untitled: A Matter of Honor

Chapter 14: A Matter of Honor


"I'm ba~ack!! Hey...where's mama?" Urielle says as she brings in a tray of steaming hot goats milk spiced with warm honey and a hint of maple syrup. She places this down with the glasses on a small table and begins to pour out the nice frothing warm drink. There are bland little cookies that go with it, but most of what the Starcs eat doesn't have a lot of taste. That's why neither Urius nor Falcon handles sweets very well. 


"We're letting her rest." Lazarus told her reassuringly. "I do not wish to wake her up right now." He smiled faintly, though it did not reach his eyes. How sweetly naive the girl was. The desire to help was an ache in his belly. He knew the pain of losing his own mother but it was not his place to decide who lived and who died.  Death ruled that and Lazarus was only his Second.


"Alright...but she'll get up later. I want her to meet Ceata!" Urielle said sweetly as she handed out the warm sweet drink and the cookies to everyone. Urius left his untouched, having not eaten much in the last few days. When he was stressed, he usually had a loss of appetite.


Ceata attempted to get him to eat, even if it was just one cookie.  He looked him pleadingly in the eye and pushed the cookies gently to his lips  in offering. The task of getting him to eat better would have to come later for now he just wanted to make the man feel just a little bit better.  Lazarus sipped the milk silently, saddened by the girl's naive hope.


Urius carefully moved the cookie away from his lips. It was obvious he was still irritated, as shown by the darkness of his eyes. Ceata had never seen him this angry before...likely because Ceata had never pressed the issue of Rowan-Adonis before. Still, it's not as though he was going to give up. "Are there any other things you wished to talk about, Lord Lazarus?"


Lazarus glanced up from the glass and smiled faintly. "I'm sure you would not tell me anyhow, Urius." He replied ruefully.  "But I was curious of Rowan's past as well as the present...." he sighed and rubbed his temple. "The man makes my head hurt and a bad feeling sink in my chest sometimes."


Urius looked as though he would just about growl. Sleep deprivation, stress, and exhaustion had a tendency to make his perfect stone face break. "Your assumption is correct. I will tell you nothing." Falcon glanced over at his uncle, seeing the stress he was in. It made him want to ask kindly if both Lazarus and Ceata would stop pressing the issue, for Falcon knew just how delicate Urius could be. It had been a long time since Falcon had seen him break down - he was due for another anytime soon.


Lazarus nodded. "Very well." He replied, letting the subject drop. Ceata tried to ease into Urius' thoughts, attempting at least to sooth him gently with the mental link that mated share. It was not something he had told Urius about for fear that the other would leave him, but he had had to share it finally. Ceata leans his face against Urius' neck, feeling horribly helpless in this whole mess.


"Oh! Oh! All this reminds me, we should all go and play in the snow later," Urielle says with a big beaming grin. The whole room blinks, probably quite startled by the conversation whiplash. Urielle doesn’t' seem any bit upset by it, sipping at her warm milk and smiling so lovingly. "Because no one plays in the snow here...we should all go for a nice winter walk. We can bring mama too!"


Urius just about snaps, but manages to keep his calm long enough to collect himself. "It's a bit too deep. Perhaps you can go into the courtyard with Falcon and Eos instead, Urielle." 


Eos clapped his hands." yes, we should go play in the snow and have a snowball fight." He declared coyly, glancing at Falcon and Urielle with a big grin. That grin was not a foolish one; he was trying to take some of the pressure off of Urius so that Ceata could attend to him. The man looked like he was going to explode.


"Aww...can Ceata come too? I bet he'd be good at playing stealth! He already matches the snow," Urielle giggles as she puts down her empty cup, smoothing out her periwinkle purple dress. She's the only Starc girl who seems to be wearing any color. The ones that they passed were all in grey, looking down in a subservient fashion. Truly, because Urielle has spent most of her life so close to her mother, she is of complete innocence with a stubbornness that she wouldn't have if she had gone through formal training. Unlike her brothers, her will has not yet been broken.


 "No, I will play later." Ceata smiled faintly. "I came here to see Urius and we have much to speak of." He said it quietly and soothingly, assuring Urius would know he was not going to push the matter of Adonis anymore this evening. He was more concerned with seeing to his wounds and making sure they were not getting infected.


"But....but..." she started, looking very sad. Her sweet eyes were much like Urius', only large and lovely. A pout formed on her soft pink mouth and she dug her hands into her fluffy skirt. "I wanted to spend time with you...how sad. Will you promise to play with the snow with me before you leave?" she asks, hopeful.


"Yes, I promise to play in the snow before I leave." he chuckles warmly, doing his very best to hide the feelings stirring in his gut.  His hand still run through Urius' pretty black hair. How much he wants to hid his face in it and simply cry. Knowing he has made Urius mad is hard. Ceata might have several lovers already, but he is still learning the ins and outs of a relationship. It's hard.


Urius was so agitated that he didn't react. Normally, he would welcome the little caresses and often return them. It seems he was so angry, he didn't even wish to do that. Ceata was regretting bringing up the Adonis issue when Urius was like this. It was obvious from the beginning that he was already too exhausted to deal with very much. Now Ceata would have to cuddle him into submission...if he would get the chance. There came a knocking at the door then as Urielle got up to collect empty cups. She stopped and walked over, opening the door and finding a tall stern-faced man on the other side. "Sterric! What are you doing here?" she grumbled.


Sterric was the brother above Stannis. He had no sons and often envied his eldest and second youngest brothers for having boys. After five daughters, he had given up angrily and spends most of his time dealing illegal goods and trying to gain fame and fortune. No doubt he is there to talk with Lazarus.


"Well, I just came to see our guests...it would be rude if I didn't, eh?" Sterric said, standing there in robes adorned with silver. He had long hair and a goatee. He was also not as physically fit as his other brothers, if only because he dealt as an accountant to the Justice Department - a high-paying job, but usually involving very little physical exercise. 


 Lazarus turned his gaze onto the newcomer, taking him in. His eyes were thoughtful and his lips twitched into a faint frown. Wonderful, more Starcs to deal with. Why could they not all be like Falcon, Urius or especially the girl? Annoyance after annoyance.  The tall man sighed, noting that Ceata seemed even less welcoming to this stranger. Putting stress on his mate wasn't helping anything.


Sterric walked in and stood beside Kite, who looked absolutely ill at seeing him. Sterric had come onto her once at a banquet, asking if she would give him a son and tried to feel her up. Not only did Kite give him a beating, Stannis left a very visible scar on the man's thigh from a fork...It was a rather famous incident, which is why Sterric is terrified of his younger brother. "Don't make me call my husband again, brother-in-law...You know Stannis would brave the mountains just to get to me," Kite says with a growl and Sterric immediately backs off.


"My apologies, Kite...I just came to talk to the Shadowshifter King, that's all. I was wondering if he would be interested in an investment," Sterric said slyly, trying to make himself seem innocent. 


Lazarus rose a brow. He shuffled, a faint pleasant scent wafting off of the big male adorned in his robes. Though it was only slight, it was intoxicating. Lazarus would be in full heat within a day or so. He smiled faintly, lowering his gaze. "Oh? What sort of investment, sirrah?" He asked, ready to laugh this man out of the room as soon as he opens his mouth again.


"Just a simple business that I run and -" Sterric starts, seeming generally pleased that such a powerful and gorgeous person has taken interest. However, before he can say anything, Urius has placed Ceata down on the ground and has stood up. Sterric turns from Lazarus for just a moment, getting a glimpse of his brother and almost squeaking for fear - Sterric is really a coward.


"Out." It's a growl. Sterric tries to regain himself, stepping back and into the threshold, scared.


"B-but I was only going to ask about the slave -" he tries again, absolutely terrified. Urius gets like this seldom...but he has that look in his eyes. It's the kind he has when he's just about to kill someone. That foolish informant got to see his eyes like this before he died, their grey almost completely covered with violet.


"He has no interest in slave trading....so don't make me say it again."


Sterric takes the hint and just about runs, leaving Urius in the middle of the room, very angry, very tired, and now just about ready to kill something. He sighs, putting a hand to his forehead. "I'm going to go check on mother, Urielle. Please escort Lord Lazarus, Ceata, and the others out when they wish to leave." 


Ceata's eyes flashed. How dare Urius dismiss him like that! He remained silent, watching the other man with an emotionless expression. There was so much anger stirring in him that Ceata wanted to scream. How cruel, how very cruel. He's never felt this helplessly enraged before in his life. Lazarus closed his eyes thoughtfully, his chin resting on his hand, dissatisfied, but unable and unwilling to argue.


'It looks like,' Falcon thinks to himself, watching Urius walk out, 'this is going to be their first fight...' Exchanging a glance with his mother, he can see Kite is thinking the same thing. Falcon sighs and then stands as well, holding onto Eos's hand. "Come on, Urielle. Let's the three of us go out and play in the snow. You can come as well, Ceata, if you would like. Perhaps a tour of the castle outside would calm your nerves." Ah, how intuitive Falcon was. 


Ceata growled faintly but stood and allowed himself to be dragged out. Urius was angring him to the point that he wanted to slam his head repeatedly into a wall as well. There was that horrific desire to hurt Urius and Ceata knew more so then Adonis how to hurt a lover, even if Ceata did not know he did. When the one you love hurts you, there is nothing worse in the world.  He grumbles, following the rest out to tour this hellhole.


Falcon was happy to get everyone out of that tense room, leaving Lazarus and Kite to enjoy the rest of their drink. This was certainly better than having two emotionally-charged Shadowshifters in the same room at once. Thus, Falcon led Ceata down through the cold silent hallways until they reached a little courtyard covered in snow. Urielle had stopped by her room to grab her coat and goulashes, rushing out into the white with happy giggles. Eos rushed with her, the two having a similar love for play. It  allowed Falcon and Ceata to stand together.


"...He doesn't mean to hurt you, you know." 


 "I know... does not mean it doesn't make me want to slit his throat sometimes." He replied crossly, watching Eos pounce around with the  girl, excited and laughing. "Sometimes it makes me wonder if I should have ever mated to him. I can't change it now... it would hurt the both of us badly, but he lies to my face and leaves me in the dark.... and it hurts."


"He's only doing it to protect you...Urius is very simple to read. He runs from things he fears and he tries to push others away so they don't get involved in his problems. Think of it this way - if he didn't love you, he wouldn't be trying this hard," Falcon says as he looks up to the other with his youthful wisdom. His ice blue eyes are gentle, feeling true sympathy for Ceata. It reminds Falcon that he must be honest with Eos...doing what Urius does only makes things worse.


"I know..." Ceata groaned and rubbed his hand through his short hair, twitchy with frustration. Urius was an idiot, lacking the true communication needed to keep a relationship afloat and it infuriated Ceata. He glanced at the young Starc, frowning slightly. "I will calm down..." He declares, frowning as he stood beside Falcon and watched Eos throw snowballs at the gir.


"Whatever the case, his acting this way or not......he needs you." Falcon says, looking up at Ceata with those knowing ice-blue eyes. "I have never seen him like this before. Something bad is happening." Falcon sighs as he looks back to his beloved, Ceata wishing so badly to confide in the Angel. Perhaps Falcon will know what's going on! Then again, perhaps he won't. What's more, with Rowan's perfect tract record among his subordinates, Falcon is more than likely to call Ceata a liar and raise alarm. Still, that doesn't mean the beautiful Shadowshifter youth doesn't want to talk to someone...If only he could get to Urius. It was unfair.


"Nephew! Ceata! Come make a snowman with us! I want to make a big one, so I need your help!" Urielle called to them, she and Eos already beginning to roll up little balls of snow into bigger balls, trying to get as much as possible.


Ceata sighed and walked over, milling over Falcon's words with a faint frown. Annoyance made the situation less fun then it could have been and Ceata hurriedly helped them to roll the snowball bigger and bigger. Damn it, Ceata grumbled to himself, why did Urius have to make this so hard? His eyes stung, but he dare not cry, not now, not later.


"Ceata, are you okay?" Urielle asked after they had made three snowmen - an entire family. She tugged on his sleeve, looking up at him to see those pretty dual-colored eyes glistening. Even the ignorant little sweetie had caught on to Ceata's anguish and was trying to console him. She was such a darling individual...if only her brother shared her open-hearted good will.


He smiled weakly,  lowering his gaze. "I will be fine." He replies, not wishing to allow the young woman to continue to question him. He shivered, breathing on his hands to make them warm again. They were flushed and numb from cold. He rubbed them together slowly in an attempt to work the chill out of them.  "The cold is just getting to me."


"Do you want to go back inside? I'll make you some more warmed milk...Oh! And maybe we can share it with mama this time," she giggles, grabbing onto Ceata's hands and pressing them between hers. She smiled sweetly up at him, having such a kind heart. She was unlike her brothers in every aspect. 


Unable to help himself, Ceata smiles warmly and allows those smaller hands to warm his. He hated to think that this sweet girl would someday be forced to see the harshness of reality.  A burning ache started in his chest at the very thought. Chuckling quietly, he nodded. "Yes... let us go in and get some warm milk. That would be lovely." Something warm to ease the chill and get his mind off everything.


"Wonderful! You know, this is the first time in a long time that I got to entertain someone with mama...I'm so happy!" Urielle cried with a great big smile, grasping Ceata's hand and Eos' hand and dragging them along. "Come! I'll take you to the kitchens! We can make a shortcut through the training grounds!"


The two shadowshifters allowed themselves to be dragged along, Ceata actually chuckling good naturedly at the girl's delight, Such a cute. sweet child! She was probably older then he, but Shadowshifters grew up fast and aged slowly, they saw and learned things quicker then many a race. It was all for survival, for you cannot be slow when the world is against you. Life is harsh and cruel, though many of the young shadowshifters in Death's castle have only just started to realize this.


Angels, on the other hand, took very, very long to develop. Some of them were quicker than others and could use their many years to learn more than the average race. Even so, their sexual maturity grew alarmingly slow and their bodies usually followed suit. Urielle was about the age of a 14-year-old in her mind, yet her body had been around for over a thousand years. Ceata couldn't help but wonder as he was dragged along a narrow pathway if his children with Urius would ever be the same. Still, his mind was quickly taken from it as they came upon the training grounds...and nearly got hit by the body of a flying young warrior. Falcon, thankfully, ducked Eos and Urielle out of the way to avoid getting hit. The young man hit the wall very hard with a bone-shattering thud. When Ceata looked up and saw where he had come from, he was surprised to see young men and even a few young boys engaging in hard hand-to-hand combat with brutal force. It looked as though several competitors were already unconscious. Those that had none quickly ganged up on the remaining fighters, resulting in a melee which would have one person standing. It was brutal, especially considering everyone here was related in some way...and yet...they looked as though they really wanted to kill each other. The boy laying unconscious against the wall was proof of that much. He was beaten bloody, far worse than any of Ceata's sparring sessions. 


"Perhaps we should not have come this way..." Falcon says as he looks upon the stone arena. He remembers it well, for this is where he spent a good deal of his life. 


Ceata watched them with fascinated for a moment. His gaze thoughtful, body tensed as he observed the brutal battling laid out before them. Such fierce combat, surely this was not the healthiest way to make them battle ready, but it was surely the quickest. His eyes flashed, gaze running over the melee with an almost bored look. "Lets keep moving." The young man grunts, brows furrowed.


"Ooooii!!!" came a call from across the way, the sidelines in fact. The champions from the previous four melees were standing there and looking over towards their small group that had mistakenly wandered into the training area during afternoon practice. One of them was a tall and handsome young man with long wavy black hair. His eyes were black as well and he had a very arrogant nature. Another was a smaller slender youth with shortly cropped black hair, his eyes a pale grey. Then the other two appeared to be twins, both of them with black hair about shoulder-length, straight, and dark grey eyes. They were all looking at Falcon. "Looks like little no-good Blue Eyes is back! Is his Valen mother around? We've been looking for a cheap thrill!" the tallest one said with a callous nature. The others didn't stop fighting, but Ceata could see shadows standing beyond the pillars, watching the fight. All the Starcs who were either finished battling or intended to battle turned their attention to the group...Crap,  they were spotted.


Ceata lets out a low growl.  These were the sort of arrogant bastards he loathed and from Eos' expression, he disliked them just as dearly.  Eos stroked his lover's hand gently, eyes narrowed and lip twitching with annoyance. These were the sort of men that deserved to be put in their place, as harshly as possible. He remains silent, keeping close to his love.


"We're just passing through, Arcsus." Falcon's tone was steady, but his anger was quite obvious. The older male walked over, smirking with his posse behind him. It was easy to tell that they were all skilled warriors, for they had the scars and the calluses to prove that much. Some of the fighters that weren't busy in the melee stepped forward to get a better look, there being heard murmurings over the sounds of young men beating each other to a bloody pulp.


"Well, well...it's been a long time, Blue Eyes Perhaps you forgot your place living with all those high-life Valens and indulging in their weaknesses...Like mother, like son," Arcsus replied with a smirk. He was one of Urland's sons, as arrogant and cruel as his father. Falcon didn't take the bait, though, simply turning and trying to usher Eos and Urielle forward, Urielle just about ready to kick Arcsus in the shin.


"I would prefer if you would just let us through, Arcsus. We are on official bus - " Falcon says, only to stop when he hears Arcsus whistle. Those dark eyes are on Eos now.


"My, my...what do we have here? You brought a whore of your own? How like you, Blue Eyes. I see you follow the usual Valen indulgences quite well...Tell me, does he get paid by the hour or for each time? He certainly is a cute little thing." Arcsus reaches out to touch Eos and Falcon really has no choice...but to punch him directly in the face. Arcsus goes skidding, but is stopped by one of his friends. He is shocked that the younger male would act so violently,  but there is one thing Falcon can't stand - ANYONE touching his mate. "You....you little bastard....you actually made me bleed..."


Eos watched the man with disgust as he got closer. When the hand reached to touch him he clenched his teeth in a sneer and his eyes darkened in revulsion and fear. Suddenly there was a blur and a crack. Those bright eyes flicked up to look at Falcon when the man's fist impacted with that of the bigot. Falcon's expression was one of anger and protectiveness. Eos was touched. Proof of Falcon's affection seen in how easily he stepped up to protect him.


"If you EVER touch him, I will kill you!" Falcon growled with anger in his eyes. No one, especially a person like Arcsus, would ever know the joy of even laying his fingers on the other's slender shoulder. Falcon was not opposed to allowing Eos friends, he TOLERATED Echo's existence, but he would never in his life allow anyone of such a horrible nature to touch his pure and sweet Eos. Arcsus didn't seem to catch the hint, though, wiping away the blood from his nose and smirking.


"Well, well, well...Looks like little Blue Eyes found himself a bitch. However, you made the wrong move threatening me....What do you say I give you a taste of your childhood, eh? Maybe it will help you remember your place," Arcsus said coolly, already beginning to take off his coat. The guy was all muscle, covered in battle scars on that pale skin. Falcon so wanted to kill this person. He glanced back at Urielle and Ceata.


"Ceata...would it be so wrong if I asked you to allow me to fight? I would be very much appreciative if you'd look after my aunt and Eos for me."


Pouting slightly, Eos watches Falcon. He was perfectly capable of kicking the other man's ass into the pavement, but he would allow Falcon to fight if he so wished it. Eos was not a bitch, Arcsus would learn that soon enough if he continued to press. Ceata smiled charmingly and bowed. "Please, do enjoy yourself Falcon." He breathed, lashes lowering coyly. Now this should be entertaining.


"Thank you, Ceata..." Falcon then turned to Eos, seeing the other's concern. "Will you back me up, if I lose?" It was quite obvious that Falcon realized the merits Eos had gained in fighting. He could keep both Ranmaru and Varun on their toes if he liked, though he just never seemed to get into it. Falcon recognized that Eos was stronger with him and, even though he was the dominant in the relationship, he had no problem being weaker.


"Oh, my...Looks like your bitch is going to protect you? Ha! How pathetic and so like you, Blue Eyes..." Arcsus mocked, his little cronies following suit. Falcon just glared at him, hate in his eyes.


"I would allow him to beat you into a bloody pulp, Arcsus...but I don't want to get his hands dirty with such a low-life scum like yourself."


Eos chuckled sweetly, nodding. "Of course Falcon." He cooed and tugged the other  man down to nibble coyly at his lips. His eyes flicked to the fool, the burning look scathing and cruel. "I would gladly show them their place if you so wished it, my love." He breathed, caressing Falcon's neck. His hips cocked,  pleased at the expression on the Starcs' faces.


"As I said, my love...your soft hands would get unbearably dirty. I thank you for leaving this to me, though," Falcon replied with a smile, causing Arcsus to growl. He had already gotten into a fighting stance and several of the melee fighters had stopped in their mad pummeling to see their senior officer - one of the head fighters, that is - growling angrily at one of the former cadets. Falcon regretfully let go of Eos, allowing him to go off to the sidelines to watch.


"You're going to pay for his words, Blue eyes...you're going to pay dearly," Arcsus growled as he waited for Falcon to unfix his coat. This he handed with a smile to Eos, the other rather happy now that he got to see some bare chest again. It was only until Eos was safely away that Falcon strapped on his arm guards and lowered into a stance as well. Eos sat on a nearby stone bench, worried. Arcsus was bigger than his lover. He didn't want Falcon to get hurt.


Gaze intent upon Falcon, Eos hoped he wouldn't get himself into trouble. Ceata watched, amusement glittering in his eyes. It took his mind off the troubles he was faced with. A small respite. Falcon was a well built young man with a good heart, Eos had certainly picked well! Such a man would make a fine ally for all of them and a good mate for little Eos. "Kick his ass Falcon." He laughs. "Don't make Eos have to dirty those little hands of his!"


"Yeah! Beat him up, nephew!!" Urielle cried, sitting along side Ceata with a gung-ho expression. Falcon really did feel very honored to be so supported, knowing that he was doing this to keep Eos from doing anything rash. After all, it was not as though Eos would enjoy getting all covered in blood...or, at the very least, Falcon didn't want to see his pure and innocent lover rip someone to shreds. He feared his adorable pouting enough as it was, fearing his fighting prowess was another thing entirely. Either way, he had to keep his eyes squarely ahead as Arcsus didn't waste any time what so ever. He rushed at Falcon with typical Starc viciousness. Eos saw Arcsus was fast, skilled...Falcon barely managed to dodge a few blows aimed for his head. He had his arm guards up and parried, ducking and moving with quite a bit of agility. Falcon wasn't the little whelp from before, barely thirteen and rather scrawny, too weak to defend himself from Arcsus. Now he was completely capable of kicking the older male's ass if he tried hard enough. Sparring a little with Rei every day helped immensely. 


With how vicious Rei was? It helped enormously. That bastard never gave anyone quarter and Falcon had come from that bloodied more then once. Eos fiddled with his sleeve, watching the fight intensely, ready to leap in and crush some nuts should the other Starc use any dirty tactics. The young man was not going to allow that man any sort of mercy if he tried anything dishonorable.


Falcon easily dodged another attack, sending a spiral kick towards the other's head. Arcsus caught it and sent Falcon flying, Eos standing up and gasping as he feared his beloved would hit the wall. Falcon, to his credit, swiveled around and caught the stone with his feet, using it to launch forward and take a bounding leap at Arcsus, almost drop-kicking him. Arcsus skidded and rolled over, getting back up. Falcon did the same, crouching, and avoided another kick. He tried for a round kick to the other's legs, Arcsus jumping up and trying to stomp on his cousin. It was all rather fast, happening in a matter of seconds. The two of them showed no quarter, sweat gathering on their pale skin. Those that stopped to watch cheered on Arcsus or Falcon, even making bets as to who would win. "Go, Falcon!! Don't give up!!!" Urielle cried, jumping up and down.


Eos watched on with baited breath. He shivers, eyes wide and lip caught between his teeth. Gods, Falcon was  beautiful in motion. Even if Eos was fearing for the life of the one he loved, watching the sweat drip off  hisbody and those muscles flex and clench was making his head swim with lust. By all that was holy, he was more then ever glad that he had been lucky enough to catch the affections of Falcon.


Falcon had caught one of the blows from his cousin, now straining in a lock between the other's arms. Arcsus was trying to flip him, but he couldn't allow the older male to pull him off his feet. His body strained and he grit his teeth, growling with anger. There was only one chance and he really didn't like it, but he gladly dropped down, wrapped his legs around the other's shoulder and used a judo move - the sacrifice throw - to send Arcsus flying into a pile of weapons. The case fell over with a thud, but it did not harm Arcsus in the least. He was up, roaring with anger for having been duped. Falcon swiveled and jumped to his feet, just in time to avoid a stone-cracking kick to his head. Rolling forward and jumping up, he stepped in the middle of the melee that, by some miracle was still going on. Arcsus pursued him, pushing his fellow family members out of the way. "Stupid little whelp! I'll rip you to shreds!" Arcsus howled, avoiding a kick from one of the cadets.


Falcon was in a bit of a bind...surrounded on all sides, it helped keep Arcsus at a distance, but it developed other problems. Someone lunged at him and he had to parry, finding another coming at him from the other side, so he ducked, allowing the punch to go through to his other attacker. A kick came from no where and he blocked, rolled and then found his back to a pillar. Looking up, there was a fist coming at him. Eyes wide, he held up his hands and caught Arcsus' fist with his arm guards, gritting his teeth as his arms ached from the impact. He was in a corner now...not good.


Squirming restlessly in the seat Eos watched his lover battle it out. He wanted to scream at him to get his punk ass out of the corner, but he held his tongue. The desperate urge to leap to his defense burned in his gut, but this was Falcon's fight, not his.  Yet his lover was putting himself in a bad position and he better be able to get himself out of it! Ceata was silent, leaning and watching with half closed eyes.


 "I hope you know....Blue Eyes..." Arcsus chuckled as he pinned Falcon there, his fist slamming hard into Falcon's gut and making him double over. The younger Starc saw stars for a moment, wincing heavily from the pain. He didn't cry out though, to his merit, for he would never disgrace himself in that way. Still, Arcsus' words were ringing in his head as he felt dizzy. "I hope you know....when I'm done with you...I'll be paying a visit to your ugly little whore...I'll rip him a new asshole until he begs me to stop."



Oh, shit. Arcsus, you dumbass.



So sure he had won, Arcsus allowed Falcon to slide down to the ground, holding his side where he had likely broken a rib. He smirked upon the other, just about to turn and go harass Eos - he really shouldn't have turned his back. He felt a tap on his shoulder and turned, seeing an incensed Falcon with gleaming blue eyes. He grabbed Arcsus' face, did a full 180 and RAMMED his head into the pillar behind him. There was a very sickening SCHLAP!!! when skull met stone. Falcon let go of him only after two more hits, seeing his bloodied face leaving a mark as Arcsus fell back like so much dead weight. Falcon was FUMING with rage. "Don't you ever talk about Eos like that again, you worthless piece of living excrement!"


Ceata broke into a smile, blood boiling for a fight after watching the melee. He really should have just jumped in and busted a few faces in, anything to get that anger out.  Eos nearly screamed when his lover got punched in the gut, gripping the stone bench so hard it felt as if the stone would dent. Then, oh yes then, suddenly Falcon was slamming the others face into the pillar and Eos let rip a shriek of utter  blood thirsty pleasure.


"Yaaay! Falcon is the winner! Falcon is the winner!" Urielle cried with glee, jumping up and down with Eos like a giddy school girl. Falcon went and limped over, the other fighters allowing him through. What he did was incredibly violent even by Starc standards, but Falcon could not help the rage that filled him with at the idea of Arcsus raping his beloved. Eos was his precious shining light - to have him so sullied, even just the thought of it, brought unimaginable anger to his heart. Still, he made his way over to his sweetling, his rib hurting badly.


"Did I do well, Eos?" he asks, wanting to know his expert opinion. Eos had not seen all his fighting moves, but had given him tips during some practice katas. Falcon wanted to make his lover proud, to protect him, and to be protected.


Eos flung himself on Falcon, clinging to him like a limpet and nearly sent the both of them tumbling to the ground. It was only his wings let out at the proper timing to back fan that kept them from toppling to the hard ground and further hurting Falcon's ribs. He kissed his lover harshly, growling with delight. "Oh you wonderful, vicious beast." he breaths in enthusiasm "You nearly got your ass handed to you, but damn did you end well!"


Falcon blushed considerably for the other's praise and the hot warm kiss that made his cold skin flush with heat. Feeling the other's hand upon his side, he winces a little, yet the pain ebbs away just with Eos' presence. "I am glad I pleased you. The techniques you taught me were most helpful," Falcon replied with a gentle smile. His smile was sweet and handsome, one that would only be directed at Eos - such was Falcon's love. Their precious exchange left Ceata's heart aching a little as he watched them. Would he and Urius ever be that way? "Let's go to the kitchen's now. I believe you must be chilled from watching me." Falcon puts a warm hand upon the other's shoulder, being mindful of his beautiful wings.


Eos smiled and kissed his brow, giving the people watching their display  an eyeful and a glimpse of the viciousness in his eyes. Were they to say a damn thing, Eos would rip them a new one with his fist. Their unkind words were not welcome. He untangled himself from his love and tugged him along. "Yes, kitchens." He chirrups and Ceata laughs at the change of subject.


Falcon found himself blushing, being led along by his lover after such an intimate display. He didn't really care what his family thought, though, even though all Angels frowned upon public affection. As far as Falcon was concerned, they could all go fuck themselves. He was happy, flushed from his battle and feeling proud from Eos' praise. It really did mean a lot to him.


"Yay! Warm milk! Cookies!" Urielle cried, taking Ceata's arm then and tugging him along. Ceata almost didn't want to go, wishing he could simply turn back and beat the rest of Arcsus' friends into a bloody pulp. He felt so helpless, so enraged…Most of all, he felt lonely.



~ ~ ~



"Are you here to pity me, Lazarus?" Urius whispered as he sat beside the fire in the darkened room. He was staring at his mother's figure, laying on the bed and sleeping. She looked rather pale, her long black hair falling over the pillow behind her. A beautiful woman, she was. Time had been very kind to her. 


"I pity everyone, including myself sometimes." he replied, voice whisper soft, "But no, I am not here to pity you." His eyes gazed over the two, beautiful, dying mother and her strong, handsome son. It was heartbreaking, but at least Urius had his mother, for however short she was to be in this world. Lazarus had lost his mother long, long ago. She had never lived to see her baby grow up. Life was cruel sometimes, as was death. 


Urius looked back over towards the woman he barely knew himself. No older than six, he had been made to learn the ways of fighting. His life was spent in the training arena, the cell that he shared with his older brother, Stannis, and the mead hall where he took his meals. He had known her love so briefly in his life, feeling guilty now for having spent so much time away from it. Now she lay there, suffering from a light fever, which, for Angels, meant Death. Any illness lasting this long was a sign she was to be called to Higher Heaven, to be with God. "Then you are here to interrogate me."


"Yes." He admits, though it is hard. "Forgive me for doing this... I do not want to be so cruel, but there are things I must know. Do not answer me with words if you do not desire to do so, I can figure out the answer." He uttered, watching Urius closely. "I know there is another side of Rowan... but whether it is a mental illness or something far more dire, I do not know."


Urius said nothing, merely looking to his mother. His silence made Lazarus frown, for he knew that it would be hard to get any manner of an answer from Urius. The man was as cold as ice, angered already by Ceata for some reason, and now he remained obstinate to the fact that Lazarus desperately needed the information he had. If he thought it would help his case, Lazarus would have throttled the stubborn Angel to get the information out of him...for Sahena and for Ceata, as well.


"Your silence is answer enough that it is more dire then I had guessed." Lazarus continues, looking away. A pale hand drifts to a temple, rubbing away the start of a throbbing headache. If Urius had simply said it was illness, Lazarus would have milled it over, but even he could sense a wrongness about the handsome blond angel and the more he thought of it, the more old tales came to mind of possession.


"What I say or what I don't say has nothing to do with an answer, Lazarus. I simply think your questions are absurd," Urius replied coldly. His voice was on the edge of anger, quivering with rage. Lazarus was surprised by the amount of emotion that Urius was showing. He was very icy when he was mad - right now, it felt like the room had dropped a few degrees and Lazarus almost swore he saw his own breath.


"You'd be surprised." Lazarus replied, his eyes narrowing. He waved his hand dismissingly, "But ignore the ponderings of a shadowshifter." He continues. The tall male walked over, running his hand through the lank hair of Urius' mother, gazing down at her sadly. "Such a waste.... I feel for your loss, Urius, to lose ones mother... is hard." his voice cracked before he composed himself again.


"You know nothing of how I feel...You wouldn't be here pondering over my business otherwise," Urius growled, obviously annoyed with how close Lazarus was getting to Elena. She slept on, having been exhausted between Urielle's constant joyful behavior and the strains of her illness. She slept soundly now, having been taken care of for the passed few days by Urius. Her pale cheeks were lightly colored, giving her a warm glow. When Lazarus touched her skin, he could tell she was quite fevered. Whether or not she would linger for months more or die in the next day was hard to tell.


"I would." Lazarus replied sharply, flicking his gaze up to Urius. "But life goes on, one must not dwell or it drives. Them. Mad. " He breathed, the darkness of his eyes flickering and showing that same near madness he had been through many a time in his life. How much he has suffered over the years, straining to survive even under the protections of Death.  "I believe we are done here... save for the problem of you and Ceata. That is none of my business."


Urius looked down, his eyes actually showing a measure of feeling. What it was, Lazarus could not tell. "I should have never...gotten involved with him. I regret my actions now, my rashness is my own folly," Urius replies in a soft tone. Lazarus realizes that feeling now is regret and guilt, causing the Shadowshifter some annoyance. Is Urius trying to rein on his feelings? There are ways to break mates apart, for sure, but they always cause damage in the end.


"You would be a fool to break from him. He is the only thing holding you together, isn't he?" Lazarus pointed out knowingly. "It is ones mates that keep one safe and whole. Without them, life is all the harder. Ceata would never leave you... and even if you had denied him in the beginning, the end would still be the same. You were ruined the moment you took that little child into your home."


Urius closed his eyes, having known that for so long. The moment he reached out his hand to the terrified boy, he had lost himself completely. A part of him was betrayed in that moment, as he could never have gone back to loving Rowan. Yet, despite that, his heart would not rest...it could not rest...The past lay before him like a long winding ribbon of fate. Somewhere along that line, he had cut it in twain. As the pieces lay before him, he was desperately trying to fit them back together, but...."So...you would have me abandon him?" Lazarus looked up from where he was staring, his eyes turning back to Urius. He saw there a clear grey gaze as he had never seen it before - not a hint of violet at all. "Rowan may be a monster...but I would be worse if I abandoned him now." Urius got up then and brushed himself off, turning to head towards the door.  


"No." Lazarus rumbled, watching the other as he made to leave. "But I would be careful in the choices you make. There is a difference between the two sides.... one of them is the one you care for, the other... you know what it is." He uttered softly. "The other is the one that has ravaged your love and branded him property.... be careful and do not underestimate your lover, or you will be sorry in the end."


"...You idiot..." Urius growled, looking back at Lazarus. "You don't understand Rowan's intentions at all. How DARE you judge him...when you don't even know who he is!" With that, Urius opens the door and walks out, stepping into the faint light of the hallway with such a rage burning in his soul. He knows the thoughts running through the minds of those around him. Monster, evil, terrible, inhuman....So many words cling to Rowan's good name. It burns Urius, as he is the only one that remembers his smile, a gentle smile that would have torn all those words asunder.


'No one knows who you are, Rowan...I admit, I have a hard time understanding, but.....they are wrong. You're not a monster............The only monster here....'


Urius stops in the hallway, standing before a snow-frosted window. He grits his teeth, a searing pain in his throat. Slowly, tears fall.


"The only monster here is me!" 


The thing that lives in Rowan was not Rowan. Whatever that man had been before, he was barely there now.. Lazarus sighed, rubbing away the ache in his head and wishing for strength from all the gods so kind to give it to him. He fanned himself with a long fingered hand, flushed from the talk and wishing he could hide away in silence as he had done when his family had been slaughtered and there had been nothing a tiny child could do.




"Yes, Varun...that's very good," came the gentle voice of his instructor that echoed through the hall. Varun stood in the center of the room, light flowing around him as he concentrated on creating the first tower in his City of Memory. It was a sad little thing, poorly constructed and small, but it had taken several days just to lay the first few stones. As his exhaustion got the best of him, the light faded about the little box that held all these memories. Varun let go of the thought he had been building, falling back on his butt as he finally broke the link. Rowan stood at the other side of the room, clapping lightly with a smile. "Wonderful effort! You're learning even faster than I did." The beautiful blond offers his hand to the fallen Shadowshifter, getting the youth to his feet.


Panting softly, Varun clasped his hand and allowed the blond to help him to his feet. The work of building his first tower is exhausting. To think something like this could leave a man emotionally and physically exhausted  It does not seem at first thought that it would be, but he had learned better quickly. He had struggled and struggled to get it to come out better with each try. He smiled faintly, cheeks flushed and his chest heaving slightly. He appears exhausted, but lively. "Thank you Rowan..."


"I see you enjoy this kind of work...Pray tell, what is the first memory you are building?" Rowan asks, seeing the other's flushed pale skin and his sweet black eyes. He's so lovely, especially like this.


"My first birthday." Varun beamed, thrilled. "I'd do my birth, but it is very hazy." A shadowshifter, amazingly, can remember even being in the womb and their birth. The memories can be hazy, but they are sharp enough to define between imagination and memory.


"Amazing...you certainly are starting at the basics. Still, things will become easier as you go along. For now, the further the memory is away from you, the harder it is to create. Most people start from the moment they get the cube and beyond. However, I followed your approach as well, however painful it was in the beginning," Rowan says as he pets the other's dark hair. His golden-green eyes are warm and inviting. This is certainly not the Rowan everyone else is used to.


Varun beamed with pleasure, delighted to hear such words from his current mentor. "Well, I assumed if I started out a little harder, it would help me improve in the long run. Taking the easy route is not always the best way to go about it." He yawns, rubbing his eye with a balled fist. He really has worked hard today.


"How right you are, my pupil. You and I certainly do think alike," Rowan chuckled as he gently reached out and patted the other's head. He then turned and walked towards the exit. "Come along now. We should go rest for a bit in my study...I'm interested to know how you've been going with your studies."


Varun nods, following the other unsteadily. He had been working so very hard recently and it was clearhe was exhausting himself. The young man put a great deal of work into his studies. He smiled faintly as he thought of how much he had learned. It made him happy that so much knowledge had been obtained. What a thrill.


"And I'm also rather curious as to your relationship with Alpheus..." Rowan goes on to say, causing Varun to stop cold in his tracks. It was not as though there was a relationship going on openly - something which Varun deeply lamented -, but Varun would often spend his nights in Alpheus' secret room alternating between translating the ancient tomes and laying by the Angels' side. It was frustrating to be so close to him and yet so far away, especially since Varun was growing to like the Angel more and more, even if he was a bit of a trouble sometimes. 


"O-oh?" Varun murmured guiltily and glances at his feet. He hated the fact that the only time he could ever be affectionate with Alpheus was when the man was asleep. He had slept by his side many a night recently, cuddling him close and keeping him warm and comfortable. He sighs, rubbing a hand through his hair much like his father did when he was stressed. "There is not much of anything there, Rowan..."


"Sneaking into someone's bed isn't 'not much of anything,'" Rowan replied with a slight smirk, causing Varun to blush a deep crimson. Rowan stopped at the door, holding it open for Varun as he looked back at the youth with those wise green-gold eyes. "You really shouldn't be so careless...That's the quick way to getting caught."


"B-but he always sleeps better with me with him..." Varun replied shyly, looking dejected. Could you call it sneaking into his bed when he slept on top of the covers? "And it's not as if I have been touching him in any way other then in comfort. He has bad dreams sometimes..." He looked so cutely frustrated, his brows knotted. Both frustrated and embarrassed, Varun reveals his youth. "I just want to be friends with him... since I doubt he'd ever want a shadowshifter for a lover."


"I imagine his parents would have been pleased at that...They did a lot to help Shadowshifters. It is a pity that their son has had a twisted idea about their deaths, leading to this phobia of his," Rowan says as he walks out with Varun behind him. The young Shadowshifter blinks, his black eyes wide. So Rowan knew about Alpheus' misconception and did nothing to try and correct it?


"Who really killed his parents?" He asked with a frown. Why did he not tell Alpheus about it then? Why leave him in the dark? Varun clutches his arms across his chest, chewing his lip as he follows the other into the room.


"Those that could be called his family," Rowan replied as he watched Varun shut the door behind him. He then sat down at his desk, waiting until Varun had seated himself in a chair across from him before continuing. "Alpheus' parents were Valens. They went against the law by supporting Shadowshifters, considered an enemy race along with Demons during the Great War. My father, Lord Robert, sought to end their lives to thus end their cause. They were as much a victim as any other of your race during that time...Worse yet, their child was left parentless. Now, tell me, if I were to give Alpheus this information, with his vengeful attitude, what do you think he would do with it?"


"Ahh.... I see..." Varun blanched. "Yes, he would go after his own linage...." He frowns, glancing down at his own pale hands. "Even those that had nothing to do with it. I guess it is best that he do not know." He utters,  hands clasped tight in his lap. "Even if it is at the cost of myself." Varun chuckled dryly, every inch the picture of dejection. "I would hate to shatter his beliefs. It would hurt him badly..."


"But if you love him, Varun...perhaps he will forgive your people on his own. It is much better to try it that way than to make him aware of his family's betrayal and see if, truly, blood is thicker than vengeance..." Rowan laughed lightly, looking down at his clasped hands. "In the Valen family, I can tell you first hand that it is not."


Varun flashed him the glimmer of a smile. "Vengeance is rarely stopped by blood, Rowan." He replies thoughtfully and smiles sadly down at his clasped hands. "Vengeance is something hard to ignore. Even at the cost of a family member." He chuckles dryly. "I am trying, truly, to win him over.... but he is often hiding from me. I hate it."


"Ah...and here I thought Shadowshifters were marked for their forcefulness. Obviously, you are unlike Lazarus with your gentle nature towards the things you desire." Rowan leaned forward on his desk, folding his hands before him and smiling. "However, so long as you are reading those tomes, I think you should try as aggressively for Alpheus as you do for the forbidden knowledge in those books." Rowan sees Varun blanch, knowing that he's been found out. Rowan only smiles that kind brotherly smile he has always offered to Varun. "Don't worry...I'm pleased with your work. You are more deft and intelligent than I could have ever imagined. Your curiosity and thirst for knowledge impresses me and I encourage you to translate those works. After all, I have done so myself, and am interested to see what a natural-born Shadowshifter's translations will look like simply next to a Shadowshifter enthusiast's, like myself."


This information was perhaps the most startling thing of all about Rowan. It was one thing to keep the works of Shadowshifters, to collect their amazing artifacts, but very few ever managed to master the language. 


"Really? I did not know you knew the language...?" Varun uttered shakily, flushed from being found out. He had translated a great deal of the book and was amazed by all of the information contained within. Adam had been an amazing man, had such fine hand writing and knowledge that Varun found himself amazed with every  new page. The devotion he showed his mated had nearly floored him, for he had mated to no one but her and she him. Sure they had had other lovers, but their bond had been so fierce they could not share it and that had been what had brought about Adam's death. 


Of course, there was other information as well. Adam's journal held many of the secrets to the Shadowshifter race. Some of the startling realizations had Varun sitting up all night, thinking for hours on the implications of Adam's words. It was as though the man were reaching out from death and touching upon Varun. The knowledge he had was amazing...the fact that Rowan had already translated the book and learned that knowledge too, even before Varun, was astounding. He was an Angel of many abilities.


"I learned it at a young age from one of your Ancients. She also left me a good collection of her library. Medicinal books, mostly, but they are most useful."


So much Varun had learned and there was still information left to find. He smiled faintly, brushing his soft hair out of his face. "Ahh I see.  I have spoken with the eldest living Ancient, she has so much wisdom and knowledge, it is amazing!" He breaths in enthusiastic excitement, "But there are things in that book that are just breathtaking! Lost arts and stories and information I had never dreamed of knowing!"


"Adam was, to his credit, a great historian. He spoke of things unrelated to his life, the events that surrounded him...I find some of his words to be very gripping. Just by reading his journal, he has taught me a great deal," Rowan replies with a smile. He loves Varun's enthusiasm, his ability, his quick whit...He really does remind Rowan of his younger years. It is nostalgic and sad to listen to Varun sometimes, hearing so much of himself in the youth. 


Varun nodded, "I’ve read his mate's journal, she was very passionate about the war, so a good portion of the last entries are about the horrors of  fighting and the political going ons of the time. Very intriguing to read of those ancient times when we were many more then now... so much lost..." he sombers, brows furrowing. "But I plan on taking the information and passing it out, for there is much to relearn!"


"I will allow you to do so...only if you can attend to Alpheus as well as your studies. Those are his tomes, after all. Using them without permission is bad enough - using them without even so much as giving him waking affection in turn is much worse," Rowan says with a chuckle. He sees Varun blush and nod, having been so caught up in his musings that he forgot about Alpheus.


"I will try.... but he's tried to stab me." Varun replied with a frown. "So giving affection is going to be hard if I'm bleeding out." He chuckled dryly, shaking his head in dire amusement. He turns his gaze to Rowan. "What do you suggest? I really do like him and I hate slinking about like some sort of bandit." He glances down, hands tightening.


Rowan quirked a brow, suddenly looking a bit devious. It reminded Varun of when his little brother Eos got a naughty idea in his mind. Rowan seemed to have quite a bit of mischief in his blood. Sometimes, Varun wondered if the man was really a Shadowshifter instead of an Angel. "...Hmm....are you asking for my help, then?"


Varun nodded, flushing. "You have the same look in your eye that Eos gets when he's plotting." The young man chuckles nervously, wrinkling his nose. Rowan really was a fun man to be about and Varun knew that the other would be able to help him. "Got any ideas?"


"Alpheus is one for knowledge...He's as insane for books as you are which is perhaps the reason why you two will get along so well together. As it happens, I have a book Alpheus has been drooling over for a good long time. If I were to put you in his vicinity with said book, perhaps his thirst for knowledge would overcome his fear....It's just a theory, of course. The alternative is to put you two in a potentially sexual situation and see if he takes the bait." Rowan smirks. "Sound fun?"


Varun laughed and nodded, eyes glittering. "I've noticed his thirst for books... we have some I know he'd love in Death's library, but that can wait until we see if he takes the bait." Varun stifles another laugh into a hand. "You’re so devious sometimes, Rowan!"


"I do try...Either way; I suggest you hurry off to your studies. Tell me, how is that temporary tutor doing for you? Urius is still away on family matters, but he should be back soon. Parliament is making its decision tonight. If we go to war, Urius will return...sadly, you will have to leave." Rowan sighed as he looked over at Varun, seeing the other's confusion for his words. "It's in the contract. If there is war, Sahena must come back here."


Varun frowned, disturbed by what could lie ahead. "Oh.... I see...." He utters, brows furrowed. "Well, things have been going fine, really. It will be a shame if I have to go home." His voice is tinged with unhappiness.  He did not want to return home yet, as much as he loved it, not only would he miss the friends he had made here, Alpheus too, but he would be unable to continue his studies with Rowan. It was a discouraging thought.


"Pray, then, that all goes as planned," Rowan sighs as he looks to Varun. He then motions towards the door, seeing Varun get up, bow, and leave. Rowan is left alone in his study, looking down at the papers on his desk. Adonis wrote them to Urius, ordering the man to set up an attempted assassination...However, there were other papers that had been sent to the Justice Department. Rowan was going to have to work with his network of informants and come up with some information in order to correct this mess.


Varun walked down the hall, unable to shake a frown. He knew this was going to be hard on many, his father especially. But what of  Crixa, Ceata and Absinthe? Crixa would be heartbroken knowing her new boyfriend could be put into the line of fire. And Ceata, gods, he did not want to think about the pain the young prince would go through! Absinthe would pretend he did not care, but Varun knew he held some strange affection for Rowan. No one could escape the backlash of this.



Oh, if Varun only knew...he had been blissfully protected from the truth behind Rowan's beautiful smile, happily gone about his time there without realizing why Absinthe had such strange affections towards his master. No, Varun simply walked off to his next class thinking only of how he was going to win Alpheus' affections and, with them, the chance to openly translate Adam's diary. 


The classes would keep his mind off of such matters. It was best that Rowan kept Varun from knowing just what was going on. It would be disappointing if he were forced to silence Varun, the young man had such a brilliant mind. It would be a terrible, but one must do what they must to keep their secrets. The young man sighed, smiling to himself at the fact that Rowan wanted to help him win Alpheus.


"Oi! Varun, stop slackin' off! Focus!" Jingarther said as he helped Varun do his stretching for the sparring that day. Varun had been so distracted with his thoughts that he didn't offer up the other leg to Jingarther to help him stretch. The Jin is getting rather tired with Varun's daydreaming, as he wants to get this done and go find Crixa for some lovely afternoon tea.


Varun frowned and apologized. He stretched his leg out, grunting, his brows knotted. There was a slight twinge of annoyance on the young man's face. "Sorry, Jingarther, I did not mean to space off." He mutters and runs his hand through his tousled hair. He stretched out fully and flashed a small smile at his friend. "I have a lovely plan set up with Rowan to snare Alpheus." He grinned.


"Eh? You mean you're actually going to do it?" Jingarther asked, blinking wide silvery eyes. He smirked then, getting up with Varun to do some leg squats before they got into the arena. "Well...no wonder you're so distracted, then. Whilst yer havin' yer big date with Alpheus, I'm gonna be cuddlin' up to Crixa.  Good luck to us both!"


Varun laughed. "Yes, good luck to us both. I heard that Alter finally allowed you to actually kiss?" He teased, grinning. Alter was so protective, but with good reason. Abuse from angels during his time in slavery had made him jumpy and afraid for his slight daughter. Not only that, the very thought that his little girl was growing up was upsetting to him.  "I heard some other things, but that's not polite conversation." He grinned.


"Well...I'm jus' happy I get to be with Crixa. I really think I love her, you know. Even if I ain't gonna be her mate, I still love being around her..." Jingarther admits with a bit of a blush, smiling to Varun. "An, if she gets tired o' me, there's an entire CLAN o' Jins that'd love tah marry her."


Varun smiled and patted his friend on the shoulder. "I know how you feel, my friend." He replies, cocking his head thoughtfully as he gazed at the tall Jin. He knew exactly how the other man felt and he sympathized. "She likes you a lot, Jingarther. Don't worry."


"I try not to...but it's hard. She's really beautiful, she is. She could 'ave anyone she wanted, yah know?" Jingarther smiles so warmly, feeling bad that Crixa may not want to be his lover for the rest of her life, but simply wishing her happiness. She's such a sweet person that no one could feel bad about being dumped by her. And, besides, Jingarther certainly wasn't her end-all-and-be-all. There would be other men and women in her life. Jingarther, for now, was just happy to be apart of her world. 


Varun smiled and thumped him on the back with the flat of one hand. "Come on now, enough of this talk. I want to kick your ass." He teases with a massive grin for  big Jin male. It was always fun to roll around in the dust with Jingarther. This man was fast becoming a close friend.


After at least an hour of beating each other bloody and bruised, the two friends are finally called in for the afternoon meal. The sun is high in the noonday sky when Varun makes his way to the kitchens after having a quick shower. He stops though as he sees that familiar blond beauty walking out of the library. Alpheus stops, catches sight of Varun, looks horrified, and is just about ready to duck back into the doors of the library for safety.


"Wait! Alpheus!" Varun called, waving a hand. "I've got something for you. A book Rowan said you wanted?" He cocked his head, smiling reassuringly at the blond. Rowan had slipped him the book while he was away and it sat waiting in his room for him to give it to Alpheus. "Want me to go and grab it for you?"


Alpheus stops a moment, half in the library and half out. He looks so much like a startled white rabbit caught in the jaws of a dog. He freezes, looking to Varun with suspicion in his eyes...Is this a trick? "...W-what book?" he asks, knowing only that he had recently inquired about a book on the ancient writings of some-or-another dead poet that happened to be his favorite. Could it be Varun had somehow gotten his hands on the book?!


"It's the one by a poet? I forget his name, it's hard to pronounce." Varun grumbled, "But it's really fat and the cover is a deep blue with gold script?" He tries to keep smiling, anything to take the edge off Alpheus' gaze. "Rowan was too busy to give it to you, so I offered to."


Alpheus' pretty pale eyes widen. He can't believe what he's hearing!! Rowan gave that precious book to this person?! If he wasn't so scared, he would growl at the very insult. Varun probably couldn't appreciate the classic love story written in the ancient Darieaan language. Still, he wanted that book so badly...yet.....it would mean being near Varun. Alpheus bit his lip. "....Only for a minute.....I'll...go to your room and get the book." 


Varun beamed. "I read a little of it, it's really very good." He replied, pondering. "Once one gets past the language barrier, it sounds very, very interesting." All shadowshifters in the royal family had learned many, many languages over the years and the knowledge was passed down. It was the death angels that contained the most knowledge of other languages however. An invaluable trait. Varun was not very good at the Darieaan language, but he did enjoy the way it looked.


"....it is.....it's my favorite story," Alpheus says cautiously, his eyes narrowing as he wonder what Varun is getting at. Why is he being so nice? It's obviously a ploy! A ploy to get into his pants! Alpheus fumbles in his pocket to make sure he has his Shadowshifter-away spray and then cautiously begins to slink along the wall to go in the opposite direction, the way which will lead him to Varun's rooms.


"It looks like a beautiful story..." Varun ponders, glancing at Alpheus, "I did not know you liked love stories? We have some literature back at Death's castle that I think you might like. Have you heard of the book 'Stories of love and war'? It was written during the war between angels and demons and it was a love affair between a young demon and angel, true story in fact. It is heartbreakingly moving." Varun could remember the exact part of the library he had found it in too.


Alpheus really likes tragic love stories. He's a complete romantic, something he has in common with Varun. Still, he's still hesitant to talk with the other. His eyes look to Varun and then down the hallway. He's nervous about walking with Varun so far, but the lure of the book is too great. "...M-maybe I'll look at it....sometime. I like tragedies...and romances...but only in foreign languages."


"It's in shadowshifter, so you'd have to translate it." Varun smiles, his arms crossed over his chest. "We've got some books in Necrodemon, various ancient languages. All very beautiful." He mused as they came upon his room. He stops, opening his door for his guest. Varun leaves the door open and followed Alpheus in, rooting about in the drawer by the head of the bed. By leaving the door open, he has given the angel an escape route if he gets uncomfortable.


The young angel is nervous about going inside Varun's room, but he steps within it to look around. This is the first time he's been anywhere near it, finding that it's not much different than his room. It's got the four-posted bed, the high ceilings, the ornate windows, a fireplace, and hundreds and hundreds of books. It makes his eyes sparkle as he walks over to a particular stack, brushing his fingers over the binding with a shiver of excitement. He loves books.


Varun peeked up at him from where he was rooting. "You can take a couple that suit your fancy if you wish. Those are from my personal selection. All sorts of things in there." He chuckles to himself as he shifts things out of the way to find the old book. He had placed it somewhere safe and when he extracted it, he placed it gingerly on the desk. "Most of it is in shadowshifter, but there is also some ancient death angel and necrodemon in there as well."


Alpheus blushed and stepped away from the books, realizing he had been caught. He tried to put on his haughtiest air, scoffing. "Why would I want to read these things? I hate Shadowshifters and their language. I wouldn't be caught dead reading them!" he growls, trying to sound as important as possible. Still, he really wants to read them. His whole body is itching to.


"Come now, it is just a language. It is the book that is important." Varun replied simply, trying to hide how his words hurt. He hands the book he had been offered to give over to Alpheus. "Do you know how to read shadowhshifter?" He asks curiously, smiling at the nervous blond. The last thing he wants to do is scare Alpheus away again.


"No! And I never want to learn!" Alpheus says harshly, snatching the book and meaning to run right out the door. He really was such a feisty little kitty. It made Varun sigh as he followed the other out into the hallway, seeing Alpheus scurrying off to hide somewhere with his precious book. Yes, his precioussss...


"I could read to you...?" He offers, frowning as the angel hurried out into the hall. "They are very good and I know you enjoy books." He glanced shyly away, shuffling his foot and worrying his hands before him. Gods, it was so hard to get the other to stay in one room with him! Was he really so repulsed by being around him? Varun didn't want the angel to hate him.


Alpheus didn't want to hear that...it really was his undoing, as he wanted those books so badly. It was like an itch he couldn't stop unless he knew what was contained within those pages. He stopped momentarily, looking back at the other with nervous suspicion in his gaze. He didn't want to be alone with Varun...perhaps unable to escape....but the books....and the knowledge....He bit his lip, almost to the point of it bleeding. Varun knew he had Alpheus now.


"I'd be very happy to read to you, Alpheus." He smiled disarmingly. "No tricks. I love books just as much as you do, perhaps we can share? It'd be fun." His smile becomes warmer and the sight beautiful. Varun had a lovely, open smile. It was the kind that you just wanted to steal and keep for yourself so no one else could see how beautiful it is.


Alpheus looked over at Varun, still clinging to the prize he had secured from the other's room. He was so close to getting away too! And now he had been pulled right back in. He growled and turned back to Varun. "...in public....you can read to me...if there are other people around to keep your filthy Shadowshifter hands off me," Alpheus says harshly, but his tone has lost some of its edge. After all, he really wants to get to read those books, or at least be read to. It would not serve him well to piss Varun off too much.


Varun chuckled and nodded. Yes! He's at least done something! "I can do that." He beamed in delight. "It will be fun. I used to read to my younger brothers all the time. They say I have a good story teller voice." He laughs and shakes his head. "When would you like me to read to you?"


"Tonight..." Alpheus was impatient. Seeing all those books had put him in a tizzy. Recently, he had finished reading all of the material he had and was very bored. He wanted something new and Varun's collection definitely provided that. Still, there was the matter of dealing with the Shadowshifter...Alpheus didn't know it, but the only reason he really feared Varun anymore is because he was falling in love with him, a sensation that frightened the Angel more than anything. He just didn't know what it was.


Varun nodded. "Where? The library?" He asked, stuffing his hands into the large pockets in his jacket. "Or somewhere else? I can see easily in the dark as well as in the light." He smiles slightly. "So anywhere you want to is fine with me, Alpheus."


"The kitchens...I know there are always people there," Alpheus says after a time, still trying to keep far away from Varun. Like a skittish kitty, he doesn't trust so easily. It's hard to get him to come back once he's been scared off. Even so, Varun is making great progress! Alpheus is willing to spend time with him!


Varun nodded. "Around seven sound good?" He asks, arms folded over his chest once more. Good lord, it was like making a date or something! He felt like laughing. This was a huge change to the normal easy cock and pussy he had gotten before coming here. Angels were much harder to seduce, and this odd feeling in his belly far different than anything he might have felt before. He could only think of one other person that made him feel this way. Love was strange, a confusing beast. Yet the struggle for the affections of Alpheus made the rewards all the sweeter.


Truly, Varun could have anyone he wanted back at home. There were offers practically - and literally - falling at his feet. When he would go back on Sundays, he would have a barrage of beauties begging for sex. Here, he has to fight hard just to spend time with a guy. Even so, the thought of it is refreshing...getting to know someone before sex is quite a change for Varun. Falling in love with someone will be entirely new. The question is, will they end up as mates? "...Fine....seven....I can be there then," Alpheus says cautiously, looking back at the other with those sharp pale eyes. They headed down the hallway towards the dining hall where lunch was being set.


Varun wonders if Echo feels the same as he does. Echo struggles to get Varun to love him. Sex they have aplenty, but Varun knows Echo wants him to return his love. Varun smiled faintly. This feeling is a strange one and now he can relate to Echo's feelings and those Alpheus and Echo both have started to stir in him. "How silly..." He whispers and returned to his rooms.


It is later that night when Lazarus finally gets back, having to travel home and leave Ceata and the others there because of his progressing heat. His mind is numb with desire and his scent has increased ten fold...If he doesn't lock himself in a room with Sahenna soon, he'll end up fucking the first desirable thing he sees. 


He shivers locating his lover and plucking him out of the seat he was sitting in. Sahena was tossed over one shoulder and Lazarus marched toward their rooms, his scent thick and delightful. Sahena was in for the night of his life. Rowen and Akita had never been able to keep up with Lazarus when he was in heat; Exodus even had a hard time doing so. Only a few had ever been able to keep him from going mad from lust. It's shocking how fast the pill had brought this on, but there were reasons it worked so quickly. That was why he'd chosen it.


"H-Husband, what's going on?" he stammers out, blushing profusely as he is carried into his suite that he shares with Lazarus. He is pushed down upon the bed, the young Angel surprised when he sees that look in Lazarus' eyes. It's unlike anything he's seen before, leaving him feeling kind of frightened. "M-My Lord?"


Lazarus did not reply for a long while, his chest heaving slightly as he tugged the other man's clothing off. His own were shed swiftly, thrown onto the floor. Lazarus' body was very hot, feverishly hot and he rubbed himself against Sahena with a shuddering moan. "Heat..." He mouths, grasping the other and pulling him up for a longing. His body ached so badly.


Sahena was confused and even scared as he kissed his lover back, having not known that a heat would be like this. Even so, it felt good to have the other trembling against him. What man would not enjoy the pleasurable sensation of their lover begging to be with them? Sahena thus slipped his hand down to try and caress away the heat, but it only served to make Lazarus needier. "What can I do, love? What do you want from me?"


"I..." Lazarus panted, "Want you to fuck me into the mattress." He husked in return, nibbling at the lush curve of the other man's lips. He had locked the door and no one but he knew where he had put the key. They would be holed up until Lazarus was satisfied. He rubbed himself down again the angel, coating the both of them in the scent of his heat. "Please... hurts." Lazarus breaths, wincing slightly at the ache of widening hips and intense need.


"Get on your back, then...I...I'll try my best..." Sahena says meekly, a little unsure about his position in this situation. Still, he offers the other some sort of comfort as he pushes the other back and begins kissing him lovingly. Sahenna spreads the other's legs and stretches Lazarus some, not wanting to hurt him. Lazarus didn't seem much to care, for the intrusion was not the hard throbbing cock he wanted.


Lazarus groaned impatiently, brows furrowed. He tugs at the pale angel, his claws lightly scratching the others skin, but not wounding him. "Please, it'll lube itself right now." He grumbled, rolling his hips and looking pleadingly up at the other. His pale cheeks are deeply pink and his bottom lip flushed red from his constant nibbling. The head of his cock is just as red and the tender opening flushed with blood. This need is truly maddening.


Sahena had never seen Lazarus so beautiful and had a hard time not cumming right there. Still, he offered his beloved the sex he wanted by simply thrusting right in, wanting to please Lazarus so much. The heat that he discovered there almost did make Sahena cum, for he was gripped so perfectly by that ass - it felt unnaturally good. "L-Lazarus...G-god...y-you're...ah -!" he gasps, trying to control himself as he pulls out and then thrusts back in.


Luckily for him, the scent of Lazarus' heat is almost an aphrodisiac and it will keep him good and hard for a while. The big shadowshifter gasped in delight and spread his legs wider for the other man, taking him in as deeply as was possible. His chest heaved, a low, eager moan escaping his throat. The pale beauty above him brought him to delighted shivers, wanting Sahena to lose himself and just fuck him senseless. This was exactly what he wanted, what he needed.


Sahena was trying not to climax, but between the scent of the other's body and his unbelievable ass, it was very hard. He grit his teeth and thrust inside again and again, soon developing a pounding pace that even surprised him. He had never dared be this vicious before with Lazarus, though he had often dreamed of it. His nails dug into the other's white thighs as he spread those legs and used them for more leverage.


His pounding was met with delight. Lazarus tossed back his head, hands gripping the albino's ass to help him to slam in harder into his clenching backside. He rolled his hips, gasping raggedly as each thrust pounded home. "Oh gods, harder, fuck me harder!" Lazarus demanded in a snarl, gasping as Sahena drove deep once again and rocked him hard into the mattress.


Sahena's body trembled from the sensation of having Lazarus milking him so roughly. His red eyes glimmered in the faint light as he leaned over his larger beautiful lover and fucked him as hard as he could. His muscles bunched, sweat gathered on his pale peachy flesh, and his silvery hair tickled at the other's chest as he rocked back and forth into his twitching beloved. "L-Lazarus...a-ah!" he gasps softly, watching the other's expression with amazement. How sensitive he was!


The male's whole body was sensitive to the touch and he cried out with each caress of his lover's hair and each thrust in and out of his ass. The sensations left Lazarus incoherently crying out and rocking back into them, wanting more and more of the agonizingly good pleasure that was being milked out of his body. His lower stomach ached, the newly inflamed womb sending hormones all through him and making things ten times more intense. How any man could think with this sensation flooding their system was beyond him.


Sahena's heart was beating wildly in his chest when he chose to pull out of Lazarus and flip the man over. It took some coercing, as Lazarus didn't want this to stop. Even so, Sahena wanted to see more of that pleasure with a different position. Holding up the other's hips in his hands, he took more control in this fashion by holding his lover on all fours. Thrusting in again without warning, Sahena picked up the pace once more. This time it was more frantic, more needy. Sahena hit harder against the other's prostate as he gripped his lover's ass until he broke the skin. He got so deep, he swore he was touching Lazarus' organs. 


Lazarus had protested with agitated growls, but the moment Sahena was buried balls deep in his ass again, he was yowling with pleasure once more. He slammed back, lashes stuck together from tears. The intensity of the act had him sobbing to catch his breath, head spinning and his whole body reduced to trembling. It was sensory overload, nerves sparking and firing with fantastic results.


Sahena was pleased he could pleasure Lazarus in this way. Honestly, it had been a fantasy of his to fuck the other so hard. Something in his nature wanted to rake his nails against that white flesh, to make it blossom like a rose underneath his harsh treatment. What's more, he felt as though he had been in this position before...tugging, twisting, fighting against his beloved as they made mad passionate love together, Sahena on top. It was so strange to have this feeling of deja vu as he thrust deeper and harder than ever before, grunting and breathing hard from the strain.


Lazarus met his enthusiasm with screams of pleasure, his hands clawing at the blankets. He had promised Rowan he would not hurt Sahena, though he would surely be covered head to toe with hickies and tiny scratches from Lazarus' sharp claws. Curbing his enthusiasm was difficult. But the very sight of the big male, ass in the air, back curving gracefully and head tossed back in utter rapture was a one of the most pleasing things Sahena had ever seen.


In fact, it WAS the most pleasing thing that Sahena had ever seen. His body felt numb as he enjoyed the sight of his beloved arching in this way. Lovingly, Sahena reached forward and leaned to press his forehead against the other's back. He then began madly pumping at the other's cock as he leaned into Lazarus' body. He wanted to give his beloved that same sort of pleasure that he was feeling...that, and he knew he couldn't hold out much longer, aphrodisiac or not.


Lazarus, gasping and trembling, bit the sheets as his body began to throb viciously in prelude to orgasm. He could tell he would cum soon. Sahena's forcefulness was too much for his sensitive body and with a loud cry of bliss, the larger male arched and came into the other man's hand, passage milking his cock good and hard for the seed that his womb so desperately desired.


Sahena almost doubled over, his knees quaking from the sensation. He came hard into Lazarus' ass with its insane squeezing abilities. Letting out a long groan, he gave some dying thrusts before slumping forward with a gasp. He could have blacked out from the pleasure!


Lazarus shuddered, moaning Sahena's name warmly once he had slumped down to his level . He rolled over, nuzzling into the other man's neck with a low,  satisfied purr. His lashes flickered against the others warm cheek before Lazarus began to groom his mate affectionately. "Mmn... you felt good inside me..." He uttered lovingly, voice whisper soft.


"You....y-you...how did your...your ass...it..." he pants, barely able to articulate the feeling. He blushes from the sensation of the other's tongue upon him. It’s strange to be treated this way...like his beloved is a great cat in heat, nuzzling against him so affectionately. It feels wonderful to have this primal Lazarus, but Sahena is still confused. "Is....Is this the mating you spoke of?"


Lazarus gave a slight nod, still attending to licking Sahena's neck clean of sweat. He rumbled huskily against the curve of flesh, his sleek, sweat slicked body flush and warm against his mate's. His hair is a tangled mess, sticking to his cheek and shoulders in places. Rumpled, but utterly gorgeous. "I did not hurt you, did I?" He asked, a small fear returning and coiling in the pit of his belly.


"No....I just....was not expecting it..." Sahena replies with a chaste blush, loving every minute of this. He inwardly reminds himself to ask to have children with Lazarus more often. If it will be like this every time, he will gladly spawn an army with the man! "I...didn't hurt you, did I? I just couldn't help myself...the way you were moaning, the tightness...it was insanely beautiful."


Chuckling, Lazarus nibbles under his lover's chin with a coyness not often displayed by the large male. "Mmn... no, you did just right." He praises and stretches himself out, rubbing himself up against his angelic lover with a low, throaty purr. "I enjoyed it... I like when you are rough." Oh and he did, slow sex had its benefits but he loved how this felt.


"...C-can....can I do it some more?" he asks softly as he nuzzles against Lazarus, feeling already the heat from the other's body affecting him. And this delicious scent! It permeates throughout the room and is driving him crazy. Despite his weary state, he wants to have more of this.


"Of course..." Lazarus replied, lips curling into a smile wicked enough to give Exodus a run for his money. Rubbing up encouragingly against the angel, Lazarus wraps his arms around him. A moan slips from his throat as Sahena touched his aching body with one of his elegant hands. These are hands that have been all over him and Lazarus aches for more of that sweet touch. The delicate, ghosting sensation best when it turns rough in pure lust.


 Sahena blushed, yet was more than happy to accept the other's sweetness as he pressed Lazarus down against the mattress. They made love again and again and again until the night waned into day and Sahenna could no longer keep up from exhaustion. Curled in a ball within each other's arms, they lay there in the soiled sheets. Lazarus was now sufficiently pregnant, but it would be more than likely that the sex would last for many days more...

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