untitled: Grandmother

Chapter 28: Grandmother


Life shifts, her expression tight, displeased. How much she wishes to go there now and help, but there is nothing she can do, not without causing distraction. She glances at Rowan, who is peering intently at the screen. A shiver goes up her spine, feeling cold as she looks upon him. So vulnerable in this form, she hates it. What if he were to turn on her right now? It would be easy enough. Her pale eyes flick away, back to the screen to watch intently.


The young boy who has been signaled quickly bounds up over the snow drift and ducks into the woods. He is not alone. Suddenly Life notes moving figures that were not there before in the blinding white of the snow. The Starcs are on the move....Their helms do not gleam, not catching the light in such a way as to provide a distraction. Their frosted armor allows them to blend readily in with their surroundings. From the woods appear Starcs in their black robes, fur heavy around their necks and armor. Like wolves, they appear from the gloom and settle against trees. Bowmen raise their hands, pulling back the tautness of their weapons. They wait...Still the little one runs, dashing through the snow and kicking up powder in his wake. He goes rushing through one camera's vision to another, stopping when he reaches the gate. There, no one can be seen...It's as though there is no one there. Here the boy stands, panting. The gate stands just on the other side of the ice lake, in clear view of whoever is on the other side of it. As the Demons turn the corner from the pass, they find standing there across the lake the young boy...Seemingly the only one there. The lines halt, great columns stopping before the ice as the child shifts his feet. There is silence, only the whipping of the wind.


"Boy! I do hope you are not the only one here for us to fight! I could easier have you to eat for my dinner on a spit than bother myself to fight you!" the Demon captain calls out after a tense moment, causing raucous laughter from those of his company that can hear him. The wind carries his words, but still the child doesn't move. At a young age, all Starcs are taught to stare down their deaths without fear.


"This gate is the gate to Death's Realm! It is not for you to pass through without an invitation! Try and force your way and it shall be to your peril!" the young boy cries out. The soldiers look at each other and laugh, finding this all too amusing. The Demon captain takes a step towards the frozen lake, reaching out his hand as though to stay a weapon.


"Come now, child...Do not needlessly waste your life! Put down that dummy sword at your side! It is Lord Death's own misdeeds that caused this - if he means to make war on all who fight, then we shall fight him first!" the Demon called out, taking another step. The lake was vast, but it could easily be crossed in a matter of five minutes or so, such was its solid nature in the cold. Still, a good bowman could use the winds to cover that vast expanse and so the child raised his bow and knocked in an arrow. Then the captain's face turned from amusement to seriousness. 


The immortal watched all this silently, flinching slightly at the demon captain's words. Perhaps it was her fault, but she would correct it, she could no longer play ignorant, she must stop the foolishness at all costs. Her pale eyes watch, flicking as the screen shows her what is going on at the far Northern gate, watches the bravery of the boy as he notches his bow.


"So be it then, child...." the Demon captain can be heard saying as he raises a hand. A bowman steps forth and gets into position, knocking an arrow. "Fire!" The arrow flies, it heading directly towards the child, but the young Starcling doesn't flinch. His eyes stare forward, his bow at the ready. Just as the arrow seems to be reaching him a split second later, a figure appears as if out of no where and, with a heavy thunk, the arrow digs deeply into a shield rather than the young child's flesh. The Demons have only a moment to realize it's a trap before the ground all around them erupts with soldiers as though they were spawned from the snow. So silently and so quietly did the Starcguard hide beneath the powdery down that none could tell they were there. It was a flash of metal and the heavy clangor of weapons before the Demon Captain realized he was under attack. "TO ARMS!!" he shouted out as the men tried to run down the line, but so narrow was the pass that surging forward to fight was impossible. So the Starcs had them at a bottleneck, so did the archers have them at a disadvantage. From the trees high up on either slope, they appeared from their dark spaces and let fly their arrows. The Starcs in white that had hidden in the snow then went about the other side of the mountain, their horses easily working through the deepest of the powder. 


How swiftly the tides were turned. Life watched, silent, thoughtful, as the Starcs attacked out of nowhere, taking the demons by surprise. Perhaps they would not need any help, but she would not know until it had thoroughly seen through. She shifted, impatiently, disliking watching the warfare. It made her skin crawl, knowing lives were to be spilled out into the snow and all she could do was sit and watch.


It was then that the camera caught sight of the child moving out of the way swiftly to make room for Lord Stannis and his riders. There were only perhaps 50 of them, all in full war regalia. Stannis wore his shining helm with his fur cape running behind him. His steed's breath billowed like smoke in the air as he drove the animal forward with a cry. His men sounded one back in turn, raising their spears first, shields each carrying a differing sigil. Some were wolf, some were iron flowers, and yet others were bears, artic foxes, or evergreen. It reminded Life of older times...times when guns did not kill so many, yet the blood letting was always more brutal that way. "REGROUP! TAKE THE HIGH GROUND!" The Demon captain called out, shoving one Starc soldier to the ground and giving him a swift stab to the neck. The young gurgled out a final death cry. The Demons were now moving back over the pass, pressing their forces upward, despite the hail of arrows. The Starcs in white were waiting for that, standing at the top with great boulders having been set. These they let loose with levers, watching as they rolled steadily downward and crushed all those in their wake. 

Very much reminded her of the days of old. She smiled faintly, though it was a tight, slightly disgusted smile as she watched them fight and die. Shivering, she glanced around at the other monitors, watching the whole battle with interest.


It was then that her eyes glanced over towards Rowan, seeing there his face lit by the glow of the monitors. He looked rather smug, his eyes gazing over all the death unflinchingly. How could anyone who had a heart look so pleased with all this? It's then she noted how red his eyes were...they were practically glowing.


 Life shivered, staring a moment, caught by the red glow of those eyes. That feeling of dread came over her again, seeing those eyes. The smug look only made it hit her all the harder. She must watch herself, fully trusting him with would the most foolish thing she could ever do. Reviewing him with caution was the only way one could handle this... thing, without getting caught in its web. Even then, she was in too deep.


 Life shivered, staring a moment, caught by the red glow of those eyes. That feeling of dread came over her again, seeing those eyes. The smug look only made it hit her all the harder. She must watch herself, fully trusting him with would the most foolish thing she could ever do. Reviewing him with caution was the only way one could handle this... thing, without getting caught in its web. Even then, she was in too deep.


Suddenly Life is pulled away from staring at the vicious beauty that is Rowan to hear Kite storming into the room. She looks terrified, as would be expected, as she quickly looks to the monitors - searching them briefly for her husband's face. Once found, she turns her eyes to Rowan and he meets them squarely. "What in the HELL are you doing?! Send reinforcements, you damn fool!! If Stannis is killed by your stupidity, I will have your head!!!" 


Life startled, glancing at the woman with wide eyes. In this form, Kite towered over her, as did most people it seemed, giving her further reasons to want out of it. Her red lips thinned and she glanced upon Rowan thoughtfully. Maybe he wanted the men to fall and the demons to get inside? She shivered, licking her lips nervously.


"As you can see, if we were to send reinforcements now, it would ruin the battle plan Stannis has already lain out...I'm not about to ruin his strategy by throwing in my men to the mix....Besides, you should have more faith in his capabilities. You are his wife, after all," Rowan replied simply as he turned from her and back to the screen, crossing his arms. Kite fumed.


"That's right, I am his wife!!! I am his damn wife and I demand you take my husband off the battlefield!! His leg is still injured and his men are only 300 in number!! How can 300 fight against 4000?! This is madness!!" she screamed at him, rage in her eyes. Rowan did not budge, staring at the screen as he spoke.


"300 plus the extra cavalry I sent them just this morning, so that would make about 500, not to mention the terrain is on their side and the Demons are ill equipped to fight in this weather......If you do not stop your babbling soon, I will gladly have you removed from this room and placed under arrest in the compound." He turns to her then, eyes glinting. "Or do you forget where your loyalties lie? Perhaps you could take a lesson from your better half."


"You....son of a bitch!!" 


Kite..." Life spoke up sharply, glancing upon her with pale eyes. "Be calmed." She shifted, small frame delicate, eyes however, holding the angel's and refusing to allow her to look away. "Aid is waiting if there is need, for now, allow the game to play out. Your husband is strong, even with a wounded leg. He will not leave you a widow without a vicious struggle." She smiled slightly, breaking her gaze with Kite to look upon the screens once more, though she glanced upon Rowan with barely veiled displeasure.


"Be calmed? Aid is waiting? Is that all you can really say to me, Life?! If it is so easy, then perhaps you or Lord Rowan here should be out defending YOUR realm with them!" Kite shot back, completely ignoring the fact that Life's lips were thinned with anger. Kite wasn't one to back down from anything...and she loved Stannis so desperately. The thought of losing him was too painful.


"If not for this form, Kite, I would." Life snapped at her, glancing over her shoulder in agitation. Her eyes flashed, cheeks flushing with embarrassment and anger at her own defenselessness in this damnable form. It may be warmer, it may feel more, but it did not have the defenses that her other half did and it frightened her to be in this form even if it would fade away after a day or so.


Kite could only glare at her and then turned quickly away, storming out of the room. So angry was she that Life was ignoring her that she was liable to leave and fight beside her husband...though Stannis would never allow that. He had always told her that desert fighting was her domain, but the snows belonged to him. She was not well equipped for trudging through the cold....yet she could not bear to stand around and watch. Thus she walked down the hall, bumping into someone on the way. "Oh, I'm sorry................Absinthe?"


The rumpled, teary eyed godling startled, cleaving to the wall as he nearly toppled over. Pain spiked up his spine and he hissed, closing his eyes quickly to fight down the urge to vomit from the agony eating at him. He blinked his eyes open slowly, dizzily focusing on the female's face. Oh... just a woman, nothing to fear there. "Oh.... Hello..." He rasped softly. "I'm just going to... lie down..."


"What are you talking about? We need to get you to a doctor!" she cries, looking Absinthe over with horror. Really, all Absinthe wanted to do is go to sleep. His body was screaming with pain and he felt exhausted just standing there. Any moment now he would collapse.


"No... no doctor..." He uttered and waved her off, leaning heavily against the wall, dejected and in utter agony. He did not want anyone to know what happened, especially not a doctor, who would be able to tell what sort of trauma he had just gone through! How embarrassing, how shameful that would be! And he could not point fingers... that would let people on to the evils around them and put all those he loved in even more danger.


"Absinthe...who did this to you?" Kite asks with horror in her voice, seeming to know immediately that something is very wrong beyond the obvious pain of Absinthe's injuries. His heart is breaking and he can't stand it. Only then do they hear footfalls from the room nearby. Rowan is standing in the doorway, his face the picture of innocence.


"Oh, my...What happened, Absinthe?" Rowan asks with such a simple tone. Life stands behind him, the two having just been ready to go find Lazarus so that he might ready his men just in case the Angels did need help. Already, the battle was looking a bit desperate. Though Rowan advised that there was no need to ready Lazarus, Life - after hearing Kite - was quite stern on the matter of at least being prepared.


Absinthe froze, not looking up. "No one did it to me Kite, now let me go to me room..." Somehow he got the energy to string his words together, urgency fueling him enough to totter a little farther before he sank to the ground and could not move himself anymore, exhausted, hurting and cracking under the pressure. He glanced at Rowan upon hearing his name, eyes glazed and expression stark. "Nothing..."


"Lady Life, go ahead and see to Lazarus as we planned. Roaden, watch the monitors. If anything changes, send for me. I will be helping Absinthe to his room," Rowan said calmly. It struck Roaden quite by surprise to hear that Rowan would be leaving his station of command, as it would only seem rational that a general of an army would wish to watch over the battle. However, Rowan was already stepping towards the fallen Absinthe. He didn't make moves to help the other up - never wishing to show THAT much concern for the Godling. "Get up. Laying here will do you no good and it blocks the hall." 


Absinthe mutely pulled himself to his feet, swaying some. Life watched, wincing some as the pain radiating off of Absinthe hit her hard. She gripped Lazarus' hand, her smaller hand spasming some as the pain ached in her own body before fading away. Just what had been done to him!? Absinthe shivered, keeping his eyes down, refusing to meet Rowan's as the man moved to get him out of the hall. Damnit...


When they had sufficiently made their way at a snail's pace further down the hall, Lady Life being forced to leave as she needed to help her very pregnant general go and gather his men, Rowan's tone then turned to that black silk voice. Adonis smiled gently. "Poor little Godling...couldn't do it, could you? This is why you should have done it before...but you hesitated. Bad form, little one. Bad form indeed."


"I did not.... think that he was like you..." Absinthe rasped, wincing and shuddering in pain. His buttocks and thighs must surely be coated in blood, thankfully his clothing hid it and he was not shamed by that. However, Adonis' teasing voice in his ear had him shivering in outrage and despair.


"Perhaps that was an assumption you shouldn't have made, God-whore," Adonis returns with a bit of a smirk, turning down the hall as he lets Absinthe wobble on his own. However, the other eventually slips, causing Adonis to catch him before he plants his face squarely on the floor tiles. It makes Absinthe shiver, feeling those arms around him. He loses all strength and slumps. "Come now, no use being lazy...." Absinthe doesn't move. It causes Adonis to growl with disgust, though he easily picks the other up DESPITE his size and flings him over his shoulder. Absinthe is carried the rest of the way to his room and deposited rather unceremoniously on the bed. "Such a weakling..."


He felt useless when his legs would no longer carry him, felt even worse when he was tossed like a sack of flour over Adonis' shoulder. When his back met mattress, he hissed, arching off it in pain as it fucked with muscles already spasming in agony. There was nothing at all pleasant about the way Sorrow had handled him, not one little bit. Adonis wasn't being all that careful either.


"That's for letting him get so close...I would have thought you would have a quicker reaction time, Absinthe...It seems you really are good for only one thing," Adonis scoffs as he goes to remove Absinthe's clothes. The other freezes in fear, thinking he shall be raped again, but Adonis merely removes everything and leaves him bare, looking over the cuts and bruises with cold eyes.


Absinthe glowers sullenly at his own chest, shivering and curling a little. He does not like those red eyes on him one bit, not after what happened. Pale eyes flicked up at Adonis, noting where he was and what he was doing. "I w-would not have gotten so close if I had k-know that he was able to move!" He replied sharply, hissing between his teeth, wanting to bite off his own tongue if only to make the pain go away.


"Be silent. I don't want to hear your excuses or your whining," Adonis orders sternly. It shuts Absinthe up rather quickly as he leans over the other and slips his hands against a bruised thigh. Absinthe shudders and stiffens, staring at Adonis with wide eyes. The other merely trails his hand along the other's thigh and then to his buttocks. Just the caress makes Absinthe bite his lip and whimper in pain. "Hmm...try and ruin him, will you? ....I won't let you get away with it, Erudante," Adonis whispered almost under his breath. Was that...concern in his tone? No, impossible! And yet........Oh, and yet it made Absinthe's heart flutter. That is.....until Adonis slipped his finger right inside without any warning.


The pain twists up in Absinthe's gut and he arches back, gasping and biting through his already tattered lower lip. His pale eyes snap shut, brows knotted and his whole body tightens in agony from the entry of the single digit. It did not surprise him that Adonis would do this, but he found the strength to do little more then a tiny gasp in response to the intensity of the pain.


"Still tight, as always," Adonis smirks, only then whispering something in a beautiful ancient language that is dark, dangerous, but lovely-sounding. It is then that Absinthe feels the curl of heat in his abdomen - a growing blackness that spreads down into his pained parts and soothes them. What was once ripped is now repaired, sewing together under the other's touch. The pain gradually subsides and Adonis removes his finger, wiping it on some of Absinthe's tattered robes.


Blinking tear stained eyes in shock, Absinthe actually sits up and peers down at himself, bemused to find he is whole and no longer tattered. Covered in blood, yes, but no longer aching in such a manner as before. "Why did you...?" He utters in confusion, looking at Adonis with wide, shocked eyes. Why would this man do anything to help him? There must be some benefit for Adonis...


"You will try again," Adonis orders him as he looks down after wiping off his hands. He has Rowan's gorgeous face, but those red eyes are all his. Vicious, cruel...and so lovely. Absinthe can't help but find his heart thumping in his chest, wondering if there is some sort of God that is watching over him in order to make Adonis be so nice. But......wait..........try again?!?!?!


"B-but Adonis! How can I try again if he's already so powerful!" He gasps, eyes wide, expression pained. "He'll only turn the tables again, h-how is that going to get me anything other then agony!?" The man must be insane. If Absinthe had already been abused, wouldn't it just happen again!?


"Then you will never have me, Absinthe...Until he is dead and that locket of Ceata's is in my hands, you will be nothing more than a plaything for my amusement. Is that what you want?" Adonis asks with a cold expression. He's completely serious too. He has no intention of stopping his torture of Absinthe until the little whelp does as he wishes...and yet...Absinthe doesn't know even how to begin to deal with this monster known as Urius, not to mention dealing with Ceata - Absinthe IS trying to kill his mate, after all. 


Absinthe bit his lip, frowning and looking down at his hands in shock. How was he to deal with either of them? He knew what he was doing was wrong, terribly wrong and that his foolish desire to own Adonis was pathetic. It would grow to be more of a desperate act in later days when he found out that Matteo had just disappeared and would never be seen by him again. However, that had not yet dawned on him, that part of the emptiness he felt was do to loss and the only thing keeping him sane was the same thing driving him mad. "As you wish..."


Adonis smiled as he leaned down and tilted up the other's head, looking into his eyes. "I have afforded you this kindness because it is urgent that you destroy Urius...the next time he pains you, I will leave you to rot." He chuckles. "Consider it a punishment.......However, for now, I will leave you with the image in your mind of my body splayed out before you, willing to do your bidding." He nuzzles the other's cheek, whispering into his ear. "Let that be what fuels you...My heart completely in your possession." With that, he disappears, heading out of the room and leaving Absinthe on the bed naked, his mind swirling with the possibilities before him. 


The flicker of hope and need in Absinthe's pale eyes was heart wrenching. He gulped and nodded slowly, biting his lip as Adonis left him with that delicious image stuck in his mind, stirring things he did not want stirring. He blushed, rolling over and hiding his face in his pillow. He was going to get himself hurt more, or worse, dead, if he kept this up. But how could he deny that man anything? Adonis had dug in deep.


Meanwhile, the Demons had dug themselves in deep as they found the spot in the small canyon that could allow them a better defense. Stannis was in the middle of a grueling fight as the other part of the Demonic army had funneled out onto the frozen lake where most of the cavalry and Starcguard were trying to hold them. It wasn't doing much good.


"HYAH!" Stannis cried as his blade cleaved a man's skull in two, the impact of his sword splitting both flesh and steel making his arm ache. This was sweaty, gory, sticky, dirty fighting...The cold wind barely touched him as his body warmed in the heat of battle. Why had the reinforcements not come?! This was getting to be ridiculous as Stannis hacked away, turning to see the archers fighting to pin the rest of the army to the canyon wall. If any more Demons came streaming through that pass, they would not be able to handle them all. 


Luckily enough for them, the first signs of reinforcements came in the form of a certain pink haired General. Life had sent him ahead the gage how well things were doing and the moment he came upon the scene, the fighting blood had boiled in him. Further a field, one could see the General part through the Starcs, pushing through them and grabbing one of the demons by the throat before a vicious tug upon the man's jaw had his head ripped in two.  Yes, from what he could see, the Starcs were dearly in need of aid and aid he would give, passing on the information to his god mind to mind.  "Do you all need a hand?" He grinned, gold eye flashing.


"The hill! Beyond the hill and into the pass! 3,000 wait beyond it! Call to your master and get me my damn reinforcements!!" Stannis calls out as he takes a few steps back from the throng. The overwhelming amount of Demons that have made it onto the frozen lake make it hard for them to push them any further back, the archers steadily losing arrows on how many Demons they are killing. Still, it is hardly enough for 500 men to handle...Unless...


A huge ball of flame comes ripping through the canyon, starting from the back of the wave of Demonic soldiers and working like a serpent's tongue through the narrow pass. The archers duck behind trees, Demons falling into the snow to escape it as it licks over the Demons and sends them sprawling.


"What in God's name -?!" Stannis cries out, whipping around as he catches sight of fire raining from the sky. It does not aim for their catapults high on the hills, nor the archers in the stand of trees, nor the Starc soldiers and cavalry sprawled over the frozen lake. Its tongue of fire reaches over and hits the long line of Demons gathered in the pass. Screams are heard as many are burned alive...and then they see it. Like in the Chinese legends of men so great they walked on clouds, the youkai descended. Rughal's mother had come. 


What better help in warfare then that bitch? Rei thought to himself with rabid glee, already turning his attention to scrambling demons, ripping into the shocked warriors viciously. Better to help relieve some of the Starcs now, so that they could regroup and take a short breather. They would be no used to them dead or exhausted! Lazarus has planned this well, even with the kicking of his child annoying him.


The youkai descended on their own kind viciously. The men were the ones that fell from  the air, their fire sending the Demons scrambling back into the pass, only to be met by the Starc archers. Stannis was able to at least step back - even Rei not needing to join the fray as hundreds of Fire Youkai warriors set to pushing the enemy back. Their female commanders were screaming at them all the way, telling them to work faster and harder - even going so far as to crack whips. The Starcs did not retreat until Stannis ordered the horn to be sounded, causing the exhausted Angels to break from the lines and stand aside whilst the Demons - now thoroughly scorched - fled in terror. 


Panting and grinning, Rei slicked back his hair with a bloody hand. He wanted to chance the demons, but refrained, glancing at Stannis and looking about to cover the loses. He hoped they had not lost too many while the Starcs had been on their own. They were vicious fighters, but the demons had been in greater number and sometimes viciousness and will power does nothing against sheer force.


"Don't turn back just yet! Get the wounded off the battlefield! Send for Gagenheim and get those archers off the hill!!" Stannis called out, ignoring Rei as he was fast at work getting his men back behind the gate. The Demons could handle it from here and he wasn't about to argue. Almost half their force had been either cut down or wounded. He himself sported an arrow out of his shoulder, but it hardly hurt as much as his leg. His heavy armor made it painful just to walk and he ended up leaning against a snow-covered rock as he barked out orders.


Rei smirked. Hard-ass Stannis, leaning their like a badass from one of those war movies. It fit the man and Rei marked over, peering at the wound in his shoulder. "Best have it looked at..." The angel mused, looking at the other out of the corner of his eye. He would have just ripped it out himself, but he was sure that the arrow would be barbed for added wounding power and it was not at all prudent to rip one of those things out.


As the Starcs quickly gathered themselves to disembark, dragging their dead from the bloody snow-covered field, Hitomi finally arrived. She was gorgeous, a tall and perfectly rounded woman with hair so long and perfectly red that it looked like a river of blood down her back. Her eyes were like Rughal's, a smoky twisting grey color that could be black one moment and white the next. She had a figure that would make any man weep to be with her and always sported a gorgeous man at her side. She hardly acknowledged her own warriors as they fought, merely heading towards the gate with her entourage in tow.


"Oi! Lady Hitomi, good to see you." Rei gave her a blood splattered grin, licking his chomps before yawning and stretching. Oh god, it felt so GOOD to kill something. He sighed pleasantly, standing near Stannis and waiting for the bitch queen to make her way over to them. Goddamn and look at all the people with her! She reminded one of a diva, what with her fawning entourage tailing her like a pack of dogs follow their Alpha.


"Shut up, useless scrotum," Hitomi snapped. Oh, she had not changed at all. Her hatred of men was such that she didn't care if it was someone who had just helped her or the bloody Gods themselves - anything with a penis was her enemy. It was a wonder why she was here. Perhaps she had come to try and steal one of the triplets away again? To brainwash her son into having daughters? Either way, she brushed right passed them, stopping only a moment to glance back at Stannis. He was looking to her with those sharp grey eyes. She snarled and continued on.


 Rei giggled in delight, watching her deviously. Oh he loved the way she talked to him, it was always a hoot. Still cackling, he followed after her, trailing along with an amused grin on his scarred face. She and Durga would have gotten along swimmingly! Though, it was possible that they would get into a bitch fight and then he'd just HAVE to be there and watch!


She left her warriors to do the rest, demanding that the young boy that stood at the gate open it at once. The child, armed with his bow and arrows, his sword, and his shield, looked forward at her with unmoving grey eyes. She snarled at him, just about ready to slap him out of the way when Stannis called out from behind. "Tobias. Let them pass." The child looked to him and nodded, only then following the order. 


Rei continued to follow them, ruffling the boy's hair as he passed. "Good work, lad." He grinned and winked, trotting along after Hitomi and wondering if she knew any of the things that had gone on in the last couple of days. She did not come into the court often, so it was unlikely she knew that her grandchildren were all mated, or any of that sort of thing.


While the Wicked Witch of the East made her way down the long winding road to Death's Castle, Rughal was gradually losing his mind behind the castle walls. Rowen didn't look too happy either and set to finding where Eos and Falcon had run to in order to hide them. Ranmaru was much the same, looking terrified as his mate calmed him gently by caressing his long red hair. "Oh, shit...what if she tries to take me away? I....I can't be parted from you..."


Akito caressed his hair, hushing him gently. He had a frown on his handsome face, his bright hair falling over his shoulder and into rainbow colored eyes. "Don't worry. I will not allow it, Ranmaru!" He replied in a harsh whisper, already hurrying Ranmaru from his room. He would hide him in his own, for it was far from the guest rooms and far from Ranmaru's. "You just need to stay calm, ok?"


"I don't want to go with her, Akito...I don't want to go with her..." he says in fear, clinging to the one he loves as he is made to sit on the bed. Akito can feel how desperately frightened Ranmaru is, hating his grandmother more than anything. As a child, he was the one she targeted most because he is most like his father. He's been so scared of her since he was little. She would often make him go run and cry to Varun.


Akito gently caressed his hair, making soft, soothing noises deep in his throat. "I will NOT let her take you, ok love?" He soothed, cuddling the others gently, kissing his brow. He could not do much but calm his mate, newly mated as they were, he could use only his presence and touch to keep Ranmaru from breaking into a full panic. He imagined that Varun and Eos were also in a tizzy, though they did not have near as much to fear as poor Ranmaru.


"I will not let anything happen to you, Eos...you know that," Falcon says as he tries to calm his young love that is pacing like a caged wildcat in their rooms. Falcon sighs as he truly wishes he could return to at least see his father come home, but Eos needs him right now. The poor boy is practically crying from fear, causing Falcon to reach out and stop him - spinning Eos into his arms and holding him tight. "Shhh...stop this now. It's foolish to fear one woman so much."


 "No It's not! She's a fucking bitch!" Eos cried into his chest, shaking. His hands came up, fisting tightly in his mate's shirt, clinging so tightly his hands began to ache with pain. The young hybrid did not notice it, his heart hammering in terror. Gods, not that vile woman! He hated the way she spoke to him, looked at him. It was enough to make him want to hide underneath a rock and never set foot out from its shade ever again! "You don't know her at all!"


"...I know enough, love, that she will never take you." He tilts up the other's chin, looking into Eos' eyes with a gentle gaze. "You need not fear her so long as I am here." It was surprising how calming those blue eyes were, making Eos feel somewhat soothed. Still, he clung like a frightened child to Falcon, biting his lip in anger and trying not to simply lash out at anything he could get his hands on. Oh, poor Ranmaru...he had gotten the worst of it. "Besides, she has come here for Rowan's sake. If he has her under his employment, she can't be all bad." Eos' eyes get HUGE.


"W-WHAT!?" Eos' scream rang down the hall, startling a passing death angel. The young male squirmed, struggling out of Falcon's arms frantically, panicking. "You must be joking!? She's going to be staying here!? Are you kidding me!? You must be making jokes, Falcon!" He cried, hands curling in his long hair and snarling it up, a low, fearful whine leaving his throat.


"L-love, calm down!" Falcon gasps, having been so shocked by his lover's outburst that he almost lost his footing and feel back onto the bed. He stares at Eos, trying to reach out and touch him to keep him from ripping out his magnificent locks of reddish-gold. "She is to help Lord Rowan...they have been allies since before Sahenna was born. Her armies will help us...Why is it so terrible that she is here to help?"


"Because she'll be HERE!" Eos screamed, stamping his foot, cheeks going red with frustration before going icy white, his round eyes flicking to the window. He rushed to it, looking out and his face lost all the blood in it. "Ohgodohgodohgod she's here!" He cried.



"Eos!! Calm yourself!!" Falcon cries, grabbing the other and swiveling him around. Eos blinked, having never heard Falcon raise his voice so forcefully...it was kinda hot. "Now, you listen here. You will stay by my side! You will hold my hand! We will deal with this woman in a direct manner! Is that clear?!" His words seem to have a bit of an effect as Eos nods numbly, though his lip is quivering. Falcon sighs and gently kisses that lip, caressing the other's cheek. "You should know by now that I am my father's son...as such, you can be sure of two things - no other man will touch you without your consent and I will never, EVER be parted from you. Alright?"


Eos nodded again, unable to get his voice to work, though that raised voice had him a little excited. He'd have to get Falcon to yell at him again sometime, the authority in his tone had been damn sexy. However, what with his grandmother here, there was no time for sex or anything like that. Taking Falcon's hand in his, he shuddered and straightened his hair with the other. "O-o-ok..."


Falcon kissed the other's forehead and wrapped his arms around Eos, cradling him softly and speaking to him in a bit of Shadowshifter that he had gleaned from Eos before - words of endearment, little tokens of affection to get Eos through what was to come. Falcon then kissed the other's cheek and grasped his hand to lead him out of the room. "Come now...look sharp. You brothers will need you too." With that, they stepped into the hall just as Hitomi made her way into the black entry hall.


She looked around and wrinkled her nose in disgust. "Tacky, as usual..." she scoffed, only then catching sight of Lady Life and smiling broadly. "Ah! At last, your better half appears..."


Life smiled gently upon her. "I fear it is not my fiercer of the two, but it suits me well enough." She replied, welcoming Hitomi with a polite bow, her robes rustling across the floor in tiny whispers. She straightened, beckoning she come in further, welcoming the woman into her home. "Please, please... come and rest your feet, my lady Hitomi... it would not do to leave you out in the cold."


"My goodness...You are beautiful and you are gentle. If only you could stay in this form all the time - I think your breasts make you a bit smarter," Hitomi smiled, though her eyes kept continuously searching. For what, Life couldn't tell...However, she could sense an urgency in Hitomi's very aura as she looked around. Her entourage of ladies and gorgeous men followed. She did not seem to care much for any of them. As she walked, her beads clanked against her armor. They held in each one of them the soul of a passed lover. Her necklace was vastly long.


Life lead her into one of the large guest chambers, asking her to sit. "Are you looking for your son my lady? Or perhaps you're wanting to see lord Rowan?" Life asked, tilting her head as she poured her some wine, graceful as a geisha, and just as skilled at the pouring of the little wine holder made of crystal. The red lips curled in a smile, Life's eyes closing thoughtfully.


"L-Lord Rowan? Oh, no.....I need not see him. He is a man, after all," Hitomi replied callously, but her voice didn't hold the same edge. There was something in her eyes that flickered with the beauty of a woman in love. it was a gentleness when she spoke his name that had Life understanding immediately why Hitomi had come. It was a relief - at least she was not after one of the triplets. "Where are my grandchildren? Those worthless little cock-mongerers should be around here somewhere...."


"They should be along soon... all three have mated, all strong, all healthy." Life replied, "I believe you might get a few great grandbabies off them, perhaps even a couple girls?" She mused, chuckling softly to herself. That would hopefully please Hitomi to at least get some girl children off of the three. She just hoped that the mates of the three would be excepted. Echo would not show up, he was away with his mother on business, but the others... oh yes they would show up.


"Mates?! Without my consent?! Gods....that worthless waste of an egg that is my son should mess with my line without even mentioning it to me! So loathsome that Rughal is...I should have aborted him," she hisses coldly. "if not for the fact my daughter was in the same womb, I would have." 


"Oh no, Rughal had nothing to do with it. They chose their own mates." Life replied lazily, sitting and offering the wine to Hitomi, her slim, soft hand holding the glass gingerly as she handed it over. She glanced up just as Varun entered, the eldest of the three, with Alpheus in tow. "Ahhh... and here comes Varun with his lover Alpheus, please, come in and sit boys."


Alpheus glared at Hitomi and Hitomi glared back. "I know you...that whiny little priest that belongs to Sahenna...You're the worst kind of male. You give the emotions of women a bad name," Hitomi hissed as she looked to Alpheus. The Angel was just about to say something back, no doubt a sharp comment in return as he was never one to be quiet when insulted. Varun, thankfully, placed a hand upon his lover's thigh to make him quiet.

"Hello to you, Honored Grandmother." Varun murmured softly, bowing his head politely to her. "It is a pleasure to see you." He straightened, his hand still on Alpheus' thigh to keep him quiet. He could hear someone out in the hall, not sure if it was Eos or Ranmaru yet, but there was familiarity in the tones. He hoped that they would be more pleasing to her then him.


Falcon was the first to step in, catching Hitomi's eye. She saw immediately that Eos was in tow, seeming rather quiet and demure as Falcon held his hand. However, when her enraged gaze met him, he almost froze on the spot. It took Falcon's nudging to get him to move forward. "....A Starc....You DARE mate with this vile creature?! They are no better than servants! First this piddling priest and now a damn SERVANT?! Have none of my grandchildren SENSE?!"


"I beg your pardon, My Lady, but perhaps it is not best to make assumptions about my family line without first knowing my name," Falcon retorted. He had a very even tone, being able to deal with all manner of people. Hell, he dealt with Alpheus for so long...Hitomi isn't all that hard to handle. Still, she looks PISSED by his words.


"How dare you talk back to me, you walking penis! I should have you flogged for that!"


"Only three people have that right, ma'am. My father, under just punishment, my master, who owns me, and my mother......Now, you do not have stubble, so you can't be the first, nor will I now or ever call you 'sir,' so you can't be the second. As for the third...." Falcon's eyes narrow. "Well, needless to say she would be very upset if I ever compared her to you."


The fires in the hearth BLAZED to life.


 Alpheus did his best not to chuckle, but failed a little.


"Now, now... be polite." Life murmured softly, smiling some even as Ranmaru came in, though he was rather hesitant about it. Eos and Falcon took seats, Eos wanting to giggle, but feared for his genitals should his grandmother get pisser than she already was! Akita followed Ranmaru in, his coppery hair framing his pale face and his rainbow eyes flickering over to Hitomi in curiosity. He knew much about this woman. Had known her all his life, unlike the other two in the room. He had helped Ranmaru through many times of depression brought on by this fierce woman and there was no fear in his eyes.


"Ah...finally, a child who is worth something," Hitomi says as she pats the seat beside her. "Ranmaru, sit here." Her command is forceful and Ranmaru shivers at the fierceness of it. He looks like he did all those years ago - a terrified little boy crying on her lap as she smacked him until he was quiet - much to the dismay of Rowen. However, without Hitomi, Rughal would be forced to go through some ridiculous ritual and would die....After all, Rughal is the son of Lucifier. In order for Hitomi to get a new lover, she must consume the lover she has currently. Since she is unable to do that with the Prince of Darkness, she must then eat one of her offspring - the male one preferably. However, she has allowed Rughal to marry, thus continuing her line. She cannot kill him then and thus the process negates itself. However, it is in her power to revoke it. Thus, they really can't do anything to her.


Akita follows Ranmaru over quietly and sits near him, his expression thoughtful. he smiles faintly at the woman, nodding his head politely. It is unwise for him to really act anything more than docile until he gages her current emotional level. He really, really does not want to set her off and make his new mate's life a living hell. Life merely smiles, annoyed and amused by the family drama going on before her.


"Well...aside from the stupid walking penis, I guess I can't say you've all failed in your choices," Hitomi replies, glaring at Falcon. Falcon, fearless as he is, glares right back. He has a tendency to HATE anyone that makes Eos this unnerved. Had he the opportunity, woman or not, GODDESS or not, he would be at Hitomi's throat like a wild animal. His viciousness with his own kin proved that much. Eos remembers almost fondly when he bashed his cousin's head into that pillar...Ahhh, good times, good times. "Still, I would like to see them pregnant. At least Ranmaru's mate, anyway...He looks............decent enough. I suppose he'll make children suitable enough for training, if they're girls."


 Akita flushed some, shifting and glancing into his lap. Well, there it went. If Ranmaru's grandmother desired great grand children, she would get them. There would be no skimming around the issue, especially not for Ranmaru and him. Akita glanced at Life and the female rolled her eyes and smiled, making him feel a little less nervous. He leaned over and smiled. "I am sure your grand son will give me many daughters, my lady." He mused softly. "He is young and strong with excellent bloodlines."


"Indeed...but I have yet to see your bloodline. If you are one of many sons, I'm afraid this mating just won't do. I'll have to take Ranmaru with me to be properly introduced to a woman who can bear daughters..." Hitomi replies with a scoff, causing Ranmaru's eyes to get huge and frightened. He looks about to cry at the thought, needing to have Akito's hand gently on his. Hitomi then looks over at Alpheus, the Angel frowning at her. "You, on the other hand, are a little bitch...with any luck, you'll birth something of worth as well."


"Why you -!!!" Alpheus snarls, getting shut up by Varun's hand as he wriggles and makes angered noises.


"I am the only son on my side, the other two siblings of mine are girls, my lady." Akito replied calmly. "Which makes it highly probable that I too, will bare girl children for Ranmaru." He smiled and nodded faintly, calm, collected and handling the matter like a shrew business man. "My fathers are the sons of elder shadowshifters and my mother, a cross between light fae and shadowshifter. Lady Life can assure you that I am a very good mate for Ranmaru."


"Hmm...perhaps...Still, it remains to be seen if you will produce anything." Her eyes then fall upon Eos, the other trying to sink into the couch. Not only is he the only one with a mate unwilling to kowtow to Hitomi - or at least be quiet -, but he is also the submissive in the relationship. Hitomi's eyes fix squarely on him. "So disappointing, Eos...your mate is surprisingly vocal for a little servant...you yourself are the son of many sons......and you are the submissive. How very, VERY disappointing."


"I am the youngest of a family with three children...both of my elder siblings are women. My mother is the ONLY female general in all of Tenshihana and my father worships her. I come from a long history of female warriors, as my mother is a Lioness of Valen. One of Rowan's cousins - his first cousin, in fact. My father is also brother to Lord Urius, Rowan's Second, as well as a fierce commander. And still you find that disappointing? Very well then...I am vocal and I do not approve of YOU, My Lady. However-

when it comes to you belittling Eos, I have a hard time keeping my tongue. Perhaps you should value that more in a mate, instead of silence and submissiveness through fear." Falcon's words, yet again, anger Hitomi. Yet they also intrigue her.


"I see...YOU are Lord Stannis' heir. I should have known...what's made of ice cannot mingle with fire. I FORBID you from seeing Eos!" Eos' eyes get huge and a terror strikes him unlike anything. 


Eos stamped a little foot. "NO!" He roared and shot up from his seat, red faced and wide eyed. "You, Grandmother, have no place telling ME what to do!" He roared, flustered and enraged at the very idea she would try and forbid him from his mate. Life watched with wide eyes, her arms crossed over her bosom. My, my, Falcon and Eos were very close already, from her point of view, she could see Eos using his mate's strength to give him the strength to actually stand up to the woman that had frightened him for so long.  "I can fuck whomever I damn well please and have as many babies as I please as well! So PISS OFF!" He snarled and flopped back into his chair, glowering at Hitomi with his sharp, pale eyes.


Varun and Ranmaru looked absolutely shocked. They did not have the balls to stand up to their grandmother and certainly never even let the thought cross their minds. Yet Eos, youngest and smallest of them, had just said the rudest things possible. Falcon smiled upon Eos. Ah, this was more like his mate...firm and strong and beautiful behind that mask of frailty. Falcon admired him so much and loved him all the more. "I believe that is your answer, My Lady."


Hitomi was blue in the face, standing right then and snarling as the room got oppressively hot, the air going dry as the fire ROARED and almost leapt out of the hearth. She was indeed terrible to behold, her strength filling every crack and cranny of the space as her red hair whipped around her. "How...DARE YOU?!?! EOS! You WORTHLESS child!! Do you know what I could do to you? To your FATHER?! This disrespect will not go unpunished!!"


"I'd like to see that happen." A woman's voice from the doorway sounded quite sarcastic and sharp. Hitomi swiveled, seeing Kite there with her arms crossed. The scarred yet beautiful Tenshihana general glared at Hitomi and Hitomi almost cowered.


"Kite..." Hitomi then snarled. "I see this is your unruly whelp that poisons my bloodline!"


"Your bloodline poisons itself, Lady Hitomi. My son has nothing to do with this. I am merely here to ask you to come to the feasting hall so that my cousin may speak with you. Beyond that, I want nothing to do with your worthless skanky ass."


"You stupid little bitch...How long has it been is Isenhelm? I bet you're still smarting from those wounds, you ugly whore."


"Whore-this, bitch-that...Your talk is cheap, so save your breath and get moving." 


Eos was still fuming when Kite came in. Hearing the two go back and forth was highly pleasing to him and he watched them, arms across his slim chest and a pout on his lips. Hmph! Grandmother could go and fuck herself if she was going to treat his mate as she did! He was strong and kind to him and most importantly, loved him. He could care less about producing heirs and keeping honor, he was in love and was mated, there was nothing anyone could do short of killing his mate and in turn, killing him.


Hitomi growled and then stood, glaring at Eos. "I will see to you later, ungrateful child...." she hissed before turning and leaving, Kite's eyes squarely on her back. Falcon then breathed a sigh of relief, causing Alpheus to blink and then gasp.


"Falcon!! She scared you!" he cries out, hardly believing what he saw. Falcon's expression had been one of complete seriousness. Apparently he was a fairly good actor. Still, to Alpheus' words, he only smiled.


"Well...I had Eos here to protect me." Falcon looks to Eos with untold amounts of pride. "I couldn't have done it without him."


Eos was still sullen, but he gave his mate a little coy smile. " Same here, love." He replied and sighed. Life chuckled softly and stood. "Well.... this should be interesting, my lovelies." She murmured softly and pat Eos on the head. "Best watch yourself and your mate Eos, picking fights with your grandmother is never, ever a good thing to do."


"Actually, it is...." Kite says from the doorway, frowning. "I beat that woman so soundly back in the Great War, I had her running back to Japan faster than a cat with its tail caught on fire. She was only a young girl then, was impulsive and vicious...Still, I kicked her ass."


"And, of course, it helps that Rowan is going to be talking to her in a few moments about how he's already given us his blessin..." Falcon smirks and Alpheus blinks.


"Oh...you cheap bastard...You set this up."


Falcon rubbed the back of his neck, smiling. Kite rolled her eyes.


"You've been spending too much time with Farryn.......Come now, all of you. We can't finish our feast without the guests of honor or out lovely hostess."


Life chuckled, "Come along now children." She smiled and ushered the six of them out. Akito breathed a sigh of relief and Varun looked like he wanted to go and hide somewhere and let his beating heart settle down. But at least Hitomi was going to be hopefully, quieted by Rowan. Sighing some, Eos clutched at his mate's hand and allowed himself to be forced out the door.

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