untitled: Unknown Future

Chapter 43: Unknown Future



"He will not be able to sustain himself for long....Unlike Adonis, Sorrow hits hard and does not take time to overturn a soul," Stannis said with a sigh, sitting in the dining room with Lord Death, as all the other rooms were being used for make shift infirmaries and a place to house those from the compound that had fled. The compound was now half-collapsed, the force of the battle near it too intense. 


Death nodded slowly, now thankfully returned to a much more powerful form. He tapped his nails upon the table, looking to Stannis for help. "Is there any way to trap Sorrow? Urius would be useful if only we could seal Sorrow out." He mused softly, lowering his gaze. The immortal could remake his hands, though they would never be the same. That was only if he could risk it though. If Sorrow was just going to awaken again, what point would there be?


"Sorrow is impossible to seal once he has awakened. Either Urius conquers him or you kill Urius to destroy Sorrow...And, even then, if you do, he still has my son as a back-up. After all, Ceata has yet to conceive any child or receive his taint," Stannis replies as he sits in a chair, all bandaged from the fight. Falcon finishes the last one on his back where there are long scrapes from Hatred's spinning blades. At least Stannis will be able to heal them over quickly. 


"Damnit... I don't know what we're going to do then..." He replied softly with a slight frown upon his face, eyes lowered. Ceata was in the room, the thought of killing the others mate in with him anywhere nearby was too much for the immortal. He'd much rather find someone to keep Sorrow from reawakening.


"As I said, unless Urius can overcome Sorrow himself, we will have to kill him...Yet the likelihood of that is slim to none. Already, Rowan has demoralized him beyond repair. Even if he awakens as himself now, it will be inevitable that he will return to Sorrow's form....or else.....use Sorrow to his advantage," Stannis says, thinking a moment as he sits up. His back snaps and he winces, growling lightly about Hatred and how he'll gut him the next time he sees him.


The immortal nodded, rubbing his forehead. The big male sat hunched, gaze lowered to his lap and frame flopped out in complete weariness. So much had happened and so soon. He was not sure what to do anymore.  His thoughts wandered, the image of Ceata once again sitting with his mate and watching over him making him shudder and flinch in shame.


"If Urius has finally snapped...if his hatred for Rowan is so strong...perhaps he will try to use Sorrow in his maddened state to destroy Adonis. This...actually may work in our favor," Stannis says as he looks over to Death. "After all, Absinthe is missing....I have no doubt, what with the things you have told me, that he is there with Adonis."


"I'm sure of it." Death replied softly, folding his hands before him as he rose his gaze to Stannis. It was hard and black as slate. "But what if Sorrow kills Absinthe at the same time? I know he'll use whatever he has to his advantage and Absinthe would be an easy enough hostage for him." Death mused aloud. "I would like... to see if Ceata can link minds with Urius... But I am nervous."


"It wouldn't matter. Now he is Urius again...but only for a time," Stannis replies simply as he sighs and looks over to Farryn as he steps through the door. He's been busy seeing to Kite, who is rather...well...distraught. Stannis spoke with her briefly, but her anger with him is obviously so great that she can't manage to see him at the moment. AT the very least she didn't cause a fuss though, knowing the precarious nature of Stannis' situation now. He was partly a God...no doubt Chaos would be asking for his head when she returned from the convening council of Gods. 


"Ceata was what kept him strong for so long, Stannis. Maybe we can use that now." Death replied softly, his hand cupping his chin and hiding his lips as he spoke, eyes frosty and distant. So few options when they needed them. "I think I'll have him try it... he'll be able to tell us how bad it is so we can take action if need be."


"You need only wait until Urius wakes up, My Lord. That charm does not keep him asleep," Farryn reminds Death as he sits over by Stannis. Farryn obviously has been in with Stannis on this whole thing. After all, before Adonis woke from his thousand year sleep, Farryn was just about to confess to Ceata a great secret - obviously he knows more than he seems.


Death smiled slightly. "It is easier to link to a mind if it is asleep, Farryn." he replied softly and closed his eyes a moment. A simple prod at Ceata's and a whisper of what he wanted was all it took for Ceata to attempt to link into his mate's mind. It was best they knew before Urius woke up again...


"I still don't see a reason for it...It's not like you'll find anything beyond some tattered remains of Sorrow's presence. He'll be coming back with force, though," Stannis says as a final precaution. Farryn sighs and rubs the back of his neck, wondering how they're going to get out of this one. He feels bad for Ceata, someone he considers like a friend...If only they hadn't let Urius run off like that. Maybe then he'd still be sane.


Sitting quietly, Ceata probed almost shyly into his mate's mind, flickering around with his presence. What he found disturbed him, pale teeth biting his lower lip as he lowered his lashes and gave a shudder. So damaged.... so very damaged! Ceata's hand tightened against the blankets he'd wrapped about his mate, a little whine of sadness escaping his throat.


Urius was certainly not himself. What Ceata felt within his psyche was a tense glow of hatred that had rendered his lover's normally placid albeit saddened soul into pieces. Nothing effected one more than anger and rage, but this was followed stiffly by sorrow and an even deeper guilt. It would take a seer much more powerful than a Shadowshifter to decipher the strands of memory which had accumulated to cause this sudden shattering, but even Ceata did not wish to know what Adonis had done to make Urius this way...the scars attested to it enough.


Nibbling his lip, Ceata slowly began to sooth some of the lesser wounds to his soul, watching Urius' face wordlessly. He began to repair their bond, if only just enough to make his job easier. So much pain and hurt was going to take years to repair, but he could start it at least. Maybe if he tried hard enough... he could get his Urius back at least partially.


Yes, there was that chance...Sorrow had not destroyed him completely in his fight to the surface. Indeed, he had broken Urius' soul into several pieces, rendering him a different man so far removed from the one Ceata loved. His soul was no longer as bright as it had been, as though it was no longer an Angel's soul. Indeed, it seemed as tainted as a Human's, brought between evil and good. Sorrow threatened to blacken Urius' soul out of existence...


No, he would not. Ceata's eyes flashed with anger and violence, channeling it into his work. The young male was royalty, taught many things to better serve his Lord when he came of age and took over for Lazarus and his fathers. He might not be the best at this sort of thing, but he was the only one that could go this deep and not get lost.


Still, even as Ceata finished, he found that there was only so much he could do. It was a relief to see that Urius' soul had not been completely swallowed by Sorrow...yet there was something about him now no doubt changed by his experience. Surely, if Sorrow took over him completely again, Urius would lose himself to his own anguish. Still, for now, he could only wait until Urius woke up again to see if his powers made any difference at all.


He sighed, leaning his chin gently on his mate's chest and watched him. He sent back an 'unsure' thought to Death, letting the other know the current situation. His chest ached, frightened that he would never get to talk to Urius again.


Just as Death received Ceata's findings on the state of his lover's mental health, the air began to stir and a great shadow spread over the wall nearest the door. From it stepped Chaos in all her glory, glaring firmly at those present as she stepped through the blackness. Behind her was Amari, her little assistant, and beyond him a veiled figure draped in white. "What the hell happened here?" Chaos snarls, seeing the broken windows in the dining hall.


"Adonis' little minions." Death replied with a grunt, looking over at her with a weary, angry expression on his face. "They're all dead save one, but it doesn't change the fact that we still have issues with Adonis AND Sorrow."


"Sorrow?! He's awake?!" Chaos growls, looking to Death with sudden fear in her crimson gaze. She looks around wildly at everyone there, her anger rising. "Why did you not inform me at once?!?!" Her rage only serves to make Death even more annoyed, he about to snap back when the white-clad figure behind Chaos gently puts a hand on her arm. Chaos immediately stops, looking down at the robed stranger who steps forth.
"May I see him?" asks a young girl's voice from within the robes. At once, Death feels her power even from across the room as her eyes meet his through the veil. She is one of Fate's own daughters...a Vassal of tremendous power. 


Death looked up at her with a tiny frown and sighed, nodding. "You may. He is up in Ceata's room. I'll take you if you wish." The tall immortal replied softly, such agitation and weariness in his voice. He looked reluctant to stand, even in the presence of one of Fate's daughters.


The Vassal of Fate said nothing as she followed after Death, Chaos and Amari in tow. She didn't seem to mind the stares from the Death Angels and Angels alike - all rushing to help the injured, repair the castle, or find some semblance of order in the mass chaos following the night attack. It was already morning and light was peering through the broken windows when they made it to Ceata's room. The bed had been made again and most of the glass swept away, but it did not look otherwise any different from what it was last night. Urius lay on the bed with Ceata beside him, silent and still. His scars remained, but they had been healed somewhat from the presence of such a powerful Immortal in his body.


Ceata glanced up sharply and upon seeing Chaos, snarled, hackles raised defensively. The pale male hunkered over Urius, body in the way if the woman should try anything. One could easily see how wound up and nervous Ceata was, eyes flashing and body tensed to attack.                                                                                                                  

Death waved a hand at him, sighing. "Calm down Ceata... they aren't going to do anything." He murmured softly.


"You are his true love, correct?" the daughter of Fate asked softly in a voice that calmed Ceata even more than Death's reassurances. Ceata peered curiously into her veil, trying to see beyond the lace to her face. She steps towards him and gently places her hand upon Urius' chest, feeling his heartbeat at the tips of her fingers. "....Indeed, he loves you very much. Your two hearts are meant to be together. It is what my Mother wanted...however, this is a great blow to you both. I hope he has the strength to see you both through it."


Ceata's snarls toned down and he grumbled nervously, looking at her in confusion. Such a calming presence she had. It rippled off of her and he sighed, settling close to Urius with one eye on Chaos. "I-I tried to help... but he is so broken inside." he uttered softly, clutching tightly to the bedclothes.


"...but he is not gone yet," the Vassal replies with a bit of lightness to her tone. Ceata watches as she gently places her little dark hand against Urius' face, letting it flow down his body as a trembling glow emits from her fingers. The young Shadowshifter's eyes widen as he feels the room charged with her energy, the little streams of light becoming threads that sew into Urius' skin and disappear inside him. "There....I have done what is needed. He will survive...but that will depend on what choice he makes." The Vassal then turns to look at Ceata, reaching out her hand and pointing to his chest. "His heart will decide your fate as well. Should he fail, you will not live. Should he win....well, someone else will lose their heart in turn."


Ceata looked down at her hand, eyes wide and startled. Whatever she had done, there was less tension in his mate's body and a little more color to his face. Just barely though... and what of his hands? No one had attended to them yet. Ceata bit his lip and nodded humbly, wondering who she spoke of.


"He will never have his hands back, though...These are his now. You will have to get used to that," The Vassal said simply, looking to the black things that were now his. They pulsed with his blood and could move at his command, by they were not his. The young daughter of Fate then stood, looking to Death. "Take me to see Yoren's body now."


The immortal nodded and motioned for them to follow. Ceata was left with Urius, startled and confused, but gladdened at least that there was a chance to have his precious mate back to him.                                                                                                                     

Death lead them all back downstairs and through many halls before they reached the lower chambers where Yoren's body had been lain out. Death did not wish to enter again, heart throbbing painfully for the sweet boy. He could not afford to stop himself though and entered.


"Oh......how sad it is to see this sight. Though my Mother warned me, it is always an unhappy Fate that wished death upon one so young," the Vassal said softly, Chaos only scoffing as she stood by the door. The daughter of Fate steps over to the body, Yoren now cold and dead. He looks like a marble statue, Death having made sure his delicate young body would not decay here. "I can see his soul is gone...Adonis swallowed it. Even so, a body always has a string attached to its soul, especially if it was taken before the soul's time."


Death nodded slowly, watching her. Yoren's string was difficult to locate with him so weak. These hard times were not good on the immortal, not one bit. He continued to watch her silently, hands folded before him. "I'm already fairly sure Adonis is hiding somewhere in the Sombs." He mused softly. "That is the direction Jinevae reported Absinthe running off towards."


"Yes, he is there....Fate has already told me this," the Vassal replied, circling Yoren's body as she looked at every inch. She even lifted up the blanket to see the terrible wound against his chest. "He is there because he wishes to create his own realm."


Death sighed, remembering what Rowan had wanted. Well, it did not surprise him one bit now that he thought on it. The immortal crossed his arms over his chest, cocking his head. "I see..."


"You must know that realms are made by stealing a piece of the Mortal World...Initially, the Mortal World was infinitely large. God made it thusly so that creatures other than Mortals could exist in it too. Yet Gods should never be with Mortals, so, in return for their allegiance to God, they are allowed to use Mortal souls to break the chain of the Mortal World and make a realm of their own...However, there will be a way to make a realm without God's help...it is to sacrifice thousands of souls. This is Adonis' aim," the Vassal said smoothly, her words making both Death and Chaos go pale with horror. They knew that their own realms did not come without a price, but to make a dimension all by themselves would require armies of souls....Ah, and there was a war going on. What perfect timing.

Well....timing or planning.


The immortal rubbed at his face, groaning softly in disgust at what was happening. He was frightened more so now than before. There was so much at stake and Absinthe - the damn fool - was right in the middle of it, probably writhing under Adonis as he thought on it. The immortal grimaced and glanced down. "Well, what can be done?"


"There is more..." the Vassal said softly, cutting off Death's question. She stood on the other side of Yoren, her black hand touching his features gently - reverently. Her head seemed to cock in such a way that she was staring down at him, whether in pity or in curiosity, Death could not tell. "Sorrow seeks something called Paradise....Adonis has something he wants. He will kill Adonis at any cost." Her head turns upward, her hand reaching out to point to Death. "If Sorrow does this, you and all our kind will be lost. Gods fear Sorrow...because Sorrow can touch us. His chains work on Immortal and Mortal alike. If he survives and is the one to kill Adonis, you will be under his power, and, through you, all Mortals. Whoever is touched by your strength will be his prisoner....as will the rest of us. That is what my Mother tells me."


The immortal startled, looking at her in disbelief. His hands lay limp at his sides, dark eyes wide and face paled even more. That was the worst possible news he had heard so far. Death’s mouth worked and he looked down, feeling a sudden coolness deep in his chest and belly. Fear... "I... see."


"Yet....if it is Urius' hand...well....then the chances will be in our favor. However, Urius will lose something great in the process," The Vassal comes back to stand by Death, her hands folded before her. "This I did not wish to say in front of Ceata. He already thinks Urius is gone, but he is not...The fact is, Sorrow has always been under his skin. Sorrow is smarter than Adonis...he broke Urius long ago, but he has bided his time. Even now, I can feel that the charm has sent Sorrow back into the recesses of Urius' mind, but not far. He has never been far..."
The Vassal then stops a moment, moving to slowly lift her veil. Amari gasps at the sight of her face - a beautiful noble face with black skin and a naked head. The young African woman stares up at Death, her eyes as black as coal with no whites to be seen. He stares at her and realizes she is Future, one of Fate's most powerful daughters. He feels almost like bowing in her presence. "Until Urius is willing to come face to face with the source of his sorrows, he cannot win. That is the advice I give to you - Fate's one intervention into this little mess you've gotten yourself into..."


The immortal nodded humbly, hands folded before him as the lowered his gaze before her greatness. She was one of those that you could not look upon without a feeling of complete humbleness.  "As you say, my lady." He uttered softly, unable to smile for now. There was no feeling happiness in him for now, only fear and nervousness.


Future placed her palm against his shoulder, the barest of smiles touching her beautiful full lips. What a gorgeous young girl...Her dark eyes were so mysterious, for in them was held all the possibilities beyond the present. "Good luck, little Death. My Mother has always supported you." With that, Future puts her veil back on and asks Amari to escort her back to Fate, having imparted upon Death all that she can. After all, Fate must stay very impartial in order to be an effective Goddess...just as Death must be impartial to give Mortals a fair chance.


The immortal smiled a little down at her and nodded, his heart lightened at that. There was still so much unseen and unknown to him that could happen. So many things that could go completely wrong. But they could not let that keep them from going on and from fighting.                                                                                                             


Chaos watched as Amari escorted Future out, turning to look at Death who was now staring with a faint expression of relief upon Yoren's body. The pale dead boy slept silently in the great tomb, it having once held men as great as kings. Chaos frowned, stepping up to him and looking at Death's expression. "So I suppose this means we must let the two, Sorrow and Adonis, murder one another...what a pity. I wanted to rip out Adonis' throat for myself."


"Yes." Death replied softly and nodded, looking upon Chaos with a weary, exhausted expression. The tall god sighed and instead of walking away, hid his face against her throat in a moment of complete weakness. He was more scared than he had ever been in his entire existence and all he wanted was some comfort. "And all our fates are in their hands..."


Chaos actually managed to blush before smacking him away, glowering. "Get a hold of yourself, man! If you let up now, you're just going to end up dead like Greed or Fear, do you understand? And don't you ever touch me unless you have breasts! I don't want to feel your cheek against my neck unless it is as soft and supple as a woman's..." Chaos bit angrily, shaking Death from his senses a little. The woman crossed her arms over her chest and sighed, seeming to have a moment of sympathy for him...if that was even possible. "Listen, I suppose I was harsh in saying Urius should die...He is a...............DECENT...living being and it was wrong of me. What's more, it was wrong of me to treat Yoren as I did. For that I do feel sorry. However, these are times that you cannot let your attachments get the better of you. I know you are not used to war...but this sort of reality has been felt by every other God. It has simply come to your doorstep, that's all....Heaven forbid you should turn away this chance to prove just why you are strong enough to stand on your own, right?"


He gazed back at her with a little frown. Red lashes lowered over his eyes and he gave a slight nod. Not even allowed a moment of comfort, what a pity. He waved his hand slightly, "Yes, yes... I know." He grunted and swept past her with a low groan. This was all wearing heavily on him, just needed to rest, cuddle someone. Than perhaps he'd be able to be strong again.  "I will do my best, my lady. I suppose you'll want a room?"


"Yes...preferably near that cute little servant of yours, Gai," Chaos smirked as she stepped towards the door with a bit of a wiggle in her hips. She seemed quite pleased with herself, Death sighing as he knew that she would be almost as big of a pain as Lady Hitomi...who, right now, was mourning the loss of Rowan like a thirteen-year-old school girl sobbing over her favorite band breaking up. It really was rather pathetic, seeing one such feminist like Hitomi so cowed by Rowan's charms. Then again, perhaps that attested to how much power he held over all of them....


"Of course." He replied and led her along. He wondered how Jinevae was holding out... he'd have to check on the man. The thought of how the Jin angel might feel left Death cowed at his own want for comfort. There were others that in his opinion, needed it more than he.                                                                                                                     

 The big male lead Chaos to one of the guest bedrooms near the angelic quarters in the castle, telling her with a slight smile which room was Gai's. He than left, leaving the woman to get comfortable.

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