DoA - Drawlloween 2020: Possessed Objects

Chapter 22: Possessed Objects

Malachite and Spessartine were travelling together, slowly travelling down into the bowels of the ship. There were barnacles growing all over it, kelp twisted through the rope, the wood partially rotten, barely attached together anymore. Metal bolts, hinges and other parts of the ship had rusted shut hard, causing a copper hue to show all over the joints. Spess rumbled curiously as she moved through the ship, looking over the wood, especially as there were openings into the outside world.


She could see the fish swimming through the waters, see the dolphins playing together peacefully with one another, see other sea creatures interacting lovingly with one another – a truly calming, wonderful sight.


She turned her attention back to the inside of the ship, various human objects in the area she was in. She didn’t know what it was called, neither pretended to know, just that it was a large, open area that seemed to almost be a storage area. There were boxes, barrels, other things floating around in the waters, bottles containing liquids which were held inside by cork, and other various things. Malachite inclined his head as Spess looked up to him, noticing that he was trying to point something out to her. Smiling, she moved over to him, the dragon seemingly a little pale green.


“What’s up Malachite? Find anything interesting?” She asked, smiling widely as she gave him a gentle hip-bump, “Something that might actually be worth having?” She asked, giving him a wink.


Although, Malachite was refusing to move, staring off at something which was just out of her line of sight. She frowned, moving to the other side of him and following his gaze… Before she saw what had startled him so much.


There was something… Floating there which just shouldn’t be floating. Not at all. Absolutely not, especially due to the weight that it seemed to carry. Her eyes widened as well upon seeing the large steel barrel floating in the water, several feet from the ground. Slowly, against Malachite’s will and warning rumbles, Spessy moved forward, curiously raising her flippers to gently touch the steel. It was cold, very cold, but something that truly felt very heavy, something which wasn’t ever possible to BE floating!


Her eyes widened a little, shaking her to the core as she moved away from it, gently nudging Malachite with her tail, the pair quickly beginning to make their way out of that spooky ship.


Inside, the presence seemed happy, knowing that two intruders were, once more, gone.

Word count - 420
Featuring Spessartine
And Poor Malachite :'(

SP counter! 

Event - 6

Personal - 2

WC - 8

Total - 16


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