Legend of Zelda:Stones of Destiny (Past): Monsters and Stairs


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Chapter 5: Monsters and Stairs

The sage congratulated Link on gaining the true wisdom that he lacked when he entered the portal. For Link's reward the sage told Link that there was a boss who guarded a piece of the stones which was given to him by the Guardian because he wanted to stop anyone from getting the stones and performing the ritual to fix them. The boss had one weakness it's tail. To utilize the weakness you need to stun it for a short while to get to it's tail. To help you along the way I will give you some magic knowledge. Here take this book. It contains a couple of first level spells and tricks. Use it wisely. He disappeared the same way he did before, but this time he left a book. Link picked up the book and jumped down from the ledge. Link went to the other side of the room and looked for a locked door. All he saw was a window and some indents leading up. Link climbed up the indents to the very top and looked around. He saw some more indents but they were in the ceiling. Link grabbed each one careful not to fall. At the end of the series of indents was a door in the ceiling. Link opened the door and propped himself through the door and into the next room. In this room he noted a lot of doors and stairs. Most of them were inversed. Link tried a couple but kept coming back to the same spot. When he stopped to catch his breath he noticed a sign. It read: TO FIND THE RIGHT WAY YOU NEED TO ENTER ONE DOOR AND EXIT TWO. CLIMB TWO STAIRS AND DESCEND ONE. After Link read the sign he was totally confused. He wondered how you enter one door and exit two. Then he remembered when you enter a room you can exit in any direction. So Link entered one room and exited two. Then he ascended two sets of stairs and descended one. That is where Link found the door that needed to be unlocked. When Link unlocked and entered the room he heard a slam. The door behind him slammed shut and became locked again. When Link turned around he saw a most heinous of creatures. It spoke to Link, "Link I know you want my fragment of the stones, but you won't get it. My name is Chaosky and I will be the one who will destroy you." The monster looked like a scorpion crossed with a snake. It had one eye and looked like it would poison you. It was then that Link remembers what the old sage told him. Link readied his slingshot with a piece of stone. He shot it, but it had no effect on the monster. Then Link almost gave up when he saw a piece of magma on the ground. He readied his slingshot again and shot the rock. This time there was a flash and a scream. The monster grabbed his eye and flailing about. Then Link unsheathed his sword and started slashing the monsters vulnerable tail. After many blows the monster finally fell and evaporated into the ground.

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