Legend of Zelda:Stones of Destiny (Past): The Guardian's Home


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Chapter 37: The Guardian's Home

Link blacked out because he couldn't breath. He heard growls and gnarls from all around him, but it was like his eyes had some sort of weight on them that made his eyes stay shut. When he could lift the eyelids his eyes darted right to the starlit sky. The stars were blue and orange with some red. When he survayed the landscape he found out that the ground was made of dried earth and that the ground hovered in air. He became very scared and started to run around in circles frantic about what he should do. That was when he noticed someone behind him. It was a shadowy figure that seemed to glide towards Link. Link backed away each time he noticed the creature had moved. Alas the creature was moving at a faster pace than Link because he caught up to him. It was the fiend Ganondolf.

"What are YOU doing HERE?" Ganon asked the warrior who faltered his plans so many times before.

"I don't know. I was just in the Temple of Time and 'poof!' I was here. How did you escape from the Sacred Realm?" Link answered the beast.

"HaHaHa! You don't know what this place is do you boy. This is the Sacred Realm. It is also known by another name, The Etheral Void. It is where you sealed me in our last encounter. This place is where people go in their dreams. This is the very place where the Guardian came from. He made a deal with me to help him break throught the barrier that the Ancients had placed upon him. He ripped through it just enough so that I could break the seal upon him. Now look at me, I have freed him but at what expense. Now I have to live here for the rest of enternity. All because of you boy!" Ganondolf exclaimed at Link. "Look all around you boy! Do you see any portals? I think not. That is because you need the Orb of Shadows and the Orb of Light. They will open the rift in time to allow you to travel back to the place where you were captured. You are probably wondering why I am telling you this. It is because you are the only one who can be me vengence of that daemon. He left me here."

"You mean you were left here by the Guardian and you were helping him escape. Why did you do that?" Link finally got the courage to ask Ganondolf.

"Yes, I was left here by the Guardian. I was trying to help him escape because he promised me the land of Hyrule if he conquered the world. That all happened exactly 8 years ago in the present. I know all about you being in the past and the Guardian Stones because I broke them on purpose. Link I know you probably won't trust me, but I can help you defeat the Guardian. In the present, when I became the ruler of Hyrule, I built a temple in my honor, The Temple of Souls. It was there where I placed my treasure. My treasure was the Dark Arrows. They had the ability to destroy any dark creature that was surrounding you. Alas I am the only creature who can use the arrows since they came from the essence of me. If you reach the present and find yourself in the Temple of Souls, then use the Orbs of Shadows and Light to summon one more portal to allow me to help you. Those Dark Arrows are the only thing that will destroy the beast in the Temple of Souls."

"You mean to tell me that the Temple of Shadow is the Temple of Souls that you built?"

"No I built the Temple of Souls in the Well. That is why the Shadow Beast was released. I broke the seal so that I could build my temple."

"Thats the REASON why the beast was released!?!?!?!? Man, I thought you were just staying in your castle. Now, why are you telling me this? Me and you are mortal enemies."

"No no no no. I was only acting upon the deciet of the Guardian. He came in my dreams one night telling me that he could help me rule the world and that the only way was to shatter the barrier between the Sacred Realm and the Light Realm. The Dark Realm was a bridge where he could travel between worlds, but it was shattered by your ancesters. That is why the Guardian instructed me to destroy the Guardian Stones, it was the only other barrier between worlds because the Master Sword was one of the others along with the Medallions that you obtained by the Sages. They were all removed from the Temple of Time so the Guardian was able to enter this world."

"So you mean that all of the items that I obtained from the Sages were barriers between both worlds?"

"Why, yes they were. How did you think I was escaping so easily from the Sacred Realm? The Guardian was able to keep ripping a portal between worlds. The barrier was weakened by you and me. Now we must make amends of what we did in the past and defeat the Guardian."

After a while Link and Ganondolf make a pact to help each other escape. Link would go to the south end of the Sacred Realm to gather the Orb of Light while Ganondolf gathers the Orb of Shadows from the northern end of the Sacred Realm.

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