstresses. 


It was not as if he could have fought it. They would not take a no for an answer. The young man had been dressed to impress, showing his family just how handsome and well to do he was.  Varun beamed the moment he caught sight of his awaiting family and saw a smile mirrored upon his father’s welcoming face. Taking Sahena's hand, the shadowshifter walked his husband over to Urius. "Good day Urius, good day Varun." He greeted them affectionately. Varun smiled cheerfully, glad to get the chance to visit his beloved family and tell them the good news of how well things were going.


"Good day, Lord Lazarus. I see you are well." Urius bows formally to Lazarus, his face still as impassive and cold as ever. Though his eyes look quickly around the room, no doubt for Ceata. "I have come to return your son. I will be back early tomorrow morning to take him again and return Sahena and Falcon to you." 


"Of course." Lazarus smiled, his warm gaze lingering on Sahena and Varun both. One night with his son returned, one night with his husband away. "Ceata will be joining you at Mass today; he's just putting his younger brother to bed."  Lazarus informed him, unsure if the Starc was aware or not of Ceata’s plans. Urius had met the two redheads and knew exactly who Lazarus was talking about at least. Ceata soon came running  toward them, straightening his robes and looking a little flushed after running all the way back down to the entry from his room upstairs.


Urius' brow furrowed faintly. "....You wish to come to Mass, Ceata?" Urius asked, surprised that the other was suddenly taking such an interest in religion. Of course, it was probably because Ceata wanted to drag Urius from his prayers and make love to him in one of the church gardens, but it wouldn't be the first time.


Ceata nodded. "I am curious, do you mind?" The pale man asked, looking up at him nervously, as if afraid Urius would tell him no. Truth be told, he was looking for any excuse to spend time with his mate, who was often far from him. He wanted to be close to him, even if it was only in the same room among many.


"I cannot object. It is an Angel's duty to attempt to convert all other non-believers...though I doubt you are so much interested in the religion," Urius admitted, looking at the other with a gentle gaze. Ceata smiled, knowing Urius was telling him in his subtle way that he felt the same. 


Ceata smiled, leaning up to coyly kissed Urius on the cheek. Lazarus chuckled at the two of them, shaking his head "You had better behave. You are the future ruler of your people, act like it." He chided.   Ceata nodded, grinning up at his grandfather. Varun laughed at his nephew’s expression, patting Ceata on the shoulder. "Have fun molesting Urius through the Mass." He teased, grinning when Ceata barked an amused laugh.



Urius looked bashful at the thought, knowing he sang a few of his Mass hymns an octave higher than he meant to thanks to Ceata...That Shadowshifter was a damn tease in the worst and best way. Falcon, who was walking beside Sahena, tried desperately not to cringe at the thought. "Goodbye, my love," Sahena offered timidly to Lazarus, blowing him a kiss as he headed out with his Starc escort.


Lazarus smiled and watched Sahena go. "Till we meet again, love." He called, watching the four leave through the entry. Varun remained at his side, his arms crossed over his chest. Lazarus sighed, patting his son's shoulder. "Death wishes to speak to you about your stay so far."  His son nodded, leaving his father’s side to report in to his Lord. There was much to tell them, information that they might not have known about, but know would. Some of it useful and other snippets, perhaps not.


Varun headed off to his father's study where Death, his mother, and other father were waiting for him. Rughal seemed especially anxious to hear what happened over the past week, wishing to jump on any reason to annul the marriage and take his son back. Lazarus was hoping inwardly that nothing bad had happened, and, by the look on Varun's face, felt hopeful that he would still be able to stay with Sahena.


The news he had for them was wonderful.  Varun rattled on about how nice everything was and that even though he missed them all, he enjoyed himself.  Rowan himself was kind, an intelligent man that talked with him and played chess for hours. Flushed from excitement, Varun felt good to be able to tell them that from what he could see, there wasn’t much to fear, if anything.  The immortal smile faintly, absorbing everything that the youth had to say.


"...So nothing? He's told you nothing of what he does, his plans?" Rughal asks, mildly annoyed that there is nothing he can get on the Angel. After all, he hates Rowan with a passion now for taking away his son and playing Lazarus like a damned fiddle with Sahena as the bow. The man would jump at any chance to call Rowan out for the monster he is.


"He is trying to get rights for the Jins and fix the trouble in the Sombs... He’s open with showing me the papers that reveal just how corrupt the higher ups of the Valens and Starcs are." Varun replied briskly, his smile faltering. “There hasn’t been any signs of untoward plans, or anything that suggests he’s up to no good.”


"So he knows about the illegal acts in Tenshihana and the Sombs? No doubt it's because the bastard is behind them..." he growls, sitting at his chair and looking to his son. Rughal hates Angels with a passion. Varun can't help but feel bad for his father, as it was an Angel that broke his heart in the beginning. Then again, if Dovinitas hadn't, Varun might not have been conceived.


Varun frowned. "Rowan doesn’t seem to be the sort. If he was why is he fighting so hard for the Jins and the demons?" He asked, conflicted. “There would be no point.” Varun could only tell them what he had seen and experienced. If he had not seen or heard anything bad, then how could he report it?


"Do you even have proof? Aside from those documents, which he produced for you, what proof do you have? I don't think we should so readily trust this man...and I am still hesitant about letting you be near him." Rowen just sighed at his lover's conduct, but he wasn't about to say anything. Rughal was intensely bitter without Dovinitas, just as Lazarus had been incredibly sad without Sahena. It seems that Fire Demons had a similar connection with their mates as the Shadowshifters. 


"The Jins speak highly of him." Varun replied hesitantly, "They say he is a good man, that he protects them. There are even half demons on his staff in the kitchens. They speak no ill of him and I trust the Jins deeply." He continued, raising his chin in challenge to his half father. Varun had been trying his hardest to find any inkling that Rowan could be an evil man, but he had seen nothing but a bit of broken heartedness. How did you call a man evil when there was nothing he could find that solidly labeled him as such?


"Oh? Ask Ceata then why he bears that brand of his...I'm sure you'll find he thinks Rowan is a 'good man' too," Rughal scoffed, Death giving him a bit of a look. "Either way, my sources have come in contact with someone who can tell me otherwise. He's asking for information in return for his safety...Apparently he believes Rowan has reason to kill him."


Varun frowned slightly, unable for a moment, to believe it. His eyes narrowed faintly and his answer was simple. "All nobility have their quirks, you know that Rughal." Varun didn’t like the way his father was speaking to him, as if he were stupid. He might not think the same about Rowan, but he didn’t have any reason to. "And just why is this man running? What reasons does he have to think Rowan would want to kill him?" Perhaps this man had done something stupid that had made him run, fearing for something that would never happen.


"Because he knows just how involved Rowan is in the Valen illegal affairs...Your friend Urius isn't so good, either, it would appear. I wouldn't even want to look into Jinevae or Roaden," Rughal replies tartly, pulling from his jacket some documents and placing them on the table for Death to look at. 


 The immortal took up the papers, the ruffle of paper loud in the quiet room while he read over Rughal’s report.  Varun seethed silently at his half father’s behavior.  Behind Death, Lazarus read the reports over his shoulder, Rowen silent at his side. They had nothing to offer to this conversation, no knew information to add. “Well, well... interesting." Death mused beneath his breath, a small, dark chuckle slipping past his ruddy lips. "But it is not enough." The immortal continued glancing to Rughal with half lidded eyes. "Get more, find more sources. There is something strange going on." He turned his attention to the tense young shadowshifter hybrid. "And you... keep looking into things to. There are many sides to this. We need to cover our bases."



Rughal frowned, disliking the fact that Death had found his evidence inadequate. The images of Urius standing before a well-known slave bar seemed to speak for themselves. "Fine, but I'll need to ask if you will shelter the informant who got these for me and the man asking for protection in return for information. Otherwise, I can't go any further with this," Rughal says as he takes the pictures back and puts them neatly back into his folder.


"You may shelter them.... but I want nothing to do with them." The immortal replied curtly. Death looked to Rugal almost lazily, yet the eyes that met the demon’s were cunning, the man’s mind clearly at work. "We must remain at least in appearances, neutral. I will not give the confirmed corrupt anything they can use against us." The immortal rumbled, shifting in his chair, his massive dark desk clear now of papers.  He turned his attention to Varun. "You are all excused. Varun, you did well so far. Keep it up."  The immortal praised.



 Varun left quickly in order to avoid glaring at his other father, a little miffed that Rughal was trying so hard to ruin what friendship he had with Rowan. He had not seen the pictures and did not care to, as he considered any attempt by Rughal to smear Rowan's good reputation - and Urius', no less! - to be just a reflection of his bitterness towards Dovinitas. Little did he know that Rughal's suspicion had some validity. In any case, Varun soon went to go see Crixa who was busy playing with little Akika, Ai's daughter, with some dolls.


Crixa had matured into a beautiful young woman. Her short, deep maroon hair fluttered about her smooth, heart shaped face.  She laughed faintly, making the doll in her hands dance, much to Akika's delight. She looked up, noticing Varun watching them and beamed up at her cousin in delight. "Hello Varun! How are you...?"   Varun groaned, coming over to plop near them. "Good enough..."



"Varun no look happy..." Akika said as she hugged the doll Crixa handed her, looking up at Varun with her lovely mismatched eyes. She stood and toddled over to him, receiving a hug from her beloved friend.


When she toddled over for a hug, he smiled warmly, reaching out to give her a proper hug in return. "Just having issues with Rughal..." He told her, shrugging his shoulders. "Nothing too bad...." His long fingered hand pet through the girl's soft hair. He found himself smiling down at her, unable to resist the little girl’s charms. She was too cute!


Akika frowned lightly at seeing Varun so sad, staring at him for a moment before offering up her doll with a gentle smile. "You should go talk to your mama...that always makes me happy," Akika suggests, though Varun knows that Rowen would not denounce Rughal's actions for love of him. He certainly couldn't talk to Lazarus, as he would be busy giving attention to his other mates. He was left with no one really to go to, as everyone was either busy or not the right person to ask.


Varun glanced at Crixa. The girl was pretty smart, the sort that would listen to someone’s day, smile and nod, and give them reassurance. Her wide mismatched eyes looked much like Ceata's, though they were different shades of blue and green. He could always talk to her until she got bored with it. Sighing, he scooted closer to her, resting his elbows on his knees. "Father just won't keep saying Rowan is a bad man.... he's been nothing but kind to me. I don’t know what to think about it."


"That's because he's trying to trick you," a voice says from behind. Varun almost jumps, turning to find his younger brother Ranmaru standing there and frowning. Ranmaru had similar views to Rughal, if only because he hated Falcon with a passion. Even so, he was no where near as radical as their father was. "I wouldn't trust him completely, Varun...Even bad men can do good things to hide what they do."


"I do not trust him completely, but still, he hasn’t given me a reason to hate him." Varun frowned, expression unsure.  Crixa pat his thigh gently, smiling at the young man. "It'll be ok..." She reassured him gently. Her ears perked forward and she beamed, an idea suddenly forming. "I can go home with you for a bit and keep you company when you go back?" She asked him with a bright smile spreading across her small face. Varun smiled warmly and toyed with some of her red heair, glancing at Ranmaru. "I don't mind as long as you ask your parents."


Ranmaru rolled his eyes. "You know how dad is going to object..." he warns as he stands there and looks down at his brother, waiting for Varun to stand up so he can give him a hug and the general congratulations about coming home.


Standing, the young shadowshifter walked over to his brother and opened his arms. Varun hugged Ranmaru tight, relieved to feel the familiar embrace of his brother. He was glad to see him again. He had a few more people on his list such as Eos and of course Echo, to visit today. Echo would be extremely angry if Varun did not pay him a visit! "I know, but it'd be nice to have someone I know to hang out with me for a day." He sighed and looked put out. It really was hard being away from home.


"Speaking of that, Eos is just about ready to have a bitch fit if you don't go and find him and hold him...He has much to tell you about Falcon, no doubt, and I hate the guy too much not to growl at him," he grumbles, hugging his brother and petting Akika's head. 


Varun chuckled, leaning over to kiss his sibling on the cheek. "Ahhh...young love." He rolled his eyes skyward. He was glad at least that the two youngest, Solange and Crixa, were not yet crushing on anyone. It was bad enough with Eos pining over Falcon. Solange had had a crush, but the man had not liked him and the poor, 6'5" herm had been crushed. Crixa just did not seem all that interested in anyone and had more fun taking her sibling shopping, than smooching boys.


"I'm just glad I'm not involved in it," Ranmaru grumbles, having not had a steady lover for his entire adolescent life. There have been times when he's had a favorite or two, but Ranmaru has a hard time finding the right person - much like Varun. "I think he's planning on mating with Falcon when he comes back. Be prepared for a lot of questions about how to seduce someone...he asked me and I wasn't about to tell him."


Varun grinned at his grumpy younger brother. "Good thing I'm better at it, hmmm?" He teased faintly and tugged at a lock of long red hair, making his brother scowl slightly. "I'll make sure he knows what he's doing and that he could have his heart broken if he goes through with it. Can't stop Eos from getting the things he wants, but we can warn him about the dangers.” Varun mused.


"Falcon is a bastard if he breaks Eos' heart...even so, the last thing I want to see is him as my brother-in-law," Ranmaru growls, shivering slightly at the thought. "I hate the bastard enough, I don't want to hate him and the hellish offspring he's going to spawn with our unsuspecting little brother."


"Oh stop it." Varun grumbled and pat the others rump in reprimand. "You'll break Eos' heart if you keep it up. You know how the little guy gets when you don't like someone or something he likes." He warned; remember clearly the tears and the pouting. Eos could be very sensitive. Or at least pretended to be.


"I know...that's why I can't talk to him about it. I'm trying to censor my thoughts, but you don't see this jerk Falcon!!! You haven't actually ended up staring up at him on the ground, aching from a million places because of his pansy little ice attacks!" Ranmaru complains, pouting angrily at the fact that he's lost so many times. It was Ranmaru who started the argument to begin with because of his brash nature.


"Perhaps you should stop picking fights then, eh firecrotch?" Someone they both knew chuckled from the doorway. It was Absinthe, peeking in at them with a brow cocked, leaning against the door moldings. Having heard about Varun’s visit, the man was curious to hear how Rowan acted around the youth. What sort of face he wore when Varun was under his thumb. Noticing Absinthe, Crixa cried out enthusiastically and ran up to give him a hug as well. Absinthe had been around her ‘grandmother’s’ house often as a child and continued to visit on occasion.


"Oh...Absinthe. Didn't see you there," Ranmaru says with a smile, walking over and giving the other a kiss on the cheek. Ranmaru rather liked Absinthe. The man was good to have around, as he created equal mischief with Ranmaru and had a tendency to be just as brash. Their personalities generally mixed well together and it helped that Absinthe was fucking hot.


Absinthe chuckled, winking at Varun. The other young man chuckled, happy to see another familiar face. Absinthe yawned  idly and played with Ranmaru's hair, amusement on his lovely face. "So how goes it, Varun? Has he bent you over his knee to spank you yet?" He asked coyly, his lips curling up in a smirk.  Varun snorted. "Nothing of the sort. He has been very polite and it has been a pleasure keeping company with him."


Ranmaru seemed surprised by this, turning to look at Varun with a quirked brow. "Seriously? He hasn't done anything to you? I expected at least locking you in your room or forcing you to read the bible for seven straight hours...SOMETHING, at least."


"Nope, we've  mostly been talking for long hours and playing chess." Varun  replied with a big, pleased smile. Crixa took Akika and left the boys to talking. She had no interest in this Rowan person, nor did she really want to get into something she knew nothing about.  Let the boys have their time together. Absinthe raised a brow in surprise. "Hmmm... how odd. One would think you'd at least be bruised a couple times." This was behavior that Absinthe had never seen before, at least in his experience.



"Or raped brainless...not that it would be hard," Ranmaru chuckles as he walks over to pick up the dolls left on the floor and places them in the nearby toy chest. "Hey, why don't we all go get a drink? I think I'm in need of a little pick-me-up."


"Lovely idea." Absinthe purred. He would have to pay Rowan another visit in a few days. Why he kept coming to the man, he was not sure, but it agitated him endlessly. It was a strange sort of pull, a desire to prove the man wrong. That his words were lies and that Absinthe was nothing of what Rowan insisted he was.  Varun nodded in agreement, smiling as they all walked together toward the kitchens and the large stash of alcohol that they knew they would find there. This was what he had missed. It was nice to see his friends and family again.


"So, did you see any hot Angels?" Ranmaru asks immediately as soon as they make it down to the kitchens to raid the alcohol cupboard, getting out a nice assortment of spirits, beers, and other such delights to enjoy whilst talking. Thankfully, Eos is not here, as he is a notorious lightweight.


Varun chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "Ughhh... well of course... “He replied, glancing away from Ranmaru. There was no way he was telling any of them what had happened between him and Alpheus. That would make them laugh at him and he was in no mood to be mocked by his family members. He had enough of that normally!


"...Wait......what was that hesitance for? Did you bang an ugly one while you were drunk?" he smirks as he pours himself and Absinthe a shot.


Varun glared. "Unlike you, I didn't have time to get drunk and fuck an ugly person." He retorted hotly, slamming back his shot with a snort. "I did kiss someone you know though..." he teased faintly with just the barest of details, tapping his chin.  Absinthe gaped at him. "Rowan!?"   Varun laughed. "Hell no! That man seems like he had no sexual drive at all!" At least that was what he’d decided. Who knew what the man did in his spare time.


"Hmm...if it wasn't Rowan....was it Urius? Ugh, that would be like kissing a cold fish," Ranmaru laughs, getting closer to his brother. "But, seriously, anyone you could share? You know how much I love Angels." 


The very idea of sharing Alpheus made Varun cringe slightly, though he had no idea why. To think of the blond in his brother's arms was also mildly infuriating, despite no logical reason behind it. It left Varun to ponder.


 It was the same as when Varun noticed Echo with his other lovers. There was that strange twinge of disgust that they were anywhere near him.  A strange feeling that he only felt for them and one he couldn’t quite wrap his mind around. But he frowned and snorted. "Like they'd want anything to do with a bratty younger brother." He retorted and tweaked Ranmaru's nose, making Absinthe laugh aloud before downing another shot.


Ranmaru blinks, surprised that Varun would even say that! His brother was never adverse to sharing before so long as he asked. It made the other smirk slyly and grab hold of Varun's hand, yanking it. "Don't tell me, big brother, that you've finally found someone you'd like to mate with..."


Varun growled. He had never allowed anyone to know about him and Echo and he was not going to say anything about his attraction to Alpheus.  It was his own damn business anyway whether he wanted to be lovers with someone, let alone mate them. "He's shy, ok?" he replied with a glower. "I don't want you scaring him off." He looked adorable with that pout on his face and Absinthe chortled slightly at his expression. "Awww... I can’t believe you’re getting so wound up, it’s cute.”


"...Woah....are you...SERIOUS about him?" Ranmaru asks, having not expected that reaction. It makes him all the more curious, scooting closer. "Is he handsome? Well, wait, with your tastes, he's gotta be...Let me guess, red-head?" Ranmaru has never seen anything more strange in all his life! His older brother, the very glue that holds the triplets together, is suddenly shy and bashful about a guy? Usually it is Ranmaru that goes to Varun for advice on seduction, so this modest if not completely timid reaction is beyond bizarre.


"No..... He's just, gods..." Varun grumbled, at a loss for words. Threading his fingers through his hair, he held his glass out for another shot. Absinthe poured him one skillfully, smirking at the grumbling Varun. Back he gulped his shot, face screwing up at the harsh taste. "He had a bad experience with shadowshifters and demons, so he really, really doesn't trust them..." He tried to explain with a woeful frown. "I'm trying to get him to like me and I think he does, but the whole fact he HATES our kind makes it difficult."


"...Wait, WHAT?" Ranmaru looked completely confused, having not expected this at all. "You're in love with some Shadowshifter-phobe? Talk about a twisted relationship...Did you have to force him into the kiss or what?" Varun's pointed glare makes Ranmaru put a hand to his mouth, realizing he's hit a sore spot. "You mean...you...actually had to FORCE someone into something? Damn, that's not like you at all, brother..."


Varun sighed and closed his eyes. "Of course its not." He retorted, grumbling in distaste. "I can't help it, he's … very attractive and that loud mouth of his makes me want to kiss him into submission." Varun blushed hotly at his admission. Absinthe snorted, choking down laughter. He had never seen Varun this flustered over a crush. Utterly adorable.


"Wow, you sound worse than dad talking about Sahena," he sighs, still smarting about the fact that his father is now making love to the person he had a crush on for ages. Still, he can't help but feel a bit happy for Varun. It's about time he fell in love....if this is love, after all, and not rape. "Maybe you should think about getting yourself some good bondage gear. Exodus has some old stuff he's willing to give away. I'd take it, but there are still questionable substances clinging to most of the leather."


Varun nearly spat his drink clear across the table, shooting a venomous glare at his brother. "I don't need bondage gear! That'd only make it worse!" He snapped hotly, expression one of disgust before suddenly he burst into helpless laughter. "Gods, I could imagine his face if he saw me in some of that gear!”


"Would it be something of a mix of horror and intrigue or just plain horror?" Ranmaru snickers as he pokes Varun in the shoulder. "You should do it, if only to see what he'd think...Hell, if you care about him that much, you should try to get dad to make him marry you. Angels are notorious and all that crap. Talk to his dad or something! Angels always sell of their kids to strangers for money...Look at Sahena!"


Varun snorted, thinking about it harder than he really should have, "It would be a look of horror.... then possibly intrigue if I whipped my cock out." He shook his head in amusement before a frown took its place on his lips.  "I'm not sure if its love, Ranmaru... I am not forcing someone to get married to me unless they want to get married to me." The young shadowshifter grunted, turning his attention back to the shot glass in his hand.


"Fine, fine...I'm just teasing, you know. Even so, is he a real prude? That could be a problem...Absinthe, how do you deal with prudes again?" he asks, looking to the other who is, by now, half way through a bottle of vodka.


"I ravaged them." Absinthe replied  smugly with a smirk, chugging down some more of the vodka he was nursing. He adored vodka, such a lovely drink. One of his favorite drinks when he felt like getting sauced. Varun snorted in amusement. "Of course you do, your fathers encourage it." He chuckled softly and Absinthe winked cheekily at the shorter male.  Absinthe, as beautiful as he was, could easily get a prude to change their tune. Or so he thinks.


"Why don't you just ravage him when you get back then, Varun? Crixa can help you...she's got some techniques," Ranmaru jokes, knowing Crixa could get just about any man to fall all over themselves for her. She just doesn't give a damn about mating with any of them. 


"Crixa? Ha!" Varun laughed. Crixa was adorable, he could not even imagine her having sex without his eyes bleeding.  Not to mention her being a virgin, he highly doubted she had any tricks to show him that he didn’t already know. He chuckled huskily, raising a brow. "Because then I would be a rapist and I don’t want to be a rapist, brother.”


"Well, just walk around looking adorable like she does and maybe your Angel will end up being the rapist," Ranmaru says with a rather good point. Crixa is cute enough to have a league of pedophiles and perverts following around to worship the ground she walks on. However, Varun has a feeling that Alpheus isn't one to fall in love with someone cute. He seems only to respond to hard rough molestation against any solid surface that can be found. Just the memory is enough to make Varun blush. How did he end up being so forceful?   


Varun replied with a groan, "I think not." He replied with a snort and reached over to flick his brother's nose again. "He does not respond to cute the way some people do. Cute does not work." Alpheus wasn’t the sort to give into cute. Varun certainly wasn’t the sort to act cute either. Cute just wasn’t him.



"What is he, a fucking idiot? I tell you, if I wasn't your brother, I would have you on the ground and ravage your brains out until you cried uncle...he's a complete idiot if he can't see that you're a complete catch. You're just like Father, believe it or not...whether that's a completely good thing has yet to be seen." Ranmaru sighs, just thinking of it. "Promise me you won't steal a guy I'm crushing on."


"I won't! I'm sure your personalities would clash horribly anyway... He's a pissy young man." Varun grumbled.  Alpheus was too hot tempered for Ranmaru. He blushed at what his redheaded brother said next, for while they weren’t interested in each other, their brothers Faust and Doll has no such reservations about it between themselves. Absinthe snorted slightly, pleasantly buzzed. "I suggest you find out what he likes to drink, buy him or make him some of it and then seduce him.  I wouldn’t suggest fucking him drunk, you know how people like to cry rape if they feel embarrassed or angry about it, even if they consented.”


"Yeah...don't those Angels cut off your dick if you rape someone? Jingarther told me about it. Warned me that I can't screw an Angel in Heaven and expect them not to scream rape I could lose my lil' man." He sighs, frowning heavily and taking another shot. "Stupid fucking Angels and their stupid fucking rules...If you have fun while you're drunk, how is that rape?"


 "You can grow it back, dipshit." Absinthe snorted, waving a hand about absently. He'd had his way with many an angel, though all of them had been eager. Absinthe could put on the charm if he tried. Varun chuckled darkly in amusement. "Yeah, they castrate you if you commit rape, so no surprise sex for you, eh Ranmaru?" He teased his sibling with a big, mean smirk. The very concept was funny to him.


"Oh, shut it...at least I don't go after Angels I can't get," he smirks as he sits back and takes another shot. He then lets the buzz slowly settle in his system, happy and content now that his brother is back home. Absinthe seems just as happy, as these little drinking parties weren't the same without Varun.


Absinthe shot him a glare and reached out to tweak the others nose. Ranmaru’s nose never seemed to get a break.  "You hush, little firecrotch." He rumbled.  Though they were both older than him, Absinthe towered over the shorter men, so it was without a doubt a favorite of his to point out that height difference.  Varun smiled to himself, enjoying both drinks and company, mind drifting to what he’d do later if Echo spotted him before he had a chance to say hello.


The three remain that way for several hours until they at last part ways, allowing Varun to go off and get laid like he's never been laid before, Absinthe to ponder if he'll go to see Rowan - consequently leading to him getting laid like he's never been laid before -, and Ranmaru sitting alone in his room and grumbling about Falcon and whatever else his emo heart desires. Peace is restored to Death's Castle for a time. Meanwhile, back in Tenshihana, Ceata is left most exhausted and a little bit bruised from Urius' mad passionate sexings as they lay in Urius' bed together. As though screwing viciously whilst hidden behind a pillar wasn't enough, Urius literally jumped Ceata as soon as they got back home to relieve the frustrations of having that skillful hand stroking him from the opening to the final prayers. 


 It had been a lot of fun. Tempting Urius, working him up till he felt he would almost spill before denying him. An endless teasing that left him wobbly in the knees and eager to rut. The pale male nuzzled into Urius, yawning into the smooth curve of his pecs as he stretched his sore body. How he loved when Urius got like that. It made for sore movement, but it felt so good while it was happening. He grinned, leaning up and kissing Urius on the lips with a cheeky purr. "You were very vigorous Urius.... naughty, naughty." He purrs, claw drawing circles on his tummy.


"It was because you wouldn't stop..." he says with a bit of a frown, but can't help but blush. Just remembering the odd look the priest gave him when he almost orgasmed - his fact twisted in pleasure - will haunt him for the rest of his life. If he doesn't say at least a million Hail Mary’s for this, he's going straight to Hell. "Why must you torment me so much? You seem to take great joy in watching me break and then having me....take you i-in this fashion." How many positions had they tried? Urius couldn't remember them all.


Ceata purred, inching up so he could kiss him gently. "Because I love the way you act. How you look at me when I do that." He breathed coyly, caressing Urius' black hair, damp with sweat, back from his pretty eyes. The shadowshifter chuckled, nuzzling his cheek against Urius'. "You're just so much fun. I love how hard you fuck me." Every murmured praise husky and adoring.


Urius was blushing profusely by then, trying not to become aroused for the umpteenth time because of Ceata's sweet caresses and warm sensual voice. The Starc Angel found himself pulling the other down for a kiss, trying to satiate some of the lust already building within him. "God, you torment me so much...I can't help but want to take you as viciously as possible." The other's kiss-swollen lips curled up into a beautiful smile and Urius couldn't resist pulling him close and holding him.


 Ceata purred. In the many years since they had met, Ceata had shown Urius how much enjoyable it was to go a little crazy in bed. It must have been hard for Urius at first, remembering the sleek, and gorgeous shadowshifter man as the tiny, sweet child he had rescued. But Ceata had dispelled that image and had time and time again tortured the Starc into fucking him brainless into whatever surface was available. A satisfying end to that. "Mmmn... love you." He breathed.



"As I love you..." Urius replies as he plays with the other's short silvery  hair and kisses his lips. Those firm pale limbs wrap around Ceata's body and pull him close as Urius lets his fingers trace each little contour. He loves the aftermath of their lovemaking...naked skin touching naked skin, the chance to truly enjoy every inch of Ceata's body, to savor him...Moments like these are what keep Urius sane. If he did not have Ceata, he may very well have lost himself completely by now. It is then that Urius notes the brand just above the other's buttocks, wincing at the very sight of it. He touches it timidly, as though to soothe it. "Does it still hurt?"


Ceata shook his head. "No, it actually feels good when you touch it." He replied, hushed. He shivered with pleasure at the slight touch, the scar tissue sensitive. The brand had long since lost its ache. The young man nuzzled Urius, wanting to be touched by him all over. Ceata adores the touches he receives from all his lovers and especially Urius, whose hands are slightly rough and warm. Always loving in their touches.


Urius blushes lightly from the way Ceata nuzzles him, much like a kitten in need of affection. Thus, the Starc reaches  for the scar again, caressing it lovingly as he nips at the others jaw line. Running kisses along it, he stops at Ceata's ear and gives it a little nip. Despite the ache of just having been ravaged viciously, Ceata's body offers a pleasant response for Urius' attentions. "...I love you, Ceata," he breathes gently, his words coming from the depth of his heart. "I love you desperately."


 Ceata shivered blissfully, snuggling tighter against Urius with a low, pleased sigh. Whatever happened to him, if he had his lovers to whisper such glorious words into his ears, Ceata would be ok. "Gods... I love you too, Urius." He breathed, kissing the Starc’s neck as he shivers, the brand mark tender and warming up to those roughened fingertips rubbing the sensitive spot. How wonderful those rough fingertips feel against his skin.


Urius watched as Ceata squirmed against him, at once inspired to settle the other atop him for better access to that sensitive spot. Ceata writhes against him and Urius must do all he can as far as will power is concerned not to become too excited. He wants to watch the other for a while rather than be overcome by his own needs and, once more, press his beloved deep into the mattress. "I want to always be with you, Ceata..." Urius whispers softly as he leans up, kissing the others shoulder. "You're the only  thing that keeps me from going mad."


Ceata flushed and shivered, his lips pressing to the shoulder and neck of his beloved mate. He keened quietly, long legs sliding against Urius', his breath shuddering in his chest as the brand was caressed. One wonders how unamused Rowan-Adonis would be to find out they were using the brand as a sort of sex toy. Ceata moaned Urius' name huskily, caressing his chest and up to his cheek, eager for the man’s tender caresses.


Urius felt his body warm at the sensation of Ceata's gorgeous body writhing against his. Kissing his Shadowshifter love was all he could do to keep from losing himself, his war-calloused hands working to offer the pale youth all the pleasure he desired. How desperately Urius wanted to hear more of his name whispered by soft kiss-swollen lips! Ceata afforded him that and much more, soon resulting in erections from both parties. "C-ceata...M-may....may I?" Urius' timid request had an edge of desperation to it, emphasized by the feeling of something hot and throbbing caressing Ceata's tender cheeks. Urius was so shy, blushing horribly when the other looked down at him with such confident sexiness. Urius felt so dirty...but Ceata had a way of making him forget this was a sin.


Ceata snuggled into him adoringly, kissing at those lips he so loved to sup at. How could love be a sin? So obvious was his love for Urius. Sighing breathlessly, Ceata crooned a soft 'you may' in the Starc’s ear, rocking his yielding, warm bottom back against Urius'  rigid shaft, wanting it buried deep within his eager backside once more. "I want you deep inside me, love..." He breathed deviously, eyes gleaming. He knew just how to rile him.


Urius blushed further, almost until the point where he was completely red, and pressed himself inside Ceata without another thought. Burying himself into that slick heat, he groaned against his beloved's shoulder and clung tightly to his smooth white skin. Ceata could feel how excited Urius was from all the rubbing, inwardly pleased that only he could bring this Starc Angel to the edge. Ceata had complete control over Urius and Urius did not mind one bit. "A-ahnn..." Urius gasps, feeling Ceata biting his shoulder affectionately. Pain seems to make everything feel more intense for him, explaining why Urius doesn't seem to mind being tied up from time to time.


Ceata chewed affectionately at his shoulder, moaning as the thick phallus sunk in. His ass tightened about it, milking the cock. A low groan of delight slipped huskily from his parted lips. "Ahh... so big and thick for me." He laughed beneath his breath, nuzzling and kissing at Urius longingly.  How he adored the feel of the angel inside him. Every kiss and touch something he longed for more than he could ever express.



Urius gripped the other's hips and sunk himself deep inside his lover, feeling Ceata shudder against him provocatively. The tightness around his cock almost makes him cum then and there, but the Angel holds himself steady. Ceata makes this self control issue all the harder by rocking back against Urius' cock and, in effect, driving the man mad with his nips, bites, and scratching. Nails dig deeply into Urius' skin and he can't help but shudder despite himself. Though Urius would never admit it, he loves when Ceata lets his more vicious instincts add to the sex...This usually results in a lot of hard thrusting, some blood, and lots of painful hickeys.


Growling softly, Ceata left a large hicky right under Urius' jaw, drawing away with an excited pant. The shadowshifter rolled his hips, filling his ass with the whole of Urius’ turgid shaft. His moans were loud and eager, unwilling to bottle them in now that they were in the privacy of Urius' room. There was no reason for Ceata to keep himself quiet. He could be as noisy as he wanted. His claws dig into Urius' shoulders, breath panting harsh and hot across his neck. "Oh... y-yes!"


"Uhn!" Urius grunts, his breath shallow now as he spreads the other's cheeks and tries to push in deeper. Ceata's already slicked hole easily accommodates him, sucking nicely upon his cock until Urius is certain he's going to lose his mind. The sensation, however, drives him to hit deeper and deeper into Ceata's quivering body. Urius uses his arms to pull the other up and then let him come back down, in effect rubbing the head of his member mercilessly against Ceata's prostate to hear him erupt with a chorus of beautiful moans.


The younger man lets out a series of glorious cries of pleasure, rocking eagerly into Urius' motions. The Starc was so good at this and even when they’d first started, Urius had been a very fast learner. Within days he’d known exactly what Ceata liked. Panting, Ceata kissed at Urius' lips eagerly and with great affection.  Drawing him into a hungry, wet kiss. The slick smack of their flesh coming together echoing in his ears. "O-oh fuck.... you're so good..." He moans, bringing himself down  wantonly upon the Starc’s large member.


"C-ceata...i-i'ts only because...I can't get enough of you..." Urius panted back, thrusting upward as the bed began to creak. Ceata found himself suddenly pressed down onto the sheets, his legs wrapping around his beloved's rippling muscles as Urius drove hard into his lover's body. This is usually how sex between Urius and Ceata ended up - vicious thrusting, panting, and the air heady with the scent of sex and blood. It was a wonder that Urius was an Angel, for he fucked, most certainly, like a Shadowshifter.


Ceata shrieked his satisfaction with the new position, his claws ripping down Urius' back. The smell of arousal and  blood made a heady mix in the air. Lingering over their writhing, grinding forms like an exotic perfume. Moaning desperately, Ceata arches and slams himself down on the cock of his lover, bringing Urius in even deeper. How he loves the way Urius pounds into him, giving him almost no room to move, and his legs wrapped so tight around Urius’ sculpted hips. His feet dig into his buttocks, urging him ever deeper.


"I....I can't take it any more...y-you're too tight..." Urius pants between moans, his body failing to maintain that famous Starc control after so much stimulus. It's getting to the point where Urius can see white points of light in his eyes, knowing that he will not be able to continue for long. In hopes of giving the other pleasure first, Urius reaches down between them and rubs Ceata's cock with his hand, all the while rolling his hips and rubbing himself against Ceata's prostate repeatedly. The resulting moans are glorious - they almost put Locke to shame.


Crying out, Ceata arched into the firm body of his lover, his nails digging into the man’s sturdy shoulders.  Orgasm hits him, hard.  Hot seed spurted between them, coating their trembling bellies.  The fluid slick between their bodies. Ceata moaned, a rapturous smile overtaking him. "Oh... oh gods, yes..." He groaned, kissing Urius hotly, smothering his cries into his warm mouth, arching up tightly into him as the young shadowshifter rode out his orgasm.


Urius is not too far behind him, coming hard as Ceata pushes him over the brink. The two end up collapsing in a sweaty sticky pile on the sheets, Urius flushed and panting from having had so much sex. Really, it's the most he's had in over a week. Still, he can't complain as Ceata always makes it worth his while. "You are insatiable..." Urius says after regaining his breath, his voice husky and warm.


Ceata chortled evilly, kissing the sweaty start lovingly on the forehead. "Mmmn... better believe it." He replied huskily, caressing hands down Urius' bloodied back. The marks would heal, but they would ache for a while. Urius doesn’t heal as fast as Ceata does. His pain lingers. "Mmmn... this will leave bruises." Ceata mused, caressing the hickies all over his lover's body, all of them tenderly placed. Marks of his love and passion.


"It is not as though I am new to those..." he says, speaking the truth. Often, Ceata has stripped Urius bare and found such horrifying wounds that he even contemplated foregoing sex until Urius was healed...this almost never happened, of course, but what Adonis did to Urius obviously left its marks.


Ceata purred and licked one of the bloody rends left on the shoulder of his beloved. "Mmmm... but they were from me, which makes them good." He replied coyly and nuzzled the mark tenderly. A small contented keen left his throat, lips and fingertips caressing every hicky and scratch mark he left littered over Urius’ form. Ceata had quite a few on his person as well and every single one he was proud of, willing to flaunt. Proof of his passions and that of his lovers. Love marks.


"You're even more possessive than Rowan," Urius chuckled as he kissed the other gently and caressed his skin. He looked to Ceata lovingly with those grey-violet eyes, wishing that he could just keep moments like these going forever. Alas, it could not be. "I have to get back to work..."


Ceata smirked, glancing deviously up at the older Starc. Ceata could be extremely possessive sometimes. There were very few he was willing to share. Urius was shared with a very select few. A very special man. Hearing that, he pouted, not wanting Urius to go away so soon. He wanted to be held and touched more. But Urius had things he had to attend to and he could not stay here, no matter how he might want to. Still pouting, he kissed along Urius' neck and then his lips, sighing softly against their plush surface. "Ok than love, I will see you sometime later hopefully? "


Urius smiles and kisses the other passionately, meaning to sear the kiss into his memory so that he will have it for the lonely nights to come. Ceata shivers for the way Urius uses his tongue, having improved a great deal from the shy unwillingness he had before. Ceata was a good teacher. "I will come to see you at the soonest possible moment...You know I will."



Ceata smiled warmly, hugging Urius close just one moment longer. "I will wait for you." He purred into his ear, kissing that face he loved so much with much adoration. Only then did he let Urius get up, spanking his behind playfully. "Go get ready for work, lovely one.” He teased, wrinkling his nose playfully from where he lay, enjoying Urius’ glare at him from over his shoulder. Ceata was such a little brat!


"You really are such a terrible tease, Ceata..." Urius says as he goes to slip on his clothing that has been thrown haphazardly all over the floor. Ceata giggles as he watches Urius bend over to pick up his pants, all that fine pale muscle making the view wonderful. Urius blushes as well, keenly aware of those mismatched eyes watching him. He must force himself not to turn and look, knowing that a naked Ceata on a bed is hard to resist. 


To be kind, the young male slipped languidly off the bed and began to gather his own clothing. Though they had enjoyed themselves thoroughly, Ceata wished they had had more time together. It was rare they got to see each other like this and he couldn’t help wanting more. He sighed and tugged his shirt on over his head, bending then to wiggle his pants up his thighs. He’d worn something simple today, modest. Why wear something extravagant when he looked fine like this? In the end it didn’t matter, it wasn’t the clothes that Urius had been appreciating.


"I will be at the Defense Department for the next few days. If you need to reach me, I suggest you talk with Jinevae. He will pass along your message," Urius said sternly as he smoothed back his hair. It had been considerably mussed in the process of making love, giving him a bit more of a natural look. Smoothing it back only revealed his handsome face further, though also created a sternness about it.


Ceata chuckled and nodded, tugging him down one more loving kiss. "You better not overwork yourself, Urius." He murmured gently, caressing his hair back from his eyes, gaze both worried and affectionate. "You do that too often already, so stop it."


"...It's not as though I have a choice, Ceata. It is my job to take care of all of Rowan's affairs. I have little time for myself," he says truthfully, not mentioning the fact that he's barely had time to sleep recently because of it, he doesn't eat all that well, and could be taking better care as to his health. Of course, if he mentioned that, he'd end up chained to a bed and hand-fed for the rest of his days.


Plus, it was likely Ceata would never get off his dick. Who could resist Urius chained to a bed? Frowning severely, Ceata gave stern nod. "Well, if I find out you’re not taking care of yourself, I will be coming over more often and I'll make sure you eat." He warned, hugging tight to Urius’ broad chest with a grunt of annoyance.


"Um...I...do not think that would be a good idea. You know already the state of things with the Angelic State. You would surely be confused for a Demon and then find yourself in a world of trouble....t-that is, if you found out I was not taking care of my health." Damn it, but Urius was a terribly liar. He busied himself with buttoning up his coat, trying to avoid the other's increasingly intensifying gaze.


Ceata snorted. "I'll have Corpse make me look angel... then there would be no trouble." He grumbled, eying Urius with a look of irritation that spoke volumes. He knew he was going to be in hot water and that Ceata would make sure someone kept him fed, even if they had to force feed him. Even if it wasn’t Ceata doing the force feeding. Ceata was not going to allow his lover to get sick. Urius neglected himself enough as it was.


"But...even so, that does not mean you could just enter the Justice Department - certainly not without the head of House Stark's permission," Urius says as he fixes his belt and then looks back at the other. He winces at the glare, knowing that he can't hide the gauntness and the paleness of his face. If he gets sick, Ceata will be the first to drag him away...Oh, god, and then what Rowan will do to him. "I must be going." Best to run off and think of it later.


Ceata dragged him in for one last deep, passionate kiss. Their teeth clinked lightly together, Ceata’s fingers tangling in his lover’s dark hair. A soft growl slipped out between their meshed lips. "You better listen to me, I have connections." He teased weakly, kissing and nibbling his lover’s lips with a tenderness in his blue and green eyes.


"I will do my best," Urius replied, feeling the threat in the other's tone. He quickly gave the shadowshifter a few more kisses before slipping out the door towards his office. it was the only way to escape really, seeing as Ceata would likely keep him there until he could get the other to say yes definitely. Urius was not able to do that, knowing he would pay for it later. Instead, he went to see if he could finish some paper work...only to find Adorna and Jinasen making out in front of his office. "................"


Hearing someone approach, Adorna peeked open an eye and cursed loudly, tugging Jinasen’s hair to make him stop kissing at her soft, round breasts. She flushed, beaming at Urius. “I thought Ceata would keep you longer." She laughed weakly, trying to look as cute as possible so he wouldn't do anything rash. "Aha.... we'll be going..." She chortled warily and shoved Jinasen back with a small foot. This wouldn’t be the first time he come across the two up to something and it would not be the last. A shadowshifter and a Jin made for a potent mix.


Jinasen blinked and fell back, confused as to why he was being pushed away from that sweet softness of Adorna's beautiful breasts. He was further stunned by being dragged away, protesting with a pout that he couldn't bury his face any more in the soft hollow between them. "What? It's not like he minds...right, Urius? Awww...c'mon!"


Adorna patted his ass and made him zip up his pants. "Come on big boy, he's gotta take care of paperwork." She chided. Thankfully, she had been mindful of any work that had been left there and tenderly stacked it up on the end of the desk out of their way. She had even made sure it was nice and neat. Adorna was a nice young woman, but she had a sex drive that was hard to contain. Even Jinasen had a hard time keeping up with the woman sometimes. "Come on sweetheart, you can nuzzle more elsewhere."


"But....but..." Jinasen whimpered as she dragged him off down the hallway. For some reason, Urius' office was the best place to make out and...erm...do other things in front of. Poor Urius was hesitant to place his papers on the desk when he walked in, looking at the various flat surfaces of the room. It wasn't as though he and Ceata hadn't done the same, but.....well.......the very idea of it kind of made him flinch to think Jinasen's hairy - the thought train ended there when Urius noted a letter set upon his desk. Taking it up, he read the sender line........and blanched.


"Oh, God..."

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