untitled: Thanatos

Chapter 41: Thanatos


Sorrow only smiled, already able to see what Death was planning. For that, he simply held forth his newly attached limb with that dripping knife at the end of it. "I wouldn't be so hasty to fight me, My Lord...Especially when you're not the one I'm after," Sorrow ordered sternly in Urius' voice. It was so strange to hear that tone, Ceata thought. It was the voice of the one he loved, yet this man - this THING - was nothing like Urius.


He was cold and unfeeling, powerful and confident. He seemed to feel no pain, or else take joy in it. The severed crumpled limb that was Urius' lay at his feet, like the falling of a withered leaf in autumn. It marked the change so poignantly - the hands which forged their love were no more. Was the soul the same?


"Besides...you wouldn't want to kill Urius, now, would you?"


Death halted, his eyes narrowing viciously as the knife was waggled in his direction. True, he did not wish to kill Urius, but he also did not want to let Sorrow out free. Not one little bit. There was still the issue of Sorrow being between him and Ceata and the risk of the pale male getting injured or killed, was too big for him to risk it.


Sorrow sighs, looking back over his shoulder and then to Death with a bit of a smirk upon his handsome face. "Don't worry....I'm not going to hurt him. So long as you all are useful to me, I have no reason to kill you. Those behind you, on the other hand, are what I'm after," Sorrow purrs, his deformed hand reaching up and pointing out passed the ruins of the gate to the terrified Godlings that stare at him in awe and fear. Hatred is the only one that glares, vehemently wishing death upon the one called Sorrow with his entire being. "Even you must agree, you can't handle them all in your current state..."


No, he couldn't. They would gang up upon him and bring him down and that was not something he desired. The immortal growled softly, eying Sorrow distrustfully as Ceata sniffled and watched the dark male with wide eyes. Had he reverted back to that weak, needy child that Urius had first saved? It almost looked it, the way the young man's bottom lip trembled and his hands shook.


"Let me pass, Thanatos....your enemy is not me," Sorrow whispers softly, the name causing Death's body to convulse with untold amounts of pain. What was that? Thanatos? That name....Gods, that name!! Lazarus gasped as he saw his master fall to his knees gasping, his immortal body trying to revert back to Life for a moment from the strain that he felt. It was his name....Yes, Thanatos, one of the many names which belonged to Death. It was of a Grecian origin, having been used often in ancient times by the souls that Death watched over. Back then, it was not as potent as it is now, for a God's name has the power to control them. It is with that name that we worship them as well as condemn them.


When someone knows a God's true name, they can destroy them utterly...


Death's whole body ached and trembled, teeth clenched tightly as he curled into a tiny ball before Sorrow. The immortal's whole body shook, hair writhing across the ground as it pooled over his slumped form. If Sorrow knew his name... how could he even fight the man? He was unable to stay in this form, for the pain was too much as it seared through him like fire, licking his bones. The form became smaller and soon enough, Life lay curled gasping in relief upon the ground, swimming in Death's robes.


"Hello, My Lady..." Sorrow almost purred, his purple eyes gleaming with delight to see that tender form before him. She looked up at him, seeing with her Goddess' sight the hell that he was. His power was almost overwhelming and, at once, she remembered where she had seen him before...When she was young, a newborn to the vast Void that was the world. She had felt his presence once, seeing him in the gardens of Heaven - true heaven - with his gleaming purple eyes and his long black hair. He smiled at her, that slow and terrifying smile. Oh, she remembers him...a nightmare that follows her, just as sorrow always accompanies death. 


Life whimpered weakly and cowered away from him in complete terror. The robes peeled back from her, exposing most of her back and shoulders, making her feel all the more vulnerable until Lazarus rushed to her and grabbed at the frail body, dragging her close and away from Sorrow.  His dark eyes glowered into Sorrow's, hiding his mistress' face in the hollow of his neck.  It was his turn to protect and comfort the one that had saved him so long ago.  The way Sorrow looked at her had his hackles up, teeth bared in a display of outrage and hate.


"Don't get your knickers in a twist, Lazarus...I won't be hurting her, yet," Sorrow chuckles as he goes and takes the knife and viciously cuts off his other deformed arm. Blood spews from the much cleaner would and stains the ground red. This too is thrust into the burning fire of the torch, causing the skin to bubble and sizzle even as the blood continues to try and spurt. The wound thus cauterized, Sorrow put the remaining arm from Fear upon the stump and watched it blacken. Indeed, every wound and scar on his body had changed in the moment that he became Sorrow. Tattoos now swirled over his beautiful white skin, following the criss-crossing patterns of his terrible scars. And yet, in the center of his back, one particular brand kept its shape, clear proof that that night's dream was a reality. Ceata stared at it as he looked to the other's strong back. Sorrow was clearing away the bandages with his new hands - smiling lightly for it.


Ceata's mark stood stark back there, clear evidence that he had done what he had. That he had become a beast that night, had delighted in the pain he caused and having the other man writhing under him. He shuddered and looked away, wanting to slip into the shadows and hid in shame.  Everyone was still hushed, though Lazarus continued to growl softly as he cradle Life close.


"Well, well...with no further objections, I'll be getting to work now," Sorrow says as he cracks his knuckles and easily steps over the discarded limbs that he once had. He walks passed Lazarus with a smirk on his face, a dark shadow swirling around him and forming black armor against his skin. What's more, at his neck was a heavy black collar of metal that rubbed at the skin. It looked like the collar one would give to a dog or a slave, but much thicker and stronger. There were several little hooks for chains to attach to, providing for a rather curious ornament. "Who first then? Greed...? Hatred...? Rage...? Really, it's all the same."

Ceata padded out after him, whining softly before he stopped and hid slightly behind the wall again. The young male was tormented, unable to get himself to touch the beast. He would never see Urius again it seemed and here he was, unable to do anything about it.  Ceata bumped something with his foot and he glanced down, finding his lover's mangled hands upon the ground.  Shaking, the young male picked them up and peered at them with a tiny keen of despair.


"You...BASTARD!" Hatred finally snarled, unleashing his attack. Now, Greed fought with the force of energy he horded inside him, Rage fought with his own animalistic madness, and Hunger used his dripping saliva to burn and eat his victims whole. Hatred had powers that were of Morpheus, the God of Nightmares, and his own special blend of attack involving flying spinning blades that cut with an edge as sharp as Hatred's glare. Sorrow can only smile that slow and cruel smile as he flicks one of the hoops against his collar and a chain strikes out from the ground. A sharp cry of metal against metal can be heard, followed by the flop of several metal disks hitting the earth.


"You should do better than that, Hatred...It seems so many years living as a God has made you soft."


:Still holding Life close, Lazarus barked orders at the men. Being so close was just asking to get dead. The tall male grabbed his grandson as well, dragging Ceata back. The young man cried out, dropping the mangled hands as Lazarus got everyone moving away from the area.  Foolishness to stay so close. He would not let anyone get caught up in Sorrow's fight if he could help it.


This was a wise choice, as Hatred had already sent forth another volley, this time using his powers as a God of Nightmares to send forth his illusions and cloak himself and his comrades in his power. "We take him down and Lord Adonis will fulfill his promise...Hurry! Go!" Hatred growled as an order before he rushed forward, sending those spinning blades from all directions under cloaks of invisibility. Sorrow was still easily hitting them back, hearing the unseen Hatred's words and laughing outright.


"Oh? So you think that Adonis will keep good to his promises? Gods, but you are all fools....He sent you after me not with the assertion that you would live, but the understanding that I would finish you all off," Sorrow chuckles, suddenly sending chains forth from his hands and striking two solid bodies in the sky. They quickly materialized as Rage and Greed. Both were so struck by the suddenness of the attack that they could barely let out a scream as their souls were ripped from their bodies at the ends of Sorrow's chains.


The sight was a frightening one. Watching it from the relative safety of Lazarus' arms, Ceata was wide eyed and unable to look away. Life refused to look, huddled close to Lazarus and still in some measure of pain. Her small body shivered against his, making Ceata wonder what Sorrow had said. He knew very little of the working of gods.


That is why he didn't understand the pain that was coursing through Life's body even now. Her name - the name that meant both life and death to the Greeks - was not a wholly forgotten name. Still, when one God spoke that name to another, the sound of it was painful. Only Mortals were meant to speak those names, to discuss and know the ways to call a God to them, like a spell. Those names could give power, yet, in this case, they could destroy a God, if another found out all their names...That is why Life trembled as she did, clinging to Lazarus while the sound of those clinking chains made her mind ache with fear. Greed and Rage fell as lifeless bodies to the ground, their souls consumed on the end of those chain links as Sorrow swallowed their powers. Hunger looked terrified for a moment and then angry, rushing forth out of the shadows to push Sorrow down and devour him. 


He'd fail was Ceata's first thought, eying the way Hunger rushed forth foolishly. The 'weapons' that Sorrow fought with were far ranging, though they looked to be easily enough used close up as well. Hunger might be an all consuming beast, but Sorrow had more bite.  Lazarus stopped far enough away, watching with a slight growl.


It was swift. Hunger took first for one of Sorrow's newly acquired limbs. He clung to it as his saliva began to sizzle against the skin, slowly eroding it with absolutely no care to whose arm it was. Sorrow seemed to delight in the feeling for a moment, chuckling as he suddenly drove his arm deeper into the other's great maw. Hunger seemed completely surprised by this, his eyes widening and bulging like two marbles on either side of his shortened nose. Then came the sound of ripping...


A garbled blood-choked cry rang out as Sorrow shoved his arm even deeper down the other's throat, his eyes gleaming purple as that smile only grew more animalistic. "You want food, do you? I'll feed you....I'll fill you with everything I have," Sorrow laughingly sneered as suddenly Hunger's stomach began to bulge and twitch. Chains ripped through the skin and poured out the contents as hot acid and chunks of flesh. Foam slipped from between Sorrow's arm and the other's mouth as Sorrow grabbed hold of his wind pipe and stomach, slowly dragging it out as the chains anchored Hunger to the ground. Really, it was like gutting a fish. 


Ceata whined in alarm, squirming in Lazarus' arms as the big male kept him close and still. A 'ewwww!' could be heard from where Exodus watched with morbid fascination, his lips twitching some as he stared. Trust Exodus to not even take this situation seriously. Of course, Life was still aching too much to even consider looking up at the splash of guts and acid onto the ground, sizzling and the harsh gurgling of alarm and pain from the dying Hunger.


Sorrow let the other's body drop, along with the entrails he had managed to rip out in the process. His hand was still steaming, the skin slowly reforming as he smiled for the pain that he felt. It was delicious, causing him to feel such excitement akin only to arousal. He looked into the gloom then, knowing that Hatred and Vanity were probably staring in mute horror at the scene before them. Sorrow really didn't care. "Well, now....four down, two to go. I suppose I like these odds better."


Would he be able to catch them if they ran though? Those still watching were nervously shifting, knowing whatever happened; there was still too much danger for them to let their guard down. If Sorrow lost... they still had to deal with the other creatures and if he won... they had to deal with him. Ceata shivered, chewing his knuckle in restless nervousness. Would Sorrow come for him? What would happen to everyone if Sorrow won this? The uncertainty of it all was frazzling to every ones’ nerves.


Perhaps the fight would not continue, as both of the remaining Godlings were now unable to be seen by mortal eyes. This was a rather distressing predicament for one such as Sorrow, for he really couldn't go and rip out his eyes to get a new pair. He sighed and crossed his arms over his chest, looking over the barren landscape. "Oh, dear...what to do...what to do......." Just then, there was the sound of shifting rocks. He smirked and sent a chain flying in that direction, causing Vanity to scream as she jumped out of the way. "There you are..." Sorrow purred with delight, enjoying the sight of the woman turning to run. He caught her in the back with a chain and proceeded to drag her closer even as she clawed her fingers bloody to try and get away.


The sound of the scream caused many a flinch. Ceata hid his face a moment before peeking out, Lazarus keeping them back and hidden away from being seen too easily. He doubted it made much of a difference. They would be found easily enough if it came to that.


Vanity appeared from the spell as easily as if she had been uncovered by a blanket. Sorrow held her at the end of a chain, her squirming soul looking as though it was trying to cling hard to her body. He didn't care much, eyes holding an indifferent gleam. "Well, now, Hatred...it seems the last of your merry band...." Sorrow started, grunting before he yanked the chain hard and forced Vanity's soul from her being. She shuddered for a moment and then lay dead against the cold hard ground. "...is finished." Those violet eyes turned to glance over the darkened landscape, searching amid jagged rocks for his quarry. 


Hatred could not have gotten far. Well... at least that is what Ceata hoped. The sooner all the other creatures were rid of, the better. It'd give them more of a fighting chance if it was just Sorrow and Adonis. Not much of a chance, but it was one that they had to cling to, for all hope would be lost. Already many were dead and many more were huddling in fear.


Ah, but Ceata could not have been more wrong. The less there were, the worse it was, for then the two strongest remaining would tear the world apart in their battle...Not to mention those they loved. Yoren was already dead, so there was nothing to hold Adonis back. Likewise, Stannis did not have the strength to subdue his brother. The two would end up clashing in what was to be the worst Gods' battle in a millennia. Would Death be able to pick up the pieces? Or would he or Life fall victim to the two Gods and their insatiable hatred of one another? At this point, it was hard to say...


"Come out, come out, where ever you are..." Sorrow says softly, swinging a chain from his hand as the clinking links slowly form at the command of his fingertips. His eyes search the darkness, suddenly stopping. "There you are." A chain leashes out and Hatred jumps from the shadows, sending a cloud of blades towards Sorrow that is easily knocked away. 


While Ceata was naive to the current situation, Life knew exactly what would happen. The pale goddess peered out with one eye, watching Sorrow angrily as the god padded along, going forth to capture Hatred and get rid of him as well. Once he was gone, Sorrow could focus on Adonis and that... that was a terrifying thought. Life shivered, clutching at Lazarus as spasms rolled up her spine. Would she have the strength to deal with them? Or would she be too helpless to stop it. No good thinking on it now. She would have to act when the time came and if she failed.... gods, too horrible to think on.


Luckily for her, she had one God ally who could do something...


As Sorrow reared back his chain to strike Hatred squarely in the back, thereby ripping out his soul to devour, he caught a blur of blue in the corner of his eye. At the last second, he turned and caught his chain on the edge of Stannis' sword, the other using ice and wind to knock him back to the ground. "HYAAAAGGH!!" Stannis cried, trying to bring down his sword on his brother to kill him. Sorrow was quickly though.


His chains wrapped around Stannis' throat and, with a cry of surprise, threw him back a good twenty feet so that Sorrow might stand again. Stannis would not be deterred, landing as gracefully as he could before sending a wave of ice at Sorrow. "Damn you, brother...always making my life so hard," Sorrow growled as the gargantuan wave of ice came at him, nearly fifty feet tall and heavy enough to crush a man. Sorrow just smiled and launched himself into the air, disappearing into shadow as the sky seemed to open up and a cold moonlight gleamed down. The wall of ice hit hard against the rocks, crashing through them as a glacier falling from a great height.


Stannis panted, looking around as he knew that Sorrow had escaped that blow. But where was he now? The answer came with the sound of clinking chains as Stannis snapped his head up, beholding his brother standing on one of the high jutting rocks, completely unaffected by the attack. 


Life stood slowly, shakily leaning against Lazarus as the big male knelt in perpetration to bound away at the earliest sign of attack their way. She growled softly, watching Sorrow's movements with her pale eyes. Every motion was seen and nearly felt as he twisted and moved through the air. He was a darkness, his sibling a duller, more bluish smear as he moved about. They were flickering about so fast at times her eyes could not see, but she could feel the motions. Stannis was going to get himself killed at this rate...


"Father!!" Falcon cried out, trying to press forward to aid Stannis. Farryn quickly grasped his arm, keeping the boy from running into the fray. It would do no good to have them both die a terrible death at Sorrow's hands. "Let go!! My father needs me!!"


"Leave it be, Falcon! He knows what he's getting into!" Farryn cried to the struggling youth, who seemed not to realize the danger in this. Falcon merely whipped around and glared at his father's cousin, anger in his eyes.


"How can you say that?! My father is an idiot to think he could take on that monster alone! He just killed five Gods!" Farryn could only sigh as he looked to the boy with his gleaming grey eyes. He knew just how Falcon felt...but, then again, he knew far more about this situation than anyone here, even Lady Life.


"Sorrow would never kill your father...if he does, he loses his connection to you." Falcon's gaze was all the more wrought with confusion as Farryn bit his lip and then pushed the boy aside, calling out to Stannis. "STANNIS! Can you hold him for a while?!!" Farryn cried over the barren field of rocks, now cracked from the immense powers colliding upon it. Stannis stopped a moment in his glaring at Sorrow, his blue eyes flickering towards Farryn.


"...Go...Go get it!!" Stannis cried, his voice cut off when chains came flying through the air, striking the ground so close that Stannis was almost knocked off his feet. He jumped away, skidding on the ground before meeting those gleaming purple eyes.


"What are you planning, Regret? Do you think you can somehow win? Even if I do need your direct blood link if I am ever to use Falcon as my emergency body, I can still rip off every one of your limbs and leave you a sad stump of a human being....You're already experiencing what I've done to your leg. It would not take much to do that to the rest of you." 


The feeling of weakness was angering. Life watched the two darkly, her features stormy and contorted till she was near snarling. Her body still ached enough that she was sure to change into her other form would hurt her even more. Besides, Sorrow knew one of the names of that body, what if he knew the names of this one as well though.... not a good thing, no. She clenched her hands, peering down at Ceata with sudden interest. That was a dangerous train of thought though.... Lazarus was the only one that she'd ever done that with. Besides... keep the weapons hid till the perfect moment was a much better option.


Farryn was off like a shot, knowing very well that every second was another that the man he loved was in great peril. He rushed up the stairs, passing Kite as he went. She latched onto him, snarling in her rage. "What is going on?!" The desperation was evident in her voice, but Farryn could not dawdle.


"Watch him, alright? I'll be right back!" He quickly severed the hold she had upon him before darting into the castle and towards his rooms. He had been hiding this item for so long...It was the last that he could have found, especially since Liam was now quite dead. To use it was a grave sin, but they had very little choice now. The hard part would be using the charm on Sorrow, as the God was too fast for even Stannis to catch. 


There were ways. But would they think of them? Ceata watched with wide eyes, silently wondering if he would ever see Urius again or if the only thing left of his lover was his appearance. Already Ceata was falling into a sort of numb despair, unable to tear his eyes from the form of the one he had loved since he was a tiny child. That man was a beast.


What was it that Urius once said? In the night, with Ceata pressed against him, he had called himself a monster. Indeed, he seemed a monster now, but there had to be a man hidden behind those cruel violet eyes. A kind man...one that wiped away his tears and held him close, who loved him body and soul - where did that man go? Had he died like Rowan? Did Sorrow consume him? Those fallen shriveled hands seemed to be all that was left of his Urius....


....or was it?


"HYAAA!!!" Stannis cried, sending down his sword to try and cut Sorrow in twain, but his brother was far too fast and evaded with a snap of his whip. Stannis was sent flying, the chain hitting so hard that it broke his armor and his clothing, leaving a bloody red imprint on his back before he went skidding over the broken shale. It cut him up considerably, but his body that was still an Angel's quickly healed his wounds. He stood and growled at his brother, his black hair falling down over his shoulders as the wind caught it up in a whip of dark ebony. Sorrow merely smiled at him, his chains coiling at his feet. 'Farryn, you better hurry...'


Farryn was rushing through his room, pulling open his trunk as his mind raced. He flung his clothes out of the way, digging deep into the trunk until he felt the trap door under his numb fingers. Everything seemed to be taut with fear, making it hard for him to get the hatch open. His fingers fumbled until he got it, pulling out the little cylinder that he had been keeping there for so long. Within it was a God's Spell, one of Liam's terrible creations that had once been used to tie souls to bodies in order to create Engineered Angels. However, this spell had been particularly modified. It was meant to push Gods back into a body, thereby stalling some time for the mortal soul of the host to continue to exist. 


Ceata whined softly, eyes intent on Sorrow, watching him like a hawk. There must be something left of Urius.  He would not simply go down without a fight. Though numb still, and aching, there was a tiny shred of hope left in his body.  A small hand touched him and Ceata left Life lean upon him as well. She was mumbling something to herself, thick death tongue. Lazarus murmured something back and Life shook her head.


Farryn rushed out as quickly as he could, finding Stannis deadlocked with Sorrow's chains around his sword. He was trying hard to wrest himself free, but the chains kept wrapping around his body to the point where he could hardly move. Sorrow smiled coldly, his eyes flashing violet. The chains at once began to tug, meaning to render Stannis' limbs from his body. The Starc cried out in pain, his muscles and ligaments stretching from the overwhelming force.


"Stannis -!" Farryn gasps, vaulting down the steps to try and reach him. Though getting too close to Sorrow would likely get him killed. Farryn didn't know what to do, clutching the cylinder as he tried to think. Ah, but the panic! It made his brain numb...What could he do?


"GHHN! AAAGGGGGHH!!" Stannis screamed in pain, finally letting go of his sword so that he might force his hand into Sorrow's face. Sorrow had just enough time to widen his eyes before a blast of ice and snow sent him careening back into an un-crumbled portion of the castle wall. He hit with a great deal of force, relinquishing his hold on Stannis so that he might fall to the ground. He gasped for breath, one arm hanging limply because of a broken bone. Stars danced before his eyes because of the lack of oxygen he had received over the passed few minutes. 


What was Farryn doing? Ceata rolled his head to look back and watch Farryn with interest. He was doing something, there was something held close in his hands as if shielding it carefully so as not to break it. What was that thing...  Life seemed to notice as well, glancing at it as pale eyes widened sharply and a little squeak of delight escaped her throat.


Stannis could barely stand, feeling dizzy from having lost so much air. Still, he glanced over and saw Farryn there, his frightened expression saying it all. Stannis looked down to see his left arm hanging limply. He would not be using his sword again for this battle.


"Stannis!! He's getting back up!!" Kite yelled as she rushed forward, seeing Sorrow pull himself from the rubble as he wiped off his skin. He looked down at all the little cuts he had sustained, seeing that his own shoulder was out of joint.


With a slow cruel smile, Sorrow snapped his arm back into place with a sickening crack. It made Ceata wince as Sorrow's eyes glimmered with pleasure from the pain. "Damn it..." Farryn breathed, looking back towards Life who was now staring at the cylinder like a fascinated child. Their eyes met a moment and Life smiled. "Please, we have to get this on him...It will stop Sorrow and Urius will come back, if only temporarily."


"What?!" Roaden gasped, standing nearby as he snapped his head towards Farryn with those words. "W-what did you say?"


Farryn bit his lip and then opened the cylinder, holding there their last hope for saving Urius. It was the charm that Rowen remembers quite well...A God's Spell. "I know I'm not strong enough to do it - none of us are. But if we can somehow distract Sorrow...hold him down....we can bring Urius back."


Listening, Ceata glanced at Life with wide eyes. There was more hope now, with that charm. He did not know where it had come from, or the history behind it, but Life had a look of relief on her face as she looked upon it. Lazarus was silent, ready to do anything his lady asked of him. And she would be asking of him and Ceata. "You two... you need to help me distract him." Life whispered softly, "he must be brought down long enough to get that thing on him.... if we don't, we're fucked." The two shadowshifters nodded, shivering some as they stood and readied to help.  First came first. Get Stannis out of the way.


Sorrow shook his head free of debris as he stood, feeling all the pain of the attack working its way up his limbs. He likely fractured a rib or broke a bone somewhere, but his shadows simply work internally to fix any damage sustained. He will drive Urius' body into the ground, if he must. After all, through Stannis, he has a perfectly new body waiting...Falcon.


At the moment, Falcon is looking to his father's cousin sternly, seeing the charm in his hand and feeling at once the need to help his father. Eos steps up beside him, able to read his lover's mind by his expression. Those ice blue eyes turn to look at the beautiful youth, almost pleading with their gaze. "Eos...we have to protect my father. Do I have your permission?" Falcon asks dutifully, knowing that he will step back if Eos thinks it is too dangerous. 


"Let's get him out, lover." Eos replied softly and smiled up at Falcon. He was not going in alone. They would go together or they would not go at all and that was that. Life motioned to Ceata and Lazarus and in an instant the two were going for Sorrow, keeping his mind on them and not on Stannis or anyone else. That would give the others ample time to grab Stannis so that Life could move in and more affectively cripple Sorrow.


It was not as easy as it seemed. Sorrow could only smirk at the pathetic attempts of the Shadowshifters. Chains rose from the ground and effectively held them down as they wrapped around arms and legs. The solid steel was hard to break, leaving both Lazarus and Ceata to flail. "Well, now...what is it we're planning here?" Sorrow asks, looking to the two now squirming in his chains like a couple of caught flies. His eyes flicker to Ceata, their gleaming making the other flinch. "My, my, Ceata...do you dislike me so much?"


Ceata glowered at him weakly. No he did not... but he wanted Urius, not this creature that hid inside his body, talked with his voice. The young male struggled violently, straining and gasping wordlessly as he fought to escape the chains. They cut into him, rubbing the skin they contacted with raw as the pale male fought against them like a wriggling fish. "Don't want you! Want Urius!" He snarled and choked on a sob.


"I'm afraid Urius isn't coming back...I'm the best you have," Sorrow replies smooth, his eyes glinting coldly upon the wriggling youth. Life saw her two best fighters caught in Sorrow's web. Already her plan was unraveling, as it looked like no one could get near Sorrow without him capturing them with his chains. This was indeed a dire situation, though it seemed more of a chance to Falcon. He turned to look at Eos and then beyond him to where Jingarther stood. They locked eyes and, at once, Jingarther understood what he was asking. He turned quickly to go and grab Alpheus.


Eos could only stare in confusion at his lover's behavior as Falcon began to remove his heavy armor. "Love...I'm going to need your help."


While Ceata hissed and kept Sorrow amused with his angry noises and squirming, Eos looked up at Falcon with wide eyes. "What can I do for you?" he asked and cocked his head. They had to move fast now, Sorrow's attention would only be held so long. Life did not wish to get close yet; she needed to wait a little longer.


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