untitled: Dangerous seeking

Chapter 24: Dangerous seeking


Far in the corner of the library, directly opposite from where Ceata was searching, Varun was enjoying a nice evening with his beloved. Alpheus was curled up against him, long blond hair having fallen from his braid when they made love. It was delicious...having that young pale body riding him eagerly with that timid blush and pouting lips parted for every moan. Alpheus was as insatiable as a Shadowshifter at times, and it seemed, with the weather getting colder, he was more inclined to stay indoors and have sex than seek out hiding places to read. "Mmm...Read that last passage to me again?" Alpheus asks, having been listening to Varun's beautiful voice reading his marriage gift. 


Varun chuckled, "As you wish..." He purred and began to read the passage on how the main character of the story (Eve) had been utterly enthralled with the movement of her betrothed as he had worked on swordplay in the yard. It went on to speak of how fluid and graceful he was, how his skin shown in the sun, est. Varun grinned at how pleased Alpheus looked, as if imagining Varun in Adam's place and he in Eve's.


"The words are beautiful..." Alpheus sighed contentedly, getting up and straddling the other. The large fur blanket draped off one of Alpheus' shoulders, revealing his white skin to the firelight and making it dance with gold shadows. His hair caught the light as well, giving it an almost orange hue. 


Varun smiled. "And you make a most beautiful sight, Alpheus..." He breathed, gazing at the other with a purr. Alpheus was like a statue of fire and light come to life and he could not keep his hands off that pale skin. His black nails looked so dark against that pale skin and Varun's skin even paler then the skin of the angel. "But yes... they did have a way with words..."


"As you have a way with your hands," Alpheus whispered, leaning down and pulling the other's hands up to caress his body. They kissed, gentle and sweet. Alpheus wasn't timid anymore. He could get snippety, but Varun so easily calmed him now. After the first bout of sex, Alpheus was entirely hooked. "And your mouth...and your...well..." He looks down at the joining of Varun's thighs, smiling.


Varun laughed and caressed the other coyly. "Mmn... you are making me blush love." He coos sweetly, gripping the others buttocks and rocking him against his hips slowly. There was a smirk on his face, dark eyes peering excitedly at the other.


Alpheus shuddered and arched, feeling Varun's cock rubbing against his tender buttocks as their skin ignited fire when brushed together. He bit his lip and stared down at Varun, blue eyes glistening. "I love you..." he whispered timidly, caressing Varun's lips and cheek as he stared into his dark luminous eyes.


"I love you too..." He purred gently, trailing his hand down the others taut belly, enjoying the way it trembled beneath his hand. Alpheus was still loose from their last bout, so it was easy enough to slip into him and start to rock the other slowly on his shaft. His dark eyes feasted adoringly upon the sight, a low moan leaving his throat. "So beautiful..."


"A-ah, V-varun -!" Alpheus gasped as his body was pushed upward by the other's hips thrusting into him. He eventually began to move with Varun's body, their rutting slow and gentle, but no less passionate. Sweet little kisses were planted on Varun's lips as Alpheus shuddered around him. "Varun...A-ah....uhmf! So good..."


Varun purred, leaning up to kiss covetously at the lips of his lover. He enjoyed the feel of that tight body clamping around him, milking him. "Mmm... lovely.... gods Alpheus..." He gasped and arched, rocking harder into the smaller body, feeling him rolling his hips.


Alpheus nearly wailed, pulling the blanket off him so that Varun could get a better view of him. He slipped a hand down his own belly, caressing his cock between his legs as he leaned back into the other's need and began stroking his own. Alpheus put on such a lovely show, blushing sweetly even as he did such dirty things with his dripping manhood. A timid little smile pressed to his lips when he saw those black eyes glittering in lust for him. "M-more...Varun...make me cum...Please?" 


Varun purred and wrapped his arms about Alpheus, slamming up into the other as he kissed at those warm lips delightedly. Such a wonderful mate he had, so lush and sweet and he eagerly slammed into that warm body.


"Ah! Ah! Ah! Oh, God! Ah!! Ah! Ah! Uhn! Umf! V-Va-!Varun! Umf! Ha-!!!" he cried out as the other bounced him up and down on that magnificent cock. He eagerly pressed right back, wrapping his arms around Varun's shoulders as he rode the other in this fashion. Alpheus' cheeks flushed and his body arched, long pale hair caressing between them and sticking to their wet sweaty skin. 


Varun growled, licking at the angel's neck as his cock slammed home over and over again. That quivering ass sucked eagerly at his shaft, milking him as he continued to buck his hips up into the wriggling body over his own. Varun mouthed Alpheus' name, eyes closed and a blissful expression on his pale face.


Alpheus shuddered and whimpered out Varun’s name with each thrust, gripping to his firm muscles and digging in his nails. He let everything go, let Varun indulge in his body as much as he liked, and loved him for it. "V-Varun...I...I can't hold on...ah....m-much longer..." Alpheus gasped against the shell of the other's ear, nuzzling into Varun's neck.


"Go ahead, love." Varun groaned, nipping at the angel's throat, taking in the lush scent of him and shuddering in pleasure. His hips continued to slap up against the others, taking him deeply and making him bounce in his lap.


"V-Varun!!" the other keens then as his whole body tightens around his lover. Varun feels the hot wetness between their chests as Alpheus cums yet again that night, shuddering and going taut in his arms. It is a few seconds later that he slumps forward and pants, whimpering when Varun continues to thrust into him for a bit more before he reaches his own orgasm and taints the other once more with his seed. 


Varun groaned and held the other tightly, tugging up the fur blanket and wrapping them up nicely with it. He sighed softly, smiling and snuggling the other gently to his chest. How pleasant it was to have his lover finally, to enjoy so simple a thing as making love! He smiles slightly, gently caressing the others soft hair as he gazes down at Alpheus.  "Ahem...."  Varun looked up and flushed to see Ceata standing with head cocked and a smile on his face.


Alpheus turned so red that he looked like a cherry, snarling. "W-What are you doing here?! G-Get out! C-couldn't you see the door was locked?!" Alpheus hissed, going back to his usual nasty attitude when anyone but just Varun was with him. At least Varun would never have to worry about his beloved cheating on him...Alpheus was too disgruntled a person with anyone but Varun to really be with anyone else. 


Ceata chuckled and shook his head. "Nope, I need to speak with Varun, sorry Alpheus." He walked over and leaned against the wall, watching Varun untangle himself from both his angel lover and the furs. He stretched, that handsome body rippling, all that pale skin looking pleasingly soft. "Yes? What can I help you with, Ceata?" Varun asked as he began to tug pants on.


Alpheus looked much put out, pulling the furs around him and just about crying as the warmth of his beloved was robbed from him. He wanted to be held more, to be touched and read to and kissed...But now Ceata was stealing away his most precious beloved and he was none too happy! Varun could easily see this, giving an apologetic gaze as Varun went over to talk with Ceata wearing only pants. He still had some of Alpheus' essence clinging to his glistening skin, but the sight was not so unusual to Ceata.


"I need to ask you about something odd going on..." Ceata murmured in a whisper and Varun nodded, listening intently. "I had this dream and I did some very violent things to Urius, but... today I looked at Urius' back and our family crest is right where I branded it into his back during my dream. Urius dreamed the same dream... I'm not sure if it's real or not, it's just too odd."


Varun pondering this with a bit of a quirked brow. He had never known of such visions occurring, though there was plenty of folklore about the Gods of Dreams playing tricks with mortal minds. Yet there didn't seem reason for it here, unless some of the suspicions that Varun's father, Rughal, was placing on Adonis could be similar to this strangeness involving Ceata and Urius. Of course, to find evidence of that, Varun would have to get inside Urius' dreams.


Chewing his lip, Varun peered at Ceata with a frown. "I see... well the only way I can find any evidence of an oddity is to actually get into Urius' dreams and see what happens." He replied softly,  making Ceata frown. Tampering with dreams was never a wise thing to do. Lord Lazarus was still reluctant to allow himself to dream, since the lord of Dreams found him very appealing.


Of course, there was always the alternative...attempting to be in the room when these "nightmares" would occur. The thought of that didn't strike too well with Varun, as he didn't know just what Ceata was dealing with. Ceata hadn't told him quite in full, partly from embarrassment and partly because the fogginess of the encounters didn't allow him to recall much detail later. Still, he knew what was going on was strange...If it continued, there might be the likelihood of asking Death for help.


"I could... hide in the shadows and watch perhaps? If it's actually happening, I should be able to tell you." Varun whispered and Ceata flushed and chewed his lip, thinking it over. He had been watched having sex plenty of times, but there was something uncomfortable about allowing Varun to see what might be happening. The situation was so dark and frightening.


And then, there was always the question of if Sorrow would even show up. This creature was not so foolish to simply show itself in front of others, or it might have already made that mistake with one of Ceata's many mates. No...it seemed the dreams might actually be a better choice, but how would he get into his mind? Agenta could only use objects. They would need to seek out a far more powerful seer in order to do this. 


They could always use Death, but that would be to put the immortal in a vulnerable situation. Ceata sighed and rubbed the top of his head as Varun frowned and crossed his arms over his chest. "Well... perhaps we could get Uzuri to help? Or maybe Adorna? They're good and dream watching."


Yes, that would work...but would Jinasen allow Adorna to do something so dangerous? Their only real hope seemed to be Uzuri, Varun only praying she was in between pregnancies so she would have the power and the drive to do this. Of course, it was not without its dangers. Perhaps Ceata should brief her first.


"Yeah, Uzuri isn't pregnant or trying to get pregnant, so she might be agreeable to do so." He murmured softly and chewed his lip thoughtfully. "I'll talk to her tonight, you go and attend your angel, ok?" He smiled slightly and patted the others shoulder. "You're a real help, thanks."


Alpheus waited patiently for Ceata to leave, grumbling lightly when Varun finally got back. Varun could feel his beloved's glare on him, burning into his skin. Still, it would be easily quelled with gentle kisses and a bit more cuddling. Alpheus may have been easy to anger, but he was also easy to forgive. "What did he want?"


"Just some advise." Varun yawned. "He is my nephew you know, I'm not going to run off with him." He chuckled softly and hugged the other close, pulling him into his lap for kisses and snuggles. "He's going to speak with Uzuri, she can help him better with what he wants done."


"Well, he should just go bother her...I don't want to give you up right now," Alpheus grumbles, kissing the other's lips again and again. Varun is pleased with Alpheus' affectionate and clingy nature, much different from his stand-offish and even brutal attitude from before. Now he freely rubs his naked body against Varun, nuzzling him lovingly and playing with his hair. "What exactly was he so interested in that you could help him with?"


"Dream watching. He's been having odd dreams." Varun replied and yawned softly, kissing at the angel's lips adoringly. Such a soft, warm and wiggly body. So delicious and all his! He purred, running his hands over the others ass with delight. "Mmn... you're so lovely, Alpheus... I would not want to be without your attentions."


"Neither do I, Varun....I want you to be with me always. Promise me you will?" Alpheus asks as he caresses the other's cheek, kissing his lips and nuzzling softly against him. Their bodies mold well together, Varun liking all that lithe muscle as it moves against him. 


"Of course, beautiful angel..." He breathed and nuzzled into the others throat gently. Such a lovely mate he has won. He is so very happy to have him here and in his arms, it amazes him really. "I will never leave you."


As Varun and Alpheus continued the consummation of their desires, Ceata was out and on a mission once more. He would have to find Lord Death, where ever he may be, and try to see if he could contact Uzuri later in the evening. However, war meetings kept Death busy long into the night, giving Ceata a chance to inquire about leaving the realm to see Uzuri only after dinner.


Dinner was now a much larger event then normal. The dining hall was buzzing with voices and movement as angels and demons and even humans were moving about getting their rations and partaking in the enjoyment of a mass meal from Death's kitchens. Ceata sat near his mother at the table, a slight frown tugging at his lips as he supped. Rowan sat at the high table with Death, both of them speaking as they ate, so Ceata could not get a word in edgewise.


"I believe the battlements should not be a problem at the Western Gate, though they are difficult to build at the Southern Gate. Perhaps you could provide some proper advice later, Lord Death?" Rowan asks as he sits and eats his very bland meal of bread, simple wheat gruel, and some un-spiced meat. He eats nothing with spices, sweetness or flavor. It's really quite odd.


The immortal nodded. "Yes, I believe we can finish going over that later, it does need to be discussed and notes taken." He mused, sipping at wine as he sat back and continued to speak in hushed tones with both Rowan and Lazarus. The tall shadowshifter was heavily pregnant and looked to be nearing full term. He looked tired, having been taking care of many things for Death with the help of his twin sons. Ceata watched them all quietly before leaning over and coughing for attention. "Lord Death, would it be ok for me to go and visit Auntie Uzuri? I need to go over some things with her."


"Wouldn't that be unwise, Lord Death, considering the situation as it stands with the lack of border security? There is no telling who might be watching the comings and goings of our soldiers...Ceata could end up kidnapped," Rowan offered as a bit of advice, his tone very convincing. He had a way of speaking that made others sway to his will, gentle and serene yet hiding such darkness.


The immortal smiled at Rowan. "Hmmn.. possibly, but not where Ceata would be going." He replies thoughtfully. "Uzuri's home is well guarded and her lover is an incubus king, so I doubt Ceata will be in much danger if he goes." He glanced back up at the young male who looks so wide eyed and hopeful. "You may, but don't be gone long. I do not want to have to worry over you, yes?"  Ceata smiled and nodded, sitting back to sip more at his wine. It was too late to go today, so he would go tomorrow morning and ask Uzuri for her help. She adored him, so hopefully she'd be up to it.


After dinner, Ceata was already setting to work on packing up for his little day trip when he heard the knock of a hand against his doorframe. He looked up and nearly dropped the items in his hands. Rowan stared at him, a shadow cast upon his face from the light in the hall. Such a lean long body...He was gorgeous, there was no doubting that, but he was also very dangerous. "Hello, Ceata...Packing, I see."


"Yes... can I help you?" He asked softly, frowning. He did not like the fact that Rowan was here in the least, but he kept himself calm even as he continued to pack his little day-pack. He had much to do tomorrow and would need the things he was packing. He did not know if it was wise to take his eyes off of Rowan, not when he had come here for no known reason.


"You're out to see Uzuri...I was wondering what might be so important that you would need to visit a well known dream-seer," Rowan replied casually. Ceata could feel his skin crawling and the brand on his lower back burning. Oh, yes...Adonis was asking him, not Rowan. Perhaps he had forgotten who he was dealing with for a moment, looking back to find those red eyes upon him. "I know what you're doing, you stupid little cunt...It's not going to work."


Ceata gritted his teeth. "Whatever do you mean?" He asked softly, "I am going for training, though there has been a strange dream I would like her to review that I have been having." He did not look up, closing the pack and wishing to shove Adonis out of his room and lock the door. The scar on his lower back ached, burning viciously under his shirt.


"You're trying to find out about Urius' past..." Adonis smirked and then chuckled a bit. "Maybe I should let you. He'll certainly kill you before I will...I wonder if it's listening right now. He's always had a knack for hanging out in dark places." Adonis' words did not make Ceata feel any better as he glanced back at him. He was still leaning so artfully against the doorframe, looking so damn delightful. 


"And why would you care?" Ceata asked softly, raising a brow and looking over his shoulder. "If it is so unimportant, you would not be here, now would you?" He turned away, disgusted that the man would come to gloat and act so full of himself. Bloody bastard, Ceata wanted to hurt him in the worst possible ways. "If you're not here on business, I suggest you leave."


"What you do is my business, Ceata...you still owe me, don't you? I won...I deserve a prize...and when I come to collect, I do hope you will honor your word," Adonis replied, his eyes then narrowing. "Or else, Sorrow will be the least of your problems." He straightens and smiles at the other, giving him a casual wave. "Good day..."


"You're pathetic." Ceata murmured and stood, placing his bag on the bed. "Good evening, Rowan." He smirked tightly, keeping his gaze off the other. Did he have nothing better to do then come here and bother him? Shouldn't he be off torturing Adonis or Urius? Doing some evil thing to keep himself amused. Adonis was acting... like a snotty teenager by coming here to make threats.


Could it be? Could.........Could Adonis be afraid of Sorrow? It made Ceata pause in his packing for a moment as he stopped and looked back towards the empty doorframe, Adonis having left far before Ceata got the last word. It makes the young Shadowshifter wonder, biting his lip. Could it be he's stumbled upon something even more dangerous than the God of Torment?


Interesting. Ceata frowned, chewing it over as he sat on the bed beside his half packed bag. Could it be that Sorrow was more dangerous than Adonis? Why else would Adonis be marching about making threats when it had nothing to do with him? How odd, really odd. Ceata smiled wryly, wanting all the more to get Uzuri to pick over Urius' dreams. The young male stood again, taking the pack and putting it beside his bed before trailing over to peer out his window and stare at the evening sky. The moon was nearly full.


The dark clouds covered a deep purple-black sky - as purple and deep as Sorrow's eyes. It was a wonderful night, one that was clear enough that you could see all the way to the high ridged mountains of Death's realm. Such a bleak place afforded some beauty to those that stared out from the westerly castle windows, watching the great gold moon peering down over jutting rocks and jagged statues of stone. It reminded Ceata of a boiling black sea, stopped in time so that every peaked wave stood at attention.


He sighed and leaned his forehead against the cold glass of the window, staring out into the beautiful night. How lovely a sight, so beautiful and calming to one so agitated as Ceata. The night was calm, quiet, only the gentle sound of people laughing and talking from the compound. It was lovely and he smiled slowly, closing his eyes and just enjoying the calm moment while it lasted.


It would not last long, for, as morning came, Ceata was hectic to try and get the last of his day pack set before heading off. He was being escorted by a detail of two Death Angels and two young Angels, a Valen and a Starc. Rowan seemed to be no where in sight for his send off, but he had no doubt sent the Angels with Ceata to always keep his presence known. 


It was not as if Ceata cared. It would be easy enough to keep them out of his business. Besides, they were dependent on him and the death angels for transportation. He carried his pack over one shoulder and glanced to one of the death angels to see if they were all ready to go. The angel nodded and they took hold of the two coming with them before Ceata gave the sigh and they all shifted to the desired location.


The place they came to was large, Japanese in style and appeared to be highly expensive. Ceata lead them all through the hallways, heading toward Uzuri's room since she was normally there and he had warned her that he was coming. They were met by a haggard little serving girl, who had them wait since Uzuri was busy taking care of 'something important'. What that could be, could only be guessed at.


The Valen, a youth named Octavian, stared forward with a cold expression as his Starc companion made a rigid statue behind him. His sleek brown hair was pulled back into a simple ponytail, held by a blue ribbon. He wore blue and gold, as was the custom of most all Valens who had such pride in their family colors, and had a sharp and almost vicious gaze. The little serving girl quickly skittered away from him, for he was a rather imposing person. The Starc behind him was less so, for he was only about 14 or 14, scrawny, and yet that could be rather deceiving. Ceata knew that Starcs younger than the boy could easily kill a grown man bare-handed. There was no telling if this young man was the same without testing him. 


Soon enough the doors open and Uzuri came out, standing in the doorway. Naked. She had not bothered to put clothes on and she was still shining in sweat from whatever she had been doing. From the glimpse of her half asleep female mate Scorpio in the background on the bed, the two had been busily enjoying each others bodies. The female raised a dark brow, cocking her hip as she looked upon the five before her. Ceata and the two death angels were not bothered at all, but the other two....  "Good day auntie, where shall we talk?" Ceata asked with a smile, bowing his head respectfully to the gorgeous female shadowshifter.


The Valen looked more disgusted than anything, though the Starc's face remained placid. Octavian was not one to find women attractive in the least. He was unflinchingly gay and hated all forms of feminine beauty. Just seeing Uzuri made his stomach turn and he found himself pressing against his young Starc companion to save himself from losing his lunch.


"The den will do fine enough." Uzuri yawned and stalked past the angels with a rolling gait that made her hips sway back and forth appealingly; her whole lush body moving in a manner that made her seem dangerous even with that sweet, round face. Ceata followed her, not at all bothered by his auntie's nudity. If she had been having sex he still would not have blinked in surprise.


They moved from the hall and into a warm room with red wall paper and beautiful golden wood with dark red cushions with gold tassels at the edges. Uzuri sat down, gazing at Ceata curiously as he sat across from her. The angels were ordered to wait out in the hall.


Octavian frowned as he stood there in the hallway with the two handsome young Death Angels and his young Starc companion. At least this was much better than staring at some naked woman for a god-awful century. Even so, he was bored with where he was. Why did Lord Rowan ask him to go? He didn't see the point of being here when there was nothing he could do...


Ceata smiled upon Uzuri. "I wish for you to read the dreams of my mate, Urius... There is something odd going on and I am not sure what, but it is dangerous." He murmured softly, speaking quietly so those outside could not hear. Uzuri nodded slowly, hands folded before her as Ceata told her all that had happened and his fears. She frowned tightly, brows knotted. "This sounds very serious, Ceata. Death knows, yes?" When he nodded she relaxed a little more, still looking agitated. "I will come back with you..." She glanced down at the pack Ceata had. "What is in there, Ceata?"


Gifts, mostly, to further convince Uzuri to help him. Several were simply toys that Uzuri had wanted to play with for a while now. There were others, though. Books that Ceata had managed to collect about the histories of their race - things that would do well to be added to Uzuri's library - , a mirror which acted as a way to communicate between the realms, and, of course, a crystal ball that would help make Uzuri's dream seeing easier.


Said gifts were met with a purr and Uzuri leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. "Mmn... thank you so much sweetness, I will go and put these away, why don't you go take your friends there and have Yukio serve you some tea? Hmmn? He's visiting and sitting out in the garden."  Ceata nodded and walked out, having the four angels follow him out to the garden where the elegant Yukio sat in his robes, smoking on a long, wooden pipe and sipping at sake.

The big male looked up at them, dreads falling into dark eyes as Ceata crouched by him. "Auntie says you need to serve us tea." He crooned teasingly and Yukio sighed and ordered the serving girl that had been attending him to go and get them tea.  "Sit, " Yukio urged, "Mother will probably keep you here for most of the morning."


The two Angels didn't seem to understand the strange custom of sitting cross-legged on the mat. Octavian simply refused to do it, sitting with his knees folded neatly under him. His Starc companion did the same, saying nothing to anyone. Such a sharp-eyed young boy he was. Though he seemed very silent, his silence allowed for greater observation.


The two death angels were silent as well, though Ceata chattered with the handsome shadowshifter sitting before him till the serving girl returned with tea and cups for all of them. Yukio took the platter and elegantly served them all tea, his expression soft and pleased as he passed them their cups and bid them to drink. "And what brings you here, Ceata? Is there not a war going on?" Yukio asked softly, raising a brow.  Ceata nodded, smiling faintly. "Personal matters really, nothing all that important. Uzuri has agreed to help me, so it will hopefully be taken care of."  The rest of their conversations were of different matters, news, gossip that Yukio had heard on missions, est. It probably bored the valen and starc angel to death.


Hardly. The Starc sat calmly and quietly, very aware of what was going on. From his mind was a direct link with Adonis. In truth, the child was only a puppet. Even if he could not conceivably hear what was said between Uzuri and Ceata, Adonis could. Indeed, the God had made sure his spies were everywhere, even here. 


"And what of Absinthe? I have not seen him in a long while. Last I heard Death had taken him under his wing for training..." Yukio mused, sipping at his sake as Ceata drank his tea. "He is... doing ok. I am afraid he'd in a rather unhealthy relationship." Ceata frowned faintly. "But it would not be wise for me to try and stop it. The man he's tangling with in powerful and I would rather not be smooshed." He chuckled softly. "I've been having troubles of my own... odd dreams of a purple eyed beast, but you know what stress does to a body." 


Yukio nodded, smiling against the rim of his cup. "I always thought Absinthe would be one to get himself into more trouble then he can handle, and you? You need to be more careful yourself." He chuckled softly. " I've dealt with a good number of nobility in my field of work... and they are dangerous, cunning bastards sometimes. They would do just about anything to keep themselves in power. Watch yourself."


Ceata smiled faintly at him and nodded, lashes lowered over his eyes. "I am always careful." He replied softly. The conversation changed soon enough, mostly of Lazarus' pregnancy, the going ons about them and who was with who. After a while Uzuri returned to them dressed and leaned down. "I'm ready to go, sweetling." She smiled down at him, that silky voice beautiful and rich with power.


The Starc watched her carefully, as Adonis did. She would be a problem, in time...but, for now, she would be easily managed. Even if she did find a way to contact Sorrow, it would likely send her into a fitful coma filled with only nightmares or, at the very worst, kill her. Adonis didn't have to do anything but watch in this case, though he knew that, with Sorrow's arrival, his chances were getting slimmer and slimmer.


Uzuri was smart. The things that Ceata had told her would make her move very cautiously. She had too much to lose to allow herself to be foolish when dealing with something she knew was to be dangerous. Ceata stood, waving good day to Yukio before the six of them left the room and returned back to the castle as swiftly as possible. Once they had returned, Ceata dismissed the angels and took Uzuri with him to fill her in on what he wanted to be done. Evening would not come for what seemed eternity that day.


Night cannot come swift enough for an anxious Ceata, though he hardly knows if anything will come of this venture. There is no sure way to make Sorrow come to him, so then he must go and seek the beast out. Uzuri is ready with all that she needs for dream seeing, though she is nervous about whether or not to use herself as a medium. She could try to fix a false body out of clay through which to seek dreams, but that would take so much time.


So she uses one of her shadows instead. It is linked to her, but not close enough to cause her major harm. Ceata looks anxiously at the older femme, his bright eyes troubled. She nods faintly, ready to use her tricks as she waits for him to seek out Sorrow. This may be harder then he thought, for he was not sure if Sorrow would come to him this evening. Uzuri linked to Ceata and the young male left her in one of the rooms as he sought Sorrow out.


Sorrow would not come. He was no fool. Adonis would not go near Ceata either, for he was not a fool by any measure. The halls simply remained unearthly quiet as Ceata stalked them, looking somewhere for his violet-eyed beast. Nothing. Long into the night, nothing. Even Uzuri was starting to get tired, nibbling on tea cakes she had been offered at the onset of this attempt, but now they just tasted dry and cold.


Sometime late, late into the night, Uzuri fell asleep and slumped upon the table, her link still set up with Ceata, but weak. The young male sighed wearily and sat down on the steps leading down to the dungeon, annoyed and agitated that the bastard had not come. He sighed and hung his head in exhaustion, wanting to go to sleep so very badly.


His lashes flutter a moment as he sinks down into the bench where he has sat. Nothing is there, nothing in the gloom that he searches again and again with his tired eyes. It's already far passed midnight and approaching the light hours of the morning - Ceata feels as though this is pointless. Of course Sorrow would never show up. He would never do anything that would possibly put him in danger of being found out.


Groaning, Ceata curled up on the step with a little sigh of annoyance. Damnit, this was so ridiculous. He closed his eyes and before he knew it, he was fast asleep curled up on the cobblestone floor. He was too damn tired to even try and get up now. He would be aching and cold when he woke up, but exhaustion did not make it easy to get his ass moving all the way back upstairs.


"So quickly asleep, are we?" comes a voice that jars Ceata from his sleep so quickly that he leans back too far and hits his head against the wall. Ceata hisses and holds his aching skull, looking up through his pain to see that dark figure looming over him. Shadows swirl about his body, his violet eye so dark that they're almost black. He smiles. "Playing naughty tricks, are you?"


Ceata gaped with wide eyes and nearly fell down the remaining step onto the cold stone floor. He tried to speak and found his throat convulsing, unable to get any words out. He gulped and shook his head, refusing to admit he was trying something. If he was here, Uzuri must have fallen asleep and posed no threat to the big male that now towered over Ceata's hunched form.


"Your little hound-ess is asleep right now...A bare sliver of consciousness connects you two," Sorrow said at length, cocking his head slightly as though he was trying to catch the gleanings of a whisper down the hallway. He smiled slowly, that frightening smile that was enough to make Ceata feel absolute terror. "She's using a decoy....but even that won't save her from a broken mind."



 Ceata pressed against the wall. "Leave her alone, Sorrow." He hissed viciously. "I'll break it; don't you dare hurt her." The more he stared into those purple eyes, the more he realized that this was more real then he wanted it to be. He shivered, eyeing Sorrow like a trapped fox eyes the barking hounds.


"No, no...I want her to see.......Even if it is a glimmer of a memory, I want her to know - as I want you all to know - where I am." These words confused Ceata a great deal as he pressed to the cold stone. Sorrow advanced on him with an uncanny grace, a grace similar to that of Adonis' long limbs as he paced like an elegant lion in a cage...Yet....this one was not caged. This creature, black and thick as the night with all sorts of unknown hells, was not caged. It stalked forth with such ease and caressed Ceata's cheek with a hand as cold as a corpse. "Very soon, Urius won't be able to contain me anymore." He smiled slyly. "And I will have Rowan to thank for it.


Ceata gulped, looking up at Sorrow with wide, frightened eyes. This was not fun anymore, not with those purple eyes so interested in him. "And what is my place in all this, Sorrow?" He asked huskily, feeling a tremor go through his body. He was not sure at all if he wanted to be here. The desire to escape through the shadows was making his skin crawl.


"You are my Master, are you not?" Sorrow asked with mild surprise, but Ceata couldn't be sure if it was feigned or not. He had quickly realized not to trust this creature, despite what his heart was telling him. This was not Urius. It did not even possess a hint of Urius' love and generosity and compassion and sweetness. This thing would destroy him. "You have your part to play...for now, you needn't worry about it."


Ceata frowned tightly, inching his way up the wall, staring the other in the eyes as if he were a predator and to tear his eyes away would be to admit he was submitting. He stood straight, eyes  unblinking. "Oh? What sort of part am I to play in this, Sorrow? Is it the same part that Absinthe plays for Adonis? Am I to be a toy?"


"If you were a toy, would I call you my Master." The fact that Ceata was not sure of this question lead him to believe that, yes, even the term "master" could not bind a God to a mortal. This beast, wild and unfettered, did not use such simple terms to create dominance. No...he was such that his dominance existed without even needing to speak it, unlike Adonis. Anything else would have cheapened the potency of his power. 


He chewed his lip, frowning. "I am not the one in control here, Sorrow, I can see through that easily enough." He replied softly. He glanced away quickly before looking back at the big male. "I am not stupid. Now... is there something you wanted? You would not be here if there wasn't." He inched away from the other slowly, cautiously till he was out of easy grasp.


"Stay out of my affairs...the next time you bring your little sorceress into this, I will kill her. There is no question about that," Sorrow replied with an even tone. He held no flattery to it, none of that black silk voice that was so like Urius' and yet so different. It was plain and simple - a threat that did not need lacing to make it potent.


"As you wish." Ceata replied, not wanting to get his aunt killed. He would feel horrible to make the oldest living shadowshifter die simply because Ceata wanted to learn more about this beast before him. He averted his eyes, licking his lips. "I will be going to bed now if you have nothing else to say." He uttered weakly, frightened that Sorrow would be lying and would simply kill Uzuri to make a point.


"One more thing, Master..." he said softly, tilting the other's chin up as Ceata flinched. He stole his lips for a soft and gentle kiss - deceptively soft, deceptively gentle. There was no love behind that kiss. It felt like coldness all through Ceata's body. "If you should happen to see Adonis, tell him that, if he breaks another one of my fucking fingers, I'll rip out his entrails, hmm? Can you do that for me?"


"Y-yes." Ceata replied softly, eyes widening slightly. Gods, how funny it would be to see that angel's face when Ceata told him what Sorrow desired him to tell. He nodded slightly and made to move pass the taller male, wanting away from him and out of the dungeons.


"Oh, and, Ceata...?" he called out from the gloom.



 Ceata looked back at him, peering curiously over his shoulder. "Yes?" he asked slowly, frowning.


"Never give Adonis your locket. That is an order." Those eyes, so purple they were nearly black, held such an edge of threat that Ceata felt it most acutely. He shivered, visibly shaken by the other's fierce gaze. Obviously, that trinket was VERY important to both Gods...but why?


He gripped the locket and frowned, nodding slowly as a shiver raced through him. "As you command, so it shall be done." He replied softly, in the same manner as he had heard Urius say such similar things before.


Those words seemed to make him disappear - like a spell, he dissolved into the darkness with a gentle smile just as the sun began to rise over the jagged mountains in the distance. The grey light hit against the weathered stones of Death's castle as well as the new ones of the compound just outside. Soldiers woke in the morning mists, Death Angels went about their duties, and Ceata found himself kneeling in the hall, exhausted and confused. Sorrow...he felt so much sorrow.


Ceata dragged himself upstairs and put Uzuri into a bed to let her sleep before he stumbled to his own room and passed out, exhausted on the covers. What was he going to do? He was frightened, so very frightened

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