untitled: Together again

Chapter 4: Together again

The day was cold and a bit stormy when Sahena arrived in a drawn carriage. His luggage had appeared earlier that day and Lazarus tended to each suitcase with loving care and a great deal of excitement. Sahena and he had been married only a few days before in a grand wedding that had all of Heaven talking. Rowan was always within style and dressed everything with Sahena's colors and Lazarus' colors, turning the church into a unification of both their houses. Sahena had been handsome in his formal robes, their color giving his skin an even pearlier quality. He had blushed so sweetly too when they kissed, feeling eager againts Lazarus' mouth despite all his nervousness. It was a pity that they could not spend that night wrapped in each other's arms, but that would come soon enough. Lazarus was quite prepared for the day his new husband would come home. 


That kiss had been enough to leave Lazarus dizzy. He had happily prepared for his lover's coming and Varun had prepared for leaving. Even now, Lazarus stood with Varun and made sure his son looked nice, for he would be leaving on the carriage that was bringing Sahenna. Lazarus kissed his son's brow, telling him how much he loved him and how he'd miss him till Varun was close to tears and hugging tightly to his father. For a moment like the tiny child he had reared. Lazarus held him tightly, not wanting to let go when he knew he would rarely see his child in the coming months.


Rughal lingered in the back, his eyes looking red and puffy. The night before, he had cried most deeply alone in his rooms, feeling such sorrow for the loss of his son. However, the demon never expressed that weakness with anyone and seemed to hold a sort of hollow sternness today. Still, he offered Varun hugs when he asked, brushing away his wild wisps of hair. "You be strong, alright? Don't let him make you do what you don't want to. You always have Death to help you."


Varun nodded, hugging his other father tighty before straightening and waiting with the rest of them for Sahena's arrival. There was a hushed expectancy and everyone was rather anxious, shifting nervously. The wait seemed to drag on, eating at their patience. Tonight they would be holding a great feast in honor of the wedding of Lazarus and Sahena and even now the excitement was making them antsy.


The nervousness could be felt throughout the castle, even as far up as Death himself. This was a great gamble they were taking, giving Varun to Rowan. And yet there was also the joy of finally getting Sahena to the castle, to have him at last within Lazarus' arms so the man could stay sane. This worry coupled with joy made for a very tight knot in everyone's stomachs when the carriages finally rolled in towards the entrance. it was raining now and the thunder rolled in the distance, threatening to drench the happiness they had newly found and further dampen the spirits at a beloved son lost.


Varun had within him a mixture of excitement and fear, much like his father. He could see Lazarus glancing at him, chewing his lip, worried for his beloved son. Faust and Doll stood on either side of Varun, as they were crown princes and were to present Varun to Rowan. They were dressed impressively and had the look of royalty about them. Whether they feared for their brother or not, he couldn't tell. They had long since perfected their courtly appearences and the masks they wore were serene. If only he could be as calm as they.


However, though they expected to see the regal blond stepping gracefully from the carriage, the two Princes were surprised to see Urius' dark form appearing from the rain-sodden coach. He opened the door and held out his hand like a footman, allowing Sahena to step easily out onto the paved way. He stood there in his finest - a red overcoat with his high trousers and a paler red sash about his middle. His boots were up to his knees and held there with straps, shined and gleaming with driblets of rain. He stepped a ways forward, blushing shyly with Lazarus' gaze upon him, as he waited for none other than Falcon to slip out of the carriage after him, carrying one of Sahena's day bags. He wore the Valen sigil. It looked as though he had been chosen at last as Sahena's Second. 


They had know Sahena would have a Second and thus, had made him up a room... next to Eos. The little angel had requested that the Second's room should be near his, hoping that Falcon would be chosen. Seeing that he had,  Eos felt like shrieking with delight, but managed to keep silent and still. Lazarus stepped forward and smiled, "Welcome to your new home, Sahena..." He rumbled in welcome.


Sahena offered the formal low bow and his Second followed him, both of them seeming the spitting image of Rowan and Urius when the two were together...Except Sahena was much paler, obviously. "I thank you, husband, for opening your home to me most generously. It is my only joy in life to be a good spouse to you," Sahena replied as his father had instructed him. He turned then to Falcon, who opened his day bag. He took out a small golden cross inlaid with jewels and other precious metals. This he offered up to Lazarus, his cheeks flushed. "Take this as a symbol of my commitment to you. Tonight we will hang it over the threshold of our room to...." he almost falters, but catches himself. "...to help bless further the consummation of this union, by God's Grace." He was almost as red as his overcoat now.


Urius, most mercifully, stepped in to finish the deal. "Now would be appropriate for us to receive the remainder of the marriage agreement." His grey eyes fell then on Varun, his gaze pointed and meaningful.


Lazarus smiled. The blush Sahena wore was very sweet. He would enjoy teaching him the pleasures of sex, though he hoped that the youth was not completely naive. Having to explain what went where wasn't his idea of fun.  He turned his dark eyes onto Urius and nodded. Doll and Faust brought Varun down and they bowed, presenting their younger brother to Rowan's Second. "He is ready, all his things are packed and the servants have them ready to be loaded." Lazarus told Urius, looking at him meaningfully. Tell me if he hurts him... his eyes said.


Urius could offer no such gaze in return, for his face remained impassive. Lazarus couldn't be sure, but he saw something of a purple bruise peeking up from the man's stiff black collar. Ceata had been staring at that spot intently, his eyes burning with rage, but Urius said nothing. He looked so tired. "Proceed, then," Urius said at last, watching as Sahena stepped forward and had Lazarus' arm gently around him. He seemed a bit unsure, but certainly happy. How thankful Urius was that Rowan had decided to be merciful...but he paid for it in the end. He always did. 


Varun stepped forward and stood beside Urius while the servants loaded his things onto the carriage. He sighed, smiling at his brothers and his parents. He would do well; he was not going to fail them. Varun would be brave and do hs duty.  Lazarus held Sahena close, stroking his side as he locked eyes with his son. Lazarus couldn't say a word, sending his love in a coiling thought.


"Say your last goodbyes," Urius said to Varun when at last the final bit of luggage had been placed within the carriage. Urius knew that this would not be the last time he went to see Sahena, for he would often visit whenever he got a free moment to make sure things were going now. For the moment, he believed it better that Sahena experience life alone for a little while, even if Falcon was with him. It would get him used to eventually never seeing Urius, though the thought stung his chest deeply. He had raised the youth from his infancy. Sahena was very dear to Uruis.


Varun nodded and gave a last few hugs and kisses to his family before joining Urius again. He took in a shaky breath and steeled himself. "I am ready to leave now, Urius." He murmured, looking torn. He would miss his family, but there was the excitement of new things and a different life style. He just hoped Rowan wouldn't force him to completely change his ways.


Urius did not look at him as he opened the door to allow Varun inside. The Starc could feel Ceata's gaze upon him, but knew that Ceata was too wise to approach him. His very demeanor simply screamed "not now," his eyes glancing towards his love before he slipped into the carriage. In a matter of moments, it was off. No further goodbyes, nothing. Sahena was left staring at the coach as it rolled away from him, back to his home. Even though Falcon was with him, the young Prince felt so empty without Urius' guidance. 


Lazarus watched the carriage go and his heart ached. This victory was not without its pain. Forcing a smile to his lips, he turned his attention onto Sahena. "Come, my love... there is a feast waiting you and the people within are just dying to meet you..." He teased lightly and guided the young angel toward the impressive wooden doors of the castle, his family and such crowding in on the two.


Sahena felt so alone and yet excited. His fears were great and yet the comfort offered by Lazarus' hand seemed to soothe everything away. He couldn't help but find himself smiling when he stepped into the grand hall and was greeted by the many lovers Lazarus already had. It was quite awkward, being welcomed into a culture so completely different than his own, but he was no longer under Angel law here. Adultery did not apply. 


Exodus was first to grin and kiss Sahena on the cheek. "Hey poppet... you look lovely. Hope you aren't too flustered to eat! We've made all sorts of treats  for you." He purred. Ever the coy creature, the scarred man was. Lazarus chuckled, eyes softening upon the mother of his eldest sons. Such a cheeky brat Exodus was.  "I'm sure if you'd stop kissing on him, he just might be able to eat." Lazarus teased wryly. Exodus grinned and laughed.



Sahena offered Exodus a shy smile though, his red eyes honest and sweet. This was so different from the Sahena all of them were used to. By now, the old Sahena would be swearing and demanding either booze or some cigs. He seemed quite content at the moment to just look modestly downward and blush. It had Rughal feeling awkward as he gave a short bow to Sahena. It felt so weird seeing that pretty young face when all Rughal could remember was the missing eye and the gnarled scars. "Thank you. I am most appreciative..." he says, inwardly marveling at how he had fought so hard against Lazarus a few months before. Now he was eager to feel the brush of his hand against his shoulder. How things change so quickly.


Death smiled at the young angel and stopped him to kiss his hand. "Welcome into the family Sahena, I expect more grandchildren." He teased coyly, causing Lazarus flush red and glare at him. Of course his lord would say something embarrassing like that! Exodus grinned and clapped his hands in delight. Death chuckled, "Come now, dinner is awaiting us."


"Ah....Falcon," Sahena said softly as he felt himself being surged forward without the familiar presence of his stern Starc. Falcon was easily pushed out of the way by so many tall Shadowshifters, but Sahenna's gentle request had him muscling his way forward with a bit of a frown. He stood at Sahena's side.


"I am here, Master." Falcon's words were very direct, but they held a softness to them that Eos envied. Falcon stood at Sahena's side and pulled out his chair when he sat - Sahena having the seat beside Lazarus at the end of the table. He was the Guest of honor. 


"Falcon, your seat is beside Eos." Lazarus told him, shooing the other off. "I will attend to my husband, you sit and enjoy dinner." The stern look in his eyes would not allow the other to argue. Lazarus was not going to have the Strac standing over them the whole time. He turned his attention onto Sahnna. "There are many dishes, you may have whatever you desire." And indeed, there were many, spread out across the table. Many dishes, steaming, their scents wafting about the room. A mouth watering aroma that had all those at the table eager for their meal.


Sahena looked towards Falcon, feeling his heart sink. He seemed almost desperate as the Starc took his position beside the wall. The servants looked at him, bemused as to why he was not sitting or eating. They did not know much of Angelic customs or Starc customs at all. Falcon would not eat until Sahena had finished. "Alright..." Sahena replies after a moment of staring at Falcon, feeling his last grip to home slipping away. He smiles at Lazarus all the same, finding the other's eyes so beautiful to look into. He almost forgets about the food.


Lazarus chuckled, watching as servants began to serve the dishes with their usual flare.  His lord, Death, was speaking in hushed tones to Exodus and the male was chuckling into his wine glass. It was rather lovely, but without Varun, there seemed an emptiness. Lazarus took a breath and served his lover some of the finest food he would ever taste. There was all forms of food and drink. From peasant food to exotic. A flavor for any taste.


"You seem depressed, My Lord. Is there something wrong?" Sahena asked lightly when he noted his husband's sigh. Sahena worried inwardly that he had done something wrong, that his staring at Falcon had somehow displeased Lazarus, and that he was being a bad spouse. The beautiful creature only smiled at him though, causing Sahena to feel a bit better. Those lush lips looked delectable when upturned.


"It is sad to not have Varun here, but children must grow up and go out into the world." He replied simply and smiled upon the angel at his side. "He will be having his own adventures. Just as you are starting your own." Lazarus leaned over and kissed Sahenna on the lips, gently, his fingertips grazing the others chin.


Sahena felt his whole body warm and he flushed most magnificently, like a rose willing to bloom at the merest suggestion of summer rain. It was enough to make Lazarus smile, wondering what it would be like when he finally showed the youth the delights of making love. He could tell Sahena was not a virgin, but he probably had never been inside a man before. "...I......am sorry that my coming here has caused you to lose your son," Sahena said after regaining himself. "I know he will have the finest education possible. My father is a very well-connected man."


"Yes... Varun adores knowledge... it will be good for him." Lazarus replied and tipped the wine glass in his hand toward Sahena. "Now eat love. There will be performances from Daire and his pupils tonight in your honor. Enjoy yourself." He laughed richly. Near them, Rowen and Akita watched the two with interest, Rowen a little flushed.


Sahena felt the other's eyes upon him and turned slightly, looking upon Rowen. The other could not help but be amazed. This sweet and handsome youth did not seem like the Sahena he knew at all...That man was mean and cold and emotional. This one seemed so much less like him that Rowen pondered whether or not it was really Sahena. Perhaps it was just a person who had the looks of Sahena, for that certainly could not be the grouchy cruel warrior Rowen had been tormented by not long ago. "...Um...who is  that, husband?" Sahena asks Lazarus quietly, pointing to Rowen.


"That is my mate Rowen and the other is my other mate Akita. Exodus and Rughal are mates of mine as well and Death is my lord and master. " Lazarus explained, smiling goodnaturedly. "Rowen knew you in your other life... you were, well, a bit of a problem back then."


Sahena looks at Lazarus dumbly, for he has never been aware of this other life. "...What are you talking about, husband? I don't understand." Sahena's words were genuine, as he had no memory of what had happened to him. This was normal for reincarnates, for they could not grasp their passed lives after going through the afterlife and coming back. Sahena was no different and stared at Lazarus with a ponderous expression. Perhaps Lazarus should not overwhelm the boy on the first night.


"Never mind... I will tell you another time."  Lazarus replied simply, reaching over to smooth back some of the youth's pale hair from his brow. He smiled, pressing a tidbit to the angel's lips, playfully lowering his lashes at the other, seductive. "Eat up love..."


Sahena just about got a nose bleed from the other's look, obediently opening his mouth and nipping at the other's fingers with the soft sweet bread offered. It seemed that Sahena was no stranger to desire, though the action was soon followed by blushing. Shy though he was, Sahena was willing to learn and to love. The very idea of it must have been a relief to Lazarus, who had spent so much time before Sahena was reborn just trying to steal kisses and loving embraces. 


The shadowshifter could not be happier with this change. There had been the fear that the angel would have been less then willing after being raised among angels. But it gladdened him to see him responding to him in a positive light. Lazarus smiled and fed him more, lashes lowered and a purr rumbling in his chest as Sahena took more tidbits from his fingertips.


Falcon watched the sweet scene from against the wall, fighting back his gnawing hunger easily with the techniques he'd been taught as a boy. He willed himself to feel no pain, for his body to do as he wished, to it allowed him plenty of time to stare at Sahena. His master seemed happy, allowing Lazarus to slip his fingers within his mouth. Sahena nibbled happily upon them, licking them suggestively as those eyes - mismatched with Sahena's one weak eye - glistened with desire. Rowan had made Sahena happy with his choice, but the choice to be Sahena's Second was a bittersweet one. It meant he could not marry. It meant he could not have Eos. All at once, his heart ached and, despite his training, he could not stop the pain.


Eos watched Falcon out of the corner of his eye, fingers twitching in his lap. He wanted to touch the youth, to tug him down and feed him the same way his father was feeding Sahenna. But Falcon would not even look at him and Eos felt like shriveling into a little ball to cry. He was Sahena's Second, perhaps his chances at the other man were over, but Eos, stubborn little Eos, could still try.  A good ten, fifteen minutes later, music began to play and an angel danced gracefully out into the middle of the hall, his robes and strips of cloth fluttering about as he moved. Bells jingled upon his ankles and at the end of his long braid, his movements nimble, skilled. Another soon joining him, her movements just as fluid. And then another and another, till there were five.


Sahena watched, his smile warming on his face as Lazarus pulled him close. It felt comfortable to have Lazarus' head resting against his shoulder as they watched the dancers, Sahena feeling truly at peace. The lilting tone of the music caught his heart and let him roll on its waves of melody to a serene state. How happy and content he felt, joyously attached to someone who seemed to value him. It was almost unnatural how comfortable Sahena felt where he was, in this strange man's house. Really, why had he fought so hard against Lazarus before? Sahena could not find a reason why now. 


The dancers were gorgeous, two of them standing out the most of all. Daire and a female angel with opal eyes and blue short hair. They all moved gracefully together, enchanting the watchers with subtle movements and elegance. Lazarus' breath caught in his chest and he snuggled against Sahenna. Eyes following the dancers together. With the meal mostly finished, dessert would soon make its appearance out on the table.


Falcon stared at the handsome male dancer, his eyes following the movements merely out of boredom. His legs were beginning to feel the first pricks of pain, but he bit through them. The amazing thing about the Starcs was their high tolerance for pain. They could switch their senses off easily for some reason, allowing them to be perfect for the sort of abuse most of their Valen masters put them through. Urius was a prime example. Even so, Falcon wondered if Sahena would take note of his discomfort or stop eating. Falcon knew that he would need to at least get something to eat...A diet of bread and milk from Cooks' kitchen didn't exactly prepare him for fasting so much. He sighed, glancing over at Sahena. He was still nuzzling close to Lazarus, as any good newlywed should be. It comforted Falcon a little and he smiled. He had never seen Sahena so happy in all his life.


Dessert came and went, many pastries and mousses, ice creams and cookies. Lazarus and his lover shared them, the two at times laughing and playing more with their food than eating it. It was Ceata though, that whispered something into Death's ear and the immortal stood. "My friends... we are keeping this happy couple from their marriage bed, best we send them on their way!" He rumbled, laughing at how Lazarus flushed. He stood, helping Sahena to his feet. "Off with you two." Death rumbled.


Sahena looked mildly frightened and his eyes instantly reverted back to Falcon. Surprisingly, it was the first time he'd look to him in a long while. Falcon merely stood away from the wall and shook his legs. It looked as though he would have to wait longer for food - his Master needed him. He strode carefully behind the couple as they were led out to the jeers and cheers of all those gathered. Sahena looked hesitant to take Lazarus' arm, but he did so and walked beside him with his head held high...even if Falcon could tell he was so nervous, he could have thrown up. He was looking from Falcon to Lazarus. Fear was in his eyes - he did not know what to expect. 


Lazarus leaned down and kissed his cheek. "Don't worry, Sahena... we will take it slowly." The lord promised him as reassuringly as one can. The last thing he wanted was to scare Sahena away from their marriage bed. That was surely bad luck in many a culture, more so for Lazarus. He did not want his lover afraid of sex, or of him.


Yet Sahena was afraid. Of course, he had gone to the cat houses when he could sneak out with Jingarther and had a few women to enjoy now and then - an act which angered Urius more than it did Rowan -, yet Sahena had never been with a man. He feared that he would be in pain for days on end, having heard the stories that some of his friends had told. He did not want to end up with a bleeding anus. At the same time, he didn't want to end up doing something wrong and harming Lazarus with his inexperienced nature. He was terrified as Lazarus led him down the hall, Falcon following at a respectable distance.


Lazarus looked to Sahena as they neared his room. "Would you like to take a moment and speak with Falcon?" He whispered. The tall man would lead him through the process and luckily for Sahena, he enjoyed a certain amount of pain. There was not much Sahena could do that would really hurt Lazarus past a slight sting. Like Starcs, Shadowshifters had a great deal of pain tolerance.


"...T-thank you, husband...I will only be one moment, I promise," Sahena stammered out, looking as pale as anything. Lazarus watched as he stepped over towards Falcon, obviously trying to look calm. There were tears edging his eyes when he spoke in a low hushed voice with Falcon. He was scared, he didn't know what to do, he was worried that he would not be pleasing, he did not want it to hurt...Falcon listened to all this with a calm face. He was looking more and more like Urius than ever.


"It will be alright, Master. Your father himself said 'if anything goes wrong, you may return home.' I think this is the least of your worries in becoming a married man. Now buck up. You'll be fine." Falcon's calmness seemed to transfer to Sahena for a moment and he swallowed his fear. However, when walking back towards the bedroom, he began to look as pale as ever. He held it in well, despite himself.


Lazarus had the thick wooden door open and gently touched the others cheek. "It's ok..." He soothed, smiling sweetly before he led the other into the bedroom and closed the door. Now Falcon could go and eat! Finally! The room was beautiful, the smooth marble floor black, a soft white rabbit fur carpet by the large bed with its red bed spread; the same color as Sahenna's good eye. They had made the room as comfortable and richly appointed as a King and his Husband deserved.


Sahena stared at the room, wondering if he would spend time often there. He felt very nervous when he saw Lazarus brush passed him, heading towards the bed. However, he stopped first at a low table to pour them both some wine. Sahena walked over and accepted the glass, staring up at Lazarus as he sipped lightly at the drink. The buzzing warmth calmed his nerves a little.


"Now... because this is your first time, you may choose whether you wish to be top or bottom." Lazarus told him with a small smile, "If you are afraid of being torn, I will tell you this: I know what I am doing and will make certain it doesn't hurt too much, but since it is a first time, it will hurt a little. If you top me, do not be afraid of hurting me, because I heal easily and I will lead you through it. There is nothing to be afraid of, I promise you."


Sahena took another gulp, if only to give himself courage. He wiped his mouth delicately and looks over to Lazarus, frowning. "...I.....I do not know what to say, My Lord. I-it is not my first time having sex...I know the mechanics, how to make a person feel good...but I am very nervous. I fear I will do poorly with either choice....I dare not choose. I do not know which I am capable of." His eyes look to Lazarus, trying to read for anger in the Shadowshifter's gaze at his response. Yes, Sahena is not coming off as the confident lover he had hoped to portray himself as, but lying at this point and saying he was comfortable at all would be stupid.


Lazarus chuckled, tugging him into his arms. Smoothing back Sahena's hair, Lazarus leaned down and kissed him slow, passionately. They would go on from here and see where the night went. He wanted so badly to be in Sahena's arms again, whether if be bottom or top, he did not care one bit. There was only the here and now.


He almost dropped his glass, it felt so good. The kiss Lazarus had been longing to give Sahena in private was finally realized, allowing Sahena to melt into the other. He put down his glass with a jittery motion, allowing him to tangle his fingers into the other's dark hair. It felt as silky as Sahena imagined and he groaned despite himself. This kiss and its tangling of tongues went on for what felt like hours until finally they broke away to breathe. Sahena felt himself aching for more, staring at Lazarus with lidded eyes. 


The shadowshifter gingerly edged him to the bed and down they slid onto it, Sahena on top of Lazarus and their bodies pressed flush together. He smiled, caressing along Sahena's back  while his other hand slowly began to undo the others shirt. "You are so beautiful..."


"T-that's supposed to be my line," Sahena retorted lightly, meaning it. Still, he liked this position where he could feel the press of Lazarus against him. His fingers moved as if on their own, slipping the clasps from Lazarus' robes and opening them. He felt impatient and hot, the tingling sensation at the tips of his fingers causing the actions to seem slower than normal. He wanted skin-on-skin. He wanted heat and sweat and moaning. His whole being was focused on it as he stole more kisses.


Lazarus helped him in stripping his clothing off of his tall frame. His chest was revealed, lungs heaving in delight as Sahena pulled impatiently at his clothing even as Lazarus stripped him of his top and tossed it aside.  Every layer stripped away, exposing soft, pale skin to each others eyes. "I think it fits us both." He teased and kissed at Sahena's throat, a happy moan slipping from his lips at the soft taste of that pale skin.


Sahena shivered and gasped, wondering how the other knew already the favorite places he liked to be touched. It was something not pondered over long as Sahena dipped his head and kissed the other's temple, his fingers already working Lazarus' belt in earnest. He wanted that skin all over him, to feel simply warmed by it. Why was he so desperate? Even he couldn't explain this raw feeling of desire as it welled in his chest. With a few more tugs, there went Lazarus' belt, followed by boots and pants. He had nothing on beneath, much to Sahena's delight. He brushed his body, half-dressed as it was, against Lazarus' in need.


Lazarus moaned quietly, breath shuddering in delight as his body was undressed and clothing tossed aside without regard for where it landed. Sahena pressed close, skin to skin. "Oh... beautiful, beautiful Sahena..." He breathed, hands gliding down his back to grip his buttocks under his pants, kissing with ardor at the soft skin of the other man's neck and shoulders. This felt right. It felt wonderful.


Sahena gasped and shuddered, his fingers gripping to the other's thighs as he coaxed himself more comfortably between them. His pants were in the way...Damn it, why were they still on? With much frustration, Sahena sat up and began to undo his clothing. He growled at it when it did not cooperate with his fingers, but got the bulky fabric off his body soon enough. Lazarus helped him with a bit of a chuckle, loving the youth's desperation. He no longer feared sex, it seemed. How easily he lost his shyness at the suggestion of Lazarus' body.


Once they were both naked, Lazarus tugged the youth back against him and the touch of their skin together was like fire.  Lazarus groaned as they came together into another eager kiss, the silky slid of tongue against tongue bewitching. His body knew Sahena and welcomed him eagerly, his shaft hard and aching for him. "A-Ahhh... gods Sahena..." He whispered, kissing along his chin and jaw and touching his smooth skin with loving, adoring caresses.


Sahena returned the caresses as well, his fingertips exploring the hardened muscles that were much different than a woman's soft curves. He felt that there was something more angular about Lazarus' body, more harsh and sturdy. Even so, there were places that possessed curves that were just as delightful as a woman's - if not more so. Sahena found one at the other's hip, slipping his fingers down to cup a buttocks and massage it. Everything felt wonderful, his lips enraptured with Lazarus' delicious mouth. He could not pull away now if he tried. His body was reacting just as much as Lazarus' was. "...I....I don't know what to do...now that it's like this..." Sahenna panted at last when he broke away, feeling their groins rub together and groaning softly.


Lazarus chuckled hoarsely, body shuddering happily at Sahena's groping and kneading of his arse. "Do you w-want in or do you want me in you?" He asked teasingly, hands still roaming his flesh, maping along the pale plains. He wanted Sahenna, to touch, taste, kiss... he did not care how he got it, he just wanted it, badly.


Sahena groaned again, feeling the same way. He looked at Lazarus with desperation, wanting to feel the other's body all around him. He loved the feeling of being encased in Lazarus' arms - would being within him have the same gratification? He decided to try it, whimpering lightly. "Please....Please, let me in you..." his blushing face intensified as soon as he spoke those words, feeling shy about the whole thing. He didn't know what to do, but he knew that he wanted this so badly. 


Lazarus purred, the sound deep and rich. He reached behind him under the pillows. In his room, you never knew if one was going to be tossed onto the bed, so it was wise for him to keep some lube on hand. Especially tonight. He tugged out the small, simple bottle and poured some on his fingers, smiling coyly as he slid is hand down between his leg, rubbing the digits against his puckered entrance.  Teasing himself and Sahena both with the sight of Lazarus being so wanton. "I want you in me..."


The youth's breath became shallow at the sight and Lazarus enjoyed how those crimson eyes were glued to his anus with every questing movement of his fingers. Lazarus could already see the precum glinting at the tip of Sahena's member - it obvious that the show he witnessed was arousing him further. Sahena could not believe his good fortune at having been married to such an exceptional man. He had expected immediately to be pressed down onto a pillow and pretty near raped...What Lazarus was offering him was not only pleasure unlike any he had known, but such a degree of trust that it touched the young Angel somehow. He watched and waited patiently, seeing the other's fingers slip away. He moved in then and kissed Lazarus, trying to convey how much this meant to him, the scared young man that he was, through his mouth.


Lazarus kissed him back tenderly, shivering in excitement. His hands clenched in the youth's silky hair, gently rocking his hips against Sahena's. His chest shuddered with each excited, sucked in breath. He knew Sahena was touched by his submission and the trust Lazarus was giving him, for very few were ever allowed to mount the tall, stately shadowshifter. That trust was the most important thing.


Sahena would not take such an offer for granted and gently positioned himself at Lazarus' entrance. He was nervous and yet so excited, a knot forming in his abdomen as he lifted the other's leg a little and then looked to Lazarus for the nod of approval. He got it in a sensual smirk that made his toes curl, allowing Sahena to push forward and envelope himself in mind blow heat. His whole body quivered even as he continued to push inside, his lips parting for a gentle cry as he fitted into something so tight and hot that he felt as if he were shoved into the business end of a blow torch. He stopped himself from coming, though, by some miracle and held onto the other tightly as the dizzying sensation ebbed to some degree, allowing him to open his squinted eyes and stare down at his lover. 


Feeling Sahena enter him made Lazarus' body scream with delight and remembrance of that warm, well formed body. He shuddered, eyes closed and lips parted in delighted gasps for breath. Sahena stretched him wide, his inner muscles clenching around the member inside him. The shadowshifter made a glorious sight, spread out on the red blankets, his dark hair spilling about his flushed face. Legs wide, welcoming and his body accepting Sahena willingly.


Gasping was all Sahena could do to keep himself sane for those delicious moments within the other's tightened body. He felt as though he was being consumed by an inferno of lust and passion, gripping to the other with desire as he let the feeling settle in his loins and urge him on. this part seemed far more familiar to him as Sahena pulled out slightly and pushed back in, rubbing himself against the other's tightened ring of muscles. He groaned, repeating the process again and again.


Lazarus gasped and arched beneath him, panting as Sahena began to thrust slowly into him. His passage clenched around him, massaging Sahena's cock as the pale male began to make love to him. Lazarus moaned for him, urging him onward. Every thrust sparking pleasure deep in his gut.  Shakily, Lazarus tugged him down for desperate kisses. "Love you..."


Sahena could barely gasp out a repeating sentiment, for his mouth felt sore from kisses and his brain could hardly comprehend anything beyond that delicious thrusting. He pushed harder, always conscious of how much strain he was placing on Lazarus' body despite the haze of desire that overcame him. The last thing Sahena wanted was to ruin this moment by causing his beloved to bleed. Thus, he took it slow and gradually got the other used to the throbbing cock delved deep inside him. In any case, the friction was more than enough to cause pleasure. "...Oooh, L-Lazarus!"


The shadowshifter responded wonderfully. His cries became louder and louder as they rocked together, his hands groping at the youth's body desperately. "Ahhhn! O-Ohhh yes...." He gasped out in delight.  The man nibbled at Sahena's lips and upon his neck as they ground together hard. It was rapture, the feel of the other slamming into him, his loving caresses. The slow, slick glide of their bodies together.


Sahena offered the warmth of his love with every driving thrust, holding to the other and welcoming those strong arms around his neck and those thighs pressing tightly on either side of his rotating hips. It felt good to be encased in such a warm embrace - the real sort of embrace that made love making something more than just the motions. What made it best was Lazarus' lips eagerly seeking Sahena's, as if to implore his attentions further with every step towards their glorious climax together.


Lazarus tightened around him. Body was aching with pleasure, his eyes watering as he clung to Sahena and felt him drive deep into his clenching ass. What a pleasure it was to have Sahena in his arms, to feel his love and adoration pouring into their love making. How long it had been since last he'd made love to the albino, an ache that was now being soothed with every deep, ungulating thrust.


Sahena too was amazed at the feelings which overwhelmed him then. It was a strange sense of familiarity when his fingertips grazed over the other's hips, reaching to caress Lazarus' twitching cock in all its magnificent splendor. He was overcome with awe at how beautifully Lazarus arched then, allowing Sahena to kiss his throat and his collarbone - lavishing him in nothing but the utmost affection.


Lazarus gasped, tossing his head back and groaning the others name when he began to stroke his weeping shaft. The pale, rosy tipped length leaking pre onto the fingers wrapped tight about the needy member. His body was throbbing and aching and he knew  that soon enough he would be unable to hold out.  His eyes watered with pleasure and he couldn't help nipping at the pale curve of a shoulder.


Sahena shuddered lightly as the other's fangs dug in his flesh, breaking the skin and letting warm blood trickle down onto Lazarus' lips. The Angelic youth shuddered, mildly confused until the other bit in deeper, making him groan as a feeling like pleasure rippled through his body. It came like sheets of rain, overwhelming him to the point where he felt himself giving in. "L-Lazarus!" he cried out, gripping the other's cock and squeezing tightly.


The elder male growled in delight, eyes closed and hands clenched tight in the pale white hair of his angel mate.  Pleasured welled hot in his gut, his cheeks colored a pale rougue from exertion and arousal. With the angel's hand gripping him so tightly, it was not long before with a shuddering sob, the big male spilled himself and trembled around the others cock. The taste of Sahena's blood coppery upon his parted lips.


Sahena could hold on no longer and moaned the other's name loudly so that it echoed almost in the hallway beyond their door. His body grew taut as he pressed in hard and spilled his hot white semen inside his new mate. The scent of blood and sex filled the air, coupled with the heat and sweat of two entangled bodies that lay against the crimson sheets. Sahena was exhausted, for he had never felt anything so intense in his life. He gazed over at Lazarus lazily, still slightly atop him.


The tall shadowshifter purred like a cat, turning his head to kiss the tip of Sahena's nose. "See....? And you were afraid you'd mess up." He teased huskily, grinning at his new mate with a chuckle throbbing from his throat. That had been a good first coupling. Lazarus could not be more satisfied with the result, his skin still tingling where Sahena had touched him.


"I guess you inspired me to not mess up," Sahena replies after a few moments of panting, his heart thundering in his chest. He looks over at Lazarus and blushes faintly, hardly believing he managed to do that. It was such a thrill...Sahena will never desire another as long as he lives!


Lazarus chuckled, dragging him down for a long, slow kiss. Though it had been Sahena's first time with him in this body, Lazarus knew with time the other would come to know his body and how to satisfy him, just as Lazarus would continue to learn what satisfied him. He drew back slowly, smile serene. "I love you so much, Sahen..." He breathed.


Sahena frowned lightly and rested himself against the pillow, watching Lazarus with desire in his gaze. "About that...how is it that you have come to love me? I know I have never met you before that day when your son brought me home to meet his parents. Could you have loved me just at first sight?" he questions, a bit skeptical. Still, his fingertips play against the other's chest, caressing a pale pink nipple.


He moaned quietly, the teasing of his nipple causing the pale bud to pebble. Smiling coyly at his new husband, he replied. "Will you believe me if I tell you?" He did not want to tell him just yet, the night was young and he was hoping to enjoy more lovemaking tonight. This information might scare Sahena and make him a nervous wreak. Knowing you died was a scary realization. He did not want that to happen on their 'wedding' night. "I can't tell you tonight... I will tell you tomorrow?"


"Fine...I can wait." Sahena blushed then, sitting up slightly to lean over and kiss the shadowshifter's lips. His mouth was gentle and loving. Oh, how good it felt. The kiss was uncoaxed and Lazarus did not have to fight with the youth to gain it. Such open love was certainly a pleasant change. It seems the rebirth had done him good. "After all, we do have the rest of our lives, don't we?"


"Yes, we do, don't we?" He breathed and caressed his hand through the angel's beautiful pale hair. "Would you like to do more? Or we could take a bath and rest a little for a while..." He breathed, lazing back on the bed with his eyes half closed and his lips parted in a beautiful smile filled with adoration.


Sahena blushed at the choices, knowing that it would be his dearest wish to have at it again with his beloved shivering under him. Still, he considered the aches that Lazarus must already be feeling - unaware of the man's past history of enjoying much more than a few aches. Aches were child's play, as far as Lazarus was concerned. Still, Sahena opted for the more compassionate idea and asked for a bath and a nice rest.


Lazarus helped him from bed, kissing at his mouth and shoulders even as he led him out and toward the bathroom. His bathroom had black tiles and silver fittings. Well appointed and well kept, the floor and silver shining.  The towels were white and stripped with blue. Soaps and oils were sitting on the counter and candles were ready to be lit to make their first night as romantic as possible. The shadowshifter drew the bath and smiled coyly at his lover, giving him a fine view of his ass and back.


Sahena walked over, helping him so as to get a chance to run his hand lovingly down the other's back, pausing at the taut cheeks. He whispered lovingly into Lazarus' ear, kissing him at any moment he got. How in love they were - newlyweds enraptured by the touch of skin and the taste of mouths. Lazarus could not have come closer to heaven even if he took it over with his Shadowshifter brethren.  


Lazarus moaned, arching into the others touch.  He smiled adoringly at Sahena and wondered how his lover would react to being introduced to his other mates, for surely they would want to get to know this youth as well. It was highly important for all of them. "I think the water is hot enough, what do you think?" He purred softly and helped the angel into the water with him.


"I think it's perfect," he replied with a seductive tone, slipping into the water and immediately pressing himself against Lazarus' wet naked body. It felt so good to be enveloped in the heat of the water, but never so good as being caressed from all sides by his sweet Lazarus. The bath truly paled in comparison. "So, tell me..." Sahena began after a few minutes of soaking and kissing. "Just what are my duties to be here?"


Lazarus stroked his hands along the albino's spine, coddling him close. "Well... Death will decide, but you will probably help me, love." He mused thoughtfully, kissing over Sahena's jaw and lips. He was glad that the other was so happy to be close. Lazarus could easily remember the way Sahena had acted about cuddling before.


"You mean...with sorting souls?" he asked curiously, nipping at the other's mouth again. It felt good to kiss Lazarus, the hot warmth of it making something in his lower abdomen coil in lust. His responsiveness to such touches lit fire in Sahena's heart, and he found himself eager to discover new points of pleasure for his beloved.


Lazarus nodded, smiling down at his  shorter lover. "Yes... it will be nice to have someone to help full time." He teased "Rowen and Akita have other duties to deal with, so they cannot help me all the time." The man remarked with a grin, kissing him adoringly once again.


"But...what about...the grandchildren Lord Death mentioned?" Sahenna asked hesitantly, faintly worried what his position would be in that regard. He had never imagined himself heavy and pregnant with child. He knew that males could do it and had seen many pregnancies in men, but it was not his idea of a fun time to be sitting in bed with a giant stomach and aching feet. 


"That... will be up to you to impregnate me, if you want of course." Lazarus replied liesurely. He could not help a chuckle at the look on the youth's face, for who could imagine Lazarus heavy with child?! It was a rather amusing thought and he lazily blew a bit of wet hair out of his face, shooting a grin at his lover. If Exodus could do it, so could he.


"You....You mean, you did not marry me so I would have your children?" he asks, faintly surprised. Then again, after the events of that night, he had learned that Lazarus was quite the surprise. It made him smile as he sat there, looking to the other. How fortunate he was to have a lover that would do this for him. He leaned in, kissing Lazarus. "I hope I can return the favor."


Lazarus chuckled and dragged him in for a  deeper kiss. "It is high time I actually birth a child anyway... I've had my lovers do it for me." He teased with a laugh, groping Sahena's firm backside cheekily. "I have never been pregnant... it's an odd thought." He mused, kissing Sahena's throat tenderly.


Sahena winced as the other's moist lips brushed over the puckered wound Lazarus had made. Sahena reached up and touched it, frowning. "Wow...you really bit deep," He says mildly as he gently washes the wound. It stings a little, complaining at the touch of hot water.


"Sorry... does it hurt?" Lazarus asked worriedly,  touching the wound before kissing it once again. "I did not mean to bite you so hard, Sahena..." He smiled sheepishly, eyes softening when he gazed upon his beloved finally returned to him.


"It's alright. I didn't realize your kind did this sort of thing, though...I've heard about mating bites in Demons, but I guess Shadowshifters do it as well," Sahena replied with a gentle smile, touching his shoulder and rubbing it a little. The wound would scab over and then eventually scar. Sahena decided to wear it with pride - a lasting reminder of their first night together.


Lazarus flushed and nodded. He himself had left bites and had been bitten, especially by Exodus. That one bit quite a lot during sex and would leave a man with some nasty scars. It was worth it though. Lazarus was glad his lord had picked that one to mother his heirs.  Exodus had become a good friend and lover. He chuckled, leaning in to whisper. "I'd like to carry some scars from you soon..."


Sahena could only bite his lip to keep from blushing too much, looking over at Lazarus as they soaked in the tub. He felt himself warm instantly at the thought of getting the larger male pregnant, wondering what sort of an experience it would be. Surely, it could not be entirely unpleasant, but what new father was not at least nervous about becoming so? "I hope our children look like you...they will be beautiful, then."


Lazarus smiled slightly, leaning in to kiss longingly at his mate's lips. "They will be beautiful anyway... they will have a father like you." He chuckled and winked. The shadowshifter was in good spirits and feeling playful. He flopped against Sahena, splashing water and sopping it out of the tub. His hands tangled in the pale hair of his lover and his lips curved in a pleased smile.


"You flatter me far too much....and you're heavy. Here, get on this way," Sahena says with a smirk, getting Lazarus to straddle him so he can kiss the other's lips better. He runs his hands down the other's smooth sides, enjoying the subtle curves that are enough to drive anyone insane. "You are so gorgeous...I cannot convey how happy I am that I did not marry that older woman."


"For sure... she looked like a dinosaur." Lazarus snorted, rolling his eyes in disgust. He was not one for women like that, the haughty old crone with her glaring, smug eyes. Lazarus smirked slightly, rocking in the angel's lap and smirking so demurely down at him. "Why would any one want her, I am far more beautiful."


Sahena laughed, seeing Lazarus' playful glint that showed most prominently in his eyes. It made the Angel lean up and kiss him, his arms wrapping around the other's body as best they could. "You're right....you are much more beautiful than her. I don't think I could have felt so comfortable sleeping with her as I do you. I would have to close my eyes."


"Ahh... yes..." Lazarus purred smugly, kissing his lips slowly,  hips rocking more against the younger angel. He was a shadowshifter, one romp was not going to keep  him pleased for very long and his desire for Sahena burned viciously.


Sahena shivered at the suggestion, finding himself more than eager to once again slip into the unimaginable inferno that was Lazarus' body. At first, though, he teased coyly with a smile and held the other's hips firmly to keep him from grinding them again. "Now, now...you shouldn't encourage such things. You may end up regretting it."


Lazarus scowled slightly, not very good at pouting, long lashes fluttering down over his eyes. His hands stroked down Sahen's chest slowly, fingers tweaking a nipple as he slid his hands along his torso temptingly. "So beautiful.... so very beautiful you are, Sahena..." He breathed huskily, eyes glowing with delight. He wanted to sink into those beautiful red eyes.


"You flatter me, husband, but it is you who are the beautiful one," Sahena returned and gently coaxed the other against him. Lazarus could at once feel the throbbing heat that had formed between Sahenna's legs. It seemed that it did not take so long for Angels to get into the mood either. With one fluid thrust, Sahena was inside him.


Lazarus arched, enjoying the feeling of being full again.The lube and spend from their first bout easing Sahena's way inside. He rumbled with delight, lashes lowered over his dark, glistening eyes. His cock throbbed hard between their stomach. Lazarus began to rock slowly on the amorous length. "Mmmm... so you say...." He replied coyly, smirking at how Sahena  held onto his squirming hips and kept him seated, as if afraid he might just buck him off.


Sahena smirked, feeling Lazarus' arousal between them as he began to rock the gorgeous Shadowshifter up and down, leaning him forward to fully press his lips to Lazarus' warm mouth. "Ha...it seems I have made you hard without touching you...I guess I'm doing much better tonight than I thought," he purred, rubbing Lazarus' cock lovingly. He was no longer shy.


The tall man groaned softly, smiling against the others lips. Sahena did not have to do a thing to arouse him. His presence alone was enough to have him squirming and gazing lustily upon the pale haired angel. They moved together, the soft, breathy gasps of Lazarus echoing in the bathroom along with the splashing of sloshing water from their rocking together.


It seemed like hours until they had finally played out their passions once more to that earth-shattering climax. The second time was even better than the first as Sahena did his very best to bring the other to complete satisfaction. He groaned when Lazarus' body clamped around him hard, and it was his turn to come first with a long groan passing his lips. He filled his beloved once more, hitting hard against his prostate.


Lazarus was soon to follow, growling his delight and clenching his hands in the hair of his beloved. He moaned and slumped, having exhausted himself. He had not slept much the night before, so nervous and anxious that he had made himself sick. Sleep had not been easy. So now he was sleepy and he snuggled closer to Sahena. Kissed at him with a gentle smile tugging at his lips.


"Are...you tired...my love?" Sahena panted as he laid back in the tub, looking to Lazarus with a gentle smile. He was absolutely sated. It felt just as good then, pressing inside Lazarus with the water all around them, as it did on the bed - and Sahena had a feeling it could only get better. Thus, the two wearily got out of the tub and dried one another off, cleaning up before leaving, and then slipping into bed with their naked skin rubbing against the other's. Truly, it was the perfect night.


Lazarus held to him, yawning when they got into bed. "Yes.... I am sorry love, but I am very much exhausted." He chuckled. "Lack of sleep does not make for a very vigorous bedmate, hmmm?" He remarked, making fun of himself goodnaturedly.


"Well, come...we'll sleep together." He blushed and smiled, moving closely for a kiss against Lazarus' cheek. "I'm sure there will be opportunity to continue this tomorrow, when we are both more up to the task. I hate to tell you this, but...I had a hard time sleeping the other night. I was excited and scared to be here. Now I am so happy my heart could burst."


Lazarus smiled contentedly, snuggling against his young husband. "Yes... I can understand it, lovely one." He replied quietly. With a hushed yawn, the man hugged Sahena close. So tired, sleep would be lovely. "Good night love, sleep well..." He breathed, kissing his lover's lips gingerly.


"Good night, my husband..." Sahena whispered as he cuddled close and gently closed his eyes. The two fell into a marvelous sleep, leaving the halls outside their rooms quiet at least for a while. It was late in the night, the shadows filling the corridors, as Falcon sat in his room and stared out the window. There was no moon this night, so his room was lit only by an oil lamp set on a table. It threw shadows on the walls and his half-eaten dinner. For some reason, this place felt lonely.

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