untitled: Beautiful Tenshihana

Chapter 5: Beautiful Tenshihana

He would not stay alone very long. The young man heard a knock upon his door; someone had come to call on him. When he came to open the door, Eos stood outside it, in the hallway, in his night shirt, the huge pale cotton clinging to the  boy's slim frame. He wanted very much to at least get a chance to talk with Falcon. There was more he wanted, but it was not a high possiblity. Not now and not with this stern Starc.


Falcon stopped a moment and looked at the door, already sensing who was on the other side. He could attempt to pretend he was asleep, to ignore the knocks and hope Eos would leave him in peace. Still, something tugged at his heart when he thought of Eos sitting out there all alone and he forced himself to stand. Padding over to the door, he unlocked and opened it slightly, looking down at the youth. "Yes?"


The slim angel hybrid smiled shyly at him. "May I come in?" He asked, "I am... rather lonely, sorry if I'm intruding." He uttered.  It was lonely now. Things did not feel right without his elder brother Varun around and Eos  wanted nothing more from the one man that meant so much to him. Would Falcon turn him away when he needed him?


Falcon was indeed hesitant, looking as though he would politely turn Eos away in favor of his lonely bed. However, just as Eos was about to sigh and say to think nothing of it, Falcon opened the door for him and silently allowed the other in. The widening of the crack in the door allowed Eos to at last see Falcon in his night clothes. A simple set of sleeping breeches and a loose tank top allowed Eos to view the youth's muscular arms that were often hidden under his long-sleeved uniform. Such arms looked good to snuggle into.


"Sorry..." Eos uttered shyly and scurried into the room. His bare feet made no sound on the floor and he stood shyly under the taller man's view. He looked beautiful, soft and sweet. "D-Do you mind if I snuggle with you tonight? Ranmaru is sulking and I don't want to bother mother."


"Snuggle?" The suggestion made one of Falcon's elegant black brows quirk as he looked down at the beauty of Eos' soft body, encased only in that cotton shift. He was delectable to say the least, the fabric clinging just where it mattered and otherwise disrupting his shape to leave some mystery about what lay underneath. To Falcon, this was far more arousing than any skimpy panties could be. He felt the urge to lift up the cloth and see what was beneath it. Perhaps Eos knew this and wore the thing on purpose, knowing a modest sweetness was the way to arouse a Starc...yet Falcon refused to let himself fall prey and turned from him. " 'A Second is only allowed physical contact with a member of the same or opposite sex with their master's permission. Any disregard to this rule and a Second may be punished with whatever severity suits the level of physical contact.' " Falcon glances over at Eos, giving him a look up and down. "For this, it would probably be a whipping.”


Eos bit his lip and his hands clenched at his sides. "Oh.... t-then I'll go elsewhere if you wish..." He uttered quickly, feeling tears threatening to well in his eyes and betray his upset at being turned down. He licked his lips and made to go out the door. Why hurt himself? Falcon did not appear to want him and Eos was only hurting himself by pursuing him. Right now he just didn't have the heart to keep at it.


"...Elsewhere?" The word spoken as both a question and almost a curse word, slipping out of Falcon's mouth through clenched teeth. Eos stopped a moment at the sound, surprised to hear such a thing come from the usually calm Starc. He looked back and saw the glitter of jealousy in those pale blue eyes. It was unmistakable. And, strangely, arousing. After all, it meant that Falcon wanted him enough to get angry about anyone else having him. Indeed, he did look agitated...but was it enough? Perhaps Eos should push it a little further...



"Well... I could go see if Echo wouldn't mind me sleeping with him tonight.... he likes to cuddle..." Eos replied simply, keeping the sudden glint of delight out of his sad, lavender eyes. He was highly surprised to hear that tone of jealousy and it roused a since of victory. He would have to push it more, perhaps tonight he would get part of his wish? Just keep pushing... "Echo is very nice and warm. He would not mind cuddling with me if you can't..."


Falcon's fist clenched at his side as his face hardened and yet his eyes continued to burn. Eos could see easily how angry and tense he was getting, the whole room seeming to drop in temperature - much like when his daddy Rughal gets mad and everything heats up. It seems Falcon's powers respond to his anger more readily and soon Eos is shivering lightly. "Do you trust this Echo?" Falcon asks, his voice possessing an edge to it. He is so mad! His anger fills him like a cold artic air, full of vengeance and wrath. If Echo was actually there, Eos has no doubt he would be facing a beating of some sort.


"I guess so..." Eos shrugged, "He is nice and all, but very grabby..." The very thought of Echo groping Eos must have made Falcon boil with rage, for the temperature went down another few degrees and Eos could see his breath floating in puffs before his soft lips. "Why do you ask, Falcon? Is something wrong?" This was too good.


"......Do you mean to debase yourself with this man by....'snuggling,' as you call it." His tone holds a harshness that Eos has never heard. Eos fears that speaking too much on the subject will have Falcon very mad at him, but he mistakes those emotions. Right now, Falcon only wants to find this Echo and wring his neck with his bare hands. Images run through his mind of that shift being lifted up by ANOTHER man's hands, fingertips caressing the skin beneath, discovering and tainting that purity with every unsavory touch. The very idea makes his blood boil and, consequently, the room to freeze.


Eos frowned, becoming unnerved by Falcon's reaction. He was not sure this was such a good idea now  and his eyes widened sharply. "W-what do you mean?" He squeaked, pressing back against the door, wide eyed and gorgeous. The soft, plump lips were parted in startled dismay and his eyes were wide and vividly beautiful. What a sight he must have made for Falcon. Vulnerable and sweet.


Falcon turns away, realizing he is scaring the youth. He tries to calm himself, but he feels so angry. One more glance at that widened stare and he left his heart melt. It is just about time, too, for everything was beginning to gain an edge of frost. "....I.......do not think it wise that you sleep beside a man of dubious intent," Falcon said after a time, managing to keep his tone level. Even so, inside he wished to kill Echo. Those pouting lips and gentle eyes were things he could not give away to someone merely interested in sex with Eos. No...The virginal beauty deserved so much more - more than even Falcon could give him. "Forgive my outburst, but...I would hate to see you hurt in any way."


Eos bit his lip, cheeks blushing in what looked like embarrassment, but was really delight. So Falcon did like him! There was so much rejoicing in his eyes and he smiled slightly at Falcon. "I-I don't think Sahena would mind you comforting a member of his family?" He offered up hesitantly, lowering his gaze demurely as the Starc gazed down at him.


The Starc felt himself soften towards the other, knowing he desired to hold Eos just as much as the other longed to be held. He looked away towards the door for a moment, seeming as though he would not answer. But, just as before, when Eos felt himself losing hope, Falcon finally answered. " 'A Second must always respect the wishes of his master's family before his own. Though their orders are never as absolute as a Second's Master, they are still held in highest regard.' " Eos suddenly realized Falcon was quoting something, likely some manual he had been given by Urius. He looked to Eos, those pale blue eyes warmed now just as the air was. "I suppose, considering that, I should take your request very seriously," he replies. "I will speak to Sahena about this tomorrow and gain a formal approval. I will take my chances for now."


Eos smiled, overjoyed, though there was a shyness to it. He walked closer, almost hesitantly. The shorter man smiled  up at the other and touched his arm. "Thank you very much, Falcon... it makes me feel better." He murmured bashfully. Carefully the boy pressed close and hugged Falcon for the first time. The warmth of his body was startling, his muscular, lean frame satisfying Eos in a way that he couldn't quite put words to.


Falcon seems hesitant at first as Eos leans against him, that slender body fitting almost perfectly to his. The arms around him are slight, the muscles against him slim, but they have such a power over him that he can't even push him away. Instead, he gently wraps his arms around the smaller being, cupping the back of his head so that Eo's cheek caresses against the muscles of his chest. Eos can't help but feel warmed by the gesture, taking in deeply Falcon's own unique scent. 


Such fine scent. Leather and steel, snow. He felt dizzy and happy as he drew in a deep breath. His smile grew goofy and giddy. His slight frame pressed closer, Eos nuzzling into Falcon's chest like a sleepy child, his shirt stretched tight over his slim body. It was a provocative sight, the view Falcon had. For if he looked down, the luscious globes of ass flesh were on display through tightly stretched white cotton.


A blush covered Falcon's face when he realize the inviting sight before him. Genty pushing away was all he could do to keep from slipping his arms lower and testing that firm buttocks in both his hands. Falcon REFUSED to be someone like Echo and gently held the other away, noting Eos' pout. Gods, but the boy was adorable. Even his pout seemed to stir Falcon's desires to life. He cleared his throat to even the air around them. "Please, Sir Eos...you should save the 'cuddling' for when we are in bed. But before that, I must prepare myself for sleep. If you would excuse me."


Eos nodded. He was going to get to cuddle with Falcon... in bed! He nearly let out a girlie squeal of delight, but managed somehow all bottled in. The youth bit his lip, skittering over to the bed to slid into it and cuddle up in the warm wool sheets. He hoped Falcon would hurry and especially hoped he would strip naked in front of him! What a show that would be.


Falcon had to steady himself when he got into the bathroom, washing his face in the sink and then looking into the mirror. He glared at his reflection, knowing that allowing Eos into his bed was a moment of weakness on his part. Getting jealous was just as bad, making Falcon wonder if he was even cut out for this job. Inwardly, he scolded himself as he brushed his teeth, combed his unruly short hair, finished cleaning up, and changed into some boxer shorts. He never slept in his comfortable clothing, for  he had a tendency to feel hot when he slept. Now finished, he stepped out of the bathroom and shut the door, looking up with surprise to see Eos already cuddled down into the covers and staring at him...........and staring at him.......After all, this was the least amount of clothing Eos had EVER seen Falcon wear. The boxer shorts formed nicely to his taunt buttocks. They didn't show off his package as much as Eos may have liked, but they did him justice. Ooh, and that chest...It was lickable. 


Eos was wide eyed and unable to stop staring. He peeked out from the blankets like a small child, nose covered and only two pair of wide eyes visible. He looked adorable. Noticing Falcon looking him over, he smiled coyly and squirmed deeper under the blankets, lashes lowering shyly. What to say? There was only 'please take me now!' going through his brain!  All other thoughts scattered, How horrible, not being able to think of anything to say.


Falcon found himself gulping down his own desires at how sweetly the other covered himself. He found himself aroused just by the shape his form made under the covers, the cloth clinging to him and showing off how long his legs were, the faint outline of a pearly thigh. Keeping his eyes away was all the Starc could do from simply closing the distance, straddling Eos, and ripping the blankets away. By the grace of God, Falcon at last made it to his bed after turning off the oil lamp. He slipped under the  covers, acutely aware of the other body beside him. "Are you comfortable?"


Eos nodded enthusiastically, smiling shyly at him. His eyes were wide still and slightly hungry for the Starc settling in beside him. Gods, if only he could just slip a hand into those boxers and get the other aroused. But Eos found himself feeling abnormally shy, the idea of making Falcon uncomfortable or come to consider him a whore distressing.


 "Y-yes... the bed is very comfortable..." he replied and scooted closer against the taller man, snuggling against his side with a smile tugging at his lips.


"You have enough pillows?" Falcon asked, feeling the youth's slender body against him and trying to focus on something else other than that thigh draped sensually over his. Gods, it was like trying to not touch the most delicious dish in the world when you were starving to death - poor Falcon could barely contain himself, trying to stave off some of his lust by just wrapping an arm around Eos and pulling him close. Inwardly, he recited the Lord's prayer, especially the part about "and lead me not into temptation," over and over again.


Eos snuggled tight against him, sighing in satisfaction at having the other close to him. He had waited so long to have the chance to even touch the other man and having him this close was making him want to cry with want. The slim hybrid snuggled one of Falcon's arms to his chest, wide eyes looking up at him warmly.


Falcon felt himself blush lightly as he nestled into the bed, pressing his lips softly into the other's hair and smelling sweet oils in the long strawberry blond locks. The other's presence left him nearly breathless, his entire being focused only on keeping Eos close. All his rage and jealousy from before was erased with the sound of the other's even breathing.


Eos cooed and snuggled tighter against him, happy to be able to touch him. Falcon had always been so cold and untouchable before. It had been like being in love with a statue, pining away for a man that would never return your passion and now, laying with him, he felt warm and yielding. Eos sighed wistfully.


"Is something wrong?" he asks, hearing the sigh and believing it is something else. Falcon can feel Eos' body pressing against his, the smooth supple flesh arching into him so pleasantly. He would be happy just to roll him over and begin ravaging his body, but his morals will not allow him. No...such things only married couples do, he reminds himself. Falcon would never wish to treat Eos like a common whore. Not like that Echo BASTARD.


Eos nodded, slim arms hugging him a little tighter. "I am just happy..." he replied, peeking shyly up at the other man, long lashes lowered demurely over large eyes. He wished he could beg for the other to fuck him into the mattress, but that would be highly impolite, if not incredibly hot. Again, his desire to make Falcon want him didn't include being viewed as a loose whore. He could save that for after he'd wormed his way into Falcon's heart.


Falcon blushed lightly for the other's sweet words, leaning down and nuzzling him with great care as he rests back against the pillows. He wonders if this relationship may actually work. Surely, Sahena would never be so cruel as to deny him this sweet beauty nestled comfortably at his side. Falcon can only imagine what the youth shall look like draped in white on his wedding night. Ah, what a wonder it will be to peel away every robe and reveal the soft creamy skin beneath. It's enough to make him shiver with want.


Eos yawned and hugged him closer, cooing against his neck. "Mmmn... sleepy..." He uttered, spooning against the Starc's side. What satisfaction to be cuddled up close like this, nice and warm. With Falcon holding him. " Thank you for letting me sleep with you tonight Falcon..."


"You are welcome," he replies, though he knows this is not how Eos had intended them to be together. Falcon is not totally dense and has figured, at least from the last few days, the other's attraction towards him. Perhaps Falcon does not realize to what intensity the other feels for him, but he can tell when a person is hitting on him or not. Honestly, he feels flattered by all the attention. "Goodnight, Eos."


"Night...." The little angel hybrid piped, giving one last squeeze to Falcon's arm before his body going limp and relaxed. Even though they were not having sex, it was still the best night ever! He was with the one he loved and for now, he was sated.


Falcon watched the other sleep for some time, not wanting to go to sleep just yet as he watched the steady rise and fall of his chest. His fingertips grazed over his cheek and against his neck, caressing him softly so that he made happy murmurs in his sleep. Falcon smiled, loving how innocent the boy was. Even though he had promised to remain Sahena's faithful Second, Falcon couldn't help but feel he would give his life for Eos if the chance ever came. He didn't realize it, but he had fallen in love.




To put it plainly, Varun had been terrified the moment he stepped foot into the carriage. He had been nervous and twitchy, but had done everything he could to hide it from the Starc riding in the carriage along with him. He glanced over at the silent man, even then wondering what Ceata saw in this silent, cold eyed man.With how chipper and charming Ceata was, he couldn't understand what made him love a man like Urius.


Urius said nothing as they continued along, heading the longer way through the portals in order to get to Heaven. This would ensure that no one really saw them or could detect their presence. As it was, the Angels were already on the brink of war with the Demons - yet again - and it would be easy to mistake a Shadowshifter's aura for that of a hell spawn. At first, Urius did not even seem to acknowledge Varun existed, staring out the window with eyes that seemed to be looking off into another world. It was only when Varun shivered lightly from cold that Urius unclasped his cloak and placed it gently around the other's shoulders. 


 Varun startled slightly and looked with wide, dark eyes at the much older man. While still young and lanky, he was very much his father's son. He would grow to be an impressive sight and though he was handsome now, with age, he would be even more impressive. Right now though, he was very much a frightened young man. "Oh... thank you."


"Think nothing of it," he replies as he settles back into his seat. He looks so much less intimidating without that long dark cloak all around him. Varun can see, more than ever, the bruise that peeks up from his fine stiff collar. Who else could have done that but Rowan, he thinks...Perhaps things will not go as well as Death promised.


Varun did not bring it up, keeping his mouth shut. It wouldn't do him any good to openly point it out and anger the quiet man. He sighed, cuddling deeper into the cloak. He knew that Rowan could be a strict, vicious man and he shivered when he remembered the morning that Ceata had returned with that horrible brand mark on his back. He had said nothing of it to anyone, and Varun had only gotten a peek at the ugly wound when Ceata had taken off his shirt before closing his door. A disturbing, ruddy wound that leaked and seemed to ache bone deep. What had he done?


It seemed that everyone who came in contact with Rowan were somehow hurt. Absinthe had never said anything, but it was clear by his fearful hatred of that Angel that something had happened. It took more than just a few hard slaps to make Absinthe avoid someone completely, a hollow look in his lovely opal eyes. Ceata had the same look and would often shrink away into the shadows whenever Rowan came near. It was strange that Urius did not have such hollow fear...There were times when it crossed his eyes, like before when Varun had  observed  him whilst Rowan was announcing his choice. When the Prince picked Lazarus, Urius had flinched and stared down at the ground as if he had been stabbed through the heart. Was there something so dreadful about that union? Something Urius knew? What's more, he had often avoided conversations about exactly what work he does for Lord Rowan...Whenever Ceata would ask at the dinner table, he would either say something vague or dismiss it entirely. Varun, being the intelligent youth that he is, could only help but feel suspicious. Perhaps there was more to this cold-eyed man than meets the eye.


Varun folded his hands before him, watching Urius out of the corner of his eye while he stared out the window at the passing scenery,. Yes, there was something going on beneath the surface and until they could properly figure it out, there was nothing that could be done without rousing suspicion. He took in a shaky breath, frowning as he gazed out, rocked into a near trance by the motion of the coach. He promised himself then and there never to fear Rowan. Be cautious, but not to fear.


As the carriage entered into the realm of Heaven, the high white walls of Tenshihana reaching almost into the clouds, he found it hard not to feel such fear. A mild terror struck him when he saw the carriage roll up to the gate and through it, passing through the threshold which separated him from everything he knew and held dear. There was no turning back now. There was no refusing anymore. As they passed the 20-ft thick wall of pure white stone, Varun felt a sinking in his chest. He peered out the window at the shadows passing over the rock, suddenly blinded when they came to the other side and out of the shade...It was a whole other world. It felt like he had gone back in time - carts moving quickly through the streets, men and women and children moving in a single throng, heading this way to the market and that way to the Commons. All of them were dressed in fine period clothing much like what Urius and Rowan would wear. It was easy to distinguish Lords and Ladies from the common regular Angels who had a more homespun appearance. Still, there were all forms of gentry sitting at fine cafes, buildings that touched into the sky. As Varun looked up, he could see the winged messangers passing over them at slow and fast speeds. Their wings moved the air around them to make everything - even the smallest speck of dirt along the cobblestone road - seem alive. It was far busier than Death's Castle, far bigger at that. Inside the ring of the Citadel walls, the white bright liveliness of Tenshihana swallowed him up like fire does a tiny brown moth. 


Varun was wide eyed. How could he not remember how huge this city was or how intimidating its walls, its masses. Surrounded by angels. He watched the streets, fascinated by the passing of people and the dress. So different from everything that he had known since he was a child. Everything was interesting and frightening all at once, but he tried to keep his focus on the fascinating movements and ways of this new culture, tried to swallow up his fear. He glanced at Urius and smiled weakly.


Urius says nothing, knowing very well that this is something Varun will not get to see very often without careful supervision or from the safety of a carriage. He will be a prisoner for the first few months that is certain. He will not have a chance to run freely among the people, who likely will dispise him - or worse - if they knew what he was. Urius is just glad that they have cloaked their transportation to hide his aura from the outside world. Otherwise, with public opinion in the state it is in, they may very well be mobbed.


Varun hadn't even considered that. If he had, he would have been outraged. Though thought of as Demons, they were far from it. There was no name for them save the name Death had given them and what they had given themselves. Varun knew that there were bad and good shadowshifters, just as there was bad and good anything, but that did not make all of them bad. He sank lower in his seat, sighing loudly.


It was then that Urius began to speak, nearly startling Varun with the abruptness of it. "When we arrive, I will take you to your room. You are to unpack your things, wash, and then report directly to Prince Rowan's study. You will not be allowed to leave his villa until he says so or without my protection. You will keep yourself in check at all times. This is not Death's castle. It is expected that you will go to bed at a prompt hour and wake at a prompt hour. Sundays after church service are free for your use, but only within the grounds. If you have any questions, you are to ask me. Is that understood?" 


The shadowshifter youth nodded, frowning. He was to be completely under their control? Oh well, he was not his own man anymore, so he best go with the flow or suffer their displeaure and he knew what Rowan's displeasure could be. It was not unexpected. "I understand, Urius." He replied and sat up straighter in his seat.


The ride went on for at least a half of an hour more, Varun watching as their carriage continued on through the cobblestone streets. He felt as though he were staring at life through a lense, capturing the images and yet not being a part of them. It was as if he was cut off from everything - family, friends, and all the familiarity of home - and viewing this through another person's eyes. However, he became acutely aware of his part in it when the carriage stopped after some twisting winding streets, ending up at another gate. The door opened and Urius got out. He stopped only to give a curt command for the other to come. As Varun got out of the carriage, he saw the high wall looming over him like the initial gate into heaven. It left him puzzled. "We are entering the Vale. It is on the outside of the Citadel. This is where Prince Rowan rules."


Varun gazed up upon it with awe in his eyes. It always amazed him how much care people put into appearence. It was as if, if it was not large enough, people would not know of their greatness. That one had to loudly proclaim their power or they would have none. He frowned and turned his attention back to Urius, looking to him for guidence. This man knew what needed to be done and though he was quiet and strict, Varun could trust him. At least for now.


"Come with me." His order was direct as he headed towards the gate where several guards stood, already checking passengers coming in and out of the Vale. They stopped at the sight of him, obviously knowing Urius as Rowan's Second and someone to be reckoned with.


"Sir, what can I do for you?" the first guard asked - a young Jin with brown curling hair and a steady blue-silver gaze. He obviously had some Valen in him, for he was very precise about his actions and looked as though he were a social climber. His overly gracious tone could prove that enough. Urius ignored it.


"Where are the horses we reserved for the ride in? We must hurry. We are on a tight schedule," he says curtly, looking towards the main gate where carts, wagons, and carriages are coming and going through.


"Oh, yes, Sir! Right away, Lord Urius!" the Jin says with a bow, barking out orders to his fellow guardsmen who quickly go to get the horses waiting at the Gate stables. Urius then looks to Varun, who is obviously confused.


"Forgive me for the change in transportation, but we cannot get into the castle in a carriage. The carriage is housed here at the gate. We will go by horseback."


Varun nodded, frowning slightly. He had not ridden in a long while, but it was something easily remembered how to do. "I see... that is fine." He replied briskly, waiting patiently beside the other man. The youth sighed, lashes lowered as he stood and waited. He was unaware of the curious glances shot his way, but he would have been glad that he had not been born with the white, white skin of his father if he had known just how bad the demon/angel strife was. Glad also, that if he kept his eyes down, he looked more like a Starc than a shadowshifter.


Urius did not offer the guards any explanations when they readied Varun's horse for him. She was a beautiful chestnut color with a long blond mane. Her eyes were a sweet dark brown and she posessed a gentle yet rugged nature. Varun seemed quite at home up there on his steed, petting her neck as Urius mounted his black gelding and took the pack of food and provision handed to him by the footman. "Shall we then?"


The young man nodded. Once he was on the horse, he fell back into it again. You never really forget something like that. Her muscles moved beautifully under his legs and  the young shadowshifter smiled with pleasure. He had always enjoyed a good ride, though on their grounds there was not room for horses. They were beautiful, powerful animals. "Yes, I am ready, Urius." He repliedand wheeled his mare about to follow him.


The animal responded to the gentlest of touches as Varun eased her towards the gate. They were given presidence over the rest of the travellers that waited to leave, causing many to stare and ponder as to the race of the dark-haired youth on the chestnut mare. Whispers went through the crowd of people that watched the two majestically head their way onto the road. "Stay close beside me. Do not wander," Urius ordered as soon as he caught sight of all the villagers, aristocracy, and merchants staring in awe at Varun. No doubt they wondered what a high-ranking Angelic Lord was doing leading a Demon-esque creature into their midst.


Varun was quick to murmur a 'yessir', his skin crawling under their close examination. He kept his eyes away from the crowd, for they were a deep, startling black. The eye color came from Death's bloodline and was often a sign of high breeding. It did not always come out, such as with Ceata or Doll and Faust. Still, his eyes were different and in these times, differences could lead to a deadly result.


Urius tries to dispell the crowd's whispers by a harsh look every now and then. His eyes are like two finely sharpened spears that pierce into the onlookers and have a few turning away quickly. He then turns his head outward, Varun following his gaze as his eyes widen and his mouth gapes.


Tenshihana is beautiful...


Tenshihana is the most beautiful thing he's ever seen! To believe that these lands, the rolling green hills crisscrossed with patterns of farmland and wheat fields, forests so deep and dark and rich, could be ruled over by that monster Rowan...Why, it's hard to imagine. Everywhere Varun can see the green richness of this land called Heaven. He rides along the dirt road made smooth over time, the grasses growing tall on either side as they lead into a forested area and beyond it quaint little towns popping up out of nowhere. And beyond it...Oh, to look beyond that warm verdant ocean are the most impressive mountains jutting forth from the earth, tearing at the sky with their jagged peaks topped with white snow. Living in the land of Death, Varun has seldom experienced such beauty and is in awe of it. 


How he gaped, his eyes wide, gaze trapped by the beauty of these lands. How unfair it seemed, that this place should be so magnificent. But it was heaven and was it not right that such a place be as beautiful as it was said to be? "Wow...." He breathed, leaning forward on the horse he rode. "This place is gorgeous...."


"This territory has been ruled over by the Valens since its conception. However, up until 3,000 years ago, it was held by the House Tenshihana that has dominated the Royal family when the Valens fell out of power. My Master is the first Valen to return to Royal status. The rest are Tenshihana, though one is Starc by marriage," Urius sees fit to inform him now that they are away from that cramped carriage. He feels so much more at ease now that he's on his horse and heading towards the distant cliffs that hang over the Snoicelle Canal. It is a great winding canal that leads from Tenshihana into the other Seven Kingdoms that make up the rest of this dimension. Tenshihana and Heaven are merely the place where Angels live. It is not Higher Heaven, the true seat of God and his many Arch Angels. 


Varun listened intently, lips parted in thought. The slow rocking gait of the mare was soothing and without all the eyes on him, Varun grew more relaxed. Nothing to fear here, at least not yet. "I see.... Your ruling system is strange.... But surely very interesting."


"It is not much different than yours, though the laws can be confusing. You see, we have five Houses of aristocrats that fulfill five basic duties. The Tenshihana are the spiritual leaders. They are clerics and priests and religious advisors. The Valens are the ones who provide the money and are the most ancient of Royals. In their bloodline is that of the first Angels, much like your bloodline is that of the first Shadowshifters. The Maestar are next and they control all that is magic. They have connections with elements that are particularly strong. Then there are the Jins, who are the foot soldiers, servants, and other lower public officials," Urius replies, leaving out his own family line. 


"And what of your family?" He queried, arching a brow. The youth turned his gaze outward, toward the scenery and its tranquil beauty. Varun found himself smiling. His race was different in their ways, more open, more laid back. They enjoyed themselves and while they had classes, they were lax. A king would fight beside a whore and not blink an eye.


Urius did not truly feel comfortable with the asking, but he answered all the same. "We are, for the lack of a better word, slaves to our superiors. We are the justice makers, capable of following every word of our laws, indifferent and unfeeling...We are the emotionless judges of our people as well as servants to whatever duty we are set to. Those that break such laws are unworthy of the name Starc." Varun blinks, finding that philosophy of life to be very silly! How can anyone live under such discipline as to be slaves to their "duty?" And living emotionlessly never did anyone much good. It would explain why Urius had a hard time showing his feelings in front of anyone but Ceata. He is cold because he doesn't know anything else or is too afraid to offend his own family. 


Varun frowned. "I do not know how you do it.... I cannot imagine how anyone could be emotionless."  The shadowshifter pondered. Emotions had their parts to play, even if they were bad emotions, hurt feelings. A life without emotions was empty. "But I am a shadowshifter... we live by different rules, don't we?" he chuckled.


Urius looked to the other, trying to hide the disappointment in his gaze. He said nothing on the matter and continued on, they passing through a town with its streets busy with small markets and the baker and the butcher's shop. The people stop and stare as Urius comes by, only staring harder when they see Varun. Neither seem to pay much mind, though Varun is feeling the particularly heated stares from some of the younger women and curious ones from the town elders. "You stand out greatly here, as you can see. It is not often we bring guests of your type by such a direct route, but...it seems my Master wished to make aware your presence to the people and the aristocracy." Urius' tone was unmistakable to Varun - the Starc was warning him of a plot in as subtle a way as he could. 


Varun frowned, but kept his silence. He had to wonder just what the other was planning, for this sort of stunt was not normally what a prince would do. Biting his bottom lip, Varun kept his eyes away from the people watching them pass, his face blank and his body relaxed.


They continued to ride on until they reached the dappled wood, its darkened shade hiding the light through criss-crossed fingers of leaves and branches. Varun felt sad that he could no longer see the high white mountains that he saw in the distance, but welcomed the sounds of birds and chittering animals as they walked the mossy path through the woods. It became a narrow little road only big enough for a wagon to fit through. It made for close quarters for riding, but it was actually nice to be in Urius' presence. After all, he knew this place so well that Varun could never get lost. And, with Urius' words from before, Varun with his powers of perception was able to pick up on the man's emotions. Though he hid it well, he was not the true definition of a heartless Starc. Really, who could be? "There are a few more towns beyond this. When we reach the forth town, we shall stop for the night at a tavern."


Varun nodded absent-mindedly, mumbling an affirmative while he gazed at the place they rode through. The woods were lovely in their own way and the cool, green shadows calmed him enough to let his expression soften. With no one but Urius around, he was more comfortable. The man was mated to a shadowshifter, he did not stare the way that the other angels did. He knew from Ceata that Urius was very much an emotional man and that made his silent, stony expression seem less threatening to the young shadowshifter hybrid.


"If you would like, there's a spring partway through this wood. We could stop to get a refreshing drink before continuing our journey," Urius asks through the silence, looking around him with those sharp grey-violet eyes. They've turned a darker hue of purple, almost looking back now in the faded light. Likewise, Varun's own eyes have adjusted to the darkness and now glitter like black stars against his pale flesh.


"That would be nice, yes please." He replied crisply, a smile touching his lips. They continued on through the forest and the sounds that trickled out all around them, the heavy scent of loam surrounding them. "The forests here are beautiful.... They look very old as at that." Varun smiled happily as he took in his surroundings with quick, intelligent eyes.


"This forest was here when I was a child. It has always been this ancient and for some reason never dies. I know for a fact that these trees are far beyond what they should be in years...but they have always thrived, despite it," Urius replies as he looks lovingly out into the forest. This is his home...Sometime, he wishes to bring Ceata here to see all its beauty, not just that of his Manor house in the Citadel.


Varun smiled. It was so rare to see Urius looking like this. Normally the man had such a dour expression. He turned his gaze down upon the horse he rode, stroking her elegant neck. A fine animal, one that he would not mind riding again. A good horse should be well appreciated. "It looks very old, but I think that makes it more attractive."


"When I was young, I thought the same thing..." he says, looking out into the woods with a sigh. His eyes look beyond what he sees into his vast memory, recalling a more innocent time of his youth. If only he had known what he would have become...perhaps he would have made different choices in his life. Either way, the two continue on through the beautiful countryside, stopping at a high wooden bridge with stone supports and moss hanging over its edge in pale green wisps. Here the ground is covered with huge moss-laden boulders, making it look like giants had fallen here and were then covered over by earth and lichen. Urius rests near a little glen, stopping beside a fresh stream which seems to appear out of no where. It is the fresh water spring he spoke of. He takes out their canteen and begins to fill it whilst he lets Varun take a drink.


Varun dipped a hand into the stream and slurped the clear, clean water from his palm. His stomach could take just about anything and and there was nothing this water could give him to make him ill. "Tell me, Urius, when I go into heat, will there be fresh meat provided?" He asked over his shoulder. There was no reason to lie, Varun was afraid of going into heat while in the angelic realm. It could be both embarrasing and dangerous. Varun shivered, calming himself with another mouthful of the cool, sweet water.


"That is for my Master to decide," he replies curtly as he fills the canteen. However, he soon catches the look of worry in the other's eyes and speaks again in a softer tone. "I'm sure he would not deny you something you desperately needed...he is not cruel, my Master. He is...sometimes not himself." His words make Varun cock his head gently, wondering what Rowan really is like. Urius seems to know, but he won't even talk to Ceata about it. These Angels are all so secretive!


The boy frowns, giving a curt nod. Though he could survive without the meat, the craving would be an endless annoyance on top of everything else. Varun didn't like the idea of that either. "You're right, I'm sure he will have arrangements made for that time of the year." At least he hoped so. Varun peeked over his shoulder at the older man. "This water is delicious."


"I'm glad you enjoy it. This is an ancient spring. At one time, it was reputed to have special healing powers," he says as he closes the canteen and then goes to put it in his saddle bag. He then returns to the water and kneels before it, reciting a quick prayer before taking a drink. The cool water moistens his lips and makes them almost glisten, the pale golden light falling through the trees onto him with a heavenly glow. He is quite handsome. 


Varun could see why Ceata was attracted to Urius. The man was very handsome, tall and well formed. Varun turned his eyes away from the Starc, gazing down at himself reflected in the water. He was rather plain. Not that striking, at least in his opinion. But in the end did it really matter? Varun sighed.


"Is something the matter?" Urius asks upon hearing the sigh. Varun looks up and sees the other looking to him with those grey-violet eyes. The flecks of purple look brighter in the intense light, making his eyes almost seem like a smokey purple. 


"Nothing that you'd care to hear." Varun replied with a slight smile. He scooped another mouthful of water and supped at it before standing. "Just thinking." He mused with a small shrugged, patting the mare's side.


"If you are nervous about your new home, you should not be. You will fit in rather well, I believe. Despite some of your Shadowshifter tendencies, you have all the intelligence and bearing of a fine Angelic Lordling," Urius reassures in the best way he can. His gentle tone is much nicer than that harsh curtness he shows when in public. He's actually quite kind.


Varun smiled. "Lucky me then, hmmmn?" The youth replied with a quiet chuckle. He certainly was the most restrained of Lazarus' children. Though Faust and Doll were both highly intelligant and could handle many a situation, the two were very much reputed partiers. They worked very, very hard, so Varun thought they  deserved the wild parties and merrymaking. Everyone deserved a way to relax after all.


Urius gives Varun a gentle gaze, almost brotherly, before standing and going over to his horse. "Well, shall we go on?" With a nod from the his beautiful young charge, Urius mounts his horse and they head off together down the road. They pass through the forest in all its enchanted beauty and then head towards the town a few miles away. The sun is set by the time they ride up to the brightly lit tavern and inn beside the road. There is the sound of drinking songs from within and the laughter and dancing of Angel patrons. Urius gets off his horse and hands the reigns over to a stable boy, paying him a few silver coins. He then takes off their saddle bags and carries them under his arms. "Put up your cloak. No one should see your face." His orders have practicality to them, for there is no telling who might recognize a Shadowshifter in these parts. There are slave traders everywhere, even in Heaven.


The boy nodded, frowning as he pulls his hood up, hiding his face in the shadow it casts. The last thing that Varun wanted was to be spotted by someone that recognized him for what he was.  Varun knew that even in these lands, there were slavers. Angels were not immune from the same evils that plagued other realms. "Yes.... good idea." He replied, keeping close to the older man. Urius was his only companion here.


The smell immediately hit Varun, something vaguely familiar from his excursions out with Exodus and his father. Cheap booze, cigar smoke, the scent of mead and barley bread, and the almost sweet pungent woody smell that came from all the wood finishings in the room. Oh, and earth. Musty and thick, the scent filled Varun's nostrils and made him want to sneeze. Urius seemed used to it as he had been in many a shady place, so he merely pressed forward through the crowd and stopped at a desk, setting down the saddle bags. A busty woman looked up at him, her stringy brown hair peeking out from under her cap. "Yeah, what can I get yah?" her tone was indifferent, for she had often catered to Lords before. Even if she did know Urius' importance, she would still treat him this way.


"A room - two beds -, a hot bath, a meal, and your laundry service," Urius replied with his usual curtness. His manner was once again cold now that he was no longer alone. The woman frowned, her freckles frowning with her.


"Oh? A damn Royal you mus' think you are..." she scoffed, stopping from picking her nails to actually look at Urius now. The Starc Lord merely reached into his pocket and pulled out a bag of gold coins. This he put to the table, letting the gleaming metal show. The woman's eyes sparkled and she smiled. She was missing a tooth. "Hmm...I like you, Princey. The royal treatment it is..." she takes the bag and puts it into her bodice and then takes some keys from the counter, handing them to a young boy.


"Be prompt about that bath," Urius adds as a final reminder, following the young boy with the keys up some stairs around back to the long line of rooms. 


Varun watched the exchange silently, his eyes covered by the hood. He wished they could get to their rooms as promptly as possiblye. Even with his hood up and his body covered from prying eyes, he was  feeling exposed. The shadowshifter frowned nervously, hands folded before him and his stance rigid. There was a  relieved sigh when they were led upstairs and he was able to get out of the main area. Too many bodies pressed far too close.


Still, the sounds from behind the doors of the other rooms were mildly disturbing. A high keening cry of a woman was the most promenant in Varun's ears, causing him to bite his lip a little. He could hear a creaking bed in one room and immediately surmised that this inn doubled as a brothel. After all, he saw a shady woman going into a room with a man just ahead of them. Urius kept his eyes forward, saying nothing and revealing nothing. How thankful Varun was when they made it to the end of the hall where their room was. The young boy took a key from his loop and opened the door, handing the key to Urius and letting them inside. Urius set down his saddle bags and immediately went over to the beds. Varun saw that they were just simple straw matts with cloth thrown over them. Urius inspected them, reaching in and killing a flea between his fingers. "Get new matts in here. Tell your mistress at once," Urius demanded, pulling out another bag of coins and giving the boy a gold coin. He bowed and hurried off as Urius began tearing up the beds.


Varun came over to help him, still not taking the cloak off, not with more people coming into the room. "How much easier it would be to hide my eyes if we were to say I was blind." He chuckled drily, working beside Urius at the beds, sneering in disgust at how anyone would rightfully sleep in a bed of this sort. He's rather curl up in the grass. It would be more comfortable and less filthy. Of course if this inn doubled as a brothel, what did these people care? Cheap far earned cheap bedding and bed bugs.


"More than that, your unnatural beauty would cause problems...the last thing we want is to be noticed. I am not so attractive as to have someone stare at me, but I believe your bloodline makes you so and is thus problematic," Urius replies as he pulls out the last of the matts, leaving the simple wooden boxes there that hold them as bed frames. He then goes to his saddle bags, pulling out a special powder. This he puts over the wooden boxes, effectively killing any pests still remaining.


Varun frowned, shaking his head. "I don't see how that is..." The youth replied, confused. He did not consider himself unnaturally beautiful, rather average among his kind. Handsome, but not a great beauty. There were plenty around more attractive than he, right? Varun continued to watch Urius work, thankful the man was knowledgeable to have powder to kill any bloodsuckers still hidden in dark corners.


"Obviously you do not realize how beautiful Shadowshifters are, seeing as you live with so many. You are a combination of rather powerful bloodlines and that is what makes you attractive." Urius then looks up when he hears two men walking into the room dressed in simple garb. They carry two new matts which Urius inspects. Deemed good enough, they are placed down in the wooden boxes and given fresh sheets. The men leave and then bring in a large bronze tub which is soon filled with water and then heated by coals beneath it. "You may take your bath, Varun. I will go see to our food."


"Ok." Varun replied, willing to follow this order more than any other. He had not really thought about how beautiful his race was. Being so used to their features, he had never stopped to think about it. Varun shed his cloak and then began pulling his clothing off, folding them neatly and piling them up by the tub. He smiled at Urius. "Got any soap?" He asked with a wry smile, cocking his head.


Urius nodded and went to their saddle bags, pulling out some simple goat-fat soap that he hands to Varun with a faint blush. He can't believe that the other is so open with his nudity. Truly, Urius has seen Ceata before, but he must admire how handsome Varun's body is. Were he a less loyal man, he might just try to take advantage of the beautiful youth. Instead, he walks towards the door and out, heading downstairs to avoid staring too openly. 'It seems Ceata's perverted nature is rubbing off on me...' he thinks with a frown as he orders some mead, bread, soup, and ale for them.


Varun was not body shy, nor had he ever felt any discomfort being nude in front of others. He could have easily enough walked around nude out in the main room if not for the fact that the people down there would not react well to that sort of sight. Being raised in a castle with communial bathes and a welcoming, open atmosphere had been good for his self confidence. Varun slid into the tub and groaned aloud in pleasure. The water was hot and he allowed himself to sink in till only his eyes floated above the water.


The air around Varun felt nice as he watched the fire burning in the hearth. Urius had set it up whilst they waited for the men to come, giving the room a nice warm glow. It was a weird position for Varun to be in, he wondering what he should do to make himself useful. Urius was taking care of everything...it made the youth smile, glad to know he had someone to watch over him. Even so, he was still pondering over just what Rowan was like and why he had been chosen. There were so many puzzling instances and Varun tried very hard to connect them. Urius' hesitence to talk, Rowan's cryptic smiles that never reached his eyes, the horror on Urius' face when Sahena and Lazarus finally wed, Absinthe's fear of Rowan, Ceata's hollow gaze whenever Rowan was near...Something was right in front of him and yet Varun could not see it. He bit his lip, wondering still just how he was going to deal with his new life. Already, not having sex was making him antsy.


Varun grumbled to himself, running a hand through his short hair. How vexing this was, being unable to solve this nagging puzzle. It was giving him a head ache trying to figure everything out. He  groaned huskily and stretched, picking up the soap to scrub away the dirt from their ride. He'd think it over later, for now he was just too tired to properly think.


It was not long before Urius returned with a tray of food in his arms. He opened the door carefully and then shut it with his foot, walking over to the table to set down his tray before going to lock it. He looked rather tired from having to push through the crowd of people to just get the provisions they needed, but it was to be expected. No tavern was without its faults and such a backwater establishment was sure to be crowded with all manner of riffraff and drunkards. "Your food is waiting for you here. I will take your clothes to be laundered."


"Ahh... thank you very much, Urius." Varun peeped from the tub, scrubbing vigorously at his dark hair. The boy smiled to himself, dunking himself under the water. When he rose again, he shook his head, feeling cleaner than he had since leaving this morning. No more horse and road smell. "Hmmmm... what is for dinner?" He asked from the tub, peeking over the rim.


"I managed to get some mutton, bread, soup, mead, and ale. I suggest sipping the ale in between the mead, for it is much more watered down," Urius replies as he has his back to Varun, not wanting to stare at the glowing beauty of Varun's creamy skin. He blushes just thinking of it.


Varun grunted his approval and stood, leaving the bath to dry off and dress in some night clothes. A simple robe and a pair of night pants, not much more then that. Much better. Warm, dry and clean. His feet made no sound as he walked over, grabbing up his plate and settled himself on the edge of his bed to eat.


Urius felt better now that Varun was fully clothed, going to undress for himself as he took off his cloak and outer coat. He winced though when he stretched a little too sharply, opening a wound he had attempted to heal a bit before. It was time to change the bandages anyway, so he took off his silken grey shirt to reveal the blood-soaked gauze across his back and chest. Bruises around his neck were clearly visible and these were not the kind made in love making...It looked as though he had been strangled.


Varun noted them and frowned, stopping in mid bite. There was nothing to say, his brows furrowed and eyes unable to stop taking in the wounds on Urius. They looked horrible. Varun glanced down and continued to eat his meal. He had to keep his mind off them. It was not his place to ask how he got them. Varun already had a few ideas of where those painful wounds could have come from.


The Starc hissed as he began to unwrap the unsightly bandages, revealing deep whip marks into his pale skin. There were already scars underneath the cuts, proving that these wounds were a regular thing. Urius was glad that Varun did not ask at all about where he got them, for there was already a silent understanding about just what sort of relationship Urius had with Rowan. His eyes glinted with faint shame as Urius began to undo his boots and then his pants, thankful that Varun did not stare at him as he slipped into the warm water - his face contorted in agony as the water turned a faint pink from his bleeding. "Ngh!" he grunts, letting the sting slowly fade away.



Varun shivered. He had to hope he would not be going to endure the same fate. The boy ground his teeth and continued to eat, trying not to think of  how painful the hot water must be against his skin, burning at the open, raw flesh. Such a horrible feeling, the pain must have been unbearable.


Urius calmed though, letting his self control take over as he let his face become placid and began to delicately wash out his wounds. Though the pain would have likely had lesser men crying, Urius was quite used to it by now. The tingle sometimes felt even pleasant, when Urius thought about it, but he would never admit that to anyone. He would never let anyone know that side of him. The silence continued between them as Urius washed himself, Varun venturing to say something until Urius broke the silence. "So....are you leaving many lovers behind back home?"


"A few.." He replied quietly, eyes trained on his half eaten meal. "But no mates.... no one I love enough to ever mate with." He replied with a shrug and a sigh. " They are nice people, but they are not the ones for me." Most of them anyway.


Urius looks back then with faint surprise, the craning of his neck hurting, but he would like to see the other's reaction. Varun seems a bit sad about the fact he hasn't found someone to love yet, feeling as though Ranmaru's intense passionate desire for Sahena is so much more meaningful than his own petty lusts. "...You should not rush love. It can destroy a person." Urius speaks from experience.


Varun smiled and nodded, slightly sheepish. "You are right. I guess it is for the best since I am coming to live under Lord Rowan. I cannot have someone in the way." The boy mused and rolled his eyes. "I can at least hope he won't make me be chaste."


Urius turns around slowly in the water so that he can face Varun, he wincing as he positions himself so he can look comfortably into the other's eyes. The handsome Starc Lord seems to assess whether or not Varun will need his guidance, but ultimately decides that it would be for the best that he hears this. "Listen, Varun...there is a...a certain door in the back of the main library. It has upon it a lion rearing with its fangs beared - carved right into the wood. Beyond that door is a set of stairs...one might possibly be able to take a torch and follow those stairs to a secret passagway. That passageway might possibly lead someone through a tunnel to the canal where there is a boat waiting...that boat can be taken to the other side, towards a small town. There is a tavern there. If one is careful about not being caught, they may enjoy themselves for a few hours...but, of course, you did not hear that from me."


Varun stared at him wide eyed a moment before a smile broke upon his somber young face. "I did not hear a word." he replied, pressing a finger to his lips. The young man leaned back and put the plate onto the table near the one, scraggly chair left empty  in the room. "If you need help rebinding those wounds, I would be glad to be of some use. I feel useless just sitting around and being served." he chuckled sheepishly, leaning himself back in his chair.


"I would very much appreciate it. I cannot easily place medication onto my back...it takes a bit of contortion that I am not capable of," he says with the faintest of smiles, going back to washing his bruised and beaten flesh. Varun finds it so strange that Urius does not heal. It has been determined that the handsome angel is Mortal, but no matter the amount of coaxing, he will never say why. Even Ceata has given up trying to figure it out. It seems Urius is the real Mortal Angel, not like Liam's experiments from the past.


Varun smiled at him and nodded, leaning back and twiddling his thumbs. He wondered just how Urius had become mortal. What event in his past had made him the way he was? It was a story that Varun itched to get his hands on, a knew knowledge that very few, if any, would ever know. But if Ceata couldn't even get it out of his lover, than Varun didn't have a chance.


Urius finally finished his bath and got up out of the water. The blood mingled with the little rivers running down his firm muscular body and tinged his skin. Varun admired just how well toned he was, hiding that figure beneath his heavy robes and many layers. If he decided to stay longer in Death's home, there would be no doubt that Urius would be wearing less. After all, Ceata would want to show his pretty lover off to everyone. As Varun ponders just what sort of clothes Ceata would be dressing Urius in, the Starc is wrapping a towel about himself and padding his skin dry. His red and angry wounds bleed a bit more before he begins to get out his medicine - a white antiseptic paste that is meant to go beneath his bandages.


Varun got up quickly and briskly walked up to the Starc, stealing the medication from the man's hand. "Sit down and let me get to all of the wounds." Varun instructed. Surely Ceata would bribe the other to wear some of the pretty court robes in the styles the shadowshifter court wore. Urius would surely look striking in them. "These are nasty wounds." Varun piped, shaking his head.


"They have begun to heal slowly..." he replies to that, hoping that no new ones show up soon. Rowan can be rather tempermental. Urius must be careful what he does around him or he might just end up with no flesh on his back at all. Still he winces from the touch of Varun's fingertips against his skin. The antiseptic stings at first and then goes away, leaving a cooled numbing sensation. It makes him sigh as he lets Varun's fingers work the medicine into his bleeding whip marks. "Thank you...this is very much appreciated..."


"You're welcome. I'm sure Ceata would have been glad to do it if he was here." Varun replied with a wry chuckle, "But you'll just have to deal with me." He smiled to himself, working the paste into the wounds littering the Starc's tattered back. Every one of them was agonizing looking and he winced at the sight of them. Good lord, he was glad he healed fast.


"I have not been able to spend much time with Ceata lately and....I do not like him looking at my wounds. It makes him angry," Urius sighs, remembering the last arguement Ceata had with him. It was about Rowan, naturally. Ceata was upset that Urius let Rowan do these things to him, offering to let Death take care of him, to be sheltered in his loving arms forever...but Urius could not turn his back on Rowan, no matter what his beloved said. The hurt in Ceata's eyes was almost too much for Urius to bear. How he would have loved to run away from his problems, to avoid them entirely...Ah, but how could he leave Rowan? The man is so broken that he's losing his very soul.


Varun knew of their arguements. He had even heard a few of them. Ceata's angry yelling echoing down the halls despite the thickness of the walls. There was nothing to say to them, no words to chide them with that would hold any weight. Ceata would turn his anger on Varun and Urius would probably ignore him. "You should.... it hurts him to not see you." He murmured, brows furrowing.


"...It hurts not to be with him." Urius sighs, closing his eyes and thinking of the other's pale body pressed up against his. Even if they are just sleeping beside one another, that presence is the only thing that keeps him sane sometimes. It is the only reason he keeps going, wanting to protect and love the beautiful Shadowshifter with all his being. Sometimes he wonders if telling Ceata the truth would be better instead of having to avoid him like this. "I do not want to cause him more pain, however. I only seem to make others sorrowful when I am around."


"Sorrow comes in all sorts of packages.... you just have to get over it and go on." Varun replied, musing while his quick fingers did quick work wrapping the packed wounds. Clean, white bandages layered thick over the tender flesh. "You see how Exodus is... how do you think he is always so happy when he's gone through so much? He is a strange man, but he is happy."


"I'm afraid I lack that strength..." Urius replies with a sigh, though Varun thinks differently. He believes now, after spending time with Urius, that the man is so caring that he internalizes everyone else's problems as well as his own. He bottles things up inside to try and keep others from worrying. Urius is a lot like Varun in that way.


Varun smiled down at the back of Urius' head, giving his thick neck a small pat. "There... you are ready for bed." He piped and stood, brushing out his robe as he rose. "I think bed is looking good... so I will be climing into it now if you do not mind, Urius?"


"Yes. I will see to the final arrangements," he replies as he stands and goes to put on his breeches, taking Varun's dirty clothes after he throws on a shirt as well. "I will be back momentarily."


The young man nodded in affirmation, already crawling into one of the beds. Tired and soothed after the heat of the bath, nothing could be better then curling up and sleeping. Varun flops down, hugging his pillow, his last waking moments spent watching Urius go and wondering what the next day was going to be like.

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