untitled: House Starc

Chapter 13: House Starc




Meanwhile, Ceata was very crabbily sitting in his room. Stannis had informed him that they would not be able to see Urius until morning - this annoyed the hell out of him as he had woken up early and there was still no sign of Stannis at their door. All dressed and looking his best, Ceata intended to wow the Starc family with his good looks. Eos also intended to come, hoping to bribe the Head of House Starc so he could be with Falcon and have many babies. Lazarus was also curious. After his talk with Rowan last night, he had mind to just go up to Urius and ask him what was going on...Perhaps even threaten him a little, as it was obvious the Valen was not talking. 


Luckily for Absinthe, he was too exhausted to say anything. What better way to silence someone then to fuck them into exhaustion?  He checked on his brothers often, the fear they would be hurt making his dreams restless and eerie.  Come morning, Ceata and the others had gathered, none of them aware of what had happened between the young godling and Adonis.


"Ugghhhh! I want to go now, damn it!" Ceata snapped impatiently. Waiting was difficult when you were thoroughly worried for the man you were going to see. Eos smiled slightly, watching the younger male's agitated pacing. Lazarus was twitchy, for he had taken the pills to help along an early heat this morning. They did not kick in too fast or strongly, so there was no need to stay home. There would be no way he'd go to house Starc in heat.


"I'm sorry my father is taking so long," Falcon apologizes politely, standing beside Eos in what can only be called the dullest uniform ever invented. It hides all that gorgeous muscle and makes Falcon look very pale, for it is grey and holds no real points of interest. Eos wants to rip it off him and put him back in some of those skin-tight muscle shirts he's always wearing to be comfortable or some stiff-collared uniform that has easier access. This thing has so many damn buttons, it would be impossible for sex! 


Ceata grumbled and tapped his foot. "Fucking thought that Starcs were on time." he snapped, looking highly pissed as he waited. It looked good on him, that anger, making pale cheeks flushed and a wild look to his eye. Ceata sighed. He wanted to see Urius again so badly. To touch him and make sure he was ok.  Lazarus watched thoughtfully, his hands twitching. Feeling foolish for taking the drug so soon, Lazarus had to tell himself he needed to or he might never have the chance again.


"Today is the day that Parliament meets to discuss the war. The security around Tenshihana must be very built up...especially at House Starc. I imagine my father is a very busy man, what with him being the Second to Prince Conrard," Falcon offers as an explanation. No sooner does he finish his sentence does the front doors open. It is not Stannis that appears there, but his feisty wife Kite. Her long blond hair has been pulled up and she's wearing a military uniform. She looks gorgeous, an Angel that most of Death's crew might get along with.


"Sorry about the bullshit waiting around, boys. Looks like we ran into some problems. There was an assassination attempt last night in Tenshihana and everyone's all astir. The only way you can get in is with me. Stannis is trying to keep the peace," Kite sighs as she walks over, her boots clacking on the stone floor.


"A-an assassination? On whom?" Falcon asks, obviously disturbed. His mother looks down at him with those same ice blue eyes. It seems that's about the only thing Falcon got from his mother.


"Lord Robert Valen. Not that I really give a flying fuck, but he's blaming it on the Demons." Kite rolls her eyes. "The arrogance of that man is fucking astounding. If I wasn't related to him by blood, I'd want to kill him to." 


Ceata suddenly started laughing harshly at her explaination and had to clamp his hands over his mouth. He went wide eyed and sheepish as Lazarus raised a brow at him. Of the two, he was well aware that Ceata knew more then he was letting on, as did Absinthe. What had them keeping their mouths shut was something he did not know but wished to find out. "Ugh... let us get going, I'm losing my mind." Ceata uttered seriously, running a hand through his hair.


Kite quirked a brow, looking to Ceata with crossed arms. "Oi! I sure do like you a lot, Ceata sweetie, but I'm not so sure I liked that laugh...This ain't no laughing matter. It's yet another excuse for war. It will weaken Rowan's argument substantially and you might be lookin' at a lover that's sent off to the front lines. Not to mention my Falkie here is probably going to go with him AND my blockhead of a husband...I'd be concerned, if I were you." Her scolding sobers Ceata up a bit, she sighing when she sees his worry and pats him on the head. "Now let's get goin'. Keep yer faces on and don't say anything unless spoken to. I had to face my in-laws when I married Stannis and they STILL think I'm a Valen whore without worth. You'll probably get the same treatment. Oi! You, don't slouch," she says to Eos, poking him. "Look cute, look dumb, and you might just get through this. Alright? Are we ready?"


Ceata nodded weakly. Gods, he wanted to tell them, he wanted to so very badly, but the fear of what Adonis would do to his lovers kept his mouth shut. He did not know as much as Absinthe did at the moment, but he had gleaned enough to know that Rowan was behind a lot of the current going ons. Eos pouted, but nodded. The last thing he wanted to do was look dumb, people already thought him a simpleton enough as it was!


"Don't worry, love. It doesn't matter what they think of you. I will always know you're incredibly cunning," Falcon whispered to Eos to calm his nerves as they walked out. Falcon helped his beloved into the carriage with a gentle hand, Ceata, Lazarus, and Kite following. She settled into the carriage and tapped the side, it beginning to move. A portal appeared at the end of the road leading to Death's Castle and at once they were rolling towards the Gates of Tenshihana. The lines and lines of soldiers positioned outside them denoted the elevated level of security that everyone was experiencing. They went through easily enough after a quick inspection and were heading off through the Citadel, the high white buildings looming outside the windows. Much like with Varun, the Shadowshifters felt amazement. This was not the first time Lazarus had seen Tenshihana, but it had changed since he was last there. 


Amazing how beautiful the angel city was. The visiting shadowshifters all stared out the window, fascinated. Eos, the most angelic looking of them, peered out with wide, delighted eyes. A small sound of delight slipping from the blond. Perhaps not the most beautiful place he had ever seen, but impressive all the same.


They headed over the cobblestone road towards the man-made lake. There they boarded a ferry that would take them down the Snoicelle Canal. It was a large boat that was powered by several Jin rowers. It glided easily across the frigid waters already congested with boats about this time of year. They passed easily under the great Maestar Bridge, a giant construct between two towers that spanned nearly a mile. It was very impressive. Angels everywhere stopped and looked as the group stood on the deck of the ferry boat. Many of the passengers were whispering, suspecting Demons aboard ship. Kite ignored them, petting her son's dark hair. 


Lazarus and Ceata kept themselves as close to Kite as possible. Being starred at at like one was the enemy was never a pleasant feeling.  Eos was too busy playing with Falcon's fingers, his lavender eyes bright and curious. He had nothing to fear; his appearencing taking more after his angelic mother than his fathers. He glanced at his father, beaming. Poor daddy, he looked flushed.


"Don't worry. No one can bother you so long as I'm around. I hold as much power as my husband, perhaps a little more. If anyone messes with you, I can have them arrested on the spot," Kite says as she looks to both Ceata and Lazarus with a reassuring smile. She leans against the railing, enjoying the cold air as they glide along. It isn't long before they're out of the Snoicelle canal, standing on the pier of a small port in a snow-covered town. This is the first junction to finally making it to House Starc. "Alright, we're going to have to hike up there, so we're stopping at a tavern first. Any objections?"


They shook their heads, Eos looking delighted. "Can I get some ale?" He cooed sweetly, batting his lashes deviously. He did not think it would work on her, but he might as well try. Alcohol was a rare treat and his favorite would always be ale.


Kite laughed outright, slapping the beautiful youth on the back. "Falcon! What a wonderful lover you've found! This one is sweet and devious...I think he'll go well in our family," Kite laughed as she stepped off the pier and headed through the snow covered streets. They walked up a ways, passed the smelly fish markets and the sailor barracks until they reached a little tavern with glowing golden lights. There Ganidrad sat behind the counter, polishing some glasses for wine. "Oi! Ganidrad, got some drought for us? We're in need of something warm before we start off." Ganidrad looked up and blinked, surprised to see Ceata, Urius, and Eos.


"Oh, of course...Some mead and warm cider to do you? Wine for Lord Lazarus?" Ganidrad offered, happy to see such unusual customers.


"Ale for me!" Eos demanded, leaning flirtatiously against the counter. He grins, long hair toppling seductively over one shoulder, his rump wiggling. Lazarus chuckled. "Yes, some warm spiced wine for me." He uttered softly, polite as ever. Ceata looked thoughtful, peering at the lines of booze and such. "Yeah, hot cider for me please, haven't had any in ages."


"Water and bread," Falcon replies. It causes his lover to look back at him insanely and his mother to bop him on the head.


"Just because you're going to see everyone at House Starc doesn't mean you have to be like your father and fast for ten fucking days! As it is, I completely abhor your uniform...You hide all that nice muscle." She scoffs, grumbling. "You're far too much like Stannis. I wish I had given you some more of my free spirit."


"But...mother, spiced wine or ale will impair my - " he stops short, getting glared at. In a small voice he says "C-cider please..."


 Ganidrad can only laugh, going to make the drinks. "My, my...Ain't I lucky? Getting Kite here and Lord Lazarus and Ceata...You guys sure do come in spades," Ganidrad says as he opens a bottle of spiced wine. His words make Ceata blink, though. He's never met this Ganidrad before and is thus puzzled as to why he is known. The other soon explains. "Heard you were a wine drinker from Varun...hope mah old vintage will work for yah," Ganidrad says to Lazarus as he hands him the wine. Ganidrad then waters down a little ale for Eos, not wanting it too strong. He gives two warm ciders to Ceata and Falcon and then a shot of whiskey for Kite.


"Oooh, Ganidrad...If I weren't married, you'd be the first one I'd ask," Kite says, looking to the whiskey with a grin.


Lazarus smiled faintly. "Ahh...one of my younger sons." he chuckled, gazing at the drink he was presented with a pleased sigh. He sipped at it, enjoying the taste with a low, rumbled sigh of satisfaction. "Do any others like us ever come in? Maybe a tall young man with long black hair striped in gold?" He asked curiously. Ceata snorted. He probably did, knowing Absinthe.


"Oi, no...Ain't ever seen Absinthe here. Saw 'im at the compound last night, though." Ganidrad smiles and pours himself a glass of whiskey, enjoying it with a grin. "'E's got a lover there, yah know. Hickeys all of the place! Hahah! Ahhh, to be young again..." 


Lazarus raised a brow, sipping his wine thoughtfully. Beside him, Ceata shivered. "Hmmn... of course he would." Lazarus breathed, licking the rim of his glass thoughtfully. "He is Exodus' child.... everyone knows the libido of that one."


"Speakin' o' that, how's you an' Young Master Sahena? We miss 'im up here, you know...Keepin' 'im all to yourself is kinda selfish," Ganidrad scolds lightly, but all in good fun. He is generally very happy that Sahena has married Lazarus. It looks as though the young Angel is delighted and very much in love with his new husband.


Lazarus smiled faintly, eyes distant. "We are planning on trying for a baby soon." he replied with a subdued chuckle. "Sahenna is thrilled that he gets to be a father." He ran his fingertip along the rim thoughtfully, his lips quirking in a smile. "He is such a sweetheart..." Far different from the past, but he is still the man he fell for.


"Wow! A baby, really? That's a wonderful idea," Kite says, looking to her son. "You should have children too." Falcon looks horrified.


"M-mother, I'm not even married yet!" he gasps, looking to Kite who only sticks out her tongue.


"I wasn't married when I got pregnant with Robin. What's the big deal?"


"I'm not listening to this...I'm not going to listen..." 


Eos giggled and grinned at Falcon. "He can't have babies with me until I go into heat anyway and that's not for another year yet!" He laughed, toying with his hair. Of course, if he feared his lover disappearing or dying in battle, he would demand to do the same thing that Lazarus had done. Lazarus chuckles, his son's happiness bringing him joy.


"Oh, that's such a shame...I want little red-headed, blue-eyed grand babies with cute little faces and grumpy personalities," Kite says with a smile, looking all dreamy. Falcon looks rather pale, staring into his cider.


"Oi! That’ll be a sight. Shadowshifters runnin' around House Starc...Why, if that ain't just a grand idea!" Ganidrad laughs, going back to cleaning glasses.


"You will, mommy Kite." Eos cooed sweetly, batting his lashes. "Lots and lots of them if my mommy's fertility runs true." He giggled evilly and glanced at Falcon. "What do you think of triplets, hmmm Falcon?" Ceata and Lazarus chuckled faintly, Ceata snickering louder at the look on the Starc's face. Poor man, saddled with such a tease.


"Ooooooh! Falcon, you are marrying this boy as soon as we are able to get you hitched!" Kite cried out, so happy at being called "mommy Kite." She hugs Eos and nuzzles him, pleased to see that there's another devious one in the family aside from her and her daughters. Falcon just stares into his cider, very pale........so very pale.


"Oi! Shouldn't you be stoppin' all this babble an' gettin' goin'? The first carriage up's gonna leave soon," Ganidrad says as he looks to the sundial that's near the window. Kite sighs, wanting to stay instead of freezing her ass off in a carriage.


Eos cooed and nuzzled her back like a little kitten before Ceata and Lazarus stood, thanking the man for the drinks. There was business to attend and lingering here would do none of them any good. "We best go before Ceata gets impatient, Kite." Lazarus smiles faintly, feeling warm. He still had time. Eos giggled and popped up, tugging at Kite and Falcon. "Come, come, come! Off we go!" Enthusiastic to see his lover's homeland and finally get the ok for their marriage.


"Alright then...See you Ganidrad!" Kite said as a farewell to their friend as they headed out into the snowy streets once more. It was up the hill they went to a carriage station, finding there a small black open wagon with a horse attached. This would be what they would ride up the mountain. Blankets were provided to keep them warm as they curled up in the open horse buggy and headed off up the road into the snowy country. Ceata found himself staring at the mountains as he never had before, his eyes admiring their paleness, their shape...This was where Urius came from. It struck him that the mountains were like Urius at times, cold and untouchable. Yet Ceata was like the sky, wrapping the jagged peaks in his warmth to offer the brief and loving happiness of a short summer to his stony love. Even so, this was not summer...it was fall and they all felt it. The snow was thick here and the carriage had to work its way up the trail that wound around the mountains and progressed into thinner and thinner air. The forests were black and foreboding, Lazarus was suddenly aware of wolves running along side through the forest. They gave a lonely howl before disappearing into the wooded shadows. 


They were all relatively silent. Eos clung to Falcon, watching the passing trees and thrilling in the wolves running among them before they disappeared. All around them was beautiful and the air was fresh and crisp. Lazarus sighed, resting his cheek against the palm of one hand and shuddering faintly. He would have to keep cool, already feeling the first fevers. Thankfully it would not come on him too strongly just yet.  Ceata shuddered in the chill, still impatient.


"The damn Starcs live all the way on the top of these mountains. They're one of the more ancient breeds of Angels, second only to the Tenshihana and the Valens. They're pretty isolated people...and very Spartan. Getting to them is hard, getting into their society - even fucking harder," Kite sighed as she rested back against the seat and pulled her blanket around her. It was freezing and you could easily see your breath. Snow shack in the woods with only a small lantern in the front. A handsome Starc soldier walked out, he having the trademark black hair and pale skin. His eyes were so grey that they were almost black. He would probably fit in well with the Shadowshifters.


"You cannot go further without a pass," the young man said, dressed in the same uniform that Falcon had on, though it was padded a little more for the cold.


"Here's your damn pass...I'm wife to Stannis Starc. This is his son, Falcon, and these are his guests. You're going to guide us, Aye?" Kite says as she hands the man a slip of parchment. He looks it over and then puts it in his pocket.


"No. I am Statton, the guard for the point station. You will be led by another. This way," Statton says, walking back towards the small camp. They walk inside, seeing a nice roaring fire and several young Starcs sitting around it with ale in hands. Upon seeing they have guests, they all stand and salute. "Pick from these, if you will."


The shadowshifters looked them all over with a somber gaze, though Eos' glittered and danced with amusement. He clung to Falcon's arm, one hand reaching behind him and palming the ass of the pale Starc with a pleased coo.Out of their sight but no less naughty.  He purred faintly, waiting as patiently as one could. Best to get his friskiness out of the way.


Falcon's ass clenched when he felt the other groping it, blushing considerably at how devious his beloved could be at such a serious moment. It made him blush ten fold and he felt warm even without the roaring fire. It was left up to Kite or Lazarus to decide. "You, what's your name?" Kite asks the tallest of the three there, a boy a little older than Falcon with grey eyes and freckles.


"Darvic, Madam," he replied with a soldier's sternness. Kite smiled and looked to Lazarus.


"We'll take Darvic. Come along then, we don't have much time to waste..." Kite sighed as she pulled on one of the heavy cloaks provided for their four mile trek through the snow and ice. There they would be picked up by sled and taken the rest of the way. It was nearly noon when they finally made it, having started off so early in the morning. The walk through the snow country was hard, to say the least, and left Eos feeling very tired. The young Starc guiding them had been a good one, having been quick to move even in the deep snow and scouted out the path for them. They made it to the rendezvous point, the last junction on their journey. There they found four dog sleds, four Starc mushers’, and a good deal of black yipping dogs. 


The sight was strange, Lazarus watched them curiously as the dogs tumbled over one another in their eagerness to get going. A strange mode of transportation, but certainly not a bad one. How interesting... he mused. Eos was wide eyed even if exhausted from the long walk. He'd never had to trek through so much snow! Ceata chuckled faintly. "How exciting." He breaths.


"Alright, get on, now! Falcon and Eos in one, Ceata in one, Lazarus in one, and I'll be in one," Kite says as she walks over and gets into the seat in front of the musher. They offer them blankets to help keep them warm and avoid getting them covered in snow. The dogs in front of them yip and wait for work as their mushers help them into their seats. Falcon GLARES at the one that dares touch Eos, moving to get in the way and help Eos into his seat.


Eos muffles a giggle into a gloved hand and allows Falcon to help  him into the sled. He snuggled close, his hand sliding down the others thigh under the blankets. It was shockingly easy, when he thought about it, how he could do something inappropriate beneath the cover of blanket. But that would shock and embarrass Falcon a bit too much. Lazarus and Ceata sat as well, curious and slightly excited to get to ride in the sleds.


Kite gave the go ahead and suddenly the mushers called their dogs into action one by one. The animals sprung forth, yipping and yapping through the narrow trails that led through the trees. They reminded Lazarus of the wolves from before, their speed and agility astounding. Carrying their passengers, they made their way through the winding trails to the distant and foreboding fortress many miles away. At last, they would be able to stand before the frozen gates of House Starc. It was a tremendous and ancient castle built into the side of a mountain. High towers coated in ice loomed over the travelers as they came down a rise and drove the dogs along the side of the frigid stone walls. Archers looked down at them from the top of the gates as the sleds came to stop before them. The two soldiers that sat outside the gates in their grey uniforms didn't move a muscle. They just watched as the group exited the sleds and walked up the snowy bank to the entrance of the castle. It was so huge, so frightening...was this really where Urius came from?


Ceata was awed. The place was frighteningly plain and sharp. To think his lover had been born into such a  place was saddening to him in a way. These lands and people were harsh and Urius, despite his stoic ways, had feelings that could easily be hurt. Ceata would have to strive to make Urius happy and feel warm and loved. Even now his heart was racing and he wished to scale the walls in his enthusiasm to see his lover again.  Eos ooed. "So you came from here, Falcon?"


"I was not born here...I was born in the Citadel of Tenshihana. I spent eight years here for a formal education. This is where my father is from," Falcon says with a smile, glad to say that he wasn't born here. Life in the high mountains is very hard indeed. Living here for eight angelic years - eighty years in Human time - was like hell. He learned everything he needed to know, but it was a very strict lifestyle. AT least he had been allowed to grow up with his loving mother and sisters. That is what  saved him from becoming a man like Urius.


"State your business," the soldier at the gate ordered as he placed his hand upon the sword at his side.


"We're the riding party here for Lord Urius. We've also come to pay our respects to Lady Elena, Head of House Starc," Kite replied as she held out the formal paper the guide had handed back to her when they got on the dog sleds. She stood there as he read it over and then nodded. Instead of opening the huge gates, the soldier knocked on a smaller door instead and a slot opened. He exchanged some words and the door was unlocked.


"Go inside." 


Eos nodded thoughtfully, his lips curving into a slight angelic smile. "Ahh... I see." He mused softly, stroking his lover's hand. He was excited and frightened. What lay before him was intimidating, but he waited expectantly for them to meet the head of the house. Ceata felt his body straining to keep from breaking into a run, the want to find Urius causing his hands to twitch and his body to tremble slightly. Acutely he remembers the agony Urius had been in and he aches.


They passed through the threshold and into the courtyard of the Starc House. It was so huge. A great stone statue of their ancestor stood in the middle of the courtyard. All around it regiments of young Starc men were working on fixing the walls, sending water this way and that, helping servants with the animals. Falcon felt as though he had returned to his days of working as a grunt until he could be recognized as a living being again. Lazarus was stunned to find the eyes of those around them so vacant. None of them took notice of the strangers, following orders and caring for nothing else. Though it was a busy place, there was no comfort in the crowds. Those that did look upon the group, mostly older individuals who had already gone through the hellish training and grew up under the yoke of their family code glared at the Shadowshifters with utter contempt. The sight of Kite was not welcome either, for the Starc family HATED the Valens, yet were subservient to them in order to gain political status and wealth. Even so, that didn't mean they had to be friendly.


"You stay close to me. Don't speak. Don't step out of line. Don't draw attention." Kite's order was with reason, for every last Starc was trained to fight. Even if Shadowshifters were stronger than Angels, could they really handle an entire clan of them?


Lazarus and Ceata, possibly, but little Eos? That was unknown, for rarely did he fight and when he did, it was usually with his brothers or someone mean enough to pick a fight. The little male damn near stuck like a limpet to the side of his soon to be husband, keeping himself quiet. Lazarus and Ceata did not meet eyes and walked along with Kite with some measure of reserve. There was no reason to seem haughty, not in this hive.


"Valen whore..." came the whispers from the crowds of women in their stiff black dresses. They wore the old style with the white collars heavily starched and the great black pluming skirts keeping their shapes hidden. Their breasts were pressed flat so they would have little no shape and their hair was always put in a high bun, covered by veils. They all stared at Kite. "Immoral Valen...." "Can you believe Lord Stannis..." "A wife like her....so disgraceful..."


Kite grit her teeth and held her head high. She wasn't about to let a bunch of old crones get to her. They would die old and shriveled, knowing nothing about love and freedom. For that and their powerless submissiveness to their husbands, they should be pitied.


"Well...The Valen Whore returns with her son and guests," came a very cold voice from behind a pillar as the ascended the stairs to the main building. Kite stopped and turned, seeing there the tall and imposing form of a man dressed in black robes lined with wolf fur. He wore a heavy sword at his side, his eyes dark and distinct. He looked like Urius...a very mean Urius.


Kite grit her teeth. "Lord Urland.....What a surprise." Kite had the sense to bow. Urland didn't seem to care, his eyes on Lazarus.


"You bring Shadowshifters with you? And Death's own Second at that...Something tells me you've been delving with the wrong crowd, General." Urland then bowed his head slightly to Lazarus, determining him the only useful member of the party. "Good afternoon. I hope you find your stay pleasing."


Lazarus smiled faintly, polite in his gesture. The deep darkness of his eyes mirroring Death's in their intensity. "I believe I shall, my lord." He replies. Ceata watched this man curiously, lips pursed, brows raised.  Such an awful, rude man.... He believed he knew who he was related to. He looks too similar not to be. Lazarus bowed his head slightly, long hair toppling off his shoulders in a dark fall.


"Remember one thing, though...You will find no allies here, My Lord," Urland said as he looked over the others, stopping on Eos and glaring. "Pathetic..." he breathed before turning and barking for one of the page boys to open the main doors for him. The great metal gates were creaked open and Urland stepped into the icy hall first. Its high ceilings afforded no comfort, the black of the tiles and the stone giving a barren feeling. No warmth existed in this world where ice and rock were all the substance you could find. There was no laughter...in fact, the silence was eerie. To think a child might grow up in this place was heart wrenching.


"Stay close..." Kite whispered back at them, so happy none of them had said anything. Urland was a dangerous man. He was the next in line to be the Head of House Starc. He was also devoid of emotion and very prejudicial. 


Eos glowered at Falcon's arm, feeling the eyes of the man upon him. His body flushed in outrage, a strange heat rippling through him before going cooler again. How dare he... but he remained silent. Picking fights with men such as this wouldn't do him any good. Lazarus followed close, Ceata even closer though he was not at all afraid. One did not find things as frightening when they had dealt with Adonis. Very few things scared him anymore. There were far more terrifying things out there.


They walked forward, the sound of their footfalls the only sound. There were no torches to light their way and the stones were icy. Still, Falcon kept Eos from slipping at all and held him close. He could not say anything, knowing to keep silent. Still, his hand squeezed the other's three times - a silent "I - love - you" to reassure Eos that he was indeed worthy of all his heart. Before them stalked Urland as they headed towards the distant throne. It was unoccupied, standing alone and empty. The thrones themselves did not look so comfortable either way, for they were hard stone blocks with no ornamentation. However, what the room lacked for warmth, it made up for in sheer impressiveness. It was huge; the high domed ceiling open to the elements as snow collected in a ring down upon the two thrones. Though dusted daily, they still collected a fine white mist of snow. It had not been disturbed.


"Where is your aunt?" Kite asks, daring to ask something to Urland. The man didn't answer her - he didn't even seem to acknowledge she existed. It made Kite frown, but she said nothing. Soon enough a young maid appeared in that stiff black dress so common to her station. She bowed to them and Lord Urland.


"Lady Jane will see you now," the girl said in a very submissive tone. She looked at the ground. Her eyes were vacant.


"Take me to her. Now." Urland's impatience was obvious, wanting to see his aunt, the Lady Jane Murray Starc, in order to find out the state of his mother. She was in dire straights, it was said. That was why Urius had left so expediently in order to get to her. Urland merely came to know if she would die and he would get that cold stone throne. Either way, the maid nodded and led them through a darkened passage. It was so cold and drafty here that Eos kept close to Falcon and even Ceata regretted his slightly thin choice of clothing. They walked next into a mead hall connected to the throne room - finding there a woman in a less formal kind of Starc dress, wearing various glinting diamonds. She was thin, ghostly pale, and looked so very cruel. This was Lady Jane, the sister of Urius' mother. Whilst Urius' mother was ill, SHE ruled House Starc. She was also the one cavorting with the Valens and selling off young men, doing illegal dealings, and generally wallowing in luxury uncommon to the Spartan ethics of the Starcs.


Lazarus found himself repulsed by the woman immediately. The aura she gave off was foul and he could tell this was not a person he wished to associate with at all. He gazed at her with his dark, emotionless eyes even as Ceata stood closer to him, seeking the warmth of his body. He frowned. Such decadence in such a place? That was not a good sign. They waited silently to be introduced, Eos completely still with his lips a thin, tight line.


"What is this?" Jane asked in a high nasally voice. She was not a very attractive woman with high cheek bones and a long face. Her eyes were grey and her hair held back in that normal bun that most of the Starc women had. Even so, she wore a grey and white dress with hints of gold, showing off a manner of color that was otherwise not present in this black, white, and grey world. She stood and walked right passed Urland, no doubt annoying the man greatly, and stopped to look over Lazarus with obvious interest. "My, my...I see my nephew's whore has brought some interesting people to see me." Kite just about bared her teeth in rage, but managed to keep it down. She HATED these people..."Tell me, handsome young man, what is your name?"


"My name, fair lady, is Lazarus Vathmoria." He replied quietly, bowing his head respectfully despite the bile raised in the back of his throat. It would do no good for any of them if he showed her ill. The desire remained, quite strong. He could see already she was selfish, stuck up and in need of a reality check. He smiled faintly. "And you must be the Lady Jane, yes?"


"Yes...I am the Head of House Starc," she started off, only to be cut off when a sweet little voice shouted at her from across the long room with its huge oak tables that stretched from one end to the next.


"You are only temporarily!!!" the little voice said, causing them to turn and look as the sweetest young girl with long black hair and a pretty periwinkle purple dress stood at the end of the table. Though short and petite, she came rushing over with strong strides, a confident and forceful look on her face...with grey eyes flecked with purple, just like Urius. "My mother is still the Head here and you have no right to act any other way!"


Jane looked just about ready to slap the girl and Urland looked incredibly annoyed. A governess soon came running with the attempt to stop the girl, instantly chiding her for raising her voice above a whisper. The girl slapped the woman away, stepping right up to Jane without even a hint of fear. "Why, if it isn't Urielle...my little niece...Perhaps you should go back to your sewing and leave the grown ups to talk," Jane hissed, trying to get the governess over so the girl could be dealt with. Those grey-purple eyes just gleamed more harshly.


"NO! My mama is the one they're here for, not you!" Urielle, the compassionate big-hearted girl with a stubborn streak, stated harshly. Kite loved the girl, wanting to hug her every time she saw her. Urland didn't seem to like her at all, despite being her brother. Though he HATED the way Urielle had a strong mind and an outspoken if not free spirited personality, he hated his aunt more. Thus, Urland didn't object.


Lazarus turned his eyes on the girl and leaned down to her level as she got close. He gazed curiously at her, tipping up her chin. "Yes, we know this, little one. But she is ill, is she not?" He rumbled. "I would hate to stress her; I will speak to her when she will let me, for now I speak with Jane, yes?" He rumbled with a gentle smile, trying his best to calming the girl down. "I know who is in charge here."


"No. Mama wants to talk to you. She's with my brother right now, but he's been waiting for you too," Urielle says with such a forceful innocence that Lazarus can't help but like her. Her sincere eyes gaze up at him and she quickly takes his hand. "Come, this way!"


"W-where are you taking him, you spoiled selfish girl?! How DARE you treat one of my guests that way!" Jane hissed, having wanted to go through all the decorum of holding a polite - if not suggestive - conversation with a gorgeous man like Lazarus. However, Urielle stubbornly ignored her.


"Put a sock in it, Lady," Urielle snapped back with a very sharp glare. It made Jane blanch and caused Urland to frown heavily for a woman showing such crudeness. Kite just about laughed aloud and even Falcon looked like he was going to smile. 


"Ah... a forceful little one, are you? Reminds me of my eldest sons..." He chuckled. "Fine then, little one, lead me." He chuckles, charmed by the young woman. This is what he likes to see in a person. He glanced at Lady Jane. "I will speak with her now, the rest of you come as well- we have much to talk of." He chuckled, knowing Ceata was just dying to get to see Urius and standing around in the presence of such people was making him impatient.


Urielle was such a short little thing that it was hard to make Lazarus bend down so far to be led around by her. Still, she was quick to get them out of the mead hall where Jane and her eldest brother were. She led them through a door and up a snowy staircase, heading to the upper levels. Only when they were relatively alone did she stop to let them all take a rest. "I'm sorry if I couldn't meet you at the gate. Aunt Jane keeps me locked in my room because I'm a 'wicked child.' She just doesn't like anyone that won't do what she says...You're Lord Lazarus, aren't you?"


"Yes." he smiled. His cheeks were faintly flushed, whether it was from the cold or from the beginning of heat, it was hard to tell. It mattered little if he could function and his mind was sharp as ever.  "And it is fine little one, we are heading to your mother now and that is good enough for me." He chuckled. Such a fine  child. She would have made a much better leader for the Starcs then the two still in the mead hall. A change of rule was needed here, badly.


Urielle stopped to see Eos plodding up the stairs at last with Falcon to help him. Eos was very tired from hiking and the sled ride and everything. He just wanted to sink into a chair with something warm to drink. Without hesitation, Urielle went flying at Falcon, squealing. "Nephew!!" she cried, hugging him. "I'm so glad you're safe! And....." Urielle stopped, seeing Ceata get up the stares. Her eyes got huge, looking to this pale being that was so pretty. He was like freshly fallen snow!!


Ceata smiled slightly at her, his bright eyes glistening despite the worry and exhaustion plaguing him. There was hope for the Starcs! That girl was proof as were Urius and Falcon. Eos peered at the girl around Falcon, almost jealous that she could so freely hug him. He wrinkles his nose and Ceata chuckled dryly. "Come, we best get moving before Ceata explodes." Lazarus drawled.


Urielle nodded, taking up Falcon's hand as she loved to hold the hands of others. Still, her eyes were on Ceata, big and sparkling. She bit her lip and then giggled when Ceata looked her way, thinking him MARVELOUS! It would be a wonderful treat for her mother to see this person, the person who had made Urius so happy. She had never expected, though, that he would look like such a perfect porcelain doll. "I'm so glad you're here...Does this mean Lord Death is going to help us?" Urielle asks.


"Lord Death can't pick sides , little one." Lazarus replied with a small apologetic frown. "However, his servants can. That does not mean they are allowed to act on it." He mused, sighing in annoyance at how tangled a web the situation was. Ceata and Eos followed along, Eos pouting that Falcon was holding a girl's hand, even if she was related to him! No fair! After so long struggling for the other man's affection, it was painful seeing him being affectionate with someone else. With time he hoped this feeling would go away. It wasn't pleasant and he felt silly.


Falcon still took a moment to lean over and give Eos a soft kiss against his cheek, smiling at the other's sweet little blush and the way he moved close. Urielle just seemed content to hold his hand and walk along, letting go when they reached the end of a long hall. There were some oak doors there and Urielle quickly went to them. She knocked a few times and then waited, the others catching up to her. There was a long silence before footsteps could be heard. Ceata held his breath as the wrought iron latch turned slowly...It was like time stood still. Would it be Urius on the other side?


He felt like ripping out his hair in frustration. He waited, silent and shivering for the door to open. He dearly hoped that it would be his lover behind the door and that he not be disappointed. He bit the inside of his cheek and glanced at Lazarus. The man was silent and thoughtful, his arms folded before him. If only he could feel less anxious, to be as calm as his grandfather.


The door opened and a warmth almost seemed to come with it. A black boot stepped out into the hallway first, followed by long strong legs, that firm broad chest and shoulders. Ceata followed up from the shined knee-highs to the dark grey breeches and then the simple light grey doublet with the stiff collar. Warmth spread to every inch of his body when Ceata recognized that stern face, somewhat more gaunt than he remembers, but still the man he loved most dearly. Urius stood there as he shut the door carefully behind him, Urielle smiling broadly up at her beloved big brother. 


Ceata had flung himself upon Urius before the man had finished closing the door. He drew the stern man into a desperate kiss, silencing him to bask in the warmth and  familiar feel of his lean, hard body pressed close. Oh gods, to feel him in his arms made all the fear wash away and Ceata was able to relax for the first time in the last couple of days. Urius was still whole.


Urius was almost overwhelmed as the other delved into his mouth with such enthusiasm that it almost made his teeth clatter. Still, he couldn't deny the feeling of the other's leanly muscular frame brushing against his was a welcome warmth from the passed few days. His hands ached to run wantonly all over that precious pale skin, but he managed to regain himself by breaking away and looking down at the other with a somewhat composed expression. "Ceata..."


"Don't." He warned, brows knotting. He hid his face under the others chin, hugging close. He shivers, running fingertips over each wound he knew was under the others clothing, tracing them tenderly to make sure that nothing was too badly off. Searching out the burn of possible infection.  He sighed and pulled himself away, pleased for the time being that nothing felt wrong. "We will talk later, there are other matters to speak of first."


"Brother, brother!" Urielle cried, looking so very happy as she nearly wiggled in place. "Brother, you never said he was so pretty!" Urius blinks with his sister's excited interruption, looking to Urielle with that stern gaze of his. His face is back to its expressionless normalcy, yet in his heart he is almost overjoyed at seeing Ceata....and yet very, very pained.


"What are you talking about Urielle?"


"About him! Ceata! You said he was beautiful - you didn't tell me he looked like freshly fallen snow or the peas blossoms we keep in our garden!" Urielle almost claps her hands, having loved to see her brother so close to someone. It made her so very happy. "I'm taking him to see mama."


"Urielle, she is sleeping...You shouldn't -"


"Well, I'll wake her up," Urielle says cheerily, going for the door. Urius stops her rather quickly, a faint frown tugging at his lips.


"Urielle, she is very ill. As it is, you should not be having visitors -"


"Mama is not ill!" Urielle says forcefully, her eyes glowing with that stubbornness of hers. "And those that say so are wrong!"


"Urielle........" Urius sighs, putting a hand to his temple. He has dealt with his sister's denial for several days now. Poor Urielle is so attached to their mother that she refuses to believe the woman might actually be dying. A fever that persists in an Angel is a deadly thing. That is why Urius must try to keep his mother well, despite Urielle's delusions. "Urielle, please go get something warm to drink for our guests. Mother and I will meet you in the parlor," he outright lies, trying to get her to leave for a minute. He's very stressed.


"Oh, of course!" Urielle only then perks up, happily hurrying down towards the kitchens with a skip in her step. Only when she is gone does Urius seem to relax his guard.


"You shouldn't be here..."


"We have matters to discuss, don't even start that." Ceata replied sharply, eyes narrowing faintly. Lazarus nodded, his gaze thoughtfully flicking to Urius. "Yes, we do." He rumbled softly. "There are also matters to discuss with your mother involving young Eos and Falcon that cannot be held off for long."


Urius just about glared at Lazarus, so on edge that he could have even growled. He kept his voice barely on the edge though, remembering civility. "She is dying, Lord Lazarus...Do you propose I shake her from a sleep she has not had in days to deal with your matters?" Urius sees the shocked look on Lazarus' face for the snapping, the Starc sighing heavily and putting a hand to his face. "......Forgive me. These are not good times."


"If you desire, I can help her regain a bit of energy." He offers, bowing his head politely. "While I am not Lord Death, I can make her more comfortable." This was something he did not like having to do, more so knowing that this woman was dying and there was absolutely nothing he could do to change that.  "These matters are important, though most of them are to be discussed with YOU Urius and not your mother." Lazarus continues, voice low so as not to disturb her.


"What matters you need discussed with me, I can manage...but, please...for the love of God, leave her be. She has not eaten nor slept in over a month and what she has left barely sustains her at that. Perhaps I am a poor son for coming here so late, but you cannot call me a poor son for wanting to protect her while I can," Urius replies in earnest. His face looks very pale and he seems gaunt. Ceata knows he's going to have to give him lots of love and a good helping of food to keep him going. Urius really does work himself sick. 


Lazarus sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "So, you say we cannot discuss marriage between Eos and Falcon with anyone but that horrible Lady Jane?" He groaned softly, rubbing his temples.  That is a matter that one would much rather broach to a sane person and not that snake of a woman. "Then we shall... but if I kill the woman, you get the blame, Urius." He uttered, a dry tone to his voice.


"Do not joke of killing...there are times I have come close to doing the same with her. Were she not of my blood, I would have." The comment shocked Lazarus, as the normal mild-mannered Urius would not say such a thing. However, so exhausted, Urius did not have the energy to hide himself. His mask easily fell due to lack of sleep and food. It didn't help that he had to run out in the middle of the night to stage a failed assassination on Lord Robert. Really, Rowan had him running in circles. "Please, come to the parlor. There is at least a fire there," Urius offers, turning from the door as he heads down the hallway. 


Ceata pressed close to Urius, murmuring something to him softly. His brows were knotted and his face troubled. What they were talking about, only they knew and Lazarus followed them without question. Business between the two was nothing he needed to get involved with. ".....He was with Absinthe again last night." Ceata whispered harshly to Urius, his tone troubled. "And don't pretend nothing is going on. I know what is happening as well as you do...."


Urius closed his eyes and tried not to let Ceata's words show on his face, for they effected him greatly. Oh, how he knew....There were things even Absinthe did not know which were privy only to Urius, things that would disturb both the Shadowshifters immensely. Urius, after all, had lived with this for thousands of years. It weighed upon him so much that he was now mortal. "I don't know what you're talking about." He tried to sound very bland, but Ceata could see through him in a minute. Urius still couldn't admit to anything, almost making Ceata jealous with the loyalty Urius had towards Rowan...or....was it fear? It was hard to tell.


"Liar..." He hissed sweetly into his ear, biting his earlobe. "I feel ever damn time he whips and tortures you, don't think I don't. I know things too, sweetling and the more entwined we get, the more I shall know. You do realize that a shadowshifter can get into the mind of its mated? I could read your thoughts.... I could tear apart your mind if I so desired, but I am not yet old enough, or practiced enough." He breathed, veiling it all as innocent, loving whispers. "So don't play games, lover.... don't fuck with me." He was tired of being run in circles, tired of how much Urius' stubborn ways hurt him.


Urius wasn't about to back down. "Ceata..." the others eyes turned to his beloved, trying to veil the hurt he felt in saying this. "Don't make me leave you." As soon as the words left Urius' mouth, he knew he could probably not go back from them. Either he'd end up royally bloodied by the person he cared about or Ceata really would take the bait, pack up, and leave. Either way, there would be pain. He was used to that, but it would hurt doubly from Ceata. As it was Urius had mulled over the thought, knowing he was only hurting this person who he cherished so deeply. His soul ached for Ceata when he wasn't around, his heart wept to be near him...yet Urius felt as though he did not deserve this feeling of being loved. All he ended up doing was hurting Ceata. Was he really that good of a lover to begin with?


Ceata nipped his jawbone, a low growl in his throat. "I am worse them Rowan, Urius." He breathed softly. "You will never be rid of me.... I will find you." There was a promise in his voice that if Urius were to argue, Ceata would see to it that no one else would ever see Urius again. Rowan-Adonis would never find him, no matter what he tried. Or so he tried to convince himself in his fear of losing that which he loved so desperately. Ceata was growing more dangerous the older he got, and at some point, Rowan would have to do something about it. He smiled lightly, changing the subject. "I think it will be lovely to have sex in the snow...." Thinking too hard on it hurts.


Urius said nothing, not knowing who he should fear anymore. Like with Rowan, he became very quiet and just looked forward. Usually, Rowan didn't get so angry when he did that. By reflex, he did the same to Ceata until they made it to the parlor. There he set out chairs for everyone before the fire. The sparse room had only one thing really to adorn it - a picture of a handsome young man and a lovely woman with long black hair and pretty grey eyes. She had Urius' soft gaze and his noble nose. The man – also a black-haired individual - had purple eyes and Urius' strong jaw. This must have been his parents.


"Goodness, I hope Urielle gets here soon! It's damn cold in here, even with a fire!" Kite grumbles as she curls up beside Eos, smiling as she holds both her son and her son-in-law-to-be. "Ahhh...Better. Families should cuddle more."


Eos cooed and cuddled close, taking comfort in her warmth. Ceata, ever the one in charge, merely shoved Urius into a chair and sat on his lap like he owned the place. He stroked his lover's hair, peering at Lazarus were his grandfather sat. "So..... What are we here to talk about again?" He drawled, busily fiddling with one of Urius' ear, a habit he had developed over the years, one he'd started as a child.


Urius' face was so stern, Ceata was actually worried. This was him in his unveiled glory and he actually looked irritated with Ceata's comments, as well as frightened by the threat that his lover would no doubt follow through on. It was nice to see his expressions, but Ceata could not lie in the fact that he wishes they were more pleasant ones. "If it is about Falcon and Eos, I will write the petition directly. I cannot say when it will be done, as I am to go to the Citadel in the next few days to finish my master's campaign to end the war."


Ceata felt like laughing in his face at that, though he bit the inside of his cheek to stop the desire. Something told him that it was all farce, that it was Rowan striving to start the war. That man was more than he seemed. Eos smiled, glancing at Falcon with wide, happy eyes. He was so very excited, the delight in his eyes giving his feelings away. Ceata continued to fiddle with Urius' ear, caressing behind it thoughtfully. "I was only curious on how long you think it would be before war was declared, if at all?" Lazarus asked, brows furrowed. "We are not getting much information."


"Prince Rowan is attempting to stop it...If you haven't already noticed, I have little information up here. House Starc is secluded for a reason, to avoid outside forces from getting us to think. Communications, however brief, are strictly forbidden," he replied simply. As to Ceata's smirk and almost snickers, Urius felt very much like pushing the youth off his lap and letting him fall on his perfect porcelain ass. It was already easy to see the assumption in Ceata's eyes...was he forgetting that Rowan was a separate person? Even though Urius followed the commands of both, partly out of fear and partly out of loyalty, it was not as though Rowan was not attempting to circumvent everything Adonis had destroyed. In fact, the assassination attempt wasn't actually a hindrance, as would be discovered in the next few days...If only he could have told Ceata that, perhaps he would not be so quick to mirth.


It would not have mattered to him, he damn well knew Rowan could not fight the thing inside him long. If he could, they would not be in this position now. He sighed, closing his eyes for a moment as Lazarus nodded and ran a hand through his hair. "Ah... I see." He murmurs, frowning. Poor Lazarus, the man had gone through much and things just seemed to get worse just when they were just getting better.


"I have a suggestion for you, however," Urius said as he sat there with Ceata on his lap, cooing and trying to calm Urius a bit. It wasn't fun to have Urius so angry and irritated, especially since Ceata hadn't had Urius sex in a long time...and it was cold! Sex would be good to warm things up. 


"What?" Lazarus asked, glancing up. Ceata continued to caress Urius' hair, his pale hand gentle. The young man loathed this. If he was not demanding Urius would brush everything off. Over the years he  had been conditioned to act a certain way. A fault created by both of them.


Ceata was very right in his methods. In fact, it was really the only way to deal with Urius, who always escaped his problems instead of facing them. It was his way and, because he loved his mate so dearly, Ceata knew that all too well. However, getting Urius to calm down and getting him to listen were two different things. At the very least, Ceata always had bondage he could resort to.


"Go to a man named Farryn. He is my cousin. He has papers for you," Urius said, leaving out details for a reason. Kite seemed to perk up at the mention of Farryn, her blue eyes wide.


"Farryn? ...Farryn's still in Tenshihana?" she asks, her voice uncommonly soft. Urius looks to her, his face still holding that measure of anger bubbling under the surface.


"Yes. He's at House Jin."


"Oh..." Kite looked off, somewhat sad. Memories flooded her mind and she felt a wash of regret for passed deeds.


"I see... I shall do so." Lazarus agreed,  running a hand through his hair. Ceata murmured softly into Urius' ear, his body relaxing and going limp and warm against the others. He sighed, eyes far off for a while. How he wished to slam Adonis' head over and over and over again into a wall until those red eyes went cold and he could not longer ruin what had been building.

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