untitled: War and a Proposal

Chapter 15: War and a Proposal


Come morning, everyone in the castle knew where lord Lazarus was and what was going on. Faust and Doll took over their father's duties without complaint, glad that he would soon be producing them another brother and the joy that Sahena brought him. They snickered as they walked past the door, the scent of heat drifting out enough to make anyone that hung about too long feel a bit hot around the collar.  It was wonderful news, for there had been no new babies in a long time and even if Rei's pet was pregnant, she had not yet given birth, so everyone was impatient and excited. It did not alleviate the tension everyone felt waiting to hear the news about the possiblity of war.


Even within Tenshihana, there was no news yet of Parliaments ruling. It appears, with the addition of new evidence relating to the case of Robert Valen's near-assassination, they are having a harder time making a decision. It leaves everyone on the edge, for no one knows if they will be at war or not. Things in the Sombs are worsening perhaps by the hour, as there are preparations being made for war despite not having a verdict yet.


Adorna is out of her mind with worry and want. The woman had not yet been able to get to her lover and she would not touch anyone else. She sat sullenly with Absinthe, who grumbled over his bottle of vodka. Exodus watched the two of them with thinly veiled amusement, wondering just when Lazarus and Sahena would finally come out of their den. He snickered, remembering their first time together and how both of them had come out bruised and battered. Would it be much the same? The scarred mercenary glanced over at where Ceata was speaking with one of his lovers, the female it seemed, in hushed tones. He wondered how Ceata and Urius were doing. There was trouble between many recently it seems.


"I have some food for everyone..." Teisetsu offered cautiously as he set down some sandwiches for everyone there. He looked over at all the Shadowshifters, nervous about the tension in the air. Both Adorna and Absinthe seemed to be both lustful and anxious with no way of making themselves feel better, and Ceata...well...he had come home from Tenshihana with such a sour mood that it was startling. Teisetsu had never seen him that angry.


"Thank you, sweetling." Exodus purrs, thanking the poor boy as the others all ignored him. Adorna wrung her hands, the young woman not used to this sort of waiting, nor the seperation that leaves her feeling empty and worried. Exodus takes a bite of his meal, watching them all like a scientist watches his subjects. Anyway the war went, Exodus was highly likely to get a contract with one of the sides. Whether he would take it on was an entirely different matter.


"Oooh! Sandwiches...Don't mind if I do," Ranmaru says as he snatches a few sandwiches for himself and sits by Absinthe, blinking at the man's irritated state. "Oi, what's up, you guys? Why is everyone so upset?" Yet again with his lack of tact. Somehow, everyone begins to miss Varun. At least he had sensitivity towards these sorts of situations.


Absinthe nearly punched him in the face, but after all the training under the skilled hands of Adonis, somehow he reigned himself in and just glowered. "None of your damn business, fire crotch!" He sneers, hurting and anxious with no respite in sight. Adorna simply frowns, the young woman not one to throw fits but her disapproval is evident.


"What the hell? I was only asking, you bastard!" he growls, glaring at Absinthe harshly. Everyone seems on edge here and growling is all Ranmaru can do to keep from pouncing at Absinthe in an attempt to fight him. Of course, it's a battle he's going to lose, but without Varun to restrain him he doesn't think very logically.


"Settle down. There is no need to fight over something so meaningless," Came the calm voice from the only remaining Angel in Death's castle. Falcon walks in wearing his night clothes, as everyone has just woken up and it’s now about the middle of morning. It's a lethargic day, though. Very cold, very unpleasant...Everyone can feel it, even Falcon.


"No one asked you, ice-cock," Ranmaru hisses, now angrier than ever. Falcon shoots him a frigid look.


"Need I remind you, I have beaten you before - tired or no, I will do it again."



Exodus chuckles dryly, leaning against the beat up wooden table top. He of them all, was the most calm. This was not a situation new to him. He leans his cheek against the palm of his right hand, eying the angel. "Everyone is anxious and unable to see those they worry about." He yawned, stretching and snatching the sandwich from Ranmaru, stuffing the whole of it into his mouth in one snapping bite. Let the whelp grab himself another.



"Even so, that is no excuse for ill manners," Falcon replies simply, saying no more as his sleepy beloved walks into the room. Eos rubs his eyes cutely, clutching a wolfie doll that he had made for him. He looks so cute dressed in frilly pink pajamas that Falcon can't help but smile. Eos comes right over to him and wraps his arms about Falcon, being so adorable near him.....For those who have not had sex in a few days, they seeth with envy.


Eos nuzzles into him, eying those at the table. Adorna frowns down into her glass, her mind drifting to whether Jinasen will be safe and if she will ever see him again. Absinthe, although he has had sex recently, finds himself craving the cruel touch of his master. It is a vexing, frustrating feel that simply will not leave him be. No one seems about to give him what he needs. Eos settles at the table, reaching for juice with a small smile.


"Would you like me to make you breakfast, Eos? That is why we came here, after all," Falcon says kindly as he looks to his lover. Eos had woken early, complaining of being hungry. Falcon had got up, despite getting little sleep after working so late the night before. They had just come back from their trip and he was in charge of taking care of some of Sahena's papers. He stayed up late for that, Eos falling asleep on the sofa behind him, missing dinner. Now Eos wanted food, home-cooked Falcon-made food.


Eos nods, "I'd like that, lets go to the kitchen." He chirrups and leads the way through a large door into the next room. There is a small kitchen and then a much larger, industrial kitchen for the main meals. When one wanted to cook for themselves, they could come into this kitchen and cook their food in there. Eos loved when Falcon took the time to cook for him, the gesture endearing.


"Eggs and bacon?" he offers as he steps into the smaller kitchen. Ranmaru follows, as does Adorna. Ceata feels as though he wants to go too, seeing as he would like to see just how well a Starc could cook. However, the fact that Falcon looks too much like Urius makes it hard for him. Gods, he's still so mad at his lover...Urius hasn't contacted him at all. "Or would you like something sweeter? I make pretty good pancakes...in the shape of teddy bears."


"Ooh! Pancakes, pancakes!" Eos laughs, clapping his hands, "And, and sunshine toast!" He adds. How he loved sunshine toast! The very idea of cutting that hole in the middle of the bread and then cooking an egg in the middle of it  in the skillet was just damn brilliant! He leans against the counter, jittering in excitement. Bright eyes flick excitedly to his lover. Ceata felt a flush of jealousy, but turned it away to take Noel back to the room for the promised massage. Staying here was not what he needed.


"Of course...I'll make you anything you desire," Falcon replied, loving how happily Eos wriggled just at the thought of having eggs within his toast. Falcon set  immediately to the task of fixing the food, stopping when he saw Adorna lingering at the doorway. Absinthe had followed her, wanting to get away from Ranmaru. "Would you like some as well, Lady Adorna? I have no problem cooking breakfast for everyone..."


She flinched a little, almost shyly peeking up at him. The pale woman nods.There is a great need to distract herself from worrying over Jinasen and to stop the ache in her body. The loneliness is strange after all this time they'd been spending together. A hollow absence. Absinthe peered over her shoulder, watching Falcon cook. "I didn't know you could cook, Falcon..." He remarks, truly surprised.


"When I was younger, I did not have many people over at the house with me. My sister Robin married her wife...my sister Sparrow was in the army...My parents...were very busy," he says as he expertly flips a pancake that's been set in the shape of a teddy bear. It makes Eos clap, the hybrid sitting there and watching the muscles in Falcon's arms working. The man is good at cooking most things. He's good at fighting. He's perfect! "I grew up relying on myself for everything, or else, I was busy taking care of others. Being able to cook helps with that." He turns to Absinthe, smiling. "Would you like sunshine toast and teddy bear pancakes? I'm also making ham steaks and omelets - Tenshihana style."


Absinthe smiled faintly and nodded, his hair sliding into those lovely opal eyes. Wistfully he watched Falcon and Eos, wishing he had someone to go back to. Unmated, there were lovers yes, but never quite what he wanted. Adonis had done something to him and there was no going back. He settles down to watch Falcon work, mind drifting at times to places it shouldn't ever go.


"Prince Rowan also taught me how to make antorar, but I doubt you have the ingredients for it," Falcon says as he works on making some more sunshine toast. He's already set out his lover's food, having lovingly placed chocolate chips as the eyes on his teddy bear pancake before putting cinnamon and honey on it. His sunshine toast is set on another plate and Adorna is helping by squeezing orange juice for everyone.


"Oh.....? What is that?" Absinthe asks curiously, the sound of Eos laughing in delight in the background. Absinthe smiled and helped gather plates for them all, his attention drifting back to Falcon. Adorna glanced at young angel, equally intrigued. "Yes... what is that?" She asks.


"You've never had it? I suppose antorar isn't very popular here...It's full name is antollalorar, which means 'flower petal breakfast,'" Falcon replied as he flipped another pancake expertly before placing it on a plate for Adorna to partake of. "It's when you take rose petals and you bake them into sweet dough. It's very light and fluffy, somewhat like your fried dough. However, it's actually more like a dumpling that you boil in a mix of rosewater, butter, and sugar. It's very light and has a delightful aroma of roses. He showed me how to make it, but I don't believe you have a rose garden here, let alone edible roses." 


"We do... it's rather huge actually." Absinthe mused. "We've black roses, red roses, all sorts of roses. The rose gardens are harder to find though then the main gardens." He continues, gesturing out toward the grounds. "Since Death favors roses and Calla lilies, he tends to have quite a few of them scattered among the other plants."  Adorna glanced over at them. "The section of roses is quite beautiful."


Falcon smiled then, looking back at Absinthe. "Perhaps then, sometime, I will be able to cook Rowan's recipe for Antollalorar. I know a few other dishes only native to my land. I'd be happy to share them, since Eos already seems addicted to Tenshihana chocolate," Falcon says with a chuckle, looking over at his lover as Eos licks himself clean of the sticky honey and grins. Falcon finishes cooking and takes his food over to the table, having made enough for everyone. He sits down beside Eos, leaning over to gently wipe his cheek. "No need to be messy...no one's going to steal your food from you, so don't eat too fast."


Eos chortles and wrinkles his nose, barely noticing Absinthe sit and join them around the simple table. Falcon's cooking tasted delicious and everyone around the table deeply enjoying it. Leaning in close, Eos tips his head up and kisses Falcon adoringly. "Thank you for making me breakfast, Falcon." He pipes lovingly. It was so perfect having a fiancé who could cook! He'd never been very good at it himself. Better to have someone in the kitchen who could than burn the meals trying.


"You stayed near me all night while I worked. It was the least I could do, Eos," he says in turn, blushing lightly from the kisses. The two haven't had sex yet, though they're as close as a couple of newly weds. Falcon is so loving that Eos barely feels frustrated at all about not getting to screw him into the sheets. However, as soon as Eos' heat hits, he will be. Falcon better watch out.


The shorter young man beamed, kicking his feet under the table and making Absinthe grunt when it hit his leg. "I didn't mind, it was fun." He teased, snuggling up against his husband to be with a big grin. He reaches up, giving Falcon's hair a tousel. "It was nice."


"Watching me write contracts was fun?" Falcon blinks, having never thought of it that way before. Though legal jargon could sometimes be a very creative art, it was still just as tedious for him to have to read over his work and then compare it to other contracts and laws. He spent most of the night peering intently at texts. He can't imagine what fun Eos got from that. After all, he fell asleep after a while. 


"Watching your face as you poured over the contracts, that was fun." He points out with an impish laugh. He pat at the other man's hair gently, eyes half closed and thoughtful. "You make a lot of funny faces when you're deeply into it." Eos has to wonder if Falcon even realizes it?


"W-w-what?" Falcon was thoroughly embarrassed now, blushing horribly as he put a hand to his face with surprise. "I make faces?" Eos couldn't help but giggle at how cute the Starc could be in this instance, seeming both embarrassed and intrigued with the idea that he was somehow interesting to watch. "...My...I will be more cautious then when I work around my sisters. Anything remotely interesting and they'll bother me about it forever," he sighs, nibbling on some ham.


Eos laughed and leaned against him to soak up his lover's heat. How cute Falcon can be! Sometimes he has to wonder who is the cute one. Leaning up Eos kissed the angel's cheek gently, his lashes tickling against warm skin. "I wonder what kind of faces you'd make if I was riding your cock?" he whispered sweetly into Falcon's ear. Teasing was so very fun.


Falcon turned red from ear to ear almost as he looked at the smaller man with a scolding gaze. Even so, Eos knew how easily he could excite the other's desires. Falcon knew how to press his buttons and, in turn, the Shadowshifter knew how to have the youth writhing in agony for him. Coyness and sweetness was Falcon's fetish and Eos played it so well. "That's naughty..." Falcon scolded lightly, biting into his sunshine toast.


"What's naughty? I was just commenting on how good the food was." Eos scoffed, looking offended. Eos could play innocent far too well. Absinthe smothered a smile into his glass before finishing his meal and standing. Adorna finished and stood as well. "Enjoy yourselves you two, I must be off." Absinthe says his farewells with a small grateful smile.


"Oh...Absinthe...Rowan had something he wanted me to give you. We stopped by the palace before we left and there was a package he wished for me to send on with you. Perhaps later, you would like to have it?" Falcon asks as he looks to the Shadowshifter. It makes Absinthe stop in his tracks, his eyes widening at the idea that Rowan has given him a package. Even Adorna seems puzzled.


"Oh....?" He breathed, pausing. He turned, brows furrowed. He is clearly surprised to hear this. Why would that man give him anything but his disgust? "No, you better give it to me as soon as you're done eating." Absinthe frowns, pleased with himself that he had kept his voice even, the fear in his chest kept hidden from them. "Please."


"Oh, certainly..." Falcon says, a little surprised that Absinthe is so eager to get the package. It is nothing large, merely a paper-bound book that he had been given. Absinthe is still shivering all over with a mixture of excitement and terror, wondering what it would be that Rowan would have sent him....or, rather, Adonis.


Absinthe waited patiently for them to finish, though Adorna excused herself. If she could not be with her lover, she would distract herself with other things. There had to be something to keep her mind off this impending disaster and the possiblity of never seeing her Jin again.  Absinthe watched her go, fiddled with his sleeve. A slight shiver working down his spine.


It was a little while until Falcon finished his meal, having to hurry as he could feel the tension emanating from Absinthe's form. Wiping his mouth and giving an apologetic kiss to his lovely fiancé, he stood up and headed out into the hallway. Absinthe was right at his heels, anxious to see what it was that he would be receiving from the person he loved and hated most. It was not long before they reached the rooms that Falcon and Eos shared, though it felt like an eternity to Absinthe. Stepping over to his bedside desk, Falcon rummaged around and found the small brown package in the shape of a book. This he handed to Absinthe. "Here."


Absinthe took it gingerly in his hands and thanked him. The brown paper felt gritty against his fingertips and palms; they tensed around the finely wrapped package, clenching it. "Thank you, Falcon. I'll let you get back to your Eos." He murmured thoughtfully, bowing his head politely to the other man before hurrying from the room. Down the halls he went, clutching it close to his chest. When he got to the room he used when he stayed at the castle, he locked the door and shakily sat on the bed with the package in his lap.  Should he open it? Absinthe shivered, running his fingers over the rough paper. Just what was inside it? Cautiously, the hybrid slowly unwrapped it, nearly shaking in anticipation and fear.


What stared back at him was a small leather-bound book. Absinthe's brow furrowed as he couldn't imagine why Adonis would wish to give him this. Cautiously, he opened the journal and was doubly surprised to see an elegant scrawling text that clearly showed Rowan's name. It was connected to a family tree that branched up and around, very intricately, in fact. Absinthe was surprised by this, as he couldn't imagine what importance this might have to him. Further, more, as he flipped through the pages of the journal, every last piece of parchment was blank...Sitting there on his bed and almost scratching his head for confusion, Absinthe stared down at the journal curiously. The edges of it looked weathered and a bit torn, yet it had never been used? What an odd thing this was to be given to him! 


Very odd, he touched it and turned it over and looked at it with his head cocked like a confused cat over a dead mouse gone still. Not at all sure what to do with it, he frowned and turned his attention back to the family tree, peering over it with a tightlipped frown. How very strange... What was he supposed to do? Did Adonis want him to write in it or something?


Then a thought struck Absinthe, as he had gained a bit of insight into Rowan's habits as well as Adonis' after having been forcibly mated to the creature...well...as much as one could be, since it was obviously rape and not mating. Even so, there were times amid sex that Absinthe could glean things, emotions, feelings, and even memories. This journal somehow felt familiar in his hands, though he couldn't imagine why. It would be best not to mess with it...Yet could this be from Rowan and not Adonis? Sometimes Absinthe could confuse the memories of both in his mind-blowing passion. It was entirely possible that this journal really was given to him by Rowan, but for what purpose?


He grumbled and pondered over it, digging into his brain to look for details. Why would Rowan even think to give him anything? Very confused  by this and unable to determine whether this was a good thing... or a very, very bad thing. The godling chewed his bottom lip, brows furrowed. A foot kicked slowly back and forth in the air as he pondered the journal lain out nicely before him. "Hmmmn... damn it..."


It was then that Absinthe heard a frantic knocking on the door, he looking up suddenly with alarm as though he had been caught doing something dirty. "Absinthe! Absinthe! Lord Urius is here! He's taking away Sahena!" came the cry of Teisetsu on the other side of the door. He had been running down the halls on Rei's order to find all those that were relevant to the situation. Exodus was just down the hall busying himself getting dressed, Ceata had already rushed from the kitchens, and Rowen and Rughal were gathered in the grand hall as a contingent of Angels walked through the gates. Urius was leading them, wearing black battle armor no less. It gleamed brilliantly in the low light. His face was stern, vacant. Behind him was a rather somber Jinasen, Jingarther beside him as he gave a sorrowful glance towards Crixa. The others filed in behind - Roaden, Jinaven, Jinevae, Ibelyn, and a gathering of Rowan's personal guard. They had all come to see Sahena safely back to Tenshihana, which, of course, meant only one thing...


Absinthe shivered. Adonis had started the war.
Exodus was soon out to meet them, forcing them to halt, his blade at his side. "Please gentlemen, wait a moment... one of the servants is gathering your prince now." He rumbled with a brisk, polite bow. In actuality, no one had seen hide nor hair of Lazarus or Sahena in days since they had holed up in the room. They had heard them moving about, they had been fed, but they had yet to come out. Ceata watched Urius with arms crossed over his chest, just out of sight in a hall not far from the main chamber. Angry and hurt, he feared he'd cause mishap if he came near his lover right then.  Crixa wrapped her arms around herself and pressed closer to her brother, feeling Solange cringe shyly away from the guests. War had started and the solumness of the situation weighed heavily.


Urius looked down at Exodus coldly. He had no semblance of himself left. Tired and drawn, this news of the war had only further set to breaking his spirit. Holed up within himself, it left barely a glimmer of life in his dark eyes. "Jingarther." Urius' words startled the young Jin as he cautiously stepped forward. Exodus frowns, fearing that Urius was going to contest his words and would attempts to send Jingarther to get Sahena anyway. However, when Urius turned to the young Jin, he spoke of another. "Find Falcon. Inform him of Parliament's decision. He is given two days before the order is in effect. Staying longer will be an act of treason. Go." Jingarther bowed curtly and headed off in the directly that he knew Falcon's rooms would be. He gave a soft glance to Crixa as he passed, mouthing the word "sorry, my love" before turning down the hall with direct purpose. The rest of the Angels stood in the great hall, all of them looking very tense. It was only after a few moments of hushed murmurings that Death finally arrived. With him was Rowan's beautiful young seer, clothed in one of the robes Death had hastily leant him. He blushed when he realized his superiors were there, for he had asked to be on leave for a while. He had told only Rowan that he was going to Death's bed, but now it seemed everyone would know.


Sweeping toward them in a smoke black robe that trailed the ground in tendrils, the immortal flashes a wane smile, his eyes emotionless and bottomless. "Welcome. Please feel free to sit a moment. Sahena has been fetched and will be here once he has washed and dressed. It shall not be long. They're quite exhausted, it has been a busy few days." Death explains calmly, hands resting across his belly. If they were here, then things had gone far worse than he had hoped they would. An unfortunate and sad change of events.


"Whatever state they are in will be fine. So long as he is dressed, we will take Prince Sahena directly home. Lingering any further would be a breach of orders," Urius says as he looks to Death. His eyes match the others, only there is an unspeakable level of sadness to them. He is not the Urius they know and love, but merely a shell of a man who had been brought so low he could barely recover. Roaden stepped forward to try and smooth the process, offering Death a smile at least.


"I'm sorry, but we  really must get him home quickly. It's not safe here, I'm sure you understand." Roaden's eyes glanced to Rughal and the Demon growled. He was just about ready to step through the crowd gathered and beat every last Angel to a bloody pulp. Only Rowen kept him restrained. Still, Death was rather curious. He had not heard anything of the Angel decision and was quite puzzled to find that they had jumped on the idea of war. Last he checked, Parliament was cut in half. Something must have happened during the night to push them over the edge. 


"I understand this." He rumbles in reply. Suddenly one of the servants returned in near hysterics. "M-my lord, they aren't in their room!" She babbled, fretting. This should not be happening! No one had seen them leave. "They were there the other day! I have no idea where they've gone!" The immortal snapped his attention on the girl and frowned, brows furrowing in displeasure. There was no way either of them would know that Sahena was being fetched. They must have wandered from the room to rest. He turned his attention back to angel force and attempted to sooth them. "Forgive the hold up... I will locate them. Lazarus has likely taken Sahena to the gardens or for a treat."


"You do realize, if you cannot find him, the repercussions will be severe," Urius said in a dark tone. His eyes had narrowed, as he had expected this. If Lazarus had stolen away with Sahena, the resulting consequences would be dire. Rowan would throw everything he had into harming Death. That would include his power over several thousand Shadowshifters and whatever connections had been made between Rowan's staff and Death's family. Absinthe, Crixa, Eos, and Ceata - especially Ceata - would suffer greatly. Not to mention Varun was not among the gathering that day, which would mean Lazarus' own son was still in Tenshihana or else still in Tenshihana hands. 


"I realize." The immortal replies calmly, eyes narrowing. "And if you continue to throw such threats around, I will not be kind." He declares and waved his hand at the gathering of angel. " Now, settle and be patient. As I have said, they are probably enjoying some fresh air, neither have been out of the castle in a week." He soothes, turning to let the frightened young servant know she is not in trouble. Though who knows about the rest of them?


Meanwhile, Lazarus was sitting with Sahenna under a tree with a frozen treat offered to his lover. He smiles mischievously, watching Sahena attempt to lick at it as he slowly inched it away. "Ok love, now you remember what I taught you about the link, yes? You damn well know I cannot find you if you do not open to me?"


"I do, I do...now give me the ice cream, you brat," Sahena said as he tried to steal some more, only to be thwarted. He pouted and looked to Lazarus with his deep red gaze. Lazarus only winked playfully at him, causing him to finally give in. With his mind, he said, "alright, alright! You are so hard to please, sometimes..." It was not exactly words that Lazarus got, but emotions. There would never be the ability to truly speak to one another mentally, but they could get all they needed through this.


Lazarus smiled in satisfaction, letting him lick the ice cream while their minds touched, melding. Lazarus caressed over Sahena's with his own, a fuzzy, pleasant feeling in the others mind. His eyes sparkled, having found the way around Sahena being taken from him. "Good. This link will be very hard to break, with it I can find you. It is an ancient trick that has been passed down from my ancestors, Adam and Eve. Not even a god can ruin it." Or so he hopes.


"But...my father will not like it if you visit me. I just hope there is no war..." Sahena sighed, cuddling close to Lazarus as he rested his head against the other's shoulder. "Even if I was linked to you, I'd die without your touch. I feel it in my body, my heart...I feel complete when I'm near you. I never want to lose that feeling." Lazarus felt his heart aching at the idea, knowing he had felt similarly when he finally got Sahena back. The tumultuous journey of losing him, relocating him, almost losing him again, finally having him, and now being forced to let him go? This was hell in its purest form! 


He sighs and caresses through the angel's hair, letting him rest against the warmth of his chest. Sahena's child was growing in his belly and there was no way he would deny his love the chance to feel the baby kick or to see his child. He closed his eyes, hugging Sahenna closer to him. "I know love.... but there is little we can do. We must be strong."  Suddenly, Lazarus stiffened, as if listening to something. His brows furrowed, lips parted in disbelief. "Love... they've come to collect you." He whispers into the pale silk of his lover's hair.


"W-what? How can you tell?" Sahena asked shakily, his eyes getting very wide. He felt like getting up, darting to the nearest dark corner, and hiding there with Lazarus. His lover could feel the strain the Angel had, caught between duty and his heart. Of course, even if Sahena did demand to stay, he would be silenced. 


"Death calls... we best go." Lazarus replied, though it hurt him deeply to say it, "You know they will be angry if you don't." He grinds out, hugging Sahenna close to him, hiding his face in the sweet scent of his hair. He did not want to let go, but  it is unavoidable and it hurt. To fight this would only end in further pain. "I'm sorry love, we did all we could."


"No!" Sahena pushed away, looking up at Lazarus with panic, fear, and anger in his eyes. He gripped to his lover's shoulders, his face filled with pleading. "Please...we can go to that place you talked about...where my father will never find me...We can go there and we can be free of this!" He wanted so badly to be given the chance to stay with Lazarus, even if it meant forgetting everything that he had and abandoning his duties as Rowan's son. He would gladly trade Tenshihana for a life with the Shadowshifter King.


Lazarus looked pleadingly down at the flustered angel. "Please do not tempt me so." He whispered, caressing Sahena's cheek with the back of a warm hand. "Think of what will happen to the friends you made and Rowen and Akita. What will they feel if they do not see us again?" Lazarus's eyes stung, the desire to weep rising in his chest. He bottled it up and stood, dropping the left over ice cream to the grass. The animals would enjoy it. "You have no idea how much I wish we could, but there are duties we cannot avoid.”


"Damn those duties to hell!! I don't want to leave you! What if....what if I don't get to see you or..." Sahena's eyes looked downward and he really didn't have to say it. His hand cupped against the other's still-flat stomach and a wash of pain went through him. He felt like screaming, like fighting, like waging war against anyone who would say staying here would be wrong. He didn't want any other life but this. 


Lazarus felt the sting of tears on his cheeks. His mate's frustration only worsening his own despair  and he pressed close, kissing at Sahena's shoulder. He shivers with anger and frustration. He could not get his voice to work, throat sore and aching. How he desired to kill those that had started this. To put an end to the pain so many would be put through. To stop this. He shuddered, tears streaking down his cheeks into the soft, pale hair.


"I don't want to go..." Sahena whispered softly against the other's skin, pressing himself against Lazarus and squeezing tightly. He felt like he would be crushed under this feeling, wanting to give into his sorrow so badly. It ached...that great hollow ache that filled his insides with twisting heart-wrenching pain. Lazarus felt it too, most acutely, when Death finally arrived to see Sahena to the waiting entourage at the gate. He lingered back though, knowing the two lovers would need a minute to say goodbye.


When they returned, Lazarus was numb. He clung to Sahena, holding his hand tight in his and whispered softly against his cheek. The skin around his eyes red from crying. He caressed his lover's hair back from his eyes and pressing his cheek to the top of his head. I want him to stay here, to stay with me. Lazarus' heart ached knowing this could not be. The only thing he could do was try and pop in when he could, danger or no, to give Sahena hope.


Urius said nothing as Sahena walked slowly forward. He looked so full of rage and sorrow as he stared up at his mentor, the man who was more a father to him that Rowan would ever be. It was Urius he blamed for this. After all, if the man had any compassion, he wouldn't listen to Rowan. Still, he was such a damn robot that he would never disobey an order. How Sahena hated him for that. "When I come to power, be sure that these foolish attempts at war will be the first thing I will amend." Sahena looked up, glaring at Urius. "I blame you for this."


Urius looked down at the other, knowing there was nothing he could do for Sahena at this point. He had failed to prevent something catastrophic. Why? His loyalty. He took an oath, after all, that he would obey the orders of his master. Adonis was a part of Rowan, so how could he refuse? "Roaden, take Sahena to the carriage. I have something to discuss with Lord Death." Urius walked right passed Sahena then, his cape brushing against the other. Turning and snarling was all Sahena could do to keep from grabbing his mentor and slamming Urius into the wall. Roaden caught him at the last second, holding the struggling Prince.


"You cold-hearted bastard!! You're no better than my father, no matter HOW you try to hide it!! ...Urius!! Urius, LOOK at me, God damn you!!!" Sahena's voice echoes through the hall, his anguish clear in the wavering of his tone. Holding him back is all Roaden can do to try and calm the other as he is taken away. Sahena pushes Roaden away and storms out, rage in his gaze. Meanwhile, the Starc takes even steps towards Death, stopping before him.


"I have a proposal for you, from Prince Rowan. I suggest you hear it."


"Go on..." Death replies, tipping his chin up challengingly.  The anguish he feels from Lazarus is palletable. He is soothed only by the presence of his other lovers, their hands in his giving him the strength to carry on. This is hard on the immortal seeing this man he raised from childhood in such pain. Life has never been easy and this is a lesson he has well learned in all the years he has been alive.


"In private." Urius' tone matched the severity of his look. Standing erect with his helm under his arm, he seemed a foreboding figure. Ceata watched from the other end of the crowd, feeling as though he was looking at a different man. Urius was all anger and coldness, this unfeeling soldier who bared no resemblance to the kind man Ceata had known intimately on many a night. 


It infuriated him. Ceata bit his lip till it bled, wanting to hurt him as badly as Urius was hurting him. This was not a feeling he could fully grasp, a deep uncontrollable ache. Something he felt he should be ashamed of.  The young shadowshifter watched as Death nodded and motioned for Urius to follow him, eyes drifting to see his grandfather standing and watching the guards taking away a lover he had fought so hard and waited so long for. How painful it must have been. Ceata could understand that pain.


Urius followed Death into an adjoining war room, watching as Death ordered several of the maids out. He sealed the room with his own aura, upon Urius' request, before taking a careful seat at the head of a long rounded table. He was glaring at Urius behind that veiled gaze and the Starc could feel it. Every inch of Death was abuzz with irritation. If he hadn't had sex with his pretty little seer the entire night and morning before this, he would probably be even more on edge.


"Go on then Urius, what deal does Rowan offer?" He demands with a gesture of one hand, lashes lowering further over lovely dark eyes. His hands folded before him upon the table. It is one he has not had much use for. This war room has not be used in ages. The immortal regards the angel thoughtfully. How far Urius has fallen. There is something slightly dead about the man, as if his spirit is slowly being broken down from the outside in.


"Tonight, midnight, to be exact, you are to open your gates. Two will enter and, depending on what is said, one or none will leave. It will be your choice...Depending on your actions following these talks, Sahena may be back here in less than a week. If not, our ties should be considered severed as of that moment. That is all," Urius says as he looks to the other, those eyes glinting with more purple in them than Death has ever seen. It is as if something very hollow is staring out from the man's eyes. Something very dead, very cold...


Frowning slightly, the immortal gives a ghost of a nod. There was something seriously strange going on and Death did not care for it. "I will agree to this." He decides, his dark eyes gazing back into the purple fearlessly. They are no colder then his flesh, although staring into those eyes makes him feel colder than ever. He will need to find someone to lean against and soak up warmth, those eyes are making his skin crawl.


"Tonight, midnight. Remember to leave your gates open," Urius said as he bowed and turned, Death watching him walk out. Urius stopped a moment at the doorway though. He turned back and looked to Death. "Please.....for Sahena's sake.....keep an open mind." He turned and walked out, that brief moment offering such a glimmer of hope. The words were spoken softly, pleadingly. Urius was in there some where, but hidden behind all that hollow darkness. With that, the Starc was gone and the Angels and the carriage soon left with him. It would be a dark evening for Death. For him and all in his castle.


Death came out feeling a great weight in his breast. He glanced down the empty hall and out of the corner of his eye caught Ceata watching as Urius left the war room. A twinge of pity welled in his belly. The young man looked as if a single touch would break him into a thousand pieces. The youth had never been so frustrated or hurt in his life.


"What did that bastard say?" Rughal growled as he walked up to Lord Death. He was followed by several others, Lazarus included. They were worried about what might have been discussed. It was not as though Urius said anything about keeping it a secret...and Lazarus so looked hopeful, wondering if Urius was somehow going to offer assistance to get Sahena back.


"It is none of your concern." The immortal reples before walking off in a swirl of robe. Lazarus blinked in surprise, frowning. He feels the slightest reassurance in a glance sent over the immortal's shoulder.. What was going on? Rarely did the immortal act dismissive like this. Fear was stirred and the unknown lays before them, unreadable.

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