untitled: More Worry and A New Baby

Chapter 31: More Worry and A New Baby


Currently, Death has no idea what is coming his way. He is busily making sure things are going well, that things are fortified and keeping a much annoyed Absinthe from trying to kill Rowan for taking Jinevae with him. The godling rants loudly to his lord as Death calmly writes some things down, glancing up every once in a while to smile and glance away. Absinthe paces like a caged tiger, growling and shaking his arms about dramatically. "That bastard! OH I HATE HIM!" Absinthe roared, flushed from his tantrum. He has to rant to someone once in a while and Death currently is the one to make him feel better.


Adonis had done it on purpose, again. He had come to Absinthe that morning and pulled him away from Jinevae, only to make him hard and wanting in the dark corners of the dungeons. Absinthe has moaned his name with witless abandon as Adonis caressed his body and slipped fingers inside to toy with his prostate....Only to stop JUST before orgasm and whisper softly to Absinthe - "Oh, by the way, I'll be taking your little toy soldier with me to Tenshihana...I guess you'll have to find someone else to fuck you rampant in the hay, my darling God-whore." It was hell!!!! He had smirked so evilly as he left Absinthe there with a raging hard-on and the understanding that none of his desires to be dominated could be quelled until Adonis came back. It was a nightmare...


One that had the godling frustrated and had his powers spiking, something that Adonis had not considered. Death is gently keeping them at bay, for Absinthe is literally radiating so much violent power that if Adonis had been there, he would have been bowled over by it. Death nods gently, smiling some with pleasure. Perhaps Rowan did have his use, if he could make Absinthe's powers flare like this, making it easier for Absinthe to draw them out. "Yes, yes... I know he's being mean... but you must not allow him to win, Absinthe. You must be strong."


That was easy for Death to say. Even if Absinthe wanted to be strong, just being around Adonis made him feel weak. He craved that sensation of being owned and possessed, not understanding WHY it should be so appealing!! Since when did he turn into such a masochist that would let some blond shortie rule his heart?! He had fallen and he had fallen hard - so hard he barely noted the dark presence that soon entered Death's realm...and it didn't even come through the gates either! Only one sort of creature could do this - a very powerful God.


Death paused in his writing, blinking in surprise. What was a God doing here in his home? He frowned some and shushed Absinthe with a wave of his hand. The young male was about to say something else when he snapped his mouth shut and glanced at his lord in surprise.


There was a dark cloud hovering behind Death and it soon formed eyes and then lips and then a nose, and long black hair. Luscious large breasts were soon revealed with black cloth clinging to them. The Goddess smiled upon Absinthe as she materialized behind Death, looking down upon the other's crown of red hair with a smirk. "Well, if it isn't dear Death...And here I thought you would have noticed me sooner. Your annoying little Godling must have distracted you."


Death glanced back at her with round, dark eyes. He flushed some, coughing. "Ah... well, yes, forgive me for not noticing you sooner, my lady." He replied as Absinthe stared with interest, completely forgetting his own annoyances.


"My...you're not in your cute form anymore. I'm sad. And here I was hoping to make you cum all over yourself," Chaos sighed as she stepped out of the darkness and smiled upon Death. The other blushed, remembering his time as Life when he woke up with a very sore pussy from all of Chaos' licking. That was at least three thousand years ago, though. He's been careful about turning into Life around her ever since. "It's been so long, though...I've missed you."


"Well, if you ask nicely, I might change back... but only if you ask nicely." The immortal was blushing darkly, glancing almost sheepishly at Chaos. Oh my, yes he did remember that very well! She had taken full advantage of that all too eager form. "What brings you here, Chaos?" He asked softly, hands resting in his lap, head cocked slightly.


"You should know already...well, at least I'm hoping you do," Chaos replies as she moves towards Absinthe, looking him over with those deep crimson eyes. It makes Absinthe shudder, for those eyes are the same depth and color as Adonis' eyes. Their wickedness is more sensual though, as Chaos does still have her heart. "It's a problem you've been dealing with now for a while...and my colleague and I have come, with the backing of the rest of the Gods, to help you be rid of it." As she says that, little Amari pops up out of the shadows, smiling sweetly.


"The blond, yes?" Death replies, raising a brow and glancing at her with a slight wry smile. Absinthe backs away from her, eyes locked with hers, a shivering running up his spine. He licks his lips sheepishly, wanting to hide.


Chaos brushes a hair from her face and smirks, looking to Death with her deep crimson eyes. "Fate and the other Gods want him dead. At last, they realize that this life - one of many that he's had, mind you - may spark his rebirth into the realm of the Gods. We cannot allow this...A heartless God will destroy us, especially with his powers."


The immortal nodded slowly, tapping his nail against his full lips with a tight frown. "Hmmn... I thought we were dealing with something dangerous, but nothing THAT dangerous." He growled softly and glanced up at her. "There is another, purple eyes and brings with him a deep feeling of fear and sorrow."


 Chaos' face becomes stricken with horror, no longer this gorgeous image of a powerful woman with a beautiful body. No, she looks absolutely terrified now as she stares at Death. "W-what did you say?" she stammers, even Amari looking rather confused. He only has lived long enough to see Adonis in action, never has he heard of this purple-eyed monster.


"Purple eyed," Death nodded, "He brings with him fear and cold aching sorrow." The immortal smiled coldly, his eyes dark and unhappy. "He seems.... familiar almost."


 "Dear Gods......he's back," Chaos whispers as she looks to Death with sudden fear and then turns away. "We all know him, my Lord. No one is beyond his reach...Adonis.........Adonis is mild by comparison...Dear Gods." Chaos seems much shaken by this news, having not even felt Sorrow's presence in the least. Absinthe seems to stiffen from the conversation, having known both the heat of Adonis' torment and the cold depths of Sorrow. What could this mean for him?


Caught between the two, it could not possibly be good. "Ceata and Absinthe have mated to the two..." Death glanced knowingly at Absinthe, making him flush darkly and glower for even mentioning that. "Ceata before Urius started showing any signs of that... thing and Absinthe... well, when one is always looking for trouble, trouble gets them."


"Oh, we Gods all know of his folly...but.......They're both in trouble, Lord Death. Even I do not presume to know what my brother's intentions are, but I know that he wants to become a God again. You see, there was a treason a long time ago among thirteen of the Gods who saw over Human emotions. Several were sentenced to exist as mortals throughout eternity, trapped in Human bodies...However, somehow, a few of them managed to survive and regain their powers slowly over time. They seek to become Gods again and destroy those that have put them in their frail mortal forms...Namely, US, Lord Death," Chaos says as she puts a hand gently against her chest. "However, the thought that such an ancient evil has reared its head again....I do not know if I can destroy it this time around." Death quirks a brow. This time around?


 "....How many times has this been going on, Chaos?" He asked softly, gazing at her with a heavy frown. Absinthe did not like this conversation more and more as it went along. Death had been young back then, long, long ago. He did not remember fully what had gone on among all the gods, for there were a great, great many.


Chaos is quiet at first and then looks away, her eyes glistening. "Even I have lost count of how many times....However, every time there is a tragedy I must help bring to fruition, he and my brother are always there...Even as mortals, they cannot deny their Godly duties nor their hatred of each other. They are relentless." She looks away and sighs, running a hand through her long black hair.


"I see.... and what would happen should they mate?" Death had a serious frown on his face, chewing his lip thoughtfully. "Will they have to be killed? Or will there be some other way to destroy them?"


 "Even I can't tell you that, Lord Death...I don't believe there has ever been a lover, though, that has survived them," Chaos says as she glances towards Absinthe. He looks absolutely terrified, his eyes having gone wide now. Oh, Gods, what has he done!! He has signed his own death warrant by falling in love....and with a heartless monster, no less.


Absinthe made a little strangled noise and glanced aside. Adonis kept saying he had a use though... just what that was, he did not know. Was he going to die? Absinthe did not want to die! Death sighed and shook his head in distress. "Lovely..."


"I see we've made it quite late..." Amari says as he looks to poor Absinthe, the terror on his face obvious. "I can already sense Adonis' taint inside him." Absinthe's eyes snap to the young boy that is staring at him with those clear blue eyes. What was that? Taint, yes! He remembers Sorrow saying something about it...something about a taint...but what is so important about the taint?!


"What the fuck do you mean!?" Absinthe snapped, voice stained, expression one of tense displeasure and terror. Death glanced at him, frowning. Taint...? He had not noticed that, too wrapped up in other things.


"It means you are the vessel for the next Adonis," Amari says with a bit of fear, afraid that Absinthe is going to hurt him or something. He hides near Chaos, staring up at Absinthe with his big blue eyes. "By all rights, we should have every reason to kill you here right now, but....." Amari looks up at Chaos, his eyes sad. "You can't kill another God....he's our kin."


"He may be our kin, but he has Adonis' taint...We can't let Adonis come into the world again. The whole purpose of this mission was to find the one tainted and destroy them, at least preventing Adonis from coming back in the next life," Chaos says to Amari, not even caring that Absinthe is RIGHT THERE, listening.


Absinthe gave her one look and the next moment she was knocked back into Death's lap, the godling already turning and looking for a way out of the room, eyes wide and panicked and filled with... rage. "You touch me and I'll kill you!" Absinthe snarled, grabbing a butter knife off the plate that held little muffins for snacks, banishing it before him defensively.


"Damn...I never thought he'd be that vicious..." Chaos says as she quickly gets up off Death's lap, for she has no interest in him unless he has a nice soft pussy and a pair of boobs. She brushes herself off and glares at Absinthe, looking to him as someone looks with pity upon a wild animal. 


Absinthe hissed savagely at her, glowering, but not running. Death frowned. "You cannot kill my kin, Chaos, even if he is tainted. I will not allow it." Death glanced up at her with a pleading look in his eye. "Absinthe does not deserve to die..."


"Then he must be quarantined...If he is allowed to birth, he will produce the vessel for Adonis' next body...Adonis has found ways to evade us by having several lovers pregnant at once, thus allowing his line to continue. I know it's cruel, My Lord Death, but...the alternative is too terrible to even imagine. I will also need to inspect this Ceata. Amari will be able to tell if it's too late for him as well," Chaos says as she looks back towards the Lord of Death, a bit of regret in her lovely red eyes. 


"What do you mean by that?" Absinthe grumbled, watching her warily. His expression was one of distress, looking as if he would get out of line again and hurt her if she showed any sign of threat. Death sighed and stood. "I shall call him in then." He replied, already mentally calling out for him.


"You don't seem to understand, Absinthe...Think of yourself as an egg. There is something precious inside you. When it is born, from that egg will grow the next vessel for malice and hatred that we know as Adonis...or, rather, should be known as Torment. My dear boy...if we don't do something, you will get down on all fours and beg to be raped until you conceive, do you understand?" Chaos says as she looks to Absinthe. The other is trembling in abject horror. He can't believe...no.....He can. He can believe that Adonis would do this to him.....because Adonis is heartless.


Absinthe bit his lip and was completely silent, feeling his heart hurting worse than ever. He will never get to lay with Jinevae again... Nor any other man for that matter and that just angers him.  There came a knock on the door and Ceata entered cautiously, peering at the strangers with a slight frown. "Yes?"


Amari stared at him, his blue eyes piercing Ceata from the instant he walked into the room. Amari blinked and then smiled. "No....There is no touch of Sorrow in him.........Although...um..." Amari blushed and turned to look at Chaos, pulling her down to whisper in her ear.


"Oh? Ah, I see...." Chaos turns to Death, completely ignoring Ceata as he steps into the room and shuts the door behind him. "Amari needs him to turn around and pull down his pants."


Death gave her a look and grinned, glancing at Ceata. "Hey, boy, tug down your pants and show them your bum, Ceata." The young male gave him an odd look and shrugged, turning and tugging down his tight leathers. "Now what?" He asked with a frown. "Want me to shake it a little?"


"N-no!" Amari stammered, walking over and then lifting up Ceata's shirt a little to see the brand there right before his buttocks. He stared at it, his eyes clear and bright. "It's a seal........to prevent Sorrow's taint from getting in."


Absinthe glanced over curiously. The brand? How strange... he had just thought it was another act of Adonis' cruelty. Ceata glanced over his shoulder. "Oh? That thing...?"  He frowned and realized they were talking about Sorrow. "What taint? What the hell are you all going on about?"


Chaos looks to Death, not even dignifying the youth with an answer. "This is good news. That means the only one we have to kill is Urius. And soon...We can't let him mature any faster. If he becomes the monster inside him, there is no telling how this war will end up. Likely everyone involved will die."


There was silence for a moment and than Ceata gave a loud cry of outrage and dismay. "Wait, wait, wait!? What do you mean 'kill Urius'!? That is my MATE you are talking about!"


Chaos yet again ignores him, looking to Death with those crimson eyes. "Exactly where did Adonis and Urius go to?"


"To deal with a matter concerning Rowan's brother Yoren... my hands were tied on keeping them here. I really do not want them to know how much I knew... and now I know more." Death sighed and rubbed his temple with a frown. "I fear he's up to something."


"Fear he's up to something? My good Lord, we are beyond the matter of FEAR...the fact is, he is up to something. However, if you tip him off now, there could be more than a few young lives hanging in the balance. I've noticed you're keeping that man Stannis here...Tell me, where is the younger sister? Is she still in Tenshihana?"


"Yes, I believe so." Death replied and nodded some. He tapped his chin, glancing at Absinthe and Ceata, both upset, both showing signs of being far too stressed. He would need to keep Chaos from killing Urius... Adonis, better off dead.  Death glanced back at Chaos. "Why do you ask?"


"Both Stannis and Urielle have a chance of carrying on Sorrow's seed if he dies...They will also have to go," Chaos says with complete unfeeling callousness. She is willing to just kill anyone to get rid of both Sorrow and Adonis, making Death wonder just what her motives are. Surely, this can't all be business.


"Sounds as if... you have a grudge, Chaos..." Death muses softly, raising a brow at her. He stands up, slipping into a more... pleasing form to the other woman. He swims in his robes and than he is smaller and female before the other, cocking her head. She is not yet Life, but close enough to please the other and tempt her. "Perhaps we should talk about this privately? You are scaring the children."


Chaos isn't stupid, however, and smirks. "I think you're trying to coax me into a trap, my dear...However nice it would be to suck your cunt until you're giving dry orgasms, I'm afraid I have only one interest here...I want Adonis and Sorrow completely obliterated, as well as the rest of their little followers. If you're going to help, that's wonderful...but if you resist, I have the higher Gods on MY side. I don't think they will think too kindly of you for harboring these monsters...Delectable pussy or no." She smirks.


Death smiles serenely upon her, cocking her head. "And what if I can figure out a better way to get rid of them?" She asked, arms folded over her bosom, hip cocked.  "Don't you think it would be better not to kill innocence’s and emotionally scar the heir of the Shadowshifter King as well as Absinthe?"


"I think you are forgetting my name, Death...I am Chaos. This is what I do for a living. However, I suppose avoiding killing everyone could be to my benefit...but, if this doesn't work, it will be on your head and YOU will be responsible for preventing the next generation of Adonises and Sorrows from spawning, do you hear me? It will be YOUR responsibility and God will hold you to it," Chaos says as she tips up Death's lovely chin. Oh, she could just pounce that so hard and make Death moan and squeal and whimper and beg so cutely for her to stop....Damn it! She's worse than a man sometimes...


Death beamed. "Of course. it would have been my duty anyway since they have entrenched themselves so deeply into my own life... however, I have serious misgivings. You realize THAT day is coming up, yes?" She gave Chaos 'the look' and rubbed her lower belly. The night when she would be capable to breed was on the full moon and she would have to turn to Life whether she wanted to or not, on that night. "They know of my other side, and if they know of that, would they not know what comes with it?"


"The one you should be worried about is Sorrow," Amari says as he looks to Death. The beautiful female God looks over to Amari, quirking a brow at the cute little thing. He just returns the gaze with those clear blue eyes. "Adonis has already chosen his mate, likely because he realizes your bloodline is too powerful for him. Sorrow, however, is as ancient as you are. With Death came Sorrow, isn't that true? Thus, it is Sorrow you will have to worry about..."


 The immortal nodded, chewing her lip with a frown. "I shall watch myself then, thank you for the warning." She smiled some, glancing at Absinthe and Ceata. They were calming down now, relaxing as Death fought for their futures. "Thank you Chaos, I shall deal with it should it come to it..."


 "You had better...If Sorrow created a vessel with you, he would be unstoppable...Not even the Gods will have a chance against a force like that," Chaos sighs as she looks to the two boys standing there, nervous and scared, but calming. She could really care less about them, far more worried about Life getting pregnant by the one creature that can destroy both God and mortal. 


Death snorted. "You really think I would allow it? I would sooner purge the infant than allow it, Chaos." She smiled smugly, cocking her hip. It was not a choice she wished to make, but it was better than allowing a beast to be born.


"I hope that's the case, dear...I really do. Either way, I want to know exactly where this Rowan has gone to...as well as where his younger brother is," Chaos says sternly as she looks Death up and down, her crimson eyes gleaming. Absinthe shivers from how familiar they are.


"Rowan went to the capital, Yoren is still within the castle." Death replied sighing softly as she glanced at the other with a thoughtful look. "He must go to the courts to get his brother back, or so he says."


 "Wait...the courts? Ah, you mean the Tenshihana courts...that could be a problem, considering he's so far away. Even so, I suppose you had no choice in letting him go, that bastard," Chaos growls as she paces about the room. "Let me see his brother, though. I need to speak with him."


Death nodded. "Follow me, then, Chaos." She smiled and gestured for the taller woman to follow her. She turned then, walking toward the door and leading the other out into the hallway. She knew exactly where Yoren's room was and could easily find it even if it had been moved.


Chaos followed her with a frown as she watched the Death Angels passing them by and staring. Obviously, they were curious about this Goddess that had entered their realm. Chaos didn't seem much to care, intent upon seeing the sacrifice of Adonis. Yes...already, she could tell his overwhelming purity was near.


When they neared the room, Death gently knocked on the door. Gai answered it, peering out at them with wide, curious eyes. "O-oh! My lady, are you here to see Master Yoren?" She asked softly.


"Mmm...I'm always pleased to see you haven't stopped making such darling creations, Death," Chaos said as she leaned in a little to get a look at Gai. "This one is an exquisite specimen."


Gai flushed red, hiding shyly behind the door at the attention from the Goddess. She smiled slightly, eyes glittering with pleasure at the others words. "P-please, come in..."


"I do believe I will," Chaos purred as she gave Gai a come hither look. She stepped gracefully in behind Death, looking around at the modest settings. However, there was no sign of Adonis' sacrifice, causing her to frown a little bit. "Where is your charge, my dear?"


"M-master Yoren? He is in the bath right now, my lady..." She replied softly, squirming under the red eyes of the woman. Death chuckled softly, amused by the way the two were interacting.


"Then do be a dear and go get him for me...or else I might just have to entertain myself with you until he gets here," Chaos purred, tipping up Gai's chin. Oh, she was just her kind of girl! Chaos could imagine her squirming and crying out "noooo!" like a wanton sex kitten once she got her mouth on Gai's delicate parts.


The girl flushed darkly and scurried off, making Death laugh softly. "She would have stayed if not for her duty." She smirked some, winking at Chaos. "She likes the feminine sex... perhaps you can get her alone some night."


"Perhaps I shall get you BOTH alone...God knows I could tire you both out and still have tongue left to give," Chaos purred as she looked at Death with a devilish grin. Death couldn't help but love Chaos - she was as naughty a woman as they come. "Speaking of that, I wanted to see Durga at least once before I leave...she's such a gorgeous woman. It would be sad if I didn't get to see her at least once in a while. That bastard Adharma has her locked away all the time...He's so stingy..."


Death laughed loudly, holding her belly as the other talked of Adharma. "Oh god, don't even get me started on Adharma!" She laughed and patted the others shoulder. Durga would not mind the attention, even if she was horribly picking when it came to lovers.


"He doesn't treat her right...I could have her sitting on a thrown of pillows, spreading her legs and coming ten hundred times more than he does..." Chaos sighs then, brushing away some long black hair. "It's so sad that all the good women in the world go to waste of boorish men."


"Durga is more happy killing someone and fucking her new pet bowlegged lately." Death smirked, glancing at her with a grin on her sweet face. "Her little pet is gorgeous."


"Oooh, really? I'd love to know more...Is it a male or a female? I detest male pets. They get too much pleasure out of it. It's only good if you have to work at making them feel good," Chaos says as she looks at Death with a smirk on her dark red lips. Amari is trying not to listen, blushing profusely as he stands near Absinthe and Ceata - the two having followed along.


"Female. A hell hound she took in battle a while back. I think they're mated by now. She's just mad about her." Death grinned in amusement. "Nasrin is a complete sub and loves to be under Durga's lovely body."


"Oooh! I'm so jealous...that sounds positively wonderful, but hardly as nice as this new girl I just got. She was going to be sold to a brothel when I picked her up...The sweetest little virgin possible. Though she is a human, she is quite limber...and she makes the most adorable sounds - it reminds me of you and that time we played with popsicles," Chaos chuckles, seeing Death actually blush.


The immortal gave her a scolding look, ignoring the nervous titter of amusement from Ceata. Obviously Absinthe was just annoyed that they were talking about something that had nothing to do with his current situation. "O-Oh... Lovely..." Death glanced up as Gai came back. "He'll be out in a moment."


 "Good...now why don't you come over here so I can see you, hmm?" Chaos says with a big grin. Death can only sigh as Chaos is hornier than any man she's ever known. Get a pretty girl in front of her, and she tends to lose sight of things. Amari seems to realize this, trying to speak up about it...but, in the end, he really can't stop her and gives up.


Gai comes over shyly, unable to refuse the orders of a god or goddess if they do not contradict her own mistress' orders. Death rolls her eyes in amusement and waits patiently for Yoren to come out.


Chaos smiles as she gets the lovely girl over, caressing her cheek and running a hand down Gai's side as she pulls her flush with her body. Gai blushes profusely as her face almost presses against Chaos' massive breasts. "My, my....you're so cute and soft. And such pretty eyes. I love girls with big glistening eyes..." 


The girl flushed, glancing down with a shy shiver. The soft touch of the other woman's hands had her shuddering in surprise and pleasure. "Thank you, my lady."


"Tell me, when do you have a little free time, my dear?" Chaos purrs as she caressing Gai's side, slipping her hand against the girl's lower back and pressing her close. Oh, she has such a cute little body. It'll be fun to make her squirm and shiver. Already she seems to be blushing and acting coy - just how Chaos likes them. "I simply must let you meet my pet Rulca...I'm sure all three of us could have some fun 'girl time,' hmm?" Oh, yes...Seeing Rulca shuddering against Gai would be a lovely sight indeed.


Gai flushed darkly, glancing up at the other female with wide, dark eyes. "I-I have some in two days time, my lady." She replied softly, shifting to enjoy the heat of the larger body all the more.


"Mmm...I think I'll have to come back and visit you in a few days. I'd like to see what you'd look like laying on some furs with me draped all over you," Chaos says in a sultry voice, flirting shamelessly. Amari is just about ready to run out of the room, blushing so profusely. It's hard for the little one to be living with Chaos when there are so many hot young girls around. Poor Amari...always so tempted. However, he doesn't have to worry for long, as Yoren soon emerges fresh from the shower.


His lovely white-golden hair is still damp and has been brushed back to reveal his pretty face. Eyes of a deep spring green blink when they see Chaos, confusion lightly expressed on his doll-like features. Amari blushes harder at the sight of him - he's as cute as a girl!


"Ah! Yoren, this lady would like to see you." Death beamed at him, gently motioning the young man over. Gai was blushing and squirming, glancing pleadingly up at Chaos to let her go so she could try and cool off.


Chaos sighed, wishing she had more time to molest the lovely Gai. She doesn't let her go right away, moving to hold her still close to her side as Chaos' hand slips down against Gai's buttocks and cups beneath it to make those lovely thighs snap together and Gai to give a little squeak. "Well, well...he certainly does look like my brother," Chaos says as she glares down at Yoren. The boy seems a bit alarmed that this tall and dark woman would be staring at him so. He glances to Death, almost wishing he could closely press to him just as Gai is doing to Chaos. Of course, Chaos' sneaky hand is rubbing up against Gai's sensitive spot from behind...Perhaps Yoren wouldn't want to be trying to hold in his whimpers like Gai is.


Death allows the other to huddled close, an arm about his shoulders. "Don't worry, she's not going to eat you." She cooed softly, amused by Gai's blushing face and the small squirming she is doing. Chaos is so very devious!


"No, dear...not yet," Chaos said with a frowning face, despite the fact that her finger was wiggling between Gai's clamped thighs so that Gai's folds bunched around it through her clothing. "However, I would like to you to speak with Mr. Amari here. There are some questions he needs to ask you...as well as a small procedure. Unfortunately, it won't hurt a bit." Yoren looks even more befuddled now, seeming all the more hesitant as Chaos really is frightening! 


"Go on, Yoren, it's going to be fine." Death pet his hair and gave him a gentle, affection little squeeze. She gave the other a tiny shove toward Amari and smiled. "Just be calm Yoren." Gai looked near to fainting.


"Y-yes..." Yoren said softly as he walked up to Amari. The two were about the same height, both of them with pretty young faces. Amari seemed to be blushing profusely at the sight of Yoren, however. One had to admit, Yoren was rather cute.


"Um...Could you state your whole name, please?" Amari asks, still rather transfixed on the other's sweet face.


"Yoren Amalric Valen," Yoren replies sweetly, his shy gaze glancing up at Amari. Amari has a hard time concentrating on his job, because Yoren is so cute.


"Get on with it now, Amari...I don't have all day," Chaos purred as her finger slipped a little more, feeling how wet Gai's panties were getting from all her massaging. Gai looked just about ready to fall over, twitching and trying not to cry out.


Death watched, amused still by the teasing that Chaos was giving to little Gai. The girl deserved it, being so busy all the time was not healthy for a body and this teasing was going to make her want more. Yes, she would certainly have time to rest.


"Y-yes...right," Amari stammers out as he turns back to Yoren, trying to force himself to see with his second sight. Yoren just looks at him, those molten green eyes so warm and lovely. His lips part gently, as if in question...or invitation. Before Amari knows it', he's spacing out again.


"Damn it, Amari!! Stop wasting time and get on with it!!!" Chaos snarls, finally letting go of the quivering Gai to go stomp over there and smack Amari over the head. The boy yelps and winces, trying to hide from her swinging fists. 


Death laughs, amused as the woman marches over like the wrath of god to deal with her charge's distraction. She grins, glancing at Gai as the girl shivers and mewls.


As Chaos chastises Amari severely, Yoren looks over towards Death with light confusion in his gaze. He can't understand why Death, the person he loves so much, would have these strange people looking at him. Though Yoren trusts Death with his safety, he's not beyond questioning his motives. "Um...M-My Lady?" he asks softly, staring at Death.


"Yes?" She answered, cocking her head at him with a slight smirk on her face. The boy looked so confused; of course he had every right to be confused, considering what was going on.


"What is the meaning of this, may I ask? I...I did not know I was being investigated," Yoren says calmly as he stares at Death with his sweet green eyes. Every time Death sees him, she is reminded of how different he is from his brother...or, perhaps, similar. Was Rowan ever like this once? Did his eyes glisten with nothing but kind thoughts and gentleness? Perhaps that was why Urius was turning into a monster for him...Either way, Yoren deserved an answer for all this craziness.


"This is the Goddess Chaos.... she's looking into something that has to do with your bother." She responded, glancing at him with a gentle smile.


Yoren's brow immediately shot downward. "I thought I already told you...My brother is a good person. He could never be as dark as you say he is," Yoren says defensively, remembering their conversation from before. It makes Death sigh, wondering how Yoren can so adamantly defend the person that is torturing everyone else. Perhaps Yoren has just been shielded from it. He is, after all, not allowed to leave his rooms unless his brother gives him permission.


"Yes, I know sweetie, now be a good boy. This is more about you than your brother." She sighed and rubbed her temples. "Please? If not, Chaos WILL find out even if you don't want her to."


"...Then let her find another way. I'm not going to damn my brother, My Lady....I thought you already knew that." Yoren's expression could break hearts as he looks so betrayed, his green eyes looking away from Death with the first real feelings of doubt for the person he loves. Death instantly feels guilty, knowing how much it must hurt the innocent Yoren to hear all these despairing things about his brother, the only family he's ever known.


Death gently tipped his head up, brows furrowed. "Please Yoren..." She whispered, "They need to make sure whether or not your brother is good or not. It's a matter of great importance and if we do not know, you very well may be in danger."


Yoren looked at Death, his eyes showing perhaps even more hurt. "So you would ask me to trade my brother for my safety? ...My Lady....I don't believe you know what family really is. It's something you would sacrifice anything for, even your life." Yoren's words, so simply spoken, were rather striking. However, they would have touched Death more if it didn't mean that Yoren and all the rest of them could be caught up in some unspeakable hell. Death had her own family to protect and that's exactly what she was doing. Hopefully it'll calm down.


The immortal's eyes hardened. "And you do not know your brother as well as you seem to think you do, Yoren." She replied darkly, flinching away from him. There were signs of hurt in her own eyes, but she tried to hide them swiftly, looking to Chaos. "Go ahead."


"Very well then, since Amari can't think passed his cock, I'll do it..." Chaos says with a frown as she steps up to Yoren and looks down at him. The boy seems terrified at first, holding his ground with a glare.


"I won't let you...s-stay away from me." Yoren looks over at Death for a moment, anger flickering in them, before looking back to Chaos and taking a step back.


"I'm not going to hurt you, child, I'm just going to see into your soul..." Chaos sighs, advancing on him. Yoren will hear none of it, stepping back twice more.


"No!" he cries, Chaos growling with impatience.


Death ignores him, angry. She does not offer any soothing presence anymore. Not after Yoren has hurt her feelings. The boy just does not want to hear the truth about his brother (At least about the darker part of him) and thus, has lashed out. Gai watches silently, unable to step in for fear of angering her mistress.


"For the love of the Gods, hold still!!" Chaos commands, grasping the other's arm. Suddenly there is a deafening high-pitched sound, as if the pressure in the room has suddenly and dramatically changed. The windows give a creak and then pop, splattering glass everywhere. Death gives a cry as she grasps to a screaming Gai, Amari, Absinthe, and Ceata ducking as delicate items in the room explode into tiny shards. Chaos is even surprised, her wide red eyes staring as Yoren's gaze gleams an unholy white and the world around them crashes. She instantly lets go, the boy falling back and hitting the ground. As soon as he impacts with the ground, the destruction ceases...It calms and Yoren lays unconscious. Such an overwhelming power....Already, Death can feel the destruction all around the castle as there are cries from the hallway. Yoren shook the grounds to its very core.


"M-my God..." Amari breathed, staring at Yoren's unmoving form. "What was that...?!"


~ ~ ~


Miles away, Rowan flinches a moment as he leans against the carriage window, his eyes flashing red for a second. Then he frowns, his gaze slowly reverting back to green. Urius seems to catch this, looking up at his master with suspicion. "What is it?" Urius asks, wondering what is making Adonis so angry all of a sudden.


"Oh, nothing....someone just touched Yoren, that's all," he replies smoothly, causing Urius' eyes to widen. Adonis only smiles and looks back to the other, seeing Urius' horrified and worried gaze. "Hmm...think you would like to turn around and save him? There's no need...Even if Death knows about his overwhelming powers, it will be too late for him to do anything."


"Adonis...what are you saying?" Urius gasps, suddenly feeling a hand around his throat, tightening. Those red eyes gleam and a slow smile spreads over his face.


"You should know, Urius...After all, the only reason I would ever need to do anything to Yoren is because of what you are." Adonis smiles, seeing Urius' confusion and fear. "Just be quiet now, my dear. The pain won't last much longer now..."




~ ~ ~


At the moment that Yoren's powers ripped through the castle, Lazarus collapsed to his knees in agony. He held his ears, shaking, trembling all over as pain ripped up along his belly and up his body in convulsions. He gasped, catching the side of the table, sliding down to lay on his side. The pressure growing in his gut caused more convulsions, tiny ripples of pain that grew in sharp, throbbing waves of purest agony. He had been sent into contractions.


"Lazarus!! Lazarus, what's wrong?!" Sahenna cried out as he quickly went to his lover's aid, seeing Lazarus trembling there, holding his stomach. He couldn't believe it...What was that overwhelming force that had shook the castle to its very foundations? Lazarus couldn't even think of it, knowing the time was near now. 


"F-fuck... get the h-healer!" Lazarus gasped, clinging to the table, the whole of his belly trembling and aching in pain. He groaned, resting his head against the tabletop. It ached so badly, a red hot seam down the middle of his belly.


Sahenna looked terrified, but he quickly ran do the door and screamed for a guard to go get the doctor. The man ran quickly down the hall as Sahenna returned to Lazarus, trying to get him to move over towards the bed nearby. "H-hold on, love...help is on the way..." Sahenna says as he tries to get Lazarus to lay down, the other's knees almost giving out when another painful contraction passes.


Lazarus was already tugging his shirt off. He was in too much pain to get off the pants. So what if they got soaked in blood, the whole bed was going to anyway. He shuddered, glancing at Sahenna with a feverish gaze.


Sahenna was trying desperately to help the other get his pants off, his hands trembling as the young man was so scared. He had never been present for a birth before, worried beyond all reason that his beloved would somehow die during the process. He couldn't even begin to fathom the sorrow he would feel then, pulling off Lazarus' clothes and trying to make him comfortable. "I-is there anything I can do to help? Do you want me to go and get A-akita or Rowen?


Lazarus nodded slowly, feeling dizzy. There was a red, achy line down his belly, which was already starting to seep blood onto the sheets. His dark eyes glanced up at Sahenna and he managed a tiny, reassuring smile. "Please... "


Sahenna looked more than terrified, looking down at the other's stomach with a wide gaze. Still, he was able to tear himself away long enough to scream yet again down the hall for someone to get Rowen and Akita. He didn't have to wait long, as Rowen was already on his way - having felt Lazarus' distress after the shockwave. He was the first to get there, seeing Lazarus's belly covered in blood as the red line began to thicken. 


Rowen came in with wide eyes, rushing over to Lazarus. "Sahenna, grab hot water and some towels please, doesn't matter if they're the good ones or not, just grab them." He ordered, caressing Lazarus gently to help him through the contractions, soft, pained grunts leaving the shadowshifter.  Akita came soon after, silently helping Sahenna with the water and the towels.


Sahenna felt himself quivering all over in fear, not knowing what to do. Falcon soon arrived, however, when a guard had gone to find the healer and Falcon happened to be asking for some salves for Eos at the time. The healer arrived with him, going straight for the bedroom. Falcon, however, went to help his poor shaken master. "Are you alright, Sir?" he asks, seeing Sahenna standing there with a basin of hot water and quivering all over. Sahenna is such a delicate person, really, that the thought of losing Lazarus has him shattered utterly.


"F-Falcon....h-he's in labor...t-there's so much blood...wh....what if...he....?" Sahenna can't finish his words, not even wanting to think about it. Tears well up in his eyes and Falcon quickly takes the basin from him.


"Go sit in the other room, Sir. Akita-san, please take this from me," Falcon says as he hands the little one the basin. "I'm going to go find Death. He should be here for this."


Akita nodded and took the water delicately, walking away to place it near Lazarus. Rowan and the healer Phera are busily attending the Shadowshifter king, tending him. Lazarus moaned softly in pain, shuddering.


"I'll be back with Life, hopefully," Falcon said quickly as he gave a curt and respectful bow towards the ailing husband of his master. He then turned quickly to rush down the hallway, not knowing exactly where he might find the God, but he knows he can't be all that far. Falcon hopes that Lazarus will do alright until then.


Death had, by that time, scooped up Yoren and put him in his bed. She was agitated and shifted back into her male form. Dark eyes flicked toward Chaos, already sensing the unease among the people of the castle. "Well... that was interesting."


"...I've never seen that before," Chaos says, all jokes and smirks having long since passed. Death can't help but feel the worry coming from the Goddess as she stares at Yoren. The boy completely wiped himself out, but, in the process, he has caused such destruction throughout the castle that one would think he had the power of a God.


"It's troubling." Death replied bluntly. "The boy appears to have skills not known till now. Adonis could use that... and will, I am sure." The immortal mused softly, caressing the boy's hair.


"Then we have to keep this boy away from him at all costs," Amari says as he looks to Yoren with reverence now. The boy is so strong...Such a tiny body holds an overwhelming power, causing Amari to feel a great well of curiosity as this came to be. After all, there was said to have been born only one God that they knew of - Adonis, the God of Torment. Could there possibly be another? Then again, Yoren did not have the bearings of a God, nor did he seem to be able to control his powers at all. It was more likely he was something else.


"Yes... but that will be... difficult." Death replied softly and then stiffened, growling softly. "I will have to go now, Chaos, my Second is in labor." He rumbled, heading swiftly for the door. He would deal with this later, he had more important matters to deal with.


Already Falcon was turning down the hall, seeing Death making his way in his direction with a swirl of black robes. He immediately knew that the other was aware of the situation and waited to jog along beside him. "He's already in labor. His body looks about ready to split," Falcon says as he tries to keep up with Death's long stride.


"Ahh... good. Is he having odd pains? Straining muscles? Does anything feel misplaced?" Death asked, glancing at Falcon. "If he wasn't screaming in pain, probably not." The immortal walked along briskly, his eyes glowing, expression troubled.


"He is in a grand amount of pain...Sahenna fears the worst. Should I go find the rest of his children and inform them as well?" Falcon offers as he doesn't know what would be best in this case. He jogs along beside Death, keeping pace with him well enough as they round the corner. Lazarus can be heard crying out in pain and contractions hit again. Sahenna is out in the hall, shaking and looking terrified. Falcon is a welcome sight. 


 "No, they'll know." Death replied and swept past Sahenna with a calming smile. He slipped inside, taking one glance at Lazarus and knew that the blast had set him off. He sighed and hurried to the others side, caressing the others hair gently. "Anything feel out of place, Lazarus?" He asked softly. Lazarus shook his head, though he was teary eyed and aching.


 "I-is he going to be alright?" Sahenna asked in the hallway as he looked to Falcon with his wide red eyes. Falcon couldn't really answer for certain, seeing servants coming quick with new cloths as the bedding had already become wet with blood. "R-rowen...Rowen, is...is this kind of thing normal? I've never seen a birth w-with so much blood..." Sahenna says as he catches Rowen as he is getting another basin of water.


Rowen nodded. "Shadowshifter births are always like this. Bloody and frightening. He is not showing any signs of tearing inside, so he really isn't bleeding all that much." Rowen smiled some, expression tense.  On the bed, Lazarus moaned some and clawed the sheets in agony.


"But...he's in so much pain..." Sahenna says, looking as worried as he possibly could. Rowen can feel for the youth at least, as he's also rather worried about his lover. Even so, the only thing they can do now is trust in Life's strength, as well as Death's.


Death was speaking softly to Lazarus, caressing his sweaty cheeks. The shadowshifters eyes were glazing over as his body was pumped full of chemicals to make the pain numb. He shuddered, groaning and digging his heels into the mattress. The red seam was splitting some, though it was still not ready to open completely.


Sahenna looked ill at the sight of it, having to lean on Falcon quite a bit. Falcon didn't seem in the least bit phased, standing there and holding his master up with an arm around his shoulders. It was understandable that Sahenna would react this way when first witnessing a Shaodwshifter birth. It was quite obvious that the young man had not seen a great amount of battle. He had been a pampered young Prince, kept far away from sorrow by his father, Rowan. Thus, this was all quite overwhelming.


Lazarus gave a guttural snarl and snapped at Death when the immortal poked at the seam. He calmed though, panting and showing his fangs viciously, but made no move to snap again. The immortal ignored him, checking the seam to make sure that it was progressing well. Sometimes it would not open completely and a shadowshifter would bleed to death.


It wasn't long before Ranmaru came rushing in with Akito at his heels, trying to stop him. Falcon caught him first, keeping the boy back. "Stop, you can't go any further." Falcon's sharp words didn't seem to stop the fire Demon at all, for he snarled and snatched his hand away.


"How dare you tell me that I cant!! That's my father in there!" he growls, only getting Falcon's stern glare.


"He's in labor, Ranmaru...I don't suppose you could help him now by being so loud. Stay in this room." Ranmaru growled, but he did as he was told. He didn't want to make his father uncomfortable, despite his worry.


Eos and Varun wandered in soon enough, Varun listening intently to the noises from the other room, expression wide eyed. There was a loud, angry snarl from Lazarus and Death's loud scolding in turn. A slight popping sound and a howl of agony followed, making everyone jump.


Falcon kept a firm grip on his master, Ranmaru, and his lover as he winced. God, that was the most disgusting and hair-raising sound he's ever heard. It's surprising how utterly shocking the birth of a child can be, but the fact that this child was coming from a man made it just that more grotesque. Still, Falcon didn't say a word...even if his eyes did wander over to Eos, wondering if his lover would be the same way. Most likely, yes. "Oh, god...Lazarus..." Sahenna whispered, looking paler than normal.


The loud howl turned into an eerie, snarling wail and Death was yet again heard mumbling something. Lazarus screamed curses at the redheaded man, kicking at Death before going rigid, hissing in pain. The seam had opened more, allowing Death a view of the tiny child cuddled up inside. Deftly, he scooped out the child and cut the cord and began to vigorously clean off the silent child. Rowen was in and holding Lazarus' split belly together.


A few moments later, there came the cries of a babe as Death busied himself with trying to clean off the babe. A little boy, it seemed, with very strong lungs. He was crying and whining as his mother wailed on the bed, pain clearly expressed on Lazarus' face. Falcon held Sahenna back still, knowing the youth was still too jarred to even go in without falling all over himself. Still, Sahenna strained against Falcon's hand when he heard the first cries of his son.


Death came out to them with the little thing in his arms. It was trying to greedily nip at Death's fingers, straining to get blood. However, he had to meet daddy first and then he could drink. The child's hair was striped with black, his skin pale and eyes wide with blue rings. "Sahenna, here's your son." Death smiled and extended the child out to the other.


Sahenna trembled as he reached out and took the babe in his hands. The child was squirming and making squealing whimpering noises. Sahenna could not believe how small he was, how fragile. Gently, he pulled the infant against his chest, tears welling his eyes. His son was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. Still, there was yet the matter of his mother. "L-Lazarus.....is Lazarus alright?" Sahenna asks, holding his child and wondering if Lazarus has yet seen how marvelous their boy is.


"He's got to recover before we bring the child back in. He can’t feed it until his belly seals properly. He had a little trouble. It was refusing to open all the way and I had to.... help it." The immortal grimaced. "But he's healing up well. You may go in."


"T-thank you..." Sahenna says as he walks in, Falcon stepping in behind him. He glances to the child in Sahenna's arms, thinking how this shall be his master as well, his charge when Sahenna is not around. The babe is squirming and making quiet sniffling sounds now. He is indeed a strange child, a little tuft of black showing in his snowy white wisps of hair.


As soon as Sahenna steps into the room, he is overwhelmed with the smell of blood and the sight of his lover. Rowen walks over and takes the squirming babe from Sahenna's arms so that he might go and see Lazarus. The sight of his open belly is utterly gruesome, making even Falcon look incredibly ill. As Angels, they are certainly not used to this. Still, Sahenna braves through it, bless his heart, and goes to stand beside Lazarus, looking down at him as he smiles through his tears. "...I-It's a boy, Lazarus...we had a baby boy..."


The big, glazed black eyes glanced up at him and Lazarus smiled lazily. "Ahh.... lovely." He rasped, holding his only half healed belly together. The seam was closing slowly, re-knitting and easing the pain that has his whole lower body shaking violently. "Healthy?"


"Y-yes..." Sahenna whispered, a tear rolling down his cheek. He reached out and gently caressed the other's face, leaning down and kissing his lips lovingly, trying to make it stop hurting. "I'm sorry...I-I'm so sorry it hurt this much...my love..." Sahenna moves away, trying to wipe away his tears. His poor lover...all the pain he must have felt! And yet Sahenna was too cowardly even to enter the room. How guilty he feels. 


Lazarus laughed huskily, tipping his head back drunkenly. All of the pain numbing chemicals had hit his system and he was now high as a kite. "Oh no love... it is fine now, perfect." he muttered, thumbing at the slowly sealing wound down his middle. "It always hurts the worst the first time..."


"Oh, Lazarus..." Sahenna says softly, kissing the other's fingers as he takes his one free hand. Rowen holds the squirming babe that whines for food as Death cleans off his hands as much as he can and has all the dirty cloths taken elsewhere so there's no chance of infection. 


Lazarus purrs softly at the sensation, though it is so dulled that he can not feel it very well. His glazed eyes glanced at his child and a louder rumble of pleasure escaped him. "I can feed him now..." Lazarus cooed gently.  Rowen frowned, but came over and gave the child to Lazarus, tending to the nearly healed belly gently.


"How do you mean to feed him, my love? You have no breasts..." Sahenna asks as he watches Lazarus hold their beautiful son. Sahenna cannot get over the fact that they created this amazing being, those little hands fisting and wriggling as Lazarus holds the babe. 


Lazarus takes one of his nails and slices a small section of his neck. The baby seems to perk, nostrils flaring before he has latched eagerly on the wound and is slurping quite noisily. "Shadowshifter babies drink blood when they come from males..." Lazarus yawned and smiled warmly.


Sahenna looked a bit more pale than before at the sight of his beloved feeding their child in such a manner, but he wasn't about to say anything more on it. Instead, he just settled himself in a chair offered to him and watches their infant suckle happily. He would not leave Lazarus' side for the rest of the day or night, knowing that the other was probably going to be in pain for a while.


Lazarus began to doze, the baby cradled up close as he hungrily suckled. Death kept an eye on them awhile before excusing himself to deal with other matters. Rowen smiled gently at Sahenna and knelt by him. "Don't worry... It's a little strange at first, but you'll get used to it."


"I...really do hope so," he says softly as he watches their child, a smile on his face. "I guess I really don't care how he came into the world...but I do care that my son will have a happy and prosperous life." Sahenna reached out and gently pet the babe's back as the child suckled still. Lazarus looked rather exhausted as they pulled as much of the dirty blankets as they could away. Everything was splattered with a bit of blood, even Rowen's clothes.


It had been a messy affair, but now it was over and Lazarus could rest and bond with his tiny son. The child was gorgeous, strong and healthy. Rowen smiled some and gave Sahenna a gentle hug. "It will... the babe may progress faster than an angel child, but it will still be a lovely experience."


"Well...I did grow up as fast as a human, so I suppose my child will have that ability too," Sahenna said with a smile. This made Rowen blink as he had never heard of an Angel child growing up so quickly. Angelic children looked every 10 mortal years to progress even one year. Now that Rowen thought of it, Sahen would only be at least 2 years old by Angelic standards....perhaps he wasn't an Angel at all? "He's so beautiful, Rowen....are all babies this beautiful or just mine?"


"Just yours." Rowen teased gently. The baby grew full and popped off. He lazily stretched out his little legs and arms, licking his lips before looking about curiously. The room was not too bright, so he could look about without too much trouble.


"Are all Shadowshifter babies this delicate when it comes to light?" Sahenna asks as he notes that all the curtains have been drawn. He smiles upon his baby that stares at him with big beautiful eyes. He reaches out and gently pets the child, letting the babe realize the feel of his father.


"Some of them. It's best for them to be born in a warm, dark place. It helps them adjust to the sudden change." Rowen smiled some, gazing affectionately at the tiny child. He cooed, wiggling little toes as he was touched.


"He's so precious...So tiny..." Sahenna whispered as he watched the slow and steady rise and fall of Lazarus' chest. It was amazing to be sitting there and looking upon his family. Sahenna was almost as happy as the day he was betrothed to Lazarus.


"He will be very delicate for the first few days." Akita said by Sahenna's ear, having been watching over the others shoulder. "He must be handled as gently as possible and his little body must be checked over for any deformities or signs of illness."


"But...he looks strong, right? He doesn't look weak at all," Sahenna said as he watched the babe slowly slip into a comfortable sleep - both mother and child exhausted from the strenuous birth. It seemed that neither was out of the forest just yet, as there was plenty that could still go wrong. Still, Sahenna felt that the worst of it was over now.


"Babies are weak at first. Even shadowshifter babies. Just keep a watchful eye on him." Akita smiled. "He's beautiful..." He cocked his head thoughtfully, watching the baby slumbering sweetly.



"Yes...he has his mother's eyes...and that little tuft of black hair," Sahenna said fondly as he stared at his son. The whole family seemed to have gathered around, Varun and Eos standing at the door with Ranmaru, they all looking in. Sahenna gently reached out and caressed Lazarus' cheek, feeling his warm skin.


 Lazarus sighed softly, nuzzling sleepily into his mate's hand before stilling again and sleeping deeper. The man looked so much more relaxed, his belly fully healed and washed of the blood.  Rowen smiled at his sons. "Say hello to your little brother."


Ranmaru was the first to step up, staring at the child created from the person he used to love and his father. The baby was curled up gently against Lazarus' chest and looked so utterly peaceful. Everything seemed right with the world now that his father had finally given birth. The seam was already healing up nicely.


The baby gurgled softly, little bubbles coming from his mouth as he slumbered. His little naked body would have to be diapered soon, no one wanted him to make a mess everywhere. "Isn't he cute, Ranmaru?" Rowen smiled.


"He's so tiny....were we really that tiny?" Ranmaru asks as he glances over at Sahenna, seeing the other's lovely face so filled with adoration for his new family. Ranmaru felt a little jealous, but he didn't say anything. He wanted Sahenna and his father to be happy - both of them deserved it.


"You were smaller actually. The three of you were all very tiny when you were born, though Varun was the biggest." Rowen grinned, making Varun blush. Eos peered at the baby with wide eyes, shivering slightly. Birth had sounded so violent and frightening!


 Falcon comes up behind Eos as he steps into the room after seeing to it that the rest of his master's staff was informed of where Sahenna would be. His hand was warm against Eos' shoulder, reassuring in that way without words. He then slipped passed the other and went to his master's side. Sahenna turned and smiled up at Falcon with gleaming eyes. "Look...Falcon, this is my son. You'll be his teacher one day. Isn't he beautiful?"


To Sahenna's words, Falcon nodded and smiled. "Indeed, he is, Sir."


The baby gave a loud burp, ruining the moment quite splendidly. He went quite again, tiny mewling snores leaving the little body. Eos giggled loudly. "He's silly." The blond grinned.


 "Oi, he's got one black tuft of hair...that's kind of cute," Ranmaru said as he leaned in to look closer with a gentle smile. He rather liked his new brother, though he still felt weird that the guy he was in love with just a little while ago would be having a child with his father. Still, weirder things have happened.


The child stretched out, making tiny contented noises. Rowen leaned in as well, playing with the little tuft. "He does, how cute." He mused. Eos and Varun watched on quietly, Akito wide eyed and Akita amused with them all.


"What started the contractions?" Falcon finally asks, knowing that the baby wasn't due until tomorrow and usually Death was never wrong in his estimations. Falcon's ice blue eyes glanced towards Rowen as the other seemed to look rather worried for a moment. Everyone had felt the tremors through the castle, just no one had offered an explanation yet.


"I've no idea... You may want to ask Death." He replied softly, playing with the baby's little toes. He smiled slightly, glad that nothing had gone seriously wrong.


"Where is Death? I want to thank him for the safe delivery of my child," Sahenna says with a kind smile. Falcon seems to frown. He has a feeling that something is desperately wrong, but he doesn't say anything to his master. Like most Seconds, he intends to deal with this without his master even having to worry about it. 


"An important woman came to visit him today." Akita replied softly. "You may thank him later." His gentle smile calmed Sahenna and made him relax. "He is well aware of your happiness and gratitude."


"An important woman?" Falcon asks, looking over to Akita with a quirked brow. He obviously wishes to know what the other means by 'important' as he was not aware of any visitors like that. Usually his father tells him when they have someone important coming by. Then this person obviously couldn't be anyone related to the war on their side, so that rules out a great deal of races, officials, kings, and what not. The only other thing that Falcon can deduce is that a God or goddess has been invited...but wouldn't a God or Goddess be more open about their presence?


"Yes, do not worry about it, Falcon. It is personal business." Akita's pink eyes were hard to read, but the tone of his voice was final. "He'll tell you anything you wish to know when he is of the mood to tell it."  Akita stood then, leaning over to give the baby a kiss. "When his mother wakes up, Sahenna, you must pick a good name."


Sahenna nodded and smiled, starting to talk with Akita gently as Falcon frowned. The tone of Akita's voice did not please him and Falcon became only further convinced that something terrible was going on. It did not please him in the least. Yet, as the family reveled in their newest addition, Death was busy making his way back to Chaos for fear she would do something while he was gone. He arrived back in Yoren's rooms, finding Amari gently with his hand over the other's eyes and reading into his soul.


Death stopped a moment, feeling guilty for Yoren's current state. If only they could have handled it better. He sighed, rubbing his temple with a soft, annoyed groan. He glanced at Chaos. "How does it go?"


"I don't know...Amari has been searching through the other's mind for some clues, but he never really gets out of his trance to tell me anything," Chaos sighs as she stands with her arms crossed over her ample breasts. "It's taking so long, though, so I would think it's rather difficult to find anything..."


"Great..." The immortal groaned more and leaned against the wall. "All of that fuss and it might be for nothing." He rubbed his temples, closing his eyes. He just wished to go sleep now.


"It could be...or perhaps Amari has found something very interesting and is digging deeper. You can never tell with these things...Either way, you should calm down. At least we know now that Yoren is important in some way. We can keep him from Adonis," Chaos says to hopefully console Death.


Death sighs, glancing down at his feet. Oh how much he just wants to curl up and nap! But life will not allow it, pushing him to stay wakeful and alert. "Well, one can hope so..." He mused softly, glancing at the two on the bed.


"That aside, how was your Second? Did he birth well? I hope it was a girl..." Chaos purrs as she looks back at Death, seeing how exhausted he looked. Now doubt he had to use some of his powers to assist Lazarus and the stress alone probably got to him.


"Healthy little boy. Sorry to disappoint." Death smiled slightly, tipping his head back. "He's got white hair with little tuffs of black and big dark eyes with blue rings in them. Beautiful child."


"Hmm...I wonder if he'll be a powerful warrior or if he'll continue Adonis' cruelty. After all, Sahenna is Rowan's son, is he not?" Chaos asks, seeming to be probing for more information. Perhaps she means to kill the child too, causing Death to frown.


"Sahenna was born before Rowan showed any signs of taint." Death replied, cocking his head as he gazed at her. "That is the information I have at least." He smiled some, though his expression was vicious. If she hurt the babe, he would hurt her badly.


"Even so, it's likely that he carries the gene in him. I'd be careful, if I were you," Chaos says as she sees Death's expression of viciousness and backs down. There will be plenty of time later to deal with Adonis' offspring, but right now she has to focus on Rowan and his brother. They seem to be the two most likely to cause problems.


"I will keep an eye upon it." Death replied softly. The new baby was deeply within the royal line. If Ceata was never to have children, then that child would be the next in line. He walked over, brushing his fingertips against the others hip. "When do you think we will know if Yoren poses a danger?"


"I don't know...it could be days. Either way, I think you should go rest up. You leave this to me to handle," She says with a smirk, though Death isn't all that certain. He doesn't want some rogue Goddess running around in his castle where she could cause harm. Still, he can't exactly throw her out without pissing her off.


"....As long as you don't kill anyone." He warned, giving her a look. "If you need me, I shall be in bed." The immortal sighed and left the room with a sigh. Thank the gods she was allowing him to rest. He'd had none in days.


Chaos smirked as she turned then to look upon Yoren and Amari, Yoren unconscious and Amari in a trance. Then her eyes slowly turned to Gai, causing her to lick her lips when the other stiffened under her gaze. "So, my dear...what shall we do to pass the time?"


Gai flushed darkly, shyly slipping toward the bathroom where it was more... private. How could anyone turn down this woman? She was an all consuming beast.


Chaos smirked and stepped after her, finding that cute little butt she was wiggling so tempting. She even slipped up behind the girl and cupped it, nuzzling her ear. "I think I'd like you best covered in nothing but a thin sheen of water."


Gai bit her lip so hard she nearly broke through it, shivering in excitement. Soon enough, they had slipped into the bathroom and her slim body was all for Chaos.


Chaos didn't hesitate to strip Gai and get her up on the counter, moaning like a little whore as she stuck out her butt and spread her legs so Chaos might enjoy her. It was quite a slutty image, her staring into the mirror with her naked body pressed to the gleaming counter as Chaos made her squirm and squeak beautifully.


The girl trembled, arching and throwing her head back. The image she saw in the mirror, her own face made her shake all the harder. Chaos was a horrible distraction. "M-my lady!"


"Mmm, please call me Mistress, my dear. It will make me so happy," Chaos says as she licks her lips and sticks her fingers in deep inside Gai, rubbing up against her clit relentlessly. Gai trembles so cutely and her whole body shakes. Chaos can only giggle and lick and nip at her lovely bum. "You're so cute, Gai..."


"M-mistress..." Gai groans low and eagerly, shaking as she's opened up on the others fingers, her whole body quivering endlessly. The sensation is so good, relaxing her some as she is touched and teased with skill.



"That's a good girl...say it louder, now," Chaos giggles as she licks and nips against the other's soft skin, leaving little bit marks on her gloriously shaped buttocks. Gai can't help but squirm and gasp as a free hand slips up and caresses one of her breasts, pinching the nipple. "What cute boobs you have...they fit nicely in my hands."


The girl squeals, arching and mewling loudly as she's touched and teased. She was wiggling, unable to stop doing so. Her slim thighs shook, loud panting leaving her throat. "O-Oh mistress!"


"Mmm...not loud enough, sweetness," She purred, putting her tongue back against Gai's clit and sucking like one could not imagine. She used her shadows then to form about her tongue to slip it around that delicate little nub and add yet more pressure to it.


The girl cried out loudly, arching violently toward the mirror. She shook, quivering some as she clutched at the mirror and the counter, crying out for her to do more.


Chaos was about to, though she usually never did this for first-time girls. Moving away from Gai's lovely body, she stripped herself and rubbed her naked flesh against Gai's, nuzzling her. "Tell me, love...have you ever been fucked by a woman with a cock before?"


 Gai blinked, quivering. "N-no M-mistress!" She uttered, wide eyed. She was no virgin at all, so she would not have any difficulty taking one. But a woman... with a cock!?


Chaos giggled and slipped her hand down against herself, forming her shadows about her body so that a nicely placed strap-on appeared in full glory. This she rubbed up against Gai's wetness, making the girl squeak. "I only use this in special cases...I hope you like it, my little sex kitten," Chaos coos before thrusting inside.


Gai screamed, muffling it against her hand as the others cock was deep within her damp sex, stretching her wide open. "OH! OHHHH! MISTRESS!"


"That's more like it," Chaos panted as she grasped the girl's lovely hips and pulled her on and off her splendid shadow cock roughly. She gave the sweet little Gai no quarter, the counter actually beginning to quiver on its bolts and the sink to rattle as Chaos rutted hard. "Tell me how much you like it...tell me I'm better than any man you've ever had...Go on, say it...Say I'm the best cock you've ever had!"


The girl shrilled, whimpering over and over again just how good the woman was. Gods, it was the best cock she'd ever had! She was all aquiver, whimpering and twitching.


 Chaos smirked as her cheeks flushed with the pleasure she was feeling, watching the poor girl tremble beneath her. Gai was then flipped over onto her back, pressed back against the mirror as she continued to ride out wave after wave of sexual pleasure. Chaos stole her mouth and drank down several of her cute little mewls, purring for them.


The girl was overwhelmed. This was the only pleasure she'd had in the last month since this stupid war had started and she eagerly drank it down, slamming herself onto the others shaft.


"Mmm...I can tell you've been holding back, kitten," Chaos purred against her lips as she grasped one of Gai's breasts and began to caress it lovingly, flicking her nipple. "It's not good for such a supple young body to be denying itself pleasure. I can see you needed this quite a bit."


Gai whimpered, shivering and mewling loudly for more. Yes, she had been a fool to do that, but at least now she was going to be able to rest easier!

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