untitled: New home, New lord

Chapter 6: New home, New lord

The next morning, Varun woke to the dreary cold of a rainy day. The sky was grey overhead and the pale light filtered in through the window as if the panes were frosted glass. Varun rubbed his eyes free of sleep as he sat up in his bed. Urius was not there. Looking around, he could see that the tub had been removed, as had their dirty dishes. At once, Varun wondered if Urius had gone downstairs to get them more food, but saw that there was a tray waiting for Varun on the table - covered by a lid to keep it warm. 


Varun sat up, a small frown toughing his lips, but he reached for the tray. Already his belly was rumbling angrily for a meal. Amusing how loudly the body protested when it wanted something.. Varun pursed his lips and took off the lid, smiling what was laid out for him on the plate. He felt like he was starving, though he knew it had been only last night when he had eaten.


It was only after Varun had finished his food that Urius returned, completely dressed in a handsome grey tunic with a black wolf embroidered upon the front. He saw Varun up and bowed his head respectfully, putting some papers into a satchel at his side. He did not tell Varun what the papers were for, merely going over to the fire to check if the hot water had finished boiling. Seeing that it had, he fixed himself a cup of tea with the mug he had in the saddle bag and the loose tea he brought with him. This he sat down on the table before sitting down himself. "Did you sleep well?" 


"I did." Varun admitted, stifling a yawn. He was already up and getting dressed. It was hard to be up and moving with the rain thundering down outside. Staying in bed was tempting. "I slept rather well actually." Varun mused as he tugged his pants up over lean thighs and tied them. "I was rather surprised that I slept so deeply."


"You were no doubt tired from riding. I can imagine parts of you are sore now, from it. I was the same way when I was learning to ride a horse," he replies as he pulls out a paper that he had under his arm and begins to read it as he sips his tea. Varun watches him, seeing the stern look upon his face as he reads. Finishing it, Urius crumples the paper and throws it into the fire. "Your laundry is finished, so you will have clean clothes tomorrow until your baggage arrives by boat."


Varun brightened at the news, nodding in argeement with the other man's reply.. "I ache a little... not as much as I thought I would though. It's been a while." He grunted and stretched, tying the ties at his elbows and making himself presentable in his gear. Over the knee boots are tugged up his legs and buckled before he deem himself fully ready to start the day. "Now then... when do we head out? I'm rather keen to move as fast as possible with the rain coming down like that." He remarks briskly, turning his gaze out the window critically.


"We will leave soon. The storm is heading to the west, so we should wait a little while longer so we do not get caught in the thick of it. Relax for now...you wouldn't want to end up tiring yourself out before you even saw Prince Rowan," Urius advises as he sips at his tea. 


Varun laughed at that.  "Unlikely." He replied lazily and sat, watching the rain fall down from the sky in shimmering droplets. His chest heaved as he took in a deep breath, mind wandering to what Rowan would have him doing. Bookwork? Note taking? They had met on quite a few occasions and had even played chess once before. The man was intelligent and silent, hiding what he was thinking behind a cold smile.


The grey clouds have lifted partially by the time Varun reaches the Snoicelle Canal. It is a vast channel that has been carved out by the force of water, its man-made part having been dug into the stone of Tenshihana's foundations so that it will run into the citadel and the Maestar Quarter. This part is naturally made, having forced back the great snow-capped mountains over thousands of years. On the other side of this deep, black, icy canal is a sheer cliff that goes up a good two hundred feet. Atop it, a castle of marvelous proportions sits, looking over the Vale and all that live within it. This is where he shall be imprisoned from now on...It seems befitting to cage a bird so high in the sky.


A shiver rattled Varun when he gazed upon the castle. He felt the  first twinge of fear  since he left home pick at his flesh and bone. Varun bit his bottom lip, trying to stop the shivering that was starting to work up his body. There was no time for that; he needed to remain calm. He would not give Rowan the pleasure of seeing fear in his eyes.


Urius stood beside the other as he waited for the grisly old raft man to make his way over the choppy waters. His hair hung down from his nearly bald head, his clothing tattered and smelling of fish. The old man was missing teeth and had one bad eye, but he smiled kindly enough and, with a calloused arthritic hand, motioned for the two to come aboard. "Good morrow, Lord Urius...I see you brought the new arrival with you," the old man said, looking to Varun. "He be a Shadowshifter....one o' Death's kin, aye?"



Varun smiled sheepishly, giving a jerking nod before he caught himself. There was nothing about Varun that screamed evil demon. A quiet, thoughtful young man, polite and warm in his mannerisms. Nothing about him frightening or unkind. He stood with Urius and remained silent by his side, trying not to drag much attention to himself.


Urius doesn't say anything to Varun as the old man begins to use his great pole to ferry them across. The raft is connected to a rope to further help the ailing elderly fisherman fjord the fast-flowing icy waters of the Snowicelle. Varun watched as the shore became closer and closer, he able to see a smiling Jinevae on the other side with three horses for them. The idea of riding up the steep slope instead of having to walk was very much appealing to Varun, for, as he got closer, he realized that the cliff was probably more than two-hundred-and-fifty feet high. Climbing that would be murder.


"Welcome, Varun! Welcome to yer new home!" Jinevae cried as they got close enough to shore for him to shout. The raft soon floated its way out of the fast broiling water and to the shore, Varun inwardly noting that to try and swim across the wide canal would be fatal. Perhaps that is what Rowan wanted - to keep invaders from getting in and prisoners from getting out. After all, the only other way to leave the castle was over the snowy mountains. Surely, someone would die if they tried.


Varun flushed with pleasure at the welcome from Jinevae. This was a man that he liked. Kind and warm, the Jin made him feel more at home. Smiling brightly, Varun waved at the big man. It would not be so bad if there were more like Jinevae wandering around the castle. He relaxed a little, glancing at Urius curiously under the fringe of dark hair that liked to topple into his large, dark eyes. The man looked emotionless, almost tensed.


Jinevae offered his hand to Varun when the raft made land, steadying the youth as his boots landed in the wet shallows of the shore. Urius walked off soon after him, their boots making splashes in the frigid water before finally settling on dry land. Varun smiled as Jinevae gave him a great big hug, his body warm despite the chilly air. "Oooh! I'm so glad you're here. I've been campin' out since last night, waitin' for yah. How're you? I trust Urius ain't been too much of a bore durin' the journey, aye?" he laughs, looking to Urius. The other doesn't even acknowledge him, merely securing the horses and strapping their saddle bags in.


Varun smiled charmingly and returned the hug, enjoying the warmth and the strength in the big angel's arms. "No, he's been ok traveling partner, when he wishes to speak." He laughed ruefully, flashing a smile up at the tall angel. "It is rather cold today; it will be nice to get inside!"


"It'll take a bit of a ride...Ain't jus' a lil' stroll up to yer new home, is it? We Angels don't use our wings much, either. Funny, don'cha think?" Jinevae chuckles as he takes off his large fur-lined coat and drapes it over Varun's much slimmer shoulders. Varun snuggles into the bear skin, smelling smoke fire and forest upon it. It seems everyone here smells of some rustic earthy place from which they came. Varun wonders if he shall soon lose the sweet perfumes of his home by living here. Eos will probably wrinkle his nose at him.


He would not mind it much. He loved the scent of the sandalwood candles and the lavender and rose petals, but the smell of earth and wood smoke was just as pleasant a smell. Varun snuggled  himself deep into the coat and thanked the big angel with a smile. "The exercise will be good." Varun remarked, though whether he meant it or not was open for debate.


"Well, if yah wanna know about how to get over them there mountains, there's no one better to ask than a Jin," Jinevae says as he looks proudly down at the other, patting his green and silver tunic. His frizzy red hair is held back in a large mass of curls, allowing one to see his ruggedly handsome features and his silvery eyes all the more. He then turns and walks over to his great work horse, petting the mare's mane.


"We had best get going," Urius cut in, looking to Varun with those tense grey-violet eyes. Try as he may, Urius could not hide his worry completely from Varun. It seemed he was more nervous than the youth was!


The young nodded in agreement, unable to force a smile this time. Although doing his best to not feel afraid, he found it difficult. Best to keep the mind upon other things. The new sights, the new smells, the excitement of being somewhere new. He hurried over to the horses and took the reins of the one that Urius handed to him, patting the animal's arched neck as he made ready to mount.


The three are soon upon their horses - Jinevae with his large brown work horse, Urius with his slender black gelding, and Varun with a dark dapple brown Arabian with blond locks. They begin their trek up the mountain, the way mostly barren rock covered with snow. It is sprinkled with earth in order to make it easier going for the animals, the trees that stand stoutly at such snowy heights providing some shelter from the wind. "Yah know any drinkin' songs, there, Varun? I always did like singin' em to pass the time..."


Varun laughed and went a slightly red in the cheeks. "I do... but most of them are dirty and I'm not sure how appreciative anyone passing use might feel about hearing them." He laughed, dark eyes bright and merry for a moment. They were roudy, amusing songs, all of them taught to him by Exodus over the course of his youth.


"Oi! Then I'll haffta teach yah how to sing some ANGEL drinkin' songs....though, I ain't too opposed to singing them dirty ones," Jinevae laughs, his cheeks rosy from the cold as a light snow begins to fall. "I ain't too opposed to singin' anything, if it's a drinkin' song...But, still, you gotta come n' spend a night down at House Jin. Mah Aunt'll cook you up a right mean feast an' there's always singin' an' dancin'...Well, that is, if Prince Rowan approves o'course..."


The young shadowshifter grinned brightly at the idea.  "Of course. That sounds lovely." He smiled to himself, patting the side of his Arab's neck. Although what lay ahead of him was unknown, Varun was beginning to feel more confident about himself, about what lay ahead of him.  He hoped that Urius' worries would be all for not.


Still, there were things Urius knew about this home that Varun was soon to go into...things that would make the poor youth pale in horror, should he ever discover them. Urius had spent all of the last twenty-eight years protecting Sahena from such things, acting as a shield between him and the true nature of Rowan. He feared now that he would have to do the same with Varun...the price for Urius would be great, but he would not stand idle while Varun was tormented. So many times, Urius had taken the punishment for interfering with Rowan's other side....His recent bloody wounds were proof enough of that.


Varun glanced toward the man, wondering idly if Urius would try to protect him should Rowan really be as bad as they thought. If Urius was going to put himself between himself and Rowan, Varun couldn't allow it. Varun would do his duties. Even if Rowan was going to beat him, Varun would take it. But how to keep Urius from stepping in?


There really was no way. Urius would fight to keep Varun shielded, to keep what little of Rowan's remaining sanity intact, and, most of all, to hide a terrible dark secret that connected Rowan, Sahena, Urius, and everyone they knew. Urius would die before he would let it be known the reason for his shame and his guilt, as well as the fate that awaited Rowan if Urius failed.


Varun took a deep breath of the clean air, eyes closing briefly. The journey is almost over. Varun wants nothing more than to stay off the road for as long as he can. Perhaps hole himself up somewhere comfortable with plenty of books. "I will be glad when I can sleep in an actual bed." The youth sighed.


"Tired of travelin', are yah?" Jinevae chuckled, looking to Varun with a smile. "You'll find there're a lot o' things different from yer world...We ain't got no fancy tricks. We're supposed tah live a simple Christian life. Besides, doin' some hard work and takin' the long way can be rewardin'. Yah don't think I got these muscles by usin' portals, do yah?" Jinevae grins as he flexes his arm, showing off those huge muscles beneath the cloth of his undershirt.


"I thought you were born with those." Varun shoot back cheekily and smirked. The horse's gait was smooth and sprit, comfortable in a way that had him whistling quietly to himself. Might as well enjoy everything while he could. "Besides, I am a shadowshifter, I am supposed to flit about."


"Ha! Well, we Jins'll fix yah of that...Ain't no flittin' 'bout when we'll keep yah steady grounded," he chuckles as they make it up the turn. Urius is ahead of them, his solemn figure making a stark contrast against the white snow that blankets the ground lightly. He looks in his element.


Varun chuckled. "I'd like to see you guys’ try." He taunted, enjoying immensely the banter the two of them were having. At least Jinevae seemed to have a sense of humor, unlike the Starc that headed their little posse of men.


At least Varun had that much of a friend in Tenshihana, and, if Jinevae's words were correct, would soon have a whole Clan if he met the Jins. Perhaps Rowan would be kind enough to send Varun over there once in a while, for Varun had heard from Adorna just how rowdy those Jins could be. It would be like going back home for a bit. "So...you excited?"


"I am." Varun replied, indeed hoping that Rowan would not ban him from enjoying  himself with a knew group of friends. He glanced over at Jinevae with a smile, looking excited for the first time since he had gotten on the road that morning. "It will be interesting..." He mused.



"Well, it ain't gonna be all child's play...Urius there is yer law teacher, Roaden teaches yah economics, an' I'm yer sparrin' partner," Jinevae said happily, seeming proud for being picked to train Varun in the martial arts. Certainly, he was the only one that could keep up with the lad's unending stamina. "Rowan'll teach yah other things when he ain't busy."


Varun nodded thoughtfully, smiling at Jinevae. It would be interesting alright. He had learned those lessons from the viewpoint of death angels and shadowshifters, learning them from the viewpoint of angels would be both a challenge and enlightening.


"We're here," Urius interrupted, turning on his saddle to look back at the two. Coming around the bend, Varun was finally able to see Rowan's castle in all its glory. The weathered stone of a pale grey granite withstood the chilling wind that rushed up the cliff and down through the gorge where the Snoicelle Canal ran. A light flurry of snow dusted the tops of impressive towers, their windows gleaming with frost. Footmen were already waiting with thick fur-lined coats to take their horses, servants opening the doors to welcome the weary travelers inside.


Varun's heart skipped at those words, and the boy steeled himself, ready for this unknown future. He glanced at the Jin angel riding beside him. here was comfort in having others with him and knowing he didn't have to meet Rowan-Adonis right away. He would have time to calm himself before he came before the intimidating blond.


Indeed, he was joined by both Urius and Jinevae as they walked up the granite steps - mindful of the ice and slush that could possibly cause them to slip. Two servants opened the great double doors with their reinforced frames, revealing to Varun a vast entryway that reached high up into a tower, revealing the wooden beams that held the stone in place. The floor beneath Varun's feet is a bit different, for the warm honey-colored tiles seem to span in a sunrise pattern towards two converging staircases. On either side there are entrances into beautiful parlors, beyond them doors that lead out into the rest of the castle and the central courtyard. Varun marvels at the plants growing indoors, waterways running along the walls with water flowing steadily down the stone to sustain the plants that, in turn, purify the water. Above a great golden chandelier rains dimmed light down upon them in shades of yellow and white, giving a mystical feel to the castle. It is so much more alive than its stern exterior, displaying Rowan's tastes with ancient artifacts sitting above the falling water on long shelves. Paintings hang where the cascades are not present, mixing old world charm with natural elements and clean gleaming surfaces.


It was a shock, but one Varun found himself happy to see. When he'd looked at the exterior he had expected a castle full of doom and gloom, but here there was life and beauty. The sound of water running soothing his nerves. The saying don't judge a book by its cover comes to mind. See, it isn't so bad, Varun told himself, though he continued to stay close to the Jin and Starc, not yet ready to step away from their reassuring presence. 


Servants stepped forward in their blue and gold liveries and took the great fur cloak from Varun's shoulders. They took his gloves as well and directed him towards the stairs where maids were waiting at the top. With a bashful smile, Varun ascended the carpeted stairs towards the higher levels of the palatial home. It was not ostentatious by any means, but proved Rowan to be a true virtuoso when it came to style. The theme seemed to be of blue and gold, though there were mixes of pale peaches, greens, and warmer reds and browns within the workings of the castle. Varun admired the mosaic under his feet, for it showed images of Angels and cherubs, mirroring the astounding artwork that remained on the ceilings. In the upper levels, it was all about warmth instead of the cool refreshing nature of downstairs. Varun was led quickly into a white tiled bathroom, murals on the walls of beautiful women bathing with Gods and Goddesses holding up silver basins that the water flowed from. A great frothing bath was already made for Varun, the youth all too eager to indulge. Urius had disappeared by then, going to bathe elsewhere.


A bath sounded like utter heaven. Somehow, even with the thick fur coat he’d been wearing, the cold had bitten at him, leaving him chilled. Varun, still reeling from the entryway, was unable to keep himself from taking in every new sight that came before his dark eyes. "Wow...." He breathed quietly. The massive baths at home were similar in their usage, bigger and wider, and with different sorts of murals on the ways. These were different and their differences made them fascinating to Varun. The boy losing himself for a moment in the detail work surrounding him.


"May I help you with your clothing, Sir?" a young maid asks with pretty blue eyes and freckles on her cheeks. She stands waiting with the rest of them, holding out towels and fine soaps that smelled fresh and clean. It wasn't long before Varun was stripped completely nude and placed in the warm bubbling water, his arms and shoulders massaged by skilled bath attendants.


This was indeed heaven. Varun groaned under his breath, head lulling forward while a young attendant saw to his neck and shoulders with help from one of her companions. Others saw to it that his tired arms would not cramp tonight. What better way to finish a hard day of traveling than have pretty women attending your every need? If he wasn’t a guest in this household he might have taken the chance to seduce one of the pretty young women seeing to his comfort. As it were, he was tired and he was dwelling on thoughts other than fornicating.


"Would you lean forward so we may wash your hair, Sir?" one of the women asks kindly, this one a brunette with dark eyes, as she holds up a pitcher of water. Other lovely women are waiting with bath soaps and so on, smiling to him sweetly as they help scrub away all the grime from his travels. They even check for any parasites, making sure that Varun's overnight stay at that inn didn't leave him with some nasty hitchhikers. "Would you come with us, Sir? We have to get you dressed so you may speak with the Master."


Varun did everything that they wanted of him, leaning forward, moving his arms. The youth winced when one of the girls pulled a nasty little tick off the back of his neck.  After sleeping in that inn and riding through both long grass and forested paths, Varun wasn’t surprised at the tiny hitch hiking parasite. Sitting still through their washing and rinsing, Varun stood once they were ready for him to get out. "Ahh... yes, of course." He replied politely. Not in the least bit modest about them seeing his naked body. With water dripping down his lean, wiry form, the young man stood as bare as the day he had been born.


The girls giggled at the sight of him, a few looking downward and making delighted gasps before being shooed away by the seamstresses. There were a gaggle of them that rushed the dried-off Varun into the next room with walls made of mirrors that created a complete circle. Varun felt himself blushing as he was poked, prodded, and measured. He was then dressed in clothing appropriate for a young Lordling in Tenshihana. Varun has never worn so many layers before - thin silk under breeches. Over breeches with a belt. Sock straps beneath that and high stockings, High boots over those with various buckles to keep them in place. Then there comes the thin layer of muscle shirt that clings to Varun's skin, his undershirt which is a light silk, and then his cravat and overcoat made of satin with the fine embroidery along the stiff collar. It makes Varun uncomfortable, for he has NEVER felt so constrained...no wonder Urius sometimes looks like he has a stick up his ass.


Varun grunted and tried not to grumble through their poking and prodding. For once in his life he felt a small bit of embarrassed at being naked, but that quickly vanished when they began to dress him. The more layers they dressed him in, the more Varun realized what an annoyance it was going to be. Really now, did they really need this many layers? How they managed to move with them all baffled Varun. Shadowshifter robes were many layered, true, but they were not as constricting or dare he say it, tight, in the places that these were. Perhaps it was this foreign cut that made them so strange? Or the fabric itself? Whatever it was, Varun would need to learn to live with it.


The seamstresses had at least gotten his colors right. A deliciously dark red satin overcoat matched nicely with the coal-grey breeches he wore. The embroidery upon his coat was black and gold, contrasting nicely with the white silk cravat and undershirt. His belt was black with a golden buckle and his boots were such a shined black leather that they gleamed. He really did look like a Prince. "There...Don't you just look handsome, Sir? Now, off you go. You must follow the servant outside to see Master."


 The youth thanked her with a smile and a hushed thank you. He left the Seamstress’ room and wandered out into the hallway. The sooner that this was over and done with, the better for him. His belly was taut and uncomfortable, insides twisting up like many serpents. A tight, cold ball. What would he do if the man that had supposedly caused such pain to Urius, Ceata and Absinthe decided to make himself known? Breathing in deep, Varun followed the servant down the hall.


What's worse is that he didn't have either Jinevae or Urius to help him. There was no sign of either of them as the servant walked down the hallways, passing beautiful paintings and weapons displays. There were several small indoor water gardens as well that one could see through archways. Varun admired them in passing, trying to get his mind off the nerve wracking exchange to come.


There was a lot to worry about, Varun finding himself chewing his lower lip raw. No, enough of that. You have to be brave, he reminded himself with a scowl.  This was his duty and he would do it, whether or not things turned out badly or not. Onward they went, his new shiny boots making a clicking noise with each and every step.  It echoed back hollowly, ringing in his ears.


It wasn't long before he was standing in front of the great oak doors to Rowan's personal study. There was a sinking sensation in his heart as the servant opened the door a bit and he was allowed inside. The discomfort of his clothes becomes more difficult to withstand as Varun fixes his cravat and steps onto the finely tiled floor. He blinks at the sight of the office, it's arrangement of desks, the high windows, and the hearth with its glowing flame, and the great mahogany desk where a rather casual Rowan sits. He wears only his undershirt, unbuttoned to show his chest a bit. Upon his noble nose are balanced gold-framed reading glasses as his pen scribbles madly. The silence is such that the ticking clock is like thunder, Varun wondering if he's come at a bad time. 


Varun stood silently a time in the doorway, not sure if he should interrupt whatever business the other man was attending to. He’d made the mistake before with his father and being snapped at wasn’t a pleasant experience. The idea of Rowan snapping at him was nearly enough to make him faint. A good impression, he had to make a good first impression!


"Don't be frightened...it's not as though I will snap at you," Rowan suddenly says, much to Varun's surprise. The handsome blond looks up from his work, taking off his glasses and offering Varun one of his signature false smiles. It is much warmer than before, showing he is much more comfortable in this element - alone among his walls and walls of books and his papers. There is so much work on his desk that Varun is surprised he's not buried by it. "Come and sit. I will have the maids bring us something  warm to drink," he says, gesturing to a seat across from his.


 â€śOh, yes, thank you sir.” Varun piped, almost feeling like a scolded child. He walked over, much more bold and settled himself in the chair before Rowan’s desk.  "It is nice to be inside and warm, Lord Rowan." He remarked, folding long fingers together in his lap. “A hot drink would be even better.” The youth continued, glancing down shyly for a moment. So he was finally here.


"Agreed. I have been working rather long, and I find even the warmth of the fire does not equal that of a nice cup of coffee...Though, I assume you are not a coffee drinker?" he asks, putting away his quill and folding up a letter. He takes out the blue hot wax and melts it, dripping it onto the page before pulling out his seal and using it to stamp the wax. He blows on it, waiting for it to dry.


"I doctor mine, sir, cream and two sugars.” Varun replied briskly, not mentioning how on occasion he’d doctor it with something other than cream. “Though sometimes I enjoy a cup of tea.” The youth mused, glancing up at the man across the desk.
“How do you like yours?”


"Black," Rowan replied with a faint smile. It made Varun blink, for he never really suspected Rowan to be as such. Such a bland coffee didn't seem befitting such an intricate and mysterious man. Varun was sure he had it with five creams or some special spice or with lemon or something. Black seemed so ordinary. Perhaps that was what made him unique - he was a contradiction, this man. "I do not enjoy spice or sweeteners in my food, either. Though the cook utterly protests it, I make all my own meals." He chuckles, the sound pleasant to Varun's ears. "I fear it may anger her that I do not find her food appetizing...It hurts her Jin pride, I would think."


"To each his own." Varun replied.  Varun preferred a variety of tastes and textures in his food, though he was most drawn to more homely recipes. Certain foods held a special place in his heart. Dishes he had grown up eating, or treats he had received as a child. The young shadowshifter leaned back, his hands folded demurely in his lap. "I’m sure it does its job. “ Varun mused, reverting back to their discussion of coffee.


"It does...though I think I do not need it, honestly. It is merely a luxury I indulge in. It is not as though caffeine affects my body as it does a human, thus there is no real need of it," he replies before getting up and walking towards the door. Varun is yet again struck by his casual dress of open shirt, breeches, and boots. Rowan stops a moment on his way to the door, looking down at Varun as he itches his collar. "You may take that off, you know. I do not so much like it myself...I would not ask you to suffer through it in private."

Varun smiled slightly. Something about how casual Rowan was being made his skin crawl, but Varun did his best to ignore it. Carefully Varun stripped a couple of the uncomfortable layers off and folding them delicately so they did not wrinkle. “Thank you, sir, I’m used to a different style of clothing.” The young shadowshifter admitted, his lips drawing up in a slight smile.



"I understand...fashion is different here. Everything is much more restricted here, but you will learn all that in time," Rowan replied as he walked over towards the door and peeked his head out. He exchanged some words with the man before ducking back into the room with a smile. He didn't seem as he usually did, making Varun nervous...and yet there was something so incredibly warm about him, something weary, something human. He was not the pearly mask with its unmarred visage and emotionless smiles.  Though his smiles did not reach his eyes still, a little more life showed in them here than back in the great banquet hall. "So...I can imagine you're nervous about being here, about being my pupil."


Varun nodded. "New situations are wont to make a man nervous.” He replied with a small, sheepish smile, glancing at the older man over his shoulder. "It is a very big change, Lord Rowan.... new things to learn and new things to see." There wasn’t any need to mention how utterly terrified he was of his new lord. That would not have made a good impression on the man, nor would it have spoke well for him as a man, to let Rowan see that deep.


"The transition will not be all that hard...Among your siblings, you are the only candidate that would probably not have a hard time in Angelic society. Your previous...hmmm...'escapades' within the court show you are capable of courtly etiquette. You merely need to be fluent in our laws and social system in order to do your job adequately." Rowan settled back down at his desk, opening up a book and flipping through the pages. The heavily bound book was written in some sort of language that Varun didn't understand. 


The young man nodded in agreement, well aware of everything that he would need to learn already. A scholarly youth, Varun would take more pleasure in learning about this race and its rules than he would have wanted to admit. There was more than one reason he’d agreed to all of this. Varun smiled, “I’m sure they will be changes for the better, Lord Rowan.” The dark eyed shadowshifter piped up, his hands still folded in his lap, hiding the white of his knuckles.


Rowan paused a moment, looking to Varun with that deep verdant gaze. It was more than unnerving to have the handsome Angel staring at him so, only to see his lips upturn with a faint smile. "You're scared of me....Your formality belies a certain amount of fear." Rowan sees Varun fidget, obviously trying not to show his nervousness. "Honestly, I would think you a fool if you weren't. I trust that you have heard the stories about me...I will tell you outright, I have no intention to harm you - merely to  train you to one day take over the organizations that I have already created."


"I can assure you, Rowan, that I am not as afraid of you as you might think." He replied as coolly as he could muster, a waning smile tugging at his lips. "Though you do have some... rather interesting rumors floating around." He did not bring up the horrible wounds on Urius back, or the marks upon Ceata's flesh that he had seen.  â€śIsn’t it foolish not to have some fear of someone both older and more experienced?” He asked, frowning.


"Again, so formal...You seem to have a hard time admitting to yourself the true nature of your nervousness. If you were not afraid of me, there would be more frankness in your voice and less formality. Trust me, child, I've done this too long to not recognize the signs." He sees the door open then, a servant coming in with a tray of coffee for them - cream for Varun and black for Rowan. The Prince thanks the servant before picking up his cup and blowing on it lightly. He takes a sip, giving a satisfied sigh. "Ah, that certainly is nice..." Rowan looks back to Varun, seeing the other enjoying his coffee as well. "Even so, rumors are rumors. I trust you will rely on your own judgment first."


"Of course, sir." He answered, sipping gingerly from his steaming mug. He had been brought up to be polite; his father expected his sons to act like the noble blooded young men they were. Did all of them listen? Perhaps not, but Varun had. Varun glanced up at his new lord, dark eyes suddenly inquisitive. "My being formal making you twitch, Rowan sir?" He queried, the smallest of smiles tugging up the corners of his mouth.



 "It certainly makes talking to you a bit harder...I would rather there be a friendlier rapor between us than that firmness in your tone. Forgive me for saying this, but you sound like Urius," he replies with a chuckle, his eyes dancing with mild mirth. Such moments make him look alive again, far more beautiful than before. 


Somewhat startled by that reply, Varun blinked in shock before he laughed. "I am not anything like Urius." He pointed out, taking another sip of coffee to try and hide his flustered expression. "I like the man, but he can be so droll..." He continued, hiding his face partially into the mug, as if it could hide the slight blush coloring his pale cheeks. His eyes glittered above the rim of the cup like two dark, almond shaped stones and there was a pleasing look to said eyes when they sparkled like they did just then. A youth with a hunger to learn. A fresh slate.


"You must look past all that...He really is a caring man, but he cannot help his breeding." He pauses a moment and then points to Varun, a smile coming over his face as though he has discovered something very intriguing. "I've got it...Perhaps I should have Urius tour you around House Starc. It would be a valuable learning experience." Rowan can see Varun's face contort with alarm at the idea of traveling again. Rowan chuckles at such an expression, finding the youth to be cute. "I will allow you a portal so do not fret...Having you come here on foot was for security reasons. We have been experiencing a bit of trouble with our portal transports - redirecting of paths and whatnot."


The young frowned slightly, raising a brow. "And just why should I go and tour House Starc? Are you calling me loose?" He asked with a grin tugging at his lips. He was beginning to feel more relaxed, more able to be himself. To banter with the blond without fear that he would stutter or trip over his own tongue. "And just why are the portals acting so strange? Having troubles?" Varun inquired, knowing only how their portals worked. Maybe Angels’ portals worked differently than their own.


Rowan smirked, liking this much better. The boy reminded him so much of himself, though Varun definitely had a personality of his own. It is that uniqueness that offers a fresh opinion to Rowan's staff. "House Starc will show you just how bad it could be, say, if you were Prince Conrard's charge...And, as for the portals, it seems some sabotage has occurred in those connections between the Sombs and Heaven. Demons, particularly, are stealing supplies and raiding caravans. There have also been some kidnappings, only further heightening tensions in that particular area of the Mortal world...All things I'm sure your father and Death are aware of."


The young man nodded thoughtfully, tapping his chin with a smoky colored nail. "Hmm... Oh yes, I have heard.  I feel sorry for those in the Sombs, there is a lot of tension and not enough neutral forces to deal with either side… Too many bad feelings on either side, too much distrust." He seemed lost in thought for a few minutes, as if pondering what he could do to fix the situation before he popped out of his thought train and smiled up at Rowan. "Sounds tricky.” He piped.  


Rowan smiled gently towards the other, loving his level of intellect. No offense meant to Varun's other two siblings, but they seemed to have a harder time grasping the importance of observance in the sometimes troublesome situations they found themselves in. Eos just didn't find interest in such things and Ranmaru was too brash to notice. Varun was cool calm and collected though, making him perfect for the job Rowan had in mind. He would have to start soon, though...he was running out of time. "Well, I certainly have enjoyed this chat of ours," Rowan says at last after a few hours of talking and having finally finished off his coffee. "I look forward to talking with you again tomorrow. However, I think it would be best now if you went to get some dinner. I imagine you're quite hungry."


Varun was admittedly very hungry.  His stomach felt tight and made sharp, angry grumbling noises, which thankfully enough were not embarrassingly loud. A growing young man needed his meals.  Varun smiled at his new mentor, eyes bright. “Dinner does sound good.” Varun admitted, “I’ve lost track of how long we’ve been having our lovely conversation.”  And amazingly, Varun had not been beaten or bent over the big, heavy desk that Rowan did his paperwork at.  A pleasant surprise, that was.


Rowan smiles kindly at the other, having a kinder air than Varun every imagined he would. It was strange...he seemed a totally different person than when he was in front of others. Was this the real Rowan? "The servant outside will lead you to the kitchens. I'm certain the cook will be more than happy to feed you whatever you like. I realize our recipes might be different from what you're used to, but your father mentioned you enjoyed new types of cuisine."


Varun nodded in agreement, smiling somewhat shyly at the blond. “I do like to try new things. It’s always an adventure.” Varun replied. With a hushed groan the youth stood and stretched. Sitting too long left him feeling ruffled and lazy, his limbs heavy like they were made of lead. "Mmmn... good evening, Lord Rowan." He uttered with a small smile, fluffed up and reminding one of a sleepy falcon. "I shall speak to you next you desire me to do so."


"Good evening, Varun. With such wonderful conversation, expect that to be often," the handsome Valen replies as he watches Varun walk out with his coat over his arm. The chat has given Varun such an uplifting feeling, for he hasn't had time to actually sit and discuss current topics before. His parents are all too busy and his siblings are...well...less than conversational about the things he likes. He feels like he's made a friend in Rowan, but must remind himself of his true objective for Death.

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