untitled: Surprise Attack

Chapter 38: Surprise Attack


It is late in the night. Darkness creeps over all spaces, filling places with its blackness like inky fingertips running over skin. The clock in the hall tics away softly, the bed sheets become warm and sometimes must be kicked off to avoid the discomfort. Falcon cannot sleep. Today has been...painful. Eos slumbers to his left as he curls with all the blankets around him - a veritable cocoon of adorability. Falcon does smile at him as he sits up and stares down at the one he loves. "My love..." he whispers lightly, kissing his cheek so that Eos makes a mumbling sound and rolls over, spilling his hair all over the pillow.


Falcon stands and moves to get a robe, seeing the silvery-golden moon hanging high in the night sky. Black clouds slowly move to cover it, letting only half its light peak forth. Falcon sighs as he slips into his slippers and leaves his room, meaning to go and check up on Urius...


Slumped with his head resting delicately on Urius' thigh, Ceata was very nearly asleep. He was so exhausted, struggling mightily to keep his eyes open. They kept fluttering closed, white lashes dancing like little flickering moths in front of his eyes. Curse it! Why must it be so difficult to stay awake? He grumbled, shuddering and kissing Urius' hands gently. His lover was so broken, so utterly devastated and Ceata could not pull himself away from him.


Urius lay there, having fallen asleep some hours before. He seemed to fight it too, though, for he stared blankly forward and kept opening his eyes again and again. However, exhaustion from his wounds eventually took him and the limp broken creature fell into slumber. He felt so cold, Ceata thought. Even now, his warm thigh was losing heat...At times, Ceata wondered if he had died. Yet his chest was still rising and falling...


Ceata blinked sleepily up at him, feeling how chilly he was. Perhaps he just needed another blanket? He had lost a large amount of blood; the man was going to be easily chilled. Groaning softly as he stood, Ceata tottered over to the linen closet just outside the room and fumbled about, rooting through it for a nice, thick blanket for Urius. He felt sluggish and sick, though his own discomfort was ignored as he turned and returned to his mate's bedside.


"Oh...Ceata..." Falcon said when he was found standing there instead. He had come from the hallway and slipped in through the other door, standing near the bed and looking over at Ceata. Ceata froze a moment, but regained himself as he stepped into the room, blanket in hand. "How is he?"


"Sleeping... he's terribly cold..." Ceata replied weakly, walking over and tenderly tucking the thick goose down comforter about his mate, making sure he did not jostle him too much or worry at his wounds. It was some relief to have Falcon in the room with him.


"...Blood loss?" he asks, and Ceata nodded. Falcon then went over to help him spread the blanket over Urius' broken legs and then took up a chair from the corner to sit with the other. ".....he seems so peaceful, now that he's asleep. He's not mumbling things anymore, I take it...?" Falcon inquires, speaking of the time when Urius was awake after being treated. He was mumbling incoherently and staring blankly ahead.


Ceata nodded, settled back in his chair, hands about Urius'. They were so cold, even through the heavy wraps that kept the wounds clean. Urius' strong hands now so mangled and destroyed. It had caused Ceata great distress to see his hands. Those hands that had so lovingly caressed him so many times so horrifically mangled.


He would never carry his sword again...He would never touch his lover's skin or feel the gentle kiss of Ceata's lips. The nerves, the skin...all removed. Fingers missing, bones bare...To see what was under those bandages was terrifying. Even now, it brought tears to Ceata's eyes. "Oh, uncle..." Falcon sighed, staring at those hands too. 


"Falcon... I don't know what to do..." Ceata whispered softly, voice breaking as he held his mate's hand gently, keeping them warm between his. "He's so broken... I don't know whether it would be kindness to keep him alive, or to just end it here." A tear slid down Ceata's cheek, his lips trembling.


"Ceata...how can you say that?" Falcon says sternly, sitting there and looking to the other. "Even if a man is unable to move or speak, that does not mean you should simply rid the world of him...He is not a lame dog to kill." Ceata listened to those words and couldn't help but feel that Falcon was right in some ways, yet....yet....To see that man he knew as a boy so broken now - it was unbearable. Even now, Ceata can remember those strong hands picking him up, comforting him, and wiping his tears away. "He protected you, Ceata...it is time you protected him now."


Ceata nodded, chewing his lip. He did not know if he could protect Urius, but he would try and try his hardest. Still, seeing Urius like this, hurting so much hurt Ceata in turn and he felt a great weight on his shoulders, exhaustion making him droop as he leaned against the bed. "I don't know i-if I can...." He whispered, "But I'll try."


Ceata still felt so broken, even though he spoke those words. This burden he felt left him so guilty, for he knew that he was looking upon Urius now as a problem. Did he really want to kill him to save him the misery or because he was not sure he could tolerate caring for him like this? He didn't really know, caught up with both emotions as it hurt him so much to change those bandages every day....It broke his heart.

This was Urius though, who had cared for him since he was a little one. Damn it, Urius had washed him and kissed his boo-boos and let a hyper eight year old scale all over him when Ceata had been in his care as a child and Urius deserved Ceata's care in turn.


Falcon watched as Ceata carefully slipped into bed with Urius, having nestled close to his side under the sheets. He could feel how cold his skin was...It was not the warmth that he usually experienced when pressing so close. It hurt him to feel that way, for it reminded Ceata of those strange experiences with that beast he had previously...Had that all been just a dream? In the wake of Adonis' release, it was easy to forget the fear Ceata had held before for the deep concern he felt now. "Um...has my father been by at all?"


Ceata shook his head, "Only Death and the healers that I am aware of..." He replied softly. Plenty of people had peeked in, though had not gone in to bother him or Urius. He sighed, snuggling down closer to Urius, ever careful of that broken body.


"Hmm...Rather typical of my father. And here I thought he might have some sympathy," Falcon sighed as he sat there and looked to Urius with a similar degree of worry as the gleaming emotion in Ceata's eyes. "It's a cold family you have mated into, Ceata. I suppose my other Uncles will be pleased to hear of this, if they ever do..."


"I don't care what they think." He replied softly, head resting against his lover's shoulder, face half hidden in his hair. Ceata was well aware of how cold Urius' brothers were to the man. He did not know the exact reason, but he doubted anyone would tell him.


"At the very least...you must know that I am proud to have you as a member of my family," Falcon says as he looks over at Ceata. His words are gentle and sincere - the only bit of comfort he can offer to distract Ceata from this terrible situation. "Everyone here, really, has been so kind to me. I feel that my uncle deserves to find his home here...Truth be told, he was never a very good Angel, no matter how much he tried to hide it behind his sternness."


Ceata chuckled weakly. "Thank you so much Falcon... you've no idea how much that pleases me." He whispered softly, peeking at the other through long, pale lashes as he gave a tiny smile. "Well... if he pulls through this, he will be much happier here..."


"Please...Ceata, I'm begging you, don't let us lose more people we love. I....I know, realistically, it's foolish of me to ask you to let him continue living like this, but...what harm can he do with two crippled hands and a broken body? He should stay here, in the arms of the one he loves, even if he never regains himself..." Falcon pleads gently; having had a feeling for some time that Ceata was preparing to kill Urius. It was a strange notion, for why would he need to do such a thing? Was it out of respect for the man he used to be? Pity? Love? Even Falcon couldn't understand it, and he was always good at understanding people.


"I will try Falcon." Ceata promised softly, nuzzling Urius' neck to distract himself from both his emotional pain and the pain that still throbbed in his body. He felt so weak and useless, perhaps he should sleep? "I can't... promise, but I will try."


Falcon smiled gently, at least pleased for what Ceata tried to give him. He stood then, realizing just how late it was. "Thank you, Ceata...I know my uncle is in good hands now. Is there anything I can get you, though, before I head back to bed? I imagine Eos is rather depressed that I am not there to warm him."


"I'm fine... I'm going to go to sleep anyway." Ceata smiled in turn, snuggling closer to Urius. Did Urius even feel him pressing close? He was not sure, but he hoped so, hoped deeply that his lover felt him.


There was no response to prove otherwise. "Very well then, Ceata...I will see you tomorrow." Falcon bowed respectfully before leaving, his figure disappearing down the hall as the shadows of the night crept forth and surrounded Ceata again. He felt so desperately alone...


The pale male sighed softly, staring at the ceiling for a while as he lay tucked in bed with Urius' cold, sleeping form. He felt chill just lying against him, but he was nearly feverish. His hot skin pressed as close as possible to Urius' cool. His mates were elsewhere, which was good, for he did not want to force this upon them, but it still made him so very lonely.


However, eventually, he could not stand it anymore. He was exhausted and slowly slipped into a disturbed sleep. His dreams were horrifying, ones that reflected the events of the day. Monsters appeared before him and rendered Yoren limb from limb right in front of his eyes, spreading his entrails all over Ceata until he was buried in gore - suffocating on the thick metallic taste of hot steaming blood. He woke in a cold sweat, Urius' unmoving body beside him. Something...something was coming...!!!



~ ~ ~


 Tech sighed as he sat in the control room for the URSUS system that had been in use when Stannis battled the multitude of Demons and Hitomi first arrived in Death's realm. He has been monitoring the cameras for some time, having been told by Death that there might be a need for the systems later. This night was especially tense and he was just about to lean back in his chair with a cup of hot coffee when one of the screens went blank.


"What the fuck...?" Tech grumbled softly, leaning forward and setting down his coffee as he tried to work the remote so that the camera would reset itself. As he was dealing with that problem, another went out and the static screamed over the screen. Then another....and another.....and another..."What the -?!" Tech stood right up, his chair rattling back as he stared at the blank screens, now all buzzing with pixilated black, grey, and white tones.


Outside, a rolling white fog descended over the barren landscape...


Death had taken himself to bed, though he merely sat up, staring out the window with a blank, agitated expression. In a nearby room, he could hear Lazarus moving about, Cadeyrn making loud grumbling noises to himself, fiddling with his mother's hair. It did at least; calm Death enough that he was not suffering from a headache. Did not change the fact though, that everything was becoming more and more complicated. Even now, as he rested, he felt his skin crawl. The big male shuddered and shook his head, worrying at his bottom lip a moment before soothing it with a lick. The days events must have him nervous, normally he could sleep so much easier. But not tonight....


Ceata woke with a pathetic whimper, sitting up and looking about the dark room nervously. The dream... so much blood, the taste of it thick on his tongue, blood coating him, so sticky and hot and it felt him with a sour taste in his mouth and a churning in his belly.


Urius even seemed to stir, for, when Ceata looked over at the other's face, he was horrified to find his eyes wide and gleaming a light purple. When had his lover woken and why was his face now contorted in such a manner? It was frightening to behold that porcelain face devoid of all emotion save his wide frightened eyes...It's then that Ceata heard it. He looked up, seeing the window rattling lightly. It started slow and then started to get louder and louder until it was practically banging...a-as if...as if someone had grasped at the hinges and rocked their body back and forth to make it do so...


On the other side of the glass, one could see an open white moon slowly turning a disturbing shade of ruddy red-orange. 


Ceata shuddered all the harder, his throat clenching. He stared at Urius a moment and than slowly slipped out of the bed, eyes trained fearfully on the window and yet, he was already forming a weapon, his shadows contorting into a thick, finely honed blade. The dark piece was held firmly in his hand, shaky steps slowly, carefully placed. Cautiously, he peered through the glass, shuddering.


He felt his heart beginning to thud against his ribs as he walked closer and closer...His steps were slow and scared, barely touching the ground it seemed, though every sense was maddeningly aware of his surroundings. His eyes would not leave that trembling window. It kept banging and banging and.............and then it stopped. Ceata blinked as he stepped closer, close enough to look out to the other side of the glass, even though they sere several stories up. Just as he was about to come to the window ledge, to peer out over the fog-ridden landscape now lit by the eerie red moon, he heard another terrifying sound....Have you ever heard the whine of glass before it breaks? The sound of a shuddering window as it reaches its stress point? Ceata knew it instantly and had only just enough time to duck before his window gave a high squeal and shattered into a million tiny pieces as the walls even vibrated with some unknown force pushing in on them. Ceata was thrown back, skidding over broken glass as it littered the floor now. Screams were distantly echoed from down the hall, as this was obviously an event not exclusive to Ceata's room. 


Rolling in a tight ball, Ceata did not even think to curse. No, he was getting to his feet, bloodied, wild eyed and ready to tear into whatever had broken the windows, he stood between the darkness and Urius, shuddering, chest heaving as he shifted nervously, ready to grab Urius and run.


The eerie light of the bloody moon cast a shadow on the ground, making all the glass glitter. Ceata continued to stare at the window, his chest heaving, his weapon glinting in his hand...He seemed so intent on the window, despite the echoes of terrified people from either room to their right and left. However, it was not the sight of an intruder that scared him next, but rather the sound of Urius making the most inhuman sound...Ceata had heard such a sound before from a man choking on his own blood as his heart was ripped from his chest cavity tissue strand by tissue strand...Such a sound Urius made now as he writhed on the bed, pupils dilating, convulsing in what looked like absolute pain. At first, his sounds were unintelligible and terrifying...yet, words soon formed - broken and gargled.


".....K...K-kkKkk...kk...KIIIIiiiiIIIIIiLLLL...KIILLL mmMMm...MMEEE!!!"


The pale shadowshifter stared at him over his shoulder, frozen, his hands clutching his weapon starting to shake. His heart seemed to stop, clenching, stuttering and stilling as time froze and there were only those garbled, eerie words echoing over and over in his head. He took a step toward the bed, another, his eyes trained on Urius and his chest starting to heave violently, unable to breathe, toes cut and bloody from stepping on glass. He slowly rose his blade over his head, staring down at Urius, unable to bring it down for some reason, arms trembling violently as he tried, forced himself to make them move. "U-urius...?"


Urius was twitching and gasping with pain before he finally turned away from Ceata and stilled. The quiet that followed, even with the terror of the other residents echoing in the halls, made Ceata's heart stop. He was staring at Urius now; too scared to do anything...Such a fear was overwhelming to the point of leaving him unable to do anything, freezing up. It was only when Rei came running down the hall, slamming the door open, that Ceata could even form some semblance of consciousness. Right beside him was Jinaven, clothes haphazardly thrown on and sword at his belt. "Ceata!! Get the hell out to the front gate!! There's something out there!! We just got a HUGE aura hitting this side of the castle and Death has ordered anyone that can fight out front to meet Adonis!!" Ceata sits there and stares for a moment, trying to understand. Jinaven looks over at the still Urius. "Look...we'll have Gai stay with him or something, but you have to hurry!!!"


Ceata stared at them blankly a moment before nodding, his breath hitching. He walked toward them, leaving bloody foot prints on the stone floor as he grabbed up the shirt he had taken off just before bed, his pants still cleaving to his hips. He gulped, sitting down stiffly to pick a few shards of glass out of his feet, watching them heal and then shoved his reddened feet into his boots. The young male tugged on his shirt and stood, still shaking. "Y-yeah... G-Gai can watch him..." he uttered.


"Come on, we have to wake everyone!!" Jinaven says before quickly rushing from the door, following Rei down the hall and starting to bang on doors frantically to get everyone awake. Already, there are people who are rushing down the stairs and heading towards the main courtyard before the gate that leads out into the barren rocky terrain just outside of the Castle. Those that are in the compound have quickly retreated back into the safety of those thick walls, braving the mist with the help of Death Angels with torches lighting a long line from compound to gate. Death stands by the stairs that come down from the giant double doors, the short causeway between the outer wall doors and the double doors of the castle congested with soldiers as the courtyard is already being prepped with cannons of sorts.


Stannis stands at Death's side, along with a multitude of his generals - Durga and Lazarus included - and his top Death Angel commanders. "This will not stop him...If Adonis intends to strike here, no manner of battlements will hold him back. The impact against the North wall is a mere warning...if he can do that, your walls will crumble. We need to strike!"


"That would be foolish, what about the consequences to our men? You can't just send them out there into that mess! They can't see two inches in front of their nose!"


"Well, what would you expect?! We can’t sit here and do nothing as a renegade God-monster is intending to kill us all!"


The commanders could not seem to come to a decision.


Death growled lowly, watching the mist billow about, writhing past in smoky tendrils. A feeling of intense unease kept him from drawing any sort of attention to himself, listening silently to his commanders and generals argue together. He glanced about, wondering if Chaos had left yet. Probably, which would be just his damn luck that they would be alone. Adonis would do that sort of thing, he was sure. Wait till they were alone and vulnerable to strike. The cold faced Immortal glanced down at those near him and sighed. "We really cannot send anyone out into that." He mused softly, peered up at the battlements. "He'll just pick everyone off, one by one."


"If you do not mind, My Lord, I think I can handle your situation..." Stannis says softly, causing Farryn, who has been standing close to him all this time; cast a nervous glance in his direction. Kite, who is helping form her troops, also hears his gentle words and turns from barking orders to stare at her husband. Death immediately senses that something is up and looks to Stannis with a questioning gaze. 


"How so, Stannis?" He asks, turning to peer intently down at the smaller man, his hand coming out of his robes to shift his hair back from his face, the red strands tickling at his cheek. "What do you have to offer?"


Farryn at once stepped forward, grasping at the stern Starc's arm. "Stannis, no! You can't do that to Uri -!" he starts, but his hand and person is roughly shoved away. Stannis glares so sharply at his former companion, eyes gleaming.


"I do not have a choice." Farryn backs off immediately, though his eyes rush over to Kite as she stares with growing concern. She seems almost ready to walk right over there, her face contorting in worry at the way Stannis is acting. The stern Starc General merely looks to Death, those silver eyes now a burning azure. "Give me fifteen minutes. I will clear the field for you." 


The immortal nodded slowly, watching him, and watching him sharply. Whatever this was, it was dangerous and he would be prepared to rush in and add assistance if there was a need for his help. "Do so."


Stannis quickly bowed and turned on his heel, heading back up the steps to the castle. He was intercepted by Kite, who immediately grabbed his arm. "Stannis, what is the meaning of this?" Stannis didn't answer her, gently prying her off as he continued to walk up the steps. This only served to infuriate and worry her more. "Stannis, talk to me! Stannis!!!"


"Take care of her, Farryn." The curt order was carried out almost instantly as Farryn stepped in and gently took his lover's hands. Kite looked to him in fear and then to Stannis, anger mixed in with her terror.


"What is going on?! Stannis! STANNIS!" she screamed at her husband as he disappeared behind the double doors now guarded by ten times the Death Angels as before. Her eyes turned frantically to Farryn then, who was trying his best to calm her. "What is going on?! Speak to me....Farryn!!"


Farryn sighed, gently putting his hands on her shoulders. "It's going to be okay...Come on; we need to take care of the soldiers, Kite. Your husband will be fine..." He was already directing her back towards her small Valen brigade she controlled. 


The immortal flinched at her frightened voice, turning his gaze away to save himself the look on her face. He did not ask what Stannis was going to do, no, he was not sure he wanted to know right than.


Just then, Ceata made it on the scene with Rei. Rei at once went to the other Generals - even Durga - and started growling at them to finish their squabbling as he was still the leader of this army, no matter what anyone said. Ceata went to Death, however, wishing to at least to convey to him the terrifying thing he had seen...


He pawed at Death's arm, shivering slightly as he peered up at the immortal. Death looked down at him and frowned. Why had they grabbed Ceata? He had said every able bodied man, but Ceata did not look like he could even hold his own right then. "Yes, love?" He asked softly.  Ceata shakily opened his mouth and than closed it a moment, peering up at the sky before speaking, telling Death everything that had happened from his dream on.


By the time he had finished, Stannis had returned and slipped through the double doors. Kite had been led off by two of her men, protesting and swearing all the way as Farryn winced at every insult she could think to throw at his manhood. At this point, he really didn't care...his eyes were focused on the other person he loved - though had never consummated that love with - as Stannis stepped down the stairs and tightened his gloves.


He wore a suit that was most different from what he wore any other time. For one, it stuck to his skin so deliciously that one could see all his sinew almost down to the little dimples on his ass cheeks. There was armor overtop it, but it seemed of a strange material that Death could not place. What's more, he was not wearing a sword. "I'm ready, My Lord...please open the gate," Stannis said simply.


"Wait!! Father!!" came Falcon's voice from the steps as he came rushing out of the castle, his beloved in tow. He panted as he rushed up to Stannis, eyes wide and gleaming. "What is going on?! Why are you being sent out?!"


"This has nothing to do with you, Son..."


Falcon stared, appalled by those words. "What are you talking about? This has everything to do with me! You're my father and your leg is still injured! Let a Shadowshifter do it - at least THEY can shift back behind the walls if they encounter something out there!" Stannis glared down at his son, seeming insulted by his words as he fixed his other glove and frowned.


"Falcon. You are to take care of your mother and sisters. Now get back inside before I have you dragged away from here."


Falcon stood his ground, glaring up at his father. "......If you do this, you must promise this is the last time you put duty before your own family!"


"Falcon -!"


"I WON'T say it again, Dad!! .......Sometimes it's not about your pride." 


Stannis stared at his son and sighed heavily, looking to the gate and then back again. His eyes seemed to soften, if only for a moment. "I promise."


They all watched Stannis closely, even as a smaller part of the gate was opened for him. There was a hush over everyone, eyes intently upon Stannis - all those who could afford to do so - as the man made his way steadily out and into the disturbing fog.  Death clenched his fist and prayed he would not have to put another in the crypt tonight.


Stannis stepped out from the slightly opened gate. He took in a deep breath, knowing very well how this would change the way the others viewed him...as well as put Urius in further danger. Still, Stannis knew that with this fog they would never defeat their enemy. The gate was shut behind him as the mist collected around in a thick white cloud. 


Ceata shifted nervously beside Death, his feet aching, hell, all of him aching. He wanted to go back upstairs, wanted to huddle in bed with Urius. His other mates were safely tucked away - or helping, depending on their training - but he knew they'd take care of themselves if need be.


Urius was too weak to do anything...and those cries...It made Ceata shiver just remembering his beloved begging him to plunge his sword deep into his chest. Even now, Ceata was keenly aware of the fact that he couldn't bring himself to do it. It drove him mad realizing that he did not even have the strength to put his poor lover out of his misery...Ceata was suddenly jarred from such thoughts when the air in front of the gate began to swirl. The fog was being sucked up and over it, rushes of cold air pluming from the space that Stannis occupied. It was amazing for the soldiers on the high wall to watch as little swirling tornados seemed to pop up all over the landscape, caught up in the cold air currents that Stannis was creating. However, it was not so amazing that he could control the weather or that it was on such a large scale, as the expanse before the castle was HUGE....No, what caught their attention, as with Death's, was the presence of power similar to that hollow gripping sadness that had been felt before...


Ceata shuddered and clung closer to Death, the immortal allowing the other to half hide in his robes. His dark eyes peered up, long red hair rippling a little in the new breezes created. Hmm... This... was very, very interesting. He frowned a little, wondering just what was going on and how Stannis was doing it.


 A ways off, within the jagged forest of rocks that lead up to Death's doorstep, the cause for such distress was gathered in the misty shadows that Hatred had created for them. As is to be expected of the prideful and wrathful man, he was snarling as his eyes flickered over the scene before him. His beautiful mist, which was to get them inside Death's castle with ease, was being sucked up and away. "Damn him!! Damn Regret for this!!"


"It's not like it can be helped...I didn't expect him to gain his powers - annoying Seed God in the way..."


"You're quite right, but...what about dealing with Death? We can't exactly just plough through there without him retaliating," Fear raised as a question, flipping his white hair over one shoulder and looking to everyone with wide yellow eyes. Hatred only rolled his eyes.


"We're not here to defeat him! We just need you to run in there quickly, kill him, and get out...And we best do that while we still have cover." Hatred glared at the origin of all the swirling icy tornados. Greed nodded.


"Yes...let's get to it."


The immortal shifted, lowering his gaze down to Ceata. "Who is with Urius, love?" He asked softly. Ceata blinked, peeking back up at his lord, confused for a moment before his eyes brightened. "Gai, I believe?" The immortal frowned a little bit more and than nudged Ceata. "I want you to go check on them in a moment, ok?"


Would that he had a moment? The force of the winds picked up as the gates began to creak. Those that were standing up on the wall had to kneel down and cling to the stones to prevent themselves from being swept away. Death stared at the crack that was made in the giant doors as the force of the winds cyclones around that central point. He could not be certain of it completely...but he swore he saw a man with long black hair and glowing blue eyes at its center. 


He squinted, trying to see, but the wind was whipping his hair into his face and the darkness hid most details from him, even now with his sharp vision. Ceata huddled close, eyes tightly closed and his smaller form hunched tightly.


Only when the very last of the fog was sucked back up into the atmosphere did the cyclones seem to stop. Many of the torches had been blown out and the soldiers scampered to light them again. Death brushed his hair out of his face and looked up through the open gate. The land was completely clear for as far as they could see, the field open for the warriors to step forth...And there, where Stannis had been, a man with long luscious black hair and gleaming blue eyes stood. He had Stannis' stern face, but he glowed with the ethereal nature of a God. 


The immortal bristled, stepping away from Ceata to peer intently upon the man. He knew who that was and the immortal shivered and wondered if he should approach or keep as far away as possible. The men hurried, relighting the torches and bathing the courtyard in golden light that flickered and sent shadows skittering.


Stannis stood there for a long moment before he turned and looked upon them. He was not really Stannis now, though his face and frame held the same look as him, the same stern nature. A part of him was not himself, however, as he was a Seed God. Death realized this as Stannis got closer, for there was not that complete change of personalities like with Urius or Rowan. No, a Seed God is merely what happens when a God's being is too strong to be held in a single container. The Seed God is sprouted from what spills over, usually with powers shaped by their experiences in life. Death had never needed a Seed God, as he has never switched bodies. However, he had heard of other Gods who used them to do their dirty work. "All clear, My Lord."


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