DoA - Drawlloween 2020: Tomb Bop

Chapter 23: Tomb Bop

very odd, very, very odd. He’d simply been swimming around and enjoying the scenery before he came across something quite interesting and a little bit weird. There was a large clearing before him, huge in fact, walls of stone creating a small circle shape, kelp growing from the sandy floors with small corals attached to the stone walls. The sand was quite odd though, almost black with smoke rising from the ground.


But what truly made it even worse was the fact that, right in the middle of it all, there was a single carved tombstone. He didn’t know WHAT to think of it. It was perfectly carved, obviously someone had lived there before, something was precious and now had this placed there for its remembrance. But at the same time, he did not feel as if he should get any closer to it. A simple gut feeling, if he were honest with himself and nothing more than that. Although, it was truly weird that there was something so pristine and nice set up in the middle of a literal nowhere.


This tomb was in the middle of an empty, flat ground which was occasionally invaded with small spires of stone sticking up from the sands. It was a literal oasis of beauty in a realm of nothing and darkness. He rumbled softly, looking back down to the black sand, watching it shifting, steaming with the steam carrying forth large series of bubbles. But he also couldn’t read the stone from where he was.


Carefully, Malachite made his was over to the tombstone, the head from the steam and bubbles gently prickling his scales as he came closer and closer to it. But there was nothing that was obviously wrong with it, even though his gut feelings were practically screaming at him to leave it alone. Unfortunately for him, his curiosity would get the better of him this time.


Approaching the top of the tomb stone, he slowly swam towards it, his eyes glazing over the top of it. Although he was unable to read what it said, more of a case of seeing if he could, but it was written in a cryptic way. Rumbling, he moved his flipper to gently touch the tomb in a ‘bopping’ fashion.


That seemed to be a mistake as, as soon as he’d touched it, those symbols light up, brightly, making him yelp in surprise and quickly make his way away from it, not wanting to mess around with whatever could cause that to glow!

Word count - 437
Featuring Malachite~

SP counter! 

Event - 6

Personal - 2

WC - 8

Total - 16


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