untitled: Murderous Demon!

Chapter 7: Murderous Demon!

Once outside, Varun took in a deep breath and found a servant to take him to the kitchens for his meal.  Rowan was not as bad as they all seemed to think, though he was sure, like any man, he probably had his secrets. A dark side. Varun had yet to see this dark side and held a hope that he never would, surprised at how already he was eager to get to talk with Rowan again. The man was charming and intelligent; a man that Varun had much to learn from.


As Varun headed down the stairs, he found himself stopping before an open doorway. His eyes were caught by a flash of long blue robes as he saw Yoren stepping out of the shower with a blue robe swathed around his slender body. His hair was wet and fell in his lovely face, he heading into his rooms and pausing a moment at the sight of Varun. He blushed, bowing nervously.


Caught peeking, Varun blushed in turn and bowed before scurrying after the servant still leading the way. They were some way down the hall when he caught up with them, his mind drifting back to what he’d seen. He was struck again by how attractive Rowan's younger brother was. He was too sweet, too pure, for Varun to feel right about attempting a pass. To try would anger Rowan at that, and that was the last thing Varun wanted to bring upon himself. But the sight... the sight had been most appealing.

Yoren watched Varun leave with a pout, saddened that the other had not even stopped to talk to him. It made Yoren sigh, for he was desperately alone. Everyone had been pushed away from him for fear of his brother...and now he had nothing and no one to love for himself. It made for a very lonely caged life. He was happy when he heard that Varun was going to be coming to their home, as it would be a chance to talk to someone around his age...Alas, it seemed that even Varun would not converse with him.


 Oh, he would.  He would have to be careful not to do anything to make Rowan unhappy with it, but if he kept his hands to himself and spoke with Yoren as only friend and not potential bed partner, there wouldn’t be trouble. Or so he hoped. The young shadowshifter looked back over his shoulder at the doorway and smiled at Yoren when the young man peeked out as if pouting. Later maybe, he’d pay Yoren a visit.


Yoren felt his heart skip a beat as he smiled and waved to him, excited to see that someone was noticing him. He really wished he could just follow Varun, wanting to talk with him about what it was like....especially around Death. Just remembering seeing him that night had Yoren all a flutter. That was the handsomest man he had ever seen!


 There was a lot that Varun had to tell. Death was a mysterious man, with many stories and ways about him that could eat up the hours explaining. If Yoren wanted to be titillated by what Varun knew about the red haired immortal, Varun would be more than happy to spill the beans. He smiled, waving at the other young man before disappearing behind a corner. His belly grumbled, turning his attention back to where they were headed and the food that awaited him.


The servant led Varun down many twisting halls, leaving Yoren far behind, until they reached the kitchens with their three large cooking halls and then the servant's preparation rooms, food stores, ice boxes, and other such areas for creating the many feasts that are held in Rowan's home. Here, there are still servants bustling about to clean up after hours. Still, there is an unmistakable frizzy-haired woman who is no doubt the Cook.


Seeing that the cook was a Jin, Varun right away knew he was going to be fed well. He’d been around enough of them by now to know at least some of their ways and no Jin woman would leave a skinny young man like him without food for long. If he wasn’t fattening up a bit by the time she was through with him, he hadn’t eaten enough! His mouth watered in anticipation of her cooking. Rich, stomach stuffing cooking.


"Oi! What 'ave we 'ere?" Jinevae's aunt, Jinsella, scoffed when she was introduced to Varun. "A right skinny lil' thing...Did they even feed yah back there in yer old home? No, I dun't suppose they did...Look at yah! Yer hair's got more fat to it than yer arm does," Jinsella scoffed, gripping his arm for emphasis. "Come along then and let's see if we can't make a man outta this scrawny lil cute'un they brought me..."


That was irony. His arm was all muscle; there was barely any fat on him. While he was a skinny thing, most of him was muscle. He chuckled and beamed at the woman. "Please do, I am starving!" He exclaimed, allowing the woman to drag him over to a table and get him set up for his meal. Jins were so easy to get along with, even for a bookworm like him. Besides, they ate like he did, which was heartily.


It wasn't long before Varun was sat before an entire feast of soup, bread, meat, rice dishes, sweet dishes, and all sorts of Angel dishes that Jinsella could cook up. She doted on him so much, loving to have someone from another world in her kitchen. Likewise, the other servants were all gathering around, listening to what Varun said with gleaming eyes. They were all so entranced by him. "Well, yer Highness, for that's what I'm gonna call you now, aren't you jus' a right piece of work? Sound like you and yer kin ain't much different than my own." She laughs, wiping her hands on her apron. "Why, I'd be proud if we Jins weren't actually partially Demon, but Shadowshifter! Then we'd come live with you an' yer Lord Death. 'Side from Prince Rowan, he's the only decent fella out there lookin' out fer the common man."


The youth couldn’t help a chuckle, looking up at her with a big smile. “You never know, miss, shadowshifters have been lumped together with demons for so long that you might actually have some in your bloodline.” It wouldn’t surprise him. Before the genocide they were all over, small patches of them in the oddest of places. If there were demons in Jins, perhaps there was shadowshifter as well. “This is really delicious food, miss, thank you.” Varun praised between bites, his angry stomach soothed.


 "Awww...ain't you jus' a saint," she laughs as she pets his hair affectionately, taking his empty plates away to be washed. She sits down beside him with a groan, lifting up her aching feet and leaning back. She's obviously a woman that has had many children, for she has that look Exodus gets sometimes when he is tired - that look that most pregnant individuals have. "Well, I'm glad I can do somethin'...Now I jus' wish our two kinds - Demon, Shadowshifter, whatever - could get along! So damn tired of wars an' treaties....I've lost more than half my babies to them Demons. Sick an' tired of it, I tells yah. Gotta get a letter every year from you Death Angels 'bout how many souls they sending back here for reincarnation. Hurts to see family members on that list..." she shakes her head, sighing. 


The young shadowshifter echoed her sigh, shaking his head. "It’s gotten rather unfortunate; we have many demons and half demons living among us, frightened to go back to the Sombs. Some of their families still live there.  They are decent people, but there is still that anger and hate for them." He replied quietly, eying the rest of his meal. His plate already half finished. The scent of this meal mixed with their talk reminded him of home. All the strain it put those in the castle through. The danger it put those outside the castle into. Varun wished there was someone to mediate it all, to put aside the hate that fueled this growing war.


 "Prince Rowan takes care of us, though," piped up a young maid who stood nearby. Varun turned and looked at her, taking a moment to realize she was a hybrid of Angel and Demon. Her slitted red eyes were obviously from the Demon half, but it would be hard to tell unless you stared. "He has watched over my mother and I since I was born...no one else would hire my mother but him."


 Jinsella nods. "Same with us Jins...Jus' cause we ain't what they call 'purebred,' were expendable! Cannon fodder, they call us...body count! Ha! Master's tryin' to get us a bill in that there Parliament. Tryin' to get us rights n' freedoms we don't have otherwise, 'cause we technically 'ain't full-fledge citizens,' on account of them genetic stuff they did on us to make our kind breed faster....Despicable, I tell yah."


Hearing this, Varun frowned, snorting out his disgust. Such barbaric practices. "Rowan is a good man to do that.  A very good man. If it was anyone of lesser status, they would have forced them to stop trying." He frowned, suddenly wondering how aware the angelic nations were of the shadowshifter populace. They had been one of the races that had participated in the genocide so long ago. Did they still have the same hatred and fear of his kind? After all, they were learning old skills from people like Uzuri and several others that had returned from hiding, would that knowledge cause another relapse into that age? "It's all rather frightening really... this tension."


"Some people say there will be war..." a butler pipes up, the man fixing his tie and sitting down to eat a piece of bread from Varun's array. Jinsella gives him a bit of a frown, but nothing much else as he's worked hard today. "Is that true? And...if there is a war, will your Lord Death pick a side or not? In the one thousand year war, he didn't pick either side, did he...just sent out your kind and ended up losing a lot of Shadowshifters, or so the stories go. Perhaps it's not right to ask him to join an affair between Angels and Demons..."


"Oh, of course it is!" a young serving girl says, frowning. "If he won't help us, we can't expect Prince Rowan to just betray our country and refuse to fight..."


"Let's jus' hope it doesn't happen, you all! An' stop talkin' like this in fronta the cute'un Princeling...Ain't he got enough to worry 'bout, being new here?" Jinsella grumbled at all of them, stopping the conversation flat.


Varun didn’t have a reply to that. His mind was racing. Would Death join a side? If he were to join a side, Varun could already imagine the outrage and hate that would spawn, the innocents that would die. Death wasn’t supposed to take part in these wars. He was a neutral force, watching from the side lines. Even if seeing all of them beating themselves to dust against themselves caused him great pain, he wasn’t supposed to take part.  Even if too many people were dying before they were supposed to. Trying to think of something to say, Varun suddenly spat out a question, eyes wide.  "How do you make your bread so light and fluffy?"


Jinsella blinks at such an odd question, but is more than happy to tell Varun the whole process of grinding the flour twice and then adding a heavier milk instead of that "watered down stuff those Humans eat." She seems generally rather proud of her bread making skills, as well as her baking and cooking skills. Oh, how easily complimented she is, beaming almost as much as her curly red hair. 


Subject change successful. He smiled and chuckled quietly, listening to her happy words. They make the cold feeling that the talk of war had made blossom in his chest disappear. As if melted away. Varun looked down at his plate, nibbling at some of the delicious bread seeped in fine butter, thoughtful and silent. There was much to fear. The time of being a care free child long gone and over.


It is not long afterward that Varun is at last ready for sleep. He stretches and looks up at the clock, seeing that it is nearing midnight. Sighing and standing, he bids his newfound friends farewell and is led by the servant towards his room. Just as he is getting up to the second floor, he looks ahead of his guide and sees the image of Alpheus standing at one of the balconies. His night robe clings to his lightly muscled frame, his blond hair unbraided and left to run in golden ringlets down his back. He looks unbelievably sad.


 Not knowing how to react to Alpheus’ expression, Varun frowned.  He had always thought that Alpheus was handsome, but that sad look on his face made him look untouchable and unreachable.  A lonely statue, gilded by the light from his room.  It was late however and as much as the shadowshifter might have wanted to linger, to ponder over what had caused that sad expression or what hurt the man deep inside, he had a warm bed calling his name.


Still, Varun's approaching suddenly caught Alpheus' attention and he turned to look with startled pale eyes. There were tears in them and they glittered like stars. "Who goes there?" Alpheus demanded, his voice echoing through the hall with a soft wavering of his tone. The servant stopped immediately and politely bowed.


"Sir Alpheus, I am escorting Lord Varun to bed," the servant replied. Realizing who it was, the Angel blushed and wiped his eyes, stepping out of the light and into the shadows so that he could get a better look at Varun. He was glaring.


"So...found your new home to your liking?" his voice held an edge of contempt to it.


Varun frowned slightly, his feelings hurt by the sharp tone in the angel’s voice. "It is pleasant enough." He replied simply, frowning as he brushed some of his hair out of his face. Alpheus had always been a bit bitter, foul even in his manners.


"Don't get used to it. You will not replace Master Sahena or Falcon," he hissed coldly before giving the servant a harsh look and walking away towards his rooms. Varun then realized why he was crying - he was lonely. Such people like Alpheus only know how to act harshly in these situations. They do not know how to be kind and sweet like Shadowshifters, to gain love through loving actions. Perhaps that is the fault of Angels, for they do not know where pride ends and love begins.


Varun frowned, his hands tightening at his sides. Not one to yell or chase after those that made him angry, yet the desire to do so burned deep in his gut. Yet that pain in the other man’s voice and the look on his face made Varun feel bad for being angry with him. The angel was lonely, it was so evident now.


"Um...f-forgive me, M'Lord. Do not take Sir Alpheus' words so heavily...He has no family, you see. Sometimes he takes it out on others, especially the servants," the butler replied as he looked to Varun, seeing the distress upon his face. Ah, yes, Alpheus did not have a family...that would be reason enough for someone to act viciously towards others. It was sad, for the youth could be such a good person if he would only open up.


"No, it’s fine. I do not mind." He replied quietly, "I am exhausted, please may we continue on?" The young man asked, running a hand through his hair. The young shadowshifter couldn’t quite fathom the  concept of being without a family. He had always been surrounded by loving parents and siblings. Those they knew were even an extended family in a way. Never had he been alone. It’d always been a fight to have time by himself.  But to be all alone, without a single friend or family member? That would have been terrible.


"Yes, Sir. I do hope you will like your rooms," the butler replied as they headed down the twisting hallways in the dark. At last, they reached a tall door on the westerly side of the castle. This the butler unlocked with a key, handing a spare key to Varun so that he could have privacy in his rooms. Upon entering, Varun was amazed at the beauty of his room. A large king-sized bed sat up on a pedestal to one end of the room, windows on either side of it with long billowing curtains. The antique honey wood was adorned with velvety crimson blankets, a warm burgundy sheet, with embroidered pillows. A tall dresser stood on either side of an extra-wide media dresser. Oval bedside tables held beautiful chrysanthemum flowers of a rich red. A bowl of rose petals sat on the end table at the foot of the bed, sprinkled out onto the carpet of a pure cream. The walls were adorned with tapestries that held similar colors, embroidered with images of young maidens, unicorns, and other mythical beasts. To the far right, a  small writing desk sat with several shelves that held paper, pen, and ink. There was a table built into the wall that had a window above it, allowing Varun to take his meals there. A door leading off into the bathroom was opened slightly so that Varun could see the rose-hued tiles that led to a large white porcelain bath. Ah, and the view...Even in the moonlight, Varun could see down into the courtyard gardens. They were not so alive now that fall was here, but he could see the trees lightly dusted with  snow, glittering softly and leading dark shadows around the statues below. 


It was a wonderful sight. Already he anticipated crawling into bed and curling up for a long, restful sleep. Varun smiled and thanked the servant before dismissing him. He placed the key to his room on the bedside table, draping the coat in his arms over the back of a chair. This was a room that fit a prince, well decorated and large enough for Varun to feel comfortable. Yawning into his hand, the tall young man undressed and made ready for bed. Varun didn’t lock the door, he had nothing to fear in this household. If anyone had wanted to hurt him, he would already be dead.


Varun settled into the soft sheets and sighed, staring up at the beautiful mural that ran over his ceilings. Purple and red clouds caught Angels in a terrible storm, all centering around a great Dark God battling with a white Angel - presumably Lucifer battling Michael in scriptures of old. It wasn't Varun's first choice for a ceiling mural, but it was very beautiful. He sighed and finally rolled over, closing his eyes and letting his dreams take him. In his dreams, he imagined his family welcoming him home - it made for a pleasant night.


A vastly pleasant night. He slept well and his dreams were good. It might have been exhaustion, but it surely was some of the best sleep he had ever had before in his life. Traveling did that to a body. When morning came, he awoke with a soft groan, lashes fluttering wildly over his dark eyes as awareness washed over him and forced him out of the haze of sleep.


Varun sits up in his bed and stretches, feeling the warm sunlight coming through the window despite the wintry world outside. It has stopped snowing and there are white wisps of clouds in a clear blue sky. Outside, he can hear the chirping of birds as they sit on his stone windowsill, the cooing of doves that make a white line on the roof outside. Such a strange new world he has come to live in...It takes him a moment to realize that he is not at home, yet the feeling passes and he smiles. At least he will be well taken care of here.


Suddenly, there is a knock at the door. "Sir, are you awake?" a servant asks through the wood.



"Yes." He replied, stifling a yawn into the palm of one hand. He slipped out of bed, scratching his head. The young man stretched himself out onto his tippy toes, every muscle clenching for a moment. The shadowshifter felt exquisite this morning, even if waking up in a bed that was not his own felt odd to him. He'd get used to this in time, but for now everything was still very strange and very new.  The floor was cold beneath his feet, reminding him of his nudity. It was cold enough that he looked forward to getting dressed.


The servant timidly opened the door and blushed at the sight of a nude Shadowshifter standing in the middle of the room. The butler respectfully looked down, though he couldn't help glancing now and then. "Um...w-would you like to take a bath before breakfast, Sir?" he asked with a bit of a waver in his tone.


 "Yes, please." Varun replied, finding himself a robe.  Everything seemed to be taken care of for him, even if his bags had not yet arrived. They would in time. For now he would take what was given to him. He glanced at the butler and smiled kindly once he was wrapped up in the robe. "I would very much enjoy a bath."



"Very well, I will lead you to the baths. In the mean time, what clothing would you prefer to wear this day? His Highness, Prince Rowan, said that we are to dress you in whatever is most comfortable for your lessons," the servant says, seeming relieved that the other has covered up. It's hard to do one's job when staring at abject nude beauty.


"Hmmn... something simple, but elegant would be nice." Varun mused, stroking his chin. He tried very hard not to chuckle at the blush still coloring the poor man’s cheeks. He’d have to be a bit more careful about his nudity, least he make all the servants in the castle go into a tizzy. "Nothing too constricting. It's hard to think when uncomfortable." Varun continued, his dark eyes still taking in the painting upon his ceiling.


 "Oh...I see. I will tell the seamstresses right away," the servant replies with a nod as he opens the door and waits for the other to exit. The servant then leads Varun back towards those baths from before, handing him a fresh robe and towels. "I will be back with your clothing when you are done, Sir."


Following him down the halls, Varun memorized where they were located. That would be useful for later. Varun thanked him with a smile and a nod, placing towels beside the bath. He stretched slightly, groaning with pleasure as he let the robe fall down and placed it beside the bath near the towels. The hot water looked good and he shivered in anticipation, slipping into the water with a happy sound parting his throat.


However, as soon as Varun slipped into the water, his entire frame enveloped by that delicious heat, he became aware of the sound of trickling water in another part of the baths. Light humming could be heard, causing Varun to quirk his brow as he sat up in his bath. Could there be someone else here?


Intrigued, the shadowshifter edged over to the side where the sound was coming from, ears straining to find exactly where the humming was coming from. Was that a woman or a man humming, he had to wonder, straining to forward to figure it out. Varun could not help but be curious, the last time there hadn’t been anyone else here save him and the servant girls. Perhaps these baths were more like the ones at home than he had thought.


He could just barely see the fall of water from one of the Aphrodite fountains hidden behind a half-wall. Varun quirked his brow, realizing he would not find the source of the sound unless he got up. Hmm...stay in the nice warm bath or get up and find out who the hell was there with him? Such a hard choice.


Curiosity won out, much to his body's dismay. He slipped from the bath and padded naked and dripping toward the source of the noise. Who was over there, he had to wonder. Being so used to nudity being over looked back home, he did not think twice that being naked here might be offensive to whomever was washing Most people were happy to see him naked, Varun was a handsome young man after all. At least they had been back home.


It was not long before Varun saw a gorgeous nudity perhaps equal to his own, peeking from behind the wall to find the cascading water falling on none other than Alpheus. His long hair clung to his pale skin, rivers of water clinging to every contour to shape shoulders, arms, back, and buttocks. Alpheus had his eyes closed and was humming lightly as he washed out his hair, seeming not to note someone was watching him. 


Varun's eyes widened and he stared for a minute or two, taking in the sight of the angel washing out his long, streaming hair. What a beautiful sight, he thought to himself, and the shadowshifter licked his lips thoughtfully. He chuckled. "Pleasure seeing you again, Alpheus... How interesting to meet up again so soon." He smiled down at the other from where he stood, arms folded over his lean chest.


Alpheus almost smacked himself right against the wall by swivelling around so quickly, catching himself before he lost his footing as his eyes became the size of dinner plates. It took him an extra moment to realize who it was, turning ten shades of red and covering himself. "Varun!!! What in the hell are you doing?! Leave me at ONCE!" his voice cried, wavering a little out of surprise. How did the Shadowshifter manage to sneak up on him like that? It was as if he just appeared out of no where!


Varun laughed and sat on the edge of the bath, smiling brightly at the flustered angel. "Sorry, I heard you humming, I was just wondering who was over here." He replied with a muffled chuckle. He cocked his head, looking at Alpheus in curious bewilderment. "Why are you covering yourself? We're both men." Really, it wasn’t as if Alpheus has bosoms to hide or anything.


"Shut up and LEAVE!" he growls out, just about ready to pick up the soap rack and fling it at Varun when he looks down at the other's body. His face turns all the more red, eyes widening, and he looks away quickly. "F-for the love of GOD, a-at...at least put on a TOWEL!"


Varun made a face and looked down the length of his torso. "Why? It's just a naked body." He remarked with a wry smile, his feet dangling in the water and legs wide open. He had no modesty about his nudity. Of course, he had never been forced to be modest before, so it was a hard concept to get his fingers around. "Wouldn't you like some company? You looked lonely last night." The man continued, leaning forward, trying to be as friendly as he could muster.


"GET OUT!" he growls, taking up soap and chucking it at Varun as he rushes to find himself a towel. He's so overwhelmed by the sight of Varun's beautiful body...all that firm pale muscle, that dark hair slicked back against his handsome face, eyes glinting, and those plush lips...Oh, but just to think of what may lay lower if he follows that chiseled abdomen downward has Alpheus dizzy. Why must this man be beautiful AND hung like a horse?!


Well, not a horse. That was reserved for horses and rare few. Varun caught the soap out of thin air and frowned. "Come now Alpheus, I'm just trying to be friendly!" He grumbled, disappointed by the angel’s reaction. Was he really going to turn someone down, even when he was so lonely? Varun himself was somewhat lonely; away from everything he had known and loved for the whole of his young life. He just wanted to make some friends.


"I don't give a damn!! Stay away from me, you nuisance!!" he hisses, wrapping himself in a towel and trying to flee. Alpheus hadn't even seen Falcon naked...it was the first time he had seen such a man nude before him, his body still glistening with wetness. Alpheus had to shake away thoughts of rubbing up against that wet skin, hardly believing he was having such thoughts!!


Without thinking, Varun grabbed his arm and pulled him down.  Alpheus landed square in his lap.  The young shadowshifter looked down at him in disapproval, obviously hurt by his reaction. "That is no way to talk to someone trying to be nice to you." He remarked bluntly, keeping a hold on Alpheus’ arm. "Stop being so stubborn and talk with me.” The shadowshifter piped, his dark eyes eager for some sort of companionship.


Alpheus outright slaps him. "Don't you dare touch me, you murderous DEMON!" he cries out viciously, the sound echoing through the room. It makes Varun frown heavily. Now, Varun is a level-headed person. It takes a lot for him to get angry. Having dealt with all of Alpheus' cruel nature, he has just about had it with him. That is why Alpheus finds himself pressed down against bath tiles, staring up at a frowning yet undeniably sexy Shadowshifter that leans over him. Alpheus blushes, his breath hitching.


"I am not a demon." Varun ground out, voice darkening with the same annoyance in his dark eyes. That Alpheus would treat him like this when he was just trying to make friend with him was hurtful.  Then to accuse him of being a murdering demon when he had done nothing to cause Alpheus to think such things about him? Even more hurtful. That was a low, low blow. "You’ve said some very rude, vicious words, Alpheus, take them back.” Varun growled, dark hair fallen into his face.


Alpheus felt fear grip him a moment as he realized the situation he was in, his eyes widening. How intimidating Varun was! His muscular frame leaning over Alpheus, commanding him with his very presence, was so much like Lazarus. Yet that face was unbelievably beautiful. Alpheus had to take a moment before he could look away. "I stand by them...You and all your kind are murderous. I can only hope you all burn in hell..." His words did not hold that same confidence before, but they were filled with venom. 


That was another cruel blow, prickling at Varun’s patience. He leaned close, his lips whispered against the others chin. "I've never killed anyone, how can I be murderous? How can all my kin be murders? We were the ones slaughtered. Children ripped from out arms and slaughtered before their mothers eyes. We are the ones who have been raped, beaten, MURDERED in masses. And yet you have the nerve to lump us all together and call us the murders?" There was anger in his voice and he pressed tighter to Alpheus, intimidating him with the power of that lithe, muscular body. How easily Varun could kill him right then. But he never would. Varun did not kill.


Alpheus was shivering then, tears threatening his eyes. He was terrified. He had never been so scared before....well, perhaps once. He hid underneath the bed as he watched and was terrified. He lost everything that night - his mother, his father, his older sister, and his ability to love. "It was your kind...that did the same thing!" he pushes hard against Varun's chest and tries to crawl away, feeling the other grip hard to him and he fights. "Let go!! Let go of me! Let go! HELP! Someone HELP!!" he cries, Varun unable to shut him up...If only he had something to cover his damn mouth!


In his fear that Alpheus would make others think he was trying to hurt him, Varun panicked. Unable to think of anything else, the shadowshifter crushed their mouths together, kissing the angel silent. He did not want to be found like this, despite everything that the angel had said to him. He kissed him deeply, startling Alpheus into shutting his poisonous mouth.  What had he meant by all that he had said though? Was there something he was missing in the bigger picture? Was there something in the angel's past that had made him so jaded toward his kind?


Alpheus trembles, overwhelmed by frustration, fear, hate, and this overwhelming desire that surges in him as soon as Varun's lips take his. He feels his energy to fight disappear, the other's hands upon his wrists, pressing him against the tiles. Alpheus is so acutely aware of where their bare skin brushes together, almost arching for the feeling as Varun's kisses make him want to melt.


Varun shivered. Angels had always tasted heavenly on his lips, whether it was their lips or other parts that he was kissing or tasting. He pulled back finally, blushing. Their lips were still pressed lightly together.  So soft. Those wide black eyes startled and he chewed his lip a little, unsure what to do. This was perhaps the most awkward situation he had ever found himself in and for the life of him, Varun couldn’t think of a thing to do.


Alpheus took much longer to come to his senses, blushing profusely and pushing Varun away. He skitters to the other side of the shower room, his hand against his chest. His heart is beating so quickly and he can't help but feel shame in the arousal of his body. "...Y-you.......you......." Alpheus stammers out, unable to say the word "kissed," as it broke his pride as a man to realize he was just writhing on the floor like a bitch beneath his sworn enemy, the Shadowshifter. 


Varun bit his lip, scratching the back of his head in shame and embarrassment. "Sorry.... " He uttered shamefacedly, feeling awkward and not sure what he was supposed to do. The young shadowshifter stood up, glancing over his shoulder at the angel. "I'll... leave you alone, I’m really sorry." His heart was hammering, a warmth in his gut that was both familiar and strange. Yet all he could think of right now was that he could have made Alpheus hate him right then and there.


Alpheus sat there as he watched Varun go, not knowing if he should scream or cry or melt. Varun had just rocked his world in a way the Shadowshifter could not realize  he had cracked that ice held around Alpheus' heart, leaving the poor Angel so damn confused. Why should he have desires for something he is supposed to hate? Alpheus looks down at himself, turning ten shades of red when he realizes he's hard. 'DAMN HIM!!!' he hisses in his mind.




Meanwhile, Varun has decided to just quickly wash his hair and leave, sighing that he can't enjoy a bath now that he's done that...Still, wasn't it fun to have Alpheus quivering under him? It's that comment he made, however, that makes Varun so conflicted. Normally, he would not have felt a bit of guilt about pushing a young beauty to the ground and ravaging him or her...but could it be that his kind had made Alpheus so miserable in the first place? 


 That was the thought that had stopped him from even considering it when he had felt how Alpheus had reacted to his kiss. There must have been something in the angel’s past that had made him so prejudice against ‘demons’.  He resolved right then that somehow he would figure it all out. Returning to his washing, the young man mused over what he had just experienced. Varun has never felt so conflicted before. Just what did his people do?



 Varun was still conflicted by the thought as he stepped into his classroom where Urius was waiting for him. Varun fixed his collar, surprised that there were still so many layers to this outfit. However, it was made of a much more flexible material that did not bother him as much. He looked dashing in colors of red, grey, and black, though his eyes did not convey the sort of confidence that went with his gorgeous body. "Is something the matter, Varun?" Urius asked before the lesson.


"Alpheus... had a little run in with him." He replied with a frown. "I don't think he likes me." More like what sort of creature he was, but he was not going to say that in front of Urius. He was glad that Urius was mated to Ceata and could see what they were like, the good in them. Like any race, they had their bad people, but they were far outnumbered by the good. Having someone here that knew that, deeply, soothed him.


"Alpheus has his reasons...You should not pay too much mind to it," Urius replies as he flips over the chalk board where he has already written the subject of this day's lecture. He pulls out a pointer, looking so much like a school master in long dark grey robes. Varun wonders slightly if Ceata and Urius have ever roleplayed a little student-teacher smut-loving.


Knowing Ceata, he highly suspected they had and he made sure not to let his touch linger long on the desk.  Lord knows how much cum and sweat could have been on it. Even if it were more likely to be some other desk, in some other location, Varun couldn’t get that out of his head.  Think of other things, like this lesson. Yes, the lesson. He smiled up at Urius and nodded. "I’m try, it’s just difficult when he’s so vocal about it.”


"If you would like, I could have a talk with him. It is about time he started managing his phobias anyway." Urius then goes towards the board and writes down the date and goes to grab some paper so that Varun may take notes. There is a quill on his desk and an inkwell, as well as a very thick and dusty tome titled "Tenshihana Law."


The young man nodded. That was a splendid idea he decided, shuffling his paper into order. "And just what is his phobia, Urius?" He inquired curiously, his hands idly rearranging his quills and ink until they were as he wanted them. Varun glanced up at Urius, his head cocked slightly to the side. Urius seemed to know a lot, surely he would have some information for him?


Urius turns to him and looks to Varun, seeming to weigh the situation. Varun knows that look, for he's seen Urius give it to Ceata before. Urius is currently deliberating if he has the right to tell the gorgeous youth this information, fully prepared to simply ignore the question if he deems it dangerous. However, with Varun's pleading look, Urius gives in - a Ceata technique that Varun has found very effective most of the time. "......His family was murdered by Shadowshifters and Demons. He is now terrified of them."


No wonder. Varun's face paled and he bit his lip.  To think that something so horrible had happened to Alpheus, it was terrible to imagine. "No wonder he called me a murder...." He murmured hoarsely, more to himself then to anyone else in the room. What troubling news to hear. It hit home sharply, his hands clenching under the desk. "I see.... I could understand his hate then." There was little wonder now why Alpheus had always looked at them with such disgust and disapproval. Why his words had always been bitingly cruel.


"It is a shame that he hates so deeply, as his parents were the sort of Angels that truly believed in peace between our races. They paid for that and Alpheus continues to pay for it." Urius looks down upon Varun, seeing how the other shivers with faint rage and guilt. Urius feels suspicious and crosses his arms, looking down at Varun. "Is there something you would like to tell me, Varun?"


"I scared him." He admitted in shame, biting his knuckle. His brows were furrowed, his distress obvious. "He kept saying horrible things, so I held him down, I intimidated him a little. It made me angry and I didn't stop to think he might be afraid of my race."  He felt terrible now, even worse that he had kissed the other and probably horrified him further. "I was just trying to befriend him, I didn’t mean for it to happen.”



Urius' brow furrowed and he looked to Varun with some severity. He understood that Varun was not aware of Alpheus' fears, but this was certainly something that would have the Angel hiding in his room for weeks. "You had best apologize after your lessons. If you would like, ask Jingarther to come with you...he will see to it that Alpheus acts civil." Urius sighs, looking back towards the board. "I wish Falcon was here...he had a power of reasoning over Alpheus that is much better than mine." Varun knew why, of course. Alpheus was in love with Falcon...Varun just couldn't place why that thought annoyed him, though. 


"I will, I promise.” He replied with a small sigh. How disappointing, only just here and terrifying poor Alpheus! He couldn’t change what had happened between them, but he could apologize for it. He turned his attention to Urius, waiting for his lessons to begin. "I'll go alone; it'll be more personal if I don't have a bodyguard." He replied with a small wry smile.


"Very well...In any case, let us begin the lesson," Urius said, thereby ending the conversation and starting Varun's first lecture on Tenshihana law and government. "Now, first of all, what do you know already about our government system?" Urius asks as he opens up the book and pulls out his piece of chalk.


"Not much... Ceata talks about it sometimes, but it confuses me." He replied truthfully. "Mainly because he never explains just exactly how it works, just gives bits and pieces. You know how he talks!" Varun exclaimed with a hushed laugh, his pen in hand and at the ready. “So please, do explain.” Knowing Urius, the man would go into detail and that was just what he would need.


Urius nods. "Very well...Before that, I will explain a little bit about Tenshihana, so as to make it easier for you to understand why we have this system of government. Please, take up your quill and write this down." Urius then points to the chart, a diagram of sorts having been written there. "First, you must be aware that we Angels here in Tenshihana are not actually existing in Heaven. This dimension was created by God so that he could contain his population of followers and servants, allowing them to live and interact within this realm. Tenshihana is by no means the only kingdom that exists here, for there are Seven of them in total and each is dedicated to a different race of God's chosing which is either no longer able to exist on earth - such as unicorns, elves, and Merians - or has been specifically created to do God's bidding - such as Angels and Cherubs. Do you understand thus far?"


Taking up his pen, the youth did as instructed. While he didn’t really need notes, since his memory was nearly photographic, Varun knew it was a good idea and would keep Urius pleased. The young shadowshifter was attentive, his eyes bright and focused. Obviously a youth that enjoyed learning. “Please go on.” He urged, fascinated.


"Thus, since this is a branch of heaven, it can only be surmised that there is a Higher Heaven above this," Urius goes on to say, pointing to the top of the diagram. "This is where we Angels whose souls have been reincarnated multiple times are sent. However, those Angels who are weighed down most by Human lusts, greed, hatred, et cetera, are unable to reach this Higher Heaven and are either demoted to Human status or are kept within the system until they reform." He stops a moment, looking to Varun. "However, there is another way to reach Higher Heaven, which is what our government is based upon."


Varun nodded while listening, his pen scratching across the paper’s smooth surface in dark swirls. At times he almost wrote his notes down in shadowshifter, but managed to stop himself, remembering that Urius likely couldn’t read it. The youth glanced up, waiting for more information. Already his page was half full.



"Are you aware of the Angel hierarchy?" Urius asks, getting a nod from Varun. "Well, then you know that we start out as Regular Angels, which are the Angels that make up the lower classes of our populus, and then Lord Angels, which are the aristocracy. Arch Angels are Regular Angels that have ascended through their own good deeds and Seraphims are the aristocracy. Prince Rowan and I are Seraphims. Choir Angels are also a form of Seraphim, which means Locke would be a member of the aristocracy if he were to return to Tenshihana," Urius goes on to say. "Choir Angels are unique in that God creates them specifically for the job of conveying his words through song. Most other Angels, aside from the Princes, are born to do any number of jobs."


The young prince nodded, attentive in his note taking. He had not thought of that. Locke was so very humble and sweet, eager to please and happiest when he could be coddled by Exodus or Donovan. Such a strange thought, considering Locke an aristocrat. He did not act like any aristocrat he had ever met. Varun chewed his bottom lip in thought, absent-mindedly nodding while he processed everything that Urius had told him thus far.


"So, considering the levels of the Angel heirarchy that continue far onward from the basics I have just described, let us get into the actual government." Urius points down to a lower diagram. "We will start from the top and work our way down. First of all, there are the Five Princes. These Five Princes are directly related to the first ArchAngels, Micheal, Raphael, Gabriel, and so on. These Princes work jointly with a Parliament, which is made up of the oldest and wisest Angels of our race. The Princes are limited in the way they make war, control their offices, get married, and rule over the populous by the Parliament. In turn, the Parliament cannot create anything, without the approval of at least three of the Princes. This is our form of checks and balances. Do you understand?"


Varun nodded, the tip of his quill pressed against his lips. His own culture was similar in a way, though they had a single king currently and two ruling princes. It was ultimately Lazarus that decided, with help from a trusted few. When his sons were deemed old enough, they would take on full responsibility and Lazarus would be only Second to Death, no longer king. All of this was fascinating.


"Well, below the Princes and Parliament are the House Lords. These are the ones that rule their respected House. I'm sure you have become familiar with at least some of the Houses...I am a Starc, from House Starc. Jinevae is from House Jin. Rowan is from House Valen. There is also House Tenshihana, the current ruling House, and House Maestar. I believe I have mentioned this before, but can you tell me what House does which job within the government?"


Varun shook his head, frowning. "No.... I only know vaguely what each house does." The shadowshifter replied, somewhat embarrassed by his lack of knowledge. They didn’t study angel society very deeply. "I know a bit about Jin House and the Starcs as well... not as much about the others." Varun admitted, looking up at Urius for the answers.


"Then I will start with the House of greatest importance. House Tenshihana is the ruling House. Almost every Prince that is in office now is Tenshihana. Rowan is the first Valen to have returned to the ruling party after the Valens lost control over the Princedom several thousand years before. In any case, House Tenshihana is our religious House. From there come all the clerics, priests, bishops, cardinals, and so on. They help to spread God's word and are among the purest of all Angels. Locke is from this House, as all Choir Angels are." Urius takes a moment to get a drink of water. "Next, there is House Valen. They are the oldest House, having been the first to rule over Tenshihana. Back then, the Citadel did not exist and there was only what we are in now - the Vale. This castle used to be the original palace of our country until the Tenshihana created the Citadel and the palace was rebuilt there, but that's another story...Back to the topic at hand, House Valen is also the purse strings. They are the wealthiest House of any House in Tenshihana."


Varun continued to listen, deep in thought. His smile hid a dark thought. Though it was a rare event, great auntie Uzuri had told stories of the genocide, of ‘religious zealots’ that had stirred up the flames.  She had talked of House Tenshihana before, and though he knew it had not been all of them, there had been some that had aided in the destruction of much of his race so long ago.  "Ahhh... I see." Varun mused.


"Consequently, House Valen is the most corrupt. They control everything through wealth...you will learn this later, however. Going on, the next one down is House Maestar. These are the magic-users that incorperate elements into fighting techniques. They are also closely related to cherubs, so you can tell a Maestar by their small and slender build. They are also born in twos, so many twins are also Maestars. In any case, House Maestar sees over all magical operations within Tenshihana. Next there is House Starc, which I'm sure you're aware of. We are the commanders of the military under the Valens, the keepers of Justice and the Law, judges, lawyers, and servants. We live to serve. Lastly, there are the Jins, who have no representation in Parliament and are not allowed to hold offices higher than Commander. They are the basis of the military and the menial workers of our country. As well, they are the most numerous and make up at least one forth of our population."


Varun had learned of the corruption of the Valens and Starcs. There were rumors, many, many rumors that some of the Starcs and Valens had their fingers dipped into the earnings from the slave trade and even the breeding of shadowshifters and shadowshifter hybrids. Varun found himself preferring the sound of the last few houses, perhaps not so much the Starcs, but even they had their good points. Varun wasn’t sure where he would fit into any of these houses.


"Those are the Houses, each with their own specific job. Most of the Houses work together, such as the Starcs and the Valens, the Maestar and the Tenshihana, and then the Jin which are to themselves. These are the basis of our government and most all Angels fall under one of these Houses. The Lord of any one particular House controls the conduct of his or her relatives, decides marriages, decides professions, and so on and so forth. For instance, Falcon was born to my brother, Stannis, but our Aunt who runs House Starc in my ill mother's place was the one who decided he would be a Second, not his father."


How intriguing, Varun decided, very interesting. Death ran the castle where most of their population lived; the twins would be the ones to rule the lands they now worked tirelessly to rebuild. From there they would be ruling the kingdom, only Death and Lazarus’ rule higher than their own. It was the only surviving palace ever built by their race and having seen it, it still retained its beauty.  Varun could only imagine what it would look like when they had rebuilt it all.


"Be thankful you will not be subjected to a House marriage, either, for your spouses essentially bid on you...I believe you saw that when Sahena was engaged to your father," Urius says with a bit of a frown, his eyes still holding that nervous look when he mentions Sahena being married to Lazarus. "In any case, that is the basics of our government. Do you have any questions?"


Varun shook his head. He knew more now, enough that he could make better choices when dealing with the angels. The youth smiled slightly, trying to hiding the fact that he was bothered by the look in Urius’ dark eyes. "The way your government works is very interesting, but I think it might work even better if Jin House had more power... It has the most people within it; it would be foolish to leave such them without the benefits that they deserve.” Varun remarked, eyes thoughtful and distant.


"That is an interesting point you bring up. Rowan is trying to get them representation in Parliament, so that their House elders can contribute to government decisions. However, because of the enhancements made during the Great War, they are no longer considered 'citizens' because they are not wholly Angel, even if they are specified as such," Urius replies. "There are many government reforms we need in this country, not just with the Jins. Children have little to no legal rights, so pedophilia is not illegal yet still frowned upon. Women of lower classes still do not have the right to keep their children, should they divorce, and a host of other medieval law devices that have yet to be removed."


Varun shuddered and his eyes narrowed in revulsion. "Even my people have laws against such acts. Though you know the ways of our youth, there is still some level of control.” He remarked with a dry chuckle. With their children mentally growing faster than their bodies, it was unavoidable that they would begin to act as such. "That's frightening... how can anyone allow this to happen?" he asks, frowning.


"Because it is the upper classes that indulge in it. Most lower classes would never think of treating a child that way unless they were truly depraved. However, marrying an under-aged bride is not uncommon here or taking on a boy lover. It is because our legal system says that only rape is illegal. However, how can you prove rape when a child does not truly understand the concept? What's more, how can you prove rape when there are so many Lords out there who would simply give money to the families and make the problem go away...Slave trading is also a way of legalized pedophilia, for an object which is owned has no rights and thus cannot claim rape." He clears off the board, erasing the diagrams. "Even so, Prince Rowan has recently put into effect that all children born of slaves on Tenshihana or Vale soil are not slaves, but free-born individuals and thus have every right to claim rape. Thus, all pregnant slaves must be registered. Breaking this law of registration may result in fines or jail time."


"Rowan is doing a lot of good for his people, isn't he, Urius?" Varun remarked, nibbling the end of his quill.  â€œThat’s a good thing.”  He murmured thoughtfully to himself. He was glad Rowan seemed to care so much for those lower than him. That a prince cared about the suffering of those around him was truly remarkable. Even angels could fall into the trap of nobility and its excesses. But Rowan seemed to be above that.


"You have no idea..." he says with a good deal of meaning behind his words. Still, he does not give Varun a chance to question as he puts down the chalk and the pointer, looking up at the clock. "That is your lesson for today. It is now time for you to go and practice your fighting skills with Jinevae. The servant outside will lead you where you need to go."


With a brisk nod, Varun stood, putting his notes in a neat pile on his desk. "Of course Urius, thank you for the lesson.”  Varun replied gratefully, pushing his chair in neatly behind him. With another polite nod, Varun left the room and found a servant waiting for him in the hall. There was much to learn today and only so much time before the day was over.


It is after long hours of getting sweaty with his favorite Jin that Varun is finally able to take a shower and go back to his rooms. He is delighted to see that his luggage has at last arrived and that he can wear something a bit more to his tastes. He looks through his clothing to find his most attractive outfit, hoping that, at least, Alpheus will forgive him for his good looks.


He picks something of a deep red velvet and silk. It hangs beautifully on him, the sleeves tight and then scalloping out beautifully. It is tight along his flat, sculpted stomach, scooping out near his collar bones before flowing up to his neck, a bit of lace against his chin. He made a cutting figure, his long legs encased in black, tight trousers and his boots to about his knee, shiny and well cared for. "He can't possibly hate me when I'm dressed like this." Varun praised himself, smiling even as he slipped from his room.


It was in finding him that Varun got snagged. After all, none of the servants knew where he was. Varun went to his room, to the library, to the study, the kitchens, the parlor, and all manner of places until he finally collapsed on a balcony seat, frustrated. Luckily, Jingarther came by at the right time carrying some weapons to note Varun's frustrated state. "You okay?"


Varun looked up with a frown, the very picture of frustration where he sprawled out on the bench. "Where the hell is Alpheus?" He growled out, a hand in his hair and his expression undeniably annoyed. That damn Valen was nowhere to be found and Varun was running on his last shred of patience. If he didn’t find him soon, he was going to throw his arms up in defeat. To hell with apologizing!


Jingarther outright laughed. "So...got yer eyes set on that pissy one, eh? Funny 'ow yer brother goes fer the Starc an' you jus' have to pick the Valen...Funny indeed!" Jingarther chortles as he sets down the weapons a moment and looks to Varun. "Damn, you look down right gorgeous too! You really must be after him...Ain't much luck it'll do yah, though. He hates yer kind."


"No, I wanted to apologize!" He cried, his cheeks going scarlet. He bit his lip, shooting the Jin a scathing glare. He shouldn’t be mad at Jingarther, it wasn’t his fault his head was in the gutter. Varun let out a shaky breath and tipped his head back. "I scared him; I didn’t realize how he feels about shadowshifters.  He called me a murder..." He grumbled, both annoyed and a little bit hurt by the Valen’s words. Funny how words can hurt so deep.


"Aww..." Jingarther says, rubbing the back of his neck like his father does when he's guilty. Jingarther sits down next to Varun then, looking over to the frustrated Shadowshifter. "Well, it ain't like it was yer fault...but apologizin' would be best - the manly thing tah do, I suppose. Hmm...where have yah looked so far? Maybe I can help."


"All over!" Varun cried, throwing his arms up. Was the Valen hiding under a rock? Maybe he had just disappeared in a cloud of smoke.  Varun grunted, tugging his friend over so he could use him as a head rest and a reassurance. "Where the hell is he? It shouldn't be so hard to find him!" Alpheus was just an angel, it shouldn’t take him forever to locate the blond.


"Well, it should be, cause you ain't lookin' in the right places. Gone up to the bell tower yet?" he asks, seeing Varun blinking as if to say "bell tower?" Jingarther just laughs and turns the other around, pointing out over the balcony to a distant tower on the other side of the castle. It is above the stables and was once used for an actual on-site church. Now it stands alone and virtually unused. "Try goin' there. I'll come with yah, if yah want."


"You can take me there, but I need to apologize by myself." Varun replied testily.  He groaned aloud and let his head fall back, blinking at Jingarther. "You're a life saver though, thank you very much. Let’s go." He urged, standing up and helping the other man up onto his feet. They had a stuffy Valen to find!


Jingarther nodded and picked up his bundle of weapons, passing them to the servant who had been escorting Varun around. The two then headed down various twisting pathways to make it out of the castle and towards the high bell tower. It was connected with the stables, so they had to make their way through the horse stalls to get to the door. Varun passed by his pretty little mare who whinnied when she saw him, prancing in the stall as she was wishing for some attention.


When the mare nickered, Varun had to stop and give the handsome mare a few pets and a kiss on her soft nose. Varun chuckled, talking warmly to the animal as she snuffled at his hair and face. A beautiful animal, Varun mused as he pulled himself away from her. An exquisite filly of good breeding, shape and manners. "Gods, she's such a sweetie." He laughed as they continued on past other horses, their boots echoing down the walkway.


"Yup. She's a real sweet'un. Kinda like yer lil' brother," Jingarther says as he opens the door with the key the stable master gave him. A long twisting set of stairs appear before Varun, he able to look up and see how high they go until they reach a latch door at the very tippy top. "Good luck, there. Be careful yah don't fall."


"More like be careful of Alpheus tearing off my face." He grinned wryly, waving Jingarther off. He began to scale them nimbly, as if he were walking on normal, flat ground. With the amount of stairs in Death’s castle, these were easy. Now, to apologize to the angel and hope that he wouldn't hold what happened against him. And hope that he wouldn’t continue to hate him for the sort of creature that he was.


Varun made it to the top of the stairs and then stepped up to the latch door that was there. He sighed, wondering just how he was going to manage this as he knocked lightly. There was a rustling sound, as if someone was started...and then Varun heard the pattering of feet and the door locking. "Go away!" It was Alpheus.


"I just want to apologize!" The young shadowshifter called through the door, "Please let me in?" He cursed knocking. Damn being polite and knocking! He could have gotten in, apologized and left by now. How was he going to get in now that Alpheus had latched it closed? There was always breaking the door in, but that would be both messy and painful. He did not like the idea of that, not in the least.


"Go to hell, you RAPIST!!" Alpheus hisses through the door, the venom in his voice so apparent. It makes Varun sigh, knowing he might just have to use his shadow powers to slip in somehow. Perhaps then, if he grabs onto the youth, he can prevent Alpheus from scratching his eyes out long enough to tell him he's sorry.


Frowning, Varun decided it was the only option. Taking a deep breath, he shifted. In he slid, up through the cracks of the floor boards, appearing in a shadowed area before stepping out.  Before Alpheus could realize he was in the room, he grabbed him by the arm, tugging him over. "I am not a rapist! Kissing is not rape." He grumbled, keeping the other away from his face and groin by sheer will power alone. Alpheus would flail and he was ready for it.


Alpheus looked all at once horrified, his nails digging into Varun's arms as he tried to wrench himself away. "LET GO, you BARBARIC MONSTER!!" Alpheus kicked at the other's shins, managing to make one harsh kick connect. It made Varun growl for the pain, forcing him to drag Alpheus over to a chair and push him down, keeping him put with a hand. 


"Enough!" He snapped, glaring down at the angel he had pushed back into a chair. "I came to apologize and you act like a child! I am not the same bastards that killed your parents! Do not lump me in with murders and rapists!" His eyes burned angrily, smoldering. “I just wanted to apologize for scaring and upsetting you, it was wrong of me.” He continued, frowning. The last thing he wanted was to make enemies among this household.


Alpheus looks up at him, still terrified. Varun felt the greatest unexplained urge to lean down and hold him. He seemed so much like a lonely person, Varun couldn't help but want to cure that sadness. Still, Alpheus' fear soon turned to anger as he pushed Varun away and scrambled from his chair to the other side of the room. He snatched a dagger from his writing desk that stood beside a large bed, holding it out in front of him as if to shield himself from Varun. "Lies!! I don't care for your shallow apologies, you RAPIST! Just stay away from me and never talk to me again!" Oh, his insistence on keeping this up just made Varun twitch. He entertained the thought of actually following through with Alpheus' accusations to show him what rape was REALLY like...


Varun's eye twitched and it was apparent that this was becoming more then the normally calm male could handle. His hands clutched at his sides and he smiled sickenly sweetly at the flustered angel. "You have no idea what rape is, do you Alpheus?" He asked in a hushed drawl, stepping forward, his eyes narrowed. "How silly of me, maybe I should clarify what exactly it is."


Alpheus' eyes became huge and he held out his dagger with every intent of slashing Varun if he came too close. Then again, Alpheus had never fought. He was a complete recluse bookworm whose only great physical feat was climbing the library ladders to get his next tome. Thus, it was easy to see he had never held a knife before. Slapping it away from him would be far too easy. "Y-you stay away from me...! If....If you do anything to me, I'll tell Rowan!"


Varun grabbed the blade in his hand and yanked it forcefully out of Alpheus’ hands, completely oblivious to whether it cut him or not. He held the blade thoughtfully, sliding it along his cheek while he loomed above the other man. "What is he going to do? Spank me?" He asked with a cock of one brow, "Cause I'd like that too much..." What he was doing was cruel, but each time he was called a monster, murder or rapist, it made his heart ache. A little fear to punish the blond for his hateful words. The wrong way to do this, but his patience had snapped.


"S-stay away from me..." he stammers out now, looking so frightened. Varun couldn't help but find it was a much better expression than his usual gaze of utter contempt. He looked rather cute, his eyes so wide and sparkling blue, his brow knotted in fear...Oh, but how it hurt Varun to feel like he was being regarded as a monster or a deviant. He felt a surge of rage at the sight of the other's expression too, wanting to force the other to stop being so close-minded! "You...you BEAST!" Alpheus closed his eyes and blindly took a swing, slapping Varun against the cheek and making the other step back. That was it. Varun had had enough. 


Varun slammed him into the wall, his eyes narrowed. A sudden surge of adrenaline and anger fueling his actions. He was not sure what he was going to do but in the next instance he was pressed tight to the angel and kissing him fiercely. There was almost a tenderness in the way one  hand cupped the Valen’s cheek, but his hard, lean body pressed tightly to the smaller man, forcing him back against the wall. Damnit, but he was doing it again. What was he thinking?


Alpheus was terrified and yet he could not deny how good it felt to be pressed firmly against Varun's leanly muscular body. He felt dizzy from it, at first trying to fight so hard and then melting once more into that embrace. His eyes lidded and he let Varun tilt back his head, mesmerized by how deeply Varun could get his tongue inside his mouth. Despite all the ripples of revulsion he felt at first and his mind screaming to him that Varun was the enemy, the young Angel was gradually falling for those kisses. 


Varun kissed him passionately and deeply, enjoying the sweet, rich taste of the angelic man. He would be scolding himself later for giving into his urges, but the other youth felt so nice pressed against his body. Varun wrapped his arms tightly about the other, desperate for companionship and the need for someone to touch and kiss him. Loneliness brought out some of his less civilized emotions right then, apologizes forgotten.


Alpheus was the same and found that, despite himself, his hand gripped to the other's shirt. The young Angel pulled him close and tilted back his head, wanting to suffocate under that feeling of being touched. It was so heady that he became dizzy, not sure if it was from the way Varun held him or how long they had been kissing. At last, after what seemed like hours of bliss, Varun broke from him to breathe, both panting from the exchange. Who knew violent angry make out sessions could be so fun!


Desperate now, Varun began kissing his jaw, worshipping the other with hot, panting kisses. "Gods... w-want you..." He uttered, blushing darkly at his own admission of desire. Seemingly shy suddenly as he kissed at the other youth and touched his back and sides with gentle, warm fingertips. Alpheus felt lovely in his arms, had melted beautifully into his kisses. How could he deny how good it felt to have this angel in his arms? All thoughts of scaring Alpheus completely forgotten.



Alpheus pants lightly as he feels Varun's fingertips running over his body from overtop his clothing. Those hands slip down his back and over his sides, one stopping at his buttocks to cup it and make him twitch. Really, Alpheus had only dreamed about this in those secret dirty dreams he shared with no one. True, those dreams were with Falcon using those strong arms to hold him down and have his way with Alpheus, but the Valen Angel couldn't even think of the Starc in that moment. All that was occupying his mind was this Shadowshifter who both frightened and aroused him. He could already feel his excitement growing between his legs. "A-ah...!" he breathed, feeling Varun nip at his neck, beginning to undo his shirt.


Varun trembled slightly, unsure what to do even as he kissed at that smooth expanse of pale neck. He could feel Alpheus’ arousal pressed against his thigh and it made him shiver and groan quietly in want. This was so very bad, what would happen if Alpheus decided he did not want it and screamed rape? Varun didn’t want to be a rapist. He didn’t really want to hurt Alpheus or upset him, yet here they were like this, Varun so close to going too far and uncertain what to do.


The thought seemed to cross Alpheus' mind too as he felt Varun pop another button. The sound of his shirt being unworked seemed to bring him back to earth and he began to push away. "S-stop...! I.....I don't want this!" he gasped out, though it was quite clear from his throbbing heat, his erect nipples, and blushing face that he was wanting this far too much. With some hope of saving what little shred of pride he had left, Alpheus pushed a confused Varun away, leaning against the wall there and trembling. Oh, how miserably sick Alpheus felt!! Here he was, falling into the arms of his sworn enemy, pining for those kisses, AROUSED by that touch!! He felt all at once as if he had betrayed himself, tears threatening his eyes when he realized...God, he was betraying his family. "L-leave..." he stammered out, visibly shaken by the realization. 


 Varun frowned, flushed and aroused. Yet he couldn’t think of himself right now. He stepped away, bowing humbly to the Valen. "As you wish." He replied guiltily.  His dark eyes were troubled and he chewed his lip, wanting badly what he could not have, resenting that he was without companionship. "I don’t want to hurt you, I’m so sorry." Varun didn’t want to hurt anyone, let alone Alpheus, an angel orphaned by his own people.


"Just get out!!" he screamed, wrapping his arms around himself and closing his eyes tightly. Tears trickled down his cheeks and he shivered. Oh, what a monster he was becoming...Still, that ache in his chest when he saw Varun was undeniable. The feelings he had when in the man's arms, when near him, even when he fought so viciously against him...It wasn't fair! Alpheus stood there and shivered until Varun finally unlatched the door and stormed out, more disturbed now than when he came to apologize. Alpheus just slipped to the floor, trying not to cry. He felt as helpless as he did when he lay under his bed, watching his family being massacred. He couldn't stop it...he couldn't think...he just watched as he fell further in love with someone he was supposed to hate.


 Varun was confused, angry, and sad all at once. Down the stairs he went, looking troubled and rumpled. Maybe he was falling for the angel? Alpheus was admittedly an attractive man, Varun couldn’t deny that. He had known him a long while, yet the shock of finally knowing what had made the man so snappy and sour when it came to talking to him, was still not worn off. No, he couldn’t be falling for Alpheus.


Jingarther was shocked to find Varun come down looking so disheveled and with a slap mark upon his cheek. The Jin turned from his horse to see to his friend. "Dear Sweet God in Heaven! What in the hell did he do to yah!" Jingarther cries, staring at Varun with a shocked expression. He's also rather bemused about the puffy nature of Varun's lips...Kiss-swollen is the correct term.


"Well.... he called me names, threatened me with a knife, I lost my temper and threatened him back, We somehow ended up kissing against a wall. He stopped a moment, blinking in shock. “He slapped me at some point, but he pulled away and kicked me out.”  Varun continued, looking bemused and wide eyed. "I can't tell if he likes me or hates me, because his body is telling me a whole different story.” The shadowshifter uttered shakily, still in shock.


Jingarther's mouth dropped. "You MOLESTED 'im?!?!" The stable hands seem to stop in their work when Jingarther blurts that out, looking up and seeing the two standing before the bell tower. Blushing, Jingarther takes the now ashamed, confused, and saddened Varun out the other stable door to escape into the castle. Once there, he swivels around and looks to Varun, frowning. "This ain't Death's Realm, yah know...You could get in serious trouble...not that I didn't think the tight-ass had it comin', though, but that's another thing entirely..." Jingarther looks seriously into Varun's eyes, his silvery gaze stern. "You have to tell Rowan. If yah don't, Alpheus is gonna call rape an' then you'll be in DEEP shit. We castrate people 'ere for that kinda stuff."


Varun frowned, flustered. "I KISSED him, nothing more! He even pulled me in closer." The shadowshifter argued, defending himself. So frustrating! He rubbed his temples, shaking his head. "I will tell him of course, I'm not dense. If I lose my balls they’ll probably grow back.”  He shot back with an embarrassed grumble. "But it’s really not good at all!" He groaned and looked desperately at the Jin, chewing his bottom lip. "I'm lonely for 'companionship' already! I feel like an ass." He grunted and glared at the ground, giving it a kick as if it were the dirt’s fault.


"Nah...I'd tap that ass too if I thought I could. You ain't alone in that. Still, you best be gettin' to Rowan. The sooner you come to the truth, the better...He'll find out somehow that this happen'd, an' you better hope it's not from Alpheus," Jingarther says as he pats his friend on the shoulder. "Dun't worry...You aint' done no wrong in my eyes. I understand what it's like to be alone in a new place - was the same way when I came 'ere. Slept with any damn maid I could get my hands on jus' tah feel better...Even then, it dun't feel good unless yah love e'm."


Varun smiled faintly and nodded his agreement. "I will be going then." He replied, smoothing his clothing out and then fixing his hair with hands that still shook a little. “Alpheus is still up there, I’ll get to Rowan first. I hate this though, I just wanted to apologize. I never wanted any of this to happen.”  He groaned, giving his temples a rub before he turned heel and made his way quickly back to where he knew Rowan would be.


He was lucky to find the Angel there doing papers as many clerks bustled around him, taking and giving messages to their Master. Rowan looked up when he saw Varun step into the office, his green eyes at once changing at the sight of him. Rowan smiled, a smile more real than what he would offer to anyone else. Varun absently wondered if he would ever see such a smile again...after what he had done? Unlikely. "Varun...what brings you here?"


"We need to talk, in private if you have the time." Varun replied, smiling weakly at the angel. How can one feel so horrible? Varun is sure that Rowan will be disgusted with him and cast him out in shame.  Such dishonor, how could he ace anyone again if that were to happen? His family would be ashamed of him, disappointed in his self control and morality. The very idea has Varun terrified.


"If it's about Alpheus, I'm already aware..." Rowan replies, Varun thrown for an absolute loop as he stands there with wide dark eyes. Rowan dismisses his clerks who all file out, leaving the two alone together in his office. Rowan folds his hands before him and looks up at Varun. "I did not realize the Shadowshifter physical need for sex could be so strong...I didn't expect for you to be after my staff so soon after arriving, but it appears I overestimated that cool calm nature of yours. It seems your bloodline is much stronger than I expected."


Varun felt a cold chill. "I was not going to rape him, sir... I could never do something so cruel. “He replied shamefacedly, head bowed in dismay. If Rowan knew, maybe he knew the whole truth of the situation. "I have been without sex or physical contact for the whole journey here, Rowan; I cannot help my need for companionship." He felt like a slut saying that, but it was truth.  Having someone against him, warm arms wrapped around him, made everything better.  It soothed him in a way that nothing could quite match. Being without it was strange. He bowed his head, waiting for the angel to yell at him for his behavior.


"I understand." The words were spoken gently in an almost fatherly way, causing Varun to look up with surprise. "I will rectify this situation immediately. Already, I have asked Urius to go and find a suitable temporary lover for you, until we can get you a proper courtesan. This young man is waiting for you back in your rooms. If you would perfer someone of a different sex, do inform Urius soon so he may make the proper changes. For now, you will have to indulge in what is offered," Rowan replied most reasonably. "After you have had your fill of this individual, you are to attempt an apology to Alpheus again. Perhaps with a cooler head, you will be able to succeed."


Varun smiled weakly in relief, still a bit embarrassed and ashamed of himself. "Thank you, Rowan." He replied gratefully. This was just what he needed right now. Someone to help him relax and think clearly. "I really do want to be his friend... but well." He frowned and sighed. "You know why he hates me." He hated saying it, but it was the truth. He did not think the angel would ever stop hating him. It was more of a lost cause than Varun wanted to admit to himself. Giving up was cowardly. 


"He does not hate you and perhaps that is the cause of his grief...After all, if he hated you, you wouldn't have had the chance to kiss him as you did. He would not have lingered long enough in your presence to allow it," Rowan replies, making a valid point. That coupled with how easily Alpheus melted against him made Varun believe he was not all that hated. Perhaps the only person Alpheus really hated was himself.


 Varun frowned slightly, thinking of it now and realizing he was right. If he really had hated him, he would have stabbed him up there in the loft.  Varun would have had to rush himself to a nurse to stop the bleeding long enough to heal. "I see.” He murmured, eyes widening slightly. How troublesome! He had been aware of the feelings Alpheus had held for Falcon. It was easy to see them, glimpses of his wants when he didn’t think anyone could see them. But now Falcon was gone, living in the castle with Sahena. Would he perhaps turn his attentions onto Varun?

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