untitled: Eos' Love

Chapter 11: Eos' Love


Meanwhile, Falcon was stalking back to his room with Eos rushing after him, a frightened expression on his sweet face. The air around Falcon was dismally cold, almost causing frost to form on the stony walls that they passed. It was obvious that Rughal's insensitive remarks had made him very angry, almost as angry as when Eos mentioned Echo's advances.


"F-Falcon... he's just mad that his i-informant is dead... He talks before he thinks." Eos muttered, trying to calm the yung man down. His slim hand wrapped about the angel's wrist, begging him with his eyes to just stop, to not walk away from him. "Please, don't be mad!"


Falcon stopped so abruptly that Eos banged into his back, pressing up against the firmness and being able to feel how cold Falcon was. The air around him was frigid and Eos found himself shivering when the other turned to look down at him. His eyes were filled with anger. "I am mad...because it is likely true," he replied with a cold glare. He looked away, Eos now recognizing frustration on his face. "My uncle is not the great man everyone thinks he is...it infuriates me, however, to hear that from Rughal. He has no right to judge what he doesn't understand..."


"I'm sorry, Falcon... b-but there is no reason to be so angry...." He tried to sooth.  The young shadowshifter hated seeing Falcon angry. To know that what his father had said hurt the young Starc. Eos wasnā€™t used to this sort of thing. He had never had an actual relationship, a few small crushes here and there, but nothing like this. He didnā€™t know how to comfort Falcon and all he could do was stand and hold onto his wrist, shivering. Eos felt so pathetic.


Falcon seemed to come to realize this and gently slipped his hand upward to grasp at the others fingers. The touch was warm, despite the cold air around them. By the time Falcon had taken Eos' hand, he had regained his control. Turning back, he wrapped an arm around the other and pressed the trembling Shadowshifter to his heart. "I'm sorry...I must have frightened you back there. I apologize."


Eos hugged him tightly, fingers clenching at his back with enough force to make the material bunch up in a scrunched mess. He shook, chewing his bottom lip with worry. Something bad was happening, he could feel it. Fear a cold, heavy knot in his belly.  "I want to sleep with you again..."


Falcon's soft smile appeared on his lips, loving how endearingly sweet Eos was. He wrapped his other arm around Eos and hugged him gently, his hand caressing the small of the others back. "Of course, Eos. I couldn't deny you."


Eos nuzzled him, still shivering from both fear and cold. Falcon was warm, much warmer now that he wasnā€™t angry anymore. He wanted more though, wanted to feel Falcon holding him down and fucking him into the mattress, or to caress his body and making slow, agonizing love to him. How he wished for that. Something to take his mind completely from what had happened tonight, the fear that he had felt.


"You're shivering..." Falcon suddenly realizes when he rests his forehead against Eos'. Those lips are so close, close enough to steal and kiss in all their beautiful trembling. Falcon finds himself staring at Eos' lips even as he slips away from him and begins unbuttoning his shirt. Eos blinks with surprise when his long-time crush begins to undress, slipping off his pajama shirt and showing off all that tight muscle. Soon Eos finds that shirt draped around his slender shoulders, smelling uniquely of Falcon. The other innocently takes his hand then, beginning to walk back towards his room with his sweet little love in tow. They make such an adorable scene together - Eos all wrapped up in an oversized shirt, grasping to Falcon's hand like a child, Falcon tall and stern before him, but with gentle eyes that glance back now and then to make sure Eos is in-step with him. They're so in love, it's enough to give you cavities.  



Flushed and happy to have Falcon's shirt draped over his shoulders, the petite hybrid allowed himself to be led along. His nostrils are filled with the Starcā€™s scent, a clean smell with a hint of leather and steel. Lavender eyes ate up the sight of the taller man's muscular back. He could not ignore the want that coiled in his belly. How cruel that he could not just throw himself at the other man. Eos didnā€™t want to scare Falcon away. Love was such a tricky thing, he didnā€™t know where to start.


"Here we are," Falcon says as he opens the door to his rooms. Eos happily walks in and jumps upon the bed, finding it all nice and mussed from where Falcon was sleeping before. Mmm...Even the sheets smell like him, surrounding Eos in the scent of Falcon. His innocent display is enough to make Falcon blush, wanting to slip onto that bed and wrap Eos in his arms - all things in due time. As it was, Falcon had to force himself not to go too fast. It would be very untoward if he were to just have sex with Eos  without formally asking for his hand. Such a proper Starc Falcon is.


 "Do you want a glass of water before we go to bed?" Falcon asks, already pouring himself some.


Eos shook his head. No, I'd like to drink something else.... he thought to himself, glancing down at the others crotch before closing his eyes and rolling in the sheets a little more, his night shirt sliding down and exposing a hint of his pale lavender panties. Eos was not one for wearing undies, but when he did, he liked the pretty ones.


Falcon blushed at the sight before looking away and back to his glass of water. He drank in order to cool himself as this uncontrollable heat ran from his head to his toes and then centered at his groin. Eos was a horrible little tease when he felt like it, but the youth was otherwise unaware of the fact that he was generally a tease ALL the time. Falcon found himself aching to pour the entire basin of water on his person as he finished his glass. He then walked over to the bed, chuckling. "Are you going to steal all the covers for yourself?" he asks, seeing Eos all balled up in the sheets.


"Yes. You had better ask me nicely if you want any." He replied coyly, voice muffled as he peeked out at Falcon over the corner of the blankets and sheets. He looked like a caterpillar wrapped up in his cocoon when he was all rolled up like that. A little wiggle made him look even more like one. Eos was far too cute for his own good most of the time and he did not even seem to care.


"Very well..." Falcon says as he sits on the bed, Eos blinking until he suddenly has Falcon leaning over him, their faces so close together. Falcon runs a hand against the others cheek, very aware of the fact that the bunched up blankets do not allow him to wriggle closer in the least - torment for torment, as they say. "...May I...PLEASE...have my blankets back?" his voice is breathy and warm, Eos able to feel the other straddling his curled up person....yet he can't wriggle out of the trap he's made to jump Falcon!  Oh no!


He flushed, a tiny squeak popping out of him. Straddled, oh god get out of the way you stupid blankets! He nodded, squirming a little beneath him. "You'll have to make me give them to you!" He replied coyly, flushed at the sudden idea that came to him. Make the angel work for it. It would be both fun and perhaps even  somewhat erotic if Falcon decided to fall for his ploy.


Falcon smirked as he looked down at the other and then back up to his eyes, that depth of ice-blue seeming all of a sudden very confident. It was a good change from the angry Falcon from before, yet this was a look that had Eos a bit concerned...He'd never seen Falcon with a naughty expression before. "Perhaps it would be better if I simply stayed like this all night. You seem so cozy, after all...I would hate to disturb you." As Falcon spoke, his hands moved lower as if caressing against the others body - unfortunately for Eos, the blankets were too numerously layered for him to feel anything!


Eos squirmed. Oh good gods this was just too cruel! He whined, glowering up at the Starc teasing him. Falcon could see he liked it though; Eos was goading him on with that cute wiggling. His long blond hair fell into his face, wide lavender eyes lusty and wanton. Why was Falcon not ripping the blankets off and straddling him without them in the way!? Damnit! Thankfully enough this was a good distraction, whatever happened earlier forgotten in lo of this exciting new game.


"You seem to underestimate a Starc's level of control," Falcon says thoughtfully as he sits directly on the other, being mindful not to make Eos uncomfortable. He then leans down and pets Eos' cheek, looking deeply into those wide lavender eyes. They were so lovely, it was hard not to give in! "Of course, if you would promise to be good, I could take off these sheets right now and curl up beside you for a good night's rest...but that darling expression of yours speaks of mischief. What ever should I do?"


Eos was flushing darkly. Falcon... you ass. He had not expected the Starc to be so good at teasing him back. Now more than ever he wished he had some rope, something to tie the man down and give him a chance to tease him just as ruthlessly back. But alas, he is trapped under his layers of sheets and blankets, with no way to escape.  There is but one way to end it. Surrender. "I'll be good." He squeaked.


Falcon rewarded Eos with a chaste kiss against his cheek before slipping off him and beginning to unravel the mess Eos had gotten himself into. The poor Shadowshifter was pouting, surprised that anyone could see through his diabolically adorable schemes! After all, Eos had even managed to trick Varun several times with his cuteness, and that was no small feat. Why was Falcon then unable to succumb to his adorability?! Sometimes the Gods were just too unfair...

Pouting, Eos flung himself upon Falcon the moment that he was unbound from his cocoon of sheets. "Got you!" He cried and nuzzled into Falcon happily, cooing softly at the warmth of his muscular body. His tiny ass wriggling up in the air for all to see. Utterly thrilled with his victory, small that it was.


Falcon blinked his lovely blue eyes as he lay there, the adorable Eos atop him with his soft buttocks waving proudly. It caused the other to chuckle and then laugh, smiling up at Eos then. "I should have known...I guess even adorable has its devious side." Falcon then gently places his hand behind the other's head, pulling him down against him for a hug. Eos blinks, surprised that Falcon hasn't pulled off his underwear and rammed it up there by now. Most others would..."Even so, I cherish it as much as the rest of you." His whisper brushes against the other's ear, making Eos' heart beat quickly. "You must know, Eos...I care for you deeply."


Eos nearly fainted hearing those words, his head feeling light and heart beating rapidly. "O-oh?" He breathed, hoping to hear more, perhaps something a little less innocent from the Starc. Oh goodness, his mind was going wild with ideas. He couldnā€™t help a silent whine, unhappy that he could not simply tug the Starcā€™s pants off and demonstrate what it was he wanted.


"That's why I would never cheapen my feelings towards you by doing something indecent." Eos' heart almost sinks as he hears this, though can't help but like the fact that Falcon cares so much. "I refuse to be like Echo...I will not compromise your chastity." Gods, if only he WOULD! Then again, it was among the highest compliment in heaven to say such a thing. It showed the purity of Falcon's intentions - to love Eos, not to simply lust for him. Of course....a horny shadowshifter might not like that, no matter how lovely the compliment.


"Awwwww!" Eos pouted out his bottom lip and made it quiver, "B-but what if I wanted you to compromise it?" He murmured, leaning forward to nibble gently on the Starcā€™s chin. He wanted to tell the other just how very badly he wanted him, how happy it made him to have Falcon paying attention to him and touching him. Eos adored Falcon. He had loved him from afar for so long, content with simple words and looks. But having him like this now was almost too much.


Falcon blinked, honestly dense as to the fact that Eos wanted to be hammered like a nail until he couldn't walk. After all, Falcon had seen several times when Eos turned away other men - men much more amorous in their advances than Falcon. It had given the other a certain mindset and, like Urius, it was hard to break him of it. "Why would you want me to compromise your sacred virginity, Eos? You are saving that for the one you want to mate with...I would never do you such an injustice," Falcon replies as he pets the other's hair. His big pajama shirt slips off the other's shoulder seductively and Falcon returns it to its rightful place, caressing the other's sides. His smile is warm and caring. Basking in that glow, Eos knows he is truly cared for and held in the highest regard.


But it frustrated the small male. He frowned and touched the others cheeks with a sigh. "Are you really so dense, Falcon?" He asked with a grumble. "It's You! You're the one itā€™s been saved for, you dumbass!" Eos let out his frustrations as he admitted it, his cheeks flushed darkly. "I had a crush on you since that wreck of a rescue when Ceata was little. Now... it's a lot more complex." There, heā€™d finally said it. He had admitted to Falcon how he felt about him, what he wanted so badly.


Falcon looked up at the other with wide blue eyes, their depth sparkling with an unnamed emotion. The sweetest blush began to form against his cheeks and soon spread to most of his face. "You....you want to mate with me?" The concept of mating was not unknown to Falcon, for he had read up as much as he could about the Shadowshifter race. It was his understanding that it was the equivalent of marriage in his own world, causing his heart to beat rather rapidly. God...he knew that Eos was affectionate towards him, but this was hardly what he had been expecting. It was a feeling so filled with joy that it threatened to burst from him. 


"Of course!" He squeaked, squishing Falconā€™s face between his small hands. "Why would I always try to be close to you? Why do you think I want to cuddle you? It's not just affection, Falcon." He blushed darkly, hiding his face in the other manā€™s neck. Nervously he cuddled close. He felt silly for saying it out loud, but it was out there finally. What would the Starc think about it though? Would he be disgusted or angry?


Eos felt a surge of worry when the other was saying nothing back, causing him to pout in his fear. However, he felt then the warmth of the others fingertips tipping up his chin. Before Eos could question it, his lips met the hot mouth of his beloved Angel, the Starc's mouth seeking his for a lovingly sweet kiss that quickly turned into something much hotter. Falcon's tongue slipped in between Eos' pearly lips as his hand supported the back of the other's head, pulling him close with almost crushing possessiveness. It made Eos dizzy. He gasped when they finally broke away, Eos squeaking weakly when he was then flipped onto his back with Falcon atop him, blushing and yet his eyes...They were burning with such a passionate emotion that it almost caught Eos' breath in his throat. "I love you." Falcon's voice was husky, as though he was having a hard time breathing too. "I love you more than anything, Eos."


The petite blond flushed red, his body going tense before melting when Falcon kissed him with such passion. How well Falcon kissed, surely he must have kissed? Their tongues sliding together, the soft suck of lips, the touch of tongue to teeth. The hybrid shuddered, gasping raggedly. He felt giddy, as if he would float away if Falcon let go of him, like a balloon caught in a breeze. And then he was on his back, Falcon over him in such a manner that made him whimper and arch up into the other eagerly. "S-say it again." He demanded quietly.


"I love you...I love you and, my duty be damned, I will never leave you. I promise," Falcon whispered as he kissed those trembling lips again and again. He wrapped his arms around his tiny Eos and sighed, his heart so full of happiness. Eos' timid little words and his sweetness had made Falcon the happiest man alive. He just couldn't restrain himself from pulling Eos close and kissing him until he was dizzy from it.


Slim hands tangled in the Starcā€™s short, black hair, kissing him back tenderly. His throat had constricted, tears welling in his lavender eyes. He had not expected this. This had to be a dream; reality could not be this kind! Any moment he would wake up, back in his bed and this would not be real. But Falcon's lips felt astoundingly warm and his touch seared Eos to the bone. "Oh gods... love you..." He whispered, voice choking.


Falcon had to restrain himself to keep from going any further than their fervent kissing, knowing that it would not do to simply ravage the youth into his bed right then and there. Still, the other looked so vulnerable and so sweet...He had a weakness for adorable things, especially Eos. Softly, he caressed the other's cheek and smiled, his blue eyes holding a warmth that only Eos would see - no one else would know this side of him. "You have made me so happy...what could I possibly do to return the joy you have given me?"


Eos looked thoughtful, suddenly purring quite coyly. "Well... you could make love to meā€¦ā€ He mused, knowing that it wasnā€™t going to happen. He was still a part shadowshifter after all. The youth continued to run his fingers through the others dark hair, seeing now why Ceata so liked his Urius. Falcon was sweet and loyal once you got past the cold outer shell. Kind of like a hard candy with a soft filling. A very delicious candy.


"Forgive me...but...I would rather know that you can be mine completely before I made love to you in every way imaginable," Falcon said regretfully, seeing Eos pout all the more. Still, his soft smile and a loving kiss turned the other around, making that pout turn into a gentle smile when Falcon's fingertips ran up the others slender thigh. "Eos...what would you think of marrying me?"


Eos shivered and bit his lip, those tensing fingertips tickling down the length of his slim thigh. Eos looked down, pondering the other manā€™s words with his eyes lowered shyly. "I'd like that a lot, Falcon..." He admitted. He was of age to be married, past that age even. A young man without a lover his whole young life, it was about time. Among his people it was rare for someone to wait as long as he had. They loved passionately and without thought to consequences. "I would love to marry you Falcon."


The other felt his heart skip a beat, looking down at his hand. He sat up a moment and took a ring from his right hand. It was not much, a simple silver band with a sapphire in it. "Un....until I can get a replacement, I would like you to have this. A promise that I will marry you and then make love to you as passionately as I am able," Falcon said as he took up the others hand and gently slid the ring onto his slim finger. It glistened there, fitting a little loosely. Even so, Eos would never think of taking it off or losing it. In many ways, its weight upon his hand represented the reality of the situation - Falcon did love him, he did want to be his mate, his husband, his lover...everything. How shyly Falcon blushed then, looking down at the other. "I...I suppose I will have to ask your fathers tomorrow if I may marry you..."


Eos flushed with delight, looking down at the ring in complete awe. He glanced up and smiled so brightly. "I promise not to take it off until you have a replacement, Falcon.ā€ The young hybrid promised, leaning in to kiss Falcon once more. Their bodies cuddled close, sharing each others warmth. How could he not say yes when he has been wishing for this to happen for so long? It truly was a dream come true.


"I am sorry I did not do this sooner. You must have suffered for it," Falcon sighs as he pulls the jumbled covers up and over them, pressing his beloved against his chest. That soft skin brushed up against his shoulder as a gentle hand ran over his chest. Falcon absently regretted not simply making love to Eos right then and there, but it would be all the more worth it to wait. After all, the Head of House Starc would never allow him to marry a non-virgin anyway...Gods, he would have to bring Eos to see his family. It made him feel a deep pang of dread. 


 Eos nuzzled him tenderly. He was not fully virginal, he had experimented with oral and some fingering, but he had not lost the virginity that would be so important to this situation.  His fingers slid down Falcon's chest and he leaned in to give the manā€™s jaw a kiss. "It will be fine. A little more waiting now will be exciting.ā€ The young man reassured him, trying hard not to think about any of the bad sides of marrying a Starc.



"I hope so...There are some...obstacles to overcome," Falcon says hesitantly, seeing the other cock his head sweetly. He was so damn cute, it almost made Falcon hard!! "W-we'll get to that later. For now, it's rather late. I must wake tomorrow to prepare for the onslaught to come. This issue with my uncle will not pass easily..." he sighs as he looks down at the other, his arms wrapped around Eos. He feels so warm beside the youth, the tender Shadowshifter being the only one to ever make him feel this alive. 


"We will deal with it." He replied softly, snuggling in close. He didn't want to think about that. Already he dreaded tomorrow. Yet Eos was not so afraid when he had Falcon cuddling him close like right now. How he adored the man and soon enough, comforted, the slim young man began to drift off to sleep. The tension of earlier was forgotten and all was well for him.


~ ~ ~


 The morning brought its own challenges, as the breakfast table was grim. Eos had found Falcon gone in the early hours of the morning, dressed himself, and went to search for him. He was not at breakfast and neither was Sahena. Rughal looked incensed. Death looked increasingly troubled. And Adorna? She looked rather put-out. Her horniness had not subsided and being away from her beloved for this long was making it worse. The portal had not reopened and Ceata sat glowering at his dish. How could Urius have done this?


"Hey, you're here late..." Ranmaru whispers to Eos as he sits down. "Did you hear? Crixa hasn't come back yet from Rowan's. Death is very worried."


Eos frowned, "Huh...?" That didn't sound right at all. He frowned  down at his plate, glancing nervously around the table.  The worried silence hanging over the breakfast table was troubling. No one seemed willing to break it, leaving Eos to sit and wonder what was going to happen next. Had something gone far worse than any of them could imagine?


It was not long after that Sahena and Falcon finally appeared. Sahena looked very worried, his eyes filled with confusion as Falcon stood beside him as stark as stone. "I...I could not get a hold of my father or Urius. Even Jinevae was not there. Something indeed is wrong for them to cut off the connection like this," Sahena said delicately. He was slightly dense as to his father's actions, which was good for him. Had he known anything or was able to be blamed, Rughal would have jumped on that like a dog hungering for meat. As it was, he was glaring viciously at Falcon. The Starc did not respond to his glares. "I'm sorry, Lord Death...I do not know how to explain this. I....I will need a carriage to go to Heaven directly and sort out this matter."


Death frowned. "Sahena, I cannot allow you to go if there is something wrong. There is no reason to put you into danger; we do not know what is happening there." His dark eyes were troubled. He had not expected this. Did not know what to make of it either. What was the purpose of this blackout save to cut off their connections? The immortal took a slow draw of coffee, closing his eyes. ā€œWe will wait a bit longer and if nothing changes, I will send someone in to investigate.ā€ He had plenty who could do it and knew that of them, Absinthe knew best where Rowan could be. That boy, tempting fate.



Of course, Rowan also knew exactly how to get to him. It would probably end up with Absinthe chained against a wall and molested until he couldn't walk anymore. No one seemed to think of that, though. "But...My Lord, my father would talk to me directly. Perhaps there is something wrong with the portals...o-or the connection between his aria crystal and my own," Sahena says as he holds up the little crystal that had previously allowed him to talk to his father whenever he wished. Now it had stopped glowing, merely a hunk of rock in his hands.


"Sir, if I may interrupt..." Falcon says as he looks to Death with a steady gaze. Rughal growls.


"Go on Falcon." Death rumbled, turning his dark eyes to the young Starc. The immortal had grown to like the young man. Though his was curt and quiet, he had not done anything to make Death uncomfortable.  He could not sense anything in Falcon that made him think his intentions were to harm him or his. It was very likely that something had gone wrong. The trouble brewing amongst the angels and demons could have finally boiled over. If there was anything he had learned in his many years as a god, it was that if something could go wrong, it would.


"This is a trouble, I'm afraid, that effects everyone." Falcon then reaches into his coat and pulls out a letter. "This is from my father. It arrived here this morning. I'm afraid our nation is on the verge of war...." Falcon says stiffly as he walks forward. Sahena's eyes widen as he sees his Second hand to Death proof of a skirmish that had broke out in the Sombs. It is easily surmised between whom. Rughal stands, his eyes wide as he had not even heard of this.


"T-this is obvious a ruse! We can't be at war...I haven't heard a DAMN THING, so how is this proof?!" Rughal growls as Death reads over the letter. It is from Stannis Starc, the Second to another powerful Prince. He is also a General. There is no reason to believe what he says is not true.


"This skirmish was of greater importance to my nation than yours. Prince Feyorn is using it as ammunition to being another war. Perhaps the reason why Rowan is not talking to you is because he is currently the only one who opposes it. Even Prince Conrard hates Demons. My father has advised me to maintain my position, as the Sombs and now Heaven is brewing with the inklings of war."



The immortal's eyes narrowed before closing, the man rubbing his temples. He looked as if he wished to smash the table to pieces, holding himself back from doing so by the barest of margins. Ceata however, was not so held back. His fist slammed into the table, knocking his cup over. Ruddy juice ran down the wood and trickled onto the floor near his feet. His eyes wide, stance one of anger and fear. "Are they really this stupid!? War is the last thing that they need to be starting!" He cried in disbelief.  Death opened his eyes, looking to the pale youth. ā€œCalm yourself Ceata.ā€ The redhead soothed, ā€œI will go and fetch the girl, I cannot have her parents worrying over her.ā€ He continued, shaking his head. Another war.



"I suggest you don't do that, Sir," Falcon says as he looks to Death directly. He doesn't even flinch when Ceata almost destroys his half of the table. Rughal's head snapped up, sensing an opening.


"Oh, do you mean to hide Rowan's actions by keeping Crixa there? Don't even think about it, boy! We will be taking her back home. Perhaps we should even do the same for Varun!!" Rughal growls out as he looks to Falcon, those eyes filled with venom. Falcon does his best not to growl, though his fists become tight and his brow furrows.


"Rowan's home is now the safest place for both Crixa and Varun. Attempting to go in there when the stability of the nation is being threatened could cause further problems. Besides, there is another way to reach Prince Rowan." Sahena blinked, completely unaware of this. Falcon looked to Death though and then down. "It will require you to leave your realm."


 Death frowned, unsure of what to think of this. It was one thing to ghost over and grab the girl, it was another to completely leave his realm. It was not wise for Death to wander far. Maybe when collecting souls or visiting other gods. But to go into the angel realm at a time like this? They would be all over him demanding that he join their side. He could not.  But Death had to get his granddaughter back. "And how do we go about doing that, hmmm?" He asks, leaning his chin onto his hand.


"I only have a piece of the puzzle. I do not honestly know the way myself. I was only given the first step and the others should reveal themselves as we go...it is a precaution, you see. There are many who would like to find this place. It holds everything to do with our 'mission.'" Sahena looked from Falcon and then to Death, utterly confused. He could not believe that his Second was withholding information. He grasped Falcon's hand.


"W-wait...t-there's another way to reach Father? ...Falcon, why didn't you say anything? You're MY Second!" Sahena says with a great deal of insult. Falcon only looks to Sahena, his face emotionless. He looks so like Urius.


"I was following orders, Sir."


Death stood, looking to the Starc expectantly."Well then, let us go. I would like to get Crixa home and safely into her own bed."He remarked, dark eyes flicking over to where Ceata trembled angrily. "Is there anyone I should bring? I would hate to go unprepared." He didnā€™t know what awaited him. The immortal was no fool.


"I believe if anyone else were to come, I would be fiercely reprimanded. As it is, I will likely face a beating for revealing this information to you...However, with the circumstances as they are, I believe this is the right action. Yet.....I would like to ask for compensation, if you would be so kind as to afford that much to me," Falcon said, glancing over to Eos. Rughal growled as he stood.


"What are you up to, boy? Why should Death give you any compensation? Your master Rowan started this! Now you're dragging Lord Death through this further inconvenience?! What are you playing at?" Rughal hissed, glaring at Falcon. 


"Rughal..." Death's voice was soft, but carried more weight and command than a roar. His dark eyes sharply cut into the man until he fell silent and sat back in his chair. "Go on, what is it you desire? If you are to take a beating for helping me, I will see what I can do." The immortal asked, gesturing for the young Starc to name his price. It was only fair.


"I would like to ask your permission to marry Eos." Sahena, Rughal, Rowen, and Lazarus' mouths all dropped as Falcon stood there and stared Death down with such determination. This was certainly something very unexpected from the cold Starc who did not really show his affections very often. Ranmaru was not surprised and grumbled, but had already been scolded about it before from Eos. He wasn't about to face his little brother's mean glares again.


The immortal gave him a measured glance, turning his dark eyes down the table to where the tiny hybrid squirmed excitedly in his seat. He looked pleadingly to the immortal, begging him with his eyes to accept. The immortal hid a smile behind his hand, trying hard to look impassive as he made his decision. ā€œI will allow it.ā€ Death replied finally.


"W-what?!" Rughal cried, standing and looking to Death, then to Falcon, then to Eos. Rowen wisely grabbed his lover by the arm before Rughal protested any further. After all, he had been known to get his ass kicked for that mouth of his...and, strange as it may seem, Eos could easily kick his dad's ass if he wanted. Falcon simply ignored Rughal's outburst though, standing straight as a smile teased at his lips. His eyes were sparkling so brilliantly - he was so happy.


"Thank you, My Lord. This mean everything to me," Falcon says as he bows, his heart beating in his chest. 


Eos shot a glare at his father, narrowed eyes promising an ass kicking if his half father decided to get physical.  He wasnā€™t going to have him spoiling this for him.  Sometimes Rughal just needed to shut his mouth and keep out of it.  Eos was nearly trembling with joy. They could do it. Heā€™d finally gotten the man he wanted. Death smiled faintly, turning his attention back to the young Starc. ā€œI will be pleased once we have fetched her.ā€ He remarked, rapping a beat upon the table with long, pale fingers.



Falcon nodded. "I'm afraid you will have to wait until nightfall, however. I need to make some arrangements. If you would excuse me," Falcon says as he bows, walking up to Sahena. "Sir, if you would like, you can come with me. I am truly sorry for keeping this information from you, but...I did make a promise to Urius." Sahena sighed as he looked to his best friend, frowning.


"I guess I can understand that...Even so, don't keep things from me." Sahena was frowning and Falcon smiled and hugged him. The two made a gorgeous pair.


"Forgive me, Master." Falcon then glances towards Eos and smiles at him lovingly before he exits the room. 


Eos watched his soon to be husband with a warm smile, happy despite everything that was happening. Death sighed, turning his attention back to the breakfast table. His mind only on how the girl was doing right then. 


~ ~ ~



She was more than alright as Jingarther sat beside her and nuzzled her affectionately. They had spent the morning having breakfast together, talking about all manner of silly things. Jingarther even got to show off his rippling muscles when he had to stop a moment and cut some firewood for his daily chores. He was pretty much already in love, no question about it. He hung on Crixa's every word like a puppy begging for food.


The girl was all a twitter and playing with his hair, enjoying  his company. He was amusing, sweet, and all of that rolled up in a handsome package. Already Crixa wanted to introduce her brother to the Jins. They seemed like the sorts that would welcome him warmly. Someone among him would have gladly given him the affection he so deserved.


"So...uh...I guess since that there portal is broken, yer gonna stay here fer a while....Um....even after yah go back, you think you might let me visit you? I mean, yeah...it's gonna be a war n' all...but I guess two neutral parties could still enjoy some tea an' cookies sometimes, right?" he asks shyly, fiddling with his tunic as he looks to her. God, but she was gorgeous! Every inch of her had Jingarther wanting to do flips! She was the kind of woman you only meet once in your life and the fact that she looked so exotic only added to that. Jingarther was in love. L-O-V-E - LOVE!


The girl nodded, already thinking about seeing him again. Crixa's tail slid across his thigh, giving it a whole level of eroticism. The girl was just too cute and coy for her own good. "Yes, I would like that a lot!" Crixa exclaimed with a small laugh.  Her ears perked up and she swirled a lock of his hair around her fingertip, looking thoughtful. "I hope that nothing bad happens... war doesn't sound pleasant."


"Well...I'm pretty fortunate. I ain't gonna be in a war...at least, not unless I'm needed. Mah dad, on the other hand, I worry about," Jingarther sighs as he sits there and reaches down, petting her tail lovingly. It's such a pretty tail, tufted at the end. He imagines it would make for great leverage when having sex.


And it would. Her mother's tail was and her tail would be too when she decided that she wanted it. Crixa frowned and pat his knee soothingly. "I'm sorry... I hope he'll be ok." She murmured quietly, trying to make the poor Jin feel good. She liked him, he was perhaps the nicests young man she had ever met. Cute at that. Crixa could see herself tumbling about in the sheets with such a fine man as he. Love him even. She blushed slightly at the thought, ears twitching.


Jingarther blushed and rubbed the back of his neck, smiling at her. "Yer so sweet...Yah better be careful or I'll mistake yah fer a tea cookie," he laughs as he looks to her with a smile. She really is his ideal woman. He can hardly wait for the next two years to go by and for her to turn 18! Then he'll be the first in line to ask to be her lover. However, the delightful thought of pressing her down against the bed and thrusting deeply into her tight little channel is disturbed by the sound of Varun walking in, rubbing his eyes. He has just woken up after spending most of the night in Alpheus' secret room, cuddling his cat and reading over the ancient tome of his ancestor. "Oi! Varun, what'er you doin' here? Rowan's been lookin' fer yah."


"He has?" He asked in dismay, frowning. "I'm sorry, I just woke up." he murmured and brushed his robes slightly, crouching down by the two. "Can you tell me where he is? I'd better get my ass over there." The shadowshifter murmured with a shake of his head, smiling slightly at Crixa. He was glad she had become so fond of Jingarther. It made him feel good that he could have introduced the two to each other. That they seemed to like each other was even better.


"He's in the war room, readying his speech to Parliament tomorrow," Jingarther replies as he puts an arm around Crixa, nuzzling her. She was so darling and fit right in his lap. Of course, he hadn't really made a pass at her....not that he didn't want to. Her breasts were distracting.


Varun groaned, giving the two a thumbs up before getting up and hurrying from the room "Don't get too frisky you two, don't want Jingarther getting in trouble for teasing underage girls!" He called over his shoulder.  Crixa flushed and giggled, giving the Jin a bright smile.


"Heh...don't be scoldin' her an' hurry up now! Dun't you know we got a war on, man?" he says as he sits back, seeming nonchalant about it. After all, he knew that this would happen eventually. Getting all bent out of shape and depressed like Urius wouldn't do him any good. Jins took life very casually, they weren't as anal as the Starcs. 


Varun frowned, but did not reply. In fact, he had no idea. The shadowshifter hurried along, his robes rustling and caressing his lean young frame as he scampered down the halls toward the war room. He'd been shown where it was in the tour, it was easy to remember its location. He was not sure if he should enter, not wishing to interupt if Rowan was in the middle of something. But the man had called for him.


He gathered up the courage at last and pushed open the door, looking then upon the vast war room with the giant rounded table. There was a map upon it that was covered with tiny figures - all of them representing armies which Rowan controlled...there were perhaps thousands of them. "Put the Orichi over there. If I am to consider how Prince Raphael will move, I need to have them in position," Rowan orders as a servant moves the piece into the correct spot. Varun blinks, realizing that the room is filled with people....people he has never seen. They are so numerous that they could not be a part of the regular staff. In fact, many of them look like high Lords - some of them are Demons....and, strangely enough, there are Shadowshifters present as well.


Confused, he slowly entered the room and made his way through the strangers to Rowan. He had heard nothing of this, confused by everything going on here. War? He had not thought it would have come so soon. What had caused this to break? "Rowan? You asked for me?"


The other stopped in his work and turned, looking to Varun with surprise in his green eyes. They no longer held that yellow-golden glow to them. They were back to the flecks of red. "Ah, Varun! So good of you to come...It seems there has been a development. An Angelic envoy carrying a certain important official to a holy town was attacked. It seems Prince Feyorn is using that as an excuse to start a war. As you can see, I have assembled my entire staff in order to counteract this. I'll be making an address to the Tenshihana Parliament tomorrow on behalf of stopping this war, but it won't do much good."


"Ahhh, I see." Varun  replied with a frown, glancing away from Rowan for a moment. This boded no good. There would be all sorts of rumors and lies that would balloon out and cause even more damage. What had happened could not be stopped. The ball had begun to roll and there was nothing to catch it. "I had hoped it wouldnā€™t have come to this.ā€ The young man murmured the dismay apparent in the strain around his dark eyes. He turned them down toward the map and its many pieces. All of them representing men and women that might die.


"I will ask your forgiveness beforehand, because we have so little time...I had planned to take this week to teach you all about what it is I do. However, it seems I will have to give you a crash course. Gow!" Rowan suddenly cries, turning to the shadows. Suddenly there is a puff of smoke and a little mouse comes scurrying out of no where and across the floor. It slips between the legs of various people, avoiding being stepped on, before ending up squarely in front of Rowan. Rowan sighs. "Gow, stop that." Another puff of smoke and a flash and there is suddenly a short man with dark skin and deep green hair, purple eyes and a mischievous grin on his face standing beside Rowan where the mouse had been.


"I'm sorry, Sire...it's just so fun to do that. What do you need of me?" he asks with a big smile, Varun completely confused.


"I need you to show this young man Shangri-La, if you will."


Varun startled when the small man popped up, but he managed not to show it. Only the widening of his eyes giving away a small measure of surprise. He blinked, a frown tugging down the corners of his lips, glancing at Rowan. He was not sure what he was being pulled into, but there was nothing he could do about it. There was something new to be learned and he was going along with it whether he wanted to or not.

"Oooh! So this must be the Shadowshifter Prince. Hello, my name is Mr. Gow! Formerly Gowgehedron, but we don't need to get into that...Will you come with me please? I have much to show you and very little time," Gow said with a bright smile, grasping the others hand and rushing towards the back end of the room. 


Varun grunted in surprise when the small man grabbed him, dragging him along without much effort. There was no time to argue or even glance over his shoulder, Varun stumbling along behind the shorter man without a single idea where they were going or what was going on. "O-oh, good to meet you Mr. Gow." Varun gasped, trying hard to be polite despite how flustered he was.



"Heehee! It's good to meet you too...After Rowan telling me so much about you; it's finally nice to meet you in person. Now, hold onto me. If you let go, you'll have your skin torn off when walking through the Shadow Realm." Gow said with a sweet smile as he reached up at took Varun's hand. The other blinked, hardly believing what he was hearing. The Shadow Realm? It was the vast blackness from which creatures like Grieves appeared. The shadows that Shadowshifters controlled also lived within the Shadow Realm, a place of infinite space where nothing else could live except Darkness. To go through the Shadow Realm either required a Shadow to guide you safely, or else you'd become a Shadow yourself, or someone with immense power, such as a God. In thinking of that, Varun found himself pondering as to what Gow was. 


"Oh yes, of course." He replied, flushing slightly and gripped the smaller manā€™s hand tightly. He'd been through the realm many a time, but it never without the use of his shadows. Not like this. The idea of being skinned alive was terrifying, something survivable for him, but a wound he never wished to have to heal from.


"Alright! Awaaayyy, weee, gooo!" Gow cried joyfully before jumping into the shadows and dragging his yelping victim behind him. The blackness soon surrounded them, the familiar feeling of having a hundred or so shadows pressing up against Varun's body returning. How affectionate the creatures were, forcing Gow to shoo them away with a bit of light dancing at the tips of his fingers. "Pesky things..." he muttered, continuing down a zigzagging path of stone that looked as though it was floating in midair. Shadows passed them, busy on errands or something going from one end of the realm to the other in an aimless fashion. Varun found himself confused as to why they were using the Shadow Realm to travel. "I bet you're wondering why Rowan uses this place to get from one area to another...It's because it conceals things a lot better. If we were to use portals, someone might find a way to direct themselves to Shangri-La. We wouldn't want that at all!"


Varun found that a reasonable answer to what could have been an issue. A clever choice really, to bring people through this realm. So few could properly navigate it. Strangers to it would have no chance. Feeling a brush of something, Varun flushing as a friendly shadow tickled at his throat in passing. His own shadows guarded him jealously and made small, annoyed noises at the interest that the others were showing in the shadowshifter. Their little glowing eyes blazed viciously, Varun unable to stop himself from chuckling.


"Though, of course, I bet you're rather confused as to what Shangri-La is...Well, it's just a little nickname for my compound," Gow said with that broad smile of his as he held tightly to Varun's hand. "It is the base of operations for everything that we do! It started a long time ago when His Highness, Prince Rowan, was very young. It was originally aimed at undermining his father's illegal ventures, but it has become much more than that. With Urius as a manager, it has spanned into the areas of the Justice Department and several higher offices...With the help of Jinevae, it's come to touch the public and the commoners, allowing witness protection programs and other such things among Jin households...With Roaden, it has taken a whole new level with the marketing industry and the military. And, of course, with me, itā€™s started to reach other realms through unique systems of transportation through various other Realms. And, of course, my compound!"


Varun was taken aback by how intricate the whole operation. His eyes widened, a shock gasp slipping from his throat. Rowan really was helping; even if his half father was convinced he was not. There had to be some sort of goodness in the man if such a thing existed. Varun was convinced of it. "Wow!ā€ He breathed eyes wide as he was hurried along by the smaller man, nearly tripping over his own feet.


"Yes, yes. Though his methods appear questionable, as your father Rughal would say, he is really a very good man." Varun blinked, surprised that this Gow person knew of his father's opinions. Then again, it wasn't like Rughal was keeping silent about them. "Oh, and your father may have more of a connection to our organization than you think...but, well, we'll get into that later. For now, we're here," Gow said with a great big smile, stopping at a jagged door that stood at the end of the narrow stone walkway. This Gow opened and stepped out, Varun at once assaulted by the bright light...only to find himself standing in a giant room crisscrossed with suspended walkways, balconies, various rooms, doors, and so many people.


Varun stared as there were letter carriers running from one division to another, important-looking Lords and Ladies strolling through, lawyers carrying heavy case books, and even then commoners and merchants...There were so many people there, all bustling around them. What's more, not all of them were Angels. Like in Rowan's War Room there was a multitude of races represented of all different classes. Gow seemed to puff up with pride when he saw Varun's wide awe-filled gaze. "This is my underground compound! Shangri-La! Though you might not believe it, we're actually underneath the Citadel of Tenshihana right now. This place was once the sewer system, long since abandoned when better plumbing was invented. Thus, Rowan took this portion of the underground tunnels over and is now the leader of the Tenshihana Underground." Gow looked up and grinned. "You might have heard of him. Does the 'Lord of the Lion' ring any bells?"


 Varun glanced sharply toward the small man, eyes widening. "Ah! So it is true!" He breathed, looking around himself with a lot more interest than before. He was very much surprised and yet... wasn't. Only Rowan would be so bold. Smart enough to carry out such a dangerous mission. He chuckled and blinked, letting his eyes adjust to light again, his shadows still swarmed possessively, flickering at his feet and in the shadow he cast onto the ground.


"You don't seem all that surprised by it; I think...Then again, that's why Rowan likes you. You aren't blinded, even when he uses all his charms!" Gow says with a giggle as he grasps the others hand. "Come, come! I want you to see some things! After all, it's my job to show you around. It's better than doing work, anyway." Gow then tugs Varun through the crowd of people and heads through one of the doors to a long hallway. There are people moving around within the hallway, carrying papers and such. Most of them are serious-looking individuals that would probably be appropriate company around Urius or Alpheus. When Varun peeks into one of the rooms, he sees a ton of clerks furiously working on papers and referencing through books. "Welcome to the Legal Department. This is headed by Urius. He spends most nights here...which is why he probably doesn't get much sleep....heh. Well, anyway, this is where we process all the legislation that goes through the Tenshihana Government and consider what we can use and what we can't. We have a crack team of lawyers always on the go! And we also create new legislation that Rowan then attempts to pass to better things. Every individual case of rape, abuse, domestic violence, and illegal acts perpetrated against those that come and ask us for help is handled here. Just...uh...watch out for the Head Advisor.  Um...he's Alpheus on steroids."


"Ahhh, well I can probably handle him then." Varun replied sarcastically. "I'll just kiss him and he'll shut up." He joked, smiling wryly at Gow. He turned his eyes away again, looking around with interest, taking in every detail and making note of it. "So big.... I'm really very impressed! This must have been going on for a very long time. And without being caught? Surely someone would be out to stop this...?"


"It's a very dangerous job. Because we sympathize with Demons and other minorities within Tenshihana, there have been several attempts to infiltrate this place. However, we keep a tight reign over all of our informants, agents, and other affiliates. Most people can be bribed with money...others require a legal threat, such as a charge against them which, of course, we could fabricate or otherwise blackmail them with, or a physical threat. For that, we have many expert fighters that Rowan has collected over the years through gaining favors...All this has been accumulated over thousands of years, mind you. It started when Prince Rowan was seven. " Gow replies as they head down the hallway passed the various doors of the Justice Department. 


Varun was awed. At seven? He truly had been at this a very long time. Varun was utterly mesmerized.  His shadows, feeling his excitement. ranged about them in the form of large wolf-like creatures with rangy legs. Their glowing eyes would see things he would miss. There was simply too much to see for one man. "I see... so many, many years. This place looks like its thriving. They have kept it well!"


"Only with Urius' efforts and the cooperation of the rest of Rowan's staff. All of us here owe him something, as well...We have banded together, I guess, because of our debt towards him...or, perhaps, more accurately, we're here because we love him in some way. He's given me back my life, I know that much. I'm sure you could ask anyone here and they would provide a similar story." Gow stops a moment and looks back at Varun, his eyes glistening. "Rowan really is a great man."


Varun smiled at him. "So I have been told and so I have seen." Save for that brand on Ceata's back and the pain in Absintheā€™s eyes. He mused over that, eyes distant for a moment. He did not know how to explain the dual nature he had seen. There were many things about Rowan that confused and fascinated Varun. If he could, Varun would have liked to have followed the man through a whole day and just watched him without being seen. Such a curious man.


 "Though...I guess no one really knows him. It's sad, but even I don't get to spend as much time with Rowan as I want. He's a very distant person, as I'm sure you've seen...the only one that is close to him is Urius." Gow laughed lightly as he turned the corner, suddenly bumping into the something and almost falling back. The object which he hit made a yelping sound and landed with a thud. Varun looked down upon the startled object....finding the most adorable young man he'd ever seen!!! Well, aside from Eos, of course, but that goes without saying...This youth, for youth he looked like, had curly brown hair and big round-rimmed glasses. He wore white robes similar to Alpheus', though these had a bit of a different style to them. What's more, he had a sweet face, hidden by those dark brown curls. So cute! So small! So....


"What the hell do you think you're doing, you Lilliputian IDIOT?! I've seen dust balls with more sense of direction!!"


.......like Alpheus. 


Varun's eyes widened and it was all he could do to choke down a bark of laughter. So like Alpheus. The few shadows gathered around him perked, turning their strange eyes toward the angry young man. They were huge compared to the angel and if he had been standing, they would have easily bowled him back over. "Excuse me, I was distracting him, forgive me." He apologized, reaching down to help the two of them back to their feet.


The young man slapped Varun's hand away as soon as it touched him, getting up on his own. He was so like Alpheus in his wicked manner and yet...he was adorable. Small and slender, his little dark brown curls framing his face. Oh, and those round glasses that hid his big brown eyes framed by thick dark lashes -! He was surely the most adorable individual Varun had yet come across, though he couldn't imagine he would look as lovely pressed against a wall and panting from hot kisses. "How dare you treat your elders this way! Both of you have some nerve!!" ......Wait a minute....Elder?


This short young man could not possibly be his elder. Not when Varun towered over him and looked like he was older than him by years! Yet these were angels, for all he knew the young man helping himself up was thousands of years his senior. "Ehhh? Forgive me, but I do not understand. I was only trying to help." Varun replied, confused and agitated to be treated thusly by the smaller male. Cute, but vicious!


"Um...Varun, this is that Advisor I was telling you about...Meet Rowan's younger half-brother, Christian Valen," Gow interrupted, looking up at Varun with a look of warning. It would not do to get so fussy with Christian, as he was in fact a member of Rowan's family and did an amazing job as a legal advisor. Strangely enough, he was not a lawyer, but a deacon. His connections with the Tenshihana church had been helpful in the past. Of course, his attitude did not make him tolerable in the least. Were it not for that adorable face, he would have no saving graces.


"Oh...so this must be the little urchin Big Brother took in. Why, he's not all that impressive..." Christian scoffs as he stands there whilst fixing his robes. 


Varun smiled slightly, though it was difficult and chose not to keep his mouth shut. He dusted off his robes, bowing his head politely to the shorter man. There was no reason to be rude, even if the other was being less than polite in turn. "It is good to meet you, Lord Christian." He replied evenly, keeping his temper despite just how rude the angel was being. In Varunā€™s opinion, he deserved a slap or two. He would not be getting it, but a man could dream.


"Feh. I can't say the same. Don't think just because my brother gives you any sort of affection that you've somehow 'made it' in Tenshihana society...The fact that you're here disturbs me greatly. This mission isn't for KIDS," Christian replies in the rudest tone he can manage. He's obviously trying to make Varun feel bad, picking at anything he can get. Oh, but if only Varun knew why...After all, Christian is desperately in love with his own half-brother, Rowan. He hates anyone getting close to the one he deems his Prince.


"Lovely, good thing I'm not a kid anymore." Varun replied pleasantly, beaming down at the smaller male. If Christian thought he could rile him, he was very wrong. Varun kept his cool, ignoring any quips at his abilities or his age. "If Rowan thinks that I am ready to be here, then surely he must deem me mature enough."


"Well, I certainly don't. Look at you! I bet you are barely even old enough to know the first fundamentals of Tenshihana law...How long have you been studying our culture? Do you even know anything about Rowan himself? I bet not...Feh. Keep this one out of my way, Gow. I have more important things to do now that Urius is indisposed than take care of children," Christian scoffs as he turns and walks passed them, his white robes fluttering with his movement. Varun grumbles, knowing even Alpheus isn't that mean. 


"Sorry about that, Varun...he's...uh...not exactly nice. His brother Ganidrad is a much kinder person. We'll be meeting him when we get towards the war offices." Gow took the other's hand, trying to lead him away so he might not just turn back and throttle Christian for all his meanness. The only thing Varun could think of is "what excuse does THIS guy have?!?!" At least Alpheus had a valid reason to be a jerk!


"He sounds like a man that could benefit from a good slap and perhaps someone to retrieve the stick stuck up his ass." Varun ground out, his lips pulled back in a small snarl. "Surely he has huge stick lodged up there.ā€ There was no other explanation! It had to be a monumentally massive stick at that. Or perhaps he had never been laid in his many, many years. Perpetual blue balls so to speak. "I am glad I have better control then my brothers... they would have throttled him."


"I imagine so...I guess that's why Rowan picked you and not Ranmaru, eh?" Gow laughs as he continues down the hallway, leading out into another courtyard with the many suspended staircases. They started to go up one, stopping a moment to allow Gow to point out a few things about the architecture of the compound. "This place was created, as you know, from the sewer system that existed before our plumbing technology in Tenshihana advanced. Right now, this sewer system only reaches to four different parts of Tenshihana - the Maestar, Starc, Valen, and Jin Quarters. There is a separate system of caves that can be accessed via the Shadow Realm that leads into the Tenshihana Palace itself. One of the very unique things about this is that it allows us to work in connection with above-ground sites and below-ground sites. Has your father yet brought evidence about Rowan's connection with slave parlors of the Shadowshifter nature?"


"Yes, he has." Varun replied slowly, brows furrowed. He had been upset by the news, but considering the nature of his species, it did not come as too big a surprise. They could be easily manipulated creatures when you knew the right buttons to push. Knowing Rowan was connected to those places though, unnerved Varun. "And why is it he is connected?" He asked inquisitively, cocking his head. He had to know what was the reason behind it.


"How else do you think we gather our information?" Varun still looked confused, so Gow elaborated. "Shadowshifters are an exotic race in Tenshihana. Recently, they have become so popular that there are those who would steal babes from Shadowshifter mothers to sell them on the underground markets. In order to keep up with this, Rowan has asked for the volunteering of several free Shadowshifters to participate in a unique project...You see, by buying up all of the existing Shadowshifter boutiques that specialize with sex of one species, he immediately attracts all of the slave traders interested in buying some of the breed. By toting the fact that he might be willing to sell some of his collection, he is able to get the sort of people that WOULD steal children to invest. He then uses what information he can glean from the Shadowshifters working at these establishments which then leads to finding stolen or enslaved Shadowshifters. Then it's the legal team's turn to either find a way legally that they can confiscate these enslaved individuals - what with the introduction of Rowan's newest legislative acts - or to find some other means - blackmail, etc. - to acquire as many Shadowshifter slaves as we can. Furthermore, the project also is used to search for ancient Shadowshifter artifacts. Thus far, we've collected many valuable tomes and a good deal of items that had been thought lost."


"Clever..." Varun murmured, shocked by how absolutely cunning the man was. Rowan had the sort of mind that made Varun wish to drop to his knees and beg for every last scrap of knowledge he held. Ranmaru would have teased him ruthlessly over such a desire, but Varun couldnā€™t help his interest, platonic as it was. Rowan really was a smart man and Varun was assured that as long as he kept one or two steps ahead of those out to get him, Rowan could do anything.


"The project has become incredibly successful, leading to many child-selling slave rings and even the shutting down of several Shadowshifter Breeding Facilities. Rowan's money also was increased by how popular and fashionable it is to sleep with a Shadowshifter whore...It's almost like a fad among aristocrats, really, and Rowan owning all the boutiques has made him very rich. Then again, he had enough money to build this before that, so I suppose he's always been well off...He's a genius. Sometimes, I wonder what it would be like to pick his brain apart," Gow admits with a chuckle, walking up the stairs and then down a hallway. They stop as they reach the end of the hall, standing at the edge of a circular balcony that looks out and over the underground practice room. There, hundreds of men participate in wrestling, swordsmanship, and various martial arts. What surprises Varun is that there is not just one style being present. He can see Demons teaching Angels the more fluid style of their race, Humans instructing Angels on how to use modern weaponry, and even Shadowshifters showing a myriad assortment of people how to fight as they do. "Here's the military grounds! Most all of our special forces are trained here. If not, they're usually hired mercenaries. We have a good three-hundred-thousand waiting in the wings, should we need a quick army."


Varun watched them, the fluid movements of many bodies at work beautiful in their own right, dark eyes picking over the details. His mind took in it all, filing it away for a later time. Seeing everyone get along, seeing them work together so easily, Varun felt elated. It was an improvement from what he saw so often. The hate and fighting.

"What a sight.  I have not seen such a fine little army in a long while." He replied, glancing at Gow with bright smile. "Rowan has surely kept you all running well."


"Actually, this is Ganidrad's doing. Rowan is not as much a military man as a solo fighter. That's why he's got his brother working to keep everyone in line...Oh! There's Ganidrad now. GANIDRAD!!" Gow calls out, waving his hand as a short young man with a leanly muscular body walks up to them from the other end of the balcony. Varun is surprised to find that this older male is so much smaller, the same size as Christian, but with a much more weathered and rugged look...What surprises Varun the most, however, is the fact he is missing an eye. His right eye has been covered over by a tasteful patch bearing the Valen symbol. He smiles at the sight of Gow and walks over to heartily shake Varun's hand. "Oi! Hello and welcome, there! You must be that Varun fellow. I'm quite pleased to have you here at last. It is unfortunate circumstances that we meet under, but, heck, it's good to have you on the team."


 "Varun is a genius, Ganidrad. He's going to be running his own Department as soon as we can get him up to speed," Gow announced proudly, causing Varun to blink. Wait, he was going to have his own place among this big organization? 


"Good to meet you, Ganidrad, Sir." Varun replied, blinking and glancing down at Gow. It was rather annoying suddenly to be so tall. It made his shocked expression all the more amusing. Him? Running his own Department? Now that was certainly new! While he was shocked, his shadows were very busy snuffling at Ganidrad and making crooning noises in their 'throats', obviously interested in him. Processing information faster than Varun could even try to.


Ganidrad laughed, reaching down and patting one of them. "Wow...these yours? Beautiful animals...what are they exactly?" Ganidrad asks as he looks down at them with his one good eye.


"They are... well, me." Varun admitted with a sheepishly smile. "My shadows.... they seem to like you.ā€ He laughed, bashful suddenly as one of them leaned up and slurped a huge black tongue up the man's cheek with a rumbling noise deep in its chest. Varun rolled his eyes and snapped his fingers, all of them immediately dropping down, at attention. "Forgive them... I cannot let them out often when around angels." An exasperated sigh leaving the young lad.


"It is alright. I understand. We have several Shadows here as well, though of the more human type," Ganidrad replied, his smile sweetly warm. He looked up at Varun then, rubbing his chin as he seemed to peer directly into the youth's soul. "By God, Gow...this boy certainly is a strong one. A little lean, perhaps, but muscle isn't everything...Why doesn't Rowan put him in my Department? We could use more Shadowshifter warriors," Ganidrad complains as he looks to the short dark-skinned Gow.

 "Well, we need SOMEONE to head our new Shadowshifter department. He's the only one who could correctly catalogue all the ancient material we've found, not to mention be an emissary to Death. We'll need the god's help if we are to stop this war." Ganidrad sighed and then rubbed his chin, nodding.


 "I suppose you're right...even so, what a waste. You come by often, you hear?" the old soldier said as he looked up at Varun with a stern face. He had some of Christian's cuteness in his expression, making it hard to take him seriously sometimes. "We could use your insight. After all, you've been formally trained by your father, haven't you? I imagine you're a very capable fighter."

"I am." Varun confessed, smiling. Lazarus had taught his son well how to defend himself and even included a few of the older arts in his training. Varun had no yet mastered the art of soul taking or anything close to it, but he was still dangerous in a far fight. His real skills rested on his intellect, not his brawn.  "If you desire any information on the ancient fighting styles, you may always ask me." he smiled welcomingly.


"Indeed, you will be a great resource. I appreciate you volunteering," Ganidrad said with a smile and a nod. He then put his hands to his side and beamed up at the two. "Well, you take care now. I'm off to go see how some of the new recruits are doing. You be careful now and watch out for my little brother."


 "You mean Christian? Too late, we already met with him...


 "No, no...Not Christian. I mean Roan. He's horny and I know just who he'd love to jump on," Ganidrad laughs as he gives a wink to Varun and then heads off. "Take care, you two!"


Varun frowned, going red in the face. A horny person? As much as he enjoyed a good romp, the way Ganidrad had said it made him want to keep as far away from Roan as he could. "Nice to meet you, talk to you another time." He smiled and waved slightly. This was all going so very fast! It was hard to process it all.


"Well, where would you like to go next? We can head off towards Jinevae's part. He takes care of the witness protection program...and Roaden works with the military. Or we could go see Urius, but...I don't really know where he is. He had a job recently and he usually doesn't like to talk to anyone after something like that," Gow says with a thoughtful pressing of fingers to his lips. "Oh! Or I could go get you some food. After all, you look like you didn't have much time to eat or anything. Must have just woken up after sneaking into Alpheus' rooms, eeh?" Gow giggles, seeing Varun blush at being caught.


Varun pressed his finger to his lip and made a face. "Shhh.... I was working on  translating one of his books." He retorted. "He'd spray pepper spray in my face if I tried anything." He grumbled. It wouldn't work well, but it would be utter agony for the first few minutes. Just long enough for Alpheus to get it in his mind to make it hurt more. There was no way he was going to risk that!  "Food... sounds lovely." He replied awkwardly and headed off towards the kitchens with Gow to guide him.



~ ~ ~



Meanwhile, Urius was in agony. Blood dotted the floor before him, staining that immaculate tile a dark crimson. Everything blurred before his vision and he felt as though he were going to pass out. Pain...it was the only thing to validate his existence. He did not hate it or fear it as much as he did in the beginning. His back was scarred deeply now - so deeply that even the salves he used could not make the marks disappear anymore. He was distorted and frightful. Yet he could not bring himself to blame the man that made him feel that way.


"You still won't obey me, will you..." Rowan's voice carried over the air and cut him deeper than any whip could.


"....I will not, Sir." Urius' reply was just as cutting, just as curt. He shut his eyes and waited for the reprimand that would come soon after - he did not have to wait long. The sound of a whip hitting wet broken flesh cut the air like a knife and Urius cried out. He slumped forward, pained and exhausted.


"Why, Urius? Why won't you listen to me? This request...is it so terrible? You know the alternative...and still..." Rowan had to pause then, for he was losing himself. The flecks of red began to multiply and he had to stop and steady his hands. He was shaking. Urius closed his eyes, knowing that the pain Rowan was going through was so much worse than what he felt. Still, he could not obey.


"I'm sorry......I can't." Rustling cloth, the raising of a whip...


"Then you'll pay for my misery."


Urius closed his eyes and thought of Ceata, his one last link to sanity.



~ ~ ~



"There's sandwiches, eggs, bacon...Be thankful you didn't wake so late that they stopped having breakfast," Gow laughed, picking up a plate as he filled it with all manner of delectable. Varun was right behind him, staring at some of the strange Tenshihana dishes with a questionably raised brow.


 Varun cocked his head, making a thoughtful little noise in the back of his throat as he gazed down at the food. He had not realized he was this hungry until he had the food before him. Varun took a massive bite of a sandwich, purring with delight as he chewed it to paste. It was utterly delicious and his black eyes flicked towards Gow with a smile tugging at his lips. "Thank you, this is so good.ā€

   ~ ~ ~


In his bed, safe at home in the castle, Ceata sat upright with a high whine of pain. His eyes rolled up in his skull, body curling among the tangle of sheets. He never told Urius what happened, that through their link, Ceata could feel each whip lash and it washed over him and left him gasping for air and clawing at the sheets of the bed. Not the same intensity, dulled, it still came close. His thoughts always lingering on one person.


"Really? There's so much here I bet you haven't tried...Hmm...This, for example. It's Dambur. Would you like some?" Gow says with a smile, offering up a little croissant-like bun that had a peculiar green tone to it. Even so, it couldn't be that bad, could it? This Varun took up hesitantly, taking a bite and kind of liking the nutty flavor. "Like it? I do too...even if it is made from blood-sucking slugs."



~ ~ ~


The fact that Ceata was in such pain only worsened his worries about Urius, about what was going on in Tenshihana. Without a portal to rush to the other's side, he was left to writhe in agony on the bed. He could feel every cut, every vicious word as it hurt Urius' heart. This happened perhaps once or twice a week, yet, lately, it had been happening with ever-occurring frequency. No wonder Urius was so tender when they made love. Ceata was sometimes afraid to touch his back, knowing how deeply he had been damaged. It all made Ceata hate that Rowan more...especially, for harming his mate.


Varun made a face and glared threateningly at Gow. "You know, I could just eat you...." He rumbled warningly. The key would was ā€˜could. Varun wasnā€™t one to kill anyone needlessly, let alone eat them. He sighed and finished the hunk of bread, though it was with much less relish then before! "You could have waited to tell me till I was finished or something." 


~ ~ ~


Ceata sat up when it was over and done with, swaying slightly. "Oh gods.... Urius..." He breathed and hid his face in his hands, feeling bitter tears staining the palms of his quivering hands. Why was this happening? Urius was sick and weakened already and there was no way he could get to him safely. Gods, he needed to get to him!


"Awww, but that wouldn't be any fun," Gow giggled as he took up his food and then sat down at a table, smiling to himself. He rather liked the company of the boy, finding that this was so much fun as compared to being alone. Gow spent most of his time moving in between Tenshihana, the Shadow Realm, and the compound. He did not have a chance to make many friends aside from the ones he already had. "Say, Varun, are you seeing anyone?"


"I see many, why?" He asked, looking down at the shorter man at his side black eyes wide and inquisitive. The boy was smiling while he ate, savoring the food that they had provided him. It was comfort, this food,  after the shock of finding out that he was going to be made into a leader of a Department. He was still reeling from it. It was something he had not expected. "It is common for a shadowshifter to have many, many lovers."


"Well...it's just that you don't have a mate. Most Shadowshifters I know have a mate of some sort. It's different with you, though. You don't seem to have one," Gow replied as he nibbled on one of those slug rolls that Varun now refused to touch.


"I am not mated yet... no." Varun replied with a smile. "I guess it's a good thing... though there might be possibilities soon." He shrugged. It was odd yes.  Varun had always pictured himself to be the first mated among his brothers. He continued to eat, keeping his mind off of his lack of mates. There were more important matters to think about.

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