untitled: Tea and Cookies

Chapter 20: Tea and Cookies


Yoren went back to Gai and looked at her sadly, feeling so depressed by what Death had said. She gently ruffled his hair and took him back to his room for some warm tea and stories. Meanwhile, Urius was trying to heal himself in one of his rooms in the compound. Dovinitas gently placed salve against his beaten bloody skin and he hissed in pain.


"You went all-out...You're a fool for doing that," Dovinitas replied as he helped Urius put on the bandages. He knew just by looking at Urius that the man was running himself ragged, but...surely...he couldn't have gotten ALL these wounds from Stannis, right? Dovinitas was skeptical.


"You don't need to chastise me. Just heal me." Urius didn't seem to have any patience at the moment. He was drained, his vision was weak...Something had...it had taken him over in that heated moment of battle and he felt himself shivering in fear. He looked down at his hands. What was he becoming?


"Mama? Are you in there?" a sweet voice called as a young girl tapped on the door. "Oh! Rena, do come in...do you have the bandages?" Dovinitas asks as he looks back to the door. Urius blinks, turning slightly to see a pretty young hybrid child with soft blue eyes and long red hair. She looks...suspiciously like Rughal. Rena smiled at the sight of Urius and set down some bandages. "I asked one of the Death Angels to help me. He's a healer." Rena turns, looking to the Death Angel healer she brought with her to see Urius.


  The elegant female had glass-like eyes and every shade of pale blue and white laced through her hair. She looked upon him thoughtfully, following the child in. Looking upon the male before him, she chuckled faintly. "You are a mess lord Urius." She breathed, voice soft as the sound of snow falling and just as calming. She shuffled over, a slight limb in her movements from a vicious wound some years ago. "Set the bandaged on the bed, Rena...."


Rena smiled and nodded, looking up at the beautiful woman with a great deal of admiration. It was the first that Rena had seen of anyone outside the witness protection program. For many years, it had only been her and her mother Dovinitas after she was rescued from Robert Valen's mansion. She grew up there as a young girl, held hostage to keep Dovinitas away from Rughal. She was the only reason Dovinitas turned away Rughal's love, as he wanted to be sure she was safe. "Do you want me to get some water too, ma'am?" Rena asks sweetly, her pretty blue eyes so warmed by the woman's presence. Dovinitas looks upon his child with kindness, knowing that she wants to become a healer one day.


Urius merely stares at this Death Angel with suspicion and coldness. He's does not appreciate a Death Angel caring for his wounds. 


"Yes, please." She uttered softly sitting slowly on the bed with Urius. Her mocha skin looks soft and seems to glow slightly with health. Her wings, when out, were a pale cream color with flecks of blue. The female was beautiful, and her warmth was calming. "My lord Urius, allow me please to help deal with your wounds... you've many and they all need bandaging."


"Dovinitas can handle this himself. Besides, your magics do not work on me." Urius' tone held no emotion in it. He was cold from his head to his toes, shivering almost from this feeling of having his body taken over. He is having a hard time comprehending it...he's scared, but his training keeps him stone-faced.


"It's true. Magics and healing powers do not work on Urius' body. I have been using some salves, but they are low-level at best. I need stronger ones," Dovinitas replies as he looks to the gorgeous woman. She is beyond beautiful, even for a Death Angel.


"I have no need for healing magics." She smiled faintly. "I brought salves, they should work." The female leaned down and brought up a small container of salve for them to use on the poor male's battered body. She leaned over, examining him before stilling and frowning. "Lord Urius, there is a burn mark on your back."


Urius felt his muscles tighten and he growled. "Leave that be. It's an old wound." It was indeed a terrible wound. Adonis so did love his brands. He used them whenever possible and didn't hesitate to sink the metal deep into the flesh. Urius had other brands as well, most of them broken by scars. His back was a terrible mess of them, making it hard to look at some times. Still, the beautiful Death Angel did not seem to flinch at the sight of all his wounds...she was merely very concerned. How an Angel with a mortal body could survive so much was a mystery to her...


"No, sir, this one is fresh." She replied and traced it with the salve. It was red and throbbed against her fingertips. "How odd..." It looked familiar, but she shook her head and merely attended to the thing the salve before turning her attention elsewhere. For all she knew it was tradition among angel warriors to get those things and she was not going to ask about it.


Urius grit his teeth against the pain that came as the salves disinfected his open wounds. Those smooth dark fingers traced salve all over his back, coming across old wounds that had opened in the violence of the battle. Urius' armor sat in the corner, it having had to be cut off him because it was so heavily dented in some places.


"Here's the water, Ma'am," Rena said as she put down a basin of water to clean the other parts of Urius' skin that weren't wounds. He was covered in blood - mostly his own. 


The female thanked him and began to gently attend to the angel. She was quick and efficient, getting him washed up and salve smeared in all of his wounds. She smiled slightly and pat Urius motherly on the head. "There my lord, that should ease your aches and pains and you should be able to get some sleep." She smiled slightly, getting up slowly.


"Thank you," Urius replied, pulling on his shirt again and beginning to put on his uniform. He had no intention of sleeping, despite his exhaustion. Already, he could feel his skin crawling, as if something was trying to tear out of the already broken and bleeding flesh. He was so unnerved that the thought of sleep made him sick. Besides that, he had slept before and had encountered a very disturbing dream where Ceata had done deplorable things to him whilst having sex. His back had ached from it when he woke up in a cold sweat. Truly, he was losing his mind.


The female left, her mind running desperately over things. That mark... was Ceata's family's crest. Why had it been on Urius' back? She did not believe her lord would ever do such a thing to his lover, certainly not when Urius was never known for actually liking such things. It was odd... and disturbing. But as healer, she was not allowed to say anything on the matter, for it would be betraying those she healed.


"Urius, are you sure you want to be going back to work so soon?" Dovinitas asked as he watched the other put his uniform back on. He was slow about it, his numb fingers slipping on the buttons. Everything ached with such pain, but Urius wasn't about to stay there. Just being around people made him nervous. After all, he had almost killed his brother...what might he do to his friends?


"I will be fine. I have to see Lord Rowan. He will be angry if I do not report to him. As it is, I'm probably already rather late," Urius says as he hurries, looking for his sword that is then handed to him by Rena.


"I'm sure Rowan will understand. He's a kind man," Dovinitas replies with a gentle smile. Urius looks to the other, almost wanting to blurt out "if only you knew him..." and yet he holds his tongue. Urius turns and walks out of the low hospital building, heading through the compound to make his way to the Castle where Rowan no doubt is.


Absinthe watched Urius leave the building thoughtfully. His pale eyes were intense as he trailed slowly after the other. He had with him a dagger, not for use this time, unless perhaps he found a moment to use it. He felt sick, horribly ill, but he ignored it. Adonis would be his, his and his alone! However, the cost of owning Adonis may be more then he was willing to pay.


Urius walked towards the gates of the castle, completely oblivious to the fact that Absinthe was watching him from a darkened alleyway between two of the compound buildings. His eyes followed the other, knowing that it would be so easy to kill him. Then Adonis would come freely to his arms, even willingly be made to submit...Perhaps then this torment would end, but Ceata's torment would already begin. Absinthe was aware of their rocky relationship just by looking at the two and seeing how miserable they both are. Urius' death would only compound things...perhaps even drive Ceata to death at the loss of a mate. Could Absinthe really do that to his own family? 


Or.... or it would help Ceata. Would the loss of a mate be bitterer through death or Urius leaving him? Absinthe growled softly, unsure what to do, not sure if he really wanted to risk what he was going to do. "God..." He uttered softly.


"Oi! Absinthe-sama? Sweetness? Where did you run off to?" Jinevae suddenly calls from one of the compound buildings, looking around for the lover with whom he had just had sweet passionate love...It was strange how Absinthe went to find comfort in Jinevae's arms and yet could never really replicate the feeling of being taken by Adonis. Still, Jinevae was a ready heart to soothe and heal Absinthe's broken one. Now he was running around shirtless with a plate of cookies for his love. "Absinthe?!"


The young male startled and looked up, his intense gaze on Urius broken and the thought of killing scattered like so many leaves. Upon seeing the cookies, he smiled warmly and walked over. "Are those for me?" He asked softly, cocking his head and gazing upon the other with delighted bright eyes.


"Yes!" Jinevae replied with his sparkly silver eyes, looking down at Absinthe and offering the cookies. "Y-You said you liked oatmeal raisin, so I made you my best recipe! I have cupcakes too, but they need to cool...Hmmm...do you want me to make some tea for us? ^_^ Maybe we can cuddle some more." The other was always so eager to please. He showered Absinthe with love and adoration from the moment he met him...not to mention tons of sweets. Jinevae was such a loving person and yet...why couldn't Absinthe feel for him as passionately as Adonis? It was strange.


Absinthe leaned up and gave him a kiss on the cheek. While he was away from home training under Death, he did not get to see Matteo often or lately, at all. So Jinevae's loving nature was welcome, even if it did not fulfill that need for dominance that Absinthe had grown to love. However, his tender nature still got out more whimpering cries then Adonis had gotten out with whip and blade. "Sounds lovely." He purred.


"Yaaay! I...I'm so happy Absinthe-sama decided to come and spend time with me...I've...missed you," Jinevae says with a gentle smile, reaching out and caressing the other's face with his large calloused hand. He then turns and goes back into his quarters, setting the cookies down on the table where the cupcakes are cooling. The bed in the other room is all tousled from their passionate sex. Absinthe blushes faintly as he sees all the wet marks they left...Jinevae loved to make Absinthe cum endlessly. Giving him pleasure seemed to be Jinevae's favorite thing, unlike Adonis' selfishness. Ooh, but just imagining the other's firm commanding hands spreading Absinthe's buttocks and ramming in - well, it was enough to give the poor Demi-god shivers. "Want me to make the couch comfy?  I can make chai tea...or maybe some hot cocoa...anything you want."


Both at the same time? How endlessly pleasing would that have been? Absinthe shivered pleasantly at the though, his pale eyes sparkling slightly. "Chai tea would be lovely..." He purred and nuzzled up against Jinevae fondly, enjoying the firm, rippling muscles underneath his cheek. So lovely, he had such a fine, delightfully ripped body and Absinthe loved the way it pressed into him. "Cookies, tea and you would be a delight."


Jinevae turned almost as red as his hair, rubbing the back of his head in embarrassment as he set to brewing the chai. "R-really? Oh, gosh, Absinthe-sama, you really know how to make a guy blush," Jinevae replies with a gentle smile, leaning down and kissing the other lovingly. "E-even so...you should come get more attention from me more often." He rubs the other's shoulder, seeing how tense he is. "You feel all stressed...want a massage too?"


"Oh gods yes." Absinthe moaned at the mention of a massage. He needed one and he needed it badly. "Lord Death is working me to the bone with those lessons of his." He grumbled softly. "I have a little more control over my powers, but I am still having difficulty controlling them or even getting them to react. It's stressful as hell and makes me angry."


"Why aren't they reacting?" Jinevae asks with worry and looks to the other with those sweet silvery eyes. Finishing up the chai, Jinevae brings the two cups over to the living area where he sets them down. On a big fluffy couch, he piles some blankets and pillows, getting his beloved to curl up in them with him with cookies and chai before a warm fire. It's heaven, Jin style.


"Death seems to believe I am a late bloomer and just need to practice more." Absinthe replied with a soft grumble, sighing faintly in disappointment. "He says I have a lot of potential, just not the ability to use it yet." It made him angry, what if that power inside him could be used to over power Adonis without the need to kill Urius? How sweet would that victory be?


"Well, maybe you're tryin' to force it out too much...Maybe you just need some motivation," the kind Jin suggests as he gets out some oil and puts it in his hands. He then gets behind Absinthe and sits on the back of the couch as he massages the other's shoulders gently to get out all the kinks. Really, Jinevae is a saint...


The male moaned softly and relaxed, nodding slowly. His long hair slid down over his face, hiding it as he made soft, happy noises at the hands massaging the kinks out of his shoulders. "Perhaps you are right..." He replied softly, frowning slightly as he gazed into his lap, where his hands lay limp, the fingers twitch a little like the death convulsions of fallen birds.


"You've changed a lot, you know..." Jinevae says as he caresses against the other's gorgeous muscles, looking over his fresh clean skin and wanting to start kissing it all over again. "You've become a lot more controlled since I first met you...I.....I have to say, you're well on you're way to being a powerful God." Jinevae smiled down at the other, his hands working to get rid of a knot. "If I was your parents, I'd be proud."


Absinthe blushed, warmed to the core by the others words. Jinevae's kind words always seemed to undo a lot of the damage that Adonis had done to him. The sweet kindness of the big male left him breathless and shivering, wanting to demand more of it. "Thank you... that means a lot to me." He whispered softly, turning his head to gently kiss at the big male's lips, sighing softly in pleasure.


Jinevae blushed and gently melted into the kiss, tasting the other's lips lovingly as he caressed his skin. When he broke away, he stared at the other with a breathless amazement. "...Absinthe...w-why-?" he asks, astounded by the other's passion when it came to that kiss. The other is looking up at him with such different opal eyes, holding a need in them. It's obvious that Absinthe's fathers torment him.


"My fathers do no think me a very good son..." He replied softly, frowning. "But it is best not to dwell on that or I will prove myself even more unworthy of having gods for fathers." He uttered softly and chuckled, shaking his head. "Please, go a little lower, my back aches badly."


Jinevae nodded, looking to the other gently. "I-I hope that's not my fault...if so, I'm sorry to make you ache so much," Jinevae replies as he lays the other on the couch and hovers over him, working at the beauty's entire back. He is very gentle with how he goes about his work, knowing Absinthe must be hurting inside and out.


"No... you felt wonderful." Absinthe purred softly, nuzzling into his arms as the other worked across his shoulders and back pleasantly. His muscles rippled, enjoying each and every touch from the other. The oil made his skin shimmer beautifully and his soft, supple skin felt nice under the big angel's fingertips. Such a rare gift to get to be with the godling.


Jinevae felt truly blessed, dipping down and kissing against the soft skin to massage it with his loving lips. "...I love you, Absinthe-sama...I love you so much," the Jin's voice trembled gently as he spoke, emotion clear in his every word. His hands continued to caress that soft skin, making every hurt melt away. Even so, the ache that Absinthe felt when he heard Jinevae's words smoldered in his heart. Adonis would never say that...Adonis would never do this for him...so why did Absinthe crave that feeling so much? It was madness. Absolute madness.


But love was madness and it enraged the young male that his heart would be so fickle as to give into such a man when here was Jinevae, so kind, so willing to make him happy with his touch and loving words. He shivered, moaning raggedly. "I love you too..." He uttered gently, smothering another soft moan of delight into his arms. How Adonis would laugh if he were to know how tormented he was.


Jinevae felt his heart soar at the other's words, taking them for truth. Even so, Absinthe couldn't wholly be certain he loved Jinevae. When the other was with him, he was happy...but when Adonis was around, Jinevae was completely forgotten. Could that really be called love? "Y-you don't know how happy those words make me, Absinthe..." Jinevae replied, kissing the other's neck and caressing down his back to make the other feel nice. "I want to make love to you again..."


"Then do so, sweetheart..." He murmured softly, lifting his head to turn and give the other a soft kiss. Adonis was a more powerful creature then Jinevae, perhaps it was that reason that Absinthe could not fully focus on this lovely male with large, kind hands, but for now, his full attention was riveted onto the handsome male, welcoming him close with a soft, breathy sigh.


Jinevae shuddered and leaned down to kiss against the other's lips. His hands spread open-palmed over the other's smooth beautiful body. Everything about Absinthe excited him - that long dual-toned hair, those soft luminous eyes, those warm passionate lips, the loveliness of his throat, his collar, his chest, his muscles, his skin...Jinevae was so enraptured with him as he sought to delve his tongue deeply into Absinthe's mouth, his firm body brushing up against the other's in the pursuit of pleasure.


Absinthe softened against him. How easy it was to give into those sword calloused hands and that warm, wanting mouth. They were so different from Adonis' and while his burned, Jinevae soothed. A shiver ran through the young godling, his breath shuddering in his chest with delight. "Ohhh.... you taste so good..." He uttered softly, lips tasting of the cookie he had nibbled upon earlier.


Jinevae shuddered at the other's sweet words and his even sweeter taste, his hands moving down to spread the other's thighs and tender cheeks. The Jin's cock throbbed already and he pulled it from his pants. As Jinevae's hand gripped the other's member, he gently pressed inside and moaned for the tightness his lover still possessed. "G-God, y-you're amazing..." he panted against the other's ear, working himself inside a little more whilst he worked on pleasuring Absinthe's cock.


The younger male moaned, leaning up into the larger form looming over him. Jinevae was large, deliciously large and Absinthe eagerly took all of it inside him with a low moan of pleasure. His eyes fluttered open, glazed and shimmering with bliss. His cock, half hard and getting harder with each touch, lay upon his belly as he eagerly pressed into the hands of the large jin male.


Jinevae moaned as he felt the other's body pressing back into his. One of his free hands reached up and gently caressed Absinthe's cheek, upturning the other's chin for more and more passionate kisses. By now, Absinthe's cock was almost fully hardened, Jinevae's fingertips reaching down and playing with his delicate sack as the Jin's hard throbbing cock thrust in again and again. Jinevae really couldn't get enough of Absinthe's body. Having had sex perhaps five times that day, he was still mesmerized by how beautiful the other was when he writhed with pleasure, how tight and warm he was inside, and the passion he brought to each bout of sex. Absinthe was amazing.


The smaller male moaned the angel's name gently, the sounds soft and appraising. He smelled sweetly of lavender from his bath earlier, but there was a faint crisp scent of ozone and sword oil from his training. Sharp fingernails skittered over the Jin's back, teasing at him wantonly as soft, needy cries left the other male's slim throat.


"I-I love you..." Jinevae panted, pressing inside deeper and deeper with each thrust. The two twined together on the soft cushions of the couch, chai tea and cookies completely forgotten as they worked hard to bring one another to a beautiful climax. "I-I love you, Absinthe...I love you....aahnn! I love you...uhn...love you...."


Absinthe whimpered against the other male's throat, smelling the musk of him and enjoying it. He shivered, clutching close and wrapping long legs about Jinevae's slim hips. That hard shaft slammed home, rocking into him deeply and making sparks fly behind Absinthe's eyelids. "Ohh... oh gods, more...." He whispered, nipping at the powerful neck, clenching his hands in soft curly hair. "Please, please love, more."


Jinevae's body arches against Absinthe's beautiful twitching frame, slamming into him deeper and harder, whispering love with every breath that he can muster between delighted moans. Jinevae's fingers continued to concentrate on caressing that large pulsing cock, the skin against Absinthe's tummy glistening with sweat as muscles bunched and tightened, relaxed and stretched between them. Oh, it was glorious! Absinthe knew this kind of loving sex was just what he needed, even if he wished it would still have that tinge of hard commanding love he so craved. "Uhhhhnn! Absinthe...a-Absinthe....A-a-absinthe -!!"


The young male arched gorgeous, his muscles straining as Jinevae worked his shaft till an orgasm burst over him, blinding him and leaving him clutching so tightly to the big angel over him, that he might have hurt him. His voice rose in a cry of bliss, Jinavae's name echoing out of his throat in utter reverence. Jinevae was so deep inside him.... so very deep.


And that depth was enough to pull the other over the edge, causing him to cry out as he came within his beloved. The two stayed there, entwined and straining, for a few minutes more before Jinevae collapsed against the other's chest - absolutely exhausted. They panted, for a long while there only being the sound of their beating hearts and the blood pumping in their ears.


Slim, elegant fingers played in the damp curls of his lover’s hair. Such soft, beautiful hair... Absinthe mused to himself, smiling gently as he gazed down upon it with a pleased look upon his handsome face. He nuzzled against the bigger male, shivering still in aftershocks, feeling so very warm and deeply sated from the sex that the other male had so graciously given him.


Jinevae looked down at Absinthe with love, staring into his eyes and smiling. They didn't have to say a thing to each other, merely laying together to fall into a comfortable sleep - free of nightmares - in one another's arms. At the very least, should Adonis break Absinthe's heart, he will always have Jinevae to hold him afterwards.

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