Legend of Zelda:Stones of Destiny (Past): The Revelation


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Chapter 43: The Revelation

Ganondorf had just solved the puzzle to the Water Chamber when Agahnim, the floating figure, had appeared before him.

"Well met, Dark King. You have bested one of the five guardians. Did you think that I didn't know that you were collecting my precious gem? Ha! I knew all along about your little scheme. I just wanted someone to play with. Now come along my little puppet, follow the strings of your puppeteer. Hehehe!"

"How did you survive our last encounter. I thought you were detroyed in the Dark Realm's Implosion. It should have sent you to oblivion. Now come here fiend let me kill you with my bare hands like I should have done long ago."

"Now now don't get too feisty or else I might not have anyone to play with. Thqat little implosion just shattered the barrier between the Sacred Realm and the Dark Realm. It transmuted itself into the Sacred Realm. All that you are in is the Dark Realm. Like it? Hehe. Now run along and help you friend before I have him playing with me hehehe."

Ganondorf knew that the "friend" Agahnim had refered to was Link. He also knew how his words were twisted because he had larned from the past. He had twisted his words around long ago when Link was trying to save the maidens from Agahnim and Ganondorf. He knew that Agahnim had decieved him so many times.

"...Sir I am terribly sorry fo what I am going to tell you: the Fairy Boy has made it to your Realm. He is trying to gather the maidens and destroy all that you have slaved over to create. Please allow me to destroy him once and for all. I will leave no trace of him." Agahnim told Ganon in his beast form.

"You better make sure of the because if you don't then I will make you pay for it." Ganon told Agahnim. "You are dismissed soldier go and do your duties." Agahnim did as he was told and exited the castle. "Spy I hope you have come back with the information I wanted"

"Yes master I have. You were right to doubt the actions of the Rogue Wizard he has conspired with your enemy and has helped him through the rift to this world. I believe he wants your Triforce fragment. He has tried to take Zelda's, but her power is too much for him. He must want to sacrifice her to help him with his deeds because he is the only one who has the keys to her prison which is in his Golden Castle. You must destroy him maste, before he destroys you." The spy said in eager delight because he had disliked the Wizard ever since he came to the Dark Realm.

"Thank you spy now you are dismissed. Go and keep an eye on the kid." The spy also did what he was told and vanished. "That old fool must think I am an idiot for trusing his actions. I should have killed him when I had the chance, now he has too much power and if I destroy him I could be pulled into the same rift in time as him." Ganon said as he got up from his throne. He walked to his lab where his counsel of mages resided and told them of the problem he was facing. They all agreed on the only solution. Although Ganon had some disaproval with it he was in a dire situation and agreed to have the pesky little kid do the traitor in. He went back to his throne room and called his spy again. " YOu must tell the fairy boy that i have a proposal for him. In return for the deed that I ask of him I would seal myself back into the Sacred Realm until I can come up with a better plan of conquering Hyrule. I do not like getting it all for free as my enjoyment isn't satisfactory. Tell him that he must kill the fiend that had brought him here. Also tell him that if he refuses I will kill him myself. Now go and tell that little boy." Ganon told the spy with some reluctance. The spy tried to open his mouth to ask why when Ganon looked at him with a glare that would surely send shivers down a dead man's soul. The spy disappeared and Ganon went back to his mages. He told them to create a crystal that would allow him to see the confrontation between Link and the Spy. The crafted a crystal that did that and also allowed him to see the traitorous acts that Agahnim had done to him.

"Fairy boy o fairy boy I have a proposal from the Dark King himself." the spy was yelling in search for the boy.

"What is it that Ganon has proposed to me spy." Link said as he was climbing down from a tree ready to attack the spy at any moment.

"He needs you to kill a traitor that has made a mockery out of both you and my master." the spy said in a large gulp as he was scared of Link. "He has made it so that your destiny here has been fixed. My master has also told me that if you do indeed take this on he will seal himself in the Sacred Realm until he has come up with a better plan of attack as he doesn't like the way it has gone now." The spy continued as Link had a sword to his throut.

?Why is Ganon coming to me, he could have asked any one of his many minions to do this." Link staarted to question the actions of the spy.

"It does my master great pain to ask this of you but you are the only one who has the Master Sword. The traitor has become to powerful to be destroyed by any other means. So you have to give the deathblow to the traitor." The spy said very quickly.

"Ok. But first I must know the full details of the traior and where I can find him."

"The Wizard, Agahnim. He has helped you enter this realm and is trying to destroy my master and you to gain the Ultimate Power. He lives in the Golden Castle that you ended up on when you entered this Realm. To get to his chamber you must.." The spy gave the information needed to gain access to the chamber that Agahnim resided in."... Now go on and complete the task. You have all the information you need ok." With that the Spy disappeared and went to the throne room of Ganon's Castle.

""You have done well noble spy. You have given me the upper hand in this battle."

Ganondorf shook his head back and forth coming back to reality. He started to wonder why he thought of that moment and why did he go back to feeling like it was the present.

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