untitled: Secret

Chapter 9: Secret


Meanwhile, hiding in his room with a fortress of books placed securely around him, Alpheus is reading heavily into poisons. Something that would render an attacker completely motionless. Pepper spray wouldn't work, as it had been tried before on Ranmaru for little to no effect. He would need something much more potent to stop a Shadowshifter - and especially Varun. "There must be something of use in here...."


At that very moment, Varun was aching.  Echo had managed to get a hold of him that evening and had not let him out of his grasp most of the afternoon. There was a plethora of hickies, bitemarks, and scratches littering the shadowshifterā€™s lean body.  His cheeks were rosy, flushed from embarrassment and the lingering feelings of excitement. He walked past Exodus, Locke and Donovan with him and the older shadowshifter couldnā€™t help but raise his brow and chuckle at the sight. Echo took so much after him.  Exodus could not be a prouder father.


Donovan blinked as he watched Varun pass by, his eyes gentle and warm. He was holding Locke's hand as he never really let go of the little Angel unless he absolutely had to. Now that he was back, that he had his mind to himself, and he was happy, he would never let Locke out of his sight. "....Is something wrong with Varun-san?" Donovan asked as he looked to the smirking Exodus.


"Echo's jealous... he staked his claim." Exodus informed him with an amused chortle. "Varun will have a tough time explaining to Rowan why he's limping and covered in bruises." He winked at Donovan cheekily. It was a pleasure having Donovan back in his right mind. Exodus had become friends with the man and occasionally a lover, it gave him pleasure knowing there was another to keep Locke content. The small angel looked up at them both, hanging onto Donovanā€™s hand. His gentle green-blue eyes were warm and trusting.


Donovan seemed confused by that, clinging to Locke's hand innocently. Ever since they found out whose soul he really was, it wasn't so strange for him to be so incredibly innocent. "Is Echo going to claim Varun-san? I thought Varun-san wasn't mated..." Donovan said as he watched Varun walk away blushing.


"Echo is possessive. He's jealous that Varun has a crush on an angel." Exodus had of course, heard this from Absinthe, who had told Echo. When Echo had found out, the young shadowshifter had gotten agitated and his father could see why bright as day. Echo had a crush on Varun. It was rather cute. Whether Varun actually felt the same for Echo, he wasnā€™t sure, but he was a great deal affectionate. Time would tell.


"My Goodness...So who is Varun-san going to pick? Hmm...I think he should pick the Angel." Donovan looked down upon Locke, his smile sweet and loving. "Angels are nice."


Exodus chortled in amusement, grinning at Donovan. "He might pick both.... we'll just have to wait and see. They're young and young people don't always make up their minds." He mused, stretching.  His grandson would be home by now. He'd arrived an hour or so ago and had been in pretty good spirits save for the look of slight worry in his eyes. Urius must have been forgetting about his health again.  That always seemed to be what riled Ceata into a tizzy. Exodus sighed. The angel had better clean up his act before Ceata cleaned it up for him.


"Why are you sighing, Exodus-sama? Are you tired...we should all cuddle," Donovan said with a broad smile. He loved to cuddle, as curling up together and then falling asleep in one another's arms was his favorite thing. Sex was perhaps second to that, but cuddling was definitely his favorite.


"Yes, I think we should." He replied, flashing the other a coy smirk. Then he leaned over and kissed both Locke and Donovan's cheeks with a winning smile for both of them. They were so cute together. He adored watching the two make love and often found himself aroused beyond belief by the way Donovan worshiped Locke's slim body in his powerful arms. Certainly a wonderful way to enjoy his day. Very much indeed.  "Cuddling would be very nice I think."



"Yay! I love to cuddle!" Donovan cheered as he hugged Locke and Exodus both with his big sweet smile. It was so weird to think this had been produced out of the grumpy Rughal, but...well...weirder things had happened. 


Exodus laughed , nuzzling his cheek against Donovanā€™s, Locke squished between them and giggling noisily. Locke loved them both dearly. They were his precious, precious lovers and no one else was as wonderful as them. At least to him. Chuckling, Exodus hurried them along to the bedroom and toppled the two onto the bed for a much needed period spent cuddling. This was what he needed. With a laugh, he buried his face into Lockeā€™s side and took in the scent that kept him so soothed.


As Exodus Locke and Donovan commenced a huge cuddle orgy, Lazarus was attempting one of his own with every available mate he had. It was a good deal of grinding, humping, and thrusting abound as all moaned like whores upon the huge bed big enough for six. The only ones not involved? Rughal and Sahena...Sahena because he was gone, Rughal...because he was busy plotting Rowan's doom. He sat with Death as their informant settled himself, shaking, into a chair and looked around at all the fine furniture and such. He was an older man, squat, fat, and bald. His eyes had a shifty quality about them and Death at once did not feel as though he trusted the Human.


 The immortal leaned against his desk, watching the human closely. His trust in humans had faultered over the years. They had did things unforgivable, in many different plains of existance. He would kill this man if he proved to be a threat. There would be no hesitation. The immortal had far too much to protect to allow a shifty human to ruin it. He sighed, fingertips cupped over his lips. His dark eyes flickered toward the fire demon, settled in his own place, and he nodded, ready to hear what it was the human had to say.


"Please tell Lord Death what you told me," Rughal says sternly to the man who seems to stare down at his wine glass for some strength. He takes a good gulp, his hands shaking. The wine seems to calm him and quench his parched mouth before he begins to speak.


"Lord Rowan...o-offered me a job as a Human informant after I couldn't pay a debt. I was going to be killed when...when that Starc fellow approached me at a slave club - that's where I had accrued the debt...a-anyway, he told me that the debt would disappear if I would offer information...I...I agreed, because I did not want to die. I....I didn't realize......I didn't know what he would make me do."


"What did he make you do?" Death asked quietly, voice smooth as silk. This one had spent too much money at a slave market. That enough was making the immortal tread lightly when dealing with the man. This fool could easily be over exaggerating things or even be lying to get out of his depts. From the way this manā€™s eyes shifted around, it would not have surprised the immortal. This man was low down scum. His ire would be rised if his thoughts were confirmed.


"...Assassinations. I...I helped kill people, the owners mostly...From club to club, I worked there and Lord Urius provided documents. He made me into a legitimate worker...o-only so that I could find out when the owner was most v-vulnerable...a-and then.....and then........he would come in and murder them. I...I have documents right there! Assassinations! Deaths! I....I was the one that let him in most of the time, who had to watch out....And then I realized why."


"Assassinations are common. What is so different about this one?" Death asked sharply, narrowing his eyes   at the man's stuttering and whining.  Simpering fool. If he wanted to appear so pathetic, he should have simply acted like himself. "Just what was so different about these?" He demanded and sat up, his dark, intense eyes searching deep into him for lies. Perhaps he was not perfect at this, but an immortal could pick things up that others simply couldnā€™t. A sense of the personā€™s very self.


"He bought them all...." Death blinked, surprised as he believed Rowan to be a man incapable of that kind of thing. According to the Jins, he had set them free from slavery. Why buy slave clubs? "He...He buys them after killing off the owners and their family members...A-and then he has that Starc run them. Seventeen, eighteen now, I don't know...but he stocks them with Shadowshifters. I've seen it myself."


The immortal raised a brow , a dark, displeased frown taking over his face. He glanced at Rughal, thoughtful. "Have you seen these places Rughal?" The immortal demanded. "I need proof from someone I trust and I want absolute proof. We already know that the Valens are corrupt and I for a fact know that Urius is given tasks by Rowan that areā€¦ less than savory.  Even if the reasons are unknown.  Until I have someone I trust within, I will not be able to take this seriouslyā€ While he did not like hearing this, he had to know more. Yet, this information was uncomfortably dark. What were they doing with all these slave clubs and the shadowshifters they stocked there?


"I already have someone willing to go inspect it themselves...but I've been outside one of these places, My Lord. Make no mistake, this is quite real..." Rughal replies as he looks to Death, glad to see at last that the true danger of Rowan is registering. If this is really the case and the man is planning to somehow use his connection with Death to gain more Shadowshifters, they may very well have to cut ties with the Valens...Lazarus would never want to hear that. Of course, there was the nagging suspicion that this was not what it seemed. It wasn't right that a man working so hard to free a race would, in turn, enslave another. Things had to be looked into and soon. Otherwise, some preconceived notions could make them act too quickly.


"P-please..." the informant cut in, his voice wavering as his eyes were nearly filled with tears. He was sweating from terror and pale. "Please...You have to protect me! That...that monster...Urius...he'll kill me for this. I've seen him...I've seen him kill children without even flinching - he'll murder me for sure, Sir!!!"


The immortal frowned and turned his attention on the human. "You will be given a safe place to stay, but not here." He rumbled, completely unsympathetic for this man. He folded his arms, monk like, before him, dark gaze flicking away. He turned to Rughal again. "I want this thoroughly investigated! You will have the aid of anyone you wish, but I want no stone left unturned. There are many, many shades of gray and I will not act before I am given complete proof." His eyes blazed into Rughal's, daring him to disagree. There was no way that Death could take this into his hands, not alone and not without good reason. A neutral god must stay just that, neutral.  


"And Rughal, need I remind you that the race or family does not make the man?" His voice cut deep into the other and shut up any protests he might get from the fire demon. "Now then, Rughal, find your friend here a place to stay where he will not be seen." And keep an eye on him was added through his gaze. Death would not have this man wandering around his castle.


"I will have to keep him here for the next few days until I can find a suitable place for him, My Lord, but I will do all that you ask," Rughal said with no small amount of pleasure. He was glad that Rowan might finally be getting his just desserts...Boy, was he in for something. 


"Of course, My Lord. I would not do anything to curry disfavor," he says as he looks to the man and motions for him to leave so that he may speak with Death privately. Death doesn't seem too willing to hear what Rughal has to say, but, what with the current information, Rughal's arguments have suddenly gained more weight. "Further more, My Lord...I'm asking, just for these few days, that you restrict Urius' access to this Castle." The very idea made Death want to glare. Urius was a good friend, after all.


"I will do it, but keeping Ceata restricted from him will be impossible. I will try to speak with him, the boy knows more about Urius than we do.ā€ He remarked with a shake of his head. "There are connected on a deep level, you would think he would feel if things were wrong.ā€ It was not always the case.  He sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Ahh.... how stressing life is." He chuckled darkly to himself, tipping his head back with a tired groan. It grew worse and worse the older he became. Why couldnā€™t the races play nicely?



"Indeed...and, in these troubling times, it only becomes worse," Rughal replies as he gathers up his documents and leaves, a bit of a triumphant gleam in his eyes. He can only imagine when Death finally brings down the hammer on that bastard Rowan. Perhaps they can somehow steal Sahena away...after all, don't the Angels not believe in divorce? Rughal considers these things as he escorts their new guest to his accommodations...Oh, little does he know what's going on behind the scenes in Tenshihana. But, before we can go into that, it is finally dawn the next day. Varun wakes from amid his pile of exhausted lovers to see the sun that will take him back to Tenshihana.


The morning he woke up looking like a warzone. Bruises, hickies, scratches and bites; a myriad number of love marks littered over every available scrap of flesh. If anyone was to see him naked they would know exactly what he had been up to that night. Echo pulls him down for one last lazy kiss before Varun must get up. Slipping from the bed, Varun gathers his clothing. Sighing softly, his hands run through his dark hair, fluffing it up, fixing the mess it has become from sleeping.  Sore and a bit tired, Varun begins to dress, knowing that another trip back to the Vale awaits him.


It was at the breakfast table that everyone expressed a bit of a somber mood. Lazarus was happy that his beloved would be returning and yet sad that his son was leaving again. Rughal had an unusually smug look on his face, making Varun suspicious. And Death? Well, he was too busy flirting with the new hired help to really make much of an impression beyond being sexy. "Good morning, Varun-san. I see you are much better today. You aren't limping," Donovan says with a bright smile. He looks so cute with his violet hair mussed from sleep. Little Locke is beside him, sleepy and cute. 


Varun flushed and frowned, flashing a glare at Echo over at the far side of the table. The smug look he gets back is enough to make him go a shade redder.  "No, I am doing much better this morning, thank you Donovan." He smiled slightly, still blushing. Lazarus smiled slightly, keeping an amused chuckle bottled down.  He was always tickled by Varun's choice in lovers and Echo was definitely an odd one! Crixa was talking to her grandfather Death in hushed whispers and the immortal nodded. "Varun, do you really not mind Crixa going with you for the day?" He rumbled, rising a brow. "It would be good for her to see how another place is run."  Varun smiled. "Not at all... will it be nice having a relative around."



"Aww...but Crixa was going to play dolls with me again," Akika protests with a pout as she sits in her chair, her Mada Ai cutting the meat on her plate. Her quiet sister sits beside her, looking up at her fathers as they show her how to crack open a boiled egg.


Death chuckled, a sucker for children. "She's here for a few days, donā€™t worry. She's going to go with Varun today and return tonight." He reached over to pat the childā€™s small head, smiling at the look of disappointment on her little face. ā€œIt will be good for her to go somewhere new. To learn new things.ā€ The immortal informs her.


"Will you play dolls with me then, Lord Death?" she asks with big sparkling eyes, Ai just chuckling at his daughter's enthusiastic nature. Akia just looks over at her sister and nibbles on the egg her fathers have peeled for her.


"I do not see why not? I am very good at playing dolls." He smiled kindly down at the little girl. Watching the two interact, Varun smiled before returning to his breakfast with gusto. Today was going to be a good day, he could feel it. Crixa flashed a beautiful smile his and Varun found himself stricken by just how pretty she was. Her brother was handsome and tall, a fine young herm, but Crixa was like a tiny doll. She was going to break hearts. He would have to keep a very close eye on her.

"My Lord, there is a Lord Urius and a Prince Sahena at the door," a servant suddenly cuts in as he stands there beside Death's chair. The sudden announcement of Urius' arrival shocks most everyone there, ending the comfortable banter and causing many to look sadly towards Varun.



Hearing that, Varun finished his meal and stood. Crixa came to join him, bubbling with excitement. "I will have her home by tonight, lord Death." Varun promised his lord with a smile.  The immortal nodded and ordered the servant to let them in. While it was sad to see the young man leaving again, he had his duty to perform. He would be back again, it was not as if he was gone forever.


It was not long before Urius and Sahena arrived, the young Prince coming in first and immediately heading over to his husband for a loving embrace. A passionate kiss soon followed and Sahena blushed coyly for it. How he was going to ravage that mouth tonight! Lazarus would have kiss-swollen lips by the next morning, that was certain. "Love...I've missed you so much!"


Lazarus laughed into the kiss, wrapping his arms tight around his husbandā€™s slim torso. He had missed the albino, had missed the scent of the angel and his voice. Itā€™d been but only a night. ā€œHello my love, I missed you too.ā€ Lazarus rumbled affectionately once they parted. Varun watched them, feeling a small well up of pride to know that he had aided in them coming together again.  It was a good feeling, one that he would cherish.


"It is good to see you again, Lord Lazarus," Urius says from behind Sahena, though his voice sounds a bit ragged. When Lazarus looks up, the poor Angel looks absolutely exhausted...if not down-right ill. There is a unique paleness to him that suggests he has indeed caught a cold. "Forgive my lateness. It is very unlike me to be 30 minutes late," Urius goes on to say, as he had promised to be there at 8:00 exactly. 


Lazarus could not help a small frown at the sight of him, glancing over at where Ceata sat. Ceata was glowering at Urius. Oh dear... Urius was not going to escape without a piece of Ceataā€™s mind. "It is fine Urius, here, grab a quick bite. You look like you're coming down with something." He replied, gesturing to one of the empty seats. There were many, death angels off doing their duties, others elsewhere.  There was plenty of room and plenty of food.


"I'm afraid I have little time to waste, My Lord. Due to the lateness I have accrued, we are already quite late and I fear my Master will not be so kind to me as you are," Urius says with a bit of a cough. Ceata just about vaults over the table then and there, having to be restrained by Rowen to keep from grabbing Urius and dragging him to the nearest room for emergency care.


"Yes...Father has something planned for you today, Varun," Sahena says with a kind smile. 


"Oh? That sounds exciting.ā€ Varun mused, before remembering Crixa. ā€œDo  you think he will mind me dragging Crixa along?" He asked curiously, the girl already leaning against him and looking up at Urius in excitement. "She doesn't have to be with me the whole time, but itā€™d be nice to have her along for the day.ā€ Luckily for them, Crixa was only a tiny bit of demon  in her bloodline and mostly looked like some sort of magical creature. There would be no way sheā€™d be mistake for a demon. A demon could not e as delicate and sweet looking as she was.


"I am not certain. I will have to confer with my master. If not, she may remain at the castle and I'm certain Farryn will..........." Urius stops a minute and then rethinks that, though he looks a bit dizzy by the act - just the simplest of brain functions makes his head ache worse. "JINEVAE will watch over her." That decision seemed much more sensible. 


Varun smiled and nodded. She didnā€™t need to be around him all day anyway. What fun would that be for her to sit through his lessons? Having been glaring at Urius for a while, Ceata finally stood and marched over with something in his fist. He thrust it out at Urius and whispered something sharply in his ear. A bottle of medicine, the dark bottle giving away its contents. Ceata promised to do horrible things to Uriusā€™ balls if he did not take a regular dose of it. There was no way he was letting Urius abuse himself like this.


Urius looks increasingly uncomfortable, almost swaying on his feet when the medicine is pressed into his hands. "Ceata, I..." Urius starts before having the other glare at him so fiercely that he actually winces. His beloved can be frightening when he decides it is of use to him. 


Sahena giggled at the sight, a smile on his lips as he leaned into Lazarus' warmth. "Better take care of him, Ceata...It's almost winter in Tenshihana and Urius hasn't been sleeping." Urius sends his charge the most desperate glare for him to be quiet, feeling Ceata's own gaze intensify.


"That is.....t-that is not the correct depiction of the situation, Your Highness. You are being unfair."


"Urius..." Ceata growled low in his throat. This did not bode well for Urius. ā€œYou had better be sleeping.ā€ The shadowshifter hissed, taking in all the signs of his loverā€™s cold and feeling a great deal of displeasure. Heā€™d been so lively the other day, had he aided in Uriusā€™ aches now? ā€œIf you don't I am going to get Jinasen or Jinevae to come and put you to bed!ā€ He warned aggressively, putting his foot down on the issue.


Urius wanted desperately to plead otherwise, feeling the other growling at him. Oh, he was in for something later. As soon as Ceata could get a hold of him - especially if he didn't follow the youth's advice - he would be punished in the worst way possible - long and painfully slow sex, at the very least, and a full-time nursing care by Ceata himself. Though the idea of Ceata in a cute little nurse's outfit is incredibly arousing, but the thought of being pulled away from his work gives Urius a pang of terror in his chest. "Ceata...it is either that I lose sleep or I skip meals to work. I realize your concern and appreciate it, but I don't think you realize the consequences involved." Oh, wrong thing to say. Wrrrroooonnngg thing to say.


"Oh, Damn..." Sahena says with a wince, seeing those mismatched eyes of Ceata's with their pretty calm colors almost flaring red at Urius' protest. Urius at once realized his folly of mentioning skipping meals and actually ADMITTING to foregoing sleep, putting a hand over his mouth as his eyes widened. 


"You idiot!" Ceata snarls, the sound nearly shaking the glass in the ceiling. In a snap he has Urius by the ear, yanking him down to give him the telling of a life time.  "What did I tell you!? You're going to damn well kill yourself at this rate, you dumbass! You can eat while you work; there isnā€™t any reason for you to skip either of them! Are you being stupid on purpose!? Do I have to go and baby-sit you, Urius!?"   At the table, amid the shocked onlookers, there were hushed snickers. Death could barely hid his own mirth.



"C-Ceata - ow! Please, this...ow! ...is...highly....OW! Inappropriate behavior!! I....it....it's not as though - nhg -!" Urius stammered out as he was tugged down to the other's level painfully. It was surely not something he was expecting and he flushed brightly at being so controlled by his beloved. Then again, it was obvious who was the boss of the relationship and the fact that Urius would never win out in the end. From Ceata's tugging and yelling, Urius can only stand there dizzily as Ceata perhaps literally chews him out for his various transgressions.


Ceata could not believe how displeased he was with his lover. How could he do this to himself time and time again? It was ridiculous! "You're such a fool! I swear to all the gods, you need someone always by your side telling you to eat and sleep or you'll pass out! You're damn well burning with fever as we speak!" He cried out in disbelief, feeling Uriusā€™ forehead with one hand. "Damn it Urius! You're going to make me worried to death by doing this!"


"It's not as though he does so on purpose, Ceata," Comes the cool calm voice of Falcon from the doorway. He stands there with a package under his arm and that flawless Starc emotionless expression on his face. "You must know, more than anyone, what Rowan can drive people to." Those blue eyes pierced Ceata sharply and dared him to contest that. "Either way, can't you see that your yelling is not helping my uncle? It would be kinder if you would unhand him, please." Ah, the ever-sensible Falcon. Urius almost sent a prayer of thanks to heaven for his interruption...knowing that, otherwise, Ceata might realize the bags under his eyes and his runny nose. 


Ceataā€™s glower flashed to Falcon. ā€œOh shut up, Falcon!ā€ He snapped, upset and unwilling to listen to his cooler headed advice. He growled, turning his attention back to the simpering Starc. Gingerly he cupped the manā€™s cheeks, looking him dead in the eye. It was so rare to see Ceata this serious. "Urius, please, damnit... Get some rest and take the medicine. I'll talk to Rowan and see if I can help take off some of the load. He's over working you, far too much!" There was obvious displeasure and anger in his voice. Urius would be a fool to argue with him.


Urius' eyes softened and he nodded, though still very embarrassed. He had hoped that he would be able to fight off the cold, but that morning he had awoken to the worst pain he'd felt in a long time. Just the fact he could get a cold was proof of his mortality - something Angels aren't supposed to have. It made him feel weak and vulnerable, and, of course, Urius hated that. "I will keep that in mind, Ceata. Until then, I must leave with Lord Varun and his guest. I will speak with you later." His voice held such formality when around others. Ceata inwardly reminded himself to go and see Urius that night. He would make sure his love was properly cared for - work or no work.


 Ceata smiled triumphantly and pulled him down for a warm kiss. Ceata did not get illnesses like Urius could. There was no fear of him catching something as mundane as a cold.  "Good, don't make me tie you to the bed again." He teased in a whisper, giving the manā€™s cheek a fond pat. He glanced to Varun, realizing he had kept them far too long. "You best get going now, have fun." He beamed, hurrying the lot of them along.


Urius gave Ceata a bow and headed out, feeling awkward about the whole thing. However, he did look forward to the visit he would have tonight from his love. It was almost a guarantee that Ceata would be checking up on him from now on - something that was both a blessing and a curse. Even so, he headed out with his two charges in tow, leaving Falcon and Sahenna there once again.


"Ah! Is that honeyed ham I smell? I'm starving..." Sahena says as he goes over to the seat that Lazarus has prepared for him. As usual, Falcon is seated beside Eos...and he's brought that package with him. He places it before Eos, the other mildly confused and yet delighted.


"You mentioned that you liked sweets..." Falcon explained, the faintest of blushes upon his face. Ranmaru, at the other end of the table, looked like he was choking on his food from the cuteness displayed between his brother and that "ice-dicked bastard Angel."


Eyes widening, Eagle couldnā€™t help a small coo of delight. A present, from Falcon? He glanced up, utterly delighted. There was such an overjoyed expression upon the boyā€™s face. Such thrill. "Thank you so much Falcon!" He cried, gingerly opening the box with quick, eager fingers. He opened it just enough to peek inside, looking into the box of sweets that had been so generously bought for him. Bought for him by Falcon. Eosā€™ belly tightened at the thought. A present, for him.  


"Each of them is a specialty of my country...If you would like, I can explain to you what each of them is." He sat down beside the other, finding that the expression of delight on Eos' face was so adorable. It made him smile, warming that usually cold expression to a handsomeness almost equal to Varun's. There was no question how the Starc felt now and, even though Falcon could feel Ranmaru's glare burning into him from one end of the table, he was confident that his little gift had earned more of Eos' affections. 


Eos cooed happily and gave a nod, his eyes wide. "Please do tell me, Falcon! They already look delicious, but Iā€™d love to hear more about them.ā€ He clapped his hands cheerfully, nearly bouncing in his seat. Candies from Falcon! That was almost as good as getting fucked by Falcon! Eos was nearly in a tizzy, his bright eyes sparkling.  He hadnā€™t thought he would get such a present.


God, his innocence was maddening. Falcon found himself more attracted to that than someone like, say, Exodus. Indeed, the sight of Eos' sweet smile just made Falcon want to kiss him fiercely and gain more innocent reactions from him. Still, he restrained himself. There was no point in going too fast...especially if he ever meant to marry the young beauty. Falcon certainly didn't think that was above the realm of possibility. "When you finish your breakfast, I will gladly do as you wish."


Eos pouted slightly and flashes him a little quivering lip. When that does not work right away, he huffs and begins to quickly scarf down the rest of his plate.  Despite his pouty expression, his eyes were glittering, flicking playfully toward Falcon to make sure he knew that he really wasnā€™t angry. Eos was a tricky little thing, and he liked to play games.  If Falcon was to love him, he would have to learn this. He hurried, his breakfast disappearing in the blink of an eye. Once done he tugged at Falconā€™s sleeve, enthusiastic to hear about the candies. "Tell me! Tell me!"


Falcon tried to suppress his smile, but it was so damn hard. He nodded and watched as the servant took away Eos' plates before putting the box onto the table. He unclasped the little purple and gold ribbon and opened it to reveal the many multi-colored candies. There were purple macaroons, chocolate covered nuts, root candies, a mix of assorted hard candies, ribbons, and some strangely shaped little bon bons that Eos had never seen. Falcon had chosen wisely when he went to the candy shop. He even had his older sister help him, as she had a sweet tooth as well. "This one is a macaroon. It's purple dye is actually made from cabbage. It has a lightly bitter taste on the outside because of it, but a sweet taste on the inside," Falcon explains as he watches Eos timidly nibble upon the treat and thoughtfully consider its taste. Falcon picked that one especially to remind Eos that his bitterness was only on the outside. 


Eos liked it and he smiled warmly, licking his lips as he finished the candy off. He looked expectantly at the other, his eyes wide and excited. "It tastes lovely." He replied sweetly, eager for more. How could he not be? His crush was giving him candies especially bought for him. The romantic in Eos was just about having a heart attack. He had not imagined that this would ever happen in a million years.


"Shall you try this one next, then?" he asked as he held up one of the chocolate covered root candies. It had a little white pearl on top with a swirl of blue and gold fondant. This he placed in Eos' hand, the other marveling at the detailed design upon it. "It's made from sweet root. The root is actually quite unappetizing when you eat it plain, but it has a sweet flavor when you boil it. Covering it with chocolate just makes it sweeter."


Eos took it and placed it gently on his tongue. He chewed it slowly, savoring the taste. A small pleased purr slipped from his lips, and he rolled the candy against his pallet with his tongue.  Though different, it had a good taste as well.  He glanced at Falcon, smiling brightly at the man. Falcon was going to spoil him horribly, but he liked that. The idea of it was enough to have him squirming in his seat. Spoiled by Falcon! What an idea.  "It is very good..."


"The next one is best tasted cold..." he says as he picks up another chocolate, this one of a solid chocolate with a maple flavor infused into it. With his fingertips, he freezes the delicious treat and then places it into Eos' mouth. The chocolate at once begins to melt, but leaves a pleasant sensation of coolness and a sweet maple flavor. "Like it?"


The petite blond nodded, his eyes widened in delight at the way it melted, coating his tongue with sweet, flavorful chocolate. It must have been very fine chocolate, for it was extremely smooth and creamy. A seemingly expensive chocolate in its texture and taste. "Mmmmmmnnn..." He groaned in satisfaction, his eyes rolling up to gaze at Falcon adoringly. Candies... candies for him, from Falcon. How had he not passed out from sheer excitement?


"Ah...you have a bit smudged on your lip," Falcon says as he leans in and gently wipes away the excess chocolate sticking to that soft pouting mouth. Anyone left in the room can just feel the cuteness radiating off them...Ranmaru most sorely. He glares at the Angel with rage in his heart - how DARE he steal away the cuteness that is Eos! Echo feels much the same way, especially since he hasn't been able to get into Eos' pants at all. 


Eos giggled, licking his lips with the tip of his pink, slick tongue. The way he eyed Falcon, both coyly and with more than a hint of mischief, gave away his inner thoughts. He was really enjoying the attention Falcon was giving him. Heā€™d waited so long to even get the other man to acknowledge him and now that he had, Eos couldnā€™t be happier.
ā€œMn, tell me more?ā€



"As you wish," Falcon replies with a sensual smile. It's enough to make Eos wriggle in his seat as he watches him pull out a small white candy shaped like a bunny. "This one is something I've had since I was little. It's a snoibunny. They're made from sugar flavored with crushed roses. It's very mild, but very sweet. I used to buy bags full of these and savor them one by one."


Eos squirmed in his seat in anticipation, opening his mouth for the treat expectantly.  He liked being hand fed. It was even better that the one doing it was Falcon. His heart pounding against his ribcage, excitement welling in the pit of his stomach.  He cooed softly, toes curling gleefully. Another treat for him. At this rate, heā€™d get a stomach ache.  But he didnā€™t care.  Not one bit.


"Remember, it's precious, so take the time to taste it...the rose is very faint, but, if you take your time, you can taste it. It trains your senses," Falcon says as he gently places the bunny-shaped sugar candy onto the other's tongue. That pink little tongue slips it into the moist cavern of his adorable mouth, Falcon watching as the other's expression becomes that of concentration upon the flavor of his newfound treat.


It was very hard to taste it at first and Eos concentrating intensely while he sucked on the candy and rolled it about in his mouth. It was faint at first, that hint of rose, but it grew the longer he sucked upon the sweet. It grew until it took over the whole of his mouth, a soft, sweet flavor. Irresistible. Eos blushed in delight, his eyes flicking up to meet Falcons, eyes bright with glee. Just perfect.


"Found it, have you?" Falcon smiles warmly as he sees the other wiggling in his seat as the taste of roses explodes in his mouth. It really does teach one patience and build up the senses, as gobbling the candy down won't allow one to truly savor it. "Do you like it?"


Eos nodded vigorously. It was a very light, but a delicious candy, one that really had to be savored to enjoy. He liked how it made him work to find the taste, to run his tongue along it till it was mush. Eos giggled, turning his bright eyes upon the young Starc. ā€œI really do like it, thank you Falcon.ā€ He chirruped. These were wonderful. He would gladly sit and nibble candies from the Starcā€™s hand for the rest of his days. Eos truly was love struck.  


"Of all the things I've sucked on, I do believe this candy is my favorite...yet," Falcon said softly. Those blue eyes could not be mistaken, for they bore into Eos with such an intensity that Eos quivered under his gaze. It was a good quiver, though, the kind that was followed by a warm curling in his tummy.


The small hybrid smiled warmly up at Falcon, eyes glittering with half veiled lust. He shyly leaned forward, looking like he wanted another candy. "More, Falcon? May I have more?" He asked coyly. The more they did this, the more Eos didnā€™t want it to stop.  He was hungry for more, every minute addicting him further to Falconā€™s presence. If he hadnā€™t been pining for the man before, he was now. Love was such a strange thing.


"No you may not," Ranmaru finally interjected, walking over to them and frowning. "Come on, Eos, we have to get going to our tutoring lessons. You know mom will have a fit if we don't keep up with our studies." Ranmaru was right, but of course he had an ulterior motive. He glared harshly at Falcon, glad he had a valid excuse to keep his brother away from that Angel bastard!


Eos glowered at his brother and gave Falcon a look that said they would be trying more sweets together later. He stood, lowering his lashes and pushing past the other. Of course Ranmaru would have to ruin this for him. His brotherā€™s hatred for Falcon was going to put a wrench in this. What happy, curly feelings he had in his gut was already gone. "Well then, get your ass moving!" He snapped and walked off briskly.


"Don't think you can just take him away, Angel...I'm watching you." Ranmaru's low words were spoken to Falcon, who seemed not much to care about the jealous brother's viciousness. His eyes were watching Eos as he walked away brusquely with his precious little package tucked under his arm. 


Eos was fuming, unable to say a single word to Ranmaru about just how outraged he was. Like their half father, the redhead didn't always think before he spoke. Did not look deeper or at the whole picture once he had his mind set on something. Sure, Eos knew he could be a little bit of an air head and a bit silly, but he still had a mind of his own and his own choices to make. Ranmaru could not decide what he was going to do with his life, or who he was going to love.


It would all be different, of course, if Varun were there. However, the youth was now back in Tenshihana after another lengthy journey. Most thankfully, Rowan had allowed them to use portals this time, which cut the trip by more than half. They appeared before Rowan's castle in an instant, being ushered in so they could unpack and refresh themselves. Rowan was no where to be seen. "Please, come this way, Ms. Crixa. We will prepare a guest room for you," one of the servants said as she offered the girl a hand.


The girl nodded shyly, letting the servant lead her off to make a room for her short stay. Varun watched her go, a small smile on his lips.  He turned then, looking to Urius with some concern.  The man really looked terrible.  Urius really did need to take better care of himself. "You should take some medicine now,  Urius." He murmured softly. "Ceata will get mad if you don't."


"I realize he'll be mad, but I have other things to consider as well...When I have a moment, I will follow your advice, though," Urius says with a faint cough as he goes over to try and unload some of Varun's things. He looks absolutely miserable as the ride in the carriage had just made him dizzier. Varun sighs as he knows Urius is just as stubborn as Ceata. Eventually he will give in, though...he always does.


"We get to my room; please take the time to have a dose." Varun urged the other man slyly. "Cause Iā€™m sure heā€™s already got people checking in on you." He mused with a small, wry smile. He did not want Urius to pass out from working too hard! Especially when part of that work involved running around with him. It was a horrible thought. He already knew how worried Ceata was about Urius. Having him sick made that worry even worse.


"How funny...Rowan has the same thing," Urius replies as he continues to unpack Varun's things. They walk up the steps towards the castle and are greeted there by the servants that take the baggage the rest of the way. Varun finds himself searching among the faces, wondering if he'll see Alpheus. The only one he finds is Jingarther, coming over with a broad smile. 


"Oi! How'd it go at home, there? Have fun with all yer cute lil' lovers, I see...Got all them hickeys tah prove it." Jingarther offered a hug to welcome the other back, standing there with his riding clothes on and a big fur cloak. "Best get yerself ready and saddle up. We gotta go meet Rowan."


Varunā€™s blood ran cold at that, his lips thinned and tightly seal. He said not a word. He followed Urius closely, silent until he spotted Jingarther and a smile broke across his face.  He laughed, going a bit red in the cheeks. He wrapped his arms tight around Jingarther, giving the Jin a big hug in return. The big Jin always had a warm hug for Varun. "It went well.  My cousin came along as well; youā€™ll be able to meet her." He grinned slightly. "I would have brought my other cousin, but he hasnā€™t been feeling well. Best not to stress him." He sighed at the mention of meeting Rowan, his mind drifting back to the conversation heā€™d had back home. The things they had said.


"Oooh! Yer cousin? Girl or boy," Jingarther asks with a broad smile as he's not really one for sleeping with men that often. He, like his father, is more attracted to women. Of course, Crixa would be quite a catch for any young Jin male. 


"A girl. She's sixteen and very cute." Varun laughed, wondering if he should regret bringing Crixa where there are Jins aplenty. "She's a little sweetheart too." He chuckled and ran a hand through his hair. He gaze his friend a look. Nah, he didnā€™t regret it. Jingarther especially was a good guy. What was  bad about a little friendly flirty?  "I think she'd like you."


"Hawt damn! Yer kiddin', right?" Jingarther suddenly stood up straight, quickly fixing his hair and gussying up to make himself look more presentable. "What'dya think? Good enough? Damn it, Varun, you should know what you'd do tah me, bringin' a cute girl here...Now I ain't gonna be able to do mah job right."


Varun laughed aloud, wrinkling his nose playfully at the flustered Jin. "She's sixteen , youā€™d better take it slowly if you try to woo her."  He warned.  Although the hybrid had a high enough libido and had assured him of that by admitted just how much touched herself during a conversation about such habits, her interest in anyone was minimal. Would Jingarther be able to woo her or would he be out of luck?


A Jin lover would certainly be perfect for her to start out with, seeing as most all Jin males are insatiable and loving partners. She could not go wrong in choosing Jingarther, for he was a good man and a very attentive lover. "Fine, fine...I'll be good," he sighs as he looks passed Varun and into the castle. "So, you gonna go get ready? I'll wait out here with our horses. Alpheus is comin' too, though I ain't seen him all mornin'..."


 Varun nodded, quick to trot off. "I'll be back as soon as I can!" He cried, over his shoulder. Varun got changed as quickly as possible, pulling on the right kind of clothing for a ride. Might as well be comfortable. The right kind of clothes had been left out for the young shadowshifter, spread out on the bed. Those that he had come here in were tossed back onto the bed before he ran from his room and back out into the courtyard. ā€œReady!ā€ He laughed, trotting up to where Jingarther stood with the horses. He looked around, wondering if Alpheus was anywhere in sight.


"Wow...that was sure fast. Got yerself all spiffied up there...I ain't seen no sign o' Alpheus yet...Maybe he's gonna hide like the lil' sissy Mary he is," Jingarther said with a sigh as he pet the neck of his large grey work horse. The animal was busy nipping at some stray pieces of hay on a haybale as they waited. On the other side of his horse was a slender young gelding with a reddish-brown coat. This was Alpheus' horse, no doubt. 


Varun frowned, brushing his wild hair back from his face. "What, does he think I am going to jump him and fuck him on his horse?" He spat, annoyed with how the angel seemed to think so lowly of him. He hadnā€™t done anything cruel to Alpheus, a kiss or two, but nothing so bad. "I got laid so many times last night I don't think I have the energy to struggle with him anyway." He barked a laugh, shaking his head. So ridiculous.


"Oooh! Yah lucky bastard...I ain't even gotten a lil' bit of lovin' since Rowan put me to so much damn work." Jingarther sighed and fixes his cloak a little, protecting himself from the cold morning air. "But, yeah...Alpheus ain't the most rational person. Ain't his fault, though."


Just as Jingarther says that, they hear the light crunching of snow from behind them and the opening of a door. Alpheus freezes where he is when he sees both their eyes upon him, having hoped that they might have left without him so he could catch up alone. Inwardly he cursed when he was sighted by Varun, blushing profusely and fixing his robes. He was wearing a complete outfit that covered every inch of him from his neck to his toes. It was in the usual fashion of the Tenshihana priests - white and gold and made of wool. It hid his shape quite well, but he still managed to look handsome despite it. 


Seeing the blond, Varun smiled brightly, cocking his head to the side and unknowingly exposing a few of the hickies just barely peeking out from under his collar. "Good day Alpheus!" He hailed good-naturedly. "You're looking well." He remarked, his smile still warm and open.  The last thing he wanted to do now was make Alpheus uncomfortable.  He wanted to be friends with him, not enemies. Itā€™d be even worse to have the man yelling at him needlessly.


Alpheus glared sharply, ruining the sweetness that Varun had attempted to convey. He then turns and walks over to his horse, getting on it a little awkwardly and then pulls on the reins. Jingarther looks at Varun, frowning. "Wow...looks like he ain't in the forgivin' mood."


Varun sighed, shaking his head. He'd tried, but Alpheus was not going to easily forgive him. It was going to be a struggle, he could see it now. Scuffing his boots in the snow, he leaned against the side of his horse. With a grunt he pulled himself up into the mareā€™s saddle. Varun smiled at the other two, though Alpheus ignored it. "I'm ready to go, let us head out, hmm?" He piped, reins held lightly in one hand. He had to try and stay chipper.


"Yeah..." Jingarther said, seeing the other's shoulders sink. It made him sigh as he didn't like to see Varun like this, knowing that Alpheus was just being a little bitch and resisting the feelings he had. After all, no one else seemed to effect him this much. There was no question that Alpheus was falling in love, despite himself.



Varun smiled at his companion, trying to keep himself from being disappointed. "Sooner we get this over with, the sooner you get to flirt with Crixa, eh, ā€˜Garther?" He teased playfully, eyes lighting up as they wheeled their horses and made to move out. He wanted to get under way. The longer they stayed here, the more he'd have to deal with Alpheusā€™s ire. Being on the trail would distract him from worries and agitation. Who had time to think about that when they were enjoying a brisk ride?


"And how! I'm excited...Yah think she'll like me, right? I ain't to old fer her? Ain't too tall? If she be anythin' like Adorna, hell, I reckon it'll be easy to get my arms 'round her," Jingarther blathers on, easily distracted from Varun's problems. Ahead of them, the Valen rides silently, his long blond hair falling down his back in a simple braid. It would be very fun to unbind those tresses and run fingers through them...


Vaun had to chuckle at the Jinā€™s enthusiasm. If he just acted like himself, Jingarther could probably charm her.  Crixa liked to make friends and though she didnā€™t have anybody she was really interested, she did enjoy flirting and spending time with friends. Jingarther would do just fine, Varun decided.  Turning his gaze forward, he took in the Valenā€™s straight back, watched his braid bounce slightly with the horseā€™s gait.  Alpheus was surely beautiful. Eying the braid, Varun couldnā€™t help thinking it would have made for fine ā€˜ridingā€™ reins. Varunā€™s cheeks flushed red and he ground his teeth. None of that! Bad thoughts!


"Hmm...If she be like Adorna, does that mean she's lookin' fer kids? I dun't know if I'm ready fer that...but I sure would like somethin' sweet to dote on. I jus' got meself a good job at the stables...get me an extra silver piece if I clean up the muck right. Probably could take her out tah dinner. What does she like to eat? Hmm..." Jingarther muses aloud, rather excited about meeting a girl reputedly as lovely as Adorna. After all, every one in the Jin family is in love with Adorna.  No doubt they'll be the same with Crixa. Of course, Varun was only half-listen to Jingarther's babble. His eyes were on Alpheus and the nape of his neck barely seen beyond his stiff white collar. A hickey peeked out on one side - a mark left from Varun's delicious kisses only days before. 

 Seeing it, Varun couldnā€™t help a small smile, even if it made him feel guilty. Turning his attention back to the babbling Jin, he laughed. "I donā€™t think sheā€™ll want kids any time soon. I warn you though, friend, she is a hybrid. She looks nothing like Adorna save for being pretty." The shadowshifter chuckled, trying to describe her in such a way that Jingarther would be able to visualize her. "She is more closely related to Death... red hair and all."


"RED HAIR?! Damn! Now I gotta meet 'er! That's jus'...wow...! She got her a shapely figure too?" Jingarther asked with a wide grin, now all the more curious. After all, red heads were rather sought after. You could easily find your share of blonds or dark-haired angels, but there weren't too many naturally born red heads because it had somehow been bred out of the Angels a while back. Though it was not a complete rarity, it was still something very sought after - especially by Jins.


"Crixa is still growing, but Iā€™m not sure how much sheā€™ll fill out. But she has beautiful ruby scales." Varun grinned, waiting to see the look on the Jin's face. "She's got a tail too! And cute ,long ears." He wondered just how the other would react to THAT! How often did angels get to see creatures like Crixa? She was so exotic, a rarity that was literally one of a kind. Jingarther would be lucky if Crixa came to like him.  Very lucky.


"...Wait...Yah mean she's got a tail?" Jingarther scratched his head. "Well, I can't say that doesn't strike me as strange, but she's still beautiful, right? Like one of them kitty Demons?ā€ He asks, a little excited by the fact that she might have a cute pair of ears. That's certainly new and Jins are never adverse to new things.


"She's a gorgeous little thing. Like a ruby jewel. ā€œ Varun continued, teasing his friend ruthlessly. He knew Jingarther was not the sort to take advantage, that Crixa would be in good hands. He might be a bit rowdy, but Jingarther was a good man. Varun trusted him.  That confidence was a big thing. Varun could depend on him and he knew this. Their horsesā€™ hooves rang out with a hollow thump upon the road, their gear creaking. Around them the chilly air churned their breathes to cloud.


"Well, damn! If she's gorgeous, I'll certainly take her word for it...even if you do have a bit o' a warped sense o' beauty." Jingarther says, glancing at Alpheus' back. The Valen has said nothing to them on their trek, keeping well ahead so that he will not be dragged into any conversation. 


"You'll like her. Crixa is extremely sweet." He smiled fondly, thinking of her smiling face. The horse under him nickered gently and turned her head. Soft lips nibbled at his boots. Varun leaned forward, rubbing down her elegantly arched neck, crooning down at her. "Such a good girl, aren't you fair lady?" He asked in a sing-song voice, dark eyes affectionate. He was lucky to be given such a docile mount. A sweet mare was better than any show boating stallion.


"You might as well ask Rowan if yah can buy her...She likes you best now. Doesn't seem to favor me as much," Jingarther chuckles as they turn up through the veiled wood with the fog coming down off the mountain. The air is frigidly cold and yet the mist persists even though it's snowing. Visibility becomes better as they head towards the top of the mountain, the snowy peek frosted over with white.


"It must be my animal magnetism." The young shadowshifter joked with a laugh.  He continued to caress the mare's neck, awed by her. She was one of the finest he'd ever ridden and she looked even finer with snow falling on her beautiful coat. Even her gait was elegant, the delicate clop of her hooves on the ground setting a fine rhythm.  "I just may have to buy her... she's a fine animal." Though he would have to figure out where to house her. The twins had a stable didnā€™t they? Yes, that might work out very nicely! A mare for riding around Mordaine.


Jingarther chuckled, looking to the other. "You're a right good man, Varun...I think, before yah go to see the Starcs, I suggest yah come and meet the Jins. We can show yah our pet griffins and our horses. You'd love it at our house, I reckon," Jingarther says with a smile as they head up the mountain path. "Oh, we're almost there. Good thing we ain't meeting any higher up, because them damn storms keep rollin' in this time o' year."


The young shadowshifter nodded in agreement. Going to the Jin house would be a fun trip. He already anticipated getting to meet Jingartherā€™s kin. "I'd like that.ā€ He mused, breath puffing out in a hazy cloud in front of his face. They road carefully, picking along the snowy path. Going too quickly could be dangerous for the horses. Unseen stones or patches of ice could end in a fall, a twisted or broken leg, or even tumble down the path and over a cliff.


As they came over the rise of one of the peaks, they saw there a smaller chapel of sorts sitting atop the mountain. Snow covered its roof heavily as it was swept by the winds, but it looked incredibly solid despite the cold and the constant barrage of weather. Dismounting, Jingarther took hold of Varun's horse's reigns and helped him down. Alpheus got off of his horse a bit awkwardly, but managed it by himself. "You are to go in alone. We'll wait for you out here."


Varun murmured an affirmative, allowing Jingarther to help him dismount. Once on the ground he stretched, casting them one last look before he made his way to the chapel.  He had to wonder what this was about. What sort of sight awaited him within this small, modest chapel? Taking a deep breath, Varun opened the door and stepped inside.


The room was dark and he saw there the abandoned pews all sitting in perfect rows. Varun peered through the gloom and was able to see a man standing before the altar. He wore black, his blond hair easily seen in the light. Rowan bowed his head before the large stone cross, seeming to quietly whisper a prayer. Upon Varun's entering, he placed the sign of the cross upon his chest, and then turned to welcome the youth with a smile. "I trust you had an easy trip?"


"Easy enough." He replied, bowing his head politely to his lord. Varun was still relaxed around the man, though now he was a bit more cautious. He was not going to let his guard down completely. Not after what he had heard in Deathā€™s office. He smiled warmly at the blond man, his hands at his side, kept warm by his riding gloves.  "And you? Have you been well, Rowan?"


 "I have been well. Thank you for asking...Will you not come closer?" he asks as he stands there still at the altar, his green eyes glistening in the pale light. Varun sees no flecks of red in them, as Ceata had warned. In fact, they were far more golden today. Those eyes looked like a fierce yellow-green, much like Locke's when lit by morning sunshine. 


He came closer, his strides easy and relaxed. His boots echoed loudly in this small space, ringing back at him.  Varun took in the church interior curiously, his surroundings new and thus fascinating. The small church was beautiful, modest and rural, with a homely flare. At one point it must have been well used and well loved. Varun smiled slightly and came to a stop before the blond angel, his dark eyes still flitting around, filing away details.
Even then, learning.


"I bet you are wondering why I have brought you here today," Rowan said with a soft smile, looking down at the young shadowshifter. That golden-yellow gaze was so striking. It made Varun feel warm in a way he couldn't explain. It was if he was staring at a different person. 


He shivered pleasantly, those eyes warming him deeply. They were not the same eyes he was used to. "Yes, I am very curious." He replied with a small smile, his gaze questioning and open. Just why did Rowan bring him all the way up here? It was an odd place to meet, a church. An old, antique church. Couldnā€™t they have had an easier time speaking in his office? Or perhaps somewhere else in the castle grounds? His mind was burning with a glut of questions.


"I wanted to show you this church, firstly...It has great sentimental value to me. This is where I was married." He pauses a moment, looking back at the cross. "Tell me, Varun, have you ever given any thought to the nature of love? I would like to hear your views on it." Rowan's eyes appeared sad when he stared at the cross, but his voice denoted genuine curiosity as to Varun's views. During their last chess match, they had touched upon what they believed love was. Though Rowan would never really state his views, he was happy to listen to Varun's.


Varun smiled shyly. "I have not had much experience with it, Rowan... but from what I have seen and felt; love is something very powerful, very special. It can be as simple as the love between friends, or as deep as the love between mates or family. There is something almost, forgive the irony, something mystical about it." He cocked his head, momentarily lost in thought. He remembered the way Exodus looked at Locke, or Lazarus looked upon Ceata and especially the way Death looked upon his family and lovers. Such a warm, welcoming emotion.


"But...have you ever known its tragedy? Its betrayal? Perhaps you are too young, but I have a hard time believing that you have never seen heartbreak..." Rowan says and at once Varun thinks of his fathers. Before Sahena came, it was Lazarus who knew only despair, and Rughal still lives with the scars Dovinitasā€™ has given him - it is what makes him who he is. 


"I have seen it." He replied in a hushed voice, frowning. "It can drive a person to madness... and deep, deep despair. I have been told old stories, tales of the first created. Of their deaths. How upon his mateā€™s death, Adamā€™s heart broke and he could no longer find the will to carry on. He died holding Eve in his arms." His chest tightened at the visual, for it was a powerful one. Love was a dual creature, both good and terrible. There was both pleasure and pain to feel under its touch. No one could ever escape with just the good.


"So, then, Varun...you have seen the depth of love in its beauty and the depth of love in its despair. When then, do you think, does love turn to hate?" The question struck Varun off guard, but Rowan was turned away and Varun could not attempt to read the man's expression for further meaning.


 "I... do not know what you mean, Rowan..." He replied with a frown. Suddenly he began to feel nervous, side-swiped by this strange question. What did he mean by this? Where could Rowan be going with these series of questions? Was he testing him somehow? Varun just did not know. "Perhaps when despair and madness seep in.  I have heard stories and seen people kill for love, hated someone for love... but I do not know how or why it comes to that. Do not know how these emotions become so twisted." He tried to answer, unsure of himself.


"I see...I was only curious." Rowan turns back to look at him, a strange look in his eyes. "I once asked Urius the same thing, but even he could not give me an answer." Varun felt a sinking sensation in his gut when Rowan said that, reading beyond those eyes and fearing that there was something desperately wrong. He could not place it, however, only knowing that his intuition was telling him there was something beyond this place - a hidden meaning that he was only on the verge of grasping. "Either way,  I would like you to come with me. We will be walking to a clearing not too far from here. There I have something else to show you - something I think you will find most interesting."


The youthā€™s lips turned down in a slight frown, but he nodded. There was nothing for it, he couldnā€™t deny Rowan, and heā€™d have to go with him. Even if something about the angel was making his heart skip and his hands sweat. H would go with him. "Oh...? My interest is grabbed, Rowan." he replied quietly, smiling at the other man. Just what was it that Rowan was going to show him? Out they went, back into the cold air. Once again their breath escaping them in wisps and the snow crunching under their boots.


The two then headed out through a back door of the chapel. It felt strange to realize that this place was where Rowan had married. It was so desolate and cold - hardly a place for any kind of union. Then again, it was fast approaching winter and the sky was overcast with snow-laden clouds. They headed down through a forest path all the same, trudging through snow as the trees cast shadows over them. The black Rowan was wearing almost made him blend in, but at least his white-golden hair and fair skin could be seen even in the pale light.


Further and further they walked until they reached a strange clearing with stones scattered all around them - ruins, they appeared to be, of some old tower. There was still a piece of the tower standing in the middle, a broken glass window filtering light through its dirty panes.


 The place must have been lonely, but beautiful in summer and spring when the flowers bloomed and the land was fresh and green. Varun could imagine the soft green moss and tiny wild flowers that would grow in places like this, lichens and others plant life as well, though only the hardiest. The ruins looming before them seemed haunted in a hazy, dark way. They stood out among the snow, their dark stones stark against the pure white of the newly fallen snow. Eerie, but somehow beautiful too.


Rowan smiled at the others confused look and he walked over to the center of the tower. "I would like you to stand here, Varun. Right beside me." Varun was a little hesitant after Rowan's strange talk before, but he came to stand beside the angel. Rowan then pulled something out of his pocket and placed it on the ground. His hand brushed over the top and he spoke something in a strange ancient language - it sounded like Shadowshifter, but he couldn't be sure. Suddenly Varun's eyes were assaulted by a bright beam of light as he almost fell backward from the force of it. A gentle hand kept him steady though and soon he was able to recover...only to find himself standing in the most amazing maze of light, color, and flashing images. These images made walls and towers, turrets and archways, that moved like they were living things. Unintelligible flashes of movement surrounded him, making Varun dizzy. Most of all, he was overwhelmed by the massiveness of it. It covered the clearing completely in  a gigantic holographic city so vast that he could barely comprehend all of it. "Welcome to my city of memory." 


Varun ā€˜s eyes could not go any wide, the black orbs taking in every glimmer of light and color. He was slack jawed, gaping like a fool.  Varun was admittedly startled, staring out at the huge expanse of that beautiful, massive city. There was simply so much to take in. He glanced sharply to Rowan, in complete awe. "It's.... wow..." He breathed, expression shocked and open, much like a child watching fireworks for the first time in their lives.


"These are all my memories...my childhood, my earlier years, my youth, my life...Everything I have learned has been compiled here so that, at the merest touch, I can recall whatever memory I wish. Very soon, I will teach you how to create your own city of memory..." Rowan said as he looked out and over all the familiar stones of his life, gathered together in each passing day until they created a massive city built on his past recollections. Only he can unlock the key to it, but, very soon, he will be passing that key on to someone else. He glances over to Varun, his golden-green gaze sad. He feels terrible to burden the boy, but there is no one else.


Varun was stunned. What an interesting concept, his mind already working furiously upon the concept, trying to fully grasp it. He turned his attention back onto Rowan, unbelieving. "My own...?" He breathed. How did this work? However did he work this fascinating box! Varun just about died from excitement hearing he would be learning how to make his own. A new skill, new knowledge. His mouth just about water. He could never keep his hands off of new information and this was something simply amazing.


"You will be able to catalogue your thoughts and access them whenever you wish. It is a form of magic your race created many years ago. Some of the most sought-after artifacts in this world are these," Rowan said as he picked up the small box that he had used to open the city. As soon as he touched it, the box seemed to close in on itself and the vastness of Rowan's memories disappeared in a blink of light. This allowed Varun to examine the box further, amazed by the markings upon it. "This is called an abolisk by my people, but I believe your ancestors called it something else. It was used to record your history, though, sadly, these abolisk cannot be opened by anyone but the one that created them...Unless, of course, someone else is given access."


The boy nodded excitedly, touching it curiously. His strong, slim fingers slid over the surface of the small box, stark white against the box's surface. He began to smile, eyes glittering in excitement. He had never thought he would hold such an artifact in his hands. Something so small, yet so precious. A box containing something much more precious than gold or jewels.  A manā€™s memories.  "Wow.... this is amazing."


"I found this on my travels when I was younger. It was unused, so I was able to understand the mechanism and create a duplicate. That duplicate I will give to you and, after our chess matches, I will help you build your own city." The idea made Varun's eyes sparkle, realizing he could hold so much more information with this. What's more, it would be his own...his secret world in his mind that only he could unlock. The fact that this artifact had something to do with his race also puzzled him. He would have to ask Death about it when he went back next Sunday.


Maybe Death would have more information about these boxes, yet his race had been living on their own in the mortal realms for many long years, he was not sure if Death had ever seen one of these things up close before, if at all. Varun would be all too eager to show him. Smiling excitedly at Rowan, Varun returned his box to him. "Iā€™m very eager to learn, Rowan, such a thing, it is fascinating!" He gasped, his cheeks flushed with glee. How silly it must seem to Rowan that the young male could get so thrilled over something so simple, but new curiosities were hard to come by when you are a curious person and have poked and prodded at everything that you can.


"In return, however, you must promise me one thing," Rowan replies as he looks to Varun, his golden-green eyes rather serious. Varun feels a bit of his excitement leave him at the depth of that gaze, but he is willing to do just about anything for this new invention - it could certainly be very useful with exams!


"Yes, what?" Varun piped, eager still. Not sure what he would be forced to promise, Varun had to hope it wouldnā€™t be something he could not keep. He had a duty to perform after all, a loyalty to his God and people. Yet, to disappoint Rowan when he has been so kind seems like a betrayal itself.


"What I teach you and show you in the next few weeks, you cannot tell to anyone. This is of gravest importance, as there are other lives at stake." Rowan paused a moment, his eyes gentle. "I know you have been spying on me for Death. I have deliberately allowed you to do so, as what I have taught you thus far has not impeded my mission at all. However, there are things that I will reveal to Death in time. For now, I must keep it a secret. Do you understand me?"


Varun frowned, cursing in his mind at how easily Rowan seemed to be able to read people.  He had hoped Rowan would not come to that conclusion, but it could not be helped now. "Yes, I agree." He replied, voice hushed and his gaze lowered. He couldnā€™t keep this promise, at least not all of it, he had to ask Death if he knew what an abolisk was. At least he might. The idea of angering Rowan isnā€™t a pleasant one. Either way, he will be betraying someone. It did not feel good.


"The abolisk you may show to Death...I am curious to know if he is aware of its existence as well." Varun looks up, blushing lightly from being so easily read - Rowan merely chuckles. "You and I think alike, Varun...that would be the first thing on my mind as well."


Varun smiled slightly, chewing his bottom lip. "Thank you... I think I would explode if I couldn't ask him!" The youth admitted with an embarrassed chuckle. He is flushed and his skin nearly glowed in the bit of light that seeps through the storm clouds. Large dark eyes glow with pleasure and there is so much life and pleasure in the young male. He takes great pleasure in new knowledge learned and it shows through.  Learning is everything to Varun.  One of lifeā€™s greatest pleasures and he cannot get enough of it.


"Well, we will practice then alone in my rooms. This abolisk is to be a secret from the others. Death may know, but no one else outside of Death's circle. After all, many Angels would consider this to be wrongful witchcraft. Others might try to steal such a precious artifact and sell it...I suggest you keep it quiet," Rowan replies with a gentle smile as he goes to walk out of the clearing and head back towards the chapel.


The young shadowshifter smiled in agreement, following Rowan back up the trail. He smiles to himself, pleased. What would Death think of this? Would he had more to add to this, or would he bring something invaluable back with his next visit? He would just have to wait and see.  The pleasure of sharing something new would be all his. "My  lips are sealed, Rowan."

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