Legend of Zelda:Stones of Destiny (Past): The Orb of Light


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Chapter 39: The Orb of Light

During the same time as Ganondolf was collecting the Spirit Keys, Link was entering a desert full of dilapidated ruins that he swore he saw at Desert Collossus. Every minute, a sandstorm blew up in Link's face and he couldn't see very far in front of him, so he waited until each one was over and continued on. It felt to Link that the sand was stinging his skin, but he didn't realize how true his thought was until he took shelter in some ruins. His skin was full of scars and scraps from the storm and each time the wind picked up it added to the grueling pain that he had to endure. He took out his spell book and incanted the words for healing. A purple light arose from his book and then it started to float in air. Link didn't feel the effects of the Healing spell because the Healing spell didn't work. The spell book floated up to where the figure was hovering and glided right into its hand.

"Hahaha. Link you are so ever stupid that you think that any magic will work in this void. All magic here is useless because of the stone that I carry with me. It is called the Crystal of Barrier. It is a kind of magic thatr cancels all other magics out except it. You are as stupid as Knil told me!!!!!"
The glowing figure told Link.

"Knil? Who is Knil?" Link wanted to know.

"You don't even know who your brother is? He told me that you had encountered him numerous times before and that every time you outwitted him. He also told me that you are just a stupid little fool who has all the luck in the world. Well, now your luck ends here boy. I, Agahnim, will destroy you so that I can repay my master for giving me this crystal." The evil wizard said in a menasing voice to Link.

"I thought that you were detroyed when the Dark Realm was destroyed? And you mean that this shadowy version of me is my brother?" Link quivered as he spoke.

"I wasn't destroyed, just thrusted into the endless void called the Sacred Realm to live for the rest of eternity. I am the ruler of this Realm and with it my power is endless. I control the magic and the fate of all who occupy it. Why yes he is your brother, he told me to kill you and reclaim what are rightfully is, The Guardian Stones!!! Hahaha. You look so pitiful with that look on your face. It will be a pleasure to kill you now." The evil sorcerer told Link.

He cackled at the horror in Link's face as he thrusted his staff at him summoning fireballs to kill him. Link barely dodged them and took out a potion from his satchel and sucked it down, he felt the forces of life fill him and regained a lot of strength. Both Link with his sword and Agahnim with his staff traded blows until it seemed like no one would life to win. Agahnim was the first to start talking again during the fight.

"You know boy, you are a great opponent to batle. You know how to deflect and attack at the right moments. Alas I shant kill you now because I wouldn't have any fun. Now continue on to my abode. It is the Temple of Light. I have captured it and I am currently using it for a central base in this world. I imprisioned the sage that was living in it within the same crystal substance that I did with the maidens and sent him to the Guardian for safe-keeping. You know you won't ever win so why are you so pursistant? Can't you see that I am the superior here and you are the lowly grunt. You now must enter my shrine and see if you can find your way to me. Then and only then will you get the precious Orb of Light that you are seeking, Hahaha. You will never reach me. I have created this so much like a labrynth that you won't even get to the center where I keep my items. These items are the only items you can use against me if you reach me. So Bewarey traveler or you will end up dead."

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