untitled: What You're Good For...

Chapter 27: What You're Good For...


Meanwhile, the progress of the celebration went on, Life, nervous even though this was to be a happy event. Her eyes kept flicking, sensing somewhere in the castle that strong presence that made her skin crawl.


No one else seemed to pick up on it...this underlying pulse that seemed to rumble through the castle. it existed from all around, radiating off the walls, the floor, the ceiling. It was like the chiming of a bell, ringing out in warming for what was to come. On the other side of the realm, distant in the cold, cold north, Specter felt it beneath his feet as powerfully as he did when he was within Death's castle. He stopped a moment as he trailed the old widow. She had finally fallen in the snow and was taking her last gasping breaths. He did not help her, only watched the spiraling fog of her breath as it melted away and then to nothing. She laid still, snow covering her skin, her white hair whipping in the wind. Checking her only once to be sure she had passed, he took the shield and placed it hard into the rock and stone where the body lay. He took the hammer in her hand and left the rest, heading back. But he was not alone...


"W-what the -?!" Specter cried out as an arrow screamed through the air. It was a quick death - right to the head. A Demon walked forth to retrieve his arrow, staring down at the young boy he had killed. Even an Angel can die.


"Come on, men...this way," he said in a solemn tone, they heading toward the gate guarded by the Starc. Three thousand strong, angry, and searching for blood.


Shivering, Life's head snapped toward the sudden death of one she had known, her body tightening sharply in surprise. She took a step toward the feeling and then stopped. It must have been the old one... but why the feeling of young life seeping away? She shook her head, holding her cheeks between her hands, not sure, not sure of what she was feeling in this form. However, she was distracted by Lazarus coming up and speaking with her, taking her attention away from her feelings. "My lady... things are ready, shall we begin?" He asked softy.  Life nodded slowly. "Y-yes..."


"Wow...Everything looks so lovely," Roland says as he comes back from the compound, dressed in his finest of clothing. He has come to see what the great hall looks like before the ball begins, smiling warmly upon the sight as his lovely daughter Evangeline tags along behind him.


"Oh, Lady Life, this is absolutely wonderful!" she cries, going over to the beautiful Goddess and clasping her hands.


Life smiles upon the girl, though it is a well crafted, fake smile. She is feeling far too vulnerable to really be enjoying herself. "You have everyone else to thank for this, little one." She replied, eyes flickering about the room, taking in all the lovely decorations. She is more relaxed then she would have been if they did not have people on guard, death angels and some others, ever watchful.


 It is not long before people begin flooding into the feasting hall come dinner time, there being a mixture of Angels, Death Angels, Demons, Dragons, Merians, and even a few Falconians that have joined in all eager to sit down to a nice meal. Life is most surprised to see the wide range of races under Rowan's employment, there being several different kinds of Youkai present - even some Lucifer ones with their distinctive red eyes and black hair. Rughal stands beside Rowen, glowering as he does, whilst looking upon the vast assortment present. It makes him a bit irritated that his own brethren would side with that Angelic bastard...However, he is easily distracted from that when he spies a far too familiar face in the crowd. Dovinitas...



 Rowen grasps Rughal's hand, following the train of his sight. Ahh.... Dovinitas, his lost love. Everyone save Absinthe is there, the young godling refusing to go, which was good, since he was sick. The real reasoning behind his staying in his room was unknown, but the fact of the matter was, he was plotting the death of Urius. That however, was not know to those attending the small celebration and certainly not to Life or those near her. "Welcome..." She greets them all, smiling. "Please, sit, enjoy dinner, there will be dancing and music after, and entertainment during."


"Thank you," Dovinitas says as he gives a bow to the beautiful young hostess. He then ushers his daughter in, she smiling sweetly and clasping Life's hand. At once, Life is aware of who she is, the sensation sparking up and down her body like wildfire. Such a warm and sweet expression on the young hybrid's face. Part Demon, part Angel...who else could have sired her but their own fiery Prince?


"Thank you so much for letting us come, My Lady. It's good to get out of the compound once in a while," Rena says sweetly with her pretty blue eyes glistening. She looks so much like Edmund when she smiles.


Life smiled gently, "That is good... I want everyone to enjoy themselves..." She chuckled, sweeping them in and allowing them to sit. She smiles upon everyone, playing the good hostess, even as she restlessly keeps moving, walking toward the main table where she shall sit with her close family. Tonight... she hoped tonight would go well, she was very nervous.


 Rena smiled sweetly to Life before making her way to the table where Dovinitas was going to sit. She didn't note the eyes following her from across the room as Rughal had dropped his glass of wine and let it shatter on the floor. Even Rowen's eyes were big, for the girl looked so like Rughal it wasn't funny. Rena didn't seem to note anything as her mother sat her down before taking a seat for himself, pouring her some water. 



 Rowen squeezed his mate's hand tightly, a servant already cleaning up the glass shatters. He glances up at Rughal, eyes wide. There is no doubt, that is Rughal's child. Life walks up to them, glancing at Rughal's expression before sitting quietly. She makes no comment, there is no need to make any comments currently. Let him ponder over it, quietly of course.


 Meanwhile, Absinthe is busy getting something together. He has already decided how he is going to kill Urius. Quietly and without mess. A simply smothering will work, for the man has not been well and hopefully Absinthe will be able to deal with him quickly and with little effort.


Absinthe sits in his room and goes over the plan again and again, being sure that he's left nothing out. However, he wonders if it might be best if he at least made an appearance at the ball. After all, wouldn't he be suspect if he wasn't at least seen once? Perhaps then he could make for an alibi that he was in the ballroom with everyone else...Yes, that seemed a more logical idea than simply sneaking off to kill Urius and then appearing.


A very good idea. He scratches his chin, his stomach not giving him any issues currently, though he is still sleepy and a little weak. The godling smiles to himself and dresses slowly in pale lavender and black robes, bits of silver stitching and ribbons in the ties, He braids back most of his hair, allowing two long strips to hang down against his shoulders. Yes, there, he was handsome enough to attend for a short while and then get lost in the crowd and make his kill. Absinthe smiled to himself, slipping caw sheaths tenderly over his fingertips before he left his room. The ballroom awaited.


"...Y....you're my daughter?" Rughal stammered, staring down at the sweet-eyed girl that he had been introduced too. Rena stood there with her pretty blue eyes glistening, staring up at her father that her mother had told her about. Dovinitas stood behind her, his eyes on the ground, whilst Roaden stepped forth and placed a hand on Rena's shoulder.


"When Rena was born, she was placed within the fold of Robert Valen's many hostages. It took years to find her, even after we discovered where Edmund's soul had gone to. Lord Rowan has had her in protective custody ever since, along with Dovinitas...Dovinitas is no longer my husband," Roaden says with a voice filled with deep regret. The Valen Lord loved Dovinitas with all his heart...though he has always known the feelings were never to be returned. 



That... was news to Rowen. He frowned slightly, though he remained silent as he stood by Rughal and looked upon the daughter that the man had never met. She was beautiful, truly, a child that Rughal could be very proud of. He smiled a little, watching the look of astonishment on his mate's face, the smoky eyes wide and startled. It must have come as a big surprise to him.


"I suppose this is another cause for celebration," came the smooth voice of Rowan from behind Rughal. The other turned and looked at him, half caught in rage and then gratitude - unknowing of how he should react. "Or are you going to continue being my bitter enemy?" Rowan's smile made Rughal look away with shame - shame for doubting the man who had protected his family despite all the things he said.


"Thank you, Lord Rowan, for watching over Dovinitas...and my daughter," Rughal managed, though he had a  hard time of it.


Rowen's lavender eyes flicked over to the Valen, silent still though his lips curled in a slight smile. Rowan unnerved him, always had. Perhaps it was his calm, cool manner, or something else, he was not too sure. But at least the man had protected Rughal's child and his first love. He glanced away, catching Absinthe entering the room out of the corner of his eye, the young male slipping among some death angels before making his way to sit with his mother.


"Oi! Absinthe, wanna try soma the blood sausage mah mom made?" Jingarther says as he holds the plate out to the other. Absinthe looks just about ready to vomit at the sight of it, the other Jins laughing uproariously when he turns a very pale shade of green. "Oi, you not feelin' well?"


He shook his head slowly, smiling weakly upon the other. "No, I'm sorry... I would eat it if I was feeling ok." He replied stiffly, rubbing his temple and tilting his head. He did not know if it was wise for him to do this, perhaps if he had just gone and killed Urius, he would not have to deal with the sudden knotting in his belly. "Enjoying yourself, Jingarther?"


"Yes! Crixa dressed me...I dun't know if it's mah color, but I kinda like it," he says as he looks to the purple he's wearing, smoothing it out with a smile. "She's really good with stuff like this...I dun't know anythin' about clothes."


Absinthe chuckled, tapping his metal claw against his cheek, lips curled in a succulent smile. "I dunno, I think you look rather appeasing in that, Jingarther." He smirked, gazing up and down the Jin with an appraising eye. "Yes, she dressed you well!"  The girl did seem to have an eye for clothing, perhaps she would become a fashion designer some day.


"Oi, but what're you doin' here without a date?" Jingarther asks as he looks around. "I thought yah had yer own boyfriend that'd come and dance with yah...Though...I suppose ye're too sick tah do anythin' like that, right?"


"Matteo is not living here and I wasn't going to come originally... but I did not want to be rude to my relatives." He smiled slightly, stroking some of his hair with a sigh. "So here I am, besides, what need do I have for a date, Jingarther?"


"Because it's ballroom dancing...You kinda need a partner, or it doesn't work. Crixa coached me a lil'! She's really good at stuff like that..." he says dreamily, glancing towards where Crixa is talking with some of her friends. She waves at him and he blushes. It's cute!


Absinthe snorts, chuckling faintly. "Who the hell said I was going to dance? You know how embarrassing it would be to get dizzy and pass out, or to get sick to my stomach and vomit on my partner? I think not." He sighed and watched Jingarther blushing over his little girlfriend. How cute, it made him a little sick to his stomach. Too cute for him right now.


"On contraire, Absinthe...Perhaps it will be an entertaining addition to tonight's festivities," a young man said as he stepped up to the table. Absinthe looked to him and blinked, seeing standing there a Starc with long hair. He had a kind almost Jin-like smile and glistening pale grey eyes. "Hello, there...care for a dance? I don't mind if you throw up on me. It's Urius' coat anyway."


The young godling frowned and then chuckled weakly, "Sure, why not?" He replied and stood, allowing the other to take his hand, the claws prickling gently at the man's palm. Absinthe's robes swooshed softly, the crumpled velvet brushing the floor as he stood straight and stepped forward. "Your name? I don't think I've met you before..."


"Farryn...Farryn Starc, Urius' cousin," the handsome young Angel replied with a suave smile. He was rather appealing for someone from that most stern and unfeeling clan. It was surprising to Absinthe that there could exist a Starc with the air of a Jin. "I'm surprised we haven't been introduced yet."


"Hmmn... well, with the way things are right now, it doesn't surprise me." Absinthe replied with a faint chuckle. He cocked his head, allowing the other man to lead him forward. "What with the new people and all the moving back and forth." He rolled his eyes, peering about thoughtfully at the many people milling about.


"You seem rather distracted from them, however...Your eyes are always looking off somewhere else," Farryn says with a bit of a smile, causing Absinthe to blush. Really, is he that easy to see through? He knows that his nervousness can sometimes get the better of him, but he never imagined it was so easy.


"I would guess so..." He mused softly, flushing slightly from how observant the other man was. He listened slightly to the people moving around and settling in seats, some just ambling about and talking while they waited for everyone to get into the ballroom. Absinthe continued to peer around thoughtfully, smiling slightly upon Farryn.


Still, there was a darkness that hung heavily over her. Her eyes seemed to peer North every now and then, unable to comprehend fully the danger that was coming, but knowing full well that there was something lurking in that direction. "I see that father didn't make it," Falcon says as he stands beside his beloved as Eos fiddles with a flower in his hair. He is dressed in such a lovely array of color that it is hard not to note him - a beautiful summer bloom that gives the dawn cause for envy. "I believe it's his night for patrols."


Eos nodded some, glancing at Falcon. "I believe you are correct." He replied softly, watching a few couples dance as the small death angel band plays softly. It is a pleasant feeling that comes over Eos as he gazes out over the rest of the people enjoying the little celebration, but there is still a little worry lurking. He glances up at Falcon and smiles, adoringly looking upon him.


Falcon is dressed in a rich and royal blue, just as Eos had asked. His garments are not so starkly traditional in the sense that they are elegant, but lack so many layers. A fur-lined collar and cape make his outfit quite luxurious with glistening silver buttons running down the front in classic military style. He has shoulder padding and long silver chords to complete the look of a fairytale prince. The fact he even slicked back his unruly hair a little is quite nice. It's gotten long enough now so that can. "My father has never been one for parties...My mother, on the other hand, loves to drink and socialize. Sometimes I wonder how it is they ever fell in love in the first place."


"Love is confusing, is it not?" Life chuckled as she glided past them to speak with Lazarus. She looked over her shoulder and winked coyly, making Eos flush and squirm a little closer to his lover. Love was confusing, but it felt good and made him happy, so there was nothing to fear. Sighing, Eos leaned up and kissed his mate gently. "What she said."


Falcon smiled gently and then took Eos' hand, leading him out onto the dance floor. The two of them danced gracefully together, Eos being a bit clumsy at first because of his shy nature, but he easily got into it. His beloved Angel did his very best to please him, dipping Eos low at the end of the song and kissing him gently. As the two cooed and cuddled with one another, Alpheus fidgeted nervously beside Varun. He looked awkward being so open about how passionate they were together...It was not in his nature to be very open with his feelings...for, when he was, they were usually negative feelings. "Are you sure I have to be here? C-couldn't we just go back and read books together or something?"


"Yes, dear, we need to be here." Varun chuckled softly, glancing down at Alpheus. "We don't have to stay the whole time, but it is polite, yes?" He mused softly and caressed his mate's hand tenderly, smiling down gently upon the other male. Poor thing, he looked so shy as he stood at his side, shrunken in his shadow as if trying to hid away from the world.


"I hate large gatherings of people...I hate crowds and I hate dancing and I hate small talk...Why can't we leave now? We've stayed long enough!" Alpheus complains as he stands behind the darkly-dressed beauty that is the person he loves. Varun stands in his traditional clothing, a tight corset about his middle and a pair of boots. He has a long cape as well, luxurious and soft to the touch, with black breeches and even a cup. <3 His high-collared shirt flares out against his throat, contrasting nicely with all that pale skin. He looks gorgeous, standing next to Alpheus who has covered himself with a very large cape. He refuses to take it off, no matter what Varun says. He's embarrassed, obviously, of the outfit he has been given by some Death Angel tailor that pretty nearly kidnapped him-at Varun's request, of course.


Varun chuckled and tugged a tad at the others cape, trying to make him release a bit of it so people could see how splendid his angel mate looks in the clothing that has been made for him. He smiled pleasantly, looking down upon the other with a low purr. He would eagerly run off with Alpheus right now and ravage him yet again, but they really did have to wait until after dinner.


Already Life was checking on how soon things would be brought out and she smiled slightly, peering around thoughtfully. So many to feed tonight... She turned, smiling as the first servants began bringing in the food, carting it before them with pleasant smiles upon their faces. They hurried, setting things out as people began to take their seats yet again, many mumbles of pleasure and delight leaving them at all the fine food being set before them.


"What a delightful lookin' meal, Lady Life! But...where'd Lord Rowan go?" Jinaven asked as he stepped up to the table where he would be seated. Everyone had a table where their party was, though there was often found a mix of Demon and Angel together. Everyone shared space with the other, providing a variety of viewpoints for conversation.


"He should be back." She replied softly, having seen him not long ago. Perhaps the bathroom had been in order? She was not sure where the man had gone off to. She smiled though, pale eyes flicking to the man and lips curling in a warm smile. "I hope you enjoy the meal, the cooks worked long and hard to make us one as fine as this!" Life laughed softly.


"Oi! Me an' mah kin sure do appreciate the meal, Ma'am...We Jins dun't ferget kindness when it's given...Yah jus' ask fer anythin', an' we'll be sure to return teh favor," Jinaven went on with a broad smile of genuine friendship. Life was surprised to find how kind the Jins were. They were so full of her element. Still, though their happiness added to the happiness around them, there was still the nagging sensation that  something had gone very wrong elsewhere.


Deep in the snows of the North, a set of Starc guards stood at the gate, conversing lightly with a pair of Death Angels that had stayed that night due to a strong sense of duty. "Would you like some tea?" one of the Starc soldiers asked, offering a steaming mug to one of the Death Angels as they stood all bundled in furs, the wind whipping around them until their faces were red with cold.


The young male beamed and nodded, his orange hair whipping wildly about his young face. He ruffled his wings, cupping them tighter to his body. His companion, an elder female nodded as well and took the mug offered her in small, but scarred hands. Everything was quiet and the young man, Juni, was enjoying watching the snow whip about. "Lovely tea, my friend." The female croaked, ruin voice gruff.


"The recipe is from our home. It's a tea that is used to keep your body from falling victim to the cold," the young Starc replied as he fixed his shield more closely to his body and struck his spear into the snow. His helm gleamed in the light, its silvery surface reflecting the white around him. The Starcs wore heavy furs lining their cloaks and clothing, staving off the freezing winds. Their armor was silver and frosted, allowing them to blend more readily with the ice and snow. "Your kind do not often encounter this weather, I take it?"


"The wind does not whip so badly near the castle, at least not usually." The elder female rasped, smiling gently upon the Starc. "The weather is rarely harsh, lucky for us... but we have encountered it before." She glanced out, watching the snow with narrowed, glowing gold eyes. They were like highly shined orbs of the stuff, glittering and reflecting light upon her cheeks. Her smaller, much younger companion was more plain when compared to her, the shorter purple and red hair that fell into her eyes making his orange look dull. "And you, my friend? I am sure that this is normal where you come from?"


"Are you kidding? This is good weather - perfect weather for battle," one of the other Starcs joked. Just then they heard the sounds of boots crunching on the heavy snow, looking up from their small gathering around the fire. It was an older Starc dressed all in white, his hood covering his black hair, though his eyes shone a bright grey.


"Put that fire out, you fools!" he whispered harshly before looking back towards the mountains. "We have company..."


"Company?" the younger guard asked, though immediately understood what he meant. "Of what kind?"


"Demon, 3,000 strong...Coming from the westerly pass. They shot Specter as he was coming back with a funeral offering." The man was very curt, hardly showing any sign of sadness in his voice. He looks back to the group. "You two, Death Angels. Send warning to your Goddess...You two guards go get Lord Stannis. It seems a good storm blows our way."


The female stood and saluted, tugging Juni to his feet and forcing the other after her and she was gone. Currently they could not shift, it was too dangerous to do so in this weather and especially with the gates closed. But they were off in a hurry, needing to get  to the castle as fast as they possibly could.


Back at the castle, Absinthe was not so sure it was wise to have eaten anything. His belly, thankfully, was only slightly icky, but he could only eat so much. He sighed, glancing around and wondering if Urius was here or not. He did not see the man among any of the faces about the table, so he must be in his rooms... Absinthe smiled slightly, painfully, sipping at some wine to hide it. Soon Urius and Ceata would never fight again,


It was then that Absinthe's eyes fell upon a shy young beauty entering the feasting hall from one of the servants' quarters. Yoren looked nervously about for a seat that might be reserved for him, his eyes falling along the rows of tables with an anxiousness that is almost palpable. Absinthe can see those pretty green eyes flickering gently as a beautiful female Death Angel helps Yoren find a seat.


He looked so much like Rowan that Absinthe felt lust spike in his veins and heat rise to his cheeks. He glanced away, down into his wine to cool himself down, refusing to allow himself to be so weak. That was Yoren, there was no mistaking those bloodlines. Such a sweet, beautiful face, really, he looked so much like his brother. Absinthe silently watched him, picking at his food as he sipped at wine. Why did he not fall for one so sweet as Yoren or Jinevae? The shadowshifter sighed and lowered his gaze again, checking the time. When they began dancing again, he would have to disappear....


The door slammed open then, causing all music to abruptly stop. Two Death Angels hurried quickly and fell to their feet before their Goddess, exhausted and out of breath. Behind them, a pair of servants quickly held their weapons until they could finish their statement, knowing it would be much too heavy to carry whilst trying to catch their breath.


"A demon army 3,000 strong approaching the Northern gate, my lady!" The female gasped, coughing slightly as she struggled to regain her breath, the young male at her side in better shape filling in the Lady onto just what they had heard. Life's eyes widened at the news and Absinthe could not believe how wonderful this distraction was for him to slip from the table and out the servants' passage.  No one noticed, all intent on the news, muttering among themselves even as Life began barking orders, her eyes sharp and vicious.


"If you do not mind, My Lady, perhaps that is not necessary," came that smooth black-silk voice that had Absinthe halting right in his tracks. He turned and looked, catching sight of Rowan all dressed in a fine downy blue with crème-colored lace and a stunning sapphire broach. He was handsome, as always, with delectable taste in form-fitting pants. Absinthe had to blink a few times to realize his eyes had gone dry from staring. "I believe the Starc guard can handle this on their own."


"Are you mad?! This is 3000 to only 500! They'll be slaughtered!" Rughal hissed, seemingly unable to forgive Rowan even after the man protected his family. Rowan didn't even dignify Rughal with a glance, still looking to Life.


"Trust me, My Lady....And come with me, if you will. It seems fortunate that your Tech and I just finished setting up something tonight. I believe you will be pleased." His enigmatic smile had everyone whispering. What was it that Rowan had up his sleeve this time?


Life frowned tightly, but nodded slowly, walking over to him. "If you're wrong about this, Rowan, it will be your head." She promised him softly, her sharp, pale eyes cutting into him as she took his hand and allowed him to lead him along. "Once they get past the Starcs, they will be into MY realm. I will not leave anything to chance."


"You don't need to worry, My Lady...Nothing will go wrong," Rowan replies with such a sure tone, his eyes flickering for a moment. Was that red that crossed his iris then? It's hard to tell as they continue on down the hallway, the feasting hall quickly dispersing as some clamor after their Goddess and yet others suit up to wait for orders into battle. As Death Angels are told to scramble to get into their battle armor, Life is taken to a room that was previously used as one of Tech - the cross-dressing and spastic computer hacker employed by Rughal a long time ago - many server rooms. It has been refitted to contain several large screens made of light, showing upon them in flickering pristine pixels images from the northern gate. All angles are present, providing a very detailed shot of the battlefield. "This, My Lady, is URSUS. It's a unified radio surveillance up linking system that lets me see what I want when I want. Every battle can be directly controlled from this room, allowing one to literally fight a war without ever being on the battlefield...Some might call this cowardly, however, even if you're on an actual battlefield, it wouldn't allow you the full scope of every skirmish. This allows us to instantly know when our lines have been breached to correct the mistake or choose our next move....The cameras themselves are able to follow a single person or a group of people. It's quite effective."


She frowned, staring upon it with her arms crossed. "So we will be able to give aid if there is a need?" She asked softly. The woman leaned closer, peering over at the screen with interest. How odd, that was very fascinating. How well that could be used in battle. "Hmmmnn.... I see...."


"More importantly, My Lady, this could be eventually used to see exactly what the enemy is doing and react to it instantly. Tactics are everything, as is information...This combined with a radio system would make changing tactics incredibly easy...for now, however, it is merely to watch and see if the Starcs can handle themselves. It wouldn't be fair not to give them their chance to really shine." Rowan smiles, the glow of the screen making his eyes burn all the brighter. "Besides, Stannis would have asked for back-up right now if he truly needed it..."


The female nodded slowly, gaze turned on the screens. While they were looking upon the screens, Absinthe was making his way toward the Starc compound and Urius, his robes making a soft swish. He kept out of the sight of the people milling about, his dark robes hiding him better in the shadows.


He slinks along the outer most buildings, counting on the fact that every soldier will be too busy getting ready to fight to care what he's doing. He follows the weak aura that Urius gives off, it not exactly being something he can pick up easily with all the commotion. Still, he's quite a skilled stalker and makes it eventually to the low building that Urius is being housed in.


Absinthe slipped in silently, peering in the dark, looking for Urius in the darkness of his room. It was silent in here, the weak feeling of the man's aura making him shift nervously. He guessed that it would be easier if he was weakened, surely this would be ok? He smiled, oh yes, this would go easily with him so weakened. Just what did Adonis do to him to have him in this state?


Urius lay on the bed, his figure still and silent. Absinthe could tell easily that he was injured, for both his legs were in a cast. Immobile...easy to kill. Absinthe felt his predatory instincts flare at the sight of the other, knowing that through his death, Adonis would be his and his alone. He would no longer be so entombed by his jealousy and his longing...if only to slit that throat so pale and delicious. And yet...he looked so pathetic in this state, so beaten as he is. Would it really be right to kill him if he couldn't even defend himself?


It would be a mercy killing. Without Ceata with him, what did he have left in this world? He silently padded up to the bed, his shoes making no sound on the floor, his eyes glowing faintly in the darkness of the room. There would be no one to stop him and he could blame this killing on an assassin, for surely one would try to get ride of Urius, Rowan's Second? If you could not get the one you wanted, go for something near and dear to him.


He smirked, looming over the bed with a look of pure, devious delight. He slipped onto the bed, staring into Urius' sleeping face. The poor man, so injured and hurt. He would do better in Heaven then in this place.  "Sweet dreams..." Absinthe breathed and slammed one of the pillows down onto the man's face, slipping into his lap to hold him down and keep him from thrashing.



There was no thrashing, no attempts to breathe. Absinthe was puzzled as he sat there, holding hard down against what he believed to be the man he wanted dead. However, after some minutes, he found no resistance and looked beneath the pillow to check..........only to find nothing! His eyes widened and he looked around the room, stopping upon a presence that stood near the window. Eyes so cold looked back at him. They were starkly purple - so purple, in fact, that they were almost glistening black. "Now, now ...you wouldn't be trying to kill an injured man, now, would you?"


Absinthe's eyes widened and he hissed, tensing on the bed and glaring. Oh gods, those eyes! He knew those eyes....! He shivered, lips pulled back from his gums and he was up off the bed in a rush, running from the door, wanting out of here now! The purple eyed beast would kill him, as it had almost done that last time at the wrestling match. He knew it.


"Why leaving so soon? Don't you want to earn Adonis' heart?" the creature asks, suddenly appearing before the door when he was on the other side of the room only moments before. Absinthe shudders, staring at Urius' form so draped in darkness. His muscular body is covered with strange dark marks in a scrawling script, his eyes so frighteningly dark. No, this is not Urius...Urius would never look like this, what with all that long black hair curling down his back. Absinthe is reminded of the first time he saw Adonis, only the fear now is far greater than ever before.


The young male snarled, backing away, panic in his pale eyes. Suddenly he was overwhelmed with the powerful, crushing aura of this creature before him and he shook, gripping at whatever was behind him, hoping to contact something solid to keep his back against. His thighs bumped into the bed and he became unbalanced, landing with a startled curse. "Stay back!" He hissed, digging his heels in and attempting to scramble from the bed, where he felt far too vulnerable. This creature was much more frightening then Adonis. Much more and Absinthe did not care to tangle with yet another of these beasts.


"But you have come here to kill me, Absinthe....Do you not wish to do so?" he asks as he strides easily over towards the bed. Absinthe looks down, seeing the casts that were on Urius' legs completely gone. They lay in a pile on the other side of the room. Where the bones have been snapped, black marks seem to spread and take root, healing with the depth of shadow from the darkest parts of this monster's soul. "You love Adonis so deeply, do you not? I thought a Godling would have more courage...especially against one wounded man." It was mocking him.

"You aren't just one wounded man, you sonofabitch!" Absinthe snapped back, pressing back against the wall, eyes wide and brows knotted in rage at being foiled. Why did Adonis not warn him of this!? Did he think it amusing to send Absinthe to his death? Ha, probably. He would be laughing when they found his corpse. He glowered at the beast, those purple eyes cutting deeply, making his insides crawl and churn like maggots in a corpse.


"You're right...I'm not, am I? I'm the lover of your dear friend Ceata - your kin, your own blood," the creature says, touching against his chest where his heart would be - assuming he had one. "Yet you would gladly rip my life from me as you would rip the happiness from Ceata's own heart....No, I am not one wounded man. I am the proof of your evil." The thing smiles, stepping easily over to the bed and leaning in to where Absinthe cowers. "And I am FAR WORSE than Adonis..."


Absinthe hissed. "You do nothing but hurt him! It would be a mercy to kill you off." He snarled, flushing as the man leaned in close, far too close in Absinthe's opinion. His hand shot out, shoving the man back, though it only succeeded in him being forced into the corner, near Urius' pillows. The position was vulnerable and he was not going to allow himself to continue being in it. Growling, he kicked out. "You're just another monster like Adonis and you're going to do the same thing to Ceata as was done to me!"


Sorrow then grasped the other's kicking foot and suddenly pressed him face-down against the pillows. Absinthe hated above all things this position, being forced down into the sheets with his hand up his back in a painful manner. Sorrow leans down, whispering gently into the other's ear as though he were a lover. "I'm the monster? I'm going to harm Ceata? ...Perhaps you should be more aware of what it is you do that harms him." Sorrow runs a finger against the other's neck, smirking at the sight of so many bruises. "As for me being like Adonis, well...at least I offer no false hope." He feels Absinthe flinch, the youth growling as he tries to struggle. Sorrow merely smiles. "Did you really think after he found all those items and killed me that he'd really give you his heart? ...Foolish child. You would kill a man for false hope, only further proving your own stupidity. Perhaps it is high time I AWAKENED you to the reality of the situation..." He rips off the sash to Absinthe's clothing, causing the cloth to snap and break.


Absinthe gasped in alarm, feeling the crumpled velvet rip with a twang. The others words bit into him, making him ache, his heart hammering. False hope, lies, all lies. Adonis would never be his, so foolish for thinking he would ever be his. To think he would risk Ceata's own happiness for his own, how disgusting he was. Absinthe felt tears twinge at his eyes, tensed body shaking. "Nononono!" He cried, squirming under the large body, kicking his feet, hoping his heeled boots would stab into the other, maybe get him in the kidney.


Sorrow didn't listen to his pathetic pleas for freedom, simply holding the other down and ripping the rest of his robes off. His pants easily fall, revealing the soft supple buttocks beneath. Sorrow smiles, shoving a hand down there and slipping in a finger - no lubrication at all. As expected, Absinthe screams in pain, trying to claw at the sheets as his body is so violated. "Do you know what you are, Absinthe? ...You're a toy. A Godling far too weak to protect himself, so he is passed around among the Gods as an amusement." Sorrow slips in another finger, feeling muscles snap. "And for Adonis? You're a useful toy...You see, even now, a taint exists inside you so powerful that even I can't override it...Do you know what will happen, little one, when you finally go into heat? Hmmm?"


"N-No...." Absinthe sobbed out, biting his lip, all the way through, blood sliding down his chin. His body jerked, muscles squeezing and trying to keep the digit from going further into his clenching body. There was nothing he could do to stop it though, Sorrow shoving it in deeper. The godling had already guessed he was a toy, but had not thought of what other uses he may have to one such as Adonis.


Sorrow smiled, pulling out his fingers slowly. "Let me give you a hint..." Absinthe's eyes widen then as he feels the unmistakable pressure of something much larger than a finger at his entrance. He is about to scream out a protest when his voice his chocked by the other's fluid thrust into his body. The pain is almost unbearable, rocking Absinthe to his very core.


He hunches in a tight ball, biting into the sheets, eyes wide with pain as Sorrow impales him. He should have guessed, the bastard. Shaking, Absinthe groans, guttural. The feeling of the others cock slid in deeply is demeaning, body throbbing about the thick organ. He can do little but gasp into the sheets, the toes of his boots making a soft rattle against the base of the bed.


Sorrow rapes him viciously, giving long slow thrusts so as to prolong the pain before finally having his fill of this. He doesn't distinguish the other with his seed, instead soiling his robes and then leaving the poor boy there. He is in such pain, physically and mentally. These creatures, both Adonis and Sorrow, are so close to breaking the young beauty. Already the seeds of anger and rage have sprouted and will perhaps grow weeds over whatever happy future Absinthe wishes for. "Now get out. If you can't walk, I'll throw you out..." He smirks. "Though I doubt you wish for the soldiers in the hall to see you in this state....this weak, pathetic condition."


Somehow, even through the pain, Absinthe gets up. He wobbles a little, eyes blank and his face shocked. He shakily tugs his rumpled clothes back on, though he leaves the pieces which have been splattered with cum. Shaking, he leaves, ignoring Sorrow as best he can, though he feels the others eyes upon him, watching him with stony amusement. How pathetic he feels. He slips out into the hall and from the building, limping and unsteady on his legs.


The commotion is such that no one notes Absinthe simpering back into the castle with his tail between his legs. They are all too focused on the battle that is raging on the other side of the gate. The snow envelopes and swirls, hiding the Starcs as they make their way over the rocky peaks and into position. The Demons, unable to see or sense their enemy, walks straight ahead through a pass that leads to a frozen lake. Their numbers are such that they seem a trail of unending warriors disappearing into the mist of snow. Even as Life stares at the screen, she feels the impending dread that the young Starcs must be feeling. From one camera angle, she can see a young Starc - perhaps only 10 or 12 - getting into position. He is silently signaled by one of the others, a much older warrior.


It has begun.



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