Tome of Naedithas: Biweekly - Autumn Cake

Published Mar 29, 2024, 12:30:48 PM UTC | Last updated Mar 29, 2024, 12:30:48 PM | Total Chapters 11

Story Summary

CHARACTER: Naedithas Ambartanen
GENERAL CONTENT & WARNINGS: Medieval Fantasy, Angst, Adventure, Blood, Violence, Combat, Hurt/Comfort, Romance

Stories about a lonely traveling barbarian, who is seeking for a new fate to call his own. A new family to hold onto, and place of sanctuary and comfort. Hope is difficult to find for a man who singlehandedly destroyed all he once held dear with his own, two, possessed hands ... But maybe not all hope is lost with the coming of a bright light in a brand new future.

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Chapter 5: Biweekly - Autumn Cake

#101 Depict your character experiencing their favorite weather. Alternatively, depict your character experiencing their least favorite weather.


After spending a few nights in an Inn which Tyrvalor was so kind to pay for, Naedithas noticed how lonely it actually felt. The accomodation was too artificial, there was no connection to nature which he could feel and it left him disconnected from life.

When Naedithas carefully addressed his feelings, the guard captain has been so nice to let him stay over at his private home for now, a privilege Naedithas surely didn’t take for granted. For that reason he felt the strong need to make up for his kindness and there wasn’t a better day than today.

The weather was on the uncomfortable side, rain loudly pouring down and leaves being carried away by strong winds. Despite all that, Tyrvalor had to fulfill his duty today while Naedithas has been ordered to stay back due to a sprained ankle he happened to get during one of their last, more dangerous missions. He still felt really annoyed about such a stupid mistake but Tyrvalor’s bright and heartwarming smile managed to coax him into being reasonable for once so the warrior stayed back.

He actually felt very comfortable in these surroundings, they definitely emanated way more personal and warm energy than the Inn room. There were small trinkets placed everywhere, probably gifts and self made things of the guard captain. What could I do to do him a small favor?

When his gaze hit the small kitchen and landed on a small portion of leftover flour, Naedithas got an idea. He wasn’t a good cook, far from that due to him mostly traveling and preparing as well as consuming food just for survival, but he happened to see a few times already how happy Tyrvalor felt about cooking and eating. Maybe he’d be happy about a small cake, it’s the thought that counts, right?

Despite not knowing him for long, the barbarian felt a strong need to woo said man. He’s been kind to him since they first met and it awaked a strong longing within the stoic appearing warrior. With a sigh he placed a hand on his chest and got up from his seat to hobble over to the kitchen. There’s everything needed for a cake and he mashed everything together as far as he could remember.

Getting a small fire going was one of the least issues and due to the cake being small, it didn’t take long to finish baking either. Naedithas turned out pretty dirty in the progress due to having two left hands when it came to more delicate tasks but the batter actually looked edible once he took it out of the oven. A bit wonky maybe but definitely edible. 

Something was missing though to make it a bit more appealing so he scraped a bit of its crust off to form some sort of smiling face. A heart would be too much afterall. 
Way better already!

Tyrvalor’s timing was exceptional as usual when the guard came crashing into the house mere minutes later while Naedithas tried his best to clean the small mess he left behind, 
some spots still being covered in flour and batter.

Ah, it’s great to be back!β€œ Tyrvalor took a deep breath and wrung some water out of his cape before he took it off and placed it on some sort of coat hanger. He was definitely drenched, his hair hanging flat on his head and he looked very tired. Naedithas immediately got worried and began to hobble over to the other.

β€žNae- wait why are you walking around? You should sit down!β€œ As soon as he said that, Tyrvalor walked over to the other and placed both hands on his shoulders to lead him back towards some sort of chair being covered in pillows and blankets to make it as comfortable as possible. While doing so, his eyes crossed the kitchen and immediately his eyes lit up upon seeing the small cake. β€žAw~ Is that for me?β€œ

Naedithas slowly slid down into the pillows and immediately began to blush while giving it a nod. β€ž
The weather is so horrible and I felt bad about not being able to help you… So I thought that something like that would cheer you up. I’m not a good cook though and- ah!β€œ Without a warning he got glomped by the other who gave him a very tight embrace, almost rubbing his wet cheek against Naedithas’ head.

β€žThank you so much, Nae! I’m sure it tastes great, I love cake, it immediately makes me forget about work!β€œ His warm and positive voice hollered through the house and gave the warrior a warm and fuzzy feeling inside. β€žI-I’m gladβ€¦β€œ He scratched his cheek out of embarrassment and doesn’t push the other away for once. Maybe even for the first time since they met. β€žYou’re always so kind to me, soβ€¦β€œ His voice being barely audible towards the end when Tyrvalor hopped over to the kitchen and spotted the ugly smiley on the cake which made him smile even brighter, illuminating every crevice of the house...

This man is shining so bright... Warding off everything evil, even horrible and depressing weather.


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  • Jan 23, 2024, 1:44:57 PM UTC
    AWWWβ€” That's too adorable, why are you doing this to me! 𝘎𝘨𝘨𝘩𝘫𝘡𝘩𝘡𝘭𝘬 ...