Things Never Spoken: Our Paths Part

Published Nov 10, 2010, 9:18:11 AM UTC | Last updated Jan 20, 2011, 9:58:38 AM | Total Chapters 16

Story Summary

Beautiful Rukia. His hope and his curse. His cure and his poison. Dying for her� would not be hard for him, but living without her was certainly an impossible task. Renji/Rukia, Ichigo/Rukia -- Angst, M/F, Hent, Tort, Violence, N/C

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Chapter 14: Our Paths Part

Chapter 14

So what happens now?

Renji sighed and muttered, I dont want to think about it, right now.

The petite girl pulled back from his embrace somewhat put off, What do you mean, you dont want to think about it? Its not something to think about like its so complicated!

Will you just shut up and let me hold you. He growled, getting a grip on her lower back to pull her back to him.

She seemed momentarily at a loss, and allowed him to pull her against his warm chest. Something was wrong. He was obviously trying to avoid thinking too much on the subject maybe he felt guilty or he was regretting. She became worried the more she thought, but inevitably decided to give him what he asked for; if this is what he needed

Byakuya stood in the shinigami boys room, mentally snooping for his sisters lingering reiatsu. She had covered her tracks well enough he couldnt distinguish where she had gone from there, only that she had been there recently. Hastily leaving the offensive room, he decided to pay his hard-headed ex-lieutenant a visit. After the countless warnings shed gotten from him to stay away from the red-head, she was going to get the scolding of her life when he caught up with her this time.

After sleeping off the effects of their fatigue Rukia awoke to Renjis breath wafting against her ear. She turned back to see his eyes open watching her drowsily. How long have you been awake? she asked.

The red-head shrugged and passed off his unwillingness to close his eyes as, Couldnt sleep.

Rukia sat up, rubbing her eye with a little fist, So youve just been lying here this whole time?

You make it sound like a bad thing, he said with a smirk as he sat up on his elbows and planted a kiss on the side of her mouth.

She smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck, lying on top of him as he lay back down. A few minutes passed as the two kissed and cuddled in a momentary carefree bliss. Finally, Rukia laid her head on his chest, still holding him tightly. It had been so long since she had this with someone, Even though shed done it out of selflessness for his sake, she couldnt remember the last time she had felt so content. It only surprised her because it was Renji making her feel like this. She lifted her head and looked him in the eyes, You didnt answer me earlier.

He sighed and turned his head away. I didnt want to ruin the moment, he said somberly.

Rukia rose up, still sitting on top of him, Why? Was this just something you wanted to mark off your bucket list? Her face immediately moved to a disapproving sneer as she clambered off of him. In actuality she wasnt sure what this meant to him if it was just sex or if he wanted to actually pursue her She had had a feeling that it was more than sex though She couldnt rightly get mad if it wasnt though.

Its not like that! He said sitting up rapidly, You know it isnt like that.

Well what exactly is it like, Renji? Enlighten me, she barked at him with arms crossed over her chest.

Renji frowned letting a long pause permeate the air before he spoke, I appreciate it. I really do.

Rukia seemed to fume at his words and looked as if she could reach over and decapitate him if he continued on that note.

Renji swallowed as he continued to tread carefully, Fuck, Ive been waiting for this for a lifetime Its just complicated, you know And as much as I want this to be more, I knew when we got up from this futon, that you were goin back to soul society to be a noble and I was gonna disappear from your life.

The little shinigami seemed taken aback at his words, T-thats rubbish! I know youre always going to be here. If you really wanted you could still--

No, he said sharply, cutting her protest short. He touched her cheek with all the love and tenderness she never knew he had for her, I had to let you go once before and now a cruel fate is makin me do it again.

Renji, Rukia whispered with a crinkled brow and eyes that were beginning to brim with tears.

He smiled, a crooked, sad smile, When you say my name like that, it makes my hollow antsy Maybe you should go, he said softly as he took his hand away from her tender face. The hollow wasnt actually bothering him at all right now, as it was happily content after the bout of exceedingly hot sex with the woman hed craved so long but he felt a lump in his throat and he didnt want to start bawling like a titti baby in front of Rukia.

You cant just disappear. She murmured, her voice sounding squeaky and quiet, I have to take care of you still. You still have all this crap to sort out and you cant do it alone!

Renji stood up and sighed, Im a wanted man, Rukia. Nothin you say or do will change that, he said with somber eyes, This is where our paths part... for good...

The sun was growing lower in the sky when a foreboding reiatsu made itself known. Renji sat alone on the porch, lost in a gloomy daze. He didnt react as Byakuya appeared at his side, captains haori flapping lightly in the breeze. Where is she? he demanded without so much as a greeting.

She left, Renji replied softly with distant eyes.

The captain observed the down-trodden man momentarily, eyeing him with a degree of curiosity in his eyes, You dont seem to remember that you are still a fugitive, and I am an officer of the law. I thought youd be more vigilant than thisMakes me wonder what exactly Ive spared in my mercy.

The ex-lieutenant stood, standing well above his old captains head, even with his slouch, Sorry. Ive got some stuff on my mind He muttered as he turned and started to walk away.

Youd best make yourself scarce, Abarai. Byakuya all but snarled to the mans back, If I find shes visited you again, I assure you there wont be another pardon from my blade.

Renji paused but didnt turn around. You dont need to worry bout that, Taichou. I promise you wont hear from me anymore.

Rukia was sitting with her hands on her knees huddled in Ichigos closet. Somehow Renji had opened her floodgates and now she was a jumbled mess of emotion. She rested her mouth on her knees as she rocked idly in the dark, secluded closet.

Shed always thought she knew Renji so well. How could she never have seen this in him before? How could he have hidden it for so long? At the most she was expecting him to be a horny pervert who ogled her from behind when she wasnt looking. That, she could deal with that was something she could put under Renjis label and not feel awkward about. You dont grow up in the slums with someone for 20-some odd years and not know what turns them on. She knew hed found her attractive even when they were teenagers but it had never been anything more than that. He thought she was pretty. That was okay. She even teased him about it on occasion... Looking back on it from todays vantage it seemed cruel.

She never thought shed feel like this afterwards if was strange and painful. Wanting to be with him suddenly, but knowing hed pushed her away that hurt the most. Shed always loved him, in her own way, but the way her heart swelled today was unparalleled. It had made her happy, the way hed all but worshiped her as theyd made love. The tender way hed held and kissed her, so unnatural for him The way he was so careful with her, as if she were made of glass. Normally she might have found that insulting, but for him, it made her feel butterflies.

She wanted to go back to him. She wanted to tell him to quit trying to be a hero and just take what he really wants. Right now the hollow didnt matter to her. His status as a fugitive didnt matter. She just wanted him to be here with her. She was afraid. Renji had always been there. Any time shed need him, hed been there. Shed never needed him as badly as she did now and now he was abandoning her

Jerk. You were the one who was screwed up all this time she whimpered angrily to the darkness as tears finally began to spill from her violet pools, You cant screw me up like this and leave! Renji


She cracked open her eyes, immediately struck with the vice-like pounding of a crushing headache.

What are you doing sleeping in the middle of the day? Its barely four and youre out like a light. Ichigos dry voice brought her to full awareness and she rapidly wiped the crusty tears from her eyes in hopes Ichigo wouldnt notice.

Are you crying? he asked attempting to get a better look at her obviously puffy face, but she kept turning away.

Im not! she yelled, but her voice cracked terribly, and completely contradicted her denial.

The teen sighed, Tell me. he said nonchalantly.

No! Leave me alone! Its nothing that concerns you, okay?! She growled back attempting to close the closet door in his face, but he stopped it.

Idiot, you know Im not gonna. Come on, he said trying to coax her out, Tell me. I promise Im a good listener. I do this with Yuzu all the time.

Rukias temper abruptly died down and she pursed her lips. I think... I made a mistake she whispered in a low voice.

Ichigo sighed as he tossed the front door open and drug himself inside. Yuzu greeted him with a delicious smelling plate of food, but he wasnt even hungry. He just wanted to sleep. It was probably around seven in the morning on a weekend and hed been dragged out in the middle of the night to romp with some unruly hollows. Rukia had been home in Soul Society for a few weeks, but he expected shed probably be back today or tomorrow. Things had more or less returned to normal since Renji had disappeared. Hed been training frequently and Rukia came to visit him periodically; Inoue and Chad too. Rukia had spilled her guts to him the day Renji had left. It was more than hed expected from her, since she was usually so stoic about her feelings. The sex bit had thrown him and given him mixed feelings, but as much as he wanted to go sock Renji a good one, he understood why hed chosen his path. That first week Rukia had been a blubbering mess and had frantically searched for Renji day and night to no avail. In fact they hadnt seen hide nor hair of the felon since then. Good riddance as far as the Gotei thirteen were concerned, but worrying for his abandoned friends.

It would be coming up on seven months now. Rukia didnt talk about him anymore, and Ichigo didnt bring up the subject, although he knew when the red-head was on her mind. It boggled him how a one night stand could change her so much, but then again who was he to know. Virgin boy. He scoffed and climbed into bed.

Ichigo, what do you think youre doing? Rukia puffed. How like her to show up without so much as a hello. She held up her phone so he could see, Look at this. Theres work to be done

Of which its your shift. Gnight he said as he pulled the covers over his head and turned away from her.

Rukia snorted. My shift psh. Lazy ass. Fine Ill deal with them this time. But dont expect any favors from me in the future. She acted bitter, but actually she was a bit excited. After Renji had demolished her sword, shed been out of commission up until just recently. It had taken Sode no Shirayuki a very long time to heal after such devastation, and Rukia was anxious to get her out and use her again.

Orihime was carrying an over-stuffed bag of groceries, eager to get home and cook up something new and tasty. She wasnt paying much mind to anything as she was brainstorming for tonights supper, but she did notice a little spirit girl standing in front of an alleyway, seemingly distraught. She paused and knelt beside her, Whats wrong? she asked sincerely, Do you need help with something?

The child glanced at her momentarily before returning her fixated stare down the alley, Why is he here? I want him to leave. Hes scary.

The kind-hearted girl stood and looked down the alley. She gasped aloud and dropped the bag in her arms. A-Abarai-san.

Rukia was pleased as she stood over the fallen hollows body as it slowly began to disintegrate. She re-sheathed it and wiped her face on her sleeve, but as she began to trek back to Ichigos her phone bleeped and startled her a bit. She flipped it open but saw no hollow indications. She pursed her lips and shoved it back in her pocket. Stupid thing.

Renji was jolted to awareness when he heard the clatter of Inoues bag hitting the concrete. His eyes went wide when he laid eyes on the girls familiar face, O-Orihime He was at a loss for words as he struggled through the options of what he should do, opting first to stand up from the nest of tattered blankets hed called a bed.

Oh-- Abarai-san Im so happy to see you! she cried as she approached him joyfully, Everyone has been worried sick! Oh Rukia-chan is going to be so happy too! Shes been so sad since you disappeared. she rambled.

Orihime, He said sternly, causing her to pause, Im not going back.

But she began, allowing a disheartened look to overtake her features.

Renji frowned and turned his dirt-smudged face away, Sorry to disappoint. Its better for everyone if I just stay gone.

But what are you doing out here? Youre covered in dirt and sleeping in an alley --And look at your clothes! she said gesturing at his tattered shinigami uniform. Please dont stay out here like this. Id feel awful leaving you out in this condition. Please, everyone misses you terribly.

Renjis frown deepened and he was quiet.

Rukia especially She doesnt bring it up anymore, but I know she still misses you the most After you left she told me everything that happened. she tilted her head away, appearing sympathetic. Youve been through such terrible things. It makes me sad, because youre a good person, Abarai-san.

The red-head sighed, It doesnt matter. he muttered. I have to deal with things on my own.

I know youre doing this to protect us, and theres probably nothing I can say that would change your mind, she grabbed his hand affectionately, but would it be too much to ask to come to my house for the night and have a nice meal and a hot bath?

He turned his eyes toward the street, where the spirit girl was still standing and watching them, Dont turn down a lady if shes offering you to stay the night! The girl yelled at him, possibly having ulterior motives to make him leave.

He flushed brightly, Idiot! Its not like that! I thought I told you to get outta here! What are you eaves dropping on us for?!

She bolted down the street as Renji gave her ears a reaming.

Orihime giggled at him and he noticed her still holding his hand, and quickly disengaged. I guess its okay, for just a night. He sagged in defeat and the girl rejoiced loudly and ushered him away with her.

As the pair walked, Orihime rambled on about various topics, Renji half listened and half daydreamed. His mind wasnt as jumbled as it had been a few months ago, but he still found it hard to focus sometimes, though he found the girls presence to be immensely comforting. Hed been lonely in his life, here and there, but since hed left, the loneliness was more horrible than ever. Just having the girls bubbly voice ringing in his ears made him feel at ease for the first time in what felt like ages.

However that feeling was short-lived as a haunting familiar presence pierced through him like a blade and he was suddenly rigid. He grabbed the girl at his side and leapt aside, where the ground was abruptly shattered like a sheet of glass.

Orihime yelped as she found herself smashed against him and flying through the air. Her eyes grew wide as she looked over his shoulder at the devastation in their wake. W-What?!

Renji set her down on a rooftop and spun to confront the adversary. It wants me. Stay here and put up your shield. he said briefly as he leapt back down.

Abarai-kun, be careful! she cried as she did as he said.

Renji stood with his hand on the hilt of his blade as a white, boney mask formed over his face. Dont you shit eaters ever give up? he growled, glaring up at what appeared to be nothing. Then it moved, and a flickering light-spotted mist seemed to warp the air. A horrific war-cry pierced the wind as the apparition charged him. He seemed undaunted as he leapt forward, drawing Zabimaru and swinging its shikai with amazing speed. The enemy screeched and Orihime could see what appeared to be blood suddenly spill from the air following Renjis blade.

He drew the blade back and prepared for one more finishing blow, but a sudden crunch was heard and Orihime gasped as she saw a spike impaled in the ex-shinigami back, sticking out just below his ribs. He growled and spun, breaking the appendage off inside himself as his blade careened down like a falling meteor and the girl could see a second creature cleaved in two. He seemed to ignore his wound as he threw Zabimaru out again and it appeared to wrap around the first creature several times before he yanked it hard and a bloom of crimson flooded the street before it evaporated away in a black ash. The atmosphere became clear again as Renjis mask broke away and he turned toward her with blood leaking generously from the protruding thorn.

She was frantically searching for a way down, when he appeared at her side, Oh! Abarai-kun! How horrible. Let me--

Not here. he said, sounding none the worse for wear. Lets go to your place first. They always catch me when Im on the move.

Orihimes eyes couldnt tear themselves from the bleeding wound in his stomach, But its blee-

Its fine. Lets just hurry, he assured as he grabbed her and leapt from the roof.

What what were those things? They felt like hollows, but different. she asked softly, feeling slightly guilty for him carrying her in his state.

Dunno, but theyve been keeping me company for the past five months or so. They want me alive, whatever they are

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